Thread Types

How many types of threads available in Java ? What are they ? and What are deamon threads ?

There is a chapter on threads under "Essential Java Classes" here:

Similar Messages

  • Casting Thread problem

    Here is my situation. I have an applet that needs to talk to another thread running on the jvm. The thread class is extended from the thread type. ex( Transfer extended from Thread). I can find the thread that I need. But when I try to cast the thread to the MyThread type I get a class cast exception. Is this a security issue with the JVM? I did a check access and it didn't give me an exception. Is there something I am missing. Here is my sample code:
    int numThreads = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().getParent().getParent().activeCount();
         Thread[] threads = new Thread[numThreads*2];
         numThreads = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().getParent().getParent().enumerate(threads, true);
         int i;
         for (i = 0; i < numThreads; i++)
         if ((Transfer)threads[i]).restoreDictation(dictationFilename_) == true)
    restoredDictation = true;

    psychobunny wrote:
    Yes that is where I am getting the class cast exception. I did the experiment with if (threads[i] instanceof Thread) and thread[i] is an instance of thread. So that checks out ok. Do you think it might be a security issue?if if (threads[i] instanceof Thread) tells you it's an instance of Thread, then what does if (threads[i] instanceof Transfer) tell you?

  • Throttling using JMS Adapter poller threads

    We are trying to realize the throttling using JMS Adapter poller threads mechanism
    I came across this (15.5 Oracle SOA JMS Adapter Tuning )
    Here is my configuration. I tried both the options listed below but none works for me.
    option 1 - here property is of type string
    <service name="JMSDelayMsgRead" ui:wsdlLocation="JMSDelayMsgRead.wsdl">
    <interface.wsdl interface=""/>
    <binding.jca config="JMSDelayMsgRead_jms.jca">
    <property name="adapter.jms.receive.threads" type="xs:string" many="false">4</property>
    option 2 - Here property is of type integer
    <service name="JMSDelayMsgRead" ui:wsdlLocation="JMSDelayMsgRead.wsdl">
    <interface.wsdl interface=""/>
    <binding.jca config="JMSDelayMsgRead_jms.jca">
    <property name="adapter.jms.receive.threads" type="xs:integer" many="true" override="may">4</property>
    I tried minimumDelayBetweenMessages parameter for throttling (which is based on time delay) and it works as expected but poller threads mechansim is more suitable for my situation.
    Here is my environment details
    I'm on SOA
    JMS Adapter consuming from a Topic (IBM MQ)
    Durable Subscription
    Can any one help me get throttling using poller threads working?
    Please let me know if you need further details about my configuration / logs etc.
    I posted this in two other forums but didn't get any responses on them so posting it here. I apologize for the repetition of this post in multiple forums.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Raks,
    Check this note for JNDI configuration..
    "If a 3rd party JMS provider should be used then usually the "Name of JNDI initial context factory" must be adjusted. I.e. must be replaced by some.other.vendor.jms.jndi.InitialContextFactory In addition it is necessary to deploy the jar that contains the some.other.vendor.jms.jndi.InitialContextFactory with the aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda SDA file. In addition, you must extend the server/provider.xml deployment descriptor in the relevant way. Refer to Chapter 11 of the XI 3.0 Configuration Guide for more information"
    You need to find out class "Name of JNDI initial context factory" for tibco  as mentoned in the note and deploy the corresponding JAR file.
    Also check this link for JNDI configuration parameters in the JMs adapter..

  • W520: How to get full speed and turbo on battery power

    Here is how you get around the on battery max frequency limitation (of 1.2 GHz, at least for my i7-2620M) and no turbo (well, almost, read on):
    0. Assuming you have max performance enabled everywhere possible (BIOS/PowerManager/Windows Power Scheme)
    1. Load ThrottleStop.
    2. Set the multiplier manually to your maximum multiplier (e.g., 27x for i7-2620M, 23x for i7-2820QM, etc...) or Turbo (which is the setting after your max multiplier).
    3a. Enable ThrottleStop
    3b. (optional) Check in CPU-Z and make sure that your highest multiplier is being used when the CPU is utilized. If you selected Turbo, you should have turbo enabled at this point.
    4. Disable ThrottleStop
    5. Exit ThrottleStop, so that it doesn't waste any battery power, since it is no longer needed
    This will change the max frequency (and max multiplier) available from whatever Lenovo decided to arbitrarily fix it at (e.g., 1.2GHz) to the correct max frequency (which in my case is 2.7 GHz / 3.2 GHz for turbo). Now your laptop will be able to correctly go from 800MHz to whatever is the max frequency of your CPU, using both EIST and C1E. Turbo will also kick in, if you enabled it in ThrottleStop and the Lenovo PowerManager app will even show it as enabled.
    Thanks Unclewebb for letting us get around this stupid max CPU frequency limitation that Lenovo has imposed on us.
    Do this at your own risk, since Lenovo does not officially support it.
    Turn on active cooling, if you do CPU intensive stuff for any prolonged period of time. This will take away some on battery time, but if battery time is of ultimate concern to you, then this change is probably not for you to begin with.
    If you go through prolonged periods of CPU intensive activity, you will lower your battery life and produce a lot of battery heat, because you will have a relatively high discharge rate. A high discharge rate reduces both the number of charge cycles and the maximum charge capacity of a Li-Ion battery. I don't know how safe all of this is, so do this at your own risk and probably monitor temperatures along the way. Other laptops can do Turbo and full speed on battery power (e.g., the slim 3 lb Sony Z, with the i7-2620M), but then other laptops have different designs and cooling systems, so who knows how the Lenovo W520 hardware will react to this.

    I have the opposite problem - my i7-2720QM is fixed at 2.2GHz no matter how hard I spank 1, 2 or all cores, and no matter what System Performance settings I apply.  It even runs at this speed, and gives the same bench marks when on battery  with the "system performance" set to Low.    
    No one even knows what the various System Performance settings actuall mean. E.g. Neither Lenvo support nor these forums could tell me what the difference between "Maximum Turbo","Turbo" or even "Low" under "System Performance" in the Lenovo power manager Advanced settings.
    I have been trying go get turbo boost to work for 2 months. I have wasted so much time with this machine, I could have bought 2 Macbook pros for the cost of the time lost.
    I dont know why Lenovo have disabled the turbo boost (and the opposite, turbo drop?)  feature for this CPU - is it deliberate, or incompetence?  Its certainly false marketing and extremely annoying that I have to use my ancient PC to do single threaded type work which I know the Laptop can manage if it were not crippled.
    So people whos clock speed drops when on battery are the lucky ones.  Mone doesnt even if I want it to.

  • Windows 8.1 freeze on any hardware scan or changes. USB wireless keyboard mouse not working

    Problem : System Freezes frequently on any hardware scan or changes.
    Symptom : Wireless Keyboard Mouse not working.
    Caused by : VMkbd.sys located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers.
    Issue : VMware player or VMware Workstation installed on Windows 8.1 causes compatibility issue leading to system freeze
    Soultion : Please follow steps below
    Step 1: Start > run > regedit
    Step 2: Locate to this registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e96b-e325-11ce-BFC1-08002BE10318}
    Step 3: On the left side plane, Right click on the registry {4d36e96b-e325-11ce-BFC1-08002BE10318} and then export it as backup. Just to be safe.
    Step 4: Edit the UpperFilters, The value current would be kdbclass vmkbd. Remove the vmkbd. So only value left would be kbdclass.
    Step 5: Restart your system and connect your USB wireless reciever. If all is well it will not freeze your windows now.
    This worked for me. Hope this works for you. Enjoy..!!

    Hi AshishSrivastava,
    Thank you for your sharing and update.
    Besides, I will change this thread type as discussion.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Seeking library with industrial HMI drawings

    I am Developing a nice HMI that communicates with PLC;s an d DCS's automation and control systems using visual studio 2008 and NModbus.dll lilbrary. The only thing I am still missing are the libraries for the HMI drawings,
    What I am looking for is for the typical HMI drawings like industrial tanks showing the level of the liquid contained ther, the drawing of a motor in motion or the typical bar indicating temperature or singnaling the value of a pressure signal.
    I know there are some free open source libraries that can be used by visual studio 2008 so I would higly appreciate if somebody suggest me a good open source library with HMI drawings.
    Thanks a lot
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  • Late 2006, 24" iMac, 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Screen Tearing, nVidia 7300

    Late 2006, 24" iMac, 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Screen Tearing, nVidia GeForce 7300 GT
    I've been suffering with screen tearing, strange screen artifacts, etc. followed by totally unresponsive freezing machine. This problem has been happening to varying degrees for about 9 months.
    Initially, I was able to mitigate the problem with smcFanControl. Adjusting the fan speeds up helped keep the machine cool and prevent most of the problems. Recently, we had a spell of hot weather and the fans just couldn't keep up. If you're using smcFanControl, the only fan speed that will really make a difference is the CPU. The HDD and ODD fans are no where near where you need to be.
    Also, I noticed the machine was LOADED with dust when I took it apart, including the heat sink fins for the graphics card. If you have time you may want to try a thorough cleaning with compressed air before replacing the card. You just need to get through step 11 below to access what needs to be cleaned.
    Based on reading here and elsewhere, I decided to replace the graphics card. To give back to the community, I wanted to layout the procedure here.
    Where to buy the card.
    I had a tough time finding the right card. I did exhaustive web searches using every combination of Nvidia 7300 GT, etc. You really need to search by the Apple part number. The Apple part number for the 7300 is 661-4179, for the 7600 is 661-4180. I found it at We Love Macs and at dv warehouse. I paid $248 for the 7600 card. BE CAREFUL buying a "refurbished" card. At We Love Macs, "refurbished" means "pulled from a working machine." Could be a machine with as much mileage as yours and prone to the same failures as yours.
    The card is an MXM style card (generally used in laptops), with a giant heat sink and heat pipe assembly. The card can be separated from the heat assembly. If I had time, I would have tried a generic, cheaper, MXM style card.
    Dispelling some myths.
    People here and elsewhere have said that no Intel iMac graphics card can be replaced, that they're wedded to the logic board. The one on this model can be replaced, I've done it. Also, some have said you can't put a 256MB, 7600 GT in a machine that originally had a 128MB, 7300 GT. Also, not true. That's what I did to my machine and it is working fine.
    So here's the step-by-step on my take apart and replacement. This is just one user helping out others, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. This takes about 1 1/2 hours to take apart and 2 to put back together.
    1) Install the iStat widget and monitor the temperatures for a few days and record the temperatures (to be able to verify that you've completed the repair correctly later)
    2) Make a complete backup of any internal drives and make sure the backup will be bootable (use Carbon Copy Cloner)
    3) Use static safeguards, like an anti-static wrist strap.
    4) Get a pen a stack of paper envelopes to separate and label the pieces you remove.
    5) You'll need a #2 Phillips and #6, 8, 10 Torx. Most of the screws at T-8. There are 8 T-8s holding in the LCD. They are about 1 1/4" down. You'll need a long, skinny T-8 to get to them.
    6) Unplug the machine and place it on it's back on a large white sheet of paper.
    7) Remove RAM door, #2 Phillips x 2.
    8) Remove RAM.
    9) Remove 4 T-8s along bottom.
    10) Remove large rectangular plastic bezel surrounding the whole machine, tilt up being careful not to stress iSight cables. You'll need to stretch it around the RAM ejection tabs.
    11) Detach two iSight cables.
    12) Peel up black stickers at lower corners of speakers.
    13) Remove LCD screws, T-8 x 8. You'll probably drop a few, they're pretty easy to retrieve.
    14) Remove two retaining screws on right hand LCD cable. T-6 x2 Unplug cable.
    15) Remove LCD inverter cable, left.
    Start unplugging everything connected to the logic board.
    16) Unplug cable coming from right speaker. Note cable routing, it is the only one that's a little tricky. Also, note that the left one plugs in on the right and the right one plugs in on the left.
    17) Remove right speaker. T-10 Note: left and right speaker screws are different lengths.
    18) Unplug ODD blower cable.
    19) Unplug ODD temp cable and lift up tape.
    20) Unplug HDD blower cable.
    21) Unplug the HDD temp cable.
    22) Unplug the camera & mic cable.
    23) Unscrew the clamp securing the airport card (has two antenna cables going to it, labeled PCIE), T-6 x 2
    24) Unplug SATA cable.
    25) Unplug Power cable, thick black plastic harness, socket.
    26) Unplug ambient temp cable.
    27) Unscrew the bluetooth card, T-6 x2.
    28) Unplug CPU blower cable.
    29) Unplug power button cable, 2 conductor, tiny cable, bottom left.
    30) Unscrew left speaker, T-10, unplug from logic board, but just leave dangling, no need to remove cable completely.
    31) Remove logic board screws. Be careful to segregate them, they have different lengths and different thread pitches and thread types. Some are machine threads going into metal, some are coarse threads going into plastic.
    31a) Heat sink frame to case T-8 x 2
    31b) Logic board to case T-8 x 3
    31c) Screws at heat sink from arrows T-8 x 3
    31d) Logic board at bottom near RAM slot T-8 x 2
    32) Unplug ODD ribbon cable, be extremely careful. Release plastic tabs on each side to remove. Be sure it is fully and evenly seated when you put it back later.
    33) Remove logic board with attached graphics card.
    34) Unplug graphics card heat sink sensor cable at logic board end.
    35) Remove graphics card screws 2 x T-6
    36) Remove single screw from small L-bracket on heat sink 1 x T-6
    Replace graphics card.
    Reverse steps, put everything back together. Be careful not to pinch any cables when you put the logic board back in. When you put the LCD back in, if you can't get the screws to stick to the driver, use some glue stick from your kid's art supplies.
    Test everything. You've disconnected every cable in the system.
    I torture tested the machine with a space heater on it, 5 different videos of different formats playing at the same time. No problems.
    I took a lot of pictures inside the machine. As soon as I figure out a good place to post them, I'll try to add a link here.
    Good luck

    I know this is in response to your post from over 2 years ago, but I was searching on Apple's site for the max RAM I can upgrade our refurbed iMac too and it brought up this post.
    Oddly enough, I've been experiencing the same screen issues and locking up on our iMac as well. I was concerned it was a bad memory module, but now I'm thinking it's the same issue you found.
    Because I bought this some 2+ years ago refurbed from Apple, I'm not surprised that could be the actual problem.
    I've pulled this thing apart once to replace the hard-drive which crashed about a year ago, so I'm not totally new at opening it up, but this process you mention sounds pretty intense...just wanted to get your second take on it based on what I've done thus far.
    Thanks again for posting was an eye-opener as to what might actually be causing our issues with our trusted Mac!

  • Text in a concentric circle

    I am trying to create a wheel similar to the image below except I need three segments instead of twelve. I also need a few lines of text for each segment but I'm not sure how best to insert this. I have tried using the 'Polar Grid Tool' and using the 'Type on path' tool, however I'm not able to type within one segment / arc without the text going all the way around the circle.
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I may go about this? (Hope that's clear!)
    Thanks in advance

    The three groups ar easy once you think about it.
    Back to the polar grid tool.
    set it to the diameter you require.
    set the radial dividers to 3 and the concentric circles to "0"
    draw an ellipse the size you want the inner diameter to be
    align the two using the align panel (center vertical and then centered horizontally.
    select the inner circle and and the polar grid object and click on theLive paint Bucket tool to turn it into Live Paint Group
    you can fill any section with any swatch you want including a fill or stroke of none.
    Very easy to do this with the Live Paint group. (Notice I filled the center sections with a fill of none.)
    The text is  described before if you want to make the text curved and i would think you want to do this with only tree sections because of the amount of curve the sections require.
    You make to concentric circles that will reflect the amount of leading between the two text lines you need ad the size you require to properly place it in
    the sections.
    you position those two concentric circles over the sectioned circle that you made as a live paint group.
    Lock the live paint group
    with the scissor tool you cut the concentric circles at the sections radial dividers
    then turn them into text paths
    then pair the two in each section by making them text threads Type>Thread Text>Create
    Now type your text for each section. You can do this with two triangles if you want the text straight

  • OPA Data Source Connector failed to run on Linux server

    When I run data source connector for java on linux server using:
    java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -classpath "/usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/lib/determinations-engine.jar:/usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar:/usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/lib/sqlitejdbc-v044-native.jar:/usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/lib/determinations-data-source-connector.jar:/usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/lib/jsr173_api.jar:/usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnectorlib/sjsxp.jar" /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/data/DEMO3/run/DEMO3.xml -debug
    I got the following error message.So I think the path “..\conf\configuration.xsd” is hard coded and it raised this error. The detail error log is:
    27-12-2010, 11:35:20, INFO , Processing file /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/data/DEMO3/run/DEMO3.xml.
    27-12-2010, 11:35:20, ERROR, /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..\conf\configuration.xsd (No such file or directory)
    org.xml.sax.SAXException: /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..\conf\configuration.xsd (No such file or directory)
    at gnu.xml.validation.xmlschema.XMLSchemaSchemaFactory.newSchema(
    at javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory.newSchema(
    at javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory.newSchema(
    at Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at<init>(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    Caused by: /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..\conf\configuration.xsd (No such file or directory)
    at gnu.xml.validation.xmlschema.XMLSchemaSchemaFactory.getDocument(
    at gnu.xml.validation.xmlschema.XMLSchemaSchemaFactory.newSchema(
    ...8 more
    I have checked the file path using following command:
    [root@bjx4 ~]# more /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..\conf\configuration.xsd
    /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..confconfiguration.xsd: No such file or directory
    [root@bjx4 ~]# more /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/../conf/configuration.xsd
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="
    m/determinations/connector/data-source" targetNamespace="
    minations/connector/data-source" elementFormDefault="qualified" version="10.0.0:
    20091013" xml:lang="en">
    <xsd:element name="configuration" type="configuration-type"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="configuration-type">
    <xsd:element name="threads" type="threads-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs
    <xsd:element name="run-limit" type="run-limit-type" minOccurs="0" maxOc
    <xsd:element name="time-out" type="time-out-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccu
    <xsd:element name="unknown-value" type="unknown-type" minOccurs="0" max
    <xsd:element name="uncertain-value" type="uncertain-type" minOccurs="0"
    <!-- required elements -->
    <xsd:element name="data-sources" type="data-sources-type" minOccurs="1"
    <xsd:element name="data-mappings" type="data-mappings-type" minOccurs="
    1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    [root@bjx4 ~]# more /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..\conf\configuration.xsd
    /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..confconfiguration.xsd: No such file or directory
    [root@bjx4 ~]# cls
    -bash: cls: command not found
    [root@bjx4 ~]# clear
    [root@bjx4 ~]# more /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..\conf\configuration.xsd
    /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/..confconfiguration.xsd: No such file or directory
    [root@bjx4 ~]# more /usrfile/OPA/DataSourceConnector/bin/../conf/configuration.xsd
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementF
    ormDefault="qualified" version="10.0.0:20091013" xml:lang="en">
    <xsd:element name="configuration" type="configuration-type"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="configuration-type">
    <xsd:element name="threads" type="threads-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:element name="run-limit" type="run-limit-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:element name="time-out" type="time-out-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:element name="unknown-value" type="unknown-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:element name="uncertain-value" type="uncertain-type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <!-- required elements -->
    <xsd:element name="data-sources" type="data-sources-type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:element name="data-mappings" type="data-mappings-type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xsd:element name="output" type="output-type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <!-- threads -->
    <xsd:complexType name="threads-type">
    <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:integer" use="required">
    <!-- run-limit -->
    <xsd:complexType name="run-limit-type">
    <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:integer" use="required">
    <!-- time-out -->
    <xsd:complexType name="time-out-type">
    <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:integer" use="required">
    <!-- unknown value -->
    <xsd:complexType name="unknown-type">
    <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:string" use="required">
    <!-- uncertain value -->
    <xsd:complexType name="uncertain-type">
    <xsd:attribute name="value" type="xsd:string" use="required">
    Please help to resolve this problem, any suggestion is appreciate.

    We have confirmed this as a limitation in the current version 10.2.0 of the software, and earlier versions. We will provide more information on the timing and availability of a fix in the future.

  • Duplicate instance in EM for Oracle Apps Adapter

    In composite.xml , Oracle apps adapter is kept in Service end which listens to a queue.
    During the time of Performance test , I could see multiple instance got generated in EM console for the same message.
    The following oracle apps property property got included in compostie.xml
    +<property name="" type="xs:string" many="false">1</property>+
    +<property name="minimumDelayBetweenMessages">15000</property>+
    +<property name="DequeueTimeOut" type="xs:integer" many="false" override="may">60</property>+
    Please let me know, is there any other property , need to be included in either composite or server level , in order to stop the duplicate instance in EM console .

    Then its expected behaviour, you need to make active-passive configuration on JCA adapters.
    Ideally we use "clusterdid" setting to make active- passive configuration on JCA adapter.
    <property name="clusterGroupId">ProcessClusterID</property>
    The above properties i had set it for File/FTP adapter on composite.xml. This make sure only one node active at any given point of time.
    Not sure wheather the same will be helpful or not. W'll update you shortly.

  • JAXB cannot unmarshall and previous posts do not seem to be related

    Recently, we had to change some of our XSDs, so I went and downloaded the latest Java web services pack (v1.6) and made the changes to the schema (only one new element). First, I realized we were using a 0.75 EA1 release of JAXB and that I would have to re-generate all the classes for all our current XSDs because of 0.75 is so outdated.
    I regenerated all the classes and everything seemed to be in good order. When I started my application I received the following error (this is in jdk 1.5)
    Now, the XSD and the XML have not changed in 3 years... why is it that using this new version of JAXB seems to have messed things up? This errors is received when trying to unmarshall. I have been looking at this for three days and reading all the posts, i don;t think this is a namespaces issue because it used to work.... i just don't get it. any help is GREATLY appreciated.
    JAVA CODE HERE ********************************************
    JAXBContext jc = com.sun.xml.bind.ContextFactory.createContext("com.testbed.common.config", new JAXBClassLoader());
    Unmarshaller u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
    EXCEPTION HERE *********************************
    ./shorg.xml.sax.SAXParseException: unexpected root element ConfigInfo
    at com.sun.xml.bind.unmarshaller.SAXUnmarshallerHandlerImpl.startElement(
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$NSContentDispatcher.scanRootElementHook(Unknown Source)
    at$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at com.sun.xml.bind.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
    at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
    at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
    at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
    at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
    Here is the XML for the config file -
    XML HERE *************************************************
    <Info>timmy/[email protected]:1521:DB1</Info>
    <connection id="1">
    And here is the XSD
    XSD HERE ***************************************************
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">Configuration file formats</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:element name="ConfigInfo" type="configInfoType">
                   <xsd:documentation>The root element of the configuration file</xsd:documentation>
         <xsd:complexType name="configInfoType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Contains the elements of a configuration file</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="LogFileConfig" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="HeartbeatTimeout" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="HeartbeatTopic" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="DatabaseConfig" type="dbConfigType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                   <xsd:element name="JMSConfig" type="jmsConfigType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="NetsaintConfig" type="netsaintConfigType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="EventProcessor" type="epConfigType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="AgentProcessor" type="agConfigType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="DatabaseAgent" type="dbAgentType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Heartbeater" type="hbConfigType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="StatusAlertTime" type="xsd:long"/>
                   <xsd:element name="RemoteConnection" type="remoteConnConfig" minOccurs="0"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="dbConfigType">
                   <xsd:documentation>The Database configuration element, with a database name and connection info</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="Name" type="dbInstanceType"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Info" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:simpleType name="dbInstanceType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Limits the database connections</xsd:documentation>
              <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                   <xsd:pattern value="TEST|TEST2"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="jmsConfigType">
                   <xsd:documentation>The base of the JMS configurations</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="MyName" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Connections" type="connType"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="connType">
                   <xsd:documentation>An individual JMS configuration with a priority ranked id and associated connection information</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="connection" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                             <xsd:documentation>id attribute</xsd:documentation>
                                  <xsd:element name="Address" type="xsd:string"/>
                                  <xsd:element name="Port" type="xsd:int"/>
                                  <xsd:element name="Type" type="xsd:string"/>
                                  <xsd:element name="Factory" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:int" use="required"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="netsaintConfigType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Connection info for NetSaint alerting</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="Address" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Port" type="xsd:int"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="epConfigType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Event Processor base configuration</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="TimeoutWarning" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="TimeoutError" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Adaptors" type="adapType"/>
                   <xsd:element name="SuppressionTimeout" type="xsd:int" default="3600000"/>
                   <xsd:element name="EmailTimeoutWarning" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="EmailTimeoutError" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="0"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="adapType">
                   <xsd:documentation>The definition of the available adaptors</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="EmailAdaptor" type="emailType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="DBAdaptor" type="dbType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="FrontEndAdaptor" type="feType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="MetricsAdaptor" type="metricsType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="NetsaintAdaptor" type="netsaintType" minOccurs="0"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="netsaintType">
                   <xsd:element name="Enabled" type="YesNo"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="emailType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Email adaptor definition</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="SMTPHost" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Sender" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Recipient" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="GPGCommand" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="LookupEmails" type="YesNo" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="XSL" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:simpleType name="YesNo">
                   <xsd:documentation>A "Y" or "N" type for use within the configuration file</xsd:documentation>
              <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                   <xsd:pattern value="Y|N"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="dbType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Database adaptor configuration</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="Threads" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="XSL" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="Mode" type="dbProcessingMode"/>
                   <xsd:element name="DeviceServerAddr" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:simpleType name="dbProcessingMode">
                   <xsd:documentation>Defines the available Database Adaptor modes</xsd:documentation>
              <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                   <xsd:pattern value="NORMAL|XML"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="feType">
                   <xsd:documentation>FrontEnd adaptor definition</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="Publish" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="metricsType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Metrics adaptor definition</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="Path" type="xsd:string"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="agConfigType">
                   <xsd:documentation>AgentPeer configuration</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="MappingFile" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="CommandFile" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="EventQueueTime" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="SuppressionFile" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="FWHourlyCommand" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xsd:element name="FWDailyCommand" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="dbAgentType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Database Agent configuration</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="LowLevelAckTime" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="LowLevelQueryWindow" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="MessageQueryTime" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="MaxMessagingRate" type="xsd:double"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="hbConfigType">
                   <xsd:documentation>Heartbeater configuration</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="HeartbeatTopic" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="HeartbeatPeriod" type="xsd:int"/>
         <xsd:complexType name="remoteConnConfig">
                   <xsd:documentation>Remote Connection configuration info</xsd:documentation>
                   <xsd:element name="RemoteHost" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <xsd:element name="RemotePort" type="xsd:int"/>
                   <xsd:element name="MyName" type="xsd:string"/>

    have you tried it with only 1 complexType in the xsd with the element?
    I have an xsd with many complexTypes and found that the root element was not what i thought it was (ie in your case ConfigInfo) and was having to append an xml tag at the start and end.
    Don't know if it's something to do with the new version of JAXB as the one with 1.6 is the only one i have used...

  • Multithreading in JMS Adapter

    I am working in SOA 11g and I need to configure multiple threads through JMS Adapter. I have entered <property name="adapter.jms.receive.threads" type="xs:string" many="false">4</property> in the composite.xml of the consumer.
    (4 being the number of threads I am using for testing. I would like to increase it to 10 later on).
    However the problem I am facing is that the consumer is reading each of the message present in topic 4 times. For example, if I am sending 4 messages to the topic one after another through JMS producer, the consumer is generating 4 instances for each of these messages i.e. total 16 instances are getting generated when my objective is to get total 4 concurrent instances, one for each message. Please suggest.

    You can use the application server facilities for this. Despite their name you can use them outside of an application server.
    Since you are using MQSeries I suggest you take a look at the samples that come with the pub/sub support pac. You should find them under %MQSERIES%/Java/samples/jms/asf
    In brief, you write a pool of message consumers, that get called in a thread-safe manner by MQSeries
    F. Degenaar

  • How to use timeout in plsql

    I have one procedure which calls a function. My requirement is if that function didnt return value in 1 minute then stop the exection of that function and call next statement.
    (3) get_func_val:= function(1,2);
    My requirement is, if (3) doesnt return value in 1 minute, stop the execution of (3) and start executing (4).

    ParagNarkhede wrote:
    My requirement is, if (3) doesnt return value in 1 minute, stop the execution of (3) and start executing (4).
    PL/SQL does not support this as a language feature. It does not support a threading or fibre process model.
    Parallel processing can be done via DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE - but this is still not like the threading models on C/C++, C#, Java, etc.
    One a parallel process is started, the main process cannot interrupt it (there are no suspend or terminate thread type interfaces to call). So the main PL/SQL process can itself timeout waiting for the parallel process (e.g. DBMS_JOB or DBMS_SCHEDULER background process). But it cannot timeout and halt the background process.
    As the PL/SQL model is process based and not thread based, the parallel process does not share the main process's memory and data (or inherit a copy of it like a fork() child process would).
    As for IPC interfaces. Standard concurrent access to a SQL table, serving as shared memory, can be used. Messages can also be send via the DBMS_PIPE and Advance Message Queue interfaces.
    There are numerous reasons for the way PL/SQL approaches the concept of threading/parallel processing. Prime amongst these is that this is a multi-user and multi-process server environment  - able to service a multiple threaded clients. Pushing the client thread concept into this environment does not make much sense.
    As for your problem. Why does step 4 need to wait for step 3, if step 4 can be executed anyway when step 3 is timed out (i.e. step 3 fails)?
    If step 4 can continue without step 3 completing, then step 4 does not have a dependency on step 3. In which case the following process model can easily be used in PL/SQL:
    main process()
      exec step 1
      exec step 2
      start step 3 as a background process
      exec step 4
      wait for step 3 to complete if not already completed
    Perhaps if you explain what step 3 is, what it is tasked doing, and why it can be timed out, forum members can provide concrete solutions and suggestions.

  • Windows 2008 R2 folders greyed out

    We have a windows 2008 r2 file server and some of our users are seeing some of the folders on our shares greyed out. We have their macbooks linked to the AD domain and the file shares mapped. This just started happening a few weeks ago. our users are running the latest version of OS X with the latest updates.

    I am not entirely sure what you mean.
    But from what I'm surmising is that if all the problems started after installing an update, and there are no GPOs controlling remote desktop properties that are applying to this machine that are controlling the RDP settings (making them grayed out when you
    try to alter them on the machine, which is what a GPO would probably do with managed settings, of course depending on the settings), then I would highly suggest and recommend to contact Microsoft support. Support is FREE for Windows update problems.
    And since you've asked a question, I would also suggest to change this thread type to a "Question."
    I hope that helps.
    Ace Fekay
    MVP, MCT, MCITP/EA, MCTS Windows 2008/R2 & Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 EA, MCSE & MCSA 2003/2000, MCSA Messaging 2003
    Microsoft Certified Trainer
    Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
    Technical Blogs & Videos:
    This post is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

  • Failed to bring up UDS Control Panel

    I have installed FORTE-UDS 5.0.3 on a Windows 2000 professional machine. The problem is, when I tried to bring up the UDS Control Panel, I see the start up screen flashed by and nothing happened.
    From the DOS prompted, I manually invoked the command:
    C:\forte\install\bin\ftexec.exe -fs -fss -fi bt:c:\forte\USERAPP\ENVIRONM\CL0\FCONTROL
    and got the following error message:
    ftexec Forte Version 5.0.3
    Windows NT
    Copyright (c) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is
    subject to license terms. Third-party software, including font
    technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers. Sun, Sun
    Microsystems, the Sun logo, Forte, iPlanet and Unified Development
    Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    in the U.S. and other countries. Federal Acquisitions: Commercial
    Software - Government Users Subject to Standard License Terms and
    Copyright (c) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tous droits r�serv�s. Distribu�
    par des licences qui en restreignent l'utilisation. Le logiciel d�tenu
    par des tiers, et qui comprend la technologie relative aux polices de
    caract�res, est prot�g� par un copyright et licenci� par des fournisseurs
    de Sun. Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, Forte, iPlanet et Unified
    Development Server sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques d�pos�es de
    Sun Microsystems, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays.
    Tue Nov 13 18:45:58 2001
    Process ID 516 (Native threading)
    Type Service Flags Level
    err sh * 255
    Loaded Forte Message Catalog 'fortemsg/'
    NLM Startup is Complete - Partition's Locale is ''
    SecurityManager Using: Default-Export-Security
    ERROR: Exiting due to following exception:
    SYSTEM ERROR: Could not find the transport provider library named windows
    Class: qqsp_SystemResourceException
    Error #: [501, 13]
    Detected at: qqcm_CommManager::InstallTransportProvider at 1
    Error Time: Tue Nov 05 16:00:33
    Exception occurred (locally) on partition "Forte_Executor", (partitionId =
    0x0, taskId = [0x0.8]) in application "Forte Runtime", pid 516 on node
    WW730BNN1 in environment <unknown>.
    SYSTEM ERROR: System Error: The specified module could not be found.,
    loading the library 'windows sockets.dll'
    Class: qqos_DynamicLibraryException
    Error #: [101, 29]
    Detected at: qqos_DynamicLibrary::OSLoad at 1
    Error Time: Tue Nov 05 16:00:33
    Exception occurred (locally) on partition "Forte_Executor",
    (partitionId = 0x0, taskId = [0x0.8]) in application "Forte Runtime",
    pid 516 on node WW730BNN1 in environment <unknown>.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks Roberto for your reply. I could not find "windows sockets.dll" anywhere. This .dll file does not exist even on the Win 2000 machines that I had no trouble invoking UDS Control Panel. My machine has wsock32.dll in the C:\WINNT\system32 directory and the system path is also set to point to that directory.
    By the way, when someone else logs onto the same machine, he has no trouble bringing up UDS Control Panel. The problem occurs only if I logon. I also compared the environment variables with that person's environment variables and they are exactly the same.

Maybe you are looking for