Syslog (system-log) and tcp wrapper

Is there any way to restrict access to syslog for allowed IP adresses ? I was thinking about tcp wrapper, but don't know how to assign syslog with tcp-wrapper. I don't want remote systems to flood my serwer logs with unwanted syslog messages.
Solaris 10 u 6
best regards

syslogd communicates over UDP, so "TCP" wrappers are not an option. Seems like you are runnign Solaris 10. You can use IPF (/etc/ipf/ipf.conf). Refer to:
Something like:
pass in quick proto udp from (IP spec here) to any port = 514

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  • Difference between system log and application

    I would like to know the difference between system log and application log.
    Also when to use which log ?

    hi ,
    Refaer the given below link
    [LOGS|Re: Who uses Application Logs?;
    Hopes this helps
    Ritesh Jha

  • Mdworker, system.log, and VLC Media Player

    I downloaded some small videos from Google video that were originally from a digital camera but downloading them from google saved them as .mp4 supposedly ipod format. They seem to play fine with VLC Media player however I noticed 2 things while playing them.
    1) The mdworker process loaded down my cpu to about 130% usage for an extended period of time even after closing VLC. From my understanding mdworker is a process usually used by spotlight for indexing? Then why would this process be running? I unmounted all of my external drives and spotlight didn't show that it was indexing anything.
    2) I saw the syslogd process come up in Activity Monitor so it reminded me to check the system.log and I found the log was filling up with entries that look like they are from VLC Media Player. The log is currently over 300MB should I clear it out now or just wait for the maintenance to take care of it?
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    Jan 31 14:19:37 Macintosh-2 [0x0-0x320320][16987]: OQT_MovieImport: fseek_store: tried to seek to 54113386026144; outside of file
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    Jan 31 14:19:37 Macintosh-2[77] ([0x0-0x320320][16987]): Exited: Terminated
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    Anyone have any ideas?

    Encase anyone is interested I got the original AVI videos and had no problems playing them. The CPU was less than 20% and the daily maintenance cleared out the logs. So I guess it was just a strange conversion problem I got from downloading google videos.

  • Huge System.log and asl files. Can these be deleted? What may be the casue?

    Following on from an earlier posting regarding disappearing disk space, a couple of responses suggested running a disk utility such as OmniDiskSweeper.
    I ran this and it highlighted that the private folder, specifically 'private/var/log' is taking up almost 49 GB! There are 2 system log files:
    system.log.0 is almost 20 GB and system.log is close to 19 GB and a file, asl is 10 GB
    What are these, can they be deleted, and what may have caused them to be so large in the first place?

    This was being written repeatedly to the system.log file. I removed the application, restarted the Mac and the problem appears to be resolved
    Feb 4 21:45:23 adsl-69-111-166-204 radioSHARKServer[133]: * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x25ad980 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking\nStack: (0x939f6dac 0x93923e14 0x9394ff04 0xb0007438 0xb0004b8c 0xc054 0xc618 0x7000e7c8 0x7000dda8 0x7000cf64 0x90358c10 0x903587d4 0x90358718 0x903abb88 0x903582f4 0x90358464 0x903582f4 0x9036dd48 0x7000cad0 0x70005d04 0x7001140c 0x924d6624 0x924d62b0 0x924d6164 0x924d4b34 0x924d47f4 0x924c2de8 0x9232b0c8)
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    Feb 4 21:45:23 adsl-69-111-166-204 radioSHARKServer[133]: * Break on _NSLockError() to debug.

  • I've been going through my system log and i came across this, any ideas what this means?

    02/26/14 02:15:38 -processSIGTERM_DA: entry.
    02/26/14 02:15:38 -processSIGTERM_DA:     /dev/disk0s2 /
    02/26/14 02:15:39 -processSIGTERM_DA:            devfs /dev
    02/26/14 02:15:39 -processSIGTERM_DA:       map -hosts /net
    02/26/14 02:15:39 -processSIGTERM_DA:    map auto_home /home
    02/26/14 02:15:39 -processSIGTERM_DA: processing "disk3".
    02/26/14 02:15:40 -processSIGTERM_DA: unmounted "disk3".
    02/26/14 02:15:40 -processSIGTERM_DA: ejected "disk3".
    02/26/14 02:15:40 -processSIGTERM_DA: processing "disk1".
    02/26/14 02:15:40 -processSIGTERM_DA: unmounted "disk1".
    02/26/14 02:15:41 -processSIGTERM_DA: ejected "disk1".
    02/26/14 02:15:41 -processSIGTERM_DA: terminating.

    SMON is the system monitor process. Basic function is to cleaup/reset after database (or system) crash. You may want to view the trace files themselves for more.
    In general I would be concerned enough to open a TAR w/Oracle to make sure. But, I wouldn't be frantic (assuming the DB is performing OK).

  • System log viewer

    Hi folks,
    I have change/transform an old shell script for archlinux :-)
    I consider anyone newbie find it useful...
    Here is a screen shot
    and the Download link
    #! /bin/sh
    # Archlinux and other minor changes Dec 13, 2006
    # by Constantinos Laitsas
    # dl:
    # logview by Luke Th. Bullock 1997
    # Minor changes Wed Feb 11 02:33:29 GMT+1 1998
    # added f_logview function Tue Apr 4 15:47:06 MEST 2000
    # Removed some sections, added others due to system changes.
    f_logview() {
    dialog --backtitle "User: `whoami` | Kernel: `uname -mnspr`"
    --title "System Log Viewer"
    --menu "Make your selection:" 19 45 12
    "WWW" "Web traffic log"
    "Error" "Web Error Log"
    "Mail" "Mail log"
    "Last" "Last 50 connections"
    "Messages" "System Message log"
    "Syslog" "System Log"
    "Pacman" "Pacman log"
    "Kernel" "Kernel Log"
    "PostgreSQL" "PostgreSQL log file"
    "MySQL" "MySQL log file"
    "Xorg" "Xorg log file"
    "Exit" "Exit Viewer"
    2> ~/.syslogs
    if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then
    echo "Exit" > ~/.syslogs
    LOG="`cat ~/.syslogs`"
    if [ "$LOG" = "Exit" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "WWW" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Error" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Mail" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Last" ]; then
    last -50 > $TMP
    if [ "$LOG" = "Messages" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Syslog" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Pacman" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Kernel" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "PostgreSQL" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "MySQL" ]; then
    if [ "$LOG" = "Xorg" ]; then
    dialog --title "Viewing file: $VIEW"
    --textbox $VIEW 25 80
    if [ -f $TMP ]; then
    rm $TMP
    # End

    looks pretty nice, but I still prefer
    vi /var/log/Xorg.0.log
    But thats just me.

  • 10.4.5 Server Errors in log and unexplained self-restarts

    I experienced 2 eunplained restarts last night in 10.4.4 Server
    I looked at the system log and found this weird error that does not occur in any other computers system log
    i got this last night
    Feb 21 20:43:24 FMPServer kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in: 288 bus resets in last minute.
    Feb 21 20:43:24 FMPServer kernel[0]: /SourceCache/AppleFWOHCI/AppleFWOHCI-252.4.0/AppleFWOHCI.cpp 3539: ERROR: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in: handleUnrecoverableErrorInt
    Feb 21 20:47:55 FMPServer kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in: 84 bus resets in last minute.
    Feb 21 21:03:37 FMPServer kernel[0]: disk4s10: I/O error.
    Feb 21 21:04:13 FMPServer kernel[0]: disk4s10: I/O error.
    Feb 21 21:04:17 FMPServer kernel[0]: disk4s10: I/O error.
    Feb 21 21:06:25 FMPServer kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in: 78 bus resets in last minute.
    no bomb but by 4:26 it had shown a restart, and another by 4:45
    here is the boot at 4:45 log
    The weird part is the "family specific matching fails" entries
    *** means info i think might be a security risk
    any ideas?
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Feb 22 04:42:59 localhost mDNSResponder-107.4 (Nov 15 2005 21: 34:38)[43]: starting
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: vmpagebootstrap: 1020817 free pages
    Feb 22 04:42:59 localhost lookupd[50]: lookupd (version 369.2) starting - Wed Feb 22 04:42:59 2006
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: migtable_maxdispl = 70
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: 107 prelinked modules
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: using 8192 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: NVDA,Parent: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: pci106b,9: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: CSI3124::probe(pci1095,3124)
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: CSI3124::start(pci1095,3124) <1>
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: firewire: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: mac-io: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: usb: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: usb: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: usb: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: usb: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: usb: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: ata-6: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: firewire: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: ethernet: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: k2-sata-root: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: DART enabled
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 8025 PCI now active, GUID 55aa55aa 55aa55aa; max speed s800.
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in now active, GUID 000a95ff feafc08e; max speed s800.
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: F1B41C8E-***-7AC4EA5B6EC6
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@7/IOPCI2PCIBridge/k2-sat a-root@C/AppleK2SATARoot/k2-sata@1/AppleK2SATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageD river/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/HDT722516DLA380 Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/AppleRAID_OfflineV2_Untitled2@4/AppleRAIDMember/AppleRAIDMirrorSet/Macintosh HD@0
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk2, major 14, minor 8
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 14773760 to: 9065984 (joffset 0x4cd000)
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 16 orphaned unlinked files
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 8
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 8
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 8
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 8
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: NVDANV30HAL loaded and registered.
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: NVDA,Parent: family specific matching fails
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: IOPlatformControl::registerDriver Control Driver AppleSlewClock did not supply target-value, using default
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: UniNEnet: Ethernet address 00:0a:95:af:c0:8e
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost kernel[0]: BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address 00:11:24:0f:c3:ec
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost watchdogtimerd: Automatic reboot timer enabled.\n
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost launchd: Server 2933 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[50]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Feb 22 04:43:00 localhost lookupd[55]: lookupd (version 369.2) starting - Wed Feb 22 04:43:00 2006
    Feb 22 04:43:01 localhost kernel[0]: ApplePMU::PMU forced shutdown, cause = -93
    Feb 22 04:43:01 localhost diskarbitrationd[36]: disk2 hfs F1B41C8E-26D8-34D6-88E5-7AC4EA5B6EC6 Macintosh HD /
    Feb 22 04:43:01 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 34704384 to: 34721280 (joffset 0xe89000)
    Feb 22 04:43:01 localhost diskarbitrationd[36]: disk4s3 hfs 6BD1C7BC-ED81-3F2B-966D-269CEA25061D Macintosh HD S2S /Volumes/Macintosh HD S2S
    Feb 22 04:43:01 localhost diskarbitrationd[36]: disk3s3 hfs 947CC573-D63D-35B2-83F3-967B1211C1BC G-RAID North /Volumes/G-RAID North
    Feb 22 04:43:02 localhost kernel[0]: NVDA,Display-B: vram [b8000000:08000000]
    Feb 22 04:43:02 localhost servermgrd: cupsd's bootstrap server port not found
    Feb 22 04:43:02 localhost kernel[0]: NVDA,Display-A: vram [00000000:01000000]
    Feb 22 04:43:02 localhost servermgrd: cupsd's bootstrap server port not found
    Feb 22 04:43:02 localhost servermgrd: cupsd's bootstrap server port not found
    Feb 22 04:43:02 localhost servermgrd: cupsd's bootstrap server port not found
    Feb 22 04:43:03 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
    Feb 22 04:43:03 localhost mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
    Feb 22 04:43:04 localhost loginwindow[87]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Feb 22 04:43:04 localhost kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 1000 Mbps - Full Duplex
    Feb 22 04:43:05 FMPServer configd[34]: setting hostname to "FMPServer.local"
    Feb 22 04:43:06 FMPServer configd[34]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-net work
    Feb 22 04:43:06 FMPServer configd[34]: posting notification
    Feb 22 04:43:06 FMPServer lookupd[100]: lookupd (version 369.2) starting - Wed Feb 22 04:43:06 2006
    Feb 22 04:43:08 FMPServer kernel[0]: AppleBCM5701Ethernet - en1 link active, 1000-Mbit, full duplex, symmetric flow control enabled
    Feb 22 04:43:09 FMPServer configd[34]: target=enable-network: disabled
    Feb 22 04:43:10 FMPServer sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/Applications/Utilities/Biggest S2S/Biggest S2S Manager Resources/BiggestS2S -e
    Feb 22 04:43:11 FMPServer sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/kill -9 215
    Feb 22 04:43:11 FMPServer kernel[0]: CSI3124: Adding target id: 17
    Feb 22 04:43:15 FMPServer sudo: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/jakarta-*** ; USER=*** ; COMMAND=/bin/sh bin/ start
    Feb 22 04:43:16 FMPServer diskarbitrationd[36]: disk6s10 hfs F818FB79-***-D3A0A21281BB G-UNIT /Volumes/G-UNIT
    Feb 22 04:43:17 FMPServer /usr/sbin/serialnumberd[224]: serialnumberd: Firewall rule #1 added to allow port 626.
    Feb 22 04:43:21 FMPServer /usr/sbin/serveradmin: servermgr_ipfilter:ipfw config:Notice:Disabled firewall
    I upgraded to 10.4.5, but the system log of the restart still has the family issues
    the machines is a dual 2.0 G5 with 4 gigs of ram, 2 firewire externals, a fire wire 800 card, a lacie s2s, and an iternal raid, plus an extra ethernet card

    I don't have enough info to even venture a guess. Is anything else having problems? Is there any other 3rd party hardware? Have drivers been installed/deinstalled/updated? Are there any related messages while the machine is running, or only at boot?

  • Worrying system log entry

    Hi guys,
    I've been having a look through the system log and have have seen the following message come up a few times:
    jnl: journal start/end pointers reset!
    What does this mean, and should I be worried?

    Thanks for the input guys, but I think I've tracked down the cause.
    It's my iPod.
    I happened to have the console open when I connected my iPod, and lo and behold the following appeared in the log:
    Feb 6 08:05:11 Poppy kernel[0]: jnl: journal start/end pointers reset! (jnl 0x1f78d7c; s 0x205800 e 0x205800)
    Feb 6 08:05:24 Poppy kernel[0]: jnl: close: flushing the buffer cache (start 0x261000 end 0x265200)
    The iPod was set to automatically sync and eject (ie. NOT enabled for disk use) These entries are for the system mounting and unmounting the iPod.
    I re-enabled the iPod for disk use. After this, I noticed I had a couple of files still on the iPod from when it'd previously been used as a disk. I deleted those, unmounted the disk and then set it back to auto-sync in iTunes, and now the journal start/end pointers entry doesn't appear in the console.
    Hopefully this will come in handy for someone else.
    Thanks for your interest

  • Login fails, system.log says "authorizationref doesn't have a username"

    My daughter's computer is failing to get to the login window. I've booted to single user mode and checked /var/log/system.log and found messages related to loginwindow failing. I've tried removing /Library/Preferences/ but it made no difference.
    It simply repeats something like this every 5-10 seconds:
    [something long]/loginwindow[680]: Login Window Application Started
    Login Window Started Security Agent
    Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    AuthorizationRef returned errAuthorizationDenied. Exiting.
    What are typical causes of this failure and how can I disable the auto-login (which is presumably what's causing this trouble)? Booting with shift pressed has no impact on the problem. If I just let it boot in regular mode (or safe mode) it gets to a blue screen and flashes every 5-10s, showing the progress indicator about half the time. It stays in that cycle endlessly.
    Thanks in advance,

    The problem turned out to be a corrupted authorization file (it looked like binary instead of xml). Restoring to a backup solved the problem.

  • Deciphering system.log to diagnose a network problem

    ok here goes, about a week ago my old d-link router (DI-624+) just died, wouldn't turn on or anything, so off i went to get a new one, got a new d-link since other than dying (after like 3 years i should add) it had been pretty reliable.
    set it up and all was well, except in the pst couple of days I have been seeing some odd behaviour. The wireless would drop out only to be reacquired a few seconds later (the wireless icon in the menu bar seemed to indicate the wireless was still up). after a while this became very very annoyingso i decided to plug in my Macbook using a good ol' cat5e cable. lo and behold I was having the same problem, connection drops, then reacquires.
    I decided to dig about system.log and have noticed the following being repeated about avery 45 secs to a minute:
    Jan 13 11:17:05 robin-tibbss-macbook kernel[0]: vmnet: bridge-en0: up
    Jan 13 11:17:06 robin-tibbss-macbook mDNSResponder[15]: SetupAddr invalid sa_family 0
    Jan 13 11:17:08 robin-tibbss-macbook mDNSResponder[15]: SetupAddr invalid sa_family 0
    Jan 13 11:18:52 robin-tibbss-macbook kernel[0]: vmnet: bridge-en0: interface en is coming UP
    Jan 13 11:18:52 robin-tibbss-macbook kernel[0]: AppleYukon2 - en0 link active, 100-Mbit, full duplex, flow control disabled port 0
    is this normal or abnormal? something odd is that I don't see the interface going down, hmm. also I've noticed that when I am having problems like I describe, that in the Network pane of system prefs the interface that I am currently connecting to the router through shows as having a 'self assigned' IP address.
    any thoughts, i guess it could be the router, just wanted to ask for advice here first, and yes the connection is fine when plugged directly into the cable modem. many thanks in advance.

    Hi, Robin
    Look, I don't know if you're still monitoring this thread, since it's over four months old at this point, but I was having some issues not unlike yours, and with similar mDNSResponder log entries.
    For what it's worth, I think this: robin-tibbss-macbook kernel[0]: vmnet: bridge-en0: up
    might be what Leopard just can't stand. I've noticed an increase in wifi drops and slowdowns since installing VMWare (which I love, BTW - VMWare FTW!).
    My guess - Leo doesn't play nice with virtual network adapters just yet - see also all the threads related to VPN drops and login issues.
    Hope this at least gives you some context to the problem
    God Bless,

  • Logging and Scheduled Restart

    Is there an accessible log entry that can show me/prove to me that my computer has automatically restarted as scheduled by the Energy Saver? Where would I find such a log entry if one exists?

    The system will normally keep several different logs, of which the two best known are the system.log and the console.log. The tool to use for viewing all of them is called Console and is located inside Applications/Utilities/. The logs themselves are stored in /var/log/, /Library/Logs/ and ~/Library/Logs/.
    In my system, whenever I reboot I'll see the following:
    System log:
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Jan 9 13:46:52 localhost mDNSResponder-108.6 (Jul 19 2007 11: 33:32)[40]: starting
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: vmpagebootstrap: 254126 free pages
    Jan 9 13:46:53 localhost memberd[50]: memberd starting up
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: migtable_maxdispl = 70
    Jan 9 13:46:56 localhost DirectoryService[60]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.6)
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: 90 prelinked modules
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost named[45]: starting BIND 9.3.4-P1 -f
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost named[45]: command channel listening on
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: using 2621 buffer headers and 2621 cluster IO buffer headers
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost lookupd[49]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Wed Jan 9 13:46:58 2008
    Jan 9 13:46:58 localhost kernel[0]: IOPCCard info: Intel PCIC probe: TI 1510 rev 00
    Console log:
    Mac OS X Version 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
    2008-01-09 13:47:15 -0600
    2008-01-09 13:47:18.689 UniversalAccess[197] LCC Scroll Enhancer loaded
    2008-01-09 13:47:20.658 SystemUIServer[156] lang is:en

  • System.log flooded by mail

    To analyze a crashing program, I looked into system.log and saw that it's flooded by messages from mail.
    When I googled this I had almost no results, am I the only one bugged by this or am I missing something.
    Is there a way to make mail logging less verbose?
    The enormous IMAPMessageDetails are non informative and make the log unreadable.
    The other entries I can live with, but is also too much for my taste.
    Enormous blocks with
    Oct 12 22:08:34 macbook Mail[268]: [LogIMAPMailboxSyncEngineActivity] <, INBOX>: Start sync. Message list is synchronized. Message details:
                "<IMAPMessageDetails: 0x608003228d80> libraryID=126909 uid=106 flags=0x2000005"
    <lot of lines>
                "<IMAPMessageDetails: 0x60000142ebc0> libraryID=132741 uid=631 flags=0x2000001"
    Oct 12 22:08:34 macbook Mail[268]: [LogIMAPMailboxSyncEngineActivity] <, INBOX>: Responses need to be processed
    Oct 12 22:08:34 macbook Mail[268]: [IMAP Pool] INBOX <0x60000088d200> available to yield
    Oct 12 22:08:34 macbook Mail[268]: [LogIMAPMailboxSyncEngineActivity] <, INBOX>: End sync
    lines with
    Oct 12 22:09:18 macbook Mail[268]: [LogSocketStreamEvents] Waiting on run loop for input stream to be readable -- socket: 0x6080006d42e0 -- thread: 0x600001e76b00
    blocks with
    Oct 12 22:09:19 macbook Mail[268]: [LogSocketStreamEvents] Scheduling input stream for bytes available callback on main run loop -- socket: 0x6080002c3b10 -- thread: 0x608001a67b80
    Oct 12 22:09:19 macbook Mail[268]: [LogSocketStreamEvents] Unscheduling input stream for bytes available callback on main run loop -- socket: 0x6080002c3b10 -- thread: 0x608001a67b80
    Oct 12 22:09:19 macbook Mail[268]: [LogSocketStreamEvents] Waiting on run loop for input stream to be readable -- socket: 0x6080002c3b10 -- thread: 0x60800186d5c0
    Oct 12 22:09:19 macbook Mail[268]: [LogSocketStreamEvents] NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable -- socket: 0x6080006d42e0 -- thread: 0x608000a65f40
    Oct 12 22:09:19 macbook Mail[268]: [LogSocketStreamEvents] Unscheduled input stream from run loop after waiting to be readable -- socket: 0x6080006d42e0 -- thread: 0x608000a65f40

    From the Mail menu bar, select
              Window ▹ Connection Doctor
    In the window that opens, uncheck the box marked
              Log Connection Activity

  • Shut down! NEW! With system log!

    Hello! I came back in to my office after dinner and found my G5 off. I didn't turn it off. I start up and check the System Log, and found this log: (I did a search of this board and couldn't find anything recognizeable.)
    I had a problem with a bad memory stick a few months ago shutting down my system but the replacement solved that problem, so it seemed.
    Could a log-savvy user please look this over and maybe get a diagnosis? Many thanks!
    Sep 28 19:30:39 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Sep 27 19:03:06 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder-107.4 (May 4 2006 16: 34:29)[32]: starting
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: vmpagebootstrap: 1399761 free pages
    Sep 27 19:03:06 ip70-162-96-185 memberd[39]: memberd starting up
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: migtable_maxdispl = 70
    Sep 27 19:03:07 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[48]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Wed Sep 27 19:03:07 2006
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: 100 prelinked modules
    Sep 27 19:03:07 ip70-162-96-185 DirectoryService[49]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.2)
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: using 8192 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: DART enabled
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in now active, GUID 000d93ff fe641cd8; max speed s800.
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: disabled
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: BE425AFA-FC20-3878-A4DD-72EF56972684
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@7/IOPCI2PCIBridge/k2-sat a-root@C/AppleK2SATARoot/k2-sata@0/AppleK2SATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageD river/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/Maxtor 6B250S0 Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/Untitled@3
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: BSD root: disk1s3, major 14, minor 4
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 1 orphaned unlinked files
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Matching service count = 0
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Matching service count = 6
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Matching service count = 6
    Sep 27 19:03:08 ip70-162-96-185 launchd: Server 2913 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[48]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Matching service count = 6
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Matching service count = 6
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Matching service count = 6
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: IOPlatformControl::registerDriver Control Driver AppleSlewClock did not supply target-value, using default
    Sep 27 19:03:08 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[70]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Wed Sep 27 19:03:08 2006
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
    Sep 27 19:03:08 ip70-162-96-185 diskarbitrationd[38]: disk0s3 hfs AF069BC0-C057-386F-ACEB-9A483272AF53 FILES /Volumes/FILES
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: UniNEnet: Ethernet address 00:0d:93:64:1c:d8
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: ATY,Piton_A: vram [98000000:08000000]
    Sep 27 19:03:08 ip70-162-96-185 diskarbitrationd[38]: disk2s10 hfs ADA3E50F-7A64-35AD-B1C3-E836492429C3 FILES BACKUP /Volumes/FILES BACKUP
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: ATY,Piton_B: vram [98000000:08000000]
    Sep 27 19:03:08 ip70-162-96-185 diskarbitrationd[38]: disk1s3 hfs BE425AFA-FC20-3878-A4DD-72EF56972684 Macintosh HD /
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: System Sleep
    Sep 27 19:03:08 ip70-162-96-185 diskarbitrationd[38]: disk2s12 hfs 439990CE-3AB5-3295-8335-062D449ADF19 HD BACKUP /Volumes/HD BACKUP
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: System Wake
    Sep 27 19:03:12 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Wake event 0020
    Sep 27 19:03:12 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
    Sep 27 19:03:13 ip70-162-96-185 /Applications/Bulldog/upsd: UPS daemon 'upsd' startup.
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in: handleSelfIDInt - received quads == 0. issuing bus reset
    Sep 27 19:03:13 ip70-162-96-185 /Applications/Bulldog/upsd: UPS daemon 'upsd' startup.
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
    Sep 27 19:03:13 ip70-162-96-185 /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: System Sleep
    Sep 27 19:03:13 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: System Wake
    Sep 27 19:03:14 ip70-162-96-185 loginwindow[86]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Wake event 0020
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in: handleSelfIDInt - received quads == 0. issuing bus reset
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
    Sep 27 19:03:14 ip70-162-96-185 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[70]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: USBF: 21638.859 AppleUSBEHCI[0x6503800]::DoControlTransfer sync request on workloop thread. Use async!
    Sep 27 19:03:14 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-net work
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: System Sleep
    Sep 27 19:03:14 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: posting notification
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: System Wake
    Sep 27 19:03:14 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[96]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Wed Sep 27 19:03:14 2006
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: Wake event 0020
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 42 built-in: handleSelfIDInt - received quads == 0. issuing bus reset
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
    Sep 27 19:03:16 ip70-162-96-185 SystemStarter[45]: "/Library/StartupItems/Tablet" failed security check: permissions
    Sep 27 19:03:18 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 27 19:03:18 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 27 19:03:19 ip70-162-96-185 VersionCueCS2Daemon[198]: warning: VersionCueCS2Daemon not started by mach_init process (parent pid: 1)
    Sep 27 19:03:21 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: setting hostname to ""
    Sep 27 19:03:22 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: target=enable-network: disabled
    Sep 27 19:03:58 ip70-162-96-185 diskarbitrationd[38]: SystemUIServer [232]:29699 not responding.
    Sep 27 19:03:59 ip70-162-96-185 KernelEventAgent[31]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (12)
    Sep 27 20:34:30 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000000000000” instead
    Sep 27 20:34:30 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000000000000.local” instead
    Sep 27 20:34:33 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000000000000” instead
    Sep 27 20:34:33 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000000000000.local” instead
    Sep 27 20:35:23 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: posting notification
    Sep 27 20:35:23 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: setting hostname to "localhost"
    Sep 27 20:35:25 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 27 20:35:25 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 27 20:35:25 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en0 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:020D:93FF:FE64:1CD8); delaying packets by 5 seconds
    Sep 27 20:35:25 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: posting notification
    Sep 27 20:35:25 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[318]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Wed Sep 27 20:35:25 2006
    Sep 27 20:35:26 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: setting hostname to ""
    Sep 27 20:35:27 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 27 20:35:27 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 27 20:35:27 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en0 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
    Sep 27 20:35:28 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 27 20:35:28 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 27 20:37:20 ip70-162-96-185 /Applications/ * Warning: Line option kATSLineIsDisplayOnly has been deprecated. *
    Sep 27 23:37:12 ip70-162-96-185 ntpd[111]: time set 0.786326 s
    Sep 27 23:43:31 ip70-162-96-185 KernelEventAgent[31]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Sep 27 23:43:31 ip70-162-96-185 KernelEventAgent[31]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Sep 28 00:08:25 ip70-162-96-185 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdimportserver: _TIFFVSetField: tiff data provider: Bad value 1 for "ExtraSamples".\n
    Sep 28 00:58:42 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000000000000” instead
    Sep 28 00:58:42 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000000000000.local” instead
    Sep 28 00:58:48 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: posting notification
    Sep 28 00:58:48 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: setting hostname to "localhost"
    Sep 28 00:58:48 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[465]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Sep 28 00:58:48 2006
    Sep 28 00:58:48 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000000000000” instead
    Sep 28 00:58:48 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000000000000.local” instead
    Sep 28 07:47:48 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: posting notification
    Sep 28 07:47:48 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[466]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Sep 28 07:47:48 2006
    Sep 28 07:47:50 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 28 07:47:50 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 28 07:47:51 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 28 07:47:51 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 28 07:47:53 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: setting hostname to ""
    Sep 28 08:45:52 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000000000000” instead
    Sep 28 08:45:52 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000000000000.local” instead
    Sep 28 08:45:58 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000000000000” instead
    Sep 28 08:45:58 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000000000000.local” instead
    Sep 28 18:12:03 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: posting notification
    Sep 28 18:12:03 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: setting hostname to "localhost"
    Sep 28 18:12:03 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[513]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Sep 28 18:12:03 2006
    Sep 28 18:12:05 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 28 18:12:05 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 28 18:12:05 ip70-162-96-185 launchd: Server 4623 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[513]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Sep 28 18:12:05 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: posting notification
    Sep 28 18:12:05 ip70-162-96-185 lookupd[514]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Thu Sep 28 18:12:05 2006
    Sep 28 18:12:07 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 28 18:12:07 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 28 18:12:08 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified Computer Name; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8” instead
    Sep 28 18:12:08 ip70-162-96-185 mDNSResponder: Couldn't read user-specified local hostname; using default “Macintosh-000D93641CD8.local” instead
    Sep 28 18:12:10 ip70-162-96-185 configd[36]: setting hostname to ""
    Sep 28 19:30:36 ip70-162-96-185 cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    Sep 29 02:30:37 ip70-162-96-185 postfix/postqueue[621]: warning: Mail system is down -- accessing queue directly
    Sep 28 19:30:39 ip70-162-96-185 gzip: stat on system.log.0: No such file or directory
    Sep 28 19:30:40 ip70-162-96-185 cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    Sep 28 20:49:28 ip70-162-96-185 KernelEventAgent[31]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Sep 28 20:49:28 ip70-162-96-185 KernelEventAgent[31]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Sep 28 21:09:52 ip70-162-96-185 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdimportserver: _TIFFVSetField: tiff data provider: Bad value 1 for "ExtraSamples".\n
    G5 Dual 2.3   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  
    G5 Dual 2.3   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Scott Seibel-
    I am not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg. The kernel panic may have been just as the power was failing or perhaps you do have something that is going bad.
    Although the Bulldog software reports the UPS as ok, have you actually tested that theory? Try unplugging it from the wall and see how much juice it really does have.
    What have you got connected externally? I have heard of FW drives causing some wonky problems.
    I did a search of this forum and unfortunately a lot of issues where the unit just "shuts down" are fixed by replacing the power supply. Do you have AppleCare? If so, maybe they can help.

  • System Log Filling Up - Why?

    What is causing this to be written to the System log and how do I stop it?
    10/31/07 4:15:46 PM[1] (com.mozy.backup660) ...
    Thanks for any help.

    Yes, I used Mozy very briefly, but I deleted the application (I think) and canceled the Mozy account. What I want to know is how do I stop launchd from trying to launch a backup, failing and logging this message.

  • What does these Apple System Log entries mean?

    I have been reading the Apple System Log and the following entries have caught my attention. Can someone tell me what they mean?
    2011-08-31 12:55:07 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:55:08 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:55:09 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:58:39 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:58:54 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:59:03 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:59:11 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:59:21 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:59:30 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 12:59:52 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:01:08 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:01:24 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:06:24 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:06:43 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:07:12 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:07:32 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:07:36 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:07:39 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:08:09 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:08:17 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:08:25 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:08:33 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:08:50 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:08:56 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:09:04 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:10:21 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:10:22 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:10:22 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:11:11 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:11:12 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:11:13 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:11:13 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:12:03 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    2011-08-31 13:12:07 -0400 kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero

    I find:
    kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    appears a lot when I can barely get control of my iMac 27, with constant whirring disk sounds and also often with Pref Sync Client (even if no sync taking place) and Safari Web Content also frequently.
    Other alerts include:
    kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    [0x0-0xda0da] DVFreeThread - CFMachPortCreateWithPort hack = 0x182080, fPowerNotifyPort= 0x181910

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    How can I delete my junk mail all at once?  This one at a time method is unacceptable to me. Too many junk emails;too little time.

  • Where is the scratch disk for Garageband ?

    Hi there, 1) Can I know when we record vocals in garageband, where does the recorded file copied to ? What is the path of the scratch disk ? 2) If I copy my project files in my macbook pro to my iMac, how does iMac locate all the recordings that I do

  • Desktop Login Problem

    I am having a login issue. I am only able to login as root with the desktop login. All users can login command line. No idea what I am missing in the user profiles. Could permissions cause this?

  • Timeline problem with Premiere Elements 4

    I realize I should upgrade, but I don't have time.  I need to get a slideshow out tomorrow.  I can't figure out how to change the time of my clips all at the same time.  Everything I have read says to delete the clips and re-enter.  I have over 500 c