Tables in awt

I wonder if you can do tables in awt

You can see a GNU table for AWT on this direction:

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  • How to implement table in applet

    hi friends
    i have no idea ,how to implement tables in awt for applet can u suggest way to solve my using jcreator to implement my project.

    You already got plenty of answers. Why do you ask again? Didn't you like the answers?

  • Html text in label is moving when used as a renderer in a table cell

    Hi everybody,
    Because it is impossible to use gradient background for html, I created a custom TableCellRenderer that uses a JLabel (for the html text) inside a JPanel with a gradient background. (I use jdk1.5.0_06)
    However, in the code that I'm posting, something strange happens. The text is moving up and down as I move with the arrow button along the first row, from left to right and backwards, crossing the entire row.
    You can see for yourself. If someone can explain this behavior, please help!
    public class MyFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
               new MyFrame().setVisible(true);
        public MyFrame() {
             setTitle("Use LEFT & RIGHT buttons to test");
            javax.swing.JTable table = new javax.swing.JTable();
            table.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel(
                new Object [][] { {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""} },
                new String []   { "Title 1", "Title 2", "Title 3" }
                public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
                    return String.class;
            table.setValueAt("This text MOVES up-down as you move across THIS ROW!!!",0,0);
            table.setValueAt("This text MOVES up-down as you move across THIS ROW!!!",0,1);
            table.setValueAt("This text DOES NOT MOVE as you move across THIS ROW!!!",0,2);
            table.setDefaultRenderer(String.class,new StringRenderer());
            getContentPane().add(table, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
        class StringRenderer extends GradientPanel implements javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer {
            public java.awt.Component getTableCellRendererComponent(javax.swing.JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
                   label.setText("<html><p align=center>"+String.valueOf(value)+"</p></html>");
                setColors(new java.awt.Color(255,255,255),isSelected?new java.awt.Color(255,100,100):new java.awt.Color(255,200,200));
                label.setBorder(hasFocus?new javax.swing.border.LineBorder(java.awt.Color.yellow,1):null);
                return this;
        class GradientPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel {
            private java.awt.Color c1,c2;
            protected javax.swing.JLabel label;
            public GradientPanel() {
                label = new javax.swing.JLabel();
                setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout());
                java.awt.GridBagConstraints gbc = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
                gbc.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
                gbc.weightx = 1.0;
                gbc.weighty = 1.0;
                gbc.insets = new java.awt.Insets(5,5,5,5);
                add(label, gbc);
            public void setColors(java.awt.Color c1, java.awt.Color c2) {
                this.c1 = c1;
                this.c2 = c2;
            public void paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g) {
                if ( c1 != null && c2 != null ) {
                    java.awt.Graphics2D g2d = (java.awt.Graphics2D)g;
                    g2d.setPaint(new java.awt.GradientPaint(0,0,c2,0,this.getHeight(),c1,false));

    If someone can explain this behavior, please help!Can't explaing the behavour, but it seems to work fine when you use a JeditorPane or JTextPane which are specifically designed to display HTML.

  • Fast growing Basis tables....

    I have bees using one note 706478 to find out the measure against fast growing basis tables. I use this for R/3. Is there any note like this for BW and CRM as well. I search OSS but could not come up with any solid note.
    Does anybody knwo abot this? Your help will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance to everybody.
    Thanks for the help.

    There are several factors to consider. For example:
    - Is the table a TimesTen only table or is it a cached Oracle table using AWT to push the inserts down to Oracle?
    - How long does the data need to be retained? Forever, for 1 hour, for 1 minute...
    If the table is an AWT cached table from Oracle then the inserted data ultimately ends up in Oracle. It is therefore likely that you can safely discard some data from TimesTen to prevent the datastore filling up. You can do this using the automnatic aging feature in TT 7.0 or you can implemnent it as a periodic UNLOAD CACHE GROUP statement executed from a script or from application code.
    If the table is a TimesTen only table then in addition to the above you need to consider if you can just discard 'old' data or if you have to keep it somewhere. If you need to keep it then you will first need to copy it out of TT before it gets deleted. In this case aging is probably not a good solution and you should implement some application mechanism to copy the data somewhere else and then delete it. If you do not need to keep the data then aging may still be an option.
    In any event, you will want to give yourself as much headroom as possible by making the datastore as big as you can subject to available memory etc. If you use aging, you will likely have to configure very aggressive aging parameters in order to keep the table size under control. It is possible that aging may not be up to the job if the insert rate is extremely high in which case you may anyway need to implement some application based cleanup mechanism.

  • Print Customization Problem

    How do i set the printing preference and the contents. The below coding is workable and only the table is printable Can i add in the label to the print area and set to landscape?
    Kindly reply if you know the solution for this setting, i am still new with it.
    Thank you.
    * is a 1.4 application that requires no other files.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
    * TableDemo is just like SimpleTableDemo, except that it
    * uses a custom TableModel.
    public class test extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
        private boolean DEBUG = false;
        static int x,y;
        JButton btn1;
        JTable table;
        JLabel label1;
        public test()
            // Checking and Retriving Screen Size
            Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
            x = (screen.width);
            y = (screen.height);
            JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
            //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
            //Create and set up the window.
            this.setSize(new Dimension(x, y));
            table = new JTable(new MyTableModel());
            btn1 = new JButton("Print");
            btn1.setBounds(new Rectangle(x-135, y-100, 90, 30));
            label1=new JLabel("Printed");
            label1.setBounds(new Rectangle(5, y-100, 150, 20));
            //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
            scrollPane.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, x-120, y-200));
            //Add the scroll pane to this panel.
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
        if (e.getActionCommand().equals("Print"))
               catch (PrinterException eprint)
        class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel {
            private String[] columnNames = {"First Name",
                                            "Last Name",
                                            "# of Years",
            private Object[][] data = {
                {"Mary", "Campione",
                 "Snowboarding", new Integer(5), new Boolean(false)},
                {"Alison", "Huml",
                 "Rowing", new Integer(3), new Boolean(true)},
                {"Kathy", "Walrath",
                 "Knitting", new Integer(2), new Boolean(false)},
                {"Sharon", "Zakhour",
                 "Speed reading", new Integer(20), new Boolean(true)},
                {"Philip", "Milne",
                 "Pool", new Integer(10), new Boolean(false)}
            public int getColumnCount() {
                return columnNames.length;
            public int getRowCount() {
                return data.length;
            public String getColumnName(int col) {
                return columnNames[col];
            public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
                return data[row][col];
             * JTable uses this method to determine the default renderer/
             * editor for each cell.  If we didn't implement this method,
             * then the last column would contain text ("true"/"false"),
             * rather than a check box.
            public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
                return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
             * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's
             * editable.
            public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
                //Note that the data/cell address is constant,
                //no matter where the cell appears onscreen.
                if (col < 2) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;
             * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's
             * data can change.
            public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("Setting value at " + row + "," + col
                                       + " to " + value
                                       + " (an instance of "
                                       + value.getClass() + ")");
                data[row][col] = value;
                fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("New value of data:");
            private void printDebugData() {
                int numRows = getRowCount();
                int numCols = getColumnCount();
                for (int i=0; i < numRows; i++) {
                    System.out.print("    row " + i + ":");
                    for (int j=0; j < numCols; j++) {
                        System.out.print("  " + data[i][j]);
         * Create the GUI and show it.  For thread safety,
         * this method should be invoked from the
         * event-dispatching thread.
        private static void createAndShowGUI() {
            //Display the window.
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            test j = new test();

    If you find a good reference, please let me know. I think there's some stuff in in usual java tutorials on the java.sun site, which will help you with the PrinterDoc stuff, if not much with actual printables.
    Look through the Javadoc on java.awt.Print.*;
    Basically the print method in a Printable is called with a graphics context, a PageFormat (containing the area you are supposed to paint on.) and a page number. It needs to check if the page number is within the range of pages to be printed, then, if it is, paint the page data to the graphics context. Expect it to be called multiple times for the same page and not, necessarilly, starting with page 0. For strictly printing activities each called page number should not be less than the previous call, pages may be requested repeatedly, but not in reverse order (but some print preview stuff won't honour this).
    awt Components have a print method similar to the paint method which you can use to print their contents, once you have the position and layout right. If you only have a small table and you know everything will fit on one page you may be able to get away with placing the table (without ScrollPane) and other stuff to be printed in a Container, installing a layout manager (call doLayout() explicitly) and calling print on the container. Remember that if you use a JTable without a JScrollPane you need to display the table header explicitly, or you won't get one.
    Set the bounds of the container from the PageFormat values before doing it's internal layout.
    One you have a printable you just hand it to your PrinterJob object for processing.
    I've written myself a library to layout tables and awt objects for printing. When the boss is in a good mood I'll try and persuade him to let me publish it.

  • Component painted three times

    I have an AWT application containing a frame F1. This frame contains combos and buttons,
    and another frame F2. Inside this frame F2, I have a TableBean component (GNU table for
    AWT). When I show (only first time) frame F1, table component is painted three times. How can I
    to dectect this component is already painted?. I don�t know how to use paint() or update().
    Many thanks for your help.
    tablaDatosListadoComercio = new,linesComercio);

    I was talking with a co-worker about this kind of issue just yesterday - this isn't a simple problem at all.
    Basically, you (the application programmer) don't have a lot of control over how many times your paint method is called. The Toolkit (AWT) is responsible for deciding when a component's paint method is called. You, as the application programmer, can hint to AWT that a component needs repainting by calling repaint.
    Do not call paint yourself - AWT will call your paint method whenever it decides it wants to. It has in its own mind the state of everything, and which component needs to be repainted when. Controlling multiple repaints is a difficult problem for any GUI toolkit.
    So here's a bit of theory which will hopefully enlighten, rather than confuse, you.
    What you're doing when building an application is creating a bunch of objects that are meant to play together. The rules of the object behaviors are defined by the AWT (and Swing) Component classes. GUI applications are driven by the dispatch of events to them by the underlying system (in this case, Java, AWT and Swing). The bulk of the code being executed to do a GUI application is the underlying system (Java, AWT and Swing) since it's that underlying system that provides the basic framework for the application to exist in the first place.
    - David

  • AWT Table Scrolling

    Hi all,
    I'm currently engaged with developing an AWT Table, which can contain editable cells, and i'm stuck technically in how to enable scrolling. Actually i'm more inclined towards Swing, but it's for J2ME CDC app .. for PDA, and i gotta stick with AWT. I found many ways to do this in Swing, but no examples for AWT, depressing, haha >.<
    Here goes my case. In horizontal scrolling scenario, i just want to synchronize the horizontal data area scrolling and the header area scrolling. In vertical scrolling scenario, i want the header area to stay on top, like the spreadsheet header.
    Anyway, i use TableLayout in the data area panel for ease of table layouting.
    I assume the correct way to enable scrolling in an AWT Table is to do the following :
    1. create one panel for header at the top
    2. create another panel for the data cells
    3. add an invisible horizontal scrollbar for the header panel
    4. add visible horizontal and vertical scrollbars for the data panel
    5. when scrolled vertically, the header panel is unaffected, and the data area scrolls
    6. when scrolled horizontally, the header panel also scrolls synchronously
    And i have no idea how i'm gonna implement step 6, about how to synchronize the horizontal scrolling. Anyone got a simple example ? Or perhaps there are easier ways to do this .. ? I was hoping something like tableLayout.freezeFirstRow(); haha ... Or do i have to implement AdjustmentListener and clip the header panel graphics to react to the adjustment ?
    Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated !
    Albert Kam

    Hi Partha,
    yes (it uses the "IndexVal" property!), but have you read the text in the link? ("allows the user to manually scroll backwards and see the previous data without it snapping back to the bottom")
    Message Edited by GerdW on 04-01-2008 12:38 PM
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Creating a Table (not SWING or AWT)

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm trying to come up with a design to create a table grid in pure java that will be displayed on my web page. This is a 2-dimensional table that will have rows and columns. The data for each cell is retrieved from a mySQL table.
    Here's where it gets sticky. The users of my web page can enter a product number. Based on that number I'm returning a combination of sizes and colors for that product. To populate the table I need to call 3 different tables.
    My first table is SIZE
    My second table is COLOR
    My third table is DETAILS
    The DETAILS table has two fields: Color and Size. If the Color and Size field match up against the COLOR and SIZE tables then create a cell for that combination.
    Here's the logic I've come up with so far:
    Loop through SIZE.
    Loop through COLOR.
    Loop through DETAILS.
    if color and size field of table DETAILS equals the size or color of the table SIZE and COLOR then create a new cell.
    It should look something like this:
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm trying to come up with a design to create a table grid in pure java that will be displayed on my web page. This is a 2-dimensional table that will have rows and columns. The data for each cell is retrieved from a mySQL table.
    Here's where it gets sticky. The users of my web page can enter a product number. Based on that number I'm returning a combination of sizes and colors for that product. To populate the table I need to call 3 different tables.
    My first table is SIZE
    My second table is COLOR
    My third table is DETAILS
    The DETAILS table has two fields: Color and Size. If the Color and Size field match up against the COLOR and SIZE tables then create a cell for that combination.
    Here's the logic I've come up with so far:
    Loop through SIZE.
    Loop through COLOR.
    Loop through DETAILS.
    if color and size field of table DETAILS equals the size or color of the table SIZE and COLOR then create a new cell.
    It should look something like this:
    � ����������� Small Medium Large
    Black | � � ok � � ok � ��� <blank>
    Blue � | � � ok � � <blank> � � ok
    Red � | � � ok � � <blank>��<blank>
    I created 3 different Java classes. The classes are Table, Row, Cell. The Table class has a bean setter/getter array: private Row[] rowDetails; The Row class has setter/getter details about each individual cell: private Cell[] sizes; The Cell class holds the details like quantityAvailable. I'm struggling with this one on the logic and how to loop through each element.
    I think this is the right approach but I'm not sure. I was hoping that someone can help me out with the logic.
    Thank you!!

    Sorry, the formatting for the table came out pooly.
    The headers are the size and on the left side it should be the color. an OK means that a combination exists and a <blank> means that there's no such combination. In that case I should skip over the cell and proceed to the next one.
    Small Medium Large
    Black | ok ok <blank>
    Blue | ok <blank> ok
    Red | ok ok ok

  • AWT vs swing ? what to use fo large dinamic tables?

    Now this is my problem:
    I want to make a table in wich I want to have values that may change verry rapidely so I want to repaint only the specific area or declare in a dynamic way some labels that I can change when I need them to. So how do I make this table without eating up the memory with all those repaintings?
    I would apreciate if you could help.

    I'm not a UI expert but I think if you use a TableModel you fire TableEvents to TableModelListners (i.e. the JTable) and the JTable updates the display based only on the rows that changed.

  • Error while dragging the table

    Hi Folks,
    I am getting the following error while dragging the model table on to the diagram tab(creating an interface).
    Any Ideas??????
         at oracle.odi.ui.OdiSdkEntityFactory.dropSourceDataStore(
         at oracle.odi.ui.etlmodeler.diag.dragdrop.DiagramNodeDropHandler.dropObjects(
         at oracle.diagram.framework.dragdrop.handler.DelegateChooserDropHandler.dropSelected(
         at oracle.modeler.dnd.ModelerTCDropHandler.access$001(
         at oracle.modeler.dnd.ModelerTCDropHandler$
         at oracle.modeler.dif.GraphicAdder.addImpl(
         at oracle.modeler.dif.GraphicAdder.addAndLayoutImpl(
         at oracle.modeler.dif.GraphicAdder.addSelectAndLayout(
         at oracle.modeler.dnd.ModelerTCDropHandler.dropSelected(
         at oracle.diagram.framework.dragdrop.handler.DelegateChooserDropHandler.drop(
         at oracle.diagram.framework.dragdrop.DefaultDropPlugin.drop(
         at oracle.modeler.dnd.ModelerDropPlugin.drop(
         at oracle.diagram.framework.dragdrop.DropTargetHelper.drop(
         at oracle.diagram.framework.dragdrop.ManagerViewDragAndDropController$MyDropTargetListener.drop(
         at java.awt.dnd.DropTarget.drop(
         at sun.awt.dnd.SunDropTargetContextPeer.processDropMessage(
         at sun.awt.dnd.SunDropTargetContextPeer$EventDispatcher.dispatchDropEvent(
         at sun.awt.dnd.SunDropTargetContextPeer$EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
         at sun.awt.dnd.SunDropTargetEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processDropTargetEvent(
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at java.awt.EventQueue$
         at Method)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Thanks in advance

    Did you tryed to refresh your model or delete and re-import it ?

  • Displaying graphical representation of data in hash tables as bar chart?

    I want to be able to display results in my hash table as a bar chart i don't know how to do it could someone help me I've looked through tutorials couldn't find any information that actually helped.
    In my program it doesnt allow matching the capital and small letters
    so for instance if I already have Mike it allows for me to input mike in again so there are 2 Mikes.
    I also want to do a simple user interface the tutorial for it is not simple to understand could any one tell me how to create a simple user interface like putting a button into a place wher i want it to be.
    im not asking anyone to do it for me i just want people to show me how to do it
    thank you
    Edited by: Tek_Hedef on Dec 1, 2007 4:30 AM

    Thanks for the ideas pal but I did have a go at it but my bit of code is making it crash but i removed it now so here's what I have so far
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    class StudentDetails extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         private JTextField StudentNameTxt, StudentMarkTxt;
        private JButton DeleteStudentDetailsBtn, DisplayAllStudentsBtn, SearchStudentBtn, FailedStudentsBtn, PassedStudentsBtn, DistinctionStudentsBtn, AddStudentDetailsBtn, ExitBtn;
        private JPanel DisplayStudentDetailsPnl;
        private JLabel StudentNameLbl, StudentMarkLbl;
        private JTextArea DisplayResultsTxt;
        private Hashtable StudentDetailsTbl;
        private String StudentName, StudentMark;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            StudentDetails frame = new StudentDetails();
        public void display(JPanel DisplayStudentDetailsPnl)
            Graphics paper = DisplayStudentDetailsPnl.getGraphics();
            paper.fillRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
            paper.setColor(new Color((int)(Math.random()*255),(int)(Math.random()*255),(int)(Math.random()*255) ));
        private void createGUI()
            Container window = getContentPane();
            window.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            StudentDetailsTbl = new Hashtable();
            StudentNameLbl = new JLabel("Student Name");
            StudentNameTxt = new JTextField(15);
            StudentMarkLbl = new JLabel("Student Mark");
            StudentMarkTxt = new JTextField(3);
            AddStudentDetailsBtn = new JButton("Add Student and Mark");
            DeleteStudentDetailsBtn = new JButton("Delete Student");
            DisplayAllStudentsBtn = new JButton("Display all Students and Marks");
            SearchStudentBtn = new JButton("Search Student");
            FailedStudentsBtn = new JButton("Students which Failed");
            PassedStudentsBtn = new JButton("Students which Passed");
            DistinctionStudentsBtn = new JButton("Students with Distinction");
            ExitBtn = new JButton("Exit");
            DisplayResultsTxt = new JTextArea();
            DisplayResultsTxt.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200));
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
             if (e.getSource()== AddStudentDetailsBtn)
                  StudentName = StudentNameTxt.getText();
                   StudentMark = StudentMarkTxt.getText();
                  StudentDetailsTbl.put(StudentName, StudentMark);
                Enumeration enumStudentName = StudentDetailsTbl.keys();
                Enumeration enumStudentMark = StudentDetailsTbl.elements();
                String[] keys = (String[]) StudentDetailsTbl.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);       
                    for (String key : keys)
                         DisplayResultsTxt.append(key + " : " + StudentDetailsTbl.get(key)+ "\n");
             if (e.getSource() == DeleteStudentDetailsBtn )
             if (StudentDetailsTbl.containsKey(StudentNameTxt.getText().trim()))
                  String txt = StudentNameTxt.getText();
                Enumeration enumStudentName = StudentDetailsTbl.keys()  ;                   
                    String currentelement = (String)enumStudentName.nextElement();
                     DisplayResultsTxt.append(txt + " has been deleted");  
            if (e.getSource() == SearchStudentBtn)
            if (StudentDetailsTbl.containsKey(StudentNameTxt.getText().trim()))
                 String txt = StudentNameTxt.getText();
                 String result;
                 Enumeration enumStudentName = StudentDetailsTbl.keys();
                Enumeration enumStudentMark = StudentDetailsTbl.elements();
                   while (enumStudentName.hasMoreElements())
                        String currentelement = (String)enumStudentName.nextElement();
                    result = (StudentDetailsTbl.get(currentelement).toString());
                        if (txt.equals(currentelement))
                             DisplayResultsTxt.append(currentelement + " " + result);
                        else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Student Name could not be identified");
            if (e.getSource() == DisplayAllStudentsBtn)
                 Enumeration enumStudentName = StudentDetailsTbl.keys();
                Enumeration enumStudentMark = StudentDetailsTbl.elements();
                while (enumStudentName.hasMoreElements())
                DisplayResultsTxt.append(enumStudentName.nextElement()+ " " + enumStudentMark.nextElement()+ "\n");
            if (e.getSource() == PassedStudentsBtn)
                 Enumeration enumStudentName = StudentDetailsTbl.keys();
                Enumeration enumStudentMark = StudentDetailsTbl.elements();
                while (enumStudentName.hasMoreElements())
                     int Mark = Integer.parseInt((String)enumStudentMark.nextElement());
                     String Name = (String)enumStudentName.nextElement();
                     if (Mark >=40)
                          DisplayResultsTxt.append(Name + " " + Mark + "\n");
            if (e.getSource() == FailedStudentsBtn)
                 Enumeration enumStudentName = StudentDetailsTbl.keys();
                Enumeration enumStudentMark = StudentDetailsTbl.elements();
                while (enumStudentName.hasMoreElements())
                     int Mark = Integer.parseInt((String)enumStudentMark.nextElement());
                     String Name = (String)enumStudentName.nextElement();
                     if (Mark <40)
                          DisplayResultsTxt.append(Name + " " + Mark + "\n");
            if (e.getSource() == DistinctionStudentsBtn)
                 Enumeration enumStudentName = StudentDetailsTbl.keys();
                Enumeration enumStudentMark = StudentDetailsTbl.elements();
                while (enumStudentName.hasMoreElements())
                     int Mark = Integer.parseInt((String)enumStudentMark.nextElement());
                     String Name = (String)enumStudentName.nextElement();
                     if (Mark >=75)
                          DisplayResultsTxt.append(Name + " " + Mark + "\n");

  • Can't drop database table objects on a EJB Diagram.

    JDeveloper 10.1.3 EA.
    When I drop a database table object on a EJB Diagram the error below occurs. Also dropping components from the Component Palette doesn't work. A wizard opens, but after completing that, nothing is on the EJB Diagram.
    However, after dropping a table and a restart of JDeveloper, there is an empty 'tablename EJB' on the EJB Diagram, but a click with the mouse on it generates the same error as the drop did.
    Simular errors occur with JDeveloper 10.1.2, so writing this I realize that this might be a database version problem. I'm using 9i! I'll try 10g and see what happens.
    BME-99003: An error occurred, so processing could not continue.
    The application has tried to de-reference an invalid pointer. This exception should have been dealt with programmatically. The current activity may fail and the system may have been left in an unstable state. The following is a stack trace.
         at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNode.getWhitespaceHandler(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNodeDomIO.load(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.xml.BindingIO.load(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNode.getNewDescriptorImpl(
         at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNode.getDescriptor(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.xml.oc4j.ejb.OrionEjbJarNode.getOrionEjbJar(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.ejb.BaseEjbModuleContainer.getOrionEjbJar(
         at oracle.jdeveloper.ejb.modeler.diagram.dropHandler.TableDropEJB21Handler.isAvailable(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at$4.performAction(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at$ Source)
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    If further errors occur, you should restart the application.
    Also, report the problem on the JDeveloper forum on, or contact Oracle support, giving the information from this message.

    Hi lisa, you've said that the problem does not occur in the 10.1.3 build but I have almost the same problem with the BME-99003 error message.
    I used the same workaround "changing the regional settings from BE to US" and the BME-99003 problem disappears :-)
    Here is the error message that I receive while I add a table into the EJBDiagram. I'm using
    windows XP SP2
    ADF Business Components
    Java™ Platform     1.5.0_04
    Oracle IDE
    Struts Modeler Version
    UML Modelers Version
    Versioning Support
    Abdelkrim BOUJRAF
    BME-99003: An error occurred, so processing could not continue.
    The application has tried to de-reference an invalid pointer. This exception should have been dealt with programmatically. The current activity may fail and the system may have been left in an unstable state. The following is a stack trace.
    at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNode.getWhitespaceHandler(
    at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNodeDomIO.load(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.xml.BindingIO.load(
    at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNode.getNewDescriptorImpl(
    at oracle.jdevimpl.xml.DescriptorNode.getDescriptor(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.xml.oc4j.ejb.OrionEjbJarNode.getOrionEjbJar(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.xml.oc4j.ejb.OrionEjbJarHelper.findOrionEjbJar(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.xml.oc4j.ejb.OrionEjbJarHelper.findOrCreateOrionEjbJar(
    at oracle.jdeveloper.ejb.modeler.diagram.dropHandler.TableDropEJBCommonHandler.processTableNodes(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.jdeveloper.ejb.modeler.diagram.dropHandler.TableDropEJB21Handler.processTableNodes(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$4.performAction(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$ Source)
    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    If further errors occur, you should restart the application.
    Also, report the problem on the JDeveloper forum on, or contact Oracle support, giving the information from this message.

  • Table or view does not exist - Data Dictionary Import Wizard(Data Modeler)

    Hi All,
    In Data Modeler, Data Dictionary Import Wizard, I'm able to connect to database.But while going to the second stage (Select Schema/Database), I'm getting an error "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist".
    I am able to select the table with select * from all_tables and I can open many tables as well.
    Could anyone tell me, whether I'm missing any privilege, that causing this error.
    Thanks in advance for you support.

    Thanks for your response, sorry for my late reply as I was away from my place.
    Yes, it is showing "Connection established successfully".
    log file as below-
    2012-08-02 10:37:26,471 [main] INFO ApplicationView - Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
    2012-08-02 10:39:42,889 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR AbstractDBMExtractionWizardImpl - java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    Pls see oracle version details-
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition
    64bit Production
    Thanks again and waiting for reply.

  • SAP Business One Ver. 9.0 SQL Table Name

    Dear All,
    This is useful SQL Table Name for SAP Business One Ver.9.0 in details
    Name     Description
    AAC1    Asset Classes - Depreciation Areas - History
    AACP    Periods Category-Log
    AACS    Asset Classes - History
    AACT    G/L Account - History
    AAD1    Administration Extension-Log
    AADM    Administration - Log
    AADT    Fixed Assets Account Determination - History
    ABAT    Attribute - History
    ABFC    Bin Field Configuration - History
    ABIN    Bin Location - History
    ABO1    External Bank Operation Code - Rows - Log
    ABOC    External Bank Operation Code - Log
    ABOE    Bill of Exchange for Payment - History
    ABP1    Business Place Tax IDs
    ABP2    Branch Tributary Info. Log
    ABPL    Business Place
    ABSL    Warehouse Sublevel - History
    ABT1    Internal Bank Operation Codes - Accounts - Log
    ABTC    Internal Bank Operation Codes -  Log
    ABTN    Batch Numbers Master Data
    ABTW    Batch Attributes in Location
    ACD1    Credit Memo - Rows
    ACD2    Credit Memo - Area Journal Transactions
    ACD3    Credit Memo - Item Areas
    ACFP    CFOP for Nota Fiscal
    ACH1    Checks for Payment - Rows - History
    ACHO    Checks for Payment - History
    ACP1    Campaign - BPs
    ACP2    Campaign - Items
    ACP3    Campaign - Partners
    ACPN    Campaign
    ACPR    Contact Persons - History
    ACQ1    Capitalization - Rows
    ACQ2    Capitalization - Area Journal Transactions
    ACQ3    Capitalization - Item Areas
    ACR1    Business Partner Addresses - History
    ACR2    Bussiness Partners - Payment Methods-History
    ACR3    Business Partner Control Accounts - History
    ACR4    Allowed WTax Codes for BP - History
    ACR5    BP Payment Dates
    ACR7    Fiscal IDs for BP Master Data
    ACRB    Business Partner Bank Accounts - History
    ACRC    Credit Cards
    ACRD    Business Partners - History
    ACS1    Asset Classes - Depreciation Areas
    ADG1    Discount Groups Rows
    ADM1    Administration Extension
    ADM2    Administration Electronic Report
    ADMC    GL Account Determination - Criteria - History
    ADNF    DNF Code
    ADO1    A/R Invoice (Rows) - History
    ADO10    A/R Invoice - Row Structure - History
    ADO11    A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Det) - Hist
    ADO12    A/R Invoice - Tax Extension - History
    ADO13    A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
    ADO14    Invoice - Assembly - Rows - History
    ADO15    A/R Inv (Drawn Dpm Applied) - Hist
    ADO16    Draft - SnB properties
    ADO17    A/R Invoice - Import Process - History
    ADO18    A/R Invoice - Export Process - History
    ADO19    Bin Allocation Data - History
    ADO2    A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows
    ADO20    Intrastat Expenses
    ADO3    A/R Invoice - Freight - History
    ADO4    Documents - Tax - History
    ADO5    Withholding Tax - History
    ADO6    Documents History - Installments
    ADO7    Delivery Packages - History
    ADO8    Items in Package - History
    ADO9    A/R Invoice (Rows) - History
    ADOC    Invoice - History
    ADPA    Fixed Asset Depreciation Areas - History
    ADS1    House Bank Accounts
    ADT1    Depreciation Types - Rows - History
    ADTP    Fixed Assets Depreciation Types - History
    AEC1    Parameters for Various Types of Electronic Communication
    AEC2    Messages Processed via Electronic Communication
    AEC3    Statuses and Logs for Actions in Electronic Communication
    AECM    Electronic Communication Types or Protocols
    AEDG    Discount Groups
    AEXD    Freight Setup
    AFA1    Asset Document - Rows
    AFA2    Asset Document - Area Journal Transactions
    AFAD    Asset Document - History
    AFM1    Tax Formula Parameter Declaration
    AFML    Tax Formula Master Table
    AFPR    Posting Period-Log
    AGAR    G/L Account Advanced Rules - History
    AHE1    Absence Information
    AHE2    Education
    AHE3    Employee Reviews
    AHE4    Previous Employment
    AHE6    Employee Roles
    AHE7    Savings Payments
    AHEM    Employees
    AIGW    Item Group - Warehouse - History
    AIN1    Inventory Counting - Rows
    AIN2    Inventory Counting - UoM
    AIN3    Inventory Count - SnB
    AINC    Inventory Stock Counting
    AINS    Customer Equipment Card - History
    AIQI    Inventory Initial Quantity
    AIQR    Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile)
    AIT1    Item - Prices - History
    AIT11    Asset Item Period Control
    AIT13    Asset Attributes
    AIT2    Items - Multiple Preferred Vendors - History
    AIT3    Items - Localization Fields - History
    AIT5    Asset Item Projects - History
    AIT6    Asset Item Distribution Rules
    AIT7    Asset Item Depreciation Params - History
    AIT8    Asset Item Balances - History
    AIT9    Item - UoM Prices
    AITB    Item Groups - History
    AITM    Items - History
    AITT    Product Tree - History
    AITW    Items - Warehouse - History
    AJD1    Journal Entry - History - Rows
    AJD2    Withholding Tax - History
    AJDT    Journal Entry - History
    AKL1    Pick List - Rows - History
    AKL2    Pick List for SnB and Bin Details
    ALR2    Dynamic message data row
    ALR3    Dynamic message data cells
    AMD1    Amout Differences Report Lines
    AMDR    Manual Distribution Rule
    AMDR1    Manual Distribution Rule - Rows
    AMGP    Material Group
    AMR1    Inventory Revaluation - History - Rows
    AMR2    Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows (Archive)
    AMR3    Inventory Revaluation SNB
    AMRV    Inventory Revaluation - History
    ANCM    NCM Code
    AOA1    Blanket Agreement - Rows
    AOA2    Blanket Agreement - Details
    AOA3    Item Details: Activity
    AOA4    Blanket Agreement - Recurring Transactions
    AOAT    Blanket Agreement
    AOC1    Distribution Rule - Rows
    AOCR    Distribution Rule
    AOPR    Sales Opportunity
    APJ1    Project Plan Steps
    APJ2    Project Plan Steps Time Record
    APJT    Project Plan
    APKL    Pick List - History
    APLN    Price Lists
    APRC    Cost Center
    APRJ    Project Codes
    AQI1    Inventory Initial Qty Rows
    AQI2    Inventory Count - SnB
    AQR1    Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile) Lines
    AQR2    Inventory Counting - UoM
    AQR3    Inventory Count - SnB
    ARC1    Incoming Payment - Checks - History
    ARC2    Incoming Payment - Invoices - History
    ARC3    Credit Vouchers History
    ARC4    Incoming Payment - Account List - History
    ARC5    Reciept log  vat adjustment-History
    ARC6    Incoming Payments - WTax Rows - History
    ARC7    Incoming Payments - Tax Amount per Document - History
    ARC8    Incoming Payment - TDS Entries - History
    ARCT    Incoming Payment - History
    ARI1    Add-On
    ASC1    Service Call Solutions - History
    ASC2    Service Call Inventory Expenses - History
    ASC3    Service Call Travel/Labor Expenses - History
    ASC4    Service Call Travel/Labor Expenses - History
    ASC5    Service Call Activities - History
    ASCL    History
    ASGP    Service Group for Brazil
    ASP1    Special Prices - Data Areas
    ASP2    Special Prices - Quantity Areas
    ASPP    Special Prices
    ASRN    Serial Numbers Master Data
    AST1    Sales Tax Codes - Rows
    ASTC    Sales Tax Codes
    ASTT    Sales Tax Authorities Type
    ATC1    Attachments - Rows
    ATHL    Thresholds
    ATSC    CST Code for Nota Fiscal
    ATT1    Bill of Materials - Component Items - History
    ATX1    Tax Invoice - History - Rows
    ATX2    Tax Invoice Operation Codes
    ATXI    Tax Invoice - History
    AUG1    UoM Group Detail
    AUGP    UoM Group
    AUOM    UoM Master Data
    AUSR    Archive Users - History
    AVT1    Tax Definition
    AVTG    Tax Definition
    AWEX    Workflow Engine Execution Entity
    AWFQ    SWFQ History Table
    AWH1    Tax Definition
    AWH2    WTax Definition - Rows2
    AWH3    Value Range
    AWHS    Warehouses - History
    AWHT    Withholding Tax
    AWL1    Potential Processor of Tasks
    AWL2    Input data for tasks
    AWL3    Task Notes
    AWL4    Task Output Data
    AWL5    Task Field Mapping Information
    AWLS    Workflow - Task Details
    AWMG    Workflow Manager
    AWO1    Production Order (Rows) - History
    AWO2    Production Order - Base
    AWOR    Production Order - History
    AWTS    Workflow Engine Task Table
    BGT1    Budget - Rows
    BGT2    Budget - Cost Accounting
    BGT3    Budget - Cost Accounting Rows
    BNK1    Bank Statement - Documents List
    BNK2    Bank Statement - Recommendation List
    BOC1    External Bank Operation Code - Rows
    BOE1    Bill of Exchange for Payment - Rows
    BOT1    Bill of Exchange Transactions
    BOX1    Box Definition - Rows
    BOX2    Box Definition - Accounts
    BOX3    Box Definition - Choice
    BOX4    Box Definition - Contra Accounts of Accounts
    BPL1    Branch I.E. Numbers
    BPL2    Branch Tributary Info.
    BTC1    Internal Bank Operation Codes - Accounts
    BTF1    Journal Voucher  - Rows
    BTF2    Journal Voucher Withholding Tax - History
    CASE    Internal Recon. Upgrade 2007A
    CASE1    Internal Recon. Upgrade 2007A
    CCAL    Chinese Chart of Account Level Definition
    CCFG    Company Configuration
    CCPD    Period-End Closing
    CCS1    Cycle Count Determination- Subtable
    CDC1    Cash Discount - Rows
    CDIC    Dictionary
    CFH1    Cash Flow Statement Report - History - Rows
    CFUS    Functionality Usage Statistics
    CHD1    Checks for Payment Drafts - Rows
    CHO1    Checks for Payment - Rows
    CHO2    Checks for Payment - Print Status
    CIF1    Country Specific Information
    CIN1    Correction Invoice - Rows
    CIN10    Correction Invoice - Row Structure
    CIN12    Correction Invoice - Tax Extension
    CIN13    Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
    CIN17    Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
    CIN18    Correction Invoice - Export Process
    CIN19    Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
    CIN2    A/R Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows
    CIN20    Intrastat Expenses
    CIN3    A/R Correction Invoice - Freight
    CIN4    Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
    CIN5    A\R Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax
    CIN6    Correction Invoice - Installments
    CIN7    Delivery Packages - Correction Invoice
    CIN8    Items in Package - Correction Invoice
    CIN9    Correction Invoice - Drawn Dpm
    CPI1    A/P Correction Invoice - Rows
    CPI10    A/P Correction Invoice - Row Structure
    CPI12    A/P Correction Invoice - Tax Extension
    CPI13    A/P Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
    CPI14    A/P Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows
    CPI15    A/P Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld
    CPI16    A/P Corr. Inv - SnB properties
    CPI17    A/P Correction Invoice - Import Process
    CPI18    A/P Correction Invoice - Export Process
    CPI19    A/P Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
    CPI2    A/P Correction Invoice - Freight - Rows
    CPI20    Intrastat Expenses
    CPI3    A/P Correction Invoice - Freight
    CPI4    A/P Correction Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
    CPI5    Withholding Tax Data
    CPI6    Documents History - Installments
    CPI7    A/P Correction Invoice - Delivery Packages
    CPI8    A/P Correction Invoice - Items in Package
    CPI9    A/P Corr. Invoice - Drawn Dpm
    CPL1    Quick Copy - Instance Log
    CPN1    Campaign - BPs
    CPN2    Campaign - Items
    CPN3    Campaign - Partners
    CPT1    Cockpit Subtable
    CPV1    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows
    CPV10    A/P CrIn Rev - Row Structure
    CPV12    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Extension
    CPV13    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses
    CPV14    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows
    CPV15    A/P CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld
    CPV16    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - SnB properties
    CPV17    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Import Process
    CPV18    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Export Process
    CPV19    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data
    CPV2    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows
    CPV20    Intrastat Expenses
    CPV3    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight
    CPV4    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amt per Doc.
    CPV5    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax
    CPV6    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Installments
    CPV7    A/P Corr Inv Rvsl - Deliv Pkgs
    CPV8    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal - Items in Package
    CPV9    A/P Corr Inv Rvrsl - Drawn Dpm
    CRD1    Business Partners - Addresses
    CRD2    Bussiness Partners - Payment Methods
    CRD3    BP Control Account
    CRD4    Allowed WTax Codes for BP
    CRD5    BP Payment Dates
    CRD6    BP's Payer Name
    CRD7    Fiscal IDs for BP Master Data
    CRD8    BP Branch Assignment
    CRD9    OCRD Extension
    CSI1    A/R Correction Invoice - Rows
    CSI10    A/R Correction Invoice - Row Structure
    CSI12    A/R Correction Invoice - Tax Extension
    CSI13    A/R Correction Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
    CSI14    A/R Correction Invoice - Assembly - Rows
    CSI15    A/R Corr Inv - Drawn Dpm Appld
    CSI16    A/R Corr. Inv. - SnB properties
    CSI17    A/R Correction Invoice - Import Process
    CSI18    A/R Correction Invoice - Export Process
    CSI19    A/R Correction Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
    CSI2    A/R Corr Inv - Freight - Rows
    CSI20    Intrastat Expenses
    CSI3    A/R Correction Invoice - Freight
    CSI4    A/R Correction Invoice - Tax Amount Per Document
    CSI5    A/R Correction Invoice - Withholding Tax
    CSI6    A/R Corr. Inv. - Installments
    CSI7    A/R Corr. Inv. Deliv. Pkgs
    CSI8    A/R Corr. Inv. - Items in Pkg
    CSI9    A/R Corr. Inv. - Drawn Dpm
    CSN1    Certificate Series - Series
    CSPI    Solution Packager Information
    CSTN    Workstation ID
    CSV1    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Rows
    CSV10    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Row Structure
    CSV12    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Extension
    CSV13    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal Rows - Distributed Expenses
    CSV14    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Assembly - Rows
    CSV15    A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm Appld
    CSV16    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - SnB properties
    CSV17    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data
    CSV18    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Export Process
    CSV19    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Bin Allocation Data
    CSV2    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight - Rows
    CSV20    Intrastat Expenses
    CSV3    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Freight
    CSV4    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Tax Amount Per Document
    CSV5    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - WTax
    CSV6    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Installments
    CSV7    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Delivery Packages
    CSV8    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal - Items in Package
    CSV9    A/R CrIn Rev - Drawn Dpm
    CTG1    Installment Layout
    CTNS    Transaction Notification Setting
    CTR1    Service Contract - Items
    CTR2    Service Contract - Recurring Transactions
    CUL1    Customer Usage Statistics Log
    CUMF    Folder
    CUMI    My Menu Items
    DAB1    Dashboard Queries
    DADB    Data Archive DSA Balance
    DAR1    Data Archive - Transaction Log
    DAR2    Data Archive - Transaction Log
    DAR3    Data Archive - Handwritten Documents
    DATB    Data Archive Tax Balance
    DBADM    Read-Only DB User
    DDT1    Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy - Rows
    DGP1    Customer List
    DGP2    Expanded Selection Criteria
    DGP3    Expanded Consolidation Options
    DGP4    Business Place List
    DGP5    Sort By List
    DLN1    Delivery - Rows
    DLN10    Delivery - Row Structure
    DLN12    Delivery - Tax Extension
    DLN13    Delivery Rows - Distributed Expenses
    DLN14    Delivery Notes - Assembly - Rows
    DLN15    Delivery - Drawn Dpm Applied
    DLN16    Delivery - SnB properties
    DLN17    Delivery - Import Process
    DLN18    Delivery - Export Process
    DLN19    Delivery - Bin Allocation Data
    DLN2    Delivery Notes - Freight - Rows
    DLN20    Intrastat Expenses
    DLN3    Delivery Notes - Freight
    DLN4    Delivery - Tax Amount per Document
    DLN5    Delivery - Withholding Tax
    DLN6    Delivery - Installments
    DLN7    Delivery Packages
    DLN8    Items in Package - Delivery
    DLN9    Delivery - Drawn Dpm
    DMW1    Query List
    DOC20    Intrastat Expenses
    DPI1    A/R Down Payment - Rows
    DPI10    A/R Down Payment - Row Structure
    DPI11    A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Detail
    DPI12    Down Payment In - Tax Extension
    DPI13    A/R Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses
    DPI14    A/R Down Payment - Assembly - Rows
    DPI15    A/R DP - Drawn Dpm Applied
    DPI16    A/R Down Payment - SnB properties
    DPI17    A/R Down Payment - Import Process
    DPI18    A/R Down Payment - Export Process
    DPI19    A/R Down Payment - Bin Allocation Data
    DPI2    A/R Down Payment - Freight - Rows
    DPI20    Intrastat Expenses
    DPI3    A/R Down Payment - Freight
    DPI4    A/R Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document
    DPI5    A/R Down Payment - Withholding Tax
    DPI6    A/R Down Payment - Installments
    DPI7    Delivery Packages - A/R Down Pymt
    DPI8    Items in Package - A/R Down Pmt.
    DPI9    Down Payment Incoming - Drawn Dpm
    DPO1    A/P Down Payment - Rows
    DPO10    A/P Down Payment - Row Structure
    DPO12    Down Payment - Tax Extension
    DPO13    A/P Down Payment Rows - Distributed Expenses
    DPO14    A/P Down Payment - Assembly - Rows
    DPO15    A/P DP - Drawn Dpm Applied
    DPO16    A/P Down Payment - SnB properties
    DPO17    A/P Down Payment - Import Process
    DPO18    A/P Down Payment - Export Process
    DPO19    A/P Down Payment - Bin Allocation Data
    DPO2    A/P Down Payment - Freight - Rows
    DPO20    Intrastat Expenses
    DPO3    A/P Down Payment - Freight
    DPO4    A/P Down Payment - Tax Amount per Document
    DPO5    A/P Down Payment - Withholding Tax
    DPO6    Down Payment Out - Installments
    DPO7    Delivery Packages - A/P Down Pymt
    DPO8    Items in Package - A/P Down Pmt.
    DPO9    Down Payment Outgoing - Drawn Dpm
    DPS1    Deposit - Rows
    DRF1    Draft - Rows
    DRF10    Draft - Row Structure
    DRF12    Draft - Tax Extension
    DRF13    Draft Rows - Distributed Expenses
    DRF14    Draft - Assembly - Rows
    DRF15    Draft - Drawn Dpm Applied
    DRF16    Draft - SnB - Rows
    DRF17    Draft - Import Process
    DRF18    Draft - Export Process
    DRF19    Draft - Bin Allocation Data
    DRF2    Draft - Freight - Rows
    DRF20    Intrastat Expenses
    DRF3    Draft - Freight
    DRF4    Draft Documents - Tax
    DRF5    Draft Documents - Withholding Tax
    DRF6    Document Drafts - Installments
    DRF7    Delivery Packages - Drafts
    DRF8    Items in Package - Draft
    DRF9    Document Draft - Drawn Dpm
    DRN1    Depreciation Run - Posting
    DRN2    Depreciation Run - Posting - Asset
    DSC1    House Bank Accounts
    DTP1    Depreciation Types - Rows
    DUT1    Dunning Term Array1
    DWZ1    Dunning Wizard Array1 - BP Filter
    DWZ2    Dunning Wizard Array 2-Invoice Filter
    DWZ3    Dunning Wizard Array 3 - Recommended Service Invoice
    ECM1    Parameters for Various Types of Electronic Communication
    ECM2    Messages Processed via Electronic Communication
    ECM3    Statuses and Logs for Actions in Electronic Communication
    EDG1    Discount Groups Rows
    EJB1    ERV-JAb Wizard Signing Persons
    EJB2    Docs List for ERV-JAb Wizard
    EJD1    ERV-JAb Signing Persons List
    EOY1    End of Year UDOs
    ERX1    Excise Registering Number-Rows
    FAA1    Asset Attributes - Rows
    FAC1    Fixed Asset Parameter Change - Rows
    FAC2    Fixed Asset Parameter Change - Period Control Change
    FAM1    Fixed Asset Data Migration - Rows
    FAR1    Fixed Asset Revaluation - Rows
    FCT1    Sales Forecast - Rows
    FIX1    Fixed Asset Transaction - Rows
    FLT1    856 Report - Selection Criteria
    FML1    Tax Formula Parameter Declaration
    FRC1    Extend Cat. f. Financial Rep.
    FTR1    Transfer - Rows
    FTR2    Transfer - Area Journal Transactions
    FTR3    Transfer - Item Areas
    GBI1    GBI Row 1 - Electronic Account Book
    GBI10    GBI Row 10 - Enterprise's Cash Flow Statement
    GBI11    GBI Row 11 - Devalue Provision of Enterprise Assets
    GBI12    GBI Row 12 - Shareholder's Rights and Interests Changing Report
    GBI13    GBI Row 13 - Enterprise's Profit Distribution Report
    GBI14    GBI Row 14 - Small Enterprise's Cash Flow Statement
    GBI15    GBI Row 15 - Enterprise's VAT Payable Detail Report
    GBI16    GBI Row 16 - Employees
    GBI2    GBI Row 2 - G/L Account Master Records
    GBI3    GBI Row 3 - Departments
    GBI4    GBI Row 4 - Business Partners
    GBI5    GBI Row 5 - Projects
    GBI6    GBI Row 6 - G/L Account Balance
    GBI7    GBI Row 7 - Accounting Vouchers
    GBI8    GBI Row 8 - Enterprise's Balance Sheet
    GBI9    GBI Row 9 - Enterprise's Profit and Loss Statement
    GFL1    Grid Filter Rules
    GFL2    Grid Filter Name
    GPA1    Gross Profit Adjustment - Log
    GPA2    Gross Profit Adjustments - Parameters
    GTI1    GTS Invoice Details
    GTM1    GTS Mapping Object Details
    HEM1    Absence Information
    HEM2    Education
    HEM3    Employee Reviews
    HEM4    Previous Employment
    HEM5    Employee Data Ownership Authorization
    HEM6    Employee Roles
    HEM7    Savings Payments
    HET1    Employee Transfer Details
    HLD1    Holiday Dates
    HMM1    Child Table of OHMM
    HMM2    Child Table of OHHM
    HTM1    Team Members
    IBT1    Batch Number Transactions
    ICD1    Inventory Counting Draft - Rows
    ICD2    Inventory Counting Draft - UoM
    ICD3    Inventory Count Draft - SnB
    IEI1    Incoming Excise Invoice - Rows
    IEI10    Incoming Excise Invoice - Row Structure
    IEI11    IEI - Drawn Dpm Detail
    IEI12    Incoming Excise Invoice - Tax Extension
    IEI13    Incoming Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
    IEI14    Incoming Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows
    IEI15    IEI - Drawn Dpm Applied
    IEI16    Incoming Excise Invoice - SnB properties
    IEI17    Incoming Excise Invoice - Import Process
    IEI18    Incoming Excise Invoice - Export Process
    IEI19    Incoming Excise Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
    IEI2    Incoming Excise Invoice - Freight - History - Rows
    IEI20    Intrastat Expenses
    IEI3    IEI - Freight
    IEI4    Incoming Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
    IEI5    Incoming Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax
    IEI6    IEI - Installments
    IEI7    Delivery Packages - Incoming Excise Invoice
    IEI8    Incoming Excise Invoice - Items in Package
    IEI9    IEI - Drawn Dpm
    IGE1    Goods Issue - Rows
    IGE10    Goods Issue - Row Structure
    IGE12    Goods Issue - Tax Extension
    IGE13    Goods Issue Rows - Distributed Expenses
    IGE14    Goods Issue - Assembly - Rows
    IGE15    Gds Issue - Drawn Dpm Applied
    IGE16    Goods Issue - SnB properties
    IGE17    Goods Issue - Import Process
    IGE18    Goods Issue - Export Process
    IGE19    Goods Issue - Bin Allocation Data
    IGE2    Goods Issue - Freight - Rows
    IGE20    Intrastat Expenses
    IGE3    Goods Issue - Freight
    IGE4    Goods Issue - Tax Amount per Document
    IGE5    Goods Issue - Withholding Tax
    IGE6    Goods Issue - Installments
    IGE7    Delivery Packages - Goods Issue
    IGE8    Items in Package - Goods Issue
    IGE9    Goods Issue - Drawn Dpm
    IGN1    Goods Receipt - Rows
    IGN10    Goods Receipt - Row Structure
    IGN12    Goods Receipt - Tax Extension
    IGN13    Goods Receipt Rows - Distributed Expenses
    IGN14    Goods Receipt - Assembly - Rows
    IGN15    Gds Rcpt - Drawn Dpm Applied
    IGN16    Goods Receipt - SnB properties
    IGN17    Goods Receipt - Import Process
    IGN18    Goods Receipt - Export Process
    IGN19    Goods Receipt - Bin Allocation Data
    IGN2    Goods Receipt - Freight - Rows
    IGN20    Intrastat Expenses
    IGN3    Goods Receipt - Freight
    IGN4    Goods Receipt - Tax Amount per Document
    IGN5    Goods Receipt - Withholding Tax
    IGN6    Goods Receipt- Installments
    IGN7    Goods Receipt - Delivery Packages
    IGN8    Goods Receipt - Items in Package
    IGN9    Goods Receipt - Drawn Dpm
    ILM1    Srl & Batch Det of Inv Log Msg
    ILM2    Inventory Account Substitute
    IMT1    Acct data in selected template
    IMT11    Calculated expression's constituent with sign for specifying account in specific template
    INC1    Inventory Counting - Rows
    INC2    Inventory Counting - UoM
    INC3    Inventory Count - SnB
    INV1    A/R Invoice - Rows
    INV10    A/R Invoice - Row Structure
    INV11    A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm Detail
    INV12    A/R Invoice - Tax Extension
    INV13    A/R Invoice Rows - Distributed Freights
    INV14    A/R Invoice - Assembly - Rows
    INV15    A/R Inv. - Drawn Dpm Applied
    INV16    A/R Invoice - SnB properties
    INV17    A/R Invoice - Import Process
    INV18    A/R Invoice - Export Process
    INV19    A/R Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
    INV2    A/R Invoice - Freight - Rows
    INV20    Intrastat Expenses
    INV3    A/R Invoice - Freight
    INV4    A/R Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
    INV5    A/R Invoice - Withholding Tax
    INV6    A/R Invoice - Installments
    INV7    A/R Invoice - Delivery Packages
    INV8    A/R Invoice - Items in Package
    INV9    A/R Invoice - Drawn Dpm
    IOD1    Inventory Initial Qty Draft Rows
    IOD2    Inventory Count Draft - SnB
    IPD1    Inventory Stock Posting Draft (Reconcile) Lines
    IPD2    Inventory Posting Draft - UoM
    IPD3    Inventory Posting Draft - SnB
    IPF1    Landed Costs - Rows
    IPF2    Landed Costs - Costs
    IPF3    Landed Costs - Customs Summary
    IQI1    Inventory Initial Qty Rows
    IQI2    Inventory Count - SnB
    IQR1    Inventory Stock Posting (Reconcile) Lines
    IQR2    Inventory Posting - UoM
    IQR3    Inventory Posting - SnB
    ISW1    Reported Business Partners
    ISW2    Intrastat Reported Items
    ISW3    Declaration Rows
    ITL1    Srl & Batch Details in Transac
    ITM1    Items - Prices
    ITM10    OITM Extension
    ITM11    Asset Item Period Control
    ITM12    UoM in Item
    ITM13    Asset Attributes
    ITM2    Items - Multiple Preferred Vendors
    ITM3    Items - Localization Fields
    ITM4    Package in Items
    ITM5    Asset Item Projects
    ITM6    Asset Item Distribution Rules
    ITM7    Asset Item Depreciation Params
    ITM8    Asset Item Balances
    ITM9    Item - UoM Prices
    ITR1    Internal Reconciliation - Rows
    ITT1    Bill of Materials - Component Items
    ITW1    Item Count Alert
    IVL1    IVL Layer Level
    IVM1    Invoice Mapping Object Details
    IVRU    Inventory Valuation Utility
    IWB1    Batch No. Quantities Backup
    IWB2    Serial No. Quantities Backup
    IWZ1    Accounts Revaluation History
    IWZ2    Inflation Warehouse Filter
    IWZ3    Items Last Revaluation Data
    JDT1    Journal Entry - Rows
    JDT2    Withholding Tax - History
    JST1    TDS Adjustment - Rows
    KPS1    KPI Set Array 1
    LGL1    Legal Data - Rows
    LLR1    Electronic Report Generation Result - Reports
    MAP1    Input and Output of Mapping
    MAP2    Mapping Input and Output Relation
    MDC1    Master Data Cleanup - Log
    MDC2    Master Data Cleanup - MD Log
    MDP1    Manual Depreciation - Rows
    MDP2    Manual Depreciation - Area Journal Transactions
    MDP3    Manual Depreciation - Item Areas
    MDR1    Manual Distribution Rule - Rows
    MIN1    Monthly Invoice Report Document Information
    MIN2    Item Imformation of MI
    MIV1    A/P Monthly Invoice - Document
    MIV2    A/P Monthly Invoice - Item
    MLS1    Distribution Lists - Recipients
    MLT1    Translations in user language
    MRV1    Inventory Revaluation Information Array
    MRV2    Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows
    MRV3    Inventory Revaluation SNB
    MSN1    MRP Scenarios - Warehouses Array
    MSN2    MRP Run Results
    MSN3    MRP Pegging Information
    MSN4    MRP Scenarios - Items Array
    MSN5    MRP-Specific Document
    NFN1    Not a Fiscal Sequence
    NNM1    Documents Numbering - Series
    NNM4    Electronic Series
    NNM5    Document Numbering - Removed Serial Numbers
    OACD    Credit Memo
    OACG    Account Category
    OACK    Acknowledge Number
    OACM    Accumulation
    OACP    Periods Category
    OACQ    Capitalization
    OACR    Accrual Type
    OACS    Asset Classes
    OACT    G/L Accounts
    OADF    Address Formats
    OADG    Depreciation Groups
    OADM    Administration
    OADT    Fixed Assets Account Determination
    OAGM    Arguments for B1i
    OAGP    Agent Name
    OAGS    Asset Groups
    OAIM    Archive Inventory Message
    OALC    Loading Expenses
    OALI    Alternative Items 2
    OAMD    Amount Differences Report
    OARG    Customs Groups
    OARI    Add-On - Company Definitions
    OASC    Account Segmentation Categories
    OASG    Account Segmentation
    OAT1    Blanket Agreement - Rows
    OAT2    Blanket Agreement - Details
    OAT3    Item Details: Activity
    OAT4    Blanket Agreement - Recurring Transactions
    OATC    Attachments
    OBAT    Bin Location Attribute
    OBBI    Brazil Beverage Indexer
    OBBQ    Item - Serial/Batch - Bin Accumulator
    OBCA    Bank Charges Allocation Codes
    OBCD    Bar Code Master Data
    OBCG    Bank Charge for Bank Transfers
    OBDC    B1i DI Configuration
    OBFC    Bin Field Configuration
    OBFI    Brazil Fuel Indexer
    OBGD    Budget Cost Assess. Mthd
    OBGS    Budget Scenario
    OBGT    Budget
    OBIN    Bin Location
    OBMI    Brazilian Multi-Indexer
    OBNH    Bank Statement Header
    OBNI    Brazil Numeric Indexer
    OBNK    External Bank Statement Received
    OBOC    External Bank Operation Code Category
    OBOD    BIOD Master Data
    OBOE    Bill of Exchange for Payment
    OBOS    Box Set Definition
    OBOT    Bill Of Exchang Transaction
    OBOX    Box Definition
    OBPL    Business Place
    OBPP    BP Priorities
    OBSI    Brazil String Indexer
    OBSL    Warehouse Sublevel
    OBST    BoE Stamp Tax
    OBTC    Internal Bank Operation Codes
    OBTD    Journal Vouchers List
    OBTF    Journal Voucher Entry
    OBTL    Bin Transaction Log
    OBTN    Batch Numbers Master Data
    OBTQ    Batch No. Quantities
    OBTW    Batch Attributes in Location
    OBVL    Serial Numbers and Batch Valuation Log
    OCBI    Central Bank Ind.
    OCCD    Cargo Customs Declaration Numbers
    OCCS    Cycle Count Determination
    OCCT    Cost Center Type
    OCDC    Cash Discount
    OCDP    Closing Date Procedure
    OCDT    Credit Card Payment
    OCFH    Cash Flow Statement History
    OCFP    CFOP for Nota Fiscal
    OCFT    Cash Flow Transactions - Rows
    OCFW    Cash Flow Line Item
    OCHD    Checks for Payment Drafts
    OCHF    312
    OCHH    Check Register
    OCHO    Checks for Payment
    OCHP    India Chapter ID
    OCIF    Configuration of Intrastat Fields
    OCIG    CIG Codes
    OCIN    A/R Correction Invoice
    OCIP    Configuration of Integration Packages
    OCLA    Activity Status
    OCLG    Activities
    OCLO    Meetings Location
    OCLS    Activity Subjects
    OCLT    Activity Types
    OCMN    Customized Menu
    OCMT    Competitors
    OCNA    CNAE Code
    OCNT    Counties
    OCOG    Commission Groups
    OCPC    Quick Copy Config.
    OCPI    A/P Correction Invoice
    OCPL    Quick Copy Log Manager
    OCPN    Campaign
    OCPR    Contact Persons
    OCPT    Cockpit Main Table
    OCPV    A/P Correction Invoice Reversal
    OCQG    Card Properties
    OCR1    Distribution Rule - Rows
    OCRB    BP - Bank Account
    OCRC    Credit Cards
    OCRD    Business Partner
    OCRG    Card Groups
    OCRH    Credit Card Management
    OCRN    Currency Codes
    OCRP    Payment Methods
    OCRT    CRDB Tables Tree List
    OCRV    Credit Payments
    OCRY    Countries
    OCSC    Crystal Server Configuration
    OCSI    A/R Correction Invoice
    OCSN    Certificate Series
    OCSQ    Column Sequences
    OCST    States
    OCSV    A/R Correction Invoice Reversal
    OCTG    Payment Terms
    OCTR    Service Contracts
    OCTT    Contract Template
    OCUC    CUS Configuration
    OCUL    Customer Usage Statistics Log
    OCUP    CUP Codes
    OCYC    Cycle
    ODAB    Dashboard
    ODAR    Data Archiving
    ODBN    Bat. Nos - Draft - Master Data
    ODBW    Batch Draft Attribs in Locat.
    ODCC    Dashboard Cache Configuration
    ODCI    Intrastat Configuration
    ODDG    Withholding Tax Deduction Groups
    ODDT    Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy
    ODGL    Deduction Group List
    ODGP    Document Generation Parameter Sets
    ODIM    Cost Accounting Dimension
    ODLL    Bar Code Algorithm File
    ODLN    Delivery
    ODMC    GL Account Determination - Criteria
    ODMW    Data Migration
    ODNF    DNF Code
    ODOR    Doubtful Debts
    ODOW    Data Ownership - Objects
    ODOX    Data Ownership - Exceptions
    ODPA    Fixed Asset Depreciation Areas
    ODPI    A/R Down Payment
    ODPO    A/P Down Payment
    ODPP    Depreciation Type Pools
    ODPS    Deposit
    ODPT    Postdated Deposit
    ODPV    Fixed Assets Depreciation Value
    ODRF    Drafts
    ODRN    Depreciation Run
    ODSC    Bank Codes
    ODSN    SNs - Draft - Master Data
    ODSW    SN Draft Attribs in Location
    ODTP    Fixed Assets Depreciation Types
    ODTY    BoE Document Type
    ODUN    Dunning Letters
    ODUT    Dunning Terms
    ODWZ    Dunning Wizard
    OECDW    ECD Wizard
    OECM    Electronic Communication Types or Protocols
    OEDG    Discount Groups
    OEI1    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Rows
    OEI10    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Row Structure
    OEI11    OEI - Drawn Dpm Detail
    OEI12    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Tax Extension
    OEI13    Outgoing Excise Invoice Rows - Distributed Expenses
    OEI14    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Assembly - Rows
    OEI15    OEI - Drawn Dpm Applied
    OEI16    Outgoing Excise Invoice - SnB properties
    OEI17    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Import Process
    OEI18    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Export Process
    OEI19    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Bin Allocation Data
    OEI2    OEI - Freight Rows
    OEI20    Intrastat Expenses
    OEI3    OEI - Freight
    OEI4    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Tax Amount per Document
    OEI5    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Withholding Tax
    OEI6    Outgoing Excise Invoice - Installments
    OEI7    Delivery Packages - Outgoing Excise Invoice
    OEI8    Outgoing Ex

    You should post as "Write document" or "Write a blog post" option not as discussion.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Add data to the table in the database with the use of add button

    The name of my database is Socrates.
    The name of the table in the database is Employees
    I want to be able to add data to the database. i am presently working on the add button such that when i enter date into the textfield and press the add button it should automatically register in the table.
    The error upon compilation is with this line of code
    If (ae.getSource() == jbtnA)// it says that ";" is expected
    Below is the entire code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Mainpage extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         JTextField jFirstName = new JTextField(15);
         JTextField jSurname = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jCity = new JTextField(10);
         JTextField jCountry = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jSSN = new JTextField(8);
         JLabel jFirstLab = new JLabel("First Name");
         JLabel jSurnameLab = new JLabel("Surname");
         JLabel jCityLab = new JLabel("City");
         JLabel jCountryLab = new JLabel("Country");
         JLabel jSSNLab = new JLabel("Social Security Number (SSN)");
         JButton jbtnA = new JButton ("Add");
         JButton jbtnPrv = new JButton ("Previous");
         JButton jbtnNt = new JButton ("Next");
         JButton jbtnDl= new JButton ("Delete");
         JButton jbtnSrch = new JButton ("Search");
         public Mainpage (String title)
              super (title);
              Container cont = getContentPane();
              JPanel pane1 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane3 = new JPanel();
              pane1.setLayout (new GridLayout (0,1));
              pane2.setLayout (new GridLayout(0,1));
              pane3.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
              cont.add(pane1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              cont.add(pane2, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
              cont.add(pane3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                   If (ae.getSource() == jbtnA)
                                    fst = jFirstName.getText();
                        srn = jSurname.getText();
                        cty = jCity.getText();
                        cnty = jCountry.getText();
                        int sn =
                                    String ad = "Insert into Employees
    (Firstname,Surname,City,Country,SSN)" +
                        Statement stmt = con.createStatment();
                        int rowcount = stmt.executeUpdate(ad);
    details have been registered");
                        Statement stmt = con.createStatment();
                        int rowcount = stmt.executeUpdate(ad);
    public static void main (String args[])
              Mainpage ObjFr = new Mainpage("Please fill this
    registration form");
                   String plato = "jdbc:odbc:socrates";
                   Connection con =
              catch(SQLException ce)

    i have restructured the code, but the following line of code is giving error:
    String plato = jdbc:odbc:socrates;
    the entire code is below:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Mainpage extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         JTextField jFirstName = new JTextField(15);
         JTextField jSurname = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jCity = new JTextField(10);
         JTextField jCountry = new JTextField(12);
         JTextField jSSN = new JTextField(8);
         JLabel jFirstLab = new JLabel("First Name");
         JLabel jSurnameLab = new JLabel("Surname");
         JLabel jCityLab = new JLabel("City");
         JLabel jCountryLab = new JLabel("Country");
         JLabel jSSNLab = new JLabel("Social Security Number (SSN)");
         JButton jbtnA = new JButton ("Add");
         JButton jbtnPrv = new JButton ("Previous");
         JButton jbtnNt = new JButton ("Next");
         JButton jbtnDl= new JButton ("Delete");
         JButton jbtnSrch = new JButton ("Search");
         Statement stmt;
            String ad;
            public Mainpage (String title)
              super (title);
              Container cont = getContentPane();
              JPanel pane1 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane2 = new JPanel();
              JPanel pane3 = new JPanel();
              pane1.setLayout (new GridLayout (0,1));
              pane2.setLayout (new GridLayout(0,1));
              pane3.setLayout (new FlowLayout());
              cont.add(pane1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              cont.add(pane2, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
              cont.add(pane3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
                   String plato = jdbc:odbc:socrates;
                   Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(plato);
                   stmt = con.createStatment();
              catch(SQLException ce)
              catch(ClassNotFoundException ce)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                                         fst = jFirstName.getText();
                             srn = jSurname.getText();
                             cty = jCity.getText();
                             cnty = jCountry.getText();
                             int sn = Interger.parseInt(jSSN.getText());
                                         ad = "Insert into Employees
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Your details have been
                   catch(SQLException ce)
    public static void main(String args[])
              Mainpage ObjFr = new Mainpage("Please fill this registration form");

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