The flow path of ticket

hi all
plz tell me the exact flow of ticket.i mean who will raise the ticket,who will assign it and also plz tell me about the route by which this resolved ticket moves from different systems( like production to testing.....)
thanks in advance,

First Ticket will come to your mail account raised by some customer relating any issue.
u2022Then resolve the Ticket first in your Development system once the Ticket is resolved in Development.
u2022After that we transport the changes from Development system  to Quality System so that both same changes should come in quality and later we will do a data load to see that whether there is any error or not.
u2022After the load was successful in Quality System , we will move our ticket to status u201CRTTu201D(Ready To Test) with writing description in the u201Csolutionu201D Tab of Ticket No XXXX, that what the problem was and how it was resolved (ALL THIS IS DONE IN TICKET REMEDY PORTAL OF YOUR CLIENT).
u2022The load will be then cross checked by Client by reloading again and after which Client will pass the ticket to status u201Cpassu201D.(IN REMEDY PORTAL).
u2022Then for this Ticket peer review will be done and after which with transaction u201CSTMS_QAu201D the transport XXXXXXXX will be  approved by the request owner in Quality System  and the ticket status was changed from u201CRTTu201D to u201CReady for QA Reviewu201D.     
Hope it helps

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    Map1 -> Map2 -> Error -> OR1
    OR1 -> End_ERROR
    Map2 -> End_SUCCESS
    Any reasons?
    The same works in another Process Flow.
    the intention is to let the Process Flow continue when there is no error, and branch to a common email when an error occurs (instead of creating separate email activities)
    - Jojo

    Thanks for that answer. Unfortunately, we donot have a very good inclination (read that as image) for OWB here. So we are still on 9.0.2. So will live with the bug, and ignore the warning.
    Message was edited by:

  • Order management flow path with tcode in pp module

    hi sap guru's,
    i need the order management flow path with tcode in pp module.

    Hi Murlidhar,
    Step 1: Material Master
    Logistics > Production > Master Data > Material Master > Material > Create General > Immediately MM01
    Step 2: BOM creation
    Logistics > Production > Master Data > Bills of Material > Bills of Material > Material BOM > Create CS01
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    Logistics>Materials Management>Materials Planning>MRP>Evaluations>Stock Requirements List MD04
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    Step 9: Order management
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    Step10: Confirmations
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    Step11: Goods issue
    1. Logistics >Production >Production Control >Environment >Goods Movement >Goods Issue
    2. Logistics >Materials Management >Inventory Management >Goods Movement >Goods Issue MB1A--261Movement type
    Step12: Goods receipt
    Logistics > Production > Production Order > Environment > Material Movement > Post Mat to Stock
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    Step13: Techo Or Close Order.
    This can be done from Prduction. Order Header menu.   

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    Hello Lee,
    You dont have to import the certificate from R/3 into portal
    we have to generate the certificate in portal and then import in R/3
    To generate the portal certificate in quality Portal system and uploading in R/3,please find the method:
    Log on to the Visual Admin of Portal with administrator id and password. Go to the following node: Server 0 1_34158->services and then Key Storage
    In Key Storage, go to TicketKeyStorage
    Under Entry, choose Create.
    The Key and Certificate Generation dialog appears
    Enter the Subject Properties in the corresponding fields
    CN=<Common Name>, OU=<Organization Unit Name>, O=<Organization Name>, L=< Locality Name >, ST=<State/Province>, C=DE. give SID of portal in CN
    Give the Entry name as SAPLogonTicketKeypair.
    Select Algorithm as DSA,also click on store certificate and then generate
    You will see along with SAPLogonTicketKeypair, SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert will also get generated.
    Now we will have to import this SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert in the ABAP systems
    First we will have to download the certificate from the portal.
    Now logon to the SAP Netweaver Portal with user administrator
    Go to System Administration->System Configuration and then Keystore Administration.
    In the Content tab you will find the list of certificates
    We have to download SAPLogonTicketKeypair-cert .Click on Download verify.der file
    To your desktop
    Now we have to import the certificate in ABAP system.
    Log on to the ABAP system 000 client and use T-Code STRUSTSSO2
    Under Certificate, click on Import certificate
    Give the path of verify.der file. The file format should be Binary
    And upload it.
    Now you can see the certificate has been uploaded. Check for the validity
    Now click on Add to certificate to add this.
    Now click on Add to ACL.
    Enter System ID as the portal SID(i.e is SPQ) and client as 000 and click on Ok
    Then save your entries
    Hope this makes it clear

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              Context jndiContext = new InitialContext(p);
         Object ref = jndiContext.lookup("CalculateBean/Remote");
    Calculate c = (Calculate)ref;
    int sum=c.add(3,4);
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    Annotations can also be processed at run time using the core reflection API (java.lang.Class & java.lang.reflect.*), so you might want to explore down that path. I have no idea how JBoss actually does it, but annotation processing at build time and core reflection at runtime are the two most obvious possibilities.

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    Can someone suggest what could possibly be wrong?
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    Perhaps you have a correlation issue. If the same process invokes another process from multiple flow activities it needs to know which branch that should receive a given answer. I'm not sure how the built-in correlation with WS-Addressing works, but perhaps it cannot handle this?
    You could try content-based correlation and see if that helps you. You could also move the code that does the invoke and receive to a separate synchronous process and use it (you may get timeouts in real life, but for testing it should be fine). There would then be a one-to-one mapping between the calling and called process.
    I may be totally wrong here, but at least it is easy to try :-).

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    My code is:
    cf = ProcessUtils.getServiceClientFactory(CLIENT_CONFIG);
    ProcessUtils processUtils = new ProcessUtils(cf);
    try {
    ctx =
    } catch (WorkflowException e) {
    IBPMServiceClient bPMServiceClient = cf.getBPMServiceClient();
    IInstanceManagementService instManSer = bPMServiceClient.getInstanceManagementService();
    GrabInstanceRequest grab = new GrabInstanceRequest();
    //id and name for acitivities in bpmn file
    IFlowChangeItem change = FlowChangeItem.create(ActivityInfo.create("ABSTRACT_ACTIVITY3688569746588", "Cadastrar Briefing"), ActivityInfo.create("ABSTRACT_ACTIVITY3690017028690","Validar Briefing"));
    IProcessInstance instance = null;
    IInstanceQueryService query = bPMServiceClient.getInstanceQueryService();
    try {
    instance = query.getProcessInstance(ctx, "760001");
    } catch (BPMException e) {
    change.setTargetActivity(ActivityInfo.create("ABSTRACT_ACTIVITY3690017028690","Validar Briefing"));
    IGrabInstanceRequest igrab = grab;
    ArrayList<IFlowChangeItem> list = new ArrayList<IFlowChangeItem>();
    try {
    instManSer.grabInstance(ctx, igrab);
    } catch (BPMException e) {
    The error is:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of to field of type in instance of
         at weblogic.rjvm.ResponseImpl.unmarshalReturn(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
         at Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(
         at $Proxy15.grabInstance(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of to field of type in instance of
         at java.util.ArrayList.readObject(
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevInputStream.readObject(
         at Source)
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
         at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableServerRef.invoke(
    I can't even find the IOpenActivityInfo in the path mentioned.
    Anyone can help?
    Jaseer, can you send your code?

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    Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus : Failed to start the flow: Microsoct.ThesaurusDeployment.
    At location of my file...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Offic...aurusDictionary:ImportThesaurusDictionary) [Import-SPEnt
       erpriseSearchThesaurus], CommunicationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Cmdlet.ImportThesaurusDictionary
    Has anyone encountered this problem?

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    $searchApp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
     Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus -SearchApplication $searchApp -Filename
    the path to the csv is right.  I'm just trying to test this out, so my csv looks like this:
    apples,red delicious
    apples,granny smith
    Here is the error I get:
    Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus : Failed to start the flow:
    At line:1 char:1
    + Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus -SearchApplication $searchApp -Filename
    \\klp ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Offic...aurusDictionary:
       ImportThesaurusDictionary) [Import-SPEnterpriseSearchThesaurus], Communica
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Cmdlet.ImportThes

  • How do I stop iCal from changing the server path of CalDAV accounts?

    I'm using Davical as a calendar server for our family. Some may wonder why I use Davical and not iCloud. I do for one reason...there is no way to disable getting other users' alarms on the iPhone. I want to be able to view my wife's calendar but not get her alarms and have her be able to view my calendar and not get my alarms.
    So, now onto the issue with server path setting changing in iCal. We each have our own calendar set up within our own accounts on our Davical server. We each have read access to the other's calendar. Within iCal account settings I have her account set up on my Mac with my username/password (jason/****) and, under server settings, the server path points to her calendar /caldav.php/juiper/). After a few days, sometimes just a few hours, suddenly I will have duplicate events throughout my calandar in iCal. Going to preferences I will see that the server path for her calendar will have been changed to the location of my calendar (/caldav.php/jason/). I'll correct the server path, restart iCal and then the calander will be correct for a while unitl the server path is automatically and incorrectly changed again and I must manually correct it again.

    My coworkers and I use DavMail to share access to a shared Exchange calendar, authenticating with our own ADS credentials. We also see the behavior where iCal will reset the CalDav calendar path to the username (our own) that is authenticating to the CalDav service. In Lion this wasn't a deal breaker for us. While very annoying, the work around was simple. Update the path via preferences, and restart iCal. However in Mountain Lion, the issue has become a lot more difficult to fix. It's no longer a matter of updating the path via preferences and restarting.
    In Mountain Lion the solution to change the CalDav path back to the original path requires you to edit the file ~/Library/Calendars/<somehash>.caldav/Info.plist
    Contained within this file is a value "CalendarHomePath", simply update the string to your desired path, clear out the 'Calendar Cache' file for good measure, then restart iCal.

  • 'The folder path "C:" contains an invalid character.' ERROR AS I INSTALL iTunes

    first of all, merry xmas to all that celebrate! i hope you had/have a memorable day!
    and wishing everyone the very best for the new year.
    Now, I have a problem when I try to install iTunes on my computer. I'm running:
    - Windows Vista (Home Basic)
    - iTunes
    i have sufficient hard-drive space and sufficient ram. its definetly NOT from that. I originially DID HAVE iTunes already installed on my computer, but I was frequently having problems with establishing a connection through my iPhone 4. So I thought it would be a good idea to delete it and try downloading a new version, then install it fresh!
    I have some computer skills and knowledge, and i know how "most" things work and run. But now I am totally stuck. I run the iTunes software to be installed, but the installer keeps giving me an error message and NOT installing. I've done all the easy and required steps after I deleted the original version of iTunes from my computer, and now I need help from someone who really knows their stuff in IT and computer software. I have a feeling it may be a string of codes that are corrupt or significantly different to what they should be, but thats just my guess! cos like i already said, ive tried all the common fixes already but have been unsuccessful thus far. Some of the things I did were:
    - Restart the computer, re-boot, login to Windows, run the iTunes installation
    - Turn off the computer, wait 10 minutes, re-boot and then run the iTunes installation
    - Delete ALL the "Apple" company software that was still installed on my computer (QuickTime, iPhone Utility, iPod, Bonjour, etc etc)
    - Confirm my "User Account Control" is OFF
    - Run the iTunes installation file from my secondary windows login account (which has "Administrator" privilages)
    - Create a new windows login account, turn off the UAC (User Account Control protection), then try installing iTunes
    - Run disk-error checks on my hard-drives incase there are missing/corrupt/misplaced files that needed repair
    etc etc etc etc
    - Double click on the iTunes install icon
    - The "Trusted File Security Warning/Confirmation" window appears, requesting I confirm to Run or Cancel the software installation. I click on "Run"
    - A horizontal grey bar appears in the middle of the screen, and quickly fills up green
    - Then a small installation windows appears (Windows Installer) that writes "Preparing to Install". Then it very fast writes a couple different sentences (which is normal), specifically the sentences are "Performing installation checks" and "Checking spacing requirements".
    - immedietly after the previous step, another window appears and I hear the "error" audio tone. The ERROR MESSAGE has the Yellow Triangle logo with an exclamation mark in the middle, and beside it displays the following text (and Ive attatched the screen shot too):
    then below this message theres the "OK" button which I have no choice but to click on. then the next window that appears is as follows (see screenshot), and it reads:
    iTunes Installer Completed
    The installer encountered errors before iTunes could be configured.
    Errors occured during installation. Your system has not been modified.
    Please run the installer again, or click Finish to exit
    Please I beg you guys to help me, I will be extremely grateful for ALL and ANY advice/tips/assistance/solutions I receive. And would owe you one for sure!!
    Please feel free to write your opinions and thoughts on what I could do different, as Ive used up all my knowledge regarding the matter, and have seriously hit a brick wall now.
    Thanks so so so much, and once again I wish everyone the absolute very best!
    PS. Replies can be posted in this thread, otherwise even sent to me via email if you wish to do otherwise. My email address is:  [email protected]

    Check for the existence of a hidden folder named %appdata% in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization\Client folder.  (You will need to un-check the folder options box in windows explorer for "Hide
    protected operating system files" to see it)
    If the hidden %appdata% folder exists, delete it.
    Proceed to uninstall the App-V client
    After a clean uninstall and removal of remnants of the client, reinstall the client again and apply the latest hotfix available (Hotfix 2 for SP2 at a minimum).

  • Error while checking the flow of bpel process in bpel console

    Hi Experts
    I have created one bpel process which invokes task manager for approving or rejecting the leave request. I ve successfully deployed the bpel process and also able to test approve or reject the leave request . But i am facing one error
    when i am initiate a bpel process and started to check the flow of that bpel process in bpelconsole it gives me some error message in small pop up like
    error : Internal/ bug ( #589 )
    \u017E is not defined
    i click Ok and after this no error and all working well.

    A quick answer is:
    1. make sure you defined the Application/Integration Server in your developer (user/pass you have - if not oc4jadmin then one the IT gave you).
    2. Deploy your project to that server.
    3. Choose the correct domain in the Console when deploying.
    Is this what you wanted to know???

  • How to populate the whole path of the button in a field when the button is clicked.

    I have around 5 uploads in my file. I kept a hidden field on the header of the form. When ever i click on the upload button, the path of it needs to be populated in the hidden text field.
    by using   this.parent we can get the parent name of the element.
    is there any method similar to the above one to get the whole path of the button????????

    Try putting this script in the click event of the button
    This ought to work using either FormCalc or JavaScript.  I'm not sure from your description whether you will need to use the full path name for the hidden text field or use a relative one, but that's not too hard to deal with.

  • LSMW: Error concerning the logical path in Specify Files step

    I am trying on an ECC 6.0 EHP6 system to upload (open) POs from an existing SAP ERP system. Since I faced some complications in batch input recording method, I decided to go with the standard batch/direct input method.
    I selected object 0085 (Purchase Order) and method 0001 (Purchase Order). The program that is used is RM06EEI0. I followed all the usual steps, but in the "Specify Files" step I get the message:
    '****.lsmw.conv' does not exist; edit the logical path using transaction FILE
    Being aware of both the FILE and SF01 transactions, I created the logical path and file (through the FILE transaction). However, after the modification, I get the message:
    Logical file '****' is not assigned to physical file '****.lsmw.conv'
    There is also the related SAP Note 753511 (Logical and physical path and file name in transaction LSMW) that refers to this case.

    Click on specify file radio button>Legacy data-on the PC Front end
    where input file location like C:\mydocument\desktop\test.txt
    and give input in Name field: mydocument
    in delimiter section > select Tabular
    File structure section> tick on Field order matches source structure definition
    File type: Record end marker(Text file)
    then press enter key and other steps as same.
    Second thing you said that you have used Batch input recording
    after creation and recording finish , scroll the page below on recording and put a cursor unwanted field and remove unwanted input field.
    I hope your problem will resolve. you can find the steps pdf on Google search try now.
    Sanjeet Kumar

  • Finding the logical path

    How to find the logical filename for the given ARCHIVE object.
    I want to know the logical file name of FI_FICA object.
    Can any one guide me.

    Hi Sree,
    I don't have SAP system right now to check it.
    I think if you know the physical path, logical path can be found.
    Please check this thread for further reference.!reply.jspa?messageID=5726662
    Thanks and Regards,

  • When saving documents from word 2013, the save as dialog shows the default path under "other web locations"

    it used to be in the gold ole days of sharepoint 2010 and office 2010 that when I created a document in sharepoint and saved it I would get a dialog, like this (see below)  I have also attached a screen shot of the 2013 save dialog (when you save
    a document for the first time).
    I find it strange that the user actually has to select their "Current Folder" and also that it shows in the dialog as "other web locations"  Why can't it be like in the 2010 days where it automically selects the correct location
    and the user just hits save.  And why does the sharepoint location show up as an "other web location".  Is there anything that can be done (through office registry settings or another way) to make this less confusing for our users???
    now when I do this in office 2013 I get a dialog like this:

    Hi kdube,
    I test in SharePoint 2013 again, When I created a new document library and created a first document and clicked save as, I got a same dialog with you that "Current Folder" was under  "other web locations". 
    But when I created a second document and from then on, when I clicked save as, I got a same dialog with myself that "Current Folder" was under "SharePoint".  
    As I have said, Actually, web locations contain Microsoft SkyDrive and SharePoint libraries. Even the default path under "other web locations", it will not affect the Save As function. 
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]

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