TimeCapsule won't back up automatically

Time Capsule has stopped backing up automatically. It says ON in the Time Machine preferences but it won't complete the back-up (error message says: Back-up disk space is not enough).
Using an iMac OS X 10.9.4 and a 2 TB wireless Time Capsule.

You have some options:
1) Manually delete some old backups, which will take a lot of time, and probably will not create much new space on the Time Capsule disk. Not recommended for most users.
2) Add a USB drive to the Time Capsule and continue to back up to that destination.
3) Add another new Time Capsule and back up that destination.
4) Erase the existing Time Capsule drive and start over again with a new "master" backup and then move forward with new backups.
If you really don't need all the old backups from months....and maybe years back...option 4 is the quickest and most economical choice. It will only take a few minutes to erase the Time Capsule if you elect to go with that option.

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    Time Machine couldn't complete the backup to "[my time machine name]"
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    But the MacBook Pro still won't back up. Not even with a cable. I've tried using the cable to the Timecapsule's LAN port. Nothing. I've tried connecting to the Timecapsule's ethernet port. Nothing.
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    Exactly how am I supposed to back up my MacBook Pro? It won't do it wirelessly and I can't do it with an ethernet cable either.
    Timecapsule POS!

    Hmm...let me see if I can help you. In your Network preference pane, click on the '+'. Then select Ethernet from the drop down menu. After you click OK, you should be able to configure the ethernet interface to connect to your TC. After that, you should be able to connect to it with the your ethernet cable.
    As far as your not being able to use your MBP's airport, I'm not certain what that particular problem is - I haven't had any problems with my TC and this MBP that I'm using (indeed, my problem is connecting wireless with my PB G4 (with WPA that is, it'll work using WEP)).
    Hope my first paragraph helps you.

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    If the user account is associated with an Apple ID, and you know the Apple ID password, then maybe the Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    Otherwise, boot into Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. In the Terminal window, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window opens.
    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.
    You should now be able to log in with the new password, but your Keychain will be reset (empty.) If you've forgotten the Keychain password (which is ordinarily the same as your login password), there's no way to recover it.

  • Time Machine won't back me up anymore after the initial back up.

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    DaveHill wrote:
    So I thought that fseventsd must be involved somewhere as it records the changes for TimeMachine to use to create the backups.
    Correct, most of the time.
    Jun 30 21:43:15 dhcp102 fseventsd[38]: client: 0x810800 : USER DROPPED EVENTS!
    I don't think the earlier messages indicate much, if any, of a problem, but this one likely does.
    Jul 1 20:15:45 falstaff fseventsd[38]: bumping event counter to: 0xeb6dc3a6 (current 0x0) from log file '00000000eb6cafa8'
    Yes, something wrong with the event log still/again.
    It does look like something going wrong with the event log. Just what isn't so clear.
    I'd start by booting from your Leopard Install disc and repairing the internal HD, per #A5 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
    While you're at it, you might do the same on your backups, just to be sure they're ok, too.
    When you reboot and run the next backup, Time Machine should log a UUID message about your internal HD, and do a "deep traversal." That will ignore the event log, instead comparing everything on your system to your backups, to be sure they match. That should "catch up" anything missed earlier.
    Subsequent backups should revert to using the event log. Keep an eye on the messages (see #A1 in Troubleshooting for a handy widget); if the event log errors continue, something else is clearly wrong.

  • Time Machine won't back up onto Time Capsule

    I upgraded to Mountain Lion last week, and Time Machine won't back up to my Time Capsule. When it fails, I get the message:
    Time Machine couldn't complete the backup to "Tom's Time Capsule".
    The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/TomsMac.sparsebundle" could not be created (error 60)
    I sometimes get the same message, but with "error 17"
    I also get the following error message popup (even though the disk is the one in my Time Capsule):
    The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer.
    The popup offers three choices: Initialize, Ignore, Eject.
    My local Apple Store Genius concluded that the problem must be with the Time Capsule, so I bought a new one. That didn't fix the problem.
    Time Machine Buddy messages:
    Starting manual backup
    Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://Tom%[email protected]/Data
    Mounted network destination at mount point: /Volumes/Data using URL: afp://Tom%[email protected]/Data
    Creating disk image /Volumes/Data/TomsMac.sparsebundle
    Error 60 creating backup disk image
    Failed to create disk image /Volumes/Data/TomsMac.sparsebundle, status: 60
    Backup failed with error: 20
    Failed to eject volume /Volumes/Data (FSVolumeRefNum: -108; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    I did Repair Disk Permissions and Verify Disk and everything's OK.
    I erased the Time Capsule using AirPort Utility and did a hard reset on the Time Capsule.
    I did a re-install of Mountain Lion and that didn't fix anything.
    My MacBook Pro is accessing the Time Capsule wirelessly, as it always has.

    Just to be sure, we're talking about a Time Capsule -- not an AirPort Extreme connected to an external hard drive. Right?
    If so, proceed as follows.
    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of this exercise is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode* and log in to the account with the problem. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    *Note: If FileVault is enabled under OS X 10.7 or later, or if a firmware password is set, you can’t boot in safe mode.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem(s)?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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    I have had a similar problem with my system. I just recently (within a week of this post) built a brand new desktop. I installed Windows 7 64-bit Home and had a clean install, no problems. Using IE downloaded an anti-virus program, and then, because it was the latest version, downloaded and installed Firefox 4.0. As I began to search the internet for other programs to install after about maybe 10-15 minutes my computer crashes. Blank screen (yet monitor was still receiving a signal from computer) and completely frozen (couldn't even change the caps and num lock on keyboard). I thought I perhaps forgot to reboot after an update so I did a manual reboot and it started up fine.
    When ever I got on the internet (still using firefox) it would crash after anywhere between 5-15 minutes. Since I've had good experience with FF in the past I thought it must be either the drivers or a hardware problem. So in-between crashes I updated all the drivers. Still had the same problem. Took the computer to a friend who knows more about computers than I do, made sure all the drivers were updated, same problem. We thought that it might be a hardware problem (bad video card, chipset, overheating issues, etc.), but after my friend played around with my computer for a day he found that when he didn't start FF at all it worked fine, even after watching a movie, or going through a playlist on Youtube.
    At the time of this posting I'm going to try to uninstall FF 4.0 and download and install FF 3.6.16 which is currently on my laptop and works like a dream. Hopefully that will do the trick, because I love using FF and would hate to have to switch to another browser. Hopefully Mozilla will work out the kinks with FF 4 so I can continue to use it.
    I apologize for the lengthy post. Any feedback would be appreciated, but is not necessary. I will try and post back after I try FF 3.16.6.

  • TS3992 My iPhone 5 stopped backing up automatically and manually. How can I fix this?

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    This may be caused by a corrupt existing backup that needs to be deleted, or by data on your phone that is preventing the backup.  To troubleshoot these, try deleting your last backup (if you have one) by turning off iCloud Backup in Settings>iCloud>Storage & Backup, then tap Manage Storage, swipe across your backup and tap Delete, then go back and turn iCloud Backup back on again.  If it still won't back up, you may have an app that is preventing the backup from succeeding.  To locate which one, go to Settings>iCloud>Storage & Backup>Manage Storage, tap the name of your device under Backups, under Backup Options tap Show All Apps, then turn them all to Off (including camera roll) and try backing up again.  If it succeeds, then the camera roll and/or one of your apps is preventing the backup and you'll have to located by process of elimination. Turn the camera roll On and try backing up again.  If it succeeds, turn some of your apps to On and try backing up again.  If it succeeds again, turn some more apps to On then try again; repeat this process until it fails.  Eventually you'll be able to locate the problem app and exclude it from your backup.

  • Time MAchine won't back up due to not enough space, but there is

    TIme Machine won't back up. Displays this:
    Actual capacity of the external backup drive is 999.68 GB and available is 135 gb .
    The imac internal HD capacity is 999.01GB and used space is 636.321 GB.
    This problem has occured periodically in the last 12 months or so, so prior to OS version10.8 install in Jul 2012.
    I previously called AppleCare, as I have a contract, and tech said I just need to reformat the external drive and start over.
    I did that the last time this happened a few months ago, but I don't like that option, as it eliminates all the prior backups,
    What if I needed to try to recover something I deleted 3 weeks ago, for example.  I couldn't do so as all backups would have been deleted, of course, by me having refomatted the drive and basically starting over.  Also, I noted in another post about a person having a problem due to using a partitioned drive.  Mine is not partition, as far as I can tell.  See this:
    Any ideas?  Thanks

    The solution is essentially "simple." You need a larger hard drive for these backups or you need to use a different backup solution. By this I mean using backup software that does not preserve an archive of old copies of a file, but simply erases old copies in order to replace them with the new copies. By replacing your backup drive can always accommodate the drive it backs up if it is large enough - say the same size. I can suggest:
    Backup Software Recommendations
    Carbon Copy Cloner
    Data Backup
    Deja Vu
    Synk Pro
    Others may be found at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on backup and restore.  Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files.
    All of the above are capable of being scheduled. Synk Pro makes immediate backups of any changed file on the hard drive. You may configure it to archive changes (like Time Machine) or to delete prior copies.

  • TIME MACHINE won't back up as not enough space but there is? HELP!

    My time machine was backing up fine and with everything being backed up was filling to about 360gb I backed it up last 5 days ago before it went in for a repair at the apple store (spotlight was not working properly) now I have the machine back and have just put some new photos on so plugged back in the time machine to carry on with backups but it won't back up as it saying it needs 380GB of space and I only have available 144 GB.
    The only thing I can see different is that the store has put a macintosh HD icon on my desktop, I am wondering if perhaps it is also trying to back up the time machine, as in theory I have only added another 1-2GB data since my backup before going into the store.
    Can anyone help me I can' seem to find anything that says I am backing up the G-Drive Slim (Time machine) as well or can I delete the whole contents of the Time Machine and start again?

    If your MacBook is brand new please update your User Profile to reflect your current devices/OS.
    Disks you can use with Time Machine
    Time Machine Server Requirements
    Pondini's Time Machine FAQ
    You aren't using Time Machine correctly if you are trying to send it to your dektop.

  • Time Machine won't back up after system restore

    I just restored my system after a failure, and now Time Machine won't back up my hard drive. It gets about 40 out of 90 Gigabytes done, and then gives me an error message that just says that there was an error while backing up, and doesn't give any other information. I ran a Verify Disk with Disk Utility, and there is nothing wrong with the backup drive, and there is more than 200 Gigabytes of space left on that drive.
    Thank You.

    zhoffmanster wrote:
    Ok, so here's the thing: I tried backing up again today, and it worked just fine. Before, what would happen is a message would pop saying "an error has occurred during backup" (or something close to that). The point is, the message didn't give any detail.
    No, the point is, you seem to have ignored this:
    See the Time Machine - Troubleshooting post at the top of this forum.

  • Time Machine won't back up external drive to Time Capsule

    I recently got a Time Capsule, and successfully set it up to back up my iMac's primary drive, but for some reason Time Machine won't back up my external drive to the Time Capsule.
    I removed the external drive from the exclusion list in System Preferences > Time Machine > Options, and from what I've read this should be sufficient to make Time Machine back up the drive.
    The external drive is connected to my iMac via Thunderbolt > Thunderbolt-to-Firewire adaptor > Firewire 800 input, and the Time Capsule is connected via Ethernet to my LAN.
    Since I'm using Ethernet, I've disabled Wi-Fi on the Time Capusule by going to AirPort Utility > My Time Capsule > Edit > Wireless > Network Mode > Off.
    The reason I believe the external drive is not being backed up is because when I click the Time Machine icon in the upper-right status bar and choose "Enter Time Machine", none of the folders on external drive show any older versions.
    Furthermore, when I click Finder > Time Machine Backups > Backups.backupdb, I can see only one sub-folder which has the name of my iMac's primary drive. I can't see any equivalent folder for my external drive.
    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    I don't see anything you have done wrong.. perhaps it does backup in a different way.
    Load the widget.. A1 here... http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html
    That will allow you to track the log of TM to see what it is doing.
    I would also try rebooting the computer.. exclude the drive again.. reboot.. and remove the exclusion.
    You should be able to check the actual settings of TM in plist file.
    And you can do a full reset of TM as well.. See A4. Check what is in the file. Pondini lists the location for you.
    Nothing surprises me with Mountain Lion ...!!

  • Timeline won't back up (not enough space)

    Timeline won't back up because it says there is not enough space on my external drive.  This never happened before.
    I have 10.6.8.  I just restored my new hard drive from Timeline.  It was an easy restoration.  The first time I
    backed up on Timeline, it said there was not enough space.  I do have my external drive partitioned.  I thought old backups
    were deleted when the space was needed.  What happened? Thank You

    I thought timeline deleted old backups on it's own so you would not run out of space.  Did I misunderstand this? Is it just a coincidence that this occcured the very first time I tried to back up after I restored my hard drive from the external drive, through Timeline?

  • Time Machine won't back up to External

    Would appreciate some guidance please.
    Have been running Time Machine since August ( when bought iMac 21.5 ) without any problem.
    I installed a 2nd ( portable ) external hard drive that I back up to separately. I'd been under the impression that I had excluded this 2nd hd from the TM options but had'nt and now done so.
    Up until a few hours ago TM was ok but now get a message saying " Files can't be copied onto the backup because it appears to be read only" that prompted me to check if TM was also backing up the other hd which it was but did'nt want it to.
    My internal hd is 500gb though only 70 gb is currently used. TM is being backed up to a 320gb external hd which I know is too small and should be 2-3tb but as I've only used 70gb I thought 320 would suffice for the time being. TM is now saying that there is only 94gb free left on it's external but been under the impression that once the hd becomes full, TM starts delete the old(er) files.
    In TM options I now have the 2nd portable external hard drive ( 37gb used) excluded though the TM hard drive is shown but greyed out.
    The ' won't back up essage ' also has a further note about using disk repair but would I then risk losing all the TM backup data?
    OSX is 10.8.2 and up until now it's bee running perfect. Grateful for any pointers.
    Thanks John

    The backup drive has malfunctioned and corrupted itself. If that has ever happened before, or if it ever happens again, replace the drive. You may want to consider replacing it anyway for the safety of your data.
    If you choose to keep using the drive, disable Time Machine temporarily in its preference pane, then launch Disk Utility, select the backup volume, and run Repair Disk. This operation may take several hours. If the volume can't be repaired, you'll have to erase it and start over. Don't do that unless you have at least one other complete backup. You should start another backup now if you don't already have one. One backup is not enough to be safe.

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