Time machine and WD My Cloud

Hi, i have bought a WD My Cloud 2TB and i'm using a mac mini. I have already put my itunes on the mac mini and am trying to do a first time backup using time machine. However, the back up is taking far too long. It's been 12 hours and it's only done 15gb of 147gb? i intend to transfer almost a Tb but at this slow speed it's not worth it as it'll take a month? Is there a way to speed this up via USB?
I currently have the WD My Cloud plugged in to a ewall socket via a TP Link which in turn runs downstairs to my router via the TP link which are 500mb so should be quick enough? Fair enough the mac mini is running via wifi but i can't ake this downstairs so hoped there is a USB way of doing the back up via time machine and the WD MY Cloud 2Tb?

That device is unsuitable for use with Time Machine. I know this isn't the answer you want, and I also know that the manufacturer says the device will work.
If you want network backup with Time Machine, use as the destination either an Apple Time Capsule or an external hard drive connected to another Mac or to an 802.11ac AirPort base station. Only the 802.11ac base stations support Time Machine, not any older model.
If you're determined to keep using the NAS for backup, your only recourse for any problems that result is to the manufacturer (which will blame Apple.)

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    if your internal drive has 250 GB and the external drive with the iPhoto library as well, your TimeMachine should have at least 1 TB.
    I have read over some of CrashPlans support docs and it sounds like it will be able to back up and restore the iPhoto library, and as long as you restore the entire library and not single photos, it will save and restore all metadata as well.
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    I emailed WD and they told me in february 2013 that the MyBook and MyCloud work with Time Machine according to them. Apple promotes its own product and does not say it supports them officially like you said.
    I played safe and got a USB plugged ext hd instead of a NAS.
    "Time Machine can be used to backup your computer on My Cloud.
    Note: WD does not provide technical support for Time Machine related issues. For assistance with backing up to a WD NAS drive, using the Time Machine application please contact Apple. As the backup application is built into the OS, they are the only ones qualified to diagnose a Time Machine related issue.
    You can do it by following the next steps.
    WD My Cloud and WD My Cloud EX4
    Time Machine is a Mac OSX built-in utility that is used to backup files onto an external or network drive. In order to use Time Machine to backup to a WD My Cloud network drive, please follow the instructions below [...]"
    "Yes, it does [supports Mavericks]". You can use Time Machine on a Mac 10.9 to create a backup to My Cloud."

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    As I said, yes. Be sure your Time Machine partition has at least 1 TB for backups.
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
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    Yes. The important thing to remember is that the "extending" Time Capsule must be located where it can receive a strong wireless signal from your "main" Time Capsule.

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    If you really only want backups of the current contents, don't use Time Machine.
    It's designed to keep copies of things you've changed or deleted for as long as possible. This allows you an excellent chance to recover a previous version of something you changed or deleted in error.
    It also allows you to revert your entire system to the exact state it was in at the time of any previous backup, even if that's a different version of OSX. It's rare, but if an OSX update, or installation of a kernel extension or 3rd-party app makes a huge mess, it's much easier and more reliable than rebuilding everything.
    You might want to review the [Time Machine Tutorial|http://www.apple.com/findouthow/mac/#timemachinebasics] and perhaps browse [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/FAQ.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum). See #1 there for size considerations.
    For alternatives, see Kappy's post on [Basic Backup|http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=12366915#12366915].

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    Everything is included unless you exclude it. How you do that is:
    1. Open System Prefrences and click on Time Machine
    2. Then click on Options. If you want to exclude something click the + sign and use Finder to locate it and then add it. On your next TM backup that item willl be excluded.

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    Sounds like you'll need to access that drive while it is not booted. You need to replace it anyway, so do that, then one way or another (ext enclusure, et), access it and copy files.
    If you keep trying to boot it, you might kill it for good and not get your files, so just swap it out first.

  • Hallo ,why is it that when I delete a photo ,which is backed up by time machine and western digital external hard drive , that I am able to restore the photo okay but not the titles and descriptions . I have  a Macbook 4.1, mac osx 10.5.8 . Iphoto 7.1.5 ,

    Hallo , my question is ;whenever I delete a photo and restore it through Time machine and Western digital external hard drive , I am able to restore the photo but not the titles and descriptions . Western Digital inform me that it isn't their external hard drive problem and suggest that it is an Apple software problem ?
    I am using  a Macbook 4.1 , with Mac OSX 10.5.8 . I photo 7.1.5 , last modifie4d 01/05/2010 -universal . Should I be upgrading  Iphoto ?
    I hope that someone is able to help in this matter , as i have to restore 12000 photos !
    Thanking you in anticipation.
    Alan from Wigton

    Hallo  Kieth ,
    I am not quite ready to restore the full iphoto library , as I have days of work re - imputting titles,descriptions and enhancement . I hope that your suggestion works , as I use my Macbook basically to work with digital photography. Through time , I will need to delete my library to recover more disc space and I would hate to have to spend more time re - imputting titles and descriptions all over again .
    Thanks for your interest and advice.
    regards  - Alan

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    I want to set up the Time Machine and I would love to use the Time
    Capsule but since I already have a wireless router I need suggestions on
    what other
    external disks Apple could recommend to use with the Time Machine and
    how to configure that disk.
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    Fusion to be able to use Windows on my Mac. Now it seems that Time
    Machine is not backing up my files
    on that virtual Windows without additional configuration and my question
    is whether you can advise me here or whether this is only a matter for
    the Fusion virtual machine.

    If you want to use Time Capsule you can.. you simply bridge it and plug it into the existing router.. wireless can be either turned off or used to reinforce the existing wireless.. eg use 5ghz in the TC which is much faster than your 2.4ghz.
    You can also use a NAS.. many brands available but the top brands are synology, qnap and netgear readynas  series. These will all do Time Machine backups although how well always depends on Apple sticking to a standard. There are cheaper ones.. I bought a single disk zyxel which was rebadged and sold through my local supermarket. It actually works very well for TM at least on Snow Leopard. Major changes were made in Lion and again ML so do not instantly think it will work on later versions. I haven't tried it yet with those versions.
    Any external drive can be plugged into the mac. Use the one with the fastest connection or cheapest price according to your budget. USB2 drives are cheap and plentiful. But no where near as fast as USB3 or FW800. So just pick whichever suits the ports on your Mac. Interesting Apple finally moved to USB3 on their latest computers.
    TM should exclude the VM partition file.. it is useless backing it up from Mac OS side.. and will slow TM as it needs to backup that partition everyday for no purpose.. TM cannot see the files inside it to backup just the changes.
    You need to backup windows from windows. Use MSbackup to external drive.. if you have pro or ultimate versions you can backup to network drive. But MSbackup is a dog.. at least until the latest version it cannot restore the partition without first loading windows. There are about a zillion backup software versions for windows.. look up reviews and buy one which works for you. I use a free one Macrium Reflect which does full disk backups and is easy to restore.. to do incremental backups though you have to pay for it.

  • My iPhoto app was  digressed back to 9.5, not sure how I did it.  I then went to time machine and restored it.  Now when i try to open it, I get a message that iPhoto is on a disk and locked tells me that I don't have permisson to unlock it.  Help ?

    My iPhoto app was digressed back to 9.5, not sure how I did it.  I went to time machine and restored. Now it wont accept my password.  tells me it is locked.  Can anyone help me?

    Run Repair Permissions in Disk Utility and see if that helps.
    If not, you can select the iPhoto Library in your Pictures folder, go File > Get Info (or Command-i), go to the bottom of the info window and set your permissions to Read & Write. On the Action menu at the bottom (the one with the gear) choose Apply to enclosed items...

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    Missing Pictures.
    Have made a rebbot from Time Machine, and now I lack a lot of pictures. Can see icons, but not enlarge them. Especially pictures where 2009 is included in the date is missing?
    When I set up my desktop, I can find some of the pictures. Where do They hide, and what shall I do.
    Have made back up, but unfortunately a little too late. What to do?
    MacBook Pro 15 "late 2008, Processor 2.53 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, Software Mac OS X 10.7.4 Lion (11E53).

    1. You did not get an error message telling you that your iPhoto library was getting full. You got a message telling you that your HD was getting full, right?
    OS X needs about 10 gigs of hard drive space for normal OS operations - things like virtual memory, temporary files and so on.
    Without this space your Mac will slow down as the OS hunts for space on the disk, files will be fragmented, also slowing things down, apps will crash and the risk of data corruption - that is damage to your files, photos, music - increases exponentially.
    Your first priority is to make more space on that HD. Nothing else can be done until you do.
    Purchase an external HD and move your Photos and Music to it. Both iPhoto and iTunes can run perfectly well with the Library on an external disk.
    Your Library has been damaged from being run on an overfull disk.
    How much free space on it now?

  • How do i use airport as both time machine and hard drive? currently on Yosemite 10.10.1

    how do i use my 3TB airport time capsule as both time machine and hard drive? currently on Yosemite 10.10.1.....Many Thanks.

    Choose Computer from the Finder's Go menu and double-click it. If needed, use the Connect to Server command to log into it.

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