The Bookmark Doohickey has gotta go

Alright, gotta get it off my chest: the Bookmark Doodad drives me nuts! I realize this request belongs to NI's vendor's vendor, but here goes:
Quite often, my browser will completely freeze for a few seconds. It catches me off guard every time, but it's always the same thing: I briefly hovered over the Bookmark Doodad, and it freezes while downloading then crunching the popup menu.
The usability issue is a gotcha for both users and non-users of the Doodad:
Users must hover and wait for the menu to show up. If the menu showed up with a click, time is saved.
Non users (and users!) may accidentally hover over the pop-up, only to have it briefly freeze the browser and then display the unwanted menu
In a nutshell, I'm exaggerating when I say it's gotta go, but I really wish the menu would show up with a "click" rather than a "hover" to clean up usability issues for everyone.
Spoiler (Highlight to read)
Alternative suggestion #1: simply use the same bookmark mechanism for the Idea Exchange as the Forums to smooth over another divergence between the two platforms.
Alternative suggestion #2: This is probably the only thing you can do Laura, make the [+ Bookmark] picture smaller to minimize the "risk" of hovering
Alternative suggestion #1: simply use the same bookmark mechanism for the Idea Exchange as the Forums to smooth over another divergence between the two platforms.
Alternative suggestion #2: This is probably the only thing you can do Laura, make the [+ Bookmark] picture smaller to minimize the "risk" of hovering
The Bookmark Doodad:
a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}
Go to Solution.

Laura F. wrote:
Does anyone actually use any of the bookmarks in the widget?  Certainly no one participating in this thread I can tell.
Well, I performed a search for "" on (the most popular service provider listed among the 298 bookmark providers).
To answer your question - yes! People use to bookmark sites on the forums. There was one in July 2007, two in October 2008, and two in November 2009!
Spoiler (Highlight to read)
Although, erm, none of those links are to the Idea Exchange...
Although, erm, none of those links are to the Idea Exchange...
a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}

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    Check that you still have the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" placed on the Bookmarks Toolbar
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    <u>Initially back up all the profiles,</u> you have they will hopefully contain useful bookmarks files.
    *[[Back up and restore information in Firefox profiles]]
    It may even be possible to repair some files or add bookmarks from other profiles so it is important to backup whatever is available.
    <u>Take CARE with any restore attempts</u> .json files overwrite existing bookmarks so you should always manually backup existing bookmarks before any restore attempt.
    *[[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]]
    * HTML may be useful they append
    <u>Multiple Profiles?</u><br />
    The actual full working database is ''places.sqlite'' although other files may be useful. In your case there will be multiple copies of this database, one in each profile.
    * Why the multiple profiles ?
    ** Do you normally deliberately run and use multiple profiles ?
    ** Are these all within the same OS user account ?
    <u>Standard procedures </u>
    If bookmarks have stopped working unexpectedly the database file '''places.sqlite'' may have been corrupted. Finding the profile and deleting, or better still renaming the database will force creation of a new file. You may lose an bookmarks created in the last day that Firefox was open. See
    *[[Can't add, change or save bookmarks - How to fix#w_create-a-new-bookmarks-file]]'''_create-a-new-bookmarks-file'''
    * To find the profile easily <br> Use '''Firefox Button → Help → Troubleshooting Information [open folder](or similar options)''' <br />See [[Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data#w_how-do-i-find-my-profile]]'''_how-do-i-find-my-profile'''
    * Also note [[Recover lost or missing Bookmarks]]
    I presume that you are talking about the one computer and not upgrading the Windows Operating System, just uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox.
    Ordinarily the bookmarks are not removed. Firefox attempts to retain the profile that includes bookmarks in case you decide to reinstall it again.
    If you aggressively remove Firefox and all associated files that you will lose the bookmarks. You may be lucky and find that the bookmarks file has been tracked by Windows and possibly is restorable.
    If you have any current bookmarks save them now as an HTML files by exporting them as HTML. This sort of backup has the advantage that it can be appended to current bookmarks.
    *see [[Export Firefox bookmarks to an HTML file to back up or transfer bookmarks]]
    It is important to note the ordinary backups overwrite and destroy any existing bookmarks when you import them.
    *Do a full backup of bookmarks before you attempt any restore. <br />See [[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]]
    The bookmarks themselves are stored within the Firefox profile and the file is called places.sqlite , that is the file you want. (There are also backup bookmarks within a backup folder inside the profile,they may also be useful files.)
    *You can find the profile from<br />Firefox Button -> Help-> Troubleshooting Information -> [Open folder] <br />See [[Profiles - Where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data#w_how-do-i-find-my-profile]]_how-do-i-find-my-profile
    *This explains the Windows feature <br /> Previous versions are available from right click options. Just take care with overwriting files, always back them up first

  • Bookmark dialog has stopped appearing when a bookmark location is selected

    Firefox 3.6.12 has stopped displaying the Bookmark dialog when a URL location is selected for storage. Since the Bookmark dialog has stopped appearing, all the bookmarks can be found in the Recent Bookmarks section, and no place else.
    This is different than how it operated previously. Only 1-program, Google Earth 6, which also installed Chrome, was upgraded since the Firefox bookmark dialog would appear allowing the user to select the folder destination as the link's saved location.

    This issue can be caused by the McAfee SiteAdvisor.
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    * [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

  • How do I display the Bookmark shortcut?

    The newer update has removed the Bookmark button from my tool bar.
    The Bookmark Star has also disappeared from the right up side of my Foxfire Home page.
    When I go to the menu at the far right side of the Foxfire Home Page the Bookmark Star opens a column of Bookmarks that cannot be added to, sorted or edited.
    There is no "Bookmark This Page" in the Bookmark column. There is instead a "Edit this Bookmark" that is inoperable.
    When I try to move a Bookmark within the Bookmark column I only get a movable shaded bar but no associated Bookmark movement and I cannot drop the Bookmark.

    In current Firefox releases the "Bookmark This Page" menu entry in the Bookmarks menu changes to "Edit This Bookmark" once you have bookmarked the page and the star on the Navigation Toolbar is highlighted blue.
    So do not get confused by the missing "Bookmark This Page" in the Bookmarks menu and seeing "Edit This Bookmark" instead if you try to bookmarks a page that is already bookmarked.
    Note that you no longer have the bookmarks star in the location bar, but now have a combined star/folder button to bookmark the link and open the bookmarks menu drop-down list that has "Show All Bookmarks" at the bottom of the list
    In current Firefox releases (29 and later), that have have the Australis user interface, the orange Firefox menu button has been replaced by the three-bar Firefox Menu button at the far right end of the Navigation Toolbar and this button is always visible, whether you have the menu bar visible or hidden<br>A consequence of this location is that you no longer can hide the Navigation Toolbar
    *There is a star like button next to the search bar on the Navigation Toolbar to bookmark the current web page and a "Show your bookmarks" button next to it to open the Bookmarks in a drop down menu.<br>You can find "Show All Bookmarks" to open the Bookmarks Manager (Library) at the bottom of this drop-down list
    *If you bookmark a page then "Bookmark This Page" in the Bookmarks menu changes to "Edit This Bookmark"
    *You can make the title bar visible via the "Title Bar" button at the bottom left in the Customize palette window
    It is still possible to have the menu bar visible via the right-click context menu of a toolbar to have menus like the File menu with Print (Ctrl+P) and Print Preview and the Bookmarks menu available.
    See also:

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