The Text Editior for Java

Can anyone please help me what is the best text editor for Java? I am using JCreator 4.5.
Does it matter, which ever is the directory where I save the .java files?
Thank you

DurgaDhulikhel wrote:
Can anyone please help me what is the best text editor for Java? Anything except Notepad is acceptable.
I am using JCreator 4.5. Fine.
Does it matter, which ever is the directory where I save the .java files?Just don't save them with the JDK code. Keep your projects separate.

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                String pwd = "sa";
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                // Set new table logon properties
                PropertyBag oPropertyBag2 = new PropertyBag();
                oPropertyBag2.put("DSN", dsn);
                oPropertyBag2.put("Data Source", db);
                // Set the connection info objects members
                // 1. Pass the Logon Properties to the main PropertyBag
                // 2. Set the Server Description to the new **System DSN**
                oPropertyBag1.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_CRQE_LOGONPROPERTIES, oPropertyBag2);
                oPropertyBag1.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_CRQE_SERVERDESCRIPTION, dsn);
                oPropertyBag1.put("Database DLL", database_dll);
                // The Kind of connectionInfos is CRQE (Crystal Reports Query Engine).
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                String fieldname = "Building_Name";
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                rcd.getDatabaseController().addTable(oTable, null);
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                // Now add it to the section
                rcd.getReportDefController().getReportObjectController().add(oFieldObject, rcd.getReportDefController().getReportDefinition().getDetailArea().getSections().getSection(0), -1);
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    Thank you

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    U can fetch the texts for the items using
        g_f_tdname = xvttp-vbeln.
        g_f_obj = p_obj.
        g_f_langu = 'DE'.
        REFRESH g_t_lines.
        CLEAR g_t_lines.
                  id                      = p_var
                  language                = g_f_langu
                  name                    = g_f_tdname
                  object                  = g_f_obj
                  lines                   = g_t_lines
                  id                      = 1
                  language                = 2
                  name                    = 3
                  not_found               = 4
                  object                  = 5
                  reference_check         = 6
                  wrong_access_to_archive = 7
                  OTHERS                  = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                 WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
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        g_f_langu = 'DE'.
        REFRESH g_t_lines.
        CLEAR g_t_lines.
                  id                      = p_var
                  language                = g_f_langu
                  name                    = g_f_tdname
                  object                  = g_f_obj
                  lines                   = g_t_lines
                  id                      = 1
                  language                = 2
                  name                    = 3
                  not_found               = 4
                  object                  = 5
                  reference_check         = 6
                  wrong_access_to_archive = 7
                  OTHERS                  = 8.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                 WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
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    Let me know if you further require help.

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    How to create the exe file for java project.Have you ever heard of google? I pasted your exact "question" into a google search:
    and got several useful links.
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    hai friends,
    iam using emacs editor for java. i think it is the best editor for java available
    for free of cost.
    we can easily customize it based on ur needs
    we can even customize the compilation and run option with single key stroke.
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    if so give me valid reasons
    get back to me if u are not aware of emacs features

    I agree with you 100% on linux side, but in
    windows(tm) there are even better editors. I
    personally use MED in windows. After trying dozens of
    different editors in linux I ended up using emacs, it
    sure is the best editor in linux (for Java atleast).
    There are still some things bugging me, for an example
    I would like the "end" button to move the cursor to
    the end of the line instead of EOF.
    I donot understand why ur saying that the "end" button is not moving the cursor to the
    end of the line
    it works fine in my machine
    plz elaborate what more features u want, bcas it may be there in emacs , but u may not have that
    much awareness in it.

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    If I have oracle of version 9i and java 1.4.1 platform
    do I need Jdeveloper platform ?

    What the enviroment required for java databases programs?What do you mean by "environment"?
    f I have oracle of version 9i and java 1.4.1 platformYou just need to download Oracle's 9i JDBC driver (ojdbc14.jar) and put that in your CLASSPATH. Then write JDBC code to connect to Oracle and issue SQL commands.
    do I need Jdeveloper platform ?No, JDeveloper is an IDE. Not required.
    Why Java 1.4.1? We're up to Java 6 now. You're two major versions of the JDK behind.

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    got any software to do that?

    In terms of converting java applications into exe files, there are 3 schools of thought:
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    3) Create an exe launcher that bundles a Java interpretor. Same as above but when the exe file is double-clicked, it searches for a Java interpreter and if one is not found, it installs one on the target computer. The caveat is that the exe file would have an overhead of 10 MB in size for the interpreter. (evaluation version available)
    4) Convert the Java application into a native exe file. The caveat is that if you use Swing for your GUI, it won't be converted. Also this option is still somewhat experimental.
    Can't think of any free options right now.

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    ·        Bean classes as an outer shell that conform to the J2EE standard. The beans call the proxy classes for communication.
    The classes must be deployed on the J2EE server together with their J2EE application
    see this link for the example scenario

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    You can print to the Adobe PDF printer, but that only creates links that Acrobat or Reader recognize as such. That is the reason for needing the entire URL on one line. It is not actually an embedded link, but one created by Acrobat on the fly. With OFFICE 2013 you have two choices: 1. create the PDF with the print to Adobe PDF and then add the links in Acrobat so that they are complete or 2. I think the WORD save as PDF or XPS will create the PDF with links, but not sure. If so, that would be the quickest solution for you, but be aware of potential problems with the MS plugin.
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    I downloaded the "pages"  application, to be used like " word", but I don't know if I can use it also to revise documents as to make corrections and they appear on the text. thanks for the help

    tatarapido wrote:
    I downloaded the "pages"  application, to be used like " word", but I don't know if I can use it also to revise documents as to make corrections and they appear on the text. thanks for the help
    Why repeat the question in the description area? That provides no more information than just leaving the description area blank.
    Yes you can edit documents in Pages. What can you not figure out that you want to do? Have you transfered a document to the iPad and opened it in Pages and tried to edit it?

  • Getting the text of a java exception into C++ via JNI - how ?

    I have a C++ application that needs to create and call Java objects. If there is an exception in a Java method I want to be able to get the text of the exception's message for reporting an error to the C++ application user. The problem is, I can't get the methodID of the 'getMessage' method in the Throwable class.
    This is how I am tryng to get it:
    // Relevant exception-handling variables:
    jthrowable exceptionHandle;
    jclass jThrowableClass;
    jmethodID methodID;
    //Invoke the Java object
    env->CallVoidMethod( obj, methodID, args );
    //Check for an exception
    if ( (exceptionHandle = env->ExceptionOccurred()) != NULL )
    jThrowableClass = env->GetObjectClass( exceptionHandle );
    methodID = env->GetMethodID( jThrowableClass, "getMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;" );
    // methodID is always NULL -- why??At this point, it can't go any further because the methodID is always NULL.
    I've tried several things, such as explicitly including rt.jar in the classpath when initializing the VM (I'm using JDK 1.3.1 and JNI 1.2) as well as copying rt.jar to the directory where the application's java VM code is at, but no luck there. I've also tried FindClass( "java/lang/Throwable") but that returned NULL so doesn't get as far as the code example here.
    How do you get the methodID of a method in a java language class like java.lang.Throwable ? Is there some initialization you need to do with the classpath ?
    Many thanks,

    When you program in Java you can use java.lang.reflect.
    For example, having a method named "met1" with 2 parameters, you can assign an object Method in this way:
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    Method comp = o1.getClass.getMethod("met1", param1.getClass(), param2.getClass());So with Throwable you could try something like: Throwable.class.getMethod("getMessage")Sorry but I am not so strong in C++ and I cannot give you help about it.
    The Java API documentation for the reflect package is at:
    Hoping to be helpful

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    ajay.manchu wrote:
    Hi gimbal2,
    My Requirement is i need to run a java class from batch file,when i created batch file in that i need to mention the complete path of the java class,so instead of mentioning that i want to provide only java class name,thats why i asked that one..
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    Thanks in advanceI wonder how that would work then. Let's take a fictive example. You have a class com.mycompany.myapp.Foo. This would mean that the class is stored in some directory like this:
    c:/webrootdir/myapp/WEB-INF/classes/com/mycompany/myapp/Foo.classTo be able to run such a class from the commandline using Java, you would have to invoke this command:
    java -cp c:/webrootdir/myapp/WEB-INF/classes com.mycompany.myapp.FooHow would knowing the exact path to this class help you?

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