Time Capsule/Airport Express Question

Hello All-
I have an iMac (Late 2007) in my bedroom office connected to the internet via ethernet to my Time Capsule. From there, my iMac is getting it's connection wirelessly. I have an Airport Express handy and I would like to use it to hook up some speakers in my garage and use my Apple TV (v 2.3) to pipe the music in. How would I go about doing this? I want to stay on the same network that I'm on, as my computer and 2 ATV's are already on this network, if possible. Right now, I have the AE plugged into an outlet and it's blinking yellow. What steps do I need to take? Walk me through this as if I'm an 8 year old. lol. Many thanks....

The AppleTV is a wireless client but not a wireless base station. Therefore the AirPort Express (AX) can not wirelessly connect to the AppleTV.
The AX can connect to the Time Capsule wirelessly. The AX needs to be configured to connect as a wireless client.
The music playing on the AX would be controlled via iTunes on your computer. It would not be controlled via the AppleTV.

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  • Time Capsule-AirPort Express-WDS not working together

    According to everything I've read here, I've configured this properly, but it doesn't seem to be working. If anyone can help me troubleshoot this I would greatly appreciate it.
    I have a new Time Capsule acting as my main wireless base station; it has a manually-configured static IP address, is plugged into my Verizon FIOS router, and is set to distribute IP addresses over wireless using DHCP. I have it set to run a 5 GHz network in addition to the regular 2.4 GHz network. I have an older AirPort Express that I want to use to extend the range of the 2.4 GHz network (the Express can only do 802.11b/g, not 802.11n), in part because we have some older devices in the house that I don't want to slow down the 802.11n network, and in part because the 802.11b/g signal doesn't reach all parts of the house very strongly. So I told the Time Capsule to make its network extendable, told the AirPort Express to participate in a WDS network as a WDS relay, and entered the MAC address of the Time Capsule's 2.4GHz network as the WDS main. Result: flashing amber light on the AirPort Express, which no longer shows up in the AirPort Utility; I had to do a hard reset in order to get the Express back (and then it had to be reconfigured again, of course). At the moment I have it just joining my wireless network, and that works -- green light -- but of course doesn't allow the Express to extend the range of the wireless network.
    What am I doing wrong here?

    Before there was dual band, we always told users that if they used WDS, the entire network would revert to "g", even if the Time Capsule, AirPort Express, etc were capable of "n" performance.
    Your findings seem to confirm that this happens with a dual band as well.
    I think it's well worth it to get the AirPort Express 802.11n. Then you can reconfigure the Time Capsule back to "Create a wireless network" and check the box to "Allow this network to be extended"
    The Express"n" would then be configured to "Extend a wireless network". I use this setup and would highly recommend it. There may be a slight bandwidth loss due to overhead, but the performance is light years ahead of WDS.
    If you are using the same network name for both bands on the Time Capsule, then I believe by default the Express will extend the 2.4 GHz "n", "g" and "b" band. This makes sense for most users since 5 GHz signals do not travel well over distance or penetrate obstructions well.
    IF...you want to extend the 5 GHz band, the only way that I know how to do this is click Wireless Network Options on the wireless setup page for the Time Capsule and enable the option to assign a different name for the 5 GHz network.
    Then you will have to configure the Express to extend this specific 5 GHz network. I never had much luck extending 5 GHz, and I wanted my iPhone to be able to use the network across the house, so I went with the simpler one network name for both bands and extended the 2.4 GHz network.
    If you have a "g" device joining the extended network, it may tend to slow the "n" devices down slightly...when the "g" device is active, but it won't drag everything down to "g" levels. When the "g" device is not active, "n" devices will run at "n" speeds.
    BTW, the ethernet port on the AirPort Express is active when you configure it to "extend a wireless network". This can come in handy for hooking up DVD players, etc that need an internet connection for firmware updates and extra features.
    Follow up....I tried a very quick reconfiguration of my dual band AirPort Extreme (same router that the Time Capsule users) and AirPort Express using the WDS arrangement and everything did indeed drop way down in speed and performance.
    Post back if you have questions. Happy to help.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Best configuration to extend wifi with Time Capsule & Airport Express

    In my house I have a Fritzbox wifi router on the ground floor as my primary internet access.  I have an ethernet cable going to the 3rd floor study where the Fritzbox signal is relatively weak.  I purchased a Time Capsule as a backup device, but also wanted to extend the Fritzbox wifi network by plugging the ethernet cable in to the TC.  I was not successful in extending the network, so I had to create a new network.  When moving from downstairs to upstairs, my iphone keeps the connection to the (now weak) wifi network and I have to manually change to the (stronger) TC wifi network.
    Additionally, I used to be able to successfully extend the downstairs wifi using my Airport Express (and also managed to have my speakers plugged into this for wireless usage), but do not want to additionally complicate my set-up.
    So, what is the best way to connect the following equipment, ideally with the same network name, to ensure I always use the strongrst signal automatically:
    Third floor:          iMac,    Macbook,   Time Capsule,  Airport Express
              Ethernet cable from ground floor to 3rd floor
    Ground floor:     Fritzbox wifi connected to internet

    You must configure the Bridge Mode setting as the very last step before you Update the settings, otherwise the setting will change automatically. 
    In other words, you can change the setting to Bridge Mode, but if you make any other changes before you click Update, the Bridge Mode setting will not take effect.
    Or, if you see any error messages about DHCP conflicts or Double NAT....the AirPort is not in Bridge Mode...even though you might think it is. Check the settings again.
    will I still be able to set up an additional 5GHz network in parallel?

  • Hi I've recenty purchased a new imac   time capsule   airport express.   I've set up a new network, rather than extended the current one. How do I change my new network to an extended one or create an extended network?

    Hi I've recenty purchased a new imac + time capsule + airport express.
    I've set up a new network, rather than extended the current one. How do I change my new network to an extended one or create an extended network?

    detailed in terms of what focus?
    here is a video guide about using the airport utility

  • Time Capsule + Airport Express N  How to extend

    Have been trying to extend my wireless network but have been unsussessful. Here is my setup. Cable modem connected to Time Capsule and Express N connected via ethernet cable. I try to do it with the setup but it will eventually revert to picking up the cable modem IP address 169.etc so I think I might need to manually input the addresses. Will some walk me through this including the ip addresses I should use? The Time capsule is NOT in bridge mode and works perfectly with the internet and other expresses used only for music streaming. Thanks

    Mitchell, welcome to the discussions!
    You may find it easier to use Manual Setup in AirPort Utility for the device.
    The key setting would be under the Internet icon. Look at the bottom of the pane for Connection Sharing, this would be set to Off (Bridge Mode). Under the Wireless tab, you would set the Wireless Mode for "extend a wireless network" and make sure there is a check mark next to "allow wireless clients"
    On the setup of the Time Capsule in AirPort Utility - Manual Setup - Wireless tab, make sure there is a check mark next to "allow the network to be extended"
    If you have a good wireless signal in the area where the Express will be located, you also might want to try extending your network without using the ethernet cable. Normally, a good starting point for positioning the Express is at a point that is approximately half the distance from the Time Capsule and the area that you want to cover with the Express.
    You may also need to reset your cable modem by powering it down for 10-15 minutes and then restarting.
    Please post back on your progress.

  • Another Time Capsule + Airport Express (G) question

    Searched through the forums but could not find an answer -- so here goes.
    I have:
    - Time Capsule
    - older Airport Express (B/G, not N)
    - MacBook Air
    - iPhone
    - Wii
    I would like to:
    - Connect my cable modem to my Time Capsule, and have the Time Capsule run exclusively on N at 5ghz
    - Use my Airport Express to stream music to my receiver AND be the base station for B/G devices on my network, such as the iPhone and Wii. The Airport Express sits right next to the Time Capsule, so they can be connected with an Ethernet cable (need be)
    With those goals mentioned, how do I set this up? I don't want to get the MBAir to fall back on G, as it is doing now.
    Thank you much for your help.

    Yes that will work. It has been referred to many, many posts as "dual-band" networks.
    Configure the Time Capsule and AirPort Express (AX) to have different SSIDs (network names) and different encryption passwords. Don't tell your MacBook Air the password of the slower network.
    Configure the AX to act as a bridge (not sharing a single IP address).

  • How best to use TWO Time Capsules, Airport Express and Apple TV?

    I have the following Apple equipment and am wondering how best to plug it all together. At the moment I am not using some items at all because I do not know how to best use!
    1. MacBook Pro (2012 model) 'Mac1'
    2. MacBook Pro (2009 model) 'Mac2'
    3. MacBook Air (2011 model) 'Mac3'
    4. Time Capsule 1TB (model A1355)  'TC1'
    5. (another!) Time Capsule 1TB (model A1355)  'TC2'
    6. Airport Express (2008 model)
    7. Apple TV (2013 model)
    8. LaCie 1TB USB Hard Drive
    9. Apple iPhone
    10. Sonos system
    TC1 is plugged into the Virgin Media modem to provide a WiFi network called 'Amer's Apple Network' around the house. The Virgin Media wifi has been switched off to reduce interference.
    TC2 is not being used. The Airport Express is plugged in upstairs (or sometimes near garden) to extend the 'Amer's Apple Network' and this seems to work fine.
    Apple TV is plugged into main TV and is plugged into 'Amer's Apple Network' directly using Ethernet to TC1 but often runs slowly and does not work if Mac1 is not awake (or iTunes is not running on Mac1).
    LaCie is plugged directly into TC1 and currently has a old copy of my iTunes library stored on it which my Sonos system access. However, there seems to be a problem in that iTunes randomly uses that LaCie library and/or local Mac library. Often we get a pop up message on Mac1 saying "Library cannot be found" and we have to manually navigate to the LaCie drive (via the TC1 folder) to open iTunes. Also connecting iPhone to Mac1 seems to work very slowly as it appears to be trying to back up to LaCie drive.
    What would be the best, most efficient way of using all (or if some is redundant equipement then which), to set up the following:
    1. A shared home network which enables all three computers (and any future Macs and/or iPads etc) to access one master shared iTunes library, which is the one that is updated with any new music, films etc added via any of those machines
    2. A shared home network that enables a shared files folder but also allows each user to keep their own personal hard drive (eg locally on whichever machine they are using).
    3. A fast (as possible) iTunes back up process when connecting iPhone to computer
    4. Usage of both TC1 and TC2 (and Airport Express) to extend network around the house (several weak spots exist) and also to maximise storage using the 1TB of each TC1 and TC2.
    5. Would it then also be possible to attach the LaCie USB drive for an additional 1TB storage? If so how and would it be very slow? From existing usage it appears to be very slow when used as a regular access drive, so perhaps better as a 'slow' drive that is just occassionaly used for back up and nothing else
    Main question is (to the networking experts!), how would you personally set up all above to give best wifi coverage, fastest back ups, access to Sonos for iTune library, access to Apple TV, and shared folders etc etc. I basically seem to have lots of kit (albeit some quite old) and nothing seems to be working together particularly well.
    Happy also to ditch any bottlenecks in the above equipment list (eg LaCie USB drive?) and add something which would better bring together the other components?
    Any thoughts much appreciated!

    So ... FINALLY ... I found some time to implement this!
    Steps taken and results:
    1. Moved my entire music library to Mac1. Used the opportunity to also share my other Mac2 onto HomeShare and copy across any music files from Mac2 onto Mac1 that were not already there.
    Result:  Mac1 now holds my whole music library locally. Works incredibly fast whenever playing a track, adding a new track or updating info on existing track. Good!
    2. LaPastenague's instructions for bridging TC1 with TC2 worked a dream. Only thing is they are basically next to each other as I don't have the energy (or cabling expertise) to install (cleanly) long runs of ethernet cable.
    Result: Got a clear Wifi signal, not sure if any faster than before but I assume two TCs next to each other both sending out the same network signal can't be any worse than one. Main thing is that I have an extra 1Tb network drive (i.e. TC2) connected to TC1 which I can access from all my Macs now.
    3. Copied the entire Mac1 Music library over to TC2 drive into the Data folder. This happened relatively quickly (I think!) ... but would welcome any comments on whether slower than expected, to highlight if I might be able to improve the connection. 12,000 songs in 2 hours, with Mac1 sending the files to TC2 wirelessly. I know I could probably have connected Mac1 to TC2 by ethernet cable to speed up, but I had run out of Ethernet cables by now!
    Result: All my music (as of today anyway) now on Mac1 AND on TC2 in normal readable format (i.e. by Sonos and as a simple back-up that can just be carried around and copied anywhere in the event of loss of Mac1 drive
    4. Set up TC2 Music Library in Data folder to be the networked music folder for Sonos using "\\TC2\Data" (ps. why doesn't Sonos allow a simple click and select option for choosing drive and instead force us to go back to the 80s and type in drive path which isn't always clear, especially on a Mac!)
    Result: Sonos can access all my music (as of today anyway) on TC2 and no need for Mac1 or any other Mac to be open.
    BUT: As you may have guessed, the issue with the above set up is that as soon as I buy a new song, it will get added to my Mac1 quickly and smoothly ... but the area where I really use my music (i.e. Sonos via TC2) will have the older music library.
    QUESTION: Is there any way in which I can adjust the above set up, so that whenever I add new music to my Mac1 it also copies across to TC2? Don't mind if this is done slowly and later (eg in middle of night) but of course don't want to have to copy across manually each time. Would prefer it to just update newly added tracks regularly.

  • A Time Capsule, Airport Express and AT&T 2Wire walk into a bar...

    Alas, I'm sure this question has been asked before, but my reserach keeps turning up separate answers.  So I thought I'd turn to this forum for some advice.  Ultimately I'm seeks suggestions on various ways to configure my network to allow easy backups, connection two rooms, and wirelessly print from anywhere.
    I have a: 
    Time Capsule (dual band) - used for Time Machine backups
    Airport Express (older)
    and new 2Wire 3800HGV-B wireless modem/router from AT&T (for U-verse internet/TV)
    My room configuration is:
    Living room with TV, internet connected DVD player, and new AT&T 2Wire Wireless U-verse modem
    Home office with 2 desktop comptuers (no wireless cards) and a USB printer. 
    Two roaming laptops which move around the rest of the house
    The livingroom and the office can't be connected with a physical wire. 
    What I was hoping to do was setup my office with the Time Capsule in the office as a wired hub, and then use it as a wirelessly bridge to the 2Wire network.  But as I understand it, a Time Capsule can't be used as a bridge to a non-Apple product.  Please correct me if I'm wrong. 
    Alternately I could always get wireless cards for the desktop computers, but this leaves the printer.
    I've read suggesitons of people who have used their TC as the primary router, disabling wireless on their AT&T 2Wire, and hooking the two together with ethernet.  Others who just join the TC to the 2Wireness network.  But really what I'm seeking is a way to join the two rooms. 
    Any thoughts?  Am I asking the right questions or providing the right information?
    Much thanks,

    So I figured I'd go with an initial suggestion and attached my TC via ethernet to the 2Wire modem/router in my living room, and make the TC my primary wireless router.
    Good plan
    since both will be in the same room, I assume I need to disable wireless on the 2Wire
    What kind of configuration do I need to do on the TC, or do I just following the wizard and select 'Extend existing network'?
    You can follow the guided setup or I can give you a step by step manual setup. In either case, you will configure the TC to "Create a wireless network". 
    ("Extend" is only used if the TC connects using wireless only....you will be using Ethernet from one of the LAN <-> ports on the 2-Wire to the WAN port (world icon) on the TC.
    The guided setup will normally sense that the TC is connected to another router and suggest that the TC be configured in Bridge Mode, which is the correct setting. Otherwise, select the Bridge Mode option when it is presented.
    Note....If you have a newer dual band TC, the Guest Network option cannot be enabled when the TC is configured in Bridge Mode. So, if you want a "Guest" network, maybe the 2-Wire could provide that service.
    Should I attach this (via ethernet) to the TC or the 2Wire?
    Pick a LAN <-> port on either one, your choice, whichever is easier
    What should the AT&T DVR be connected to?
    I'm not familiar with an AT&T DVR, but if it connects via Ethernet, you can connect to a LAN <-> port on either the 2-Wire or the TC
    For printing, my plan is to attach the printer through USB to the Airport Express and then connect that wirelessly to the TC network (though my first attempt at this failed to connect).
    Suggest that you get the TC up and working smoothly. Then tackle the Express.

  • Belkin   Time Capsule   Airport Express   PLC

    I allready have a modem router Belkin, a Time Capsule and an Airport Express. The problem i have is that i have a many meters from the Belking and Time Capsule to the saloon (Airport Express). Can i buy an PLC and use it with my network connection???

    ... Can i buy an PLC and use it with my network connection???
    Yes, but be aware that some work, and some do not.
    It is not a question of using your Belkin router with a Time Capsule and Extreme or not. The problem is that it is impossible to know whether PLC will work in any particular installation, because building wiring practices can vary so much. Its maximum propagation distance is also unpredictable, for the same reason.
    All you can do is try it.

  • Best use Time Capsule & Airport Express together?

    I've used the Express for several years and really enjoy using the ouput to play my iTunes wirelessly thru my stereo speakers. Then we moved, but my wife moved ahead of me and took the Express. I then bought a Time Capsule which doesn't have audio outs. I noticed that when I set it up it used the same name for the wireless network as my old Express.  Now I've moved and joined my wife, and for the 1st time have both devices together. What is the most effective  way to configue them? How do I maintain use of the Express for the iTunes wireless playing? Do I need to rename the network?

    Hi Brian,
    Set up your TC to be the Main network provider. It will work the best as it has the more powerful antennas. Then add the Express to extend the network of the TC. The Express will still play all music wireless and print wireless to printers attached. If you have both a APE g and n as i do its no problem at all couse the TC has got dual band.
    For your last question, its best to reset the APE prior of doing the new settings. Just press the small reset button on the bottom of the device by pressing it for 10sec with a pen or pin (while attached to power). the light will start blinking very fast after 10sec. Then just plug out power and back in and your mac will see it popup in the airport utility.
    *First attach all cables to the TC and power it up, leave the APE off power.
    *setup the TC as you pleaseand check if its works as you wish
    *plug in the APE, airport utility will see it and ask you what to so
    *set the APE to extend your existing network (that of the TC)
    *APE will reboot and your off :-)

  • Time Capsule - Airport Express

    Hi - This is not a problem yet!! Just looking for advice or a cautionary tale of what may go wrong
    Basically, have iMac Time Capsule acts as wireless device, I have it connected to iMac and ASDL modem via ethernet cable(s) everything works well connect to various laptops/ipod touch wirelessly. Considering purchase of airport express that i could connect to my stereo system (downstairs) and 'stream' my iTunes -Is this going to cause me any problems? I did visit my local Apple outlet armed with a host of questions but unfortunately I seemed to know more than the young lad I spoke with!!
    Any advice help or asistance would be appreciated!

    The only issue I can think of at this point is the strength of the Time Capsule's wireless network as it will be "seen" by the AirPort Express that you are trying to join with it. If the signal strength is poor, then you may experience audio dropouts when attempting to stream to it. The primary reason for poor signal performance is Wi-Fi interference. This can be attributed to building construction material, other Wi-Fis operating nearby, or things like portable phones or microwave ovens that operate in the same radio band.

  • Time Capsule, Airport Express & iTunes

    I'm considering buying a Time Capsule but have a question, maybe someone can give me an advice.
    Actually I use an Airport Express to stream my iTunes library (which is on an external drive) to my hi-fi and was wondering the following:
    Can I move my iTunes library on the Time Capsule and at the same time use the Airport Express to stream to the stereo??? I think I can connect to just one Wi-Fi network, but maybe there's a way to do this?

    Ok, thanks. I'll read those links but it seems that moving iTunes on TC is not a problem, since it acts like a normal external drive.
    As for TC + AE, looks also simple, because citing from the Apple site I found this :
    "Party Central.If you already have a wireless network in place, you can use AirPort Express to add music to its capabilities. Let’s say, for example, you have AirPort Extreme set up in your den. There’s no need to scrap this setup and create a whole new network. Simply connect AirPort Express to your stereo in your favorite music room and plug it into an electrical outlet — it wirelessly links to your existing network, letting you play your music in your room of choice without moving anything or connecting anything else."
    So, I guess, one creates a WiFi network with Time Capsule, and AE joins it. Wow!

  • Time Capsule/Airport Express/Ethernet - Setting up Roaming Network?

    I am trying to setup a network in my house to extend the wifi.  Currently the wifi signal is not strong enough to work in the a portion of the upstairs (bonus room). I want to extend the network and have it be as fast as possible.
    Here's what I have going on:
    There are 2 rooms hard wired with cat 5.  The office and the upstairs bonus room.  I have a comcast modem in the basement where the cat 5 wires all run to. The comcast modem has three available ethernet out ports.  I have one of them running to my office where my time capsule is located which is where I currently have my wifi signal coming from.  I have another ethernet plugged into another port on the comcast modem and running to the bonus room.  I purchased a Airport express and was hoping to just plug it into the ethernet in the bonus room to extend my extisting network using the ethernet (via a roaming network?) but I can't get it to work.
    A couple of questions:
    Is this the best way to extend my network so it will be as fast as possible?  How do I get it to work?  I don't want to have to move the time capsule downstairs to make this work.
    I am new to this type of networking so please forgive my ignorance.
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Get the IP of the TC and the Express plugged into the Comcast router.. we are assuming router.
    You simply click on the airport utility and see what IP it is picking up.
    This is bridged and has picked up the address from the main router.. so shows both LAN and IP address as the same.
    Actually post a screenshot makes this ever so much easier.
    If you are not getting this.. then click edit and go to the tabs..
    1. Internet. Should be DHCP
    2. Network. Should be Off (bridge mode)
    3. Wireless. Should be Create a wireless network.
    Post me up the details and "we" can work it out.
    The basic Apple doco for roaming is here.
    As with so much documentation it is out of date against the newest version of the airport utility.. so they are a little behind.

  • Fios Time Capsule Airport Express 101 Help Needed

    I am trying to configure my network for the thirty-billionth time. I will start with my set-up, my goals and then my assumptions. If anyone has any thoughts, I am deeply appreciative.
    MI424WR-GEN2 router (802.11B/G/N; firmware:; henceforth "FR")
    Time Capsule (First Generation 802.11N)
    Two Airport Express (802.11N)
    One Airport Express (802.11G)
    All Airport Expresses are running 7.5.2
    Right now here's how I have my network configured:
    The TC and AEs are in bridge mode. The TC is connected to the FR by ethernet. Physically, the TC and FR are right next to each other. I have two wireless networks set up. One created by the FR which I have the radio set in "Compatibility Mode" , i.e., accepting 802.11B/G/N. The second wireless network generated by the TC, is set to 802.11N Only (5Gz).
    Optimally, I'd like to have one wireless network, instead of two. I'm willing to ratchet down the 802.11N only to a more compatible setting to get down to one network.
    I cannot use my FR in bridging mode -- meaning it simply sends traffic to my TC which handles IP addressing, NAT, etc.
    I cannot use my TC or AEs to extend my FR wireless network. And by "extend" I mean, use the boxes as signal boosters back to the FR. Physically, I have the ability, for instance, to move the TC from it current location to the master bedroom and connect it back to the FR via ethernet. In this case, I would like to be able to use the ethernet ports on the TC for some devices as well as use the wireless (single network preferablly) to boost the signal for some box-to-box applications I'm running as well as bandwidth intensive applications like Apple TV.
    It is my understanding that it is impossible to extend a network with a TC or AE unless it is Airport network. It is possible to join a non-Airport network but I'm not sure what that buys you.
    I am also under the assumption that the dual network configuration is impeding my ability to remotely connect to my iMac if it is running on the TC network which feeds back to the FR network.
    I have read blogs that argue for simply shutting down the Fios radio and set the Fios router to bridge mode in essence and use the TC for all wireless. I have read blogs that suggest a plethora of different approaches.
    I'm eager to figure this out and and promise to be responsive to questions and suggestions!
    Thanks in advance,

    you're suggesting using both radios so both the FR and TC are broadcasting. if both devices are physically next to each other, is there any benefit in terms of range?
    I must have misunderstood your earlier explantion about your desire to "extend" and thought that you were going to try to configure the TC to provide more wireless coverage for the FR network by locating the TC some distance from the FR router and connecting to it using a long Ethernet cable.
    If you plan to leave the TC sitting next to the FR router, then there is obviously no benefit, range wise, and a probable wireless interference issue if both routers are broadcasting the same signals in close proximity.
    The exception here would be if you plan to configure the TC as a 5 GHz band only while the FR provides that 2.4 GHz band. That type of setup is OK since both routers are broadcasting on different bands.
    I remember reading somewhere that ActionTec doesn't play well with AE  in WPA so I'll stick to WEP.
    If you want to configure the TC to provide a 5 GHz band, you cannot use WEP security.....only WPA2 Personal or WPA/WPA2 Personal....will work with 5 GHz.
    That means that the FR router must also be configured to use the same security settings. If it's not, then you will have two separate wireless networks with the same name and password, but different secuirty. That is bound to cause connection issues.
    If you cannot match up the FR security to the TC, then it would be better to assign a different name to the 5 GHz network to keep things straight.
    The other issue that you may face is if the TC is configured to provide 5 GHz, then that is what the AX"n" devices will try to extend.  It's not easy to extend 5 GHz since the signals are quite a bit weaker than 2.4 GHz signals. You almost have to thave a line of sight relationship between the TC and AX devices for 5 GHz to be extended.
    If you don't really need a dual band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz network, then things would be a whole lot simpler if you turn off the wireless function on the FR router and setup the TC to provide a compatible "n/g/b" network, which the AX"n" devices will be able to extend.

  • Need help setting up WiFi - Xfinity with Network Switch, Time Capsule, Airport Express and Apple TV

    Hello - I recently got Comcast Xfinity service.  We had switched from a different service.  Our wifi service was never great, but prior to Xfinity, it worked decently.  But now that we have Xfinity, our wifi is much worse and very unreliable.  I am seeking advice on how to setup my various Apple wifi devices in my home.   I have attached a diagram that illustrates what I am dealing with.  We have a large old house with stone walls.  Comcast does not support this issue. 
    To explain the attached diagram, we have a total of 4 levels in our house - an unfinished basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor, and 3rd floor.  The Xfinity router is in the basement and it is connected to a NetGear 10/100 network switch.  I already have ethernet cables running from the network switch in the basement to various locations throughout the house.  So I have ethernet connected to my time capsule and ethernet connected to each of my 3 Airport express devices.  The dark lines running from the network switch to the various devices represents ethernet cable.
    The immediate problem that we are having is that we are unable to connect to our wifi networks.  The networks show on my mac laptop and my iPhone, for example, but I am unable to connect.  I know that I am inputting the correct password, but most of the time, we cannot get in.  Sometimes we can..... Very frustrating!  Also, due to the fact that I setup what I have over several years, I have multiple network names.  I once tried to fix that issue, but was unable to tackle it due to my lack of understanding.
    Here is what I am looking to accomplish:
    1. Seamless wifi access throughout our house.
    2. One name for our wifi network.  Right now we have multiple names for multiple networks.  Just want to simplify and have only one network.  (I guess that an additional "guest network" would be ok, but not absolutely necessary.
    Also, if you think I should disable the Xfinity wifi, and just rely on my mac wifi devices, I am perfectly fine with this.  Just tell me how to do so.
    I have no idea how where to start or how to set this up.  I imagine that I would need to disconnect everything and reset and start from scratch?  Can someone tell me what I should do?  Even general advice would be helpful, but the more specific, the better, given my limited understanding.  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Your photo link is not working. Click on the camera icon to load an image. (Shorten the name of the file to something like WifiNetwork.jpg)
    Potential Quick Fixes When Your iPad Won’t Connect to Your Wifi Network
    http://ipadinsight.com/ipad-tips-tricks/potential-quick-fixes-when-your-ipad-won t-connect-to-your-wifi-network/
    Wi-Fi Fix for iOS 6
    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
    How To: Workaround iPad Wi-Fi Issues
    Another Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems
    Wifi Doesn't Connect After Waking From Sleep - Sometimes increasing screen brightness prevents the failure to reconnect after waking from sleep. According to Apple, “If brightness is at lowest level, increase it by moving the slider to the right and set auto brightness to off.”
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6
    http://www.iphonehacks.com/2012/09/fix-wi-fi-connectivity-issue-after-upgrading- to-ios-6.html
    iOS 6 iPad 3 wi-fi "connection fix" for netgear router
    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/a/How-To-Boost-Your-Wi-Fi-Signal.h tm
    Troubleshooting a Weak Wi-Fi Signal
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/a/Troubleshooting-A-Weak-Wi-Fi-Sig nal.htm
    How to Fix a Poor Wi-Fi Signal on Your iPad
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/a/How-To-Fix-A-Poor-Wi-Fi-Signal-O n-Your-iPad.htm
    iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    WiFi Connecting/Troubleshooting http://www.apple.com/support/ipad/wifi/
    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi
    http://ipad.about.com/od/iPad_Troubleshooting/ss/How-To-Fix-My-Ipad-Wont-Connect -To-Wi-Fi.htm
    iOS: Connecting to the Internet http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1695
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Connect iPad to Wi-Fi (with troubleshooting info)
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2398063?start=60&tstart=0
    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue http://tinyurl.com/7nvxbmz
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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