Testing an input box to see if its only numeric

Does anyone know how to test a string to tell if only numeric characters were entered. I have an input field that I only want the user to enter numeric characters. I want to show an error if there are characters entered.

Try this:
   int number = Integer.parseInt(stringFromRequest);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
   // it's not a number

Similar Messages

  • Query based on a test input box

    query based on a test input box
    i have this html input box and i want to output a query based
    on what i put in the input box. what should i do now.
    <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
    <label>enter id <input type="text" name="textfield"

    Read the documentation:
    <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post"
    <label>enter id <input type="text" name="textfield"
    <cfquery name="foo" datasource="bar">
    SELECT aField, bField, cField
    FROM aTable
    WHERE aField = <cfqueryParam value="#form.textfield#"
    <cfoutput query="foo">
    #aField# #bField# #cField#
    briankind wrote:
    > query based on a test input box
    > hi
    > i have this html input box and i want to output a query
    based on what i put in
    > the input box. what should i do now.
    > thanks
    > <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post"
    > <label>enter id <input type="text"
    name="textfield" />
    > </label>
    > </form>

  • I using an event structure for an input box and also for hardware input

    Hi there!
    I have many input boxes and display boxes on my user interface and i have a case for it in the event structure. If the user changes the values of the input boxes, the particular event case writes this new value to the hardware. However, in the timeout section of the event structure, we read the inputs from the hardware and we set the value for its related display object.  Within the timeout section i set the value for the related user interface display component, by making use of the property node value.
    Furthermore, for most of the display components, i have a event case for a value change associated with it. In that event case, i check for range errors and so forth.
    My assumption was that when i read the value in from the hardware and set the property node value, the user interface component's value will change and it would then trigger the event of the value changed for that component. 
    My assumption worked to the point of updating the component's value, however, it did not trigger the event  for the value changed for this component.
    Please advise me on how to achieve what i wish to.

    Local variables are actually much more efficient than property nodes as far as execution speed goes. Take that same VI and delete the property node and instead write to a local variable inside the loop. You'll see the speed nearly identical to writing directly to the indicator. But note that variables also cause a copy of the data to be created. So if you're just using the "Value" property, you're much better off using a local variable. But don't use both at the same time. If you are reading/writing other properties when you update/read the value, you might as well use the value property.
    Sometimes you can't get around using either variables or property nodes. Initializing controls to saved values from an ini file is one example. But in this case, they are only written to once as the application starts so the performance hit is negligible.
    One thing you can do is store values in a shift register as they are read and pass this through your application so the last value read can be accessed from anywhere. You can even create a cluster that runs through the shift register to hold several values in a single register. This can be expanded a bit farther to create what's called a Functional Global. This basically a subVI with a While loop that only runs once on each call. It has a shift register to store data and a Case structure to Read or Write data into the register. There's a pretty good example that ships with LabVIEW showing how these work. Open the Example finder and search for "Functional Global Communication". This example shows how to use them to pass data between two independent loops, but they work just as well in a single loop application.
    One of the big advantages of these Functional Globals over the standard LabVIEW Globals and local variables is that you can add cases to manipulate the data in addition to just storing it. Also, since it's a subVI, access to the data is protected to one caller at a time whereas variables can have multiple reads and/or writes at the same time. This can cause race conditions.
    Hope that helps a bit.
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
    Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.

  • Conditional for a text input box NOT being null? Sorry for asking so many questions!

    Okay, here's the situation. I'm creating a simulation of a form on which there are several text input boxes, 7 of which are mandatory fields. I know I can use a conditional to check whether the box has nothing in it by creating a null variable with no value and doing "if [box variable] is equal to [null variable] then", but the problem is that the validation captions I need to show need to be shown in order, that is to say that the caption for entering a value for the first box will always be shown if that box is null regardless of the contents of other boxes, the second will be shown if that one is null and the first one isn't etc.
    When I was investigating this I noticed a post by Lilybiri saying that comparison with a null variable doesn't work for "not equal to" so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to show the captions based on priority. For example, to show the second caption I need to not only check whether the second box variable is null, but also whether the first one isn't.
    It gets pretty crazy further along the line where I get to the 7th mandatory field and need to check whether the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth boxes are NOT null and whether the 7th one IS. Help!
    I did come up with one potential solution to this prior to posting: if I set a different advanced action for each input box losing focus which checks whether the variable is null and if so sets a "flag" variable to 0, and in the else set it to 1, I imagine I can then replace the "not equal to" with a check to that flag variable being equal to 1 (which means there is text in the box). I think this will work but I thought I'd check to see if there's an easier way first.

    No it DOESN'T require everything to be on one slide.  It just has to LOOK as if that's what it is.
    I would suggest that it doesn't really matter how many Captivate slides are involved in the final solution, as long as it works the same way (or as close as possible) to the original software that you are simulating.  Your users don't frankly know or care how you achieved the simulation.  I guarantee they won't be thinking of you or Captivate.
    In my experience, you can make creating elearning a lot more difficult than it needs to be in Captivate by trying to rebuild the app, rather than just simulating how it works. For example, thinking that if everything happened on one web page or screen in the app then it must also happen on a single slide in Captivate.  The fact of the matter is IT DOESN'T need to work this way.  And in some cases it might even be impossible to reproduce in Captivate this way.
    So the quickest path to a solution is often to use multiple slides, which has the advantage of allowing you to "fix" certain things on screen (e.g. the contents of fields already visited) by using READ ONLY variable output in transparent captions, focusing only on one element of the interface that the user can interact with on that slide.  It doesn't necessarily prevent you from moving back and forth between elements, just as you can in the original app.  But it is far easier to create and maintain.
    I'm not saying you wouldn't be able to pull this off on one slide in Captivate, but it is going to require a LOT of variables and Advanced Actions to build and debug.  So the term Rapid Elearning becomes something of a misnomer if it takes you a long time to complete one slide.

  • Text input boxes same colour as background - so "invisible", and button text or buttons often missingt

    I have turned off all addons/extensions/plugins - still the same problem:
    1: Text input boxes appear to be the same colour as the background - and hence "invisible"
    2: Clickable buttons on websites are often invisible, or if they display have no text; e.g. button to right of google search ("go" button?) is seen as a plain box with no text - although button is clickable.
    3: Google webpage usually has an image - this is missing, and merely has "UK" to the top left of the input box.
    4: On this page for example I can see directly above this text box two vertical black lines - it appears to be a button with a pop-up "insert a link" - it can obviously be clicked when I mouse over it.

    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Website_colors_are_wrong
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  • How do I create an input box with a cancel button that will end a loop in my script?

    I have been working on a script for my client and I am having trouble getting it to work properly. I stole most of the code from the PowerShell Tip of the Week "Creating a Custom Input Box". I also took someone's code for the Show-MessageBox function.
    I have slightly modified the original code with two parameters and an additional text box. The first field is for an e-mail address and the second is for an employee number.
    I need to know how I can get a Do Until loop to recognize when the cancel button is pushed and break the loop and effectively end the script. The work happens at the end but perhaps I need something added/modified in the InputBox function.
    I want the script to check to see if anything has been entered in the second text box. If empty it displays a message and calls the InputBox function again. Then if there is something I use elseif to check to see if it matches my RegEx (digits only). If
    it doesn't match it will loop and call the InputBox function again.
    This all works fine. The problem I am having is that I cannot cancel out of the form. I'd like the loop to continue until the second box matches my RegEx or Cancel is clicked. Clicking cancel doesn't break the loop. I need to know how I can stop the loop
    when cancel is pressed. I've seen Stack "Overflow: PowerShell Cancel Button Stop Script" but I don't think this will work in a loop.
    Any help would be awesome. As a note, I DO NOT want to use the VB Interaction stuff.
    function InputBox {
    param ($Name,$EN)
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $objForm.Text = "Data Entry Form"
    $objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200)
    $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    $objForm.KeyPreview = $True
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter")
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")
    $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,120)
    $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    $objLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)
    $objLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel.Text = "Employee Email Address:"
    $objTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40)
    $objTextBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    if ($Name) {
    $objTextBox.Text = $Name
    else {
    $objTextBox.Text = "@domain.com"
    $objLabel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,70)
    $objLabel2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel2.Text = "Employee Number:"
    $objTextBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,90)
    $objTextBox2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    $objForm.Topmost = $True
    [void] $objForm.ShowDialog()
    $Script:ButtonName = $objTextBox.Text
    $script:ButtonEN =$objTextBox2.Text
    $ButtonName; $ButtonEN
    Function Show-MessageBox{
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][Alias('T')][String]$Title = "",
    #Set Message Box Style
    IF($OkCancel){$Type = 1}
    Elseif($AbortRetryIgnore){$Type = 2}
    Elseif($YesNoCancel){$Type = 3}
    Elseif($YesNo){$Type = 4}
    Elseif($RetryCancel){$Type = 5}
    Else{$Type = 0}
    #Set Message box Icon
    If($Critical){$Icon = 16}
    ElseIf($Question){$Icon = 32}
    Elseif($Warning){$Icon = 48}
    Elseif($Informational){$Icon = 64}
    Else{$Icon = 0}
    #Loads the WinForm Assembly, Out-Null hides the message while loading.
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
    #Display the message with input
    $Answer = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($MSG , $TITLE, $Type, $Icon)
    #Return Answer
    Return $Answer
    $num = "^\d+$"
    do {
    if (!($ButtonEN)) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "You must enter a numeric value for the employee number." -Title "Employee Number Missing" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    elseif ($ButtonEN -notmatch $num) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "The employee number must contain numbers only!" -Title "Non-numerical characters found" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    until ( ($ButtonEN -match $num) -or (<this is where I want to be able to use the cancel button>)

    Here is a simple validation method.
    function New-InputBox{
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $Form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form.Text='Data Entry Form'
    $OKButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text ='Cancel'
    $Label1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label1.Text='Employee Email Address:'
    $TextBox1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Label2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label2.Text='Employee Number:'
    $TextBox2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Form.Topmost = $True
    if($Form.DialogResult -eq 'OK'){
    if($textbox1.Text -eq ''){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter an email address','Validation Error')
    # Check empno is all digits
    if("$($TextBox2.Text)" -notmatch '^\d+$'){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter a number "999999"','Validation Error')
    if($Form.ShowDialog() -eq 'Ok'){
    # return the form contents
    if($f=New-InputBox -EmailAddress [email protected]){
    'Email is:{0} for Employee:{1}' -f $f.Controls['EmailAddress'].Text,$f.Controls['EmployeeNumber'].Text
    Write-Host 'From cancelled!' -ForegroundColor red

  • How to set the default text in an input box or a label to be a predefine, multiline text

    how to set the default text in an input box or a label to be a predefine, multiline text. In other words how to break the line in the code of a text box.
    thank you

    There are a couple of ways of doing this:
    If you're editing on the canvas, press Shift + Enter.
    If you're working in Express View (see lower right hand corner of Project Siena), you'll need to copy a hard return from another app such as Notepad.
    I believe a better implementation of hard returns are in the list of requested functionality that you can find here:

  • Input Box as workitem

    Dear all
    Is it possible to get user comment when your decision activity is used
    user must enter his comment in an input box
    before he makes his decision
    is it possible to have input box in workitem if yes how??
    Srinivasan V S

    Hi Srinivasan,
    I see you don't like searching, or reading the other posts in this forum. If you would have you would have seen When i reject form in workflow, how to add my own message This describes your requirement. Now you are waiting for an answer which is already there, what a waste of time.
    Ok I will grant you there is a small difference in the requirement, because you want the user to enter the comment before his decision, but is this absolutely necessary?

  • Clear an input box with failed validation status

    My jdev version is
    I have an input box with certain validation.If validation fails it doesnt clear its contents on button click.
    My button click code is :
    where propButton is binding name to button.

    Hi Lovin,
    How are you actually validating? Is it by <f:Validator> Tag, or Validation in the Button click code?
    If its in button click code: Refreshing programmatically in the button code, will ensure that the value is cleared in the inputTextBox and then refreshed.
    Refreshing programmatically:
    First, create a binding to the InputText Box in a managed bean, using the Binding attribute.
    public void clickButton(ActionEvent ae){

  • AppleScript input box issue

    I created an AppleScript on my Mac Pro and the text input box never shows up! I've tried other samples and it never shows up, I tested the same script on my MBP and it works fine. This looks like a stretched circle with a down arrow. Here is a screenshot of the box...
    Any ideas why this is happening?

    AppleScript applet shell under 10.10 is reportedly broken in such a way that you cannot input CJK text in answer field of "display dialog" command when the script is run as applet.
    Temporary workaround would be to tell application other than applet itself to display dialog such as:
    tell application "System Events"
        display dialog "Enter text" default answer ""
    end tell
    And let Apple fix this situation:
    Good luck,

  • Maximum Characters Input Box

    What is the fattest letter? i.e. what should I use to test
    that content always fits within an input box regardless of what the
    user types? Is it the letter "M"? I know M is used as a standard in
    other design circles.

    Thank you. Is there an easy way to do the opposite, have a
    user's text adapt to the textfield? For example, I have an input
    textField that is 100 pixels in width, single-line, size 20 _sans
    font (Maximum Characters turned off for demo. purposes). You can
    input 5 "M's" before the field begins scrolling right, or you can
    enter 24 lowercase "l's". In this case the input is for a form that
    will be printed, therefore scrolling cannot occur (since it wouldnt
    show up on the print form), and Maximum characters must be turned
    on. So I would have to limit maximum characters to 5 right? In
    reality I'm working with much larger textfields, but you get the
    idea. Is there a way to set the maximum characters based on user

  • How do i remove this feature? where using google maps the input box has this in it( Enter your address line 2 here)/In hotmailmail new email it reads (Enter your email here) e

    how do i remove this feature? where using google maps the input box has this in it( Enter your address line 2 here)/In hotmail new email on the enter page it reads (Enter your email here) .
    You have the remove these statements before entering an address , and before sending an email or with the email it will stay on the email , google maps will not work.

    Try this -
    <img src="assets/jpgs/Prodigy Logo Large 2014.jpg" width="180" height="180" alt="" style="display:block;">
    What you are seeing as whitespace is the space reserved for glyph descenders on any element that is rendered within a text box (i.e., an inline element). By making the image "display:block" you eliminate that space because a block element doesn't have descenders. If that works to your satisfaction then you can give the logo an id, and create a CSS selector containing that block style.

  • Simulation input box auto advance?

    I'm building a simulation and have a couple of questions:
    1) I have an input box where the user needs to enter text. If that text entered is correctly, the timeline will continue without the user having to press Enter.
    How is this possible?
    2) I have slides where the instructions call for the user to press enter to advance to the next slide. In Flash you can set up an event listener to listen to see if the Enter key is pressed.
    How would you do this in Captivate? The only way I've found is to add a text input box with a shortcut for Enter.
    Thanks in advance,

    I think the issue here is that Captivate is an event-based application.  So there has to be some event triggered to which actions can then respond.
    You want there to be an event that is triggered as soon as the user enters the correct username in the field, without there being any other user interaction whatsoever.  If that's the way your software application is really set up to work at log on, it would be very unusual.  I'm not saying your app DOESN'T really work that way, because I know of some web apps using AJAX etc that are doing calls all the time to the server to check the current username or password, but it would be highly unusal break most of the user interaction models that people have grown up with in typical computer usage.
    Normally, after the user enters data into the username or password field, there is ALWAYS at least another button or key that they press to trigger the evaluation of username and password combination.  Captivate's interactive objects such as text boxes and buttons always assume this is the way things are going to work. They expect another user interaction of some kind. A keypress or a click.
    So trying to replicate the exact behaviour you describe requires that Captivate triggers an event based solely on the correct combination of letters in the text box field.  At the moment that sounds like some kind of special version of the text box widget to me.  I don't see any way to do it with standard Captivate functionality,
    Hope someone can prove me wrong.

  • What if i have a large question, bigger than the input box

    what if i have a large worded question on this forum, bigger than the input box?
    i know it scrolls, but i quite often have something more than a line of text as a question ,and would like to see all of what i have to say?

    The title/subject of a topic shouldn't be more than a few words that summarize the nature of your question.  Long topics, and other useless ones such as HELP ME!, don't do much to attact the correct amount of attention, and can actually drive away potential help.  What your topic question should do is give others an idea about whether they should open your topic rather than one of the hundreds of others, i.e. if it is something they now about or are interested in - use the message body to go into details.

  • Two clicks required to get results from Search Input box on toolbar.

    I'm running version 8.02.208.
    I'm new at Webhelp and was hoping somebody might be able to give me some pointers.
    If I open my published webhelp on the Internet and try to search using the Search Input box on the toolbar the first time, two clicks are required in order to get search results.
    This problem only appears the first time, all other searches from the Search Input box on the toolbar work properly with only one click required.
    In addition, the Search tool opened from the Search button always works fine first and every time, but I did see the extra space that I've read about.
    This is what I don't understand...the problem I mentioned with the 2 clicks required on the toolbar, never happens when I Generate and View the results. Meaning that I am looking at the output but have not published it yet. It works fine first and every time.
    Why would the problem show up one way and not the other? Does anyone know what could be different?
    I just keep hoping that there is something that I can do to get rid of the problem. I keep getting Problem Reports opened and assigned to me and complaints from customer service from customers. They think the search isn't working and I keep having to explain.....arghhhh!

    Hi Sheryl and Peter,
    I have also tried the options as you have suggested without success. Everything works fine when the WebHelp is published to a local or network drive but when it is published to the server the issue occurs.
    I would point out too, that I find that the problem with the space only occurs on the intial attempt to search using the Search Box. Any subsequent attempts without closing the browser appear to work fine.

Maybe you are looking for