The last of the iBooks G4

I have purchased a iBook G4 ten days ago...its due for delivery at the weekend.
Apple have the G5 on sale as of today!!
Please tell me my iBook G4 is still an atractive purchase!

I believe you can still cancel your order and order a MacBook.
I ordered an iBook G4 1.42 MHz model in December. Am I happy with it? Yes. I can surf the Net, do basic word processing, basic photo and video editing at speeds which seem reasonably fast to me, since the last Mac I owned was a PowerBook G4 12 inch, 867 MHz model. My daughter now has inherited it. My only major complaint is the keyboard.
If I had the chance to exchange for a comparably priced MacBook, would I do it, even though I'm happy with my iBook? You betcha! Either way, though, I see it as a no-loss situation. It's a choice between good and better.

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    If you did not get an OS X install-restore DVD with the computer you may need
    to buy one from somewhere, and you may be lucky to get a retail OS X 10.5.x
    version. The original grey-label install set of software and OS X it shipped with
    likely would be an older system than Leopard 10.5. Last versions of G4 Mac, &
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    A PPC processor at 867MHz & faster should be able to run OS X 10.5 Leopard.
    {With the correct disc installer, you can use it to change a password and other
    things including re-install, and perform disk utility functions, etc.}
    There is a chance you may be able to get a white-label Replacement 10.4 DVD
    or Replacement 10.5 DVD from AppleCare or the online Apple Store (800myapple)
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    as not all persons involved with them seem to know if they still exist until someone
    is asking. These aren't retail stock, are special discs for computers who could use
    a system later than original old discs; these are complete install discs not for one
    specific series of Mac. Generally they'd work in supported PowerPC G4/G5; but
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    I'm writing this for my wife, as she's unable to use her iBook for more than a few minutes before it locks up.
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    The first support person had her use the install/boot disk that came with the computer. That was Panther. We're using Tiger. Bad idea.
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    He just had her keep clicking "OK" and eventually got tired of talking to her and told her the hard drive was bad and that she was SOL.
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    She had asked the first support person about doing this and he said that if the files were corrupt on the iBook, they might corrupt the iMac, and that it was a bad idea. Not a very bright guy, considering the files would be copied to a folder, and wouldn't overwrite the iMac's system files.
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    Will running the 10.4.6 hurt or help the situation?
    Why is there such inconsistency in Apple support and aren't they supposed to log their trouble-shooting steps performed thus far?
    My wife has been using Mac's for over 9 years. I've only been using them for 2 years. Up until now, I've had a lot of confidence in Apple to be a solid platform, even if not the fastest platform. This experience is not inspiring me to purchase another Apple computer.
    PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz 15   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   iBook G4 1.2Ghz 14, iSight, 23" HD Cinema Display, LaCie d2, iLap, nano, Airport Express

    Hi Robk64,
    You might want to look at...
    Knowledge Base Document #106214 on Troubleshooting Startup Issues
    Knowledge Base Document #58583 on How to use FireWire target disk mode
    Knowledge Base Document #106941 on Mac OS X: How to back up and restore your files
    Do you have the Tiger Install Disc?
    Her files probably won't fit on a CD; unless she has less then 700Mb.
    1."Is this Apple's first virus?"
    2. "Is this the work of a disgruntled Apple employee working in the updates department?"
    No, I don't think so. Apple tries these out to try and avoid problems with their updates. Things happen that are not expected. They wouldn't put anything out unless they thought it was ready.
    3. "Is this an evil Apple plot to force us to by MacBook Pro's that won't run Virtual PC?"
    First off, look at #1 and think about what platform is notorious for virus problems (Mac has had not had any virus out breaks so far). There have been some "malware/macro" software that was meant to mess with Apple Computers. The most recent that was was over exaggerated was nothing special; MacWorld worked pretty hard to get it to effect their machine. As long as you know what you are downloading and where you are getting it from, you should have no problem.
    If you want VPC to work on a MacBook Pro; don't look to Apple. You should talk to Microsoft's Mac Department because Apple announced the Universal Binary switch a long time ago (with developer help) so that software companies could make the switch easier. If anyone is to blame; its Microsoft [they are busy working out their problems with Vista; I am guessing it will be awhile before you see VPC for MBP;) ]
    "Will running the 10.4.6 hurt or help the situation?"
    My opinion would to just reinstall Mac OS X after backing up the hard drive. That would probably fix your problem. Once OS X is installed; update the software.
    "Why is there such inconsistency in Apple support and aren't they supposed to log their trouble-shooting steps performed thus far"
    Once in a while Apple's personnel may make human errors. The second one you talked to may have seen her work-up and just reiterated what was said. They have resources we don't, but they can't really go beyond them because they can't see the product, and they are just call support. You may have to send it in.
    So in 9 years, you have had this one problem. We can't really tell you what is wrong with the computer because we can't see it ourselves; we can only give suggestions/ideas. Tell them her story, explaining her situation (military etc) and then see if they can help. She may want to bring it into her local Apple Store/Reseller. She can make a reservation on the website or at the store. She can get better feedback in person.
    Just some of my thoughts,
    Mac Mini 1.42Ghz, iPod (All), Airport (Graphite & Express), G4 1.33Ghz iBook, G4 iMac 1Ghz, G3 500Mhz, iBook iMac 233Mhz, eMate, Power Mac 5400 LC, PowerBook 540c, Macintosh 128K, Apple //e, Apple //, and some more...  Mac OS X (10.4.5) Moto Razr, iLife '06, SmartDisk 160Gb, Apple BT Mouse, Sight..

  • How do I boot up the iBook G4 from my MacBook Pro?

    Hello, and thank you in advance for your help. I have an old iBook G4 with a display that doesn't work, and I have been googling all day for an answer to this - I want to either remote desktop or use my MacBook Pro as an external display.
    I +don't think+ that I want to use target disk mode (which does work), but you may persuade me otherwise, if I'm able to use the iBook in some way like that. I have tried this, but I can't open up system preferences as it's an older version of the software...
    1. I have VGA connectors for both machines, and also a connector cable.
    2. I have Firewire to Firewire cable
    3. I have Ethernet cables
    4. The MacBook Pro is connected to the internet, but I'm finding it impossible to connect the iBook, because I can't see the screen.
    5. I'm pretty sure that the iBook G4's logic board is the reason the display doesn't show, but when I opened it up, there was already a shim over the suspect chip? Looked like someone had already tried a repair on it, even though I bought it new. Bizarre. I've also tried a very simple solder reflow method with a soldering iron, but neither of these worked. Luckily, the iBook still boots, but doesn't display still.
    6. So my last resort is to try to use it with an external display - but I want to test this first, before I buy one, and the only thing I have is my MBP....
    7. MBP software is at 10.6.2, iBook G4 is 10.1 I think, but it's been two years.
    Thanks again for your help...

    There are a few notes about the video problem some iBook G4s experienced
    and some user tales of homebrewed fixes, in the results from a Google search
    of these terms: *ibook G4 video problem shim.* (GPU: graphic processor unit.)
    Another idea is to look into the *Cory Arnold Effect*. One of his posts in Discussions
    (2006) appears here:
    +If you or someone else has already tried to re-flow solder on the suspected weak+
    +areas of a logic board, & there are continued issues, then the board may be shot.+
    While some location searches may find different results, and that may be a
    problem when checking content via a search engine. Looking worldwide,
    yet maybe too closely at your Aussie content first; it may miss some of them.
    There are several references and I have read of them, over the past four years.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • How to I update to a 7.0 so that I can add the iBook app to my ipad

    How do I update to a 7.0 so that I can add the iBook app to my iPad

    What generation iPad do you have?
    The First generation iPad cannot be updated past iOS 5.1.1
    However you should be able to get the last compatible version of the iBooks App by tapping on the install button.
    You might need to download first to a computer running itunes or a device that can take the newest version before you will get the option for the last compatible version. ipod-ipad/ ompatible-versions-of-apps-for-older-devices

  • PDF's crash the iBook

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    This solution was recommended by one of the magazines I can not read using iBooks and it works for me:
    Download Adobe Reader
    Download Downloads Lite (or the full program)
    Open Downloads Lite and browse to file's location
    Click on the link
    Select Download
    Once the file has downloaded, click on Files at the bottom of the app
    Click on the blue arrow next to the title of the product and select Open with Adobe Reader

  • Just updated from iOS 6 to 8, I find the tool bar in the iBooks too wide as it blocks the running title of my books. Anyone experienced this? Any solution?

    Just updated from iOS 6 to 8, I find the tool bar in the iBooks too wide as it blocks the running title of my books. Anyone experienced this? Any solution?

    In the last few days, it seems that my computer has all of a sudden caught a virus.
    As others have pointed out, this isn't malware. That should not be your first (or even fifty-first) thought when your Mac starts misbehaving. For more on this topic, see my Mac Malware Guide.
    I know the last ditch effort (after cleaning and maintenance of disc verification and permissions and repairs, is to reboot from the system disc.
    You mention "cleaning and maintenance." Have you been running utilities claiming to do those things? If so, you may be the victim of an overly-zealous cleaning job, which has removed important files and damaged your system.
    If I'm understanding correctly, you're unable to open any applications at all... is that right? Do you have any backups? If you don't have backups, you're in a sticky situation, as it will be difficult to make backups in your current state, but you shouldn't try any kind of repairs without them. (Actually, you shouldn't do anything with your computer without backups, but this is especially important when something is going badly wrong.)
    If you have backups, reboot from your Snow Leopard install disc. From there, first, repair the hard drive with Disk Utility. Once that is done, assuming repairs were successful, reinstall the system. You can simply reinstall it on top of your current system, and it will replace any damaged or lost system files with new copies. (You'll also need to update the system via Software Update after reinstalling.)
    If you don't have backups, or if Disk Utility can't repair damage, or if the problem continues even after a reinstall, post back with those details.

  • IBook migration to Macbook not working, and have tried every solution I have seen on the internet, still my new MB will not recognize the ibook.  Plz help if you can.

    It's pretty much what I have seen others write about, only I have not gotten any of their solutions to work.  Last thing I tried was a new firewire cable.  The mb can't see my ibook wirelessly either.  Now I have a new computer and no way to really use it.  This is probably my 20th Mac and I have been using them since 1988, and this is just about the very first time I have been frustrated with a Mac, unable to fix it, and ready to send it back.  So any help here would be appreciated.

    Which exact model is the iBook? Is it the Mac that's running Mac OS X 10.4.11? The System Profiler (Applications > Utilities > System Profiler) will tell you, but if you're not sure, you can choose from this list:
    Which exact model is the MacBook? Again, the System Profiler will tell you, but If you're not sure, you can choose from this list:
    (I'm assuming it's not the latest MacBook because the new ones are no longer equipped with FireWire ports.)
    Which version of the OS is the MacBook running?
    Kappy's User Tip may help you out:
    Even if the two could connect wirelessly, it's not advisable to do larger transfers in that way. It is painfully slow.

  • I can not change the iBook store search

    For some reason my iBook will not allow me to make a search when I go to the store. It is stuck in the last search I did and providers no option to change the search or even go to the home page.

    Try closing the iBooks app completely and see if it works properly when you re-open the app : from the home screen (i.e. not with the iBooks app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the iBooks app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't work also do a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • HT5557 when i click on the ibook icon on my ipad it opens a blank white screen. where did my ibooks go?

    how do i get the ibooks and its information to come back and get rid of this white screen? it will not allow me to redownload the app.

    This issue can be caused by corrupted cookies.
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    * Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

  • I have hidden unwanted books from the purchased area of the iBooks store, but they're are still appearing on the front page of iOS as cloud downloads, is there a way to remove these from iBooks without using the hide iCloud books button?

    I have hidden unwanted books from the purchased area of the iBooks store, but they're are still appearing on the front page of iOS as cloud downloads, is there a way to remove these from iBooks without using the hide iCloud books button?
    Let me explain a little more. I had downloaded a lot of free books in the past as a trial when iBooks was first released and since then I have decided I no longer want them, because of this I hid them from the purchased section of the iBooks store. The 5 books left are ones I decided to keep as seen in the following picture.
    This is how it appears in iBooks on my mac. There are 4 books downloaded and 1 book that I have decided not to download at this time. I would still like to keep this book available in the cloud incase I want to download it again in the future. You’ll notice that hide iCloud books is not selected, if I wanted to hide the book that I have chosen to keep in the cloud, but have not downloaded yet I could.
    This is exactly how I think this feature should work. If you have hidden a book from your purchases it should not show up in the mac Ibooks app. (I am aware you can never actually delete a purchase, just hide them and that hidden purchases can be restored to your account from within the account management section of the iBooks store).
    The iOS app is working differently for me. Here is a picture of the purchased tab on the iBooks store in iOS Ibooks. Again notice that pictures of Lilly is still yet to be downloaded. This is how I expected it to look.
    If we visit the front page of iOS iBooks the view is very different from what I expected. Here we can see the 4 books I wanted to keep on my device and have downloaded. We can also see the 1 book I wanted to keep, but did not want to store locally on the device and left in iCloud (Pictures of Lilly). However we can also see all the books I had hidden from the purchased section of my iTunes account and which I believe should no-longer be visible, Dracula, frankenstein etc…
    I am aware of the hide iCloud books button within the iOS app, but I did not need to use this to hide the books I had removed from the my purchased section of the iBooks store on the mac, why are they still appearing in iOS?
    I’m still not sure if this is a software glitch or not. This article suggests to me that books can be hidden, but I had already completed these steps.
    A browse of google also suggests people may have been able to hide past purchases from the front page of iBooks on iOS in the past.
    In case there was an issue with syncing I tried logging in and out of my iTunes account via settings in iOS. Force closing the app, disabling automatic downloads and removing my device from iTunes in the cloud. Syncing with iTunes on the mac did not correct the issue either.
    Interestingly I have the same issue on my iPhone 6 running iOS 8.3 as I do on my iPad mini suggesting that this might be an issue either with my account or with iOS iBooks software in general.
    If there is a way to remove the already hidden iBooks in your account from the front page of iBooks on iOS without using the hide iCloud downloads button? Please help community!

    My apologies for the lack of photos, here is my post again with photos.
    I have hidden unwanted books from the purchased area of the iBooks store, but they're are still appearing on the front page of iOS as cloud downloads, is there a way to remove these from iBooks without using the hide iCloud books button?
    Let me explain a little more. I had downloaded a lot of free books in the past as a trial when iBooks was first released and since then I have decided I no longer want them, because of this I hid them from the purchased section of the iBooks store. The 5 books left are ones I decided to keep as seen in the following picture.
    This is how it appears in iBooks on my mac. There are 4 books downloaded and 1 book that I have decided not to download at this time. I would still like to keep this book available in the cloud incase I want to download it again in the future. You’ll notice that hide iCloud books is not selected, if I wanted to hide the book that I have chosen to keep in the cloud, but have not downloaded yet I could.
    This is exactly how I think this feature should work. If you have hidden a book from your purchases it should not show up in the mac Ibooks app. (I am aware you can never actually delete a purchase, just hide them and that hidden purchases can be restored to your account from within the account management section of the iBooks store).
    The iOS app is working differently for me. Here is a picture of the purchased tab on the iBooks store in iOS Ibooks. Again notice that pictures of Lilly is still yet to be downloaded. This is how I expected it to look.
    If we visit the front page of iOS iBooks the view is very different from what I expected. Here we can see the 4 books I wanted to keep on my device and have downloaded. We can also see the 1 book I wanted to keep, but did not want to store locally on the device and left in iCloud (Pictures of Lilly). However we can also see all the books I had hidden from the purchased section of my iTunes account and which I believe should no-longer be visible, Dracula, frankenstein etc…
    I am aware of the hide iCloud books button within the iOS app, but I did not need to use this to hide the books I had removed from the my purchased section of the iBooks store on the mac, why are they still appearing in iOS?
    I’m still not sure if this is a software glitch or not. This article suggests to me that books can be hidden, but I had already completed these steps.
    A browse of google also suggests people may have been able to hide past purchases from the front page of iBooks on iOS in the past.
    In case there was an issue with syncing I tried logging in and out of my iTunes account via settings in iOS. Force closing the app, disabling automatic downloads and removing my device from iTunes in the cloud. Syncing with iTunes on the mac did not correct the issue either.
    Interestingly I have the same issue on my iPhone 6 running iOS 8.3 as I do on my iPad mini suggesting that this might be an issue either with my account or with iOS iBooks software in general.
    If there is a way to remove the already hidden iBooks in your account from the front page of iBooks on iOS without using the hide iCloud downloads button? Please help community!
    iPhone 6, iOS 8.3, Also an issue on my iPad mini iOS 8

  • I am confused about something.  How do I read a book on my MacBook Pro?  I can't find the iBook app anywhere, which is what I use on my iPad.  The book I want to read is in my iTunes but I can't click on it.  My iBook library does not show up in iTunes.

    I am confused about something.  How do I read a book on my MacBook Pro?  I can't find the iBook app anywhere, which is what I use on my iPad.  The book I want to read is in my iTunes but I can't click on it.  Some of my iBooks show up in my iTunes but they are "grayed" out.  The only books that respond in iTunes are audiobooks and that's not what I'm looking for.  Is this a stupid question?

    Nevermind - I answered my own question, which is I CAN"T READ ANY BOOKS I purchased in iBooks on my MacBook Pro.  If I want to read on my mac I have to use Kindle or Nook.  Which means any book I've already purchased through iBooks has to be read on my iPad.  Kind of a drag because there are times when it's more convenient for me to read while I'm sitting with my Mac.

  • OK. I have a copyright question. Do I have to put a copyright symbol on each of my photos to protect them from being stolen ? I'm referring to photos of paintings  here. What is to stop readers of the iBook from using the photos?

    Ok, I have a question concerning copright. Do I have to put a copyright symbol on every image I use- I'm refering to photos of paintings here. What is to stop readers of the ibook from using my images? They are all my own photos.

    You do not HAVE to put a © symbol on each photo. If you own the photos, you hold the copyright. However, nothing stops a viewer from downloading the photo and using it without your permission.
    To protect yourself there are alternatives: put a ©2013 by ME in the description of each photo. Always add your copyright notice to the metadata in every photo.
    I once had several of my photos taken off the internet and then used in a commercial catalog without my permission. I was outraged, the catalog company was naive, and in the end I received $100 compensation and an apology. - Fabini

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