System.Drawing.Bitmap($_.FullName) fails with "Online only" files stored on OneDrive

I want to retrieve the DateTaken from JPG files that are stored on my OneDrive. If the file is available offline, the code works fine. However, if the file is "Online only" the code below breaks when creating the New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap
and generates the following error: "New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "Parameter is not valid."
Is there any way to work around this problem?
[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Drawing") | out-null
Get-ChildItem ($Path + "\*") -include @('*.jpg', '*.jpeg') -Force | ForEach-Object {
        if (! $DateTimeArg)
            $pic = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($_.FullName)
            $ExifDate = $pic.GetPropertyItem(36867)
            $DateTaken = (New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding).GetString($ExifDate.Value)
            $DateTime=[datetime]::ParseExact($DateTaken,"yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss`0",$Null)

I want to retrieve the DateTaken from JPG files that are stored on my OneDrive. If the file is available offline, the code works fine. However, if the file is "Online only" the code below breaks when creating the New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap
and generates the following error: "New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "Parameter is not valid."
Is there any way to work around this problem?
[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Drawing") | out-null
Get-ChildItem ($Path + "\*") -include @('*.jpg', '*.jpeg') -Force | ForEach-Object {
        if (! $DateTimeArg)
            $pic = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap($_.FullName)
            $ExifDate = $pic.GetPropertyItem(36867)
            $DateTaken = (New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding).GetString($ExifDate.Value)
            $DateTime=[datetime]::ParseExact($DateTaken,"yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss`0",$Null)
>> If the file is available offline, the code works fine.
Right, if the file is available offline, it means the JPG file is stored in your local computer, and consequently, the variable $Path is meaningful, because it refers to a folder in your local computer.
>> However, if the file is "Online only" the code below breaks when creating the New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap and generates the following error: "New-Object : Exception calling ".ctor"
with "1" argument(s): "Parameter is not valid."
Right, if the file is available online only, it means the JPG file is
not stored in your local computer, and consequently, the variable $Path is meaningless, because it refers to a folder in your local computer (it doesn't matter which) that
does not contain the image.
>> Is there any way to work around this problem?
Yes. right click on the JPG name (on file explorer) and make it available offline.

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    I've written a powershell script to date stamp multipage tiffs, but I check to make sure the file name follows the correct format before doing so. The file name must contain the date, sequence number, and number of pages. The script works fine when run manually,
    but when run from task scheduler it fails to query the number of pages in the TIFF. Any ideas why the .NET features wouldn't work from a powershell script run as a scheduled task?
    I am putting the page number in the variable "count" by doing the following:
    #Define the input and output folders and date format
    $date = get-date -Format d
    $datename=Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd
    Set-Location $Original_TIFFs
    #Configure email settings
    $emailFrom = "removed"
    $emailTo = "removed"
    $smtpServer = "removed"
    $body = "Rename scanned claims file to the correct format. This email was sent from: ", $env:computername
    #Define the location of the TIFF command line executable and its parameters
    $200DLL='C:\TiffDLL200Commandline\Cmd200.exe '
    #Modify arg2 to put the output directory in front of the ; if don't want to overwrite current file
    #$arg2=';|OW=Yes|BITS=2|TEXT=2;Received Date: '
    $arg3=';|BITS=2|TEXT=2;Received Date: '
    $files=Get-ChildItem $Original_TIFFs -Filter *.tif
    if ($files -eq $null)
      $subject = "No files to process today, directory empty."
      $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
      $body = "No files were processed today. This email was sent from: ", $env:computername
      $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
    foreach ($file in $files)                                                                  
       #Begin loop to check each file and process
     #Loads subsystems for opening TIFFs and second line puts the number of images into variable
     #If statement checks if filename format is correct
     if ($file -match '^\d{8}\d{3}_H_S_\d+_\d{8}[.tif]{4}$')
      $ -match '^(?<date1>\d{8})\d{3}_H_S_(?<page_count>\d+)_(?<date2>\d{8})[.tif]{4}$'   #Regex to put tests in $matches to check against
      if (($matches.date1 -eq $datename) -and ($matches.date2 -eq $datename))                      #Check if filename contains correct date
      if ($count -eq $matches.page_count)                                                          #Check if filename
    contains the correct page count
       #insert TIFF modification
        cmd /c $allargs
        #cmd /c xcopy $file \\test\shared\SDS                                                   #Deprecated because now having
    TIFF200DLL create a new file rather than overwrite
                #Close file stream so file can be deleted:
        Remove-Item $file.Name
        #Next section is for a different output directory; Setup a seperate batch file to delete original TIFFs in the middle of the night
        $allargs="cmd200 "+$arg1+$file+";"+$Modified_TIFFs+";"+$arg2+$date+$arg3
        cmd /c $allargs
                     #else statement to send out error message if the number of pages differs from name
        $subject = "The number of pages in the file ", $file.FullName, "differs from the actual count of ", $count, ". File will not be sent, please correct before tomorrow for processing."
        $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
        $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
      }  #Close IF/THEN for correct date is in filename
        $subject = "Date portion of filename is incorrect, please fix. File will not be sent to SDS", $file.FullName," ."
        $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
        $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
     }                                                    #Close IF/THEN for initial filename check
        $subject = "File does not meet proper naming convention and will not be stamped nor sent to SDS", $file.FullName, " ."
        $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
        $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)
    }                                                     #Close FOR loop
    }                                                     #Close Else for check if FILES=NULL

    You are buikding thisin the ISE?
    You need too add:
    add-type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

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    image to ‏9 KB

  • Create a Document with an original file stored on application server

    I start with document managment system : i am able to create new document (CV01N) manually, add a local file and check-in this file.
    Now we need to store file which are stored on the SAP Application Server.
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    Is it possible to access also on application server files ?
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    - Attach an orginial file which is stored on application server
    - Check-in the file
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    But i don't how to do with a file stored on application server. I see also note 504692 and try a program like ZZUZTEST_TEST_CHECKIN which use FM CVAPI_DOC_CHECKIN but it return an error Error uploading  E:\usr\sap\TD1\DVEBMGS00\data\FACTURE.txt" (this path and file exist on application server and is really the file i want to checkin)
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    If possible, could help me with some explanations and guidelines and perhaps a sample ?
    Thank you very much.
    The function used
    Checkin the first original of a document info record *
    from the application server and/or in the background *
      data   : w_host like BAPI_DOC_AUX-HOSTNAME.
      data: lf_line(255).
      data: ls_draw like DRAW,
            ls_message_cvapi like messages,
            lt_files_cvapi type standard table of CVAPI_DOC_FILE,
            lt_files_cvapi_header like CVAPI_DOC_FILE.
      data: lt_originals LIKE cvapi_doc_file OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            vo_originals LIKE cvapi_doc_file OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      ls_draw-dokar = 'ZFT'.
      ls_Draw-doknr = '0000000000000004500000032'.
      ls_Draw-dokvr = '00'.
      ls_Draw-doktl = '000'.
    Read Originals contained in the document info record
          pf_batchmode    = 'X'
          pf_hostname     = ' '
          pf_dokar        = ls_draw-dokar
          pf_doknr        = ls_draw-doknr
          pf_dokvr        = ls_draw-dokvr
          pf_doktl        = ls_draw-doktl
          pf_active_files = 'X'
          psx_draw        = ls_draw
          pt_files        = vo_originals
          not_found       = 1
          no_auth         = 2
          error           = 3
          OTHERS          = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        WRITE 'Error returned by CVAPI_DOC_GETDETAIL'.          "#EC NOTEXT
    Check if we can really access the file from the application server
      read table vo_originals index 1.
      open dataset vo_originals-filename for input in text mode ENCODING DEFAULT.
      if not sy-subrc is initial.
        message e500(26) with vo_originals-filename 'not found'.
      read dataset vo_originals-filename into lf_line.
      if not sy-subrc is initial.
        message e500(26) with vo_originals-filename 'read error'.
      lt_originals             = vo_originals.
      lt_originals-STORAGE_CAT = 'SAP-SYSTEM'.
      append lt_originals.
      w_host = sy-host.
      PF_DOKAR = ls_draw-dokar
      PF_DOKNR = ls_draw-doknr
      PF_DOKVR = ls_draw-dokvr
      PF_DOKTL = ls_draw-doktl
    *PF_HOSTNAME =  w_host
    PF_REPLACE = ' '
      PSX_MESSAGE = ls_message_cvapi
      PT_FILES_X = lt_originals
    PT_COMP_X =
      IF ls_message_cvapi-msg_type CA 'EA'.
        MESSAGE ID '26' TYPE 'I' NUMBER '000'
        WITH ls_message_cvapi-msg_txt.
        COMMIT WORK and wait.

    This is a bit tricky. I spent lots of hours about this .
    You have to set PF_HOSTNAME with your name of your AS and gives the path to the file on the server.
    You wrote
    *PF_HOSTNAME = w_host
    But beware: if you have more thän one AS you have to fix one AS for upload or you have to find the servers name of the file. A better way can be to share one folder by each AS.
    You also have to decide between HTTP or FTP.
    You wrote:
    You must define only one ! Then you have to check your settings in SM59 about working right.
    Pls rate, if this was helpful.

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    Has anyone been able to upload an ibooks file with audio only files (m4a) in it? I keep getting the following error message during the upload in iTunes Producer: ERROR ITMS-9000: "Files of type audio/x-m4a are not allowed outside of widgets. then it names the file as an m4p file. Everything works beautifully on the iPad through Preview, and validates through iTunes Producer up until the attempted upload. If you've been able to accomplish this, please let me know how you prepared your audio files. Many thanks.

    Hello Fellow iBook Authors!
    Today I received the same error that you all have been discussing.  I tried selecting the DRM
    and this did not work for me, though I'm glad it did for some.  Here's what I did as a work-around. . .
    Since iBooks Author did not have a problem with Videos, I simply used one of my video programs, ScreenFlow to turn the audio into a video file m4v.  I added an image and extended the length or timing of the image to span the length of the audio file.  Then exported as an .mov.  I then opened QuickTime and opened the file and exported the file to iTunes. 
    You can use iMovie, Camtasia or any other progam that will allow you to export the audio as a movie file.  Does this make sense?  I hope this helps, at least in the short-term.
    Michael Williams

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    InstallShield Wizard Completed 
    The wizard was interrupted before System Update could be completely installed.
    Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.
    Click Finish to exit the Wizard.
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    Go to Solution.

    Windows 7x64 - T430s - 2352CTO
    There is a log file but it's too big to post. 
    It can be viewed at
    The part where it fails is below:
    InstallShield 8:08:51: Invoking script function InstallSUService
    1: SU service installation failed, please retry the install.
    InstallShield 8:08:52: Setup aborted
    InstallShield 8:08:52: CallScriptFunctionFromMsiCA() ends
    CustomAction InstallSUService returned actual error code 1602 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
    MSI (s) (E4:78) [08:08:52:146]: NOTE: custom action InstallSUService unexpectedly closed the hInstall handle (type MSIHANDLE) provided to it. The custom action should be fixed to not close that handle.
    Action ended 8:08:52: InstallSUService. Return value 2.

  • Disk Utility "restore" fails with "no such file or directory"

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    This weekend I tried to do it again, and failed on every attempt.
    My first attempt was on my MacBook. At very end (the progress "bar" was all blue) it died saying that there was an error (2), "no such file or directory". I think the external drive probably isn't GUID, which would make it non-bootable, but I'd still think "restore" itself should work.
    Okay, let's try my Power Mac G5, which is where it worked several releases ago. Same thing.
    Okay, one more try... Booted into safe mode (in case background activity accounts for the missing file/directory), did the restore again, failed again.
    I realize that SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner or other tools may be "better", but since this worked once it seems like it still should.
    Any ideas?

    Did you:
    A. Repair the hard drive and permissions prior to cloning?
    B. Erase the destination drive before cloning?
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now shutdown the computer for a couple of minutes and then restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger) and/or TechTool Pro (4.5.2 for Tiger) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    How to Clone Using Restore Option of Disk Utility
    1. Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
    2. Select the backup or destination volume from the left side list.
    3. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (journaled, if available) and click on the Erase button. This step can be skipped if the destination has already been freshly erased.
    4. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    5. Select the backup or destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    6. Select the startup or source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
    7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    8. Select the destination drive on the Desktop and press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window. At the bottom in the Ownership and Permissions section be sure the box labeled "Ignore Permissions on this Volume" is unchecked. Verify the settings for Ownership and Permissions as follows: Owner=system with read/write; Group=admin with read/write; Other with read-only. If they are not correct then reset them.
    For added precaution you can boot into safe mode before doing the clone.

  • ACS 4.2.(1) build15 - replication failed with Cannot access file

    Just upgraded from 4.0 - to 4.2 then to 4.2.1 15. As you may have seen with periovous posts of mine its not been an esay ride.
    I have now managed to get it all working - backups AAA etc but for some reason i cannot get the replication to work! Its states the following...
    Within the Database Replication active log - Error OutBound database replication failed - refer to CSAuth log file.
    Other lines in the log state  its ok eg - Component logging reports was updated - being replicated to slave...
    Looking at the CSAuth log file...
    .....DBReplication thread kicked..starting sync.
    ODBC Operation failed with the folowing information: Message = [Sybase] [ODBC Driver] [Adaptive Server Anywhere] Cannot access file "D:$etworks\CiscoSecure 4.2\CSAuth\DbSyncSratch\users\users.dat~ -- Invailed argument, sqlStates=S1000, Native error = -602$
    SL:saveUserTable - execution Failed.
    Please note that the $ is a symbol that i have used because the symbol in the log is strange and i  cannot seem to be able replicate here with this text, for example $etworks - should be networks...
    Everything else seems to be working except this - any help would be great..
    Oh Merry Xmas and Happy new year to you all!

    Did you find a solution?
    I have the same problem with the exact same symptoms - I can't get replication to work. The path name in the error message is missing the first letter, too.
    PS: It has nothing to do with the firewall, the replication fails even before it tries to connect to the network.
    Mathias Rufer

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    Why is CC generating these files in /tmp and not locally? Why doesn't it make them more unique e.g. Is there a way to work around this problem?

    extract the bundle and import the zip file to VUM
    same for the fnic package

  • System Restore from USB/DVD failing with Localization Code error

    After an extended period of strange behavior, I am working to restore my ENVY dv6 Quad back to the original factory Windows 8 and start over.   I originally created both a USB recovery drive and DVD disks.  The system runs through the entire recovery process, but after rebooting and processing through the software installation screens, it always errors out that the Recovery is incomplete. The following is in the CtoError.flg.txt file: [ 5:51:52.78] Required [CoreCountrySpecific]. But, Base OS is [Single Language] edition...
    [ 5:51:52.78] Wrong edition is required...
    [ 5:51:52.78] This is Customer image... CTO PANIC, .
    Component: Windows 8 Preinstall Diagnostic Tools - TDC
    Timing: FactoryUpdate
    Error: Cannot upgrade OS edition to China for non-China image
    Error: Action is not allowed
    Next Step: Please reset your localization code or Win8 Configuration value via EEPROM
    --------------------------------------------------------------[ 5:56:24.97] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ***CTO Error condition has been dtected in [Factory Update] phase !! ***
    [ 5:56:24.97] Suggest to create PIN-log and send to TWN PDC NB-PreinPM for further analysis ...
    [ 5:56:24.97] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ 5:51:15.79] Start BBOffline.cmd...
    [ 5:51:15.79] Set UIA Error Code to 951
    [ 5:51:15.85] Delete [FBI] folder.
    [ 5:51:15.85] WinPE is 64bit.
    [ 5:51:23.18] Starts [FixUps].
    [ 5:51:23.18] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ 5:51:23.18] FixUps.cmd...
    [ 5:51:25.50] FixUps.cmd completed...
    [ 5:51:25.50] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ 5:51:25.50] Starts [Tweaks for SSRD].
    [ 5:51:25.50] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ 5:51:25.50] SSRD Tweaks to change user default locale...
    [ 5:51:25.50] SSRD_LANG.flg file was not detected... SKIP.
    [ 5:51:25.50] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ 5:51:25.51] Launch PININST.exe for Offline ...
    [ 5:51:35.78] Starts [Sleep 10 sec].
    [ 5:51:45.93] Starts [Create RStoneFUpdate.INI].
    [ 5:51:47.78] Starts [create 1GB Pagefile for offline]. I have tried this with both the original hard drive, and suspecting maybe it was a disk issue that has not shown up in a full disk scan, I have tried it with a new 256GB SSD drive also.  They both result in the same error.  Please help as I now have a completly unfunctional computer. Dwain

    Hi Mike:
    The second chapter of this saga.
    I did order the recovery USB.
    I did what it was asking and wiped out the HDD clean.
    But the system is still unstable.
    It took a very long time to configure itself. Several times I had to run the process again because it would either not boot or it would be just sitting there at the attached screen.
    Sometimes it would go to Win8 boot window, but then suddenly come back to the same screen.
    It seems that HDD is completly out. What is the warranty on the HDD? This laptop is just two years old.
    And a side note: we had to send it for repairs twice already for monitor issues; the keyboard is not flat; there are some loose parts inside. I really expected better quality from such a reputable brand as TOSHIBA.
    DSC_4459.JPG ‏4332 KB

  • Any solution for Windows 8.1 System Image Backup on DVD fails with error 0x80040154??(apart taking backup in external drive)

    Windows 8.1 is facing a problem while taking System Image Backup on DVD, it pops an error saying  0x80040154 and more it says that class is not registered , i am trying from days to find some optimum solution for it apart from taking it on external
    hard drive...any suggestion please let me know asap!

    Check this article first:
    0x80040154 error may occur when you create a system image backup in Windows 8.1
    Please capture the system event during you reproing this issue by using Process monitor:
    Process Monitor v3.05
    If there is any Access denied error, follow this blog to solve this issue.
    Solving Access Denied Errors Using Process Monitor
    You can also upload the saved log file here for our research. Please upload them to a file sharing service like Skydrive or "Rapidshare" and put a link to them in your reply.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Re-installation of Met Office Desktop Widget fails with the "installation file is damaged" message

    Vista Home Premium Air version and latest version of the Met Office Widget installation file.
    The log file is
    [2013-06-27:13:52:38] Application Installer begin with version on Windows Vista x86
    [2013-06-27:13:52:38] Commandline is: C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\DesktopWidget-1.10.air
    [2013-06-27:13:52:38] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR
    [2013-06-27:13:52:39] Unpackaging file:///C:/Users/Peter/Downloads/DesktopWidget-1.10.air to C:\Windows\Temp\fla3A52.tmp
    [2013-06-27:13:52:40] Package signature validation failed
    [2013-06-27:13:52:40] Got an unexpected fatal error while unpackaging: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="invalid package signature" errorID=5022]
    [2013-06-27:13:52:43] Application Installer end with exit code 7
    However many times I re download the widget app I get the same result.
    The reason for the download was that the previous installation started to behave strangely downloading a lot of stuff for no apparent reason. I have Kaspersky Internet Security which is up to date and Advanced System Care. None of my security programs report any malware.
    Re-installation of windows is out of the question!!!
    I have tried everything on the forum with no sucess - any help gratefully recieved. Thanks

    I have EXACTLY the same issue, had issues with downloading excessive data. Uninstalled latest version of widget and latest version of Adobe Air. The I reinstalled them fresh...or tried too. The Met Office Widget failed exactly as yours did. My log looks like yours.
    I contacted the Met Office and got this response:
    Thank you for your email.
    There is a known issue at this time with the Met Office Desktop Widget which is currently under investigation by our IT Team.
    We hope to have this resolved shortly and we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
    We just might have to wait they have no date for a fix yet!

  • ACR Raw images wont copy to Jpeg or Tiff; as it fails with "Cannot Create File"

    Requesting immediate help if anyone available currently
    I've been using Photoshop CS6 for several years, never a problem at all. As soon as I bought Creative Cloud, I see many issues that cannot be resolved or are recurring.
    Again today as I go to copy files (images) from Adobe Camera Raw, to say a Tiff or a Jpeg, it appears to begin to copy as normal, then suddenly a box appears with all my copying
    file name/numbers, and it begins to eliminate one by one "Cannot Create File", failing the entire process to copy. I have never seen this until I began using Creative Cloud about a
    month ago.
    Can anyone help this Saturday evening as i am trying to complete a large project of images for others who expect them soon.?
    Thank you and I look forward to any advice soon,
    Mark Seibold, Artist-Astronomer, Portland Oregon

    Hi Rick
    Thanks for clarifying that. Yes, that term was my mistake, as I meant to write 'Save As"
    Another forum respondent just replied also, and he states as so many others do, that they do not use
    the Adobe Camera Raw app formerly with CS6, as they instead use Lightroom, so he apologized that he
    was not familiar with ACR but that I might have an old CS6 plug-in running that may not be completely
    compatible with the new Creative Cloud. I am not sure if this is the problem.
    What I would find as not really likely, is that the Creative Cloud engineers would go through all the trouble
    to redesign from the old CS6, then even assist us over the phone to help install it, but in oversight,
    leave us without a proper update to properly run Adobe Camera Raw. I also have never really understood the advantage of Lightroom. I'm sure that many must enjoy its efficiency, as I hear wedding photographers like it for huge batch processing of adjusting many images in synchronicity all at once. I would say that I do the same with ACR accessing it through Bridge, and I like ACR's quick and simple access for simple image adjustments and then say a small batch all synchronized, then finally to "Save As" for all selected to a final output as Tiff or Jpeg.
    As an astronomer that has just started learning to use Registax for night sky images, we also like the ACR adjustments and then to "Save As" eg. all Jpeg or all Tiff, to then photo-stitch large landscape and night sky panoramas with Microsoft ICE photo-stitching.
    Sorry for the long description here, but I hope to relate the total idea of what I am doing for the past years. I'll even attach an example >
    Thanks for your possible solution to my problem in "Saving As" in ACR,

  • Burst to file fails with "no such file or directory"

    I have followed the example tutorial of bursting to a file at When I schedule a report to run immediately, the report fails and gives back the following information about 1 of 6 deliveries
    Delivery Key 123456789
    Delivery Type FILE
    Status Failed
    System Message C:\BIP/123456789.pdf (No such file or directory)
    I have created a BIP folder on my local hardrive, but is there anything else I have to do? Does the database server have to have permission to go to my IP address or subnet?

    Thanks for the info, I tried the following in my query
    emp_emp KEY,
    'hr_employee' TEMPLATE,
    'en-US' LOCALE,
    '//111.222.333.444/BIP' PARAMETER1,
    emp_emp || '.pdf' PARAMETER2
    and allowed my local C:BIP to be shared on the network and even allowed network users to change my files on this share.
    When I scheduled the report I got the same error message:
    Delivery Key 123456789
    Delivery Type FILE
    Status Failed
    System Message /111.222.333.444/BIP/123456789.pdf (No such file or directory)
    I noticed the "System Message" above dropped one of the slashes from my query. Do I still need to have the unix box where the database server resides have permission to access my subnet, or is the something else that is missing?

  • Tp import fails with error "data files not transferred"

    Hi colleagues,
    I am working on transport requests. I had issued out the <i>tp addtobuffer SIDKxxxx <sid>  pf=TP_DOMAIN_SID.PFL </i> command for a number of transport requests at OS level; but when i then try to do <i>tp import SIDKxxxxx <sid> client= u18 pf=TP_DOMAIN_sid.PFL</i>, i get this error: "Data files are not transfered</b>" in the QAS system. Everything works fine in PROD though. What could be the reason for this. I can't get it done within the application either.
    Your responses appreciated.

    I guess you have individual transport directories. I f you have configured the Transport Domain and added the Other Two into the Domain and configured the Transport Route. You should be able to see the Some RFC Destinations in SM59.
    Please check the Test connection. of all these RFC Destination. If these fail check if you have firewall issues between the system stopping the communication on Port 33<Instance No>.

Maybe you are looking for

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