This is Madness

There needs to be a world wide boycott of these rip off phone companies charging so much for data.  I pay 170.00 per month for 6 gigs of data that I use in about a week.  I travel 3 weeks out of the month, sometimes more.  This is a total ripoff considering the internet was built with US Taxpayer money by the US military, it certainly wasn't built by Google, Microsoft, Apple, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Virgin, and IBM.  For these corporations to gouge the public by assessing what amounts to "usage fees per gigabyte" is total hogwash.  I am going to propose to my representative that the United States Federal government establish taxpayer funded access to the internet with no bandwidth or data usage restrictions.  These robber baron corporations would no doubt charge you by the breath you take if they could.  It's time to end this insanity and demand PUBLIC FUNDED MOBILE ACCESS from our Reps in Congress to data via the internet and put these bushwhackers back in their places.  The US government can provide the access with no data limits and I would pay my fair share of a 10 or 20 dollars PER YEAR tax levied to create the access and build the necessary infrastructure to support it, in just the same way the internet was created.  Then the internet, created by the US Taxpayer, would truly belong to the US Taxpayer, at least in the United States.
For Verizon and many other data providers such as AT&T, Sprint, ETC. to bottleneck the data usage of the internet by demanding outrageous usage fees per gigabyte is INTOLERABLE. 
Also, this will create many badly needed jobs in the United States.
Would you rather pay $50 to $200 bucks PER MONTH for mobile access to the internet or a 10 dollar PER YEAR annual tax for the same service?  If you answered in the latter, then we need to DEMAND this be done.
If the United States Military can build the Internet with taxpayer money, then they can also build the access to use it using taxpayer money.
>Personal info and comment removed<
Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

KiddRobb wrote:
There needs to be a world wide boycott of these rip off phone companies charging so much for data.  I pay 170.00 per month for 6 gigs of data that I use in about a week.  I travel 3 weeks out of the month, sometimes more.  This is a total ripoff considering the internet was built with US Taxpayer money by the US military, it certainly wasn't built by Google, Microsoft, Apple, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Virgin, and IBM.  For these corporations to gouge the public by assessing what amounts to "usage fees per gigabyte" is total hogwash.  I am going to propose to my representative that the United States Federal government establish taxpayer funded access to the internet with no bandwidth or data usage restrictions.  Good luck with that. Just what I need, more reasons to tax! That way I can STILL pay for my mobile data and ALSO for some other people's data who DON'T pay taxes. What a great idea to save money!!!!!!!
These robber baron corporations would no doubt charge you by the breath you take if they could.  It's time to end this insanity and demand PUBLIC FUNDED MOBILE ACCESS from our Reps in Congress to data via the internet and put these bushwhackers back in their places.  The US government can provide the access with no data limits and I would pay my fair share of a 10 or 20 dollars PER YEAR tax levied to create the access and build the necessary infrastructure to support it, in just the same way the internet was created.  Then the internet, created by the US Taxpayer, would truly belong to the US Taxpayer, at least in the United States. While you are at it, can you also include STATIC access so that I won't have to pay for broadband at my home. Well, I guess I would end up paying for it with increased taxes, which would most likely pay for myself and a couple of others who DON'T pay taxes!
For Verizon and many other data providers such as AT&T, Sprint, ETC. to bottleneck the data usage of the internet by demanding outrageous usage fees per gigabyte is INTOLERABLE. 
Also, this will create many badly needed jobs in the United States.
Would you rather pay $50 to $200 bucks PER MONTH for mobile access to the internet or a 10 dollar PER YEAR annual tax for the same service?  If you answered in the latter, then we need to DEMAND this be done. Yes, I am sure it would only come to $10/year. The government does everything else for less than 3% of the cost of the private sector(NOT), I am sure this will work out the same. What color is the sky in your world?
If the United States Military can build the Internet with taxpayer money, then they can also build the access to use it using taxpayer money.
>Personal info and comment removed<
Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

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    Doubt they used Motion. Anything you see with rendered 3d models is usually cinema 4d or maya mixed with AE. Motion doesn't do model rendering (yet). So 3D stuff like walls or bank vaults, or whatever, is probably done with some other modeling software, in conjunction (typically) with AE.

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