The N95 issue thread

Since there is no seperate board for the N95, I propose to use this thread to post the issues/malfunctions for the N95. The N95 is certainly very cool, but there are also a lot of minor annoyances and inconveniences that should not be present in a professional PDA. Hopefully, this can be a place for Nokia to look when they start making their new firmware. This is what I have encountered so far (based on this weeks new firmware):
* Too many places exist to define wireless networks. There seems to be a lot of duplication in the menus. Very confusing.
* When you have selected a wireless network and you go to maps, you have to reselect the wireless network AND add the WEP key again AND again AND Again.
[In my Wlan wizard I have saved my home wlan. Every time I see the N95 home screen it sais "found ". However I have only once seen the "connected to " when you actually see the status icons behind it. And this has been the only time I haven''t had to enter that %#$%# WEP key again when I start up GPS. ]=>so: handshake with home wlan doesn't seem to work properly.
* When you create an SMS, the N95 can''t locate addresses/numbers on your SIM card, just the ones you have copied to your phone memory. Very frustrating!
* It seems that once you have *not* copied all the addresses on your sim to phone memory at first go, you can only copy them one at a time.
* Also can''t find a way to turn "reminder" in the calendar function on by default with a default pre-time of x. Basic pda stuff.

08-May-200703:33 PM
mschipperheyn wrote:
Please change this. It clutters and confuses my search results.
This isn't a feedback route to Nokia, you need to use the Contact Us link at the top of the page and use the online form or call them...
I don't think this feature should be removed, I think the option to disable it should be added, as I, and several other users find it quite useful - it's not a new feature of the N95, and I got used to it a long time ago
Nokia History: 3110, 5110, 7110, 7110, 3510i, 6210, 6310i, 5210, 6100, 6610, 7250, 7250i, 6650, 6230, 6230i, 6260, N70, N70, 5300, N95, N95, E71, E72
Android History: HTC Desire, SE Xperia Arc, HTC Sensation, Sensation XE, One X+, Google Nexus 5

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    The previous thread I posted can be deleted.  This thread has everything people need to read.  Here is the conversation I just had with Palm about the rampant signal problems everyone is having with their Palm Pre phones (side note, they say they'll be calling me back in a few days.  I'll assume they mean BUSINESS days and i'll post here again tuesday or wednesday if I don't hear from anyone.) :
    1:56 AM Connecting...
    1:56 AM Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
    1:57 AM Support session established with Sabino.
    1:57 AM Sabino: Hello David. Thank you for contacting Palm. My name is Sabino.
    1:57 AM David Doria: hi
    1:58 AM Sabino: I understand that you are facing issues with weak signals.
    1:58 AM Sabino: Am I correct?
    1:58 AM David Doria: yes.  weak, and also erractic.  sometimes i will get full bars, and then it will jump to one bar, or none...then be roaming, then Ev, then 1x...all in the SAME spot
    1:58 AM Sabino: I’m sorry for any trouble this may have caused.
    1:58 AM Sabino: May I know since how long you are facing this issue?
    1:59 AM David Doria: as long as i've been using a palm pre, but it is getting worse with time.  i've been using a palm pre since october of last year
    2:00 AM Sabino:  Let me know the webOS version on the device and your carrier name.
    2:01 AM David Doria: whatever the latest OS is.  1.4.whatever.  and i'm with sprint
    2:01 AM Sabino: This seems to be the issue with the network, all the network related issues were taken care by your carrier. I suggest you to contact Sprint. They will be able to fix the issue.
    2:01 AM David Doria: um, you said that before i even told you what carrier i'm using
    2:01 AM Sabino: I just pulled the details using your phone number.
    2:02 AM David Doria: you know that isn't true.  you know it's not sprint
    2:02 AM David Doria: i just told you all my other phones with sprint worked fine here and i've only been having problems since i got a palm pre
    2:02 AM Sabino: Okay, contact your carrier, they will be able to fix the issue.
    2:02 AM David Doria: i've lived here for 4 years and i've had sprint all 4 years
    2:02 AM David Doria: no they won't.  i've been contacting them for weeks.  they came out and checked the tower TWICE now.  there's nothing they can do.  it's a hardware issue for palm
    2:04 AM David Doria: there are threads all over the internet with hundreds of people complaining about having signal issues ONLY since they bought a palm pre.  now you're telling me it's a sprint issue and you haven't even looked at my phone yet.
    2:05 AM Sabino:  What I would like to do, is place your case into a special team that develops technical solutions. They will do further research on it. They would be in touch with you once they have further updates. I cannot commit to a specific callback period, but please know that we are working on your case. May I do that for you?
    2:06 AM David Doria: no, because i saw someone in one thread say that palm told them the exact same 2009
    2:06 AM David Doria: so you're basically saying you're forwarding the problem to a generic department to a generic person that i can't know the name of, with no contact info, and that there is no guarantee when they will contact me IF they even will contact me...but i should definitely believe they are working on the problem
    2:06 AM Sabino: What exactly you want me to do now?
    2:06 AM David Doria: that's ridiculous
    2:07 AM David Doria: i want you to tell me why palm is not fixing this problem with the palm pre and is instead telling me it is sprint's problem and then pretending to forward the issue to another department which has already had years to fix the issue
    2:08 AM Sabino: As I stated, all the network related issues are taken by carrier.
    2:09 AM David Doria: it's a hardware issue
    2:10 AM Sabino:  I am going to tell you about our 2 repair options:
    2:10 AM Sabino:
    1.  Repair return: After I create your service repair order, you receive an email with the details on how and where to ship your device for repair. The email also contains info on the follow-up process. After the repair center receives your device, you’ll receive a working device in another 5-7 business days.
    2. :”With the advance exchange option, we ship you a replacement device first, and then you return your defective device to us using a prepaid label. There is a $29.95 fee for this special service but you get a replacement device within 3-5 days.
    2:10 AM David Doria: you can't even KNOW it's a network issue without looking at the phone, and all evidence points to hardware since other phones on the same carrier work fine
    2:10 AM Sabino: Please go through the above 2 options.
    2:10 AM David Doria: this is my SEVENTH palm pre phone, sabino
    2:11 AM David Doria: as many others in forums will tell you, they have also replaced their phones MULTIPLE times hoping to fix this issue.  nothing works.  there is SOMETHING physically wrong with the reception capability of the palm pre
    2:12 AM David Doria: dude, stop copying and pasting what palm tells you to say and listen to me.  these phones do NOT work.  there is something majorly wrong with them and palm is cheating people out of hundreds of dollars a piece to save themselves the cost of a fix.
    2:13 AM Sabino: Please hold on while I transfer the chat to our Supervisor.
    2:13 AM David Doria: thank you
    2:13 AM Sabino: You’re welcome.
    2:14 AM Transferring session to another technician...
    2:14 AM Support session established with Saben.
    2:14 AM Saben: Hello David, this is supervisor Saben.
    2:15 AM Saben: Please stay on hold while I go through the chat.
    2:15 AM David Doria: hello, saben...i urge you to read the conversation i just had with sabino so i do not have to explain the situation again.
    2:15 AM David Doria: ok, thank you
    2:15 AM Saben: Thank you for staying on hold.
    2:16 AM David Doria: sure
    2:16 AM Saben: I understand that you are facing network issues with the phone.
    2:16 AM Saben: Am I correct?
    2:16 AM David Doria: no
    2:16 AM David Doria: i am facing signal issues.  my network is functioning just fine
    2:16 AM Saben: Okay.
    2:16 AM Saben: Did you try any troubleshooting steps?
    2:17 AM David Doria: yes.  i reset my phone...tried NEW phones...updated...updated PRL...etc...tried 2G only, restarting the phone after removing the battery, tried going outside...tried going a few blocks down.
    2:17 AM David Doria: i can't even count how many things i have tried.  something is wrong with the palm pre
    2:18 AM Saben: Did you try with the webOS doctor?
    2:18 AM David Doria: i've tried every software solution i can find
    2:19 AM Saben: I am sorry, I just want to know did you run the webOS doctor tool?
    2:19 AM David Doria: i've been talking to sprint about this for WEEKS now.  in case you didn't read the conversation, they've already come out to check the local tower twice now
    2:20 AM Saben: Okay. It seems that you did not use the webOS doctor tool on the device to check the issue.
    2:20 AM David Doria: yes.  the local sprint repair center used the tool when my phone froze during an update
    2:20 AM David Doria: yes i did
    2:20 AM Saben: Okay. Thank you for the information.
    2:20 AM David Doria: you're welcome
    2:20 AM Saben: Then it seems need a repair.
    2:20 AM David Doria: but this is my 7th palm pre phone.
    2:20 AM David Doria: they have all done this
    2:22 AM Saben: Okay. To best assist you I will escalate the issue to specialist team. They will call back you and find a resolution.
    2:22 AM David Doria: are you guaranteeing me that they will call?
    2:22 AM David Doria: because the last guy said someone MAY contact me but probably not
    2:23 AM Saben: Yes. They will contact you. I will escalate the issue to specialist team.
    2:23 AM David Doria: when will they contact me by?
    2:23 AM Saben: I need few information from you to do a specific escalation.
    2:23 AM David Doria: ok
    2:24 AM Saben: Give me a minute while I post the questions.
    2:25 AM David Doria: ok
    2:25 AM Saben: Please provide the following details so that I can set up the call back from our Specialist team:
     First and last name :
     Primary phone number :
     Secondary phone number (if any) :
     Primary email address :
     Device serial number :
     Purchase date :
     Country where you purchased your device  :
     Preferred time to call :
    2:26 AM David Doria: David Doria
    no secondary number
    2:27 AM David Doria: which number is the serial number on the box?
    2:27 AM Saben: Open the launcher on the phone.
    2:27 AM Saben: Select the Device Info.
    2:27 AM Saben: You will find the serial number of the phone there.
    2:28 AM David Doria: as far as purchase date, this particular phone was sent to me less than a month ago.  original purchase date of ORIGINAL palm pre was october of '09.
    United States
    2PM-midnight best time to call
    2:28 AM David Doria: serial number: ************
    2:29 AM Saben: Okay,I also need yourfull name, phone number and email address.
    2:30 AM David Doria: I gave you that if you can scroll up a bit
    2:31 AM Saben: I am sorry, are you refering to the one you have mentioned before entering to chat?
    2:31 AM David Doria: no.
    2:31 AM Saben: I am sorry, I see that.
    2:31 AM Saben: Thank you for the information.
    2:32 AM David Doria: ok, thank you
    2:32 AM Saben: I will escalate the issue. You will receive a call from the specialist team within 48 to 72 hours.
    2:32 AM Saben: Is there anything else I can help you with?
    2:33 AM David Doria: i am looking forward to it. meanwhile, i am posting this conversation in the palm website forum because i want people to be updated about this problem since so many are having signal issues
    2:33 AM David Doria: no, there's nothing else you can help me with
    2:33 AM Saben: Here’s the reference number for our chat: Chat session ID number ********. Keep this number as a record of this chat, and if you need to call our Voice Support team or contact us again for this same issue, please refer to this number.
    2:33 AM Saben: Thank you for contacting Palm and feel free to contact us for further assistance. We rely on your suggestions and feedback to help us provide the best support, so please take a few minutes to complete the customer survey that you'll receive via email. You may now close the chat window. Have a great day!
    2:33 AM Saben: Bye!
    2:33 AM David Doria: bye
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    So they finally called me back, but I didn't get the call because.....I had no signal.  HAHA
    I got their voicemail and called back.  First, they tried telling me YET AGAIN that it was Sprint's problem.  They said that if I call Sprint, they will give me a device to boost signal in my home.  I said, "That's fine, but what do I do when I'm in the rest of the country?"  Then they told me it was a software problem and that I need to run WebOSdoctor to reinstall the operating system.  I told them that this is my 7th Palm Pre.  I told them that Sprint already used the I told the online tech people.  But this guy on the phone wasn't having it.  He told me that he didn't think Sprint was able to do that (so I can, but Sprint can't =/?) and that I should do it just to be sure.  He said if that doesn't work that they will try out a NEW Palm profile and see if that fixes it.  If neither of those works, he basically admitted there are no other options.
    I asked him if there is some sort of way they can physically upgrade the antenna system with a better material or placement and he said that Palm has no department able to do that. 
    I told him about the various threads online like this one, where dozens of people complain about the same  issue.  He told me to just do the WebOSdoctor and call him back.   I asked him if this has fixed signal problems for people previously and he said that he doesn't get to know the end result of his suggestions to customers.   How unprofessional is that?  How is the guy supposed to get better at his job if he's not allowed to find out if the fixes he suggest to people actually work?  That seems nuts to me, but i digress.
    I haven't tried the Doctor yet.  I'm going to, but I'm just being lazy because I know it won't work, and it's going to be really annoying to update my phone and backup photos first and all that good stuff.
    I will post back after I run the doctor and try the new Palm profile.  Until then, I'd REALLY suggest you all do what I did and call Palm, insisting they fix the problem, even if it means a recall.  They aren't gonna do it just for me, no matter how many times I complain.  That's a fact.
    If anyone DOES call Palm, it would probably be a good idea to bring up this thread and also to post here about what they tell you!

  • 2 small issues with the n95

    1. web browsing....full web browsing- doesnt load fully ie no images are shown can someone try going on this site and see what the result is on their n95?
    2.secondary camera.....flash- does the secondary camera have a flash? if so how do u turn it on? never been able to suggestions please
    apart from these n95 works fine.....

    This is because of RAM allocation.(XIP aint available)
    Series 60 version 3 has given us one of the most fast and advanced web browser apart from windows mobile but it is a memory pig.
    The web browser is a ROM (Built-in ) application.
    So, whenever you try to browse something specially that is huge in size it would show the memory full message even if the N95 got 64 MB of offocial RAM but its ROM is filed with various applications which are eating memory randomly every now and then.
    As for now, try browsing while closing other apps.
    Symbian OS 9.5 will fix it permanently.
    Some complained about the absense of flash behind the 2ndary camera-I guess it is a new idea cause AFAIK it has not been implementing any single mobile device (but some may exist, very few).
    I guess it is avery good idea but not for this year.

  • Better Battery for the N95?

    Hello everyone
    This is my first post on the support site and I'm disappointed to see that I'm not alone in experiencing problems with the N95 and specifically the shockingly poor battery life. My last Nokia was an N70 and I don't agree with other people who had said that poor battery life is a feature of the N series phones as I could go almost 3 weeks between charges. I find that even with only moderate use the battery in my N95 goes from a full charge to empty within 5 days (approximately only 70 hours) and I don't see the point in having a phone with all of these features if you have to charge it every few days. I'm not using the GPS function, WLAN scanning is switched off as is Bluetooth and I'm only sending a few text messages a day and making a couple of calls yet everytime that I look at the display the battery has gone down another notch. Looking in the Vodafone catalogue the standby time is quoted at up to 260 hours but I would love someone from Nokia to demonstrate how they managed to arrive at this figure.
    I love the features of the phone (I've not had any other problems so far!)but I feel that Nokia have released the N95 with a very poor battery (like the old Ipods) and the poor consumer is left to try muddle along trying to save battery life.
    Does anyone know if Nokia are planning to release an updated battery that might actually last a decent amount of time between charges?

    30-Apr-200711:26 PM
    waqarbashir wrote:
    1) I charged the battery full early in the morning at 6. I recieved just one call at 9 and my battery was finished at 2:30. Just for 8 hours standby time?
    Sounds like you had everything running: 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, screen at max brightness etc. That would affect battery life.
    Also, there are many people who believe that battery life can be optimised by conditioning the battery when you first get it: run the battery all the way down and charge over night for the first 3 or 4 cycles.
    30-Apr-200711:26 PM
    waqarbashir wrote:
    2) I charged it fully, used GPS for 30 mins and battery was finsihed after 3 hours? What was that?
    Running GPS is really going to take it out of the battery: the GPS receiver is working, the processor is working, the screen's on - basically the battery is getting hammered.
    I get a similar affect running SatNav with my N80 and that uses an external GPS, ie: one that's not powered by the phone's battery.
    30-Apr-200711:26 PM
    waqarbashir wrote:
    3) I fully charged the battery connected to WIFI and did chat on MSN for around 1 hour and battery was finished exactly after 3.5 hours.
    Again, the phone was working pretty hard for an hour there - you should think of that as at least the equivalent of having made a 1 hour call.
    30-Apr-200711:26 PM
    waqarbashir wrote:
    Nokia builtup so great device and with so much poor battery?
    Size of the device: a higher capacity battery would be bigger so the phone would have to be bigger.
    30-Apr-200711:26 PM
    waqarbashir wrote:
    We will be getting battery replacement? or nokia will be releasing some new battery in future for N95?
    Almost certainly not: most of the previous N-series phones have had the same issues and none of their batteries have been upgraded.
    30-Apr-200711:26 PM
    waqarbashir wrote:
    Anyone if having same problem with battery please post comments here or its just with my device?
    There are plenty of threads about this, so I guess it's quite common - though I notice a lot of people reporting that battery life is actually better than they had with the N95's predecessor, the N80.

  • Not Running on the Event Dispatch thread, but UI still freezes

    The environment: I am currently working on an application that requires some heavy lifting in response to user input on a UI. To do this I am using a version of SwingWorker that was backported from java 1.6 to java 1.5 in conjunction with a slew of custom threads.
    The problem: I am currently running into an issue where I am not operating on the Event Dispatch thread (checked by doing a javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) but the UI is still freezing during this section. The operation involves a loop with about 2000 iterations and contains several file accesses. I have thought about how to make a new thread to perform the same operation, but I do not see how it would be any different since as it is I am not on the EDT. The call is being made from doInBackground and specifically the piece that is slowing things down is the File Accesses (2 for every iteration of the loop). At this point I am not sure how to go about resolving the issue. Any one have any suggestions?

    I am not operating on the Event Dispatch threadThat is the problem. Use multiple threads for GUI, which should delegates to the EDT, and your app logic.

  • Is the Memory Suite thread safe?

    Hi all,
    Is the memory suite thread safe (at least when used from the Exporter context)?
    I ask because I have many threads getting and freeing memory and I've found that I get back null sometimes. This, I suspect, is the problem that's all the talk in the user forum with CS6 crashing with CUDA enabled. I'm starting to suspect that there is a memory management problem when there is also a lot of memory allocation and freeing going on by the CUDA driver. It seems that the faster the nVidia card the more likely it is to crash. That would suggest the CUDA driver (ie the code that manages the scheduling of the CUDA kernels) is in some way coupled to the memory use by Adobe or by Windows alloc|free too.
    I replaced the memory functions with _aligned_malloc|free and it seems far more reliable. Maybe it's because the OS malloc|free are thread safe or maybe it's because it's pulling from a different pool of memory (vs the Memory Suite's pool or the CUDA pool)

    Zac Lam wrote:
    The Memory Suite does pull from a specific memory pool that is set based on the user-specified Memory settings in the Preferences.  If you use standard OS calls, then you could end up allocating memory beyond the user-specified settings, whereas using the Memory Suite will help you stick to the Memory settings in the Preferences.
    When you get back NULL when allocating memory, are you hitting the upper boundaries of your memory usage?  Are you getting any error code returned from the function calls themselves?
    I am not hitting the upper memory bounds - I have several customers that have 10's of Gb free.
    There is no error return code from the ->NewPtr() call.
         PrMemoryPtr (*NewPtr)(csSDK_uint32 byteCount);
    A NULL pointer is how you detect a problem.
    Note that changing the size of the ->ReserveMemory() doesn't seem to make any difference as to whether you'll get a memory ptr or NULL back.
    btw my NewPtr size is either
         W x H x sizeof(PrPixelFormat_YUVA4444_32f)
         W x H x sizeof(PrPixelFormat_YUVA4444_8u)
    and happens concurrently on #cpu's threads (eg 16 to 32 instances at once is pretty common).
    The more processing power that the nVidia card has seems to make it fall over faster.
    eg I don't see it at all on a GTS 250 but do on a GTX 480, Quadro 4000 & 5000 and GTX 660
    I think there is a threading issue and an issue with the Memory Suite's pool and how it interacts with the CUDA memory pool. - note that CUDA sets RESERVED (aka locked) memory which can easily cause a fragmenting problem if you're not using the OS memory handler.

  • Is Apple aware of the Wifi issue with the IOS8 upgrade?

    Is Apple aware of the WiFi issue with the IOS8 update?  If so, what are the doing about it?

    Ipad, wifi stops working and I have to restart my iPad and log in again.  It only stays logged into my wifi for a short while then it drops it again.  I followed instructions from other threads to reset my IPad and my router...still having issues.  The same thing happened the last time I updated my IOS.

  • No "Shrink" option for photos in the N95-8BG !!!

    I was shocked when I wanted to shrink one of my photos to send it via MMS, and found out that it is not in the options!!
    This option was in N73 & N95, but not in the N95-8GB.
    I think it is an essential feature when sending photos via MMS.
    I already e-mailed NOKIA for this issue, and they sayed they will look into it.
    It will be GREAT if more people e-mail NOKIA with this regard to have them take this issue more seriously.
    Regards to all,

    Hi Extrastyle, there are two solutions for your problem:
    1) "Messaging" - "Options" - "Settings" - "Multimedia message" - "Image size" set to "Small" will shrink all photos before sending them.
    2) View the photo in "Gallery" then "Options" - "Edit" - "Options" - "Apply effect" - "Resize".Message Edited by gordonshowers on 25-Nov-200706:37 PM

  • Interpretation of the use of threads with Sessions in the JMS Specification

    I’ve been interacting with two JMS Providers which do a different interpretation of the JMS Specification with the use of different threads for accessing to a session and session’s related objects.
    The question is:
    When a client is consuming messages asynchronously, is it possible to access session’s related objects from a thread different to the one dedicated to the asynchronous consumption, on (thread of control)?
    -     Never?
    -     Yes, but the client should provide explicit synchronization.?
    Our execution scenario is:
    1.- Messages are consumed asynchronously from a dedicated thread.
    2.- From other thread, messages consumed are acknowledged.
    In the JMS specification there is, at least, two parts where this issue is treated:
    1.- The first one (4.4.1 - page 60):
    +“There are no restrictions on the number of threads that can use a Session object or those it creates. The restriction is that the resources of a Session should not be used concurrently by multiple threads. It is up to the user to insure that this concurrency restriction is met. The simplest way to do this is to use one thread. In the case of asynchronous delivery, use one thread for setup in stopped mode and then start asynchronous delivery. In more complex cases the user must provide explicit synchronization.”+
    This extract, makes me think that it is possible the access from different threads, but If I do that, I should provide explicit synchronization.
    2.- The second one (4.4.6 – page 62,63)
    +"Once a connection has been started, any session with a registered message listener(s) is dedicated to the thread of control that delivers messages to it. It is erroneous for client code to use this session or any of its constituent objects from another thread of control. The only exception to this is the use of the session or connection close method"?+
    This extract, could be interpreted as that the concurrent access is never allowed in the described situation.

    I think the key words are in 4.4.6 (and also the javadoc for Session): "Once a connection has been started, any session with a registered message listener(s) is dedicated to the thread of control that delivers messages to it".
    My interpretation of this is that you when you register a message listener and call connection.start(), the thread which delivers messages to the listener should be thought of as "using the resources of the session" (as mentioned in 4.4.1) continuously until the connection is stopped (or until the session or connection is closed). it doesn't matter whether the session is executing onMessage() or not.
    Given this, both 4.4.1 and 4.4.6 say the same thing: that once you have registered and started a message listener, the only thing you can do to the session from another thread is to close it.
    I agree the spec could be clearer. In particular the words "In more complex cases the user must provide explicit synchronization" in 4.4.6 should be clarified to state what this actually means rather than give a hint.
    Please note that work has just started on updating the JMS specification, so now is a great time to report areas of the JMS spec which would benefit from clarification. If you'd like this to be considered for clarification, please report it in the official JSR 343 issue tracker at

  • How can I give the "user interface thread" higher priority?

    We do alot of activex calls to front panels. We need to increase/decrease the priority of the user interface thread to resolve our thread problem. Anyone know how to do this?

    As P.M. was saying, you can adjust the thread priorities
    through the VI Properties dialogue. 
    Another place to modify the multithreading system in LabVIEW is a VI
    located at: [LabVIEW Directory]\vi.lib\Utility\sysinfo.llb\  However I do not think this will remedy any
    problems you are having.
    From a Multithreading in LabVIEW tutorial (
    Priorities in the User Interface and
    Single-Threaded Applications
    Within the User Interface execution
    system, priority levels are handled in the same way for single-threaded and
    multithreaded applications.
    In single-threaded applications and
    in the User Interface execution system of multithreaded applications, the
    execution system queue has multiple entry points. The execution system places
    higher priority VIs on the queue in front of lower priority VIs.
    If a high-priority task is running and the queue contains only lower priority
    tasks, the high-priority VI continues to run. For example, if the execution
    queue contains two VIs of each priority level, the time-critical VIs share execution time exclusively until both finish.
    Then, the high priority VIs share execution
    time exclusively until both finish, and so on. However, if the higher priority
    VIs call a function that waits, the execution system removes higher priority
    VIs from the queue until the wait or I/O completes, assigning other tasks
    (possibly with lower priority) to run. When the wait or I/O completes, the
    execution system reinserts the pending task on the queue in front of lower
    priority tasks. Refer to the Synchronous/Blocking Nodes section for a list of
    asynchronous functions that wait.
    Also, if a high priority VI calls a lower priority subVI,
    that subVI is raised to the same priority level as the caller for the duration
    of that call. Consequently, you do not need to modify the priority levels of
    the subVIs that a VI calls to raise the priority level of the subVI.
    Thus changing the priority of your VI will change the
    priority of UI calls for that particular VI. 
    Again, I caution you because I suspect that if you are having problems
    with your application not running correctly, I do not believe that manipulating
    the thread priorities will resolve these issues.
    Hope this helps,
    Travis M
    LabVIEW R&D
    National Instruments

  • Is The Clock Issue Going To Be Fixed?!?

    Merging into existing thread
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

    I may be the only one with this issue and if so then I apologize for mis stating the question.  However, my iMac is less than 2 weeks old and as soon I upgraded I had the issue.  I also saw the same issue listed on MacRumors which lead me to believe that others are aware of the problem.  I just downloaded flash 11 beta and am no longer having that issue.  Perhaps it is specific to the 21.5 inch iMac's i'm not sure.  Hopefully others with similar issues will try the beta and at least be able to surf content without crashing.  Thanks again for everyones quick responses. 
    PS.  I don't care about Flash either and wish it would go away. 

  • N95 issues???

    OK so the latest super handset is out and running...
    It's been out for nearly 2 weeks now and due to popular demand it's become one of the quickest selling handsets on the market.
    So far i've come accros the following issues:
    * Maps/GPS doesn't load correctly
    (To resolve, try resetting factory settings)
    * Slide mechanism becomes somewhat loose
    (Either ask for an exchange or take to your local nokia repair centre)
    * Programmes wont load!
    (Ensure you haven't got alot of programmes running in the background, this is visible by going on the menu and looking for a small 3/4 circle icon )
    * Battery Life is poor
    (Where to go on this one??? Nokia have said the N95 is meant to have an outstanding battery life on this handset, somewhat compared to the n73 and 6233. For the mean time take the phone to your nokia repair centre and ask for it to be tested as it could be a faulty battery. If not and you just use your phone 24/7 like me then await the arrival of the new Nokia battery which is currently being made)

    11-Apr-200708:25 PM
    sj_tmobile wrote:
    * Battery Life is poor
    (Where to go on this one??? Nokia have said the N95 is meant to have an outstanding battery life on this handset, somewhat compared to the n73 and 6233. For the mean time take the phone to your nokia repair centre and ask for it to be tested as it could be a faulty battery. If not and you just use your phone 24/7 like me then await the arrival of the new Nokia battery which is currently being made)
    Nokia are making a new battery for the N95? is this true?
    Phones I've owned (not in any order) 8210 7100 3510 3510i 7650 9210Communicator 1600 3310 3330 3650 5110 6230 9500Communicator N70 N90 N91 N73(ME) N95

  • Put a DVD on the N95 8G

    Just wanted to check something.
    I've been following some potentially helpful and fairly convoluted posts about putting standard DVD (.VOB) files onto the jumped up pocket calculator that is the reportedly "smart" N95 8G (I must say, standards in our schools have dropped).
    Some of these threads are a bit old and there have been firmware and PC Suite updates since then.
    So, before I spend my valuable fiddling and hacking away with 3rd party software, could somebody please just confirm that this super smart phone and its super smart PC-ware, that together together are touted as a pocket multimedia marvel and Nokia's flagship combo, are still basically incapable of taking a programme that I've recorded off the telly and squirting it into the N95 8G ?
    Surely this is the most common way that folk will be recording video at home ? Aren't most normal (i.e. non-geeks) folk going to be stumped at the convoluted requirement to download and maybe pay for extra software ? Isn't it a shocking oversight of Nokia if a suitable conversion package isn't included in the suite ? Can we expect it in a future update ?

    DVDs are copy protected and as such you can't copy them...
    that's why tools from reputable vendors don't give you options to rip DVD and you have to go through hoops to rip one.
    Or you have to buy a software that does it for you.
    Some people swear that Xillisoft allows them to do this.
    I use ImTOO DVD ripping tools.
    But there are a lot more options in the web.
    Check out this blog where I keep useful information about encoding video for your portable device.
    If you are looking for a good tool for VOB files I recommend SUPER or MediaCoder.
    640K Should be enough for everybody
    El_Loco Nokia Video Blog

  • Can we use the new maps app on the n95

    Okay i just read about maps1.0
    And i can download it from nokia in a test app but why cant we get it specificly for the n95 as they aint got that model listed but if u do a search its all over the net on the n95 thanks
    Nokia N95 v31.0.017 16GB Nokia N91 4GB Nokia N80 2GB Sony Ericsson W850i 4GB

    Hi jasonr2000
    There are several issues here:
    Nokia Maps application is already integral part of N95 software, maps can either be downloaded by GPRS (cost implication) or by using Maploader application on PC for transfer to phone.
    Nokia took over Smart2go (beta software) and are now in process of releasing Nokia maps v1.1, although any changes to installed application in N95 are most likely to arise through future phone software updates.
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • Did not anyone ever encountered on the audit issue?

    I have posted twice on the audit issue , but no one answered. Do we all have not come across this problem?
    Who can help me?
    the connection of this topic:
    When audit_trail = XML, EXTENDED, it's unable to audit non-sydba user

    The solution is not to create a new thread that does nothing more than point to the other thread. Please follow the forum guidelines outlined in the FAQ.
    Mark this thread ANSWERED. The forum is used by volunteers that can choose what threads they want to respond to. These volunteers are located around the world in different time zones. The questions are not urgent and many never receive answers.
    You will just have to be patient.

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