The Operation Completed Successfully

%SystemRoot%\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe "<path to inf file>"
I installed the inf file with the above cmd line. Problem is, a dialog box shows up with "The Operation Completed Successfully". I have to manually click the "ok" button to more forward. This breaks my process. Any way to suppress / disable
/ run the install process without the dialog box?
FYI, I have tried the following without luck. This is for windows 8.
rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection

to run the installation silent use:
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx <PathTo>\name.inf,,,4

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    I have a C program that uses fwrite() to write to a binary file. I am getting this error code when I try to write to the file:
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    which as I have search " The operation completed successfully". What does this exactly mean and why is this an error??
    I am running solaris 5.10.
    with regards,
    Edited by: user2135732 on Feb 14, 2012 9:22 AM

    user2135732 wrote:
    I have a C program that uses fwrite() to write to a binary file. I am getting this error code when I try to write to the file:
    Error 1073741824What exactly do you mean by "I am getting this error code"? For example:
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    Does your program print that message?

  • System.Exception Error text:The operation completed successfully

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    oRpt1.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 0, 0)
    Catch erros As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.InternalException
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                Return False
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                Return False
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                Return False
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                Return False
                'Catch erros13 As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ParameterFieldCurrentValueException
                '    WebConfig.Erro = "RPT: Engine: " & erros13.Message
                '    Return False
            Catch erros1 As System.Exception
                WebConfig.Erro = "RPT: Exception: " & erros1.Message & " " & Nome_Mapa & " " & NomeImpressora
                Return False
            End Try
    And the code goes to Erros1 the the messege: -          erros1     {"The operation completed successfully"}     System.Exception
    And doesnu2019t print on oRpt1.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 0, 0)
    I working with visual studio 2008 (using framwork 2) and a I a impersonaction to print direct to the print, in a web page (ASPX).
    This code works fine in visual studio 2005
    Open the reports with:
                oRpt1.Load(Nome_Mapa, OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByDefault)
            Catch ex As Exception
                WebConfig.Erro = "RPT ERRO carregar mapa: " & ex.Message & " " & Nome_Mapa & " " & Date.Now.ToString
                Return False
            End Try
    I donu2019t recive any error in  this try.
    I donu2019t know what do moreu2026

    I'd like to see a simple win app work on that system first. You can keep it really simple by running a saved data report, saving you the database logon code. So all you'd need to do is load the report, then .printtoprinter. If that works, I'd like you to try run one of our sample apps, see what it does. The samples are here:
    You will get a number of samples, use vbnet_win_printtoprinter. (see how to configure the web app in the readme that comes with the app).

  • HT203167 I 'm playing clash of clans ,wheen whene I bay from App store The operation is successful but whene I try to by pile of gems I get this maseg (your purchase could not be completed )  plz your advise

    Dears ..
    I 'm playing clash of clans ,wheen whene I bay from App store The operation is successful but whene I try to by pile of gems I get this maseg (your purchase could not be completed )  plz your advise
    best Regards
    <Email Edited by Host>

    As these are public forums (most of us on here are fellow users) I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post.
    If you are also getting a message to contact iTunes support then you can do so via this page and ask them why the message is appearing (on these forums we won't know why) : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

  • I used Target mode to transfer files to a new iMac running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 from an older Dual core Intel machine (EMC 2105) also on 10.6.8. but originally Tiger 10.4. The operation was successful and I ejected the disk icon from the new machine and po

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              Please tell me how to get this disc to eject !

    Graham Giles wrote:
    Have you seen this type of problem before? I think it could be a serious issue for anyone in a similar position.
    No; but then, I've not had occasion to use TDM. I've been using firerwire drives for over 10 years, both FW400 and FW800, with no issues except a bit of instability using a B&W G3 machine.
    TDM should be safe. Using cautious, manual copying of files from the Target machine to the Host machine should not result in unexpected loss of files or damage to the Target drive's directories. It should behave exactly the same as if it were an external (to the Host) firewire drive.
    •  I don't suppose there is anything I can do to 'put back' lost items from a separate Time Machine drive which has an up to date backup on it.
    There is probably a way to do that - seems to me that's one of the reasons for a Time Machine volume.
    On the other hand, if the Time Machine volume is rigidly linked to the now-absent OS on the original drive, there may be no way to effectively access the files in the TM archive.
    I know that using a cloned drive would work well in this instance.
    I have no experience with Time Machine, so perhaps someone who has will chime in with suggestions.
    With the machine in TDM with the other machine, have you tried running Disk Utility to see if you can effect repairs to the drive?

  • Powershell script to set custom attribute on mailuser returns WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of user have been modified.

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    exchange server to manually run the commands, so it shouldn't be a permission issue.  Here is my script so far.  If anyone can shed some light on what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it.
    $excel = new-object -com excel.application
    $wb = $"c:\temp\testmail8.xlsx")
    $ws = $wb.Worksheets.Item(1)
    $row = 1
    $s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName -ConnectionUri http://<Exchange Server Name>/powershell -Credential [email protected]
    Do {
    $Email = $ws.Cells.Item($row, 1).Value()
    $Cat = $ws.Cells.Item($row, 2).Value()
    invoke-command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {Enable-MailUser -ExternalEmailAddress $($args[0][0] + "") -Identity $($args[0][0])} -ArgumentList (,$Email, $Cat)
    invoke-command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {Set-MailUser -Identity $($args[0][0]) -CustomAttribute1 $($args[0][1])} -ArgumentList (,$Email, $Cat)
         } While ($ws.Cells.Item($row,1).Value() -ne $null)

    I'm not sure where is wrong in your script. If you want to get more help about the script troubleshooting, I recommand you to ask a question in Script Center forum for more professional answers:
    As a workaround, please directly create a mail user in EAC and set related custom attribute to have a try.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • I am facing problem when configuring listener.ora and tnsnamess.ora in listener side it is showing The listener supports no services The command completed successfully  and in when i cross check with listener from tns it is showing the error

    i am facing problem when configuring listener.ora and tnsnamess.ora in listener side it is showing The listener supports no services The command completed successfully  and in when i cross check with listener from tns it is showing the error
    ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect
    here is my listener file
    lsn =
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1575))
    #ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /u01/app/oracle
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = server1)(PORT = 1575))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = kull )
    my database name is kull
    please somebody help

    Biswaranjan wrote:
    i have two database one is kull and another is kk
    i configured listener.ora in kull
    and tnsnames.ora in kk
    when i am running lsnrctl start listener in database kull
    This makes no sense.  You don't configure a listener nor a tnsnames.ora "in a database".   I hope this is just a language issue and not reflective of a fundamental misunderstanding of how tns works.
    read: Help! I can’t connect to my database 
    read: Help! I can’t connect to my database (part duex)
    it is showing the message
    Alias                     lsn
    Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    Start Date                05-JUL-2013 19:08:06
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/log/diag/tnslsnr/server1/lsn/alert/log.xml
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    The listener supports no services
    The command completed successfully
    and in another database in kk when i am giving the command tnsping to_lsn
    it is giving this message
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = server1)(PORT = 1575)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = kull)))
    OK (0 msec)
    but when i am cross check sqlplus system/manager@ to_lsn
    it is giving the following error
    ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect

  • On Mac OSX, Firefox partial download files (.part) are remaining in my downloads folder, even when the download completes successfully.

    Starting about a month ago, when downloading files using Firefox on my Mac (OSX 10.6.4, FF 3.6.12 currently), my downloads folder is showing .part files for successfully downloaded files. They cannot be deleted, and only show up in Downloads "stack". In Finder, the Downloads folder show no evidence of the .part files. I cannot delete the .part files either. Only a reboot seems to clear the problem.
    It is as if the .part files aren't actually there, even though they are being displayed in the Downloads stack.

    Open firefox and in the menu, go to:
    Tools > Options
    Choose the "General" section (light switch icon)
    There should be a downloads block there. It says something like "Save files to [_____________][Browse...]"
    you should be able to click on browse and see where the folder is located. Then hit CANCEL (so you don't change it by mistake before you have found it for sure)
    Once you have found the files, if you would like, you can go back in and change the location setting to somewhere you would prefer if you do not like where they are saving to.

  • Prevent a rs232 crash when "operation completed succesfully"

    Dear all,
    A certain test set-up should run for long times (months) and makes good use of RS232 comunication (over USB). Data rates are not high, but frequent, to four different devices.
    Very occasionally the application crashes (in debug mode, running from CVI, not as stand-alone application).
    It crashes in the ComWrtByte function, with error code -1, and CVI reports:
    NON-FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: "c:\FlexHeadControl\Relay_RLY08.c", line 105, col 9, thread id 0x00000ABC, function id 1: Library function error (return value == -1 [0xffffffff]). The operation completed successfully.
    Well, if it completed succesfully anyway, why doesn't it continue to run?
    I wonder if there is a way to handle this very occasional error, such that the application can continue (after some apropriate error handling) without manual interruption.
    The program crashed on the first of the following two lines (which have been executed before hunderds of times):
    ComWrtByte(device[iB], byte);
    How does error handling work? Will it prevent crashes if I follow the error handling suggestions by CVI-help:
    int ret = 0;
    ComWrtByte(device[iB], byte);
    ret = GetRS232Err();
    if (ret<0)
       //error handling (for example resending, or reconnecting)
    Will running in normal mode (as a .exe) instead of debug mode, outside of CVI SDK work?
    I ask this since the error occurs very infrequent but may still ruin an experiment of months...
    Many thanks for any explanations, tips and programming examples!

    First of all, a return value of -1 means "Unknown system error". The operation completed with errors, so it's good to have a warning. A negative value always indicates an error, as you can see in the help.
    Dealing with the popup error message is wuite simple: go to Run >> Break On menu item and deselect "Library errors" item. With this, the popup message won't show any more, but you will need to add the proper error handling based on the return code from the function like you have already shown in your post.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Get-adgroupmember says it completed successfully but displays nothing in Powershell

    I am trying to display all the members of administrators so I try
    Get-ADgroupmember -identity administrators
    and it returns
    Get-ADGroupmember : The operation completed successfully
    At line:1 Char:18
    + Get-ADgroupmember <<<<
           +CategoryInfo  "NotSpecified: (administrators:ADGroup) [Get-ADGroupMember], ADException
    What am I doing wrong?

    I have faced this error when the group contains foreign members. Try to use Get-ADGroup and access members property - it should work. PSB example:
    PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMember my_cool_group
    Get-ADGroupMember : The operation completed successfully
    At line:1 char:18
    + Get-ADGroupMember <<<< my_cool_group
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (my_cool_group:ADGroup) [Get-ADGroupMember], ADException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : The operation completed successfully,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADGroupMember
    PS C:\> (Get-ADGroup my_cool_group -properties members).members
    CN=Citrixtest\, Citrixtest,OU=Ireland,OU=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL

  • Problem in Background Job. Job Completed Successfully but data not Posted

    Hi All,
    There is a problem in Background Job in Production server (600).
    The job completed successfully but data not posted.
    The same Job was working perfectly till the starting of the May month.
    but now it is not working and rebate has not been posted.
    Where to check and what to check
    Pls suggest.
    P Kamal

    Hi ,
    Please first check the status of the Job , ifs successfully completed then debug it (tcode JDBG) and 
    check out,  whether the values passed (might be using Import-export ,set-get parameter Ids) to the Job are getting passed properly or not. These values might not be getting passed properly.
    If it has some error in Job Log then let me know the error.

  • Error (2901) The operation did not complete successfully because of a parameter or call sequence that is not valid. (The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057))

    We are trying to convert a physical windows 2003 R2 32 bit server to a VM using VMM 2008 R2 with all updates installed. Each time when we scan the system on VMM, it gets this message: Error (2901) The operation did not complete successfully because of
    a parameter or call sequence that is not valid. (The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057)). If I use disk2vhd.exe to convert only C drive, I get parameter is incorrect. Any ideas?
    Bob Lin, MCSE & CNE Networking, Internet, Routing, VPN Networking, Internet, Routing, VPN Troubleshooting on How to Install and Configure Windows, VMware, Virtualization and Cisco on

    Hi Sir,
    >> If I use disk2vhd.exe to convert only C drive, I get parameter is incorrect. Any ideas?
    >> gets this message: Error (2901) The operation did not complete successfully because of a parameter or call sequence that is not valid. (The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057)
    Please refer to following article regarding this error :
    Best Regards,
    Elton Ji
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] .

  • Cannot backup my files / copy my files and folders due to error message " The operation can't be completed because an item with the name ".DS_Store" already exists. "

    Hi Apple community!
    I have a [rather worrying] problem.
    When I try to copy all my files from my documents on my mac [or the entire documents folder] into an external drive, I get this error message
    " The operation can’t be completed because an item with the name “.DS_Store” already exists. "
    I am not given an option to skip this file or anything else.
    But I simply cannot complete the operation!
    I have tried deleting a few of the .ds_store files, [both in the original and in the destinations]
    but no success.
    The same thing keeps happening.
    At first, this was just happening when I was trying to backup to my dropbox folder [the one on my mac's harddrive, which gets synced to the cloud],
    but then I tried to back up my documents to my external hard drive, and I realized it is giving me the same error message.
    So effectively, it seems I cannot backup my files anywhere!
    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain iMacs. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • Can't save multiple folders to external drive. Get: "The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access some of the items." when dragging large folders to mac os extended journalled external drive from OS 10.6.8

    I am feeling  VERY desperate!
    After losing an external drive [dont ask....]  -   I got  another one :  2TB WD formatted properly [ OS extended journalled for mac ] ready for action to move  my thousands of files and images and ppts in hundreds of folders across from the laptop to this drive because I travel a bit with the laptop and this is too risky not to back up at home.
    But this message came up after starting on moving folders across [** and not straight away, sometimes after moving  a folder  when  4 of 6 gb of files across  then the message comes up  = very frustrating]:
    "The operation can’t be completed because you don't have permission to access some of the items."
    I am  dragging mixed sometimes large complex folders to this  os extended journalled external drive from my mac book pro OS 10.6.8  - it would take decades to move items one by one or even folder by folder and really confusing. 
    I have  dragged-copied  various small folders and files across successfully, but it is only working 50:50 and I can't leave machine with the idea of things copying eg: overnight - it just won't work....
    I have been browsing google and find some people describing in CODE how they overcome this 'message'   .... but  I  [and I guess some other viewers of this in future & also in desperation]  would need  instructions for beginners....  to try this type of thing.  I don't know any code.
    How can this be happening - I feel ANGRY at APPLE !!!!  for not posting easy fix instructions yet re; this, or better still  updating software so it doesn't happen [ that I can find at least  !!! ] .   There seem to be hundreds of people stuck with this stupid message and inability to back up their projects etc.
    Can anyone help ?
    Many thanks
    15 August 2011

    hi Samberl
    thanks a lot for the fast reply.
    I was dragging folders from main folders on the laptop-desktop  onto the external drive icon - to copy them across....
    Your suggestion sounds very promising -  I didn't know about 'cloning'.
    Yes the idea is to backup the laptop -    I thought I would just move it all now, new - and then keep saving/dragging physically   across to the new drive myself each day or two...
    Would this be the sizeof the internal hard drive = c.500 gb  ?   =   under the HD icon on desktop is written  : 
    " 499.76gb , 311.5 gb free  " 
    I can erase and start agin on the new external drive - so this plan is to make two partititions, rather than the one at present, and make one of them 500 gb ?
    I have found CCC [carbon copy cloner] googling - looks good.
    When CCC site says it backs up  the hard drive - would this  mean all my files  [over 100 gb] that are mostly  in folders on the desktop, plus the others in itunes, iphotos etc found in the HD icon,  would all copy across successfully [wherever they are in the computer ]  ?
    thanks again, hope you can clarify these things and then I will go for it. 
    It would be great and amazing if this 'lack of permission' message doesn't show up in the process of doing this ccc transfer - hopeful!

  • HT201407 during a update of apple my iphone 3GS crashed an now the operating system wont load up..ive tried to reset the phone to the factory settings it took 4 hours an completed but my iphone still wont come on..what can i do to fix the problem? please

    during a update of apple my iphone 3GS crashed an now the operating system wont load up..ive tried to reset the phone to the factory settings using itunes it took 4 hours and completed but my phone still wont come on..what can i do to fix the problem? please help #

    In trying to include what information all that I could I should have specified I DON'T KNOW THAT IT WAS DEFINATELY JAILBROKEN when I took it to the apple store they told me there's no way for them to tell if it was jail broken or not. I'm only going by what ppl have told me COULD HAVE BEEN DONE TO THE PHONE. With that said the only thing I know for sure is that the apple tech at the Genius Bar told me that someone took control of my root menu in February &amp; I've had no control of my phone since. I asked him how to regain control &amp; how he knew his exact words were "oh that is out of our scope of capabilities here at this level &amp; you would need an apple engineer to fix it". I said ok then how do I get an apple eng then? He laughed &amp; said you can't!!!! To which I was furious I came home &amp; called apple requesting to speak w/the fraud dept to file a report they said we don't have a fraud dept!! So after a 45 mn phone call again I left w/no answers.
    I DON'T HAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO SPEND HIRING AN ATTORNEY &amp; Although I appreciate your suggestion I fail to how an attorney would be able to facilitate in any way since there's no suspect. I cannot prove that it's him doing it so I certainly can't pursue legal action w/no proof &amp; no money. :'((
    Again I thank you for your advice but I don't think that will help.
    I was looking more for a TECHNICAL way to avoid this happening w/a new phone should I buy one or trying to get them out of my phone now! Such as installing some kind of software protection?? Someway to clear out the entire phone (other than factory reset which was done 10 x's w/no success, etc. if this person got in then there HAS TO BE A WAY OF GETTING HIM OUT, right????

Maybe you are looking for

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