Time Capsule support STUN, TURN, ICE

Can anyone tell me if the Time Capsule router (which I assume is the airport express) will support voip and video "phones/devices" that require STUN, TURN and ICE?


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    This is not really the correct place for your enquiry.   However, here are a couple of links that appear to deal with your question.
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    Cross your fingers and hope.
    Obviously if there is any big or known threat Apple will send out a firmware fix.
    But the TC is designed to be end user simple device. It has no firewall that is visible at any rate. I don't know that it truly doesn't have a firewall but it is not part of the end user controls.
    IMO if you have major security concerns that go beyond end device firewall, which is where Apple do put most of the security, since firewall in the router is plainly not a stop to anybody deliberately downloading an infected file or website, and most end users.. do not want a firewall that prevents them using the web like a business does, where only certain ports are allowed. Everything else tough luck.. you are not allowed to use it. Then TC is unsuitable for you anyway.. buy a proper firewall appliance.

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    Thanks, really appreciate the prompt response. Have you also been "forced" by the installation of Mountain Lion to use the TC as your principal network router? If so, does this reduce the performance of your network at all?

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    is it possible to for time capsule to be up-dated to the 802.11 ac format? I hear this is the latest and greatest. Or is time capsule fixed with what it already has.
    IF....Apple decides to incorporate the (still under development) ac format......they will not tell us anything about this until they actually announce the new product.
    IF....they do, it would be extremely unlikely that any current versions of the Time Capsule could be "updated". As Kappy notes, we are talking about proposed hardware changes here....not just software or firmware.
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    my time capsule will not turn on

    Is it Gen 1 or Gen 2?
    It is utterly standard dead power supply. Just google tme capsule power supply.. you would be highly fortunate it lasted this long.
    Gen 3. It has a shorted board. They used a batch of poor ceramic caps that short out.
    Gen 4. Don't know.. they will suffer the same issue as Gen 3 if that batch of caps was still being used. They are still too young to have an easy to see pattern.
    Most will be under warranty or applecare still in which case it is apple's problem not yours. Plus they are not landing in my hands yet.. so I cannot give you info.. Apple will never tell you anything.
    Tell us how old? What model A1xxx from the base?
    What size hard disk?
    Do you have just backups or do you have data that needs recovery?
    For just TM backups it is better to let them go now, unless it is gen3.
    Economic life 3years and 3days. The 3/3 principle.. make sure they last the full apple extended warranty.. plus some margin..

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    The TC in bridge is still a decent WAP and switch.. upnp will still work via the cisco.
    It is a pity that Apple decided to go it alone on NAT-PMP, although a few other routers use it, mostly just Apple.

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    1) Prevent certain devices from connecting (i.e. via MAC address)
    Yes, but only for wireless devices.
    2) Allow/Prevent access at specific times of the day.
    Yes, but only for wireless devices. You can set up rules for each day of the week if you want. The example below shows Weekdays and Weekends

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    I was thinking of purchasing an AirPort Extreme
    An AirPort Extreme has no backup capability, so that would not be the product to consider for any backup operation.....unless you add a separate hard drive to the AirPort Extreme.
    A Time Capsule can back up your Macs, or even a PC with the right software.
    But, keep in mind that iOS devices like the iPhone, iPad, etc back up to iTunes on your computer....or....to iCloud. They do not and cannot back up directly to a separate hard drive.
    You might want to look over the Apple support document linked below for more information about iOS backups.
    Since you say that we do not own a computer to back up our devices, you should pay close attention to the information about backing up to iCloud so that you will backups of each device.

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    These are the hardest because it isn't the power supply. The board has gone faulty in a way that suggests poor soldering.
    The give it a bash method can sometimes work to get it going at least if you just want to recover your files.
    Put your ear on it.. is the hard disk spinning.. if so it is dead and you need to try to get apple to replace it.
    Method described here.
    https://sites.google.com/site/lapastenague/a-deconstruction-of-routers-and-modem s/apple-time-capsule-repair/gen4-a1409-issues
    Buy something you can get applecare on.. eg apple tv.
    In Europe or Australia have a shot at statutory warranty requirements.

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    Is it possible for Time Capsule to support a pc and a Mac?

    Yes, but you'll need to do the Windows backups manually or with third-party software capable of backing up to a network drive. Apple doesn't make any such software for Windows.

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    The rationale for not buying a time capsule is that I have had 2 hard drive failures and replacements on both my iMacs and I am afraid if the time capsule drive fails, it will be yet another apple hard drive that has failed on me. I currently back up on G drive external drives.

    Apple does not make hard drives. They may be using the same drive that's in your G-Drives.
    You can backup to an external drive connected to the newest AEBS via USB.

  • Does Time Capsule support iPhone?

    I just bought the 2TB model and was wondering if it would back up my iPhone too?

    ....was wondering if it would back up my iPhone too?
    Yes, but probably not in the way that you might think.
    The iPhone backs up to iTunes on your Mac. Then your Mac backs up to the Time Capsule.

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