Table which holds runtime processes

can any gurus please tell me whta is the table to hold runtime process
thanks and regards
Message was edited by: venkata raju

It always used to be the column ETHNIC_ORIGIN on the table PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F, but now I think there's a seeded information type for it on the table PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO.
Unfortunately I am nowhere near a database at the moment so cannot check this.

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    If you add a new column to a table using an ALTER TABLE ADD command and specify that the new column allows NULLs and you do not define a default value, then it will take a table lock.  However, once it gets the table lock, it will essentially run instantly
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    id_object VARCHAR2 (18),
    ORDER MEMBER FUNCTION compare (other ty_item)
    ORDER MEMBER FUNCTION compare (other ty_item)
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    RETURN -1;
    ELSIF SELF.id_object > other.id_object
    RETURN 1;
    RETURN 0;
    END IF;
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    MEMBER FUNCTION get (p_id_object IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN REF ty_item,
    MEMBER FUNCTION find (p_id_object IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN REF ty_item,
    RETURN REF ty_item
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY ty_item_holder
    MEMBER FUNCTION get (p_id_object IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN REF ty_item
    rtn REF ty_item;
    rtn := find (p_id_object);
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    rtn := ADD (p_id_object);
    END IF;
    RETURN rtn;
    MEMBER FUNCTION find (p_id_object IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN REF ty_item
    rtn ty_item;
    INTO rtn
    WHERE ch.id_object = p_id_object;
    RETURN rtn;
    RETURN REF ty_item
    item ty_item;
    item := ty_item (p_id_object);
    VALUES (item);

    Best way to do a Object which holds a collection of another object type. The best place for data in a database is.. no real surprise.. in tables. If that data is temporary of nature, global temporary tables cater for that.
    Storing/caching data using PL/SQL requires very expensive private process memory (PGA) from the server. This does not scale.
    I'm writing a caching object to store another object. Irrespective of how l33t your haxor skillz are, you will not be able to code as a sophisticated, performant and scalable PL/SQL data cache, as what already exists (as the database buffer cache) in Oracle.
    The cache is only valid for a session, so I want a store the data in a nested table.Not sure how you take one (session local data) to mean the other (oh, let's use a nested table).
    Session local data can be done using PL/SQL static variables. Can be done using name-value pairs residing in a context (Oracle namespace). Can be done using a global temporary table.
    The choice is dependent on the requirements that need to be addressed. However, the term +"caching+" has very specific connotations that say that a global temporary table is likely the best suited candidate.

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    Hi Anu,
    I am unable to understand your exact requirement as if you need total of any transaction currency then there must be a criteria for the same like one want to add all currencies monthly/annually/weekly for reporting purpose and in this case you have to write a report and add currencies.No tables can hold such calculative recordes.
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    Hi All,
    I m having a doubt,
    here in my workflow, i have used a  object where in i have made a 'Z' method which is suppose to populate a table container.
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    Can you please help me as to how to do it?
    I m sending u the code that i hav written in the method.
    There are 2 codes i tried.
    data : User_Release type table of zfitlevel-zuid,
           wa_user_release type zfitlevel-zuid.
    data: User type table of zfitlevel-zuid.
    swc_get_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    wa_user_release = 'USNOSIJOH'.
    append wa_user_release to User_Release.
    wa_user_release = 'USNOSOSAT'.
    append wa_user_release to User_Release.
    wa_user_release = 'USNOANMER'.
    append wa_user_release to User_Release.
    swc_set_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    and second :  Suppose User is the tabel that has correct values at run-time.
    data : User_Release type table of zfitlevel-zuid,
           wa_user_release type zfitlevel-zuid.
    data: User type table of ZUSRID.
    swc_get_table container 'User'  User.
    swc_get_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    User_Release[] = User[].
    swc_set_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    Please let me know if anyone can solve my doubt asap.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks for the reply.
    But here in my case, there is a problem.
    The table container in Workflow wil hav dynamic entries.
    It will hav to pick it from other dynamic container elements (all single line) and append them in this container table.
    For eg:
    at runtime:
    User1 = 'USABC'
    User_table = 'USABC'
    after one of these user execute a compose mail activity of SOFM-COMPOSE,
    the User_table is left with only one user id who has executed the activity compose.
    suppose USABC executes it so after that the conatiner values are:
    User1 = 'USABC'
    User_table = 'USABC'
    Now i want that this table container shud hav all 4 values even after that activity for other purpose.
    So how can i achieve that?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: siri on Jul 9, 2008 8:32 PM

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