Time Capsule and FTP

Is it possible to share a folder on the Time Capsule to be used within FTP Sharing in Leopard?

As long as the TC is just another network mounted drive, then it should work. Can't tell you how, but it should work.

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  • Can i use my time capsule as ftp server

    Hello to everyone,
    resently I have read in the net that it is possible to set the time capsule as ftp server and also as a local server.
    Can enyone explain me how to do it pracally?
    Thank to people hwo will help in advance.

    You heard wrong.. there is no ftp server in the TC..
    It can do SMB to windows and AFP to apple.. and that my friend is that.
    If you load files onto the TC you can access them remotely only via AFP.. google search remote access time capsule.

  • Time Capsule and External HD as Network Attached Storage

    I was wondering if I can
    a. Attached and external hard drive to my Time Capsule and access is wirelessly?
    b. Back up to that external hard drive using Time Machine?
    c. Access that external hard drive and Time Capsule from a remote place off site?

    a. Yes
    b. I think so. But why not just use the TCs hard disk for TM backups?
    c. Apparently so based on these instructions I have found: (Haven't tried it myself)
    In the Finder preferences check the box "show server" to mount to desktop.
    Under Airport Utility:
    Disks - check over wan and check file sharing and write down the ip address
    Under the Finder, use the GO function to find your server ie the hard drive on the TC. In the window provided type afp://ip address then password if applicable. The hard drive should mount and be shown on the desktop.

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    Can I use the new Time Capsule to backup my mid 2010 Macbook Pro?
    Yes, if you are asking about using Time Machine to backup the Mac.
    Also can I want to free up my hard disk, can I save my photos and files on the time capsule and later access through wifi?
    You are not thinking of deleting the photos and files on your Mac, are you?  If you do this, you will have no backups for those files.
    Another concern is that Time Machine backs up the changes on your Mac. At some point, Time Machine will automatically delete the photos and files from the Time Capsule.....you just don't know when this might occur.
    In other words, only delete files from your Mac that you can afford to lose.

  • I recently bought a new iMac as well as a wireless time capsule and have it connected how can I use this external drive as the location to store all my files for iTunes, or is this even possible?

    New iMac user here, I recently bought a new iMac and Time capsule and have the whole network up and running now. I have connected another external HD to the time capsule as well and have a total of 3 TB of storage connected wireless to my new iMac. My question is can I use this location as the default location for iTunes?  I doubt I am gonna run out of room considering the iMac has 1 TB of storage already, but I'd prefer to keep my movies and music off the Mac to keep it running smoothly. If this is possibly, I'd like to do this with iPhoto as well. 

    I would advise against placing your iTunes library on a Time Capsule.
    The Time Capsule is designed as a backup device and not for wireless streaming of video.
    Before you do anything more, can I suggest you put into place a reliable, redundant backup strategy.
    Unless you are prepared to risk loss of your iTunes library due to a hard drive failure, I would not put iTunes on the Time Capsule.
    Leave your iTunes library on your iMac until such time as your internal drive is full. Backup to Time Capsule using Time Machine and create a clone of your internal iMac HD to your external drive.
    That's my 2 cents worth. Others may have a different opinion.

  • Time Capsule and time machine with third party router

    This is the first time I use this site.
    I have over three years old Mackbook.
    APP has expired.
    Now I want to know how to set up time capsule in a new environment.
    I moved from Australian and Singapore.
    I was using Time Capsule and Airport Extreme in Australia.
    I have moved to Singapore.
    I am using router provided by Singtell(Singapore Telecommunication). I do not have an Airport Extreme anymore. My housemate and I are using wireless internet-sharing. Needless to say that internet provider is SingTell.
    Now I would like to know how to use time capsule and time machine with the network created with a router provided by SingTell.
    What I did so far is;
    Connected the time capsule to the power point.
    Orange lamp lit and flashed for a few second and stop. Orange lamp stayed on.
    Apple Utility does not recognise Time Capsule.
    I prefer to use it wirelessly.
    There are only two USB cable ports installed.
    One is used to synchronize iPhone.
    Other is used for a printer.
    but if it is not possible, wired would be OK.
    MacBook 13 inch 2.0 GH Late 2006
    I hope that someone able to give me an answer for this.

    In this case the apple support people reveal a truly poor understanding.
    You must bridge something.. you either bridge the TC.. which 90% of people do.. or you bridge the dsl router.. which some people do manage to do.. You will have to look that up for your modem and check with verizon if they support pppoe authentication.
    IMHO just bridge the TC as you were told not to do.. as they are simply wrong about that.
    If you already tried this and it didn't work.. try again.. it is the correct approach.
    You have no choice. But this time let me suggest you do it using the 5.6 airport utility.. as the apple toyland v6 airport utility is likely half your trouble.
    So here is how to get the utility into your computer.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. it is very simple.. drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. drill down.. applications utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall 6.1 so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. so just ignore the toyland version.. the plastic hammer.. and start using 5.6.. a real tool.
    For screen shots see this post.
    Then open the manual setup on the 5.6 utility.. go to internet tab. Connection sharing.. off bridged mode.
    Select this and update..
    Then all your IP addresses will be wrong.. I suspect this is where things are going wrong.. and messing you up.
    Once the TC is bridged.. turn off everything and restart.. in correct order.. modem.. TC.. client computers etc. 2min gap between each.

  • New to time capsule and need help with installing it?

    I just bought a new 3tb time capsule and  also new to apple routers I want to use this as my new wireless router how do I go about switching this out with my router now. Im using a linskys router now nothing special I think its only a 300Mbps the only problem is that we just  had our new house complete and prewired with ethernet connection in every room and a security system that runs off of the router how do I go about switching that set up to the new time capsule? I know if I had to have the company come out to do it they charge a hefty fee which I know its that hard to do the only thing that's stopping me is that set up to the security system I don't want to screw that up???

    Three different aspects
    1. Set the form up to submit the data (XML or FDF), not the full PDF. You can import the data to the PDF on your end.
    2. You can turn on Extended Reader Rights, but then limit the use/users to 500 by the EULA. The applicability of this option depends on your intended application. In a small office, it would be fine. For general web use you would likely exceed the limit and be in violation of the EULA.
    3. There may be an e-mail problem, one reason that e-mail is not recommended for form submission (even if the manual discusses it). Again, in a controlled environment like an office it will probably work fine, but in a web setup it is best to use a web script. There are 2 problems with e-mail that both depend on the client system (YOU have no control, but will be blamed in any case). First, the client machine has to be set up as an active MAPI client. Many folks do not have this on. Second, some e-mail clients treat PDFs like text and the result is a corrupt e-mail submission, even if it makes to you.
    If you have the possibility of web submission, do it. I suggest only having the form data submitted and not the form.

  • 2TB Time Capsule and Time Machine on Snow Leopard 10.6.1 slooooooow

    I have a 2TB Time Capsule on a 100Mps LAN that is shared by my Mac Pro and an iMac G5. No USB devices are connected to the Time Capsule. The Time Capsule and both computers are connected to the LAN through a LinkSys 8-port Cable/Router/DHCP.
    While in Time Machine (about 30 backup folders) looking for a file to restore, it takes 2-5 minutes for Time Machine to change between backups. The time line on the right responds extremely slowly.
    Whether or not the iMac is backing up has no effect.
    Is this normal?
    Thank you,

    See: http://www.codedifferent.com/2009/09/02/howto-reactivate-your-kyocera-printer-un der-mac-os-x-snow-leopard/
    We have a KM-2550 and this solved it. HTH.

  • I recently purchased a time capsule and thought I would put my itunes on it as an external drive as my mac book air only has 120gb. However I can not be connected to the internet and the TC at the same time in order to download the files to the TC. Help?

    I recently purchased a Time Capsule and put my iTunes library on there so that I wasn't using up my hard drive space. Only 120gb on my mac book air. However when I download songs from iTunes I can not be connected wirelessly to the internet at the same time. Can I hard wire my TC in to my mac so that I can treat the TC as just an external hard drive? Thanks

    Initially, you asked if you can hardwire your MBA to the TC. The answer is yes, by using the optional USB Ethernet adapter that Apple provides. However, in order for your MBA to access the TC's internal or USB-attached HDD, it would need to establish a network connection to it. This would be true of any NAS device on an Ethernet network. Therein, lies the problem. Your MBA cannot connect to two networks simultaneously.
    One option then, would be to have two separate iTunes Media folders; one on the MBA & the other on the TC. This way, you can download the music to your MBA when connected to the Internet at the AirPort lounge, and then use iTunes Consolidate Library feature to transfer the audio files to the TC's iTunes Media Folder location. A great program to help maintain multiple iTunes Librarys and/or Media Folders, that you may want to consider, is PowerTunes.

  • Setting up Air play with new time capsule and newer airport express?

    I just recently purchased a new time capsule, and I'd like to use my current generation airport express to stream music from my apple devices. I just was wondering what I had to do in airport utility to set this up?  I was also wondering how to transition the network over from the old express to the new time capsule as far  software settings go. I really appreciate the help and assistance. Thanks folks. I'm really looking forward to setting up the network for our new iMac.

    Your setup is very easy..
    This is how I would do it.
    Remove the express from the network.. ie just unplug it but do not change anything in it. Keep the configuration as is until the TC is working.
    Power off the cable modem.. this is requirement.. at least 20min is usually needed, dependining on your ISP.
    Go into the airport utility and setup the TC as router for your network .. it is a simple setup.. but I would do as stated.. all short names, no spaces pure alphanumeric rather than accept Apple's names. That is for TC and wireless.
    After 20min power up the cable modem.  Once it is running and you have internet access. you can proceed to setup the express to do the airplay. If the internet still doesn't work, power off the cable modem overnight..
    Do not lose that express setup so if you absolutely have to, you can at any time substitute it back and have internet again.
    So everything is working properly TC in place as full router.. now hard reset the express.. and simply use the airport utility to put it in extend wireless .. or plug in by ethernet if you are going to hard wire it.
    The extend wireless setup is all done straight from the existing setup.
    Now you can plug your express audio port into your speaker.. and setup the airplay via the itunes.
    I will get Bob to give you his way of doing it.. There is no one RIGHT way .. but he can give you more info if you want a particular method.

  • Trying to restore after getting a new hard drive.  I can see the backup on the Time Capsule and on the correct date but it is Greyed out.  That is it wont let me open it and restore the machine.  Have tried also Migration Assistant, no luck.

    Trying to restore after getting a new hard drive.  I can see the backup on the Time Capsule and on the correct date but it is Greyed out.  That is it wont let me open it and restore the machine.  Have tried also Migration Assistant, no luck.

    At startup hold down the Command+Option/Alt+r keys until you see a globe on the screen. Then use disk utility to partition and format the drive HSF+ and then select Reinstall Mac OS X. whatever version of OS X that originally came on your system will be installed and then you can upgrade back to Mavericks.

  • I have question about hooking up an external hdd to a time capsule and still have my printer hooked up as well. Anyone got any tips for me, how to do it and what brand of harddrive that will work best for me 1 or 2 TB

    i have question about hooking up an external hdd to a time capsule and still have my printer hooked up as well. Anyone got any tips for me, how to do it and what brand of harddrive that will work best for me 1 or 2 TB

    You just need a powered hub.. if you already use one then fine.
    Plug in just about any external hard disk will work fine. Format has to be readable by the TC.. ie fat32.. or much better HFS+.. plug it into a Mac to prepare the drive.
    Pick whatever size suits.. nowadays 2TB are most economical.
    WD, Seagate have goobled up all the minor players.. so pick one.
    Whatever suits your budget and asthetics.
    NOTE.. The USB on the TC is fine for printers.. IMHO it is the wrong way to go with USB disks.. use the internal disk of the TC.. USB is less than half the native speed plugged into a Mac.. TC to USB is slow.. far slower than internal drive.. or using external drive as external.

  • I have changed the name and password for my Time Capsule and now the Time Machine will not connect

    Mac Book Pro
    1TB Time Capsule.
    Yesterday I changed the name and password on my time capsule and also the name and password of the wifi network as I was having problems with the speed of the internet when using Safari on any of my devices (1 Macbook pro, 1 macbook air, 27" iMac, iPhone and iPad) all other internet services were working fine (email etc.) This seems to have solved the problem.
    However, since then, my time machine back ups will not reconnect and there is no option for me to reconnect to the existing back up for my macbook pro.
    When I enter the time machine preferences it shows as below that there are no back ups.
    Then, when I go to select a drive to use which should be the MacBook under the Backup disks the only option is for me to Remove Disk...
    So, my question is, how do I reconnect to an existing Time Machine back up for my MacBook pro as I really do not want to erase and start all over again.
    Warning - In my naiveté, I did click on the MacBook in 'Available Disks' but I got the impression that it was about to start a whole new back up and not work with the existing one.
    (And does anybody have an inkling as to why there was a problem with Safari on all my devices? I downloaded Google Chrome and that worked fine).

    Simply reset the Time Machine.
    See A4 here http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html
    You can then mount the TC disk in finder after you reboot the computer.
    You should be able to reselect the TC disk and then it will say it is going to start a new backup.
    Ignore this.. when the TM actually loads the TC disk it will discover the existing backup and continue the backup.. but it will give no hint until it actually starts that it won't start a new backup. you just have to believe it won't.. and mostly it works..
    Please also install the widget A1 so you have some idea what TM is doing.

  • How can I set up a guest access point with a Time Capsule and an Airport Extreme? I am using a Telus router with the Time Capsule used as a wireless access point (bridge mode). I don't want the guest access point to have access to my network.

    How can I set up a guest access point with a Time Capsule and an Airport Extreme? I am using a Telus router with the Time Capsule used as a wireless access point (bridge mode). I don't want the guest access point to have access to my network.

    The Guest Network function of the Time Capsule and AirPort Extreme cannot be enabled when the device is in Bridge Mode. Unfortunately, with another router...the Telus...upstream on your network, Bridge Mode is indicated as the correct setting for all other routers on the network.
    If you can replace the Telus gateway with a simple modem (that performs no routing functions), you should be able to configure either the Time Capsule or the AirPort Extreme....whichever is connected to the modem....to provide a Guest Network.

  • How can I set up a wi-fi network, using one time capsule and two airport express

    how can I set up a wi-fi network, using one time capsule and two airport express ?
    The time capsule is near the Mac. ok
    The first Airport is on the corridor, ok, works well and the App on the iPad signals so, ok
    But when I plug the next Airport on another room nearby nothing happens, and signals disconected ....
    is the signal so weak that is not able to go to ono room to the other ?

    Well, even if you have the first express set up to extend the network, the second express can only extend from the TimeCapsule.
    Maybe you got walls of sheetrook in the way, or kitchen/bathroom tiles, etc, dampening the signal rapidly.

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