Text Field Overlaying Footer

I'm working on a Dynamic Form and most of my text fields need to be expandable. I have to have a footer on all my pages but my expandable text fields expand overlaying my footer. What can I do so my text field stops at my footer and goes to a new page?

Post your question in the forum for LiveCycle Designer.

Similar Messages

  • Remove text field from Array via for loop

    i have a problem to remove text fields added via for loop.
    That im doing is, via for loop im dynamically creating menu with 10 buttons.
    Each button contain, dynamically created, background (shape) and text field.
    And everything is fine.
    But when im try to remove text fields then i got this error:
    - Im using button to remove text fields - lang_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
              at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
              at Loading_Img_fla::MainTimeline/xmlLoaded()
              at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
              at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
              at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete()
    In the script bellow marked with red is what should remove text fields from an Array, instead giving me error.
    Here is my script
    // Create for loop
    for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
              for each (xml in listItems)
                        if (i == xml.attribute("Id"))
                                  // Add MovieClip to stage to hold the data
                                  lmHolder.x = 0;
                                  lmHolder.y = 0;
                                  // Create new MovieClip to hold buttons
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i] = new MovieClip();
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].buttonMode = true;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].mouseChildren = false;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].x = 20;
                                  lmButtonsMCArray[i].y = 20 + btCount * buttonSpace;
                                  // Add each button MovieClip to lmHolder MovieClip
                                  // Create Background to buttons
                                  lmButtonsArray[i] = new Shape();
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.beginFill(lmBgColor0, 1);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 230, 85);
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].x = 0;
                                  lmButtonsArray[i].y = 0;
                                  // <<-- Add Background shape to the buttons MovieClips
                                  // Create a new array to preserve data from XML List
                                  lmNameArrayEG = new Array();
                                  lmNameArrayUS = new Array();
                                  // Create local variable to hold
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentUS:String;
                                  var lmTxtFieldContentEG:String;
                                  var lmTxtContent:String;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then make array with Arabic text
                                  // If clicked button is US then make array with English text
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for each (var leftMenuName:XML in egLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentEG = lmNameArrayEG[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentEG;
                                            for each (var leftMenuNameUS:XML in usLanguageList)
                                            lmTxtFieldContentUS = lmNameArrayUS[i];
                                            lmTxtContent = lmTxtFieldContentUS;
                                  // Setup new text field each time script is executed
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i] = new TextField();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].width = 110;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].border = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].wordWrap = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].multiline = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].selectable = false;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].embedFonts = true;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].text = lmTxtContent.toUpperCase();
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].x = 10;
                                  lmTxtFieldsArray[i].name = "lmTxtFieldName" + i;
                                  // <<-- Add Text fields to the Movie Clip
                                  // If clicked button is EG then set Arabic text format, and make array with Arabic text fields
                                  // If clicked button is US then set English text format, and make array with Egnlish text fields
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                            // Make array from text fields;
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove English text fields from array
                                  // If clicked button is EG then loop thrue the for loop and remove Arabic text fields from array
                                  if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

    it looks like those tf's are children of  lmButtonsMCArray[i], not the current scope.  use:
    if (footer.lang_btn.langState == "EG")
                                            for (var rNr_us:Number = 0; rNr_us < pushUsTFintoArray.length; rNr_us++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushUsTFintoArray = [];
                                            for (var rNr_eg:Number = 0; rNr_eg < pushEgTFintoArray.length; rNr_eg++)
                                                      //remove the text field array from the display
                                            //clear the array
                                            pushEgTFintoArray = [];

  • Expanding text field & page numbers

    Got a form with an expanding text field.  Also have page # of # on the form.  When the text field expands to multiple pages, it overlays (?) the page # of #.
    Any idea on how I can not have the text field expand to cover it up ??

    The colors can be adjusted ....if its blue on your machine that is OK.
    Can you share the form with me so I can see what is happening?
    Can you send it to [email protected] and I will have a look. Please include a description of the issue in your email.

  • Text Fields Not Showing in Design or Live View

    Hello Everyone,
    I have run into a problem trying to create a simple contact form through Dreamweaver CS6.  I have two text fields for Name & Email, and 1 text area for Comments.  The issue I am running into is that the text fields are not showing in Design or Live view.  I have set-up all variables required for the server for the form to work... but that should not have any effect on the text field showing...  I tried uploading my contact page with the same result of no text fields showing...
    What is really laughable is that the "text area" I placed in my form for Comments shows up in Design & Live view just fine.  I am thinking that I am missing something, but just do not know what exactly.  The form is styled through CSS.
    Here is the form code:
         <div id="CRDForm">
           <form action="http://www.sweetformimi.com/formmail/formmail.php" method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="contact" target="_self" id="contact">
        <input type="hidden" name="env_report" value="REMOTE_HOST,REMOTE_ADDR,HTTP_USER_AGENT,AUTH_TYPE,REMOTE_USER">
        <input type="hidden" name="recipients" value="[email protected]" />
        <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Contact Form" />
             <label><p>Your Full Name
               <input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" size="40" /></p>
             <input name="email" type="text" accesskey="2" tabindex="2" title="Email" value="Email"></p>
             <label>Comments<br />
             <textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="10" accesskey="3" tabindex="3" title="Comments"></textarea>
             <input name="submit" type="submit" accesskey="4" tabindex="4" title="submit" value="submit">
    Are there other variables I should be thinking about in the rest of my site?  I am using a fluid grid layout.  I have CSS for desktop, tablet, and phone devices.  I also have a primary CSS file that imports all three.  The sites structure was done by using <header>, <article>, <footer>, and of course <div> tags. 
    Has anyone ever experienced the "text fields" not showing up before? Is it a simple fix as reinstalling Dreamweaver CS6?  Finally, another thing I should mention is that I did have a previous version of Dreamweaver on my comp, which was CS3.  I did not uninstall that before installing the newer version.  I assumed (and I could be wrong here) that it would automatically replace the older version.
    I apoligize for it being long winded, but I am looking for some help on this issue...
    Thank You

    Hey thank you osgood for the reply!
    When I look at code for long hours it sort of blurs together, and I miss things... I think that happens to the most of us
    Ya I found what was blocking my text fields in my desktop.css
    I primarily work through code view, and currently working on quite a few projects kind of makes your eyes miss the small errors.
    Thanks again!

  • Unable to create a report based on a text field which returns , separat val

    i have created a sql report which fetches the values depending on values in text field,
    select * from emp where empno in :P2_xwhere P2_x is a text field,
    if i enter only one value then report is generated and if i enter two values separated by ","
    says no data found
    Little Foot

    i have created a sql report which fetches the values depending on values in text field,
    select * from emp where empno in :P2_x
    where P2_x is a text field,
    if i enter only one value then report is generated and if i enter two values separated by ","
    says no data found
    select * from emp where empno in (7788, 7839, 7876)<tt>(7788, 7839, 7876)</tt> is an expression list and the predicate is evaluated as a membership condition.
    select * from emp where empno in :P2_x<tt>:P2_X</tt> is a scalar string, incapable of containing multiple values.
    See +varying elements in IN list+ on Ask Tom, and +emulating string-to-table functionality using sql+ for potential solutions.
    In an APEX standard report, use a PL/SQL function body returning an SQL query report source with lexical substitution to produce a "varying IN-list":
    return 'select * from emp where empno in (' || :P2_X || ')';where <tt>P2_X</tt> has been sanitized for SQL injection and string values are properly quoted.

  • How do I create a form with text fields that can continue to multiple pages with out it over lapping

    I have created a form in Livecycle and have made every object a sub field. But I am still having the same probably. The text field only continues on to a second page and overlaps the footer I have created at the bottom of the page. I am new to livecycle and have tried a lot of different things to fix this problem. Help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've found this blog http://blogs.uoregon.edu/developments/2010/12/29/pdf-making-text-fields-grow-to-accommodat e-text/ and this example file : flowableTest.pdf? Is it close to what you search? I cannot go deeper into example now, but will.

  • Linking/Grouping Text Fields with a Check Box Field

    Disclaimer: I know nothing about coding/scripting in Acrobat (or in any language, for that matter).
    I have 4 sets of text fields, call them A, B, C, and D. All of the fields in set A will have a value entered. There are 10 fields in set A while sets B, C, and D may have as many as 104. Sets B, C, and D will always have a one-to-one-to-one correspondence with each other (B1 is associated with C1 and D1 only and so on). My dilemma/desire is two fold:
    I want to be able to group 3 to 4 of the fields in set C if I tick a check box/radio button/whatever field type works. When the fields are grouped, I want their values to be the same within the grouping. These fields should also be ungrouped when the marker field is unchecked/deactivated. No field will ever be in any more than one group.
    I want values for set B to equal a value of set A if there is a value entered in that B's corresponding C field.
    Please don't hesitate to point out where I can make any of this clearer.
    Thank you in advance,
    If one or both of these is not doable in Acrobat, would you please kindly point me to a program that can do this?

    Sorry, I referenced InDesign and this file was created in Illustrator. (I have been working with numerous files created in both InDesign and Illustrator, with numerous challenges). I do not have the native document nor Illustrator software, only Acrobat. When I previously loaded the InDesign-created pdf file(s) into Acrobat, I was unable to use the Text TouchUp Tool because I do not have the fonts on my system that were used to create the documents in InDesign, thus I am denied access to the text. With this file, created in Ilustrator; I assume because the text resides within the image created that encompasses the entire page, the Text TounchUp Tool and Object Tool have no response when I click on the page after activating the tools with a click, although the Tool Bar allows me to click on the icons to activate the functions.
    I have read elsewhere that InDesign and Illustrator files are exported as images, thus requiring either Photoshop or Illustrator to fully edit outside of the originating software. However, I was hoping that I could create interactive forms by overlaying fields with Live Cycle Designer - I did not anticipate the default setting of the check box labels being unchangeable. Sounds like I am at a dead-end with this issue??

  • Need to add superscript for text field--HELP NEEDED.

    Hi Friends,
    Is there any way to implement superscript and subscript text in Crystal?  For example, I would like to superscript the portion (1) of the following string:
    "Buy(1) or Sell(1)"
    The only way I have found to do this is to put the "235" in a separate text field that uses a smaller font size, and overlay it into the gap that I intentionally left in the larger text field.  For display and printing purposes, this works OK, but if a report containing these strings is exported to Excel, the text fields are exported as separate cells, which makes the exported report look funny.
    I can create this string in Word, then cut and paste it into a text field in Crystal (which initially seems to work), but as soon as I click off the field, all the characters in it are converted to the same font size.
    If this can't be done in the current version of Crystal, are there any plans for it to be implemented in future versions?

    hello all,
    the text interpretation for html or rtf in fields will not render superscript or subscript. the basic rule is that whatever you can format directly in a crystal reports text object, that's what you can have interpreted.
    look up "text interpretation html" in kbase for a full list.
    one option is to turn html passthrough on the server in question if this is a huge deal for you...if you want instructions on how to turn html passthrough on, they are located in the webelements user guide at
    after doing so, you'd drop the database field into a formula and any html in the database field would be interpreted.

  • How to make a text field wrap to next page

    I've done my best to find the solution to my problem before coming here to post, so forgive me if I've missed a previously posted solution.
    I am a .NET coder, using iText to manipulate PDF's.  I need to create a template for a corporate invoice that will allow me to have header and footer content on a page, surrounding the invoice detail section and have the invoice detail wrap to the next page as necessary.
    Criteria:  All pages have the invoice header.  All pages have the invoice footer with pagination (i.e. Page 1 of n).  The number of pages is controlled by the number fo lines in the invoice detail text field.
    For example, if the text field holds 30 lines and each line item takes up a single line.  An invoice with 25 line items would only use one page.  If the invoice has 35 line items, the content in the text area needs to flow to page 2 in the invoice detail area.
    I have tried every combination I can dream up in Adobe LiveCycle Designer and I cannot get a document set up that will flow from page 1 to page 2.
    For me to be able to access invoice detail field in code, it appears that it needs need to be a Text Field.  I've been able to access the fields from my .NET code and fill them in without issue.
    What I cannot get is a template that will allow me to put more content in the detail area than fits on page one and have it automatically create a second page and flow the content into the detail area.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction, or provide a working sample PDF?
    PAGE 1:
    INVOICE #20
    Line item #1
    Lilne item #1 detail
    Line item #2
    Line item #2 detail <from here, detail must flow to the detail section of the next page>
    Page 1 of 2
    PAGE 2:
    INVOICE #20
    Line item #3
    Lilne item #3 detail
    Line item #4
    Line item #4 detail
    Page 2 of 2

    While I appreciate the direction to the samples, that is not resolving my issue.  I had already seen the samples before I posted in this forum.
    None of the samples have what I've requested assistance with above.
    I need a static 3" header, a 5" content area and a 1" footer on every page in a document.  I want to be able to put content in the content area and have it wrap to subsequent pages if the content is more than will fit in the area.  Each subsequent page must also have the 3" header, 5" content area and 1" footer.
    This will not be edited in Acrobat, it will be edited in .NET code without human intervention, so having click buttons to add another row to a table is not an option.
    I could create the entire PDF programmatically, but I'm seeking to find if Adobe LiveCycle Designer can make the PDF form in an easy to use GUI.
    If the details of my need above do not provide a clear requirement, feel free to point that out.

  • Text field with autocomplete is always NULL

    I am new to Apex so I am sure I am missing something obvious. I am using Apex 4.0.1 What I have done is created a form on a table page and added a new text with autocomplete page item. This new text field does not correspond to a column in the table. What I am trying to do is allow the user to use the autocomplete item to make a selection. Then when the user submits the page, I want to use the substr function on the value in the autocomplete field and populate one of the table fields. I have tried using PL/SQL functions in validations and computations but I have found that the value of the autocomplete field is always NULL. I can access the other fields that are associated with a table column fine. It must be something simple. Thanks for your help.
    Page Items
    P2_F1  - text field with auto complete. Not associated with a table column
    P2_F2 – Text field. Is associate with a table column
    This is what I want to do:
    Entered this in a validation
    if :P2_F1 is not null then
       :P2_F2 := substr(:P2_F1,1,5);
    end if;
    end;Thanks again
    Edited by: LRM on Jan 22, 2011 5:25 PM

    The PL/SQL function can also work when you choose Computation point: After submit.
    For reading You can refer APEX documentation
    Application Builder User's Guide: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17556_01/doc/user.40/e15517/toc.htm
    To debug application:
    While you run your application in development environment, you can view debug option on footer .
    Click on it to on debug and again click to debug off.
    To view debug result click on View Debug option.
    Kartik Patel

  • Adding a progress loader to a dynamic text field / scrollPane

    I have a dynamic text field which is loading images from an external html.  This text is named scrollPaneImage and is a child of a movieClip called scrollPaneContent.  I then load scrollPaneContent into a scroll pane named scrollPane
    When the user interacts with my swf different images are loaded into scrollPaneImage.  Since some of the images take a few seconds to load, I'd like there to be a progress loader displayed in the scrollpane.
    I have tried adding the progress event listner to the dynamic text, the movie clip and the scrollpane and cannot get it to respond or track the loading.
    function reportProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
        trace(e.bytesLoaded + " loaded out of " + e.bytesTotal);
    Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong or of another approach?
    thanks in advance,

    Hi KGLAD.  Thanks for the response.  Yes my code is a little messy.  Here I have included everything and tried to do a little cleaning.  Is there enough code here for you to get an idea of how/when things are firing?
    import com.google.maps.LatLng;
    import com.google.maps.Map;
    import com.google.maps.MapEvent;
    import com.google.maps.MapType;
    import com.distriqt.gmaps.kml.utils.*;
    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import com.greensock.TweenLite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import com.greensock.plugins.*;
    import com.google.maps.controls.NavigationControl;
    import com.google.maps.controls.MapTypeControl;
    import com.google.maps.controls.OverviewMapControl;
    import com.google.maps.overlays.GroundOverlay;
    import com.google.maps.overlays.GroundOverlayOptions;
    import com.google.maps.LatLng;
    import com.google.maps.LatLngBounds;
    import com.google.maps.MapMouseEvent;
    import com.google.maps.controls.*;
    import com.google.maps.overlays.Marker;
    import com.google.maps.InfoWindowOptions;
    import com.google.maps.overlays.MarkerOptions;
    import com.anttikupila.utils.JPGSizeExtractor;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import fl.events.ScrollEvent;
    import flash.sampler.NewObjectSample;
    [Embed(source="ICONS/PHOTO_BLACK.png")]var photoIcon:Class;
    [Embed(source="ICONS/BLOG_BLACK.png")]var blogIcon:Class;
    var map:Map = new Map();
    map.key = "map key";
    //map.key = "api key";
    //define the size of the map extent....
    map.sensor = "false";
    map.setSize(new Point(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight));
    map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, onMapReady);
    map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createmarkers);
    map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createMarkerArrays);
    map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY, createPhotoPingers);
    map.setSize(new Point(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight));
    //on map ready params
    function onMapReady(event:Event):void
    map.setCenter(new LatLng(48,-113.5), 8, MapType.PHYSICAL_MAP_TYPE);
    //Marker options for a photo piece
    var photoMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
    photoMarkerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
    //Marker options for a blog piece
    var blogMarkerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
    blogMarkerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
    //load xml tester
    var pntloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var pntxml:XML = new XML();
    pntloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadpntXML);
    pntloader.load(new URLRequest("map_feed.xml"));
    // create an array of jpgs to index
    var JPGIndexArray:Array = new Array();
    //Create array that will be populated with points
    var pointsArray:Array = new Array();
    //Load the XML
    function loadpntXML(e:Event):void {
        pntxml=new XML(e.target.data);
        pntxml.ignoreWhite = true;
         for (var i:int = 0; i< pntxml.row.length(); i++){
    //Create the markers and add them to the map
    function createmarkers(event:Event):void
         for (var i:Number = 0; i < pntxml.row.length(); i++) {
         var markerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
          if (pntxml.row[i].TYPE=="PHOTO")
               markerOptions.icon = new photoIcon();
               markerOptions.tooltip = "Photo";
          else if(pntxml.row[i].TYPE=="BLOG")
               markerOptions.icon = new blogIcon();
               markerOptions.tooltip = "Blog Entry";
          pointsArray[i] = new Marker(new LatLng(pntxml.row[i].LAT,pntxml.row[i].LONG),markerOptions);
    var je : JPGSizeExtractor = new JPGSizeExtractor( );
    je.addEventListener( JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_COMPLETE, jeLoadHandler );
    je.addEventListener( JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_FAILED, jeParseFailed );
    function createPhotoPingers(event:Event):void{
         for (var k:Number=0; k <pntxml.row.length(); k++){
         JPGIndexArray[k]=new JPGSizeExtractor();
         JPGIndexArray[k].debug = false;
         JPGIndexArray[k].addEventListener(JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_COMPLETE, jeLoadHandler );
    function pingPhotoUrls():void
         for (var i:Number = 0; i < pntxml.row.length(); i++) {     
          var calledMarkerUrl=pntxml.row[i].URL_OF_CONTENT;
    var JPG1=null;
    function jeLoadHandler(e:Event) : void {
         trace(e.currentTarget.width + "x" + e.currentTarget.height );
    function jeParseFailed( event : Event ) : void {
         trace( "Parse failed" );
    var imageWidths = new Array;
    //Create blank array for use in indexing
    var markerA:Array=[];
    var pointindex=null;
    function indexCalledMarkerRecord(e:MapMouseEvent):void{
    function genIndexPos(a:Array,e:Marker):uint{
         for(var i:uint=0;i<a.length;i++){
                   return i;               
                   return null;
    //           SCROLLPANE FUNCTIONS              //
    spHeader.closeBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(eMouseEvent):void
                                                                TweenLite.to(scrollPane, .5,{autoAlpha:0,overwrite:true});                                                            
    spHeader.forDrag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function (e:MouseEvent):void
    spHeader.forDrag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function (e:MouseEvent):void
    scrollPane.source = scrollPaneContent;
    scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.condenseWhite = true;
    // Add listener.
    scrollPane.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeListener);
    function completeListener(event:Event):void {
    trace('Scrollpane content loaded');
    function reportProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {
        trace(e.bytesLoaded + " loaded out of " + e.bytesTotal);
    function scrollPanePopulate(event:Event){     
         //show scroll pane
         TweenLite.to(scrollPane, .5,{autoAlpha:1,overwrite:true});
         TweenLite.to(spHeader, .5,{autoAlpha:1,overwrite:true});
         //create the temp variables
         var calledMarkerIndex=pntxml.row[pointindex].ID;
         var calledMarkerDate=pntxml.row[pointindex].DATE;
         var calledMarkerDescription=pntxml.row[pointindex].DESC;
         var calledMarkerContent=pntxml.row[pointindex].URL_OF_CONTENT;     
         var imgWidth=JPGIndexArray[pointindex].width;
         var imgHeight=JPGIndexArray[pointindex].height;
         scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;
         var imgBoxHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneImage.height;
        var txtHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.height;
        var contentHeight=(imgBoxHeight+txtHeight);
         //size the text box
         //if image is wide or tall, scale accordingly and create a string that will be used
              var imgSource:String = "<img src="+"'"+calledMarkerContent+"'"+"width='"+250+"'"+"height='"+150+"'"+"/>";                    
              var calledImgHgh=160;          
              var imgSource:String = "<img src="+"'"+calledMarkerContent+"'"+"width='"+110+"'"+"height='"+167+"'"+"/>";          
              var calledImgHgh=177;          
         //fill in the text
         //scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;     
         //pan the map to the called position
         //add the header to the SP and scale accordingly
         if (txtHeight>=250){          
              scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription+"<br><br>";
         if (txtHeight<=5){
              scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription;
         if (txtHeight>=5){
              scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.htmlText="<font size='12' color='#000000'>"+calledMarkerDescription+"<br><br>";
         var scTextY=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.y;
         var scImageY=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneImage.y;
         var scTextHeight=scrollPaneContent.scrollPaneText.height;
         //update the scrollpane and reset the scrollbar
    var photoMarkersArray=new Array();
    var photoMarkersIndexArray=new Array();
    function createMarkerArrays(e:Event):void{
    for (var j:int=0; j<pntxml.row.(TYPE=="PHOTO").ID.length(); j++){
              var tempMarkerIndex=pntxml.row.(TYPE=="PHOTO").ID[j];
              var tempMarkerRef="mrk"+tempMarkerIndex;

  • Is there a behavior that can swap a text field?

    I am creating a portfolio page for a client.  It currently has a 9 block of thumbs and another area where the thumb images appear enlarged when rolled over.  The client would also like to be able to add text beneath the large area telling about each project.  Is there a way to change the content in the text field on thumb rollover as well or is my only option to make the text part of the larger image?
    Thanks in advance for the help!

    You could use a simple css rollover similar to -
    HTML -
    <div class="imagegallery">
    <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="../images/rosesthumb.jpg" width="100" height="68" border="0" /><span><img src="../images/roses.jpg" /><br />Simply beautiful.</span></a>
    CSS -
    position: relative;
    /*Add a height attribute and set to largest image's height to prevent overlaying*/
    .thumbnail img{
    border: 1px solid white;
    margin: 0 5px 5px 0;
    background-color: transparent;
    .thumbnail:hover img{
    border: 1px solid blue;
    .thumbnail span{ /*CSS for enlarged image*/
    position: absolute;
    background-color: lightyellow;
    padding: 5px;
    left: -1000px;
    border: 1px dashed gray;
    visibility: hidden;
    color: black;
    text-decoration: none;
    .thumbnail span img{ /*CSS for enlarged image*/
    border-width: 0;
    padding: 2px;
    .thumbnail:hover span{ /*CSS for enlarged image*/
    visibility: visible;
    top: 0;
    left: 230px; /*position where enlarged image should offset horizontally */
    z-index: 50;
    Replace the items in red with your values.
    If this is not the effect you wish, can you explain a little more.

  • Clearing text field

    I have a page where you scan a barcode into a text field submits when enter pressed. If the barcode exists a report appears showing that record. The barcode must stay in the text field.
    My question is if I scan a barcode and the barcode does not exist and then I scan another barcode, the previous barcode stays and gets appended onto the new barcode. How do I clear the barcode data out of the text field when I scan in a new barcode?

    Add something like the following into the report region's Region Footer setting:
    &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
    if (&#35;ROWS_FETCHED&#35; == 0)
    $x("P36_BARCODE").value = "";
    &lt;/script&gt;Replacing P36_BARCODE with the actual name of the barcode field.
    &#35;ROWS_FETCHED&#35; is populated with the number of rows fetched on the page for the report. If this is 0 (zero), then the script will run, and the field will be cleared.

  • How to provide text formatting options to user from a text field

    My requirement is - in the interactive form, a comments field needs to be provided where user should be able to enter text with formatting options like
    bullet points and numbers
    Once user enters the formatted texts in a text field, data needs to be displayed/printed in the same format. Could you help me on how to provide these formatting options to the user for a particular text field?
    I understand that once I define the text field with format XHTML (with RTF), user formatting can be captured and displayed in the same way. But I am not sure on how to provide the formatting options for the text field.
    Thank you,

    if you select a text field for Rich Text and the press Ctrl + E you'll get a bar for all available text formatting options in Acrobat/Reader.

  • Wrap a single word in a text field

    Hello everyone!
    I currently have a problem with text data that is displayed in a Flex text field <mx:Text>.
    It's a narrow textfield (100px wide) in a animated ad banner that displays content from a database. There are some words that are too long for the available space, so flash wraps some letters to the next line. I have attached a screenshot that shows the actual problem.
    The text is shown in a Java web-application as well, and since that Java app is displayed as a normale webpage, there is a lot more space for the text. I cannot put hyphens into the text because it would look weird in the normal web view.
    Is there a way to make automatic hyphenation happening when Flash wraps a single word?
    It would be perfect to get language-specific correct hyphenation, but a hyphen at the wrong spot is still better than no hyphen at all.
    Thanks for your time and help!

    I think your simplest bet would be to use mx:label and use the op
    tion truncateToFit="true". Also adjust the width so that the text appears prope
    rly. Hope this helps..!!

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