TicTacToe - Objects

Hey guys, I've been working on an objected-oriented tic-tac-toe game to get acquainted with the language, etc...
I'm having problems with the checkMove(int) method, in the board object. No matter what, the value returned is always true, even if the move is legal (in which case the value returned should be false). Here is the code:
Board object:
public class Board {
  private String[][] _board = new String[3][3];
  public Board() {
   int x = 0;
   for (int row = 0;  row < 3;  row++) {
     for (int column = 0;  column < 3;  column++) {
       x += 1;
       _board[row][column] = " " +x +" ";
  }   // End of constructor.
    public boolean checkMove(int position) {
    boolean test = false;
    switch (position) {
      case 1: {if (_board[0][0] != " " +1 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 2: {if (_board[0][1] != " " +2 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 3: {if (_board[0][2] != " " +3 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 4: {if (_board[1][0] != " " +4 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 5: {if (_board[1][1] != " " +5 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 6: {if (_board[1][2] != " " +6 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 7: {if (_board[2][0] != " " +7 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 8: {if (_board[2][1] != " " +8 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      case 9: {if (_board[2][2] != " " +9 +" ") {test = true;} break;}
      default: {test = true; break;}
    }   // End of switch.
    return test;
  } // End of method checkMove().
}   // End of class Board.The relevant part of the main code is:
do {
          System.out.println(player1.getName() +", it is your turn. Where would you like to play?"); 
          position = TextIO.getlnInt();
          illegalMove = board.checkMove(position);
        } while(illegalMove == true);Any corrections and general criticism is greatly appreciated :)

cotton.m wrote:
A few comments. This
the value returned is always true, even if the move is legal (in which case the value returned should be false).Seems logically backwards to me. A method called checkMove I would expect to return true for legal and false for illegal. But maybe that's just me.You are completely right. However, it just so happened that in the main method, I had the variable illegalMove. Therefore it makes sense that illegalMove is true when there is an illegalMove, and illegalMove is false when there isnt.
cotton.m wrote:
Another comment would be that I wouldn't use an array of Strings for the board. Why not ints? (or enums or bytes) Well ints anyway. I mean you only have three options right? X, O or empty. Storing 9 different strings is a pain now and going to be worse later when you check the results (to look for a winner or the "right" place to move next)Sorry for the possible naivet of this question, but how would you create an array of enums or bytes, and how would you apply it to this situation? seems like an interesting option.
Actually, i already had a method called checkWin() which was working. In fact, it was just this checkMove() method which wasnt working.
corlettk wrote:
Looks like an epic brainfart to me... if 1..9 then true, else true. Huh? In my (very limited) understanding, the default case just takes into account any possible input from the user which surpasses the values of 1-9, thus not being located on the board, which would classify it as an illegal move.
Thanks for all of the help guys, I really appreciate it :)

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    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class TicTacToe
         private String grid;     //game grid (range from 0~8)
         private String name1;     //name of player 1
         private String name2;     //name of player 2
         private char character1;     //character representing player 1
         private char character2;     //character representing player 2
         private static String introduction;     //game introduction
         Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
          * Create a new TicTacToe object with the two players'
          * name and representing characters.
          * @param n1 the first player's name
          * @param c1 the first player's representing character
          * @param n2 the second player's name
          * @param c2 the second player's representing character
         public void TicTacToe(String n1, char c1, String n2, char c2)
              System.out.println("Please input the first player's name: ");                                        
              n1 = keyboard.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Please input the representing character: ");
              String char1 = keyboard.nextLine();
              c1 = char1.charAt(0);          
              System.out.println("Please input the second player's name: ");
              n2 = keyboard.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Please input the representing character: ");
              String char2 = keyboard.nextLine();
              c2 = char2.charAt(0);
              if (c2 == c1)
                   System.out.println("Please re-input " + n2 + "'s character.");
                   String char2 = keyboard.nextLine();
                   c2 = char2.charAt(0);
          * Draw in a blank space.
          * @param player 1 for first and 2 for second
          * @param index the place to draw in the grid
          * @return whether the placement is legal or not
         public boolean place(int player, int index)
              System.out.println("Where do you want to put your mark? (0~8): ");     
          * Draw in a blank space.
          * @param player 1 for first and 2 for second
          * @param row the row of the place to draw in the grid
          * @param column the column of the place to draw in the grid
          * @return whether the placement is legal or not
         public boolean place(int player, int row, int column)
              //to do, you may change the return code when you decide to implement the method
              return false;
         public String getCurrentGrid()
              return grid;
         public boolean hasWinner()
              int i;
              for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                   if (grid.charAt(i * 4) != ' ')
                        if ((grid.charAt(i * 3) == grid.charAt(i * 3 + 1))                              
                             && (grid.charAt(i * 3) == grid.charAt(i * 3 + 2)))
                             return true;
                        if ((grid.charAt(i) == grid.charAt(i + 3))                                   
                             && (grid.charAt(i) == grid.charAt(i + 6)))
                             return true;
                        if (i == 1) {
                             if ((grid.charAt(0) == grid.charAt(4))                                   
                                  && (grid.charAt(0) == grid.charAt(8)))
                                  return true;
                             if ((grid.charAt(2) == grid.charAt(4))                                   
                                  && (grid.charAt(4) == grid.charAt(6)))
                                  return true;
              return false;
         public boolean isDraw()
              int i;     
              for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
                   if (grid.charAt(i * 4) !=' ')
                        if ((grid.charAt(i * 3) != grid.charAt(i * 3 + 1)))                              
                             return true;
                        if ((grid.charAt(i) != grid.charAt(i + 3)))                                       
                             return true;
                        if (i == 1)
                             if ((grid.charAt(0) != grid.charAt(4)))                                   
                                  return true;
                             if ((grid.charAt(2) != grid.charAt(4)))                                   
                                  return true;
              return false;
         public void printGrid()
         public static void setIntroduction(String newIntroduction)
              introduction = newIntroduction;
         public static String getIntroduction()
              return introduction;
         public char getCharacter1()
              return character1;
         public char getCharacter2()
              return character2;
         public String getName1()
              return name1;
         public String getName2()
              return name2;

    Obviously there is a program that calls all these methods but this is what it will be drawing from. I have included some comments as to where I am having issues. I know what I need to do just am iffy as to how. In terms of the placing a letter, I attempted the following code
              Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);
              char c1 = 'X';
              char c2 = 'O';
              String n1 = "Player 1";
              String n2 = "Player 2";
              char data[] = {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '};
              System.out.println("Enter a number between 0 and 8: ");
              int i = keyboard.nextInt();
              if (i >= 0 && i <= 8);
              data[i] = c1;
              String grid = new String(data);
         }which did work, however only worked once because I have no looping statement but I feel char data[] = " " is the right direction. Thanks for your help as always.

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    What seems the biggest clue is that now I've set up another method and a button for it, that gets the elementAt(0) from the server Vector, changes the name and sends it back. Again, after the regular call to get the Vector sent over, it shows in the server console that one element has been removed. And one by one the element sent over from (0) is the one that was bumped down to fill the space from removeElementAt(). But in the client, the console shows 4 objects in the Vector, and one by one, starting at (0), the Player whose name was changed fills in right up to the top of the Vector.
    So something is persisting, and I just can't find it.
    The code is hundres of lines, so I hesitate to send it in here. I just hope this somewhat lengthy description tips off someone who might know where to look.
    Thanks a lot

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                   GET VBRK.
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    Dario R.

    Hi there
    Logical databases whilst of "some use" are not really part of OO.
    If you want to use a logical database in an abap OO program I would create a special class which just does the get data from your DB and pass this either at record or table level.
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    As far as OO is concerned Logical databases are a throwback to "Dinosaur Technology".
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    If you really must use this stuff in OO then do it via a FMOD call and save the data in a table which your method will pass back to your application program.
    You can't issue a GET command directly in a method.

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    create or replace
    TYPE object AS OBJECT (
    value VARCHAR2(2000)
    xml xmltype;
    obj object;
    obj := object('abcd');
    xml := xmltype(obj);
    obj.value := '';
    xml := xmltype(obj);
    obj.value := null;
    xml := xmltype(obj);
    When creating xml from object, all not-null fields are transformed into xml tag.
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    Oracle 10g behaves as expected:
    However Oracle 9i behaviour leads me to the conclusion that oracle
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    However Oracle 9i behaviour leads me to the conclusion that oracle
    must somehow distinguish between empty string and null in user defined objects...
    Can someone clarify this behaviour?
    Thus is it possible to test if object's field is empty or null?A lot of "fixes" were done, relating to XML in 10g and the XML functionality of 9i was known to be buggy.
    I think you can safely assume that null and empty strings are treated the same by Oracle regardless. If you're using anything less than 10g, it's not supported any more anyway, so upgrade. Don't rely on any assumptions that may appear due to bugs.

  • "cacheHostInfo is null" and Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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    I checked the Windows service “AppFabric caching service” is stopped because the default identity “Network Service” not work. Then I change the AppFabric service identity to use “.\administrator” (which is also the sp farm administrator) and the service can
    be started.
    However the “cacheHostInfo is null” when try to start Distributed Cache service in central admin.
    I searched on web and found this blog: http://rakatechblog.wordpress.com/2013/02/04/sharepoint-2013-spdistributedcacheserviceinstance-cachehostinfo-is-null/
    I tried to run the script but it return error:
    Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance : Object reference not set to an
    instance of an object.
    At C:\root\ps\test.ps1:8 char:13
    + $whatever = Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…ServiceInstance:
    SPCmdletAddDist…ServiceInstance) [Add-SPDistributedCacheServiceInstance]
    , NullReferenceException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletAddDistr
    I am not sure what went wrong. Please give me some idea? Thank you for any comment!

    Can you deploy Active Directory as installing without is not a supported installation scenario - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2764086.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    Can anybody please explain me how configurations related to " Open and Close Posting Periods According to G/L Account Assignment Objects " works in SAP FICO? I am confused about this config.

    Hi Mandeep ,
    First i would like to tell about fiscal year
    fiscal year is nothing but a financial year of company in sap . it contain 12 normal periods and 4 special periods.In genaral we will call like month but that is sap that is a period. so 12 period for 12 months ok next special period will use in all companies for audit and tax adjustment purpose of previous year.
    coming to the open and close periods.in sap for security purpose we have to open one period like this month july so i opened july period only we cant post the pervious month (june)and we cant post future month lik in (Auguest)ok
    You can close and open periods by transaction ob52.
    In transaction ob52 there are account types
    + Valid for all account types
    A Assets
    D Customers
    K Vendors
    M Materials
    S G/L accounts
    V Contract accounts
    + means all types. if you want to open vendor then enter period from and to according to your fiscal year.
    you cant adjust items in closed period. if you want to then you have to open the period
    For your information.....
    posting periods also open user level tc S_ALR_87003642.
    customization levael OB52.

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         at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.JtdsResultSet.checkOpen(JtdsResultSet.java:299)
         at net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.MSCursorResultSet.next(MSCursorResultSet.java:1123)
         at DB5.getDetails(Daily_Quote_Response_report.java:238)
         at Daily_Quote_Response_report.main(Daily_Quote_Response_report.java:74)
    java.util.List items = null;
            String query;
            String query2;
            try {
                query =
                       "select * from oqrep_except_resp_summary";
                query2 = "select * from oqrep_except_resp_detail";
                Statement state = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
                ResultSet rs = state.executeQuery(query);
                ResultSet rs2 = state.executeQuery(query2);
              //cannot create two rs objects // ResultSet rs2 = state.executeQuery(query);
                items = new ArrayList();Edited by: bobz on 03-Dec-2009 11:16
    Edited by: bobz on 03-Dec-2009 11:16

    Note: This thread was originally posted in the [Java Programming|http://forums.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=31] forum, but moved to this forum for closer topic alignment.

  • Open field in object S_TCODE

    I've deleted a tcode from a role in menu tab. Now when I look at the object S_TCODE in the role it has an open(blank) field. I cannot delete this blank field from the object as S_TCODE shows up only in display mode though you enter the role in change mode. Further I do not see this blank field in the menu tab assuming that the blank field might got transfered from the menu. Please suggest how to remove the blank field from the object?
    Thank you,

    I had some similar issues already. The yellow status of S_TCODE came from a blank entry in the menu. If the menu is big, its hard to find that entry, which has to be removed from  the roles menu. As a workaround to identify that 'blank' entry check table agr_hier for that role. Select Reporttype=TR and Report=  (means leave the field empty and set as operator '='.
    In the field Parent_ID you can identify now the node under which this entry is located and with the OBJECT_ID you can find the text in table AGR_HIERT (with that text you can use the search function in pfcg to find that entry(ies).
    Then simpyl delete these entries from the menu and merge the authorizations. S_TCODE shall be 'green' afterwards.
    b.rgds, Bernhard

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    The answer is in the Migration FAQ :
    When I open an Oracle6i Reports Developer report in the Oracle Reports Builder 10g and run my Web layout, I get an empty Web page in my browser.

  • Questions on ADF View Objects, Links and Iterators

    I have a number of questions regarding using ViewObjects in applications where there are alot of relationships between tables.
    First, lets say that I have ViewObject SomeView that was added to the App Module (AM) as VO1. And because it has a number of "detail" records that have to be iterated through in a "report like" view it has those other VO's added under it as "children" in the AM.
    So I have
    VO1 (an instance of SomeView)
    --> VO2 (an instance of some other view)
    --> VO3 (an instance of some other view)
    that is used on pages where only a single VO1 is shown at a time.
    Now because I had another page I wanted to make that had a listing of all SomeView objects. Some of the fields in SomeView are foreign keys to records in VO2 and VO3 and while I don't want to show all the fields from VO2 and VO3, I do want to show a name field from each rather than just the foreign key.
    My experience (though I've never read this anywhere) tells me that when doing a "table" that is a list of rows from a VO, you can't display info from the child VO's because the child VO's are on whatever record corresponds to the "currentRow" in the parent VO and just displaying the rows in a rangeSet doesn't make each the "currentRow" so even we display 10 records in a for loop, the "currentRow" is just one, and the child VO's iterators aren't moved as we go through the for loop. (Can someone confirm if I am correct on this conclusion????)
    So the only way I know of to show some field from a related table in each row is to make the VO have the entity objects from the related tables be part of the view as references. Is this the only way?
    If I do that on a view that didn't have other views as children defined in the AM I don't have any problem and it works like I want.
    But if I do it on a view that did have other views as children defined in the AM it makes the page(s) using that view with the children iterators behave badly. Half the information quits showing up, etc.
    For example, ... if I go to the "SomeView" which was defined with only one entity object association, and I add the entity objects (that are the basis of instances of VO2 and VO3 ) as referenceable only, it totally breaks the page where I display a single VO1 and use it's VO2 and VO3 children. IS THIS NORMAL OR AM I MISSING SOMETHING?
    So, is the solution that I have to have more view objects defined for different purposes ?
    Can anyone give any general guidelines for when/where to use different view objects vs. when to use different iterators. I'm not having much luck with using secondary RSI's and haven't found much info on them.
    Also, how about issues of naming iterators that are in various binding containers (ie. UI Model for a page). If I do and LOV it creates an iterator and gives it a default name like ViewNameIterator1. If I already have a different page that uses a regular (non LOV) iterator with that name, and the user goes back and forth between those pages, is that a clash?
    Finally, I've read a couple of Steve Muench's blogs on View Link consistency but I'm not sure what the rules are on when it applies and doesn't. How you turn it on or off, etc. One of his examples in http://radio.weblogs.com/0118231/2004/02/27.html talks about it in the context of two view objects that are NOT typically "linked" in a master/detail kind of way. Like an AllDepartments and a DepartmentsLessThan view. Do you have to create a View Link between them to have results of one be reflected in the other if they aren't used in the same page in a web app? Or does it happen automatically (with the caveat that you have to do the rowQualifies method). Just feels like I'm missing some pieces.
    Thanks in advance,

    I am also interested in a best-practice note from oracle.
    Currently we store history in seperate history tables for columns that changed. All this implemented in our BaseEoImpl overriding the EntityImpl.prepareForDML().

  • Questions on scripts, tables & transfer objects between clients.

    1. In script, how to use the same print program for two different layouts? with procedure.!
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    3. Want to maintain a table in dev server and if i update the data, it should simultanously update in Quality and Production servers. How? please explain in details.
    4. How to transfer object between clients.? explain.
    Points will be promptly rewarded for HELPFULL answers.!

    3. With SE01, you can create a transport request for all table entries.
    SE01 - Create button - Workbench request - Give description and save
    Select the created request and click on Display object list.
    Click on Display - Change button
    Insert line button
    ProgID: R3TR
    Object: TABU
    Object name: Z_YOUR_TABLE
    Double click on the table name
    Insert line
    Key: *
    Save everything
    Release the transport in SE10 transaction and transport with STMS transaction.

  • Open as linked smart object

    iam looking for a solution to open files in a folder
    and copy then into a document.
    Its working good, but i need the files to be linked smart object.
    Anyone knows a solution ?
    Here my Code so far:
    See in line 33. Convert to smart object: ?
    var file = new File('C:/User_MY PATH.PSD'),
    docRef = open(file);
    // Use the path to the application and append the samples folder
    var samplesFolder = Folder('C:/USERS_MY FOLDER');
    //Get all the files in the folder
    var fileList = samplesFolder.getFiles()
      // open each file
      for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
      // The fileList is folders and files so open only files
      if (fileList[i]instanceof File)
      // use the document name for the layer name in the merged document
      var activeDocName = app.activeDocument.name;
      var targetDocName = activeDocName.substring(0, activeDocName.lastIndexOf("."));
      // Copy the Document
      //convertToSmartObject(); THIS ISNT WORKING - CONVERT IT ?
      // don’t save anything we did
      //Select specific layer to paste the copy, this is to make sure the layers are in a specific position
      var doc = app.activeDocument;
      doc.activeLayer = doc.artLayers.getByName("bgr");
      //Paste Document
      app.activeDocument.activeLayer.name = targetDocName

    Use scriptlistener:
    var idPlc = charIDToTypeID( "Plc " );
        var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
        desc2.putPath( idnull, new File( "C:\\Photos\\myPhoto.psd" ) );
        var idLnkd = charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" );
        desc2.putBoolean( idLnkd, true );
        var idFTcs = charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" );
        var idQCSt = charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" );
        var idQcsa = charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" );
        desc2.putEnumerated( idFTcs, idQCSt, idQcsa );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
            var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc3.putUnitDouble( idHrzn, idPxl, 0.000000 );
            var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc3.putUnitDouble( idVrtc, idPxl, 0.000000 );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
        desc2.putObject( idOfst, idOfst, desc3 );
    executeAction( idPlc, desc2, DialogModes.NO );

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