System.getProperty("os.arch") in webstart returns "x86" on amd64 machine

I am really in big trouble. I want to detect the architecture so that I can load the correct library. When I am running from the command line the architecture is detected properly but in webstart it always return x86 even though I am running from amd64 or ia64.
I hope someone can help. Or, if you have any ways to detect the architecture is also fine.

Problem is that currently there is no 64 bit implementation of Java Web Start, so you can't run any application in 64 bit mode, since you can't mix 32 and 64 bit binaries in the same process.
When 64 bit support is finally added, it will return seperate os.arch values depending on if you are running a 32 or 64 bit process, and seperate os.arch attributes in the jnlp file will allow you to load seperate libraries depending on what processor mode you are running.

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  • System.getProperty( "" ) return null ?!?!

    hello guys,
    i intend to get the IMEI No. i wrote the following code:
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    public class IMEIDemo extends MIDlet
         Display display;
         private Form mainForm;
         String imeiNokia = "";
         public void startApp()
              display = Display.getDisplay( this );
              mainForm = new Form( "IMEI Demo" );
              imeiNokia = System.getProperty( "" );
              if( imeiNokia.compareTo( "" ) == 0 )
                   System.out.println( "NULL..." );
                   mainForm.append( imeiNokia );
                   display.setCurrent( mainForm );
         public void pauseApp()
         public void destroyApp( boolean b )
              destroyApp( false );
    } // IMEIDemoi am using WTK2.2, MIDP2, CLDC1.1
    when i run this code in emulator (WToolKit), i got the following Exception:
    startApp threw an Exception
         at IMEIDemo.startApp(+36)
         at javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletProxy.startApp(+7)
         at com.sun.midp.midlet.Scheduler.schedule(+270)
         at com.sun.midp.main.Main.runLocalClass(+28)
         at com.sun.midp.main.Main.main(+116)
    would u pls suggest me how can i overcome this problem or any effective openion?
    thanx in advance.
    take care all.

    i tried this program using J2ME to retireve IMEI number
    * Created on February 19, 2007, 3:50 PM
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    * @author Administrator
    * @version
    public class IMEINO extends MIDlet implements CommandListener{
    public TextField t1,t2,t3;
    public Form form;
    public String s1,s2,s3,n=null;
    public Display disp;
    public Command ok,exit;
    public IMEINO()
    form = new Form("IMEI");
    t1 = new TextField("imei1","",50,TextField.ANY);
    t2 = new TextField("imei2","",50,TextField.ANY);
    t3 = new TextField("imei3","",50,TextField.ANY);
    ok = new Command("ok",Command.OK,1);
    exit = new Command("exit",Command.EXIT,2);
    public void startApp() {
    Display disp = Display.getDisplay(this);
    s1 = System.getProperty("");
    s2 = System.getProperty("phone.imei");
    s3 = System.getProperty("");
    if(s1.compareTo("") == 0 || s2.compareTo("")==0 || s3.compareTo("")==0 )
    catch(Exception e)
    t1.setString("error"+ e.getMessage());
    public void commandAction(Command c,Displayable d)
    if(c == exit)
    public void pauseApp() {
    public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
    i tried this program , when i run in the netbeans environment , it shows null (system.out.println(imei)),when i installed the jar file into nokia 3230 mobile,the textfield is null , it shows nothing,can anyone give me any suggestion , whether i have to change my phone settings
    Message was edited by:

  • Java 7 u45 System.getProperty returns null

    After upgrade to u45, our web launch application stopped working. it failed at System.getProperty("myproperty").
    "myproperty" is defined as a
    <j2se version="1.6+" initial-heap-size="64m" max-heap-size="256m"/>
           <jar href="nms_wsclient.jar" download="eager" main="true"/>
           <jar href="commons-httpclient.jar" download="eager"/>      
          <jar href="commons-codec.jar" download="eager"/>       
          <jar href="commons-logging.jar" download="eager"/>       
          <jar href="log4j.jar" download="eager"/>       
          <property name="myproperty"   value=""/>
    with older version java ,System.getProperty("myproperty") works fine to return the value, but with u45 it returned null.
    Does anyone have the same problem? any idea how to fix it or work around it?

    So did you succeed with the jnlp template ?
    After frustrating hours of that information useless JNLPSigningException trial & error, It seems that as :
    1. You can't make the j2se version variable
    2. You can't have your own variable property/values
    I've opened a bug report...
    The documentation is atrocious, with a vague "we reserve the right to blacklist variable elements, but we will never say which ones".
    The JNLP example in the various example is a joke - Its a hello world jnlp, not a real world one.
    The JNLPSigningException must have been written my the same guys at Microsoft that did the "An Unknown Error As Occurred".
    I've had to clear the cache at every test, seems that the JNLP Template check didn't get the new updated JNLP from the web server.
    /rant over
    I think I'll try to bypass that JNLP property mess and get javaws to download my own "jnlp name".xml.config...

  • System.getProperty("user.dir") returns "/home/user" on Linux

    Has anyone else had the error when launching a jar from Linux (just by clicking it), System.getProperty("user.dir") returns the "/home/user" (or "~") value instead of the folder that the jar is in? Essentially, it returns "user.home" instead of "user.dir".
    This does not happen when I start the application from command line.
    (I know its not swing, but I wasn't sure where to post it)
    Is this just a simple Linux setting that isn't enabled by default? Ubuntu already made the file association after using apt-get to install Java 6.

    Because, semmingly, the command is being set off as
    java -jar relative/pat/to/file.jarwhen you double click it, rather than
    cd relative/path/to
    java -jar file.jarIf you don't like this, I would say to find a Linux, preferably Ubuntu, forum and ask there if it is possible to change that handling, and if not, request that a cahnge be made to the code to change that handling. But, in any case, I doubt you are going to get an answer here about it.

  • Can we write %System.getProperty("CONFIG_MODE");% this stmt in EL or jstl

    Hi everyone,
    Can we write below statement in EL or jstl instead of using Scriplet.

    getting a system property is too much on the business logic side. You could create a bean that returns the system property as a member, like:
    public class PropertyBean
    public String getConfigMode()
      return System.getProperty("CONFIG_MODE");
    }then simply use EL in your JSP(s) to get the value from that bean. Of course you could just make the getConfigMode() method part of an existing bean you are using.

  • Applet, System.getProperty question

    I am trying to develop a simple applet that would capture the NT user name with System.getProperty(""). This will not work with servlet because it will only return the server With applets running on clients systems, I was hoping that this will work. My applet has only 1 button and 1 text field. It runs fine in a debug mode in Forte 2.0. It generates an error msg when I run in in Forte. It doesn't do anything if I add the class to a html file. Am I on the right track here or what do I need to do to get this to work?
    private void button1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    String login = System.getProperty("");
    This works in a debug mode in Forte, but fails when I run it. This is the error message:
    Exception occurred during event dispatching: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission read)
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(
    at java.lang.System.getProperty(
    at LoginApplet.button1ActionPerformed(
    at LoginApplet.access$0(
    at LoginApplet$1.actionPerformed(
    at java.awt.Button.processActionEvent(
    at java.awt.Button.processEvent(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

    As you can see you received a Security exception, for a good reason. If you could access a username and/or password then your computer could be compromised. Anyone could then write an unseen applet embedded in their web page that gathers username/password for any computer that requests the web page. The security manager on that specific PC (or web browser) would have to be modified specifically to allow this sort of access, which is not advised because then anyone else with this type of applet could get the same information that you are attempting to get (if you request a web page on another site with that applet requesting you system information).
    Hopefully this helps.

  • Alternative to System.getProperty("microedition.hostname")

    Hey is there any other alternative for 'System.getProperty("microedition.hostname")' to get the ip address of the device running the j2me midlet ??
    When you run the midlet on the emulator, System.getProperty("microedition.hostname") returns the PC's Name, but on a Nokia series 40(3rd E) device, it returns null.
    So is there an alternative to this to select the device's ip address ?

    First this is a pretty specific question which applies to a specific device rather than to reflection/reference. You might want to look for a forum that addresses the specific device.
    Second, you can print the system properties normally. Whether you can do that on the device depends on the device. If you succeed you might find an alternative.
    Third normally one uses the to get a device IP. Does that not work for that device?

  • System.getProperty("")

    Can any one tell me what does the return string value for System.getProperty("") on unix platform. i am asking this since i dont have unix installed on my system to test it.
    Tkx in advance

    It comes back w/ the basic flavor.
    AIX -> AIX
    Linux -> Linux
    HP-UX -> HP-UX
    Solaris -> Solaris

  • System.getProperty("user.dir") different in Ubuntu?

    HI. I have this application which when the user presses the Help button an HTML user guide is shown.
    this is done using:
    String userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
    Desktop d = Desktop.getDesktop();
    File f = new File(userDir);
    URI u = new URI(f.toURI().toString()+"User_Guide/index.htm");
    d.browse(u);This works on Windows machines, but when tested on Unix Ubuntu the user guide does now show.
    The System.getProperty("user.dir") returns users/j/john/ which is not the complete directory. How can I fix this so that the Help button works on both platforms?Thanks!
    Edited by: player123 on Jun 9, 2009 10:54 AM

    Make sure its Sun's Java no OpenJDK or others.
    $ java --version
    also echo $JAVA_HOME
    it depends how its linked on yours.
    Even if you install the Sun's JDK you must properly link it and/or set and export its home ;)

  • System.getProperty("") ???

    As the title of this post implies, I would like to get the PC name from within a client-side java app. Unfortunately "" is not a valid system property key. Nor are there any, as far as I can tell, that give me what I want.
    Can anybody tell me how a client-side app can get the name of the PC on which it is running?
    To be completely clear, I want the name that shows up when I click Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Network Identification. (Yes, I'm running Win2K...)

    :. Try this one. Comments in Portuguese.
    class ... whatever you want, a library for instance.
      public static final String OS_WINDOWS        = "Windows";
      public static final String OS_LINUX          = "Linux";
      public static final int CMD_SUCCESS          = 0;
      // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
      // Carrega as variaveis de ambiente (#014)
      public static boolean loadEnvironmentVariables()
      { boolean bRet  = false;
        String cmd    = "";
        String opsys  = System.getProperty("","");
        { if (opsys.startsWith(OS_LINUX))   cmd = "sh -c set";
          if (opsys.startsWith(OS_WINDOWS)) cmd = " /c set";
          if (!cmd.equals(""))
          { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
            if (p.waitFor() == CMD_SUCCESS)
            { InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
              Properties pr  = new Properties(System.getProperties());
              bRet = true;
        catch(Exception e) {}
          return bRet;
      // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
      // Hostname (#016)
      public static String getHostname()
      { String sRet  = "";
        String opsys = System.getProperty("","");
        if (opsys.startsWith(OS_LINUX))
        { sRet = System.getProperty("HOSTNAME","");
        else if (opsys.startsWith(OS_WINDOWS))
        { sRet = System.getProperty("COMPUTERNAME","");
        return sRet;
      // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
      // Username (#017)
      public static String getUsername()
      { String sRet  = "";
        String opsys = System.getProperty("","");
        if (opsys.startsWith(OS_LINUX))
        { sRet = System.getProperty("USER","");
        else if (opsys.startsWith(OS_WINDOWS))
        { sRet = System.getProperty("USERNAME","");
        return sRet;
    :. First, call loadEnvironmentVariables method then getUsername,  getHostname, etc. Hope it helps and it was what you meant.

  • System.getProperty("user.dir") cannot rerturn the package directory.

    i have a class belong to package suyuan
    the class file is located at
    i try to execute System.getProperty("user.dir") inside test.class.
    i get D:\Profiles\cyc025\Desktop
    but i wish there is a java api which can return
    how can i do so?
    thank you.
    yan cheng

    The system property "user.dir" returns the current working directory. The "suyuan" is a part of the java package of test.class - it has nothing to do with each other. If you want your string you need to create it via
    String pn = getClass().getName();
    int i = pn.lastIndexOf('.');
    pn = pn.substring(0, i);
    String mine = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separatorChar + pn;

  • Where does come from when using System.getProperty(

    Based on the user's requirements, I implemented authentication based on the results of the System.getProperty( feature. The audit group has some concerns on where the value is coming from.
    Does anyone have any idea where this property is coming from, and if it is coming from a file, whether it is stored as text.

    Environment variable that is read internally by the JRE. If you go to dos (in windows) and type "set" and hit return, you'll see Username=whatever your login name is. If course, someone with the right credentials can change this.
    Unix has a similar feature.

  • Using System.getProperty in the app, but still not signing the jar file

    Is there a way to use the System.getProperty call in the app but not sign the jar? I get the security exception when launched using WebStart?
    Any help appreciated.

    Yes. Don't use Web Start, and you'll have no problems.
    Seriously, the security exception is there by design. If you must call System.getProperty, you need to sign your jars -- though personally, I think there are situations where signing your jars to make Web Start work is a needless complication.
    However, if you still need a tool to deploy updates and such, I recommend Deploy Director from Sitraka.

  • System.getProperty doesnot work

    I have a piece of code where I try to get a env variable VTNAME in my java application. Code snippet below
         //this function creates a session.
         public void setSession(configParams params) throws Exception {
              boolean done = false;
              int retryCount = 0;
              mVTName = params.getFactoryName();
    It returns me null. And when i do
    :/home/santsat > echo $VTNAME
    Any thoughts o what is wrong in the code?
    Message was edited by:

    Java's system property is not the same as environment variable.
    To get environment variable, use System.getenv().
    If you start your java app with -DVTNAME= then you can use System.getProperty().

  • System.getProperty with foreign language

    Hello All,
    I've developed a program that uses System.getProperty("user.home"), in order to transfer files to that location.
    Everything's going well as long as I'm using English version.
    When one of my customers ran this using a foreign language (Turkish, but it seems to have the same effect on other languages), instead of c:\documents and settings\administrator, he got a wrong fonetic path, i.e. C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTÝNGS\ADMÝNÝSTRATOR (check the I's, they're not the same), although he has the English path in his computer.
    You can see this also when you change the regional settings in an English based Windows to Turkish.
    How can I make the System property look at the correct path (again, this happens in other languages as well)?

    Hmmm.... I didn't think I used toUpperCase in my code. When all else fails, my advice is to read the API...
    Note: This method is locale sensitive, and may produce unexpected results if used for strings that are intended to be interpreted locale independently. Examples are programming language identifiers, protocol keys, and HTML tags. For instance, "title".toUpperCase() in a Turkish locale returns "T?TLE", where '?' is the LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE character. To obtain correct results for locale insensitive strings, use toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).

Maybe you are looking for