Tarjeta 6512 SH100-100-​F

Que tal a todos, tengo un problema he estado utilizando la tarjeta anterior para escribir salidas digitales, el problema es que algunos pines no reciben la señal que envio desde el PXI, en los pines del 51-58 si conecto la alimentación correspondiente a ese bloque, la fuente entra en corto circuito.
Alguien me puede apoyar con alguna solución.

Que tal Fer_Ruiz:
Por lo que leo, sospecho que la caja de conexiones es la que puede estar presentando problemas, te sugiero si tienes la opción cambiarla por otra y entonces revisas nuevamente si las señales llegan a los terminales o no.
Probablemente ya lo sabes, pero te recuerdo que la PXI 6512 es una tarjeta unicamente de salidas digitales, por lo tanto debes tener cuidado de que conectas.
Te adjunto un link a la hoja de datos de la tarjeta:
Klaus F. Breuer
Field Applications Engineer
National Instruments Cono Sur
¡Los Kudos son gratis y te hacen feliz!

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  • PXI 6512 to PXI 6511 using SCB-100

    Using LabView 8.6, I want to pass a discrete signal from a PXI 6512 (DO) to a PXI 6511(DI).
    Each of these cards have a SCB-100 connector block. I have set the switches (S1 to S6) of each card to "DIO passthrough" as specified in SCB-100 Installation Guide Figure 3.
    I'm using the following NI examples: Write Dig Chan.vi (running on 6512) and Read Dig Chan-Change Detection (running on 6511)
    1. I have connected the PXI 6512 SCB-100 pin #1 (Port 0 Line 0) to PXI 6511 SCB-100 pin #1 (Port 0 Line 0).
        Result: I does not work; that is:
                                              a) Changing voltage on 6512 is not detected on 6511 vi
                                              b) Changing voltage on 6512 MAX is not detected on 6511 vi
    2. I have a connected both pin #1 to pin #1 and pin # 9 (GRND) to pin #9 (GRND), doing the same as above (1.a and 1.b) , it still does not work.
    3. To make things worse, I put a voltmeter on the SCB-100 pins of 6512, no voltage is generated.
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    Thank you in advance for the replies;

    Hello KizKas,
    When performing the write to the digital channel, have you tested other lines other that Port 0 Line 0?  Have you tried using a different breakout box, or a different cable?  Have you double-checked all of your connections? If you could try all of these steps and measure the voltage on the line using a voltmeter you should get more information on what is wrong with your system.
    The only steps you can perform in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) to check to see if everything is working with your system is to first check to make sure that the icon next to your device under My System»Devices and Interfaces»NI-DAQmx Devices is green.
    Figure 1: Green is Good
    You can also attempt to reset the device or perform a self-test on the device itself by clicking on the device and clicking on the appropriate buttons.
    Figure 2: Self-Test and Reset Device
    For these devices the correct driver to use would be NI-DAQmx 8.8.
    Message Edited by Dan_K on 12-03-2008 11:01 AM
    Dan King
    buttons.jpg ‏9 KB
    devices.jpg ‏38 KB

  • Conflicto en Lab PC100 para leer y escribir señales digitales

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    Evita ejecutar tu aplicacion utilizando el modo continuo. El modo continuo se utiliza principalmente para hacer pruebas, por ejemplo, a funciones que solo se ejecutan una sola vez.
    Tu aplicacion debe funcionar con tan solo presionar el boton "Run" (correr). Coloca el codigo que constituye la parte de procesamiento (el corazon o "core" de tu aplicacion) dentro de un lazo "While". Para detener el programa, coloca un boton al terminal del lazo "While".
    Mi sospecha es que tu programa empieza y termina y vuelve a empezar debido a que esta en modo continuo. Tu aplicacion va a ejecutar todo en el programa, incluyendo rutinas para inicializar y terminar el programa. Esa puede ser la causa de los problemas que estas experimentando
    En general,
    tu programa debera tener una estructura similar al de la imagen adjunta a este mensaje.
    Enrique Vargas
    general.gif ‏3 KB

  • Connectors for cables

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    Thanks a lot

    Hi intern,
    Let’s consolidate the same question to one main forum, here.
    David L.
    Systems Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Comprariais la Matrox RXT 100?

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    Hola, Toni.
    No creo que me haya pasado nunca que se produzcan fallas de transcripción al publicar un mensaje (y he publicado bastantes). Y creo que, si pasara con cierta frecuencia, ya habríamos leído reclamos al respecto.
    Por mi parte, hace tiempo que dejé de preocuparme de los errores tipográficos, que aquí abundan. Por ello, interpreté que "Martros G550" quería decir "Matrox G550" lo que, para alguien de Mac, no parece ser lo mismo que "Matrox RXT 100". De allí mi comentario.
    En cambio, sí me preocupan los errores y los horrores ortográficos y gramaticales, que por desgracia también abundan por aquí. También por desgracia, no hay nada que se pueda hacer al respecto, y ni siquiera vale la pena hacérselos notar a quien los escribe. Pero no deja de llamarme la atención el hecho; yo diría que la mayoría de la gente que trabaja en gráfica acá en Santiago tiene un dominio de nuestro idioma bastante superior al que muestran algunos de los que publican mensajes en estos foros.

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    Adjunto el sh inventory:
    RouterTelefonia#sh inventory
    PID: CISCO3925-CHASSIS , VID: V02, SN: FTX1642A04S
    NAME: "Cisco Services Performance Engine 200 for Cisco 3900 ISR on Slot 0", DESCR: "Cisco Services Performance Engine 200 for Cisco 3900 ISR"
    PID: C3900-SPE200/K9   , VID: V04 , SN: FOC16400V7B
    NAME: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSlot 0", DESCR: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard"
    PID: VIC2-4FXO         , VID: V04 , SN: FOC17431094
    NAME: "SM-ES3G-16-P: EtherSwitch SM L3 + PoE + 16 10/100/1000 on Slot 2", DESCR: "SM-ES3G-16-P: EtherSwitch SM L3 + PoE + 16 10/100/1000"
    PID: SM-ES3G-16-P      , VID: V02 , SN: FOC16384D6V
    NAME: "C3900 AC-POE Power Supply 2", DESCR: "C3900 AC-POE Power Supply 2"
    PID: PWR-3900-POE      , VID: V03, SN: SNI1521C71X

    Acabo de instalar una tarjeta VIC2-4FXO a un router 3925, el problema es que los led de la tarjeta estan prendidos en color ambar y además no puedo configurar los puertos de dicha tarjeta...
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    Adjunto el sh inventory:
    RouterTelefonia#sh inventory
    PID: CISCO3925-CHASSIS , VID: V02, SN: FTX1642A04S
    NAME: "Cisco Services Performance Engine 200 for Cisco 3900 ISR on Slot 0", DESCR: "Cisco Services Performance Engine 200 for Cisco 3900 ISR"
    PID: C3900-SPE200/K9   , VID: V04 , SN: FOC16400V7B
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    PID: VIC2-4FXO         , VID: V04 , SN: FOC17431094
    NAME: "SM-ES3G-16-P: EtherSwitch SM L3 + PoE + 16 10/100/1000 on Slot 2", DESCR: "SM-ES3G-16-P: EtherSwitch SM L3 + PoE + 16 10/100/1000"
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  • I will give $100 to the person who can solve this problem once and for all.

    I'm not even kidding, dude. We can do PayPay, I'll mail you a check, whatever you want. That is how frustrating this is, that is how badly I want it fixed, and that is how much overtime I've worked lately thanks to being shorthanded at my place of biz-nass. I'm an hombre of my word, so if you actually come up with a solution that works, the cheddar will be yours. Okay let's hit it.
    It's the skipping thing. First 10-12 seconds of a song - every song - will play fine, then iTunes skips, stutters, and basically does the god **** hokey pokey and shakes it all about. It happens most notably with songs that I double-click to play, but I'm pretty much noticing it on any song now after a transition is made. I've been using iTunes for ages and this didn't happen until the upgrade to 7.3. I have poured over these forums for nearly a week, tried every solution offered (even offered one of my own that actually worked for maybe four days before the whole thing started up again) and NOTHING. To save us all some time, here's what I've tried:
    - Downgrading. I'll admit I didn't do this correctly at first. I didn't remove everything according to the support guidelines, but I went down to version 6.05 and that did nothing to quell the skipping. I upgraded back up to 7.3 because hey, why not, and attempted the remaining trial fixes. I have since removed both iTunes and Quicktime, step my step according the the guidelines, and not only have I downgraded to my current running version of 7.2, I put both of the programs on my F drive (as opposed to the default C drive), my gigantic bonus internal drive where I typically keep nothing but my giganto music library. I thought putting the app on the same drive as the music might fix things. I thought wrong. Dead wrong. Dead diddly dum iddly wrong.
    - Quicktime settings. My settings for Quicktime have always been in safe mode with the output size at 16 bits. So when I saw this "fix" I just rolled my eyes. I used to have that dealio back in the dizzle when iTunes would just get all static-y and skip when I'd open other programs or even just minimize it, so that fix worked for that, but it's nothing compared to this. In simpler terms, that fix is like Superman, and this skipping? The kryptonite. Actually that's probably not a great metaphor, but we've got a ways to go and this is going to get mucho boring if I don't throw some chuckles out there. Ready for fix three? Giddy up!
    - Turn off cross-fade? It's never been on. I never really got the appeal of that, and also I think it resulted in some minor skipping back in the d. I also attempted similar fixes like turning off the equalizer, messing with the volume, closing last.fm, REMOVING an old album art retrieval program from back before iTunes got its **** together with album art, ANYTHING that might interfere with playback was turned off, removed, b-slapped, and sent crying home to its moms. Nada.
    - Recreating my library. This was the fix I offered someone else, because it actually did the trick for a few days. After an entire night spent reimporting 73 gigs worth of music, it played fine, but I did lose a ton of album art, playcounts, etc, so you can imagine how ****** I was when this wound up not being a permanent fix. I was beyond ******. I was livid. But I was taught in the dojos of my youth to channel my anger into productivity, and instead of sculpting a lovely bonsai tree, I set out to fix this pup once and for all.
    - That darn anti-virus! This was the final fix I tried, even though I wasn't using any of the culprit programs listed in the forums as causes of the skipping, and even those offering this as a solution confessed it was pretty hit or miss. But having tried everything else, having resorted to playing my music on MediaMonkey of all things, I figured I'd give it a shot. I used (reason for the past-tense forthcoming) AVG Anti-Virus, Lavasoft AdAware and something called Spyware Doctor that I think just came bundled with XP. I removed all of them. I had just done a virus scan recently to see if that's what was causing this, so I figured I'd be okay until I could redownload them after this fix wound up not working. And it didn't work, so there's that.
    There may be a couple of fixes I've tried that I'm forgetting now, since I'm delirious after spending practically every night for the past week trying to fix this problem, while my girlf, Heather, sits and laughs at me while watching Clark and Michael on her MacBook. In fact, she's laughing at the $100 offer as I type this, but I assure you, if you offer a solution that works, the money is as good as yours. If you come up with a workable solution, I'll have to test and make sure it isn't temporary like the recreating my library thing, but I won't leave you hanging once I'm satisfied that it's fixed for good. I know it's unorthodox, perhaps illegal in some states, but I'm desperate here, peeps. The ball is in your court, and I beg you not to give up the rock.
    Gateway E-2000 Windows XP

    I think the problem lays with Last.fm. I had the same exact problem as you. In your processes screen, end the task "lastfmhelper.exe" Last.fm still scrobbles. The tracks don't skip, although I notice there is still a bit of a lag in the first part of the song - but if you can deal with that, no skipping. I think you will have to end that task everytime you boot up your computer, or uninstall last.fm completely until they fix it; it is a bug in their software, as opposed to iTunes.

  • Frontrow left running @ 100% after returning to Desktop - bugfix required

    Tonight my wife and I were watching iTunes TV Show Videos on our living room TV using her black Macbook with lid closed for about 4-1/2 hrs. I had downloaded these TV videos with iTunes on my PowerMac G5 and shared them to the Macbook. The Macbook was connected to the TV using the Mini DVI to video adapter and a sound connection from headphone jack on Macbook to the TV sound L/R inputs. The Magsafe power was connected all the time. The TV videos played just fine and we paused the Front Row periodically.
    When we were done watching the videos I powered off the TV and disconnected the Mini DVI and the sound connections and removed the Magsafe power. I the opened the Macbook lid and the fans started to pick up and make a fair amount of noise.
    I launched Terminal.app and launched top to see what was running and found Frontrow was running at around 100% cpu with its resident memory growing at an alarming rate. I watched this for about 5 mins and Frontrow climbed to just over 500 MB with the cpu use still at around 100% all this time.
    I used the remote to see if I could get the attention of the Frontrow process that was using 100% cpu and memory bloating but to no avail. The rcd (remote control daemon) process did launch when pressing the remote's Menu button but it did nothing.
    I then decided enough was enough and I quit the top display and issued a 'kill 508' where 508 was the Frontrow PID. Frontrow was killed and when using the Remote the Frontrow restarted as it should.
    Thought I should post this Frontrow anomaly in case others may be wondering why their Frontrow doesn't quit as it should when returning to the Desktop mode.
    I will also send feedback to Apple about this mis-behaving Frontrow.
    Anyone else experience this Frontrow behaviour ?

    I forgot to mention a couple of things.
    The communication for sharing the iTunes TV Videos between the PowerMac G5 and the Macbook was via Airport Express which was located some 25 feet away from the MacBook and the signal strength was at max.
    I was also running 10.4.7 on both the PowerMac G5 and the Macbook.
    The Macbook is equipped with 2gig RAM also.
    No other Apps were running with Frontrow on the Macbook other than iTunes for accessing the PowerMac's shared iTune's Video files.
    There was one moment during watching the videos on the TV when sharing stopped. This was because the PowerMac was set to sleep via Energy Saver at 1 hour of zero activity. THis was resolved by waking the PowerMac G5 up and configuring it to never sleep.

  • E-mails with attachments, mostly photos, are replicating themselves in my inbox, 100 or more at a time. What is causing this and how do I fix it?

    It is an intermittent, but a regular-enough-to-be-really-annoying occurrence........when someone sends an e-mail, to which is attached a photo of some kind, or a picture document, it will replicate in my inbox, sometimes 100 or more copies at a time. I delete all of them, empty the trash, and will also go to the Yahoo web version of my e-mail and delete the offending e-mail from there and empty the trash. Sometimes worked. Now that process isn't working, and this particular e-mail just filled up my inbox with over 100 copies of itself, even after the other steps were taken. Can't get any incoming mail.
    This log jam of replicated e-mails prevents incoming and new mail from reaching the inbox.
    Needless to say, am not too happy about it. What is causing it, and how do I fix it, other than to go to Outlook for my e-mail client....? :0) This, coupled with the constant "not responding" each time I try to send an e-mail, delete items from the "sent" or inbox folders, is really driving me nuts. We have a crappy internet connection, and that is likely part of it, but the "not responding" is not a new thing with Thunderbird, either.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide. I dislike the web version of Yahoo, and don't want to have to switch to that, as it just doesn't meet e-mail needs. Would like to get Thunderbird fixed.

    I have not seen your error in either my IE or my chrome. I do note that you are using a "strict" Document Type Declaration.
    You might try a transitional DTD, which should be more forgiving than the strict:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    Other than that, I don't see anything particular (because I don't see the error, either) that would cause the menu to drop vertically instead of horizontally.

  • HT200196 iCal reminders are clogging up my computers, iPads and iPhone.  When I view the Calendar list in iCal, it seems it has added a new calendar every time an event is added.  I have a calendar list that has grown to over 100.  How do I remedy this?

    My laptop, iPad, and iPhone are being clogged by repeated iCal alerts.  Every time an event is added, it seems another Calendar is also added.  When I view the Calendar list in iCal, there are over 100...and the number is growing.  They can not be deleted with a simple "Select all" or "Delete All" and, when deleted individually, the list quickly grows to huge numbers again rapidly.  How do I keep this from happening and eliminate the excessive number of calendars?

    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

  • T410s with extremely poor performanc​e and CPU always near 100% usage

    I've had my T410s for almost a year now and lately its been starting to get extremely slow, which is odd since it used to be so fast.
    Just by opening one program, Outlook, or IE or Chrome, just one window, it will start to get extremely slow and on task manger I can clearly see the CPU usage at 100% or very near.
    Also another thing I noticed was the performance index on the processor dropped from 6.8 to 3.6!!!
    I did a clean Windows 7 Pro 64Bit install, I have all Windows and Lenovo updates installed and the problem persits
    What is happening and what should I do??
    Thank you

    thank you again for your answer,
    I've done that but hard drive health is also ok as you can see from the screenshot.
    IAt the time of the screenshot I had just fineshed to boot up the laptop and it wasnt hot at all.
    I am getting desperate here, I am unable to work with my T410s
    Link to picture
    Thank you
    Moderator note; picture(s) totalling >50K converted to link(s) Forum Rules

  • How to load one report page at a time for heavy reports of over 100 pages.

    Three banks merged together and now my reports have to pull massive combined data of all 3 banks. Even after tuning the queries, applying indexs, its taking long to load. A normal report now has over 100 pages.
    Do you know if I can just load 1 page at a time and show it to user so the user donot have to wait for all 100 or more pages to load before they can see the whole report...? Kind of spooling...or something.
    Thank you.
    Edited by: Aditi_Seth on Jul 28, 2010 2:54 PM

    I am not aware of a simple solution to set the file name. You need to set the content-disposition, but I don't think this is possible with any of the report parameters. A workaround is to save to save the report as a pdf file (destype=file&desname=myreport.pdf), and then open it in the browser after the report is finished.
    About the timeout: this can be set in the repserver conf file (engineResponseTimeOut) or override it in the url with parameter ENGINERESPONSETIMEOUT. It's all in the documentation, so always start your search there!

  • How can I tell if my phone is only getting a quick charge if it reads charged 100%?

    iPhone 5c battery is not holding charge for more than 3-4 hours.  It has gone completely dead twice in one day because of it.  Battery says 100% at start.  Apple Genius Bar help said that I'm only getting a soft charge or a partial charge and that is why the battery runs down so quickly.  They recommended replacing my power cords.  Problem is, I have charged it on 3 different cords and it doesn't seem to matter. 
    Took it to Apple store- they wiped it, let it die completely, recharged it to 100% overnight and still had trouble.  Took it back, reloaded everything, phone died, let it charge overnight to 100% and today the battery is down to 40% after about 2 hours. 

    No problem.
    If you took it to the Apple store and they troubleshoot it for you and you still have issues.
    Better to get another phone.

  • How can I see more than 100 users when adding users to a node?

    When adding new users through the User Management interface, only the
    first 100 entries are listed. How do I increase the number of entries
    so I can see the next hundred (or more) users? Is this done via the server
    configuration parameter maxsearchresult?
    The GUI Add User to Node option was meant for infrequent adds in smaller
    environments. In large deployments (more than 100 user adds at a time), you
    should be using the command line script "unidsattach". See the Administrators
    Guide for more details on the command.
    The parameter, maxsearchresult, is meant to limit the number of users that can
    be returned on a search request by the calendar client. For example, if you have
    1000's of calendar users and someone tries to search for all of them, this
    parameter will make sure that the user is not left waiting a long time for

    In Settings > Notification Center, try turning "on" all the six buttons under "Today View".  Also turn "on" the top two buttons under "Access on Lock Screen".  Doing that should show you "Tomorrow" at the bottom of Noticiation Center.

  • Transaction type 100 not possible (posting to affiliated company)

    Hi All SAP Guru's
    I am trying to post asset acquisition through F-90
    Asset Dr Transcation Type 100
    To, Vendor Cr
    while saving the above document  i am getting an error Transcation type 100 is not possible (Posting to Affiliated Company)
    to explain further my client are using Trading Partner Concept, may be that is the reason document is not getting posted
    In Transcation Type I tried to change Post to affiliated Company then system allowing to post the document, but in real sense we should not give post to affiliated company at Transcation Type
    can anybody help, is there any alternative to go ahead
    Edited by: sreenivasulu VAS on Feb 26, 2009 1:57 PM

    When there's a trading partner in the document, you need to use a different transaction type for external acquisition.
    Have you tried this? (I've used this one. without chaging document type setting)
    150     Acquisition from an affiliated company
    Difference from Transaction type 100 is posting type. 150 has a posting type of 'Post to affiliated company' whereas 100 has not.
    Check with IMG (T-code: AO73)

Maybe you are looking for