The new Photos app

I'm having trouble fully hiding photos and videos. Yes, a hidden photo/video will be hidden in the "Photos" main section but once you go into "Albums" those hidden photos/videos are all there in the "All Photos" and "Videos" albums. If you right-click on one of those photos from within the Albums section, it will show the photo as being marked hidden (i.e., it will say "unhide photo") but it's still showing up, which defeats the purpose of hiding. In iPhoto, if all the contents of an Event were hidden, then the Event wouldn't even show up on the main page but there doesn't seem to be a way of doing this in Photos.
Am I missing something?

NO, you are not missing anything. This is how Photos currently works. In addition to the examples you cited, "hidden" photos are also exposed in Faces.
You can request features, point out bugs, etc, at Apple Feedback pages:

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    Many people are reporting the project->crash problem.  To the best of my knowledge, there is no fix for it. 
    For some folks, a temporary workaround is to select View->Sidebar and access the projects *individually*.
    Hopefully this will work for you, fairymoo!
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    Who has time to track all this?
    What should happen is this...all of the photos, including their edits, should sync exactly on all devices. My Recently Added should look exactly the same across all devices and carry over any that is what I would call Continuity and Handoff! But as it stands, we don't have anything close to more like Pandemonium and MixUp!
    This is really a mess and way too confusing to keep track of. I can only hope this get resolved when Photos on the Mac is released.

    Go to the App Store and check out the Purchases List. If iPhoto is there then it will be v9.6.1
    If it is there, then drag your existing iPhoto app (not the library, just the app) to the trash
    Install the App from the App Store.
    Sometimes iPhoto is not visible on the Purchases List. it may be hidden. See this article for details on how to unhide it.
    One question often asked: Will I lose my Photos if I reinstall?
    iPhoto the application and the iPhoto Library are two different parts of the iPhoto programme. So, reinstalling the app should not affect the Library. BUT you should always have a back up before doing this kind of work. Always.

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    Insert or attach a device then let Photos load. Then uncheck the box indicated:

  • The New Photo App Not Syncing Properly

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    Please help.

    How did you import the photos?
    Are the missing photos perhaps referenced? Then they cannot upload to iCloud.
    You can check with a smart album, if you have any photos in the library, that cannot upload to iCloud.

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    I have this 31% issue too - when I attempt to update my iPhoto library to the new Photo app.
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    You're not missing anything.  You're correct in your finding that adding/modifying location data in the new Photos application has been removed. 
    With that said, in a proactive manor you can submit feedback (do it at since there is no section for Photos yet) and request that location modification be added.  The more people who do it, the more likely it is to be added.

  • Deleted iPhoto Photos showing in the new Photos app

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    I have to disagree Terence.  It creates a complete copy of the iPhoto database.  I verified this by deleting the iPhotos database and photos worked fine.  It also added 188GB to my crash plan backup and time capsule backup.  I have seen other beta testers say it doesn't but it does in my case.  It also did this with no interaction on my part.
    It doesn't. It uses Unix Hard Links  the actual photos, so while both Libraries report 188 gigs or whatever, they are reporting the same 188 gigs. Or put another way, when you deleted the iPhoto Library, did your disk space go up by 188 gigs? Time Machine and CrashPlan don't deal with these links - BTW, an online service like Crashplan for an iPhoto/Aperture/Photos library has a high risk of data corruption.
    I can't figure out why the new photos app is showing more photos then my iPhoto had.  It seems to be showing a large chunk of things I previously deleted in iphoto but nothing was in the trash
    Your iPhoto Library was corrupted and wasn't cleaning up after deletions properly.
    I am not against the new photos app. I want to use it so I hope the Apple Fans don't jump down my throat.
    The app either does what you want or doesn't. If it doesn't use another one. For me, it's nowhere near my needs and I have no problem making that decision.

  • Flickr integration in the new Photos App in OS X 10.10.3

    I had been looking forward to trying out the new Photos app with the newest version of OS X.
    Now it has arrived and it is alright, for what it does, but it's not going to be taking over my photo processing.
    The one bit where I feel seriously let down is the Flickr integration - in this area it seems to be a big step backwards from iPhoto.
    Has anyone else though been struggling to understand how to access Flickr properly through it?
    I can upload photos, but I cannot open my Flickr albums to look in there, as I could with iPhoto. Or is there a way of doing this that I am missing?
    The upshot of this is that I cannot use my Flickr feed as a screensaver on my mac at the moment... There are hundreds of curated photos that make me happy, of my friends, family, nice memories, trips that I have taken, in an album on Flickr for this very purpose.
    Previously I simply set my mac at work, and my one at home, to use the Flickr album as the source for my screensaver, but now that the Flickr album doesn't appear for me in iPhoto, this is not possible.
    Has anyone else run across this? Has anyone else come up with a solution?
    (Also did anyone else's inner cynic connect this and the screen asking them to sign up for the iCloud photos solution, and if so, did you silence that cynic or give it free reign?)
    -crossposted from the Flickr support forums at the suggestion of users there

    Okay, the answer for the time-being seems to be to keep using iPhoto for this task.
    iPhoto is still in my applications folder (but for how long).
    So, I can use iPhoto for managing my Flickr and Photos for everything else.
    That's the theory anyway and I'm going to give it a go until and unless a better option presents itself, please do let me know if you have one.

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    How do you edit photos with photoshop from the new  Photos app?  The edit in external editor menu item seems to be gone.

    Tell Apple what additional features you want in Photos via both and  since they don't have a feedback page for Photos as yet.

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    I deleted the new Photos app by accident. I don't have Time Machine on, nor do I have much space left to re-download OS X. How can I re-download the new photos app again ?

    Download and install the OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Combo Update.

  • How do I change a bad location in the new photos app for Mac?

    I am not sure why but hundreds of my photos have the wrong location stored for them. Is there any easy way to change them in the new Photos app for mac?

    You can't at the present time.  There's no such capability in the current version of Photos.
    Tell Apple what additional features you want in Photos via both and  since they don't have a feedback page for Photos as yet.

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