Time machine transfer

I recently swapped hard drives between two MacBooks...one's our stream-to-TV MacBook, other one is the main one we use, and we swapped which MacBook does what...
But here's the question. It's all working nicely, all files OK, but Time Machine, which is backing up to an external HD on our Airport Extreme, doesn't recognize the old backup, instead has renamed the old sparsebundle and is starting the slow process of making a new backup.
How do I get Time Machine to back up to the old sparsebundle? Or can I? (if not, I will hook up directly to the disk to get the new backup going faster...)

ckuttner wrote:
Time Machine, which is backing up to an external HD on our Airport Extreme
I hate to have to tell you this, but backing-up that way is often unreliable and not supported by Apple.   See:  Using Time Machine with an Airport Extreme Air Disk.
doesn't recognize the old backup, instead has renamed the old sparsebundle and is starting the slow process of making a new backup.
You have two situations here:
• Time Machine keeps track of a Mac by a hardware id.  So it's backing-up to the correct sparsebundle, but the  OSX drive has the old Computer Name, so TM has changed it.  You can fix that easily by just changing the Computer name via System Preferences > Sharing.  Time Machine will change the sparsebundle name on the next backup.
• Time Machine keeps track of drives & partitions by their UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifiers), not the name.  So it knows the new drive is a different one from the one it's been backing-up, so it's doing a full backup of the new drive.
Assuming the two drives have significant differences (3rd-party apps, user accounts, data, etc.), that's probably what you want to happen.  If necessary, you can see and restore from the backups of the old disk via the procedure in the green box of #E3 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting.
If the data and user accounts are mostly the same, you could tell TM to "associate" the new disk with the old backups, per #B6 in the same link.  That will make all the old backups look like they were made from the new disk, and just back up the differences.

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    Yes, you'll just need to do a restore using the Install disk.

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    Try using Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility/Restore. Note the warning that it will reformat the drive.

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    Time Machine: How to transfer backups from a current backup drive to a new backup drive - Apple Support

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    Using Lion on an iMac. Two Buffalo branded external drives. One 500 GB, the other 1 terabyte, approximately 470 GB of data on the 500 GB in Time Machine backups. First attempt using superduper, it fails. Then I try Disk Utility. It fails. (input/output error, the console log says) Carbon Copy Cloner in block mode fails indicating bad sector blocks. OK. So I use Data Rescue and make a clone of the 500 GB drive onto the 1 Terabyte. All the data is safely in two places. But now the one terabyte thinks it is 500 GBs in size with only 30 GBs left.
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    Here is informative console log:
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800: Restore Disk
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800:           Source: “Time Machine Backups”
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800:           Destination: “Time Machine Backups1”
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800:           Erase Destination: Yes
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800:           Erase “Time Machine Backups1” and copy the contents of “Time Machine Backups” to it.
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800:
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800: Starting Restore…
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800: Validating target...
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800: done
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800: Validating source...
    2012-01-31 18:15:05 -0800: done
    2012-01-31 18:15:07 -0800: Validating sizes...
    2012-01-31 18:15:07 -0800: done
    2012-01-31 18:15:11 -0800: Restoring 
    2012-01-31 18:31:00 -0800: Could not restore - Input/output error
    2012-01-31 18:31:00 -0800: Could not restore - Input/output error
    2012-01-31 18:31:00 -0800:

    Paul Cartwright1 wrote:
    Carbon Copy Cloner in block mode fails indicating bad sector blocks. OK. So I use Data Rescue and make a clone of the 500 GB drive onto the 1 Terabyte. All the data is safely in two places.
    All the data may be there, or it may not.   Whatever was on the bad sectors most likely didn't get transferred, so the backups are incomplete.  The I/O errors tend to confirm that -- part of a file or files (or entire files) may be missing.
    You cannot successfully copy corrupted Time Machine backups.
    You can try repairing the backups, per #A5 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting.  If that's able to repair them, you may be able to copy them.   That will take a very long time, at best.
    But your best bet is probably to just let Time Machine start fresh on the new, empty drive.
    You can still view and restore from the old backups, although you'll have a problem if you happen to hit the damaged file(s), via the Browse... option, per #E2 in that same link.  

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    Unfortunately, no. Time Machine will save your Time Machine backups to NAS devices (e.g. Time Capsule) as a sparsebundle vs. your present folder structure with your USB HDD. The task of converting your TM backup to a sparsebundle is possible, but not worth the extreme effort. Here are some links as to why:
    You can start a new backup to Time Capsule (initial via ethernet is highly recommended) and still be able to +Browse Other Time Machine disks+ (i.e. your old backup) if you truly want to keep the old TM backup for a little while. Remember, TM is NOT an archival utility, so restore anything off the old TM backup and archive it another way.

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    you can restore apps if they are self contained packages installed by drag and drop. but if an app is installed using an installer then it puts stuff all over the place and unless you know exactly what it put where you won't be able to restore it fully.

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    When you start a MacOS X computer for the very first time, the Setup Assistant runs automatically to create at least one Admin-enabled account, set up the timezone, etc. Before doing that, it asks you if you want to migrate from another Mac, and it lets you pick the other Mac, an external drive or a Time Machine backup as the source. The end result is that the new computer will be a copy as faithful as possible to the original, including accounts, passwords, configuration, files, compatible applications (Lion doesn't do PowerPC code and doesn't have Rosetta).
    If you did not take advantage of this and have let the Setup Assistant run its course and quit, it will not run again. However, you can run the Migration Assistant that can almost do the same and also lets you pick a Time Machine backup as a migration source. MA is found in your Utilities folder.

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    You'll need internet connection in order to finish.

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    If i connect the TM external drive to a PC, is there any chance i can recover the files i backed up despite it being non mac ?

    Before you could even make the attempt, you'd first have to install 3rd party software on the Windows computer to make it read the Mac formatted hard drive. MacDrive is one such program. Having accomplished that, I'm still not sure if the Windows computer could manage it. The TM archive is meant to be read by TM, not by the Finder or Explorer. It might be easier to find a Mac using friend or visit a Mac Genius to get the files copied to a CD or flash drive.

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    Anybody faced the same issue or have any ideas on how to fix this?

    *Here are a couple of links that may help:*
    *Here are the basic Troubleshooting pages:*
    I linked to both the AP2 and AP3 troubleshooting basics in case some or all are relevant.
    Note - you can typically install an upgrade without first installing the prior full version if you have the serial number for both. Entering an upgrade serial number will result in the installer requesting the full serial number (unless it sees the proper serial number in a file already on computer).
    If you have to do a clean install of AP3 for any reason, you can download the trial version of 3.1 and then just enter your upgrade serial number first and then the full serial number. It is actually the full program and you either use the trial serial number that is sent in an email, or enter your authentic serial number(s).
    If doing a clean install of AP3, you may want to move any Aperture related files to a temporary location on the desktop from the following locations (due to your experiencing issues now):
    /Library/Application Support
    ~/Library/Application Support
    If you are really going to town and doing a clean install of OS X, then just installing the AP3.1 trial (using your serial numbers) and the ProKit 6.0.1 Update (if running Snow Leopard) here: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1318 is all that is required to run AP3.1 (besides having OS X up to date).
    If not interested in AP3.1 due to the requirement of updating the library to the new system, then installing AP3 from previously downloaded installer or disc and updating with 3.0.3 update should work as well.
    Hopefully the links at top of my comment helps and the Time Machine transfer works instead of the Windows-like reinstall scenario.
    Final note: I definitely recommend running a 'Repair Permissions' procedure using Disk Utility after installing the ProKit 6.0.1 update as there are quite a few permissions that get repaired on files having to do with the iLife Media Browser and Framework. I always run this procedure by booting from the OS X install disc > Utilities menu to prevent any active files from not wanting to be fixed.
    Edited to add Final note.

  • HT5096 cannot move time machine backup from one ext drive to another. pls help!thanks!

    my time machine file is about 390GB and it is on a 1TB external harddrive. I have been trying to move the backup to a new 2TB external harddrive. it stopped copying any more files after transferring 466MB. I repeated the same procedure several times,but with same result. any advice? thanks!

    Apple support article:
    Time Machine – Transfer Backup to a New Drive
    Another good source of information:
    Time Machine Troubleshooting

  • Migration to new 3TB Time Machine/Time Capsule?

    From an earlier posting, I think A Silverstone asked for a step-by-step procedure.
    I have a similar issue I would like a procedure(s) on.  Actually two identical issues.
    1. I wish to purchase Apples new 3TB tower Airport/Time Machine to replace a 1TB Airport extreme/Time Machine.  I want to migrate the old to the new using Apple processes/procedures without a lot of workaround.  How can this be done?  Does Apple have a procedure?
    2. I have a desktop with four drives (three 2TB & one 1TB) and wish at least two of them to be Time Machine capable, i.e., backup every hour like the Airport/Time Machine does.  Can this be done?  Does Apple have a procedure?
    I want to migrate the old Time Capsule data to the new Time Capsule and to two HD's in the desktop.
    The idea is to have backups for a Time Machine backup in the event of a power disruption or a hacker that might impact the tower Time Machine.  There are other reasons such as storage capacity using a daisy chain process.
    One main problem is capturing the old "sparsebundle" in such a way to get it into the new unit and on to internal HD's.  How to do this is the question.

    1. Time Machine – Transfer Backup to a New Drive
    Time Machine – Transfer Backup to a New Drive (2)
    You can also use Disk Utility's Restore tab, which is often faster and less prone to errors. Note it will format the new drive.
    2. Yes. Go to System Preferences/Time Machine, select Add a drive and you can have 2. They will alternate with each new backup.
    OS X Mavericks: Use multiple backup disks

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    Welcome to Discussions!
    If all your files were backed up, TM will be able to restore them.
    However, to keep using the old backups when you get a new computer, the new computer's name will have to be the same as the old computer's name, and you will have to follow the steps in this article.
    Good luck!
    Message was edited by: joshz

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