TIMESTAMPTZ byte array

How should I interpret byte array of TIMSTAMPTZ?
I need to format value from timestamptz field using ISO format for XML 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss(+/-)TZH:TZM'
I can't figure out how the date is stored in this array and how to use time zone offset or region id that are stored in bytes 11, 12.
For example in database I have the next value with time zone offset
16-JUN-03 04.19.19 PM -08:00
When I retrieve this value into oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ the array looks like this
- byteArr byte[13]
[0] 120 byte
[1] 103 byte
[2] 6 byte
[3] 17 byte
[4] 1 byte
[5] 20 byte
[6] 20 byte
[7] 0 byte
[8] 0 byte
[9] 0 byte
[10] 0 byte
[11] 12 byte
[12] 60 byte
For another value with time zone identifier
31-OCT-99 01.30.00 AM US/PACIFIC
the byte array looks like this
- byteArr byte[13]
[0] 119 byte
[1] -57 byte
[2] 10 byte
[3] 31 byte
[4] 9 byte
[5] 31 byte
[6] 1 byte
[7] 0 byte
[8] 0 byte
[9] 0 byte
[10] 0 byte
[11] -119 byte
[12] -100 byte
This is what documentation says:
The internal data for this object is stored as a thirteen byte array in the super class' storage area. The bytes are arranged as follows:
Byte Represents
0 Century (119 for 1990)
1 Decade (190 for 1990)
2 Month
3 Day
4 Hour
5 Minute
6 Seconds
7 Nanoseconds (Most Significant bit)
8 Nanoseconds
9 Nanoseconds
10 Nanoseconds (Least Significant Bit)
11,12 Region id or Timezone Hour/Minute
The timezone information is stored as an offset in the RegionID format or in the HOUR/MINUTE format
Please help.

This question should be posted on oracle.jdbc forum.

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                    if (pbTitlePageImage.Image != null)
                        string Image2BConverted;
                        using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(pbTitlePageImage.Image))
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                                bm.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                                Image2BConverted = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
                                GameInfo.TitlePageImage = Image2BConverted;
                                GameInfo.TitlePageImagePresent = true;
                                ProjectNeedsSaving = true;
    3. Then I write the base64 string to a binary file using FileStream and BinaryWriter.
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    5. Next I load the base64 string into a byte array, then I load it into StreamReader and finally into the picturebox control (pbGameImages) as shown in the code below:
    byte[] TitlePageImageBuffer = Convert.FromBase64String(GameInfo.TitlePageImage);
                            MemoryStream memTitlePageImageStream = new MemoryStream(TitlePageImageBuffer, 0, TitlePageImageBuffer.Length);
                            memTitlePageImageStream.Write(TitlePageImageBuffer, 0, TitlePageImageBuffer.Length);
                            memTitlePageImageStream.Position = 0;
                            pbGameImages.Image = Image.FromStream(memTitlePageImageStream, true);
                            memTitlePageImageStream = null;
                            TitlePageImageBuffer = null;
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    There is an ImageAnimator so you may not need to use byte array instead.
    ImageAnimator.Animate Method

  • Convert XML data to byte array...

    Hello All,
    In my application, i have an XML file and the corresponding XSD file. This XML file is having some date, which i want to convert into an byte[] and then save it in a file. 
    How i can convert the XML data in the byte[]? Here as an example of the xml file and the byte[] data which i want to save in a file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    In the above example 'id' field is of type 'uint' and 'name' field is of type 'string' with max length of '5'. So in this case my byte array should be as shown below:
    00 00 00 01 48 31 00 00 00
    00 00 00 02 48 32 00 00 00
    Here underlines values are for the 'id' parameter where as values in bold are for 'Name' parameter for all the header values in sequence. Name parameter is null (0x00) padded.
    Thanks in advance,

    the following example extract the id, name values using LINQ To Xml and writes it to a memory stream using a binary writer and returns the result as a byte array:
    internal static byte[] GetXmlAsByteArray()
    var document = XDocument.Parse("<HeadersInfo>"
    + " <header><id>1</id><Name>H1</Name></header>"
    + " <header><id>2</id><Name>H2</Name></header>"
    // additional testing
    + " <header><id>32767</id><Name>H1234</Name></header>"
    + " <header><id>305419896</id><Name>H56789</Name></header>"
    + "</HeadersInfo>");
    const int NameLength = 5; // Max length for a name
    byte[] zeroBytes = new byte[NameLength]; // Helper to fill name
    using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
    using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(ms))
    // write each header
    foreach (var header in document.Root.Elements("header"))
    int id = (int)header.Element("id");
    string name = (string)header.Element("Name");
    byte[] nameBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name);
    Console.WriteLine("id: {0}, Name: {1}", id, name);
    // Write id
    // Write name NameLength (5) max, otherwise padded
    if (nameBytes.Length > NameLength)
    writer.Write(nameBytes, 0, NameLength);
    writer.Write(nameBytes, 0, nameBytes.Length);
    if (nameBytes.Length < NameLength)
    writer.Write(zeroBytes, 0, NameLength - nameBytes.Length);
    byte[] result = ms.ToArray();
    // dump array
    foreach (var value in result)
    Console.Write("{0:X2} ", value);
    return result;
    public static byte[] GetUIntBytes(uint value)
    if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
    // swap bytes
    value = ((value & 0x00ff) << 24)
    | ((value & 0xff00) << 8)
    | ((value & 0x00ff0000) >> 8)
    | ((value & 0xff000000) >> 24);
    return BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
    For a general purpose solution you should create a class and split the example into separate methods to extract the data and write the values (integers, strings).
    Regards, Elmar

  • Convert byte array to table of int

    [http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/PassingArraysIntoSPs.aspx?display=Print|http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/PassingArraysIntoSPs.aspx?display=Print] Hello friends.
    I'm pretty new with PL/SQL.
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    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetTableVarchar(@Data image)
    RETURNS @DataTable TABLE (RowID int primary key IDENTITY ,
    Value Varchar(8000))
    --First Test the data is of type Varchar.
    IF(dbo.ValidateExpectedType(103, @Data)<>1) RETURN
    --Loop thru the list inserting each
    -- item into the variable table.
    DECLARE @Ptr int, @Length int,
    @VarcharLength smallint, @Value Varchar(8000)
    SELECT @Length = DataLength(@Data), @Ptr = 2
    --The first 2 bytes of each item is the length of the
    --varchar, a negative number designates a null value.
    SET @VarcharLength = SUBSTRING(@Data, @ptr, 2)
    SET @Ptr = @Ptr + 2
    SET @Value = NULL
    SET @Value = SUBSTRING(@Data, @ptr, @VarcharLength)
    SET @Ptr = @Ptr + @VarcharLength
    INSERT INTO @DataTable (Value) VALUES(@Value)
    It's taken from http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/PassingArraysIntoSPs.aspx?display=Print.
    The C# code is:
    public byte[] Convert2Bytes(int[] list)
    if (list == null || list.Length == 0)
    return new byte[0];
    byte[] data = new byte[list.Length * 4];
    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
    byte[] intBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(list);
    for (int j = intBytes.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
    data[k++] = intBytes[j];
    return data;
    I tryied to convert the TSQL code to PL/SQL and thats what I've got:
    FUNCTION GetTableInt(p_Data blob)
    RETURN t_array --t_array is table of int
    l_Ptr number;
    l_Length number;
    l_ID number;
    l_data t_array;
         l_Length := dbms_lob.getlength(p_Data);
    l_Ptr := 1;
              l_ID := to_number( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (p_Data, 4, l_ptr));
                        l_ID := NULL;
                        l_Ptr := l_Ptr + 4;
                        l_ID := to_number( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(p_Data, 4,l_ptr));
                   END IF;
                   END IF;
    l_data(l_data.count) := l_ID;
              l_Ptr := l_Ptr + 4;
         END loop;
         RETURN l_data;
    END GetTableInt;
    This isn't work.
    This is the error:
    Error report:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"
    I think the problem is in this line:
    l_ID := to_number( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (p_Data, 4, l_ptr));
    but I don't know how to fix that.

    I'd found the solution.
    I need to write:
    l_ID := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(p_Data, 4,l_ptr));
    instead of:
    l_ID := to_number( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (p_Data, 4, l_ptr));
    The performance isn't good, it's take 2.8 sec to convert 5000 int, but it's works.

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    example of problem
    //               A   B  C   D   null   F   (note F is junk in the array, and should be ignored since it is after null)
    byte[] asciiArray = { 65, 66, 67, 68, 0,  70 };
    System.out.println(new String(asciiArray, "UTF-8"));
    //this prints ABCD"sqare icon"F

    Why do you expect the null character to terminate the string? If you come from a C or C++ background, you need to understand that java.lang.String is not just a mere character array. It's a full-fledged Java object that knows its length without having any need for null terminator. So Ascii 0 is just another character for String object. To achieve what you want to do, you have to manually loop through the byte array and stop when you encounter a null character.

  • How do I read directly from file into byte array

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                //Read File Contents into a Buffered Image
                /** BUG 4705399: There was a problem with some jpegs taking ages to load turns out to be
                 * (at least partially) a problem with non-standard colour models, which is why we set the
                 * destination colour model. The side effect should be standard colour model in subsequent reading.
                BufferedImage bi = null;
                ImageReader ir = null;
                ImageInputStream stream =  ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new File(path));
                final Iterator i = ImageIO.getImageReaders(stream);
                if (i.hasNext())
                    ir = (ImageReader) i.next();
                    ImageReadParam param = ir.getDefaultReadParam();
                    ImageTypeSpecifier typeToUse = null;
                    for (Iterator i2 = ir.getImageTypes(0); i2.hasNext();)
                        ImageTypeSpecifier type = (ImageTypeSpecifier) i2.next();
                        if (type.getColorModel().getColorSpace().isCS_sRGB())
                            typeToUse = type;
                    if (typeToUse != null)
                    bi = ir.read(0, param);
                    //ir.dispose(); seem to reference this in write
                //Write Buffered Image to Byte ArrayOutput Stream
                if (bi != null)
                    //Convert to byte array
                    final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    //Try and find corresponding writer for reader but if not possible
                    //we use JPG (which is always installed) instead.
                    final ImageWriter iw = ImageIO.getImageWriter(ir);
                    if (iw != null)
                        if (ImageIO.write(bi, ir.getFormatName(), new DataOutputStream(output)) == false)
                            MainWindow.logger.warning("Unable to Write Image");
                        if (ImageIO.write(bi, "JPG", new DataOutputStream(output)) == false)
                            MainWindow.logger.warning("Warning Unable to Write Image as JPEG");
                    //Add to image list
                    final byte[] imageData = output.toByteArray();

    If you don't need to manipulate the image in any way I would suggest you just read the image file directly into a byte array (without ImageReader) and then create the BufferedImage from that byte array.

  • How do I get a byte array from an object passed into the JNI?

    This is what my java code looks like:
    public class streamedData
    protected byte[] m_value = null;
    public byte[] getByteArray ()
    return m_value;
    /* code not pertaining to this question snipped. */
    jclass streamedDataClass = env->GetObjectClass(jstreamedData);
    // Get methodIDs for the various NPKI_Extension methods
    value = env->GetMethodID(streamedDataClass, "getByteArray", "()[B");
    lstreamedData->value = (unsigned char *)malloc (lstreamedData->length);
    if (lstreamedData->value == NULL)
    memset (lstreamedData->value, 0, lstreamedData->length);
    memcpy (lstreamedData->value, env->CallByteMethodA(streamedDataClass, value, NULL), lstreamedData->length);
    This is not working.
    My question is, how do I get a copy of or read m_value in the JNI layer? Do I have to make the byte array public and access it as a field ID?
    Any help would be appreciated. Why oh why can't there be a CallByteArrayMethod????

    My question is, how do I get a copy of or read m_value in the JNI layer? Do I have to make the byte array public and access it as a field ID?
    You can retrieve a handle to the byte array, through a method call, as you're doing now, or by directly accessing it through GetFieldID.
    In the case of the method call, you'll want to do:jmethodID getByteArrayMethod = env->GetMethodID(streamedDataClass, "getByteArray", "()[B");
    jbyteArray byteArray = static_cast<jbyteArray>( env->CallObjectMethod( jstreamedData, getByteArrayMethod ) );In the case of field access, you can do:jfieldID m_valueFieldID = env->GetFieldID( streamedDataClass, "m_value", "[B" );
    jbyteArray byteArray = static_cast<jbyteArray>( env->GetObjectField( jstreamedData, m_valueFieldID ) );Once you have byteArray, you need to access it using the array operations:lstreamedData->value = env->GetByteArrayElements( byteArray, 0 );
    // Do what you want to do, then release the array
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements( byteArray, lstreamedData->value, 0 );As always, Jace, http://jace.reyelts.com/jace, makes this easier. For example,void printByteArray( jobject jstreamedData ) {
      streamedData data( jstreamedData );
      JArray<JByte> byteArray = streamedData.m_value();
      for ( int i = 0; i < byteArray.length(); ++i ) {
        cout << byteArray[ i ];
    }God bless,
    -Toby Reyelts

  • How do I store an Int, a short, and multiple bytes from file in byte array

    I'm attempting to do this for a project but can't figure out how to store the three values in one byte array. This is what i've tried
    public void send(byte[] input)
              // TODO
              ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(input);
              ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
              byte[] pData = new byte[100];
              try {
              } catch (IOException e) {
              DatagramPacket dgp = new DatagramPacket(pData, pData.length);When i set pData=baos.toByteArray() it changes the size and then stops me from being able to read the other 94 bytes into the array to send. Any ideas?

    You don't need the ByteArrayInputStream at all.
    pData = baos.toByteArray();
    When i set pData=baos.toByteArray() it changes the sizeNo, it makes it refer to a new byte[] array containing what you've written to the BAOS. That's what it's supposed to do.

  • How to get a string or byte array representation of an Image/BufferedImage?

    I have a java.awt.Image object that I want to transfer to a server application (.NET) through a http post request.
    To do that I would like to encode the Image to jpeg format and convert it to a string or byte array to be able to send it in a way that the receiver application (.NET) could handle. So, I've tried to do like this.
    private void send(Image image) {
        int width = image.getWidth(null);
        int height = image.getHeight(null);
        try {
            BufferedImage buffImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(image);
            ImageObserver observer = imageIcon.getImageObserver();
            buffImage.getGraphics().setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255));
            buffImage.getGraphics().fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
            buffImage.getGraphics().drawImage(imageIcon.getImage(), 0, 0, observer);
            ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            JPEGImageEncoder jpeg = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(stream);
            URL url = new URL(/* my url... */);
            URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
            String boundary = "--------" + Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis());
            connection.setRequestProperty("method", "POST");
            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);
            String output = "--" + boundary + "\r\n"
                          + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"myImage\"; filename=\"myFilename.jpg\"\r\n"
                          + "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"
                          + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n\r\n"
                          + new String(stream.toByteArray())
                          + "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
        } catch {
    }This code works, but the image I get when I save it from the receiver application is distorted. The width and height is correct, but the content and colors are really weird. I tried to set different image types (first line inside the try-block), and this gave me different distorsions, but no image type gave me the correct image.
    Maybe I should say that I can display the original Image object on screen correctly.
    I also realized that the Image object is an instance of BufferedImage, so I thought I could skip the first six lines inside the try-block, but that doesn't help. This way I don't have to set the image type in the constructor, but the result still is color distorted.
    Any ideas on how to get from an Image/BufferedImage to a string or byte array representation of the image in jpeg format?

    Here you go:
      private static void send(BufferedImage image) throws Exception
        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ImageIO.write(image, "jpeg", byteArrayOutputStream);
        byte[] imageByteArray = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
        URL url = new URL("http://<host>:<port>");
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        OutputStream outputStream = connection.getOutputStream();
        outputStream.write(imageByteArray, 0, imageByteArray.length);
        // alternative to connect is to get & close the input stream
        // connection.getInputStream().close();

  • Send byte array argeument from pl/sql to java stored procedure?

    I have a java method that accepts an argument of type byte[].
    I want to define a call specification so that it can invoked from a sql statement.
    The Java Developer's Guide show how to map SQL data types to java types and classes, but it is unclear if I can map a SQL data type to an array.
    Does anyone know which SQL type to use to map to a byte array?
    I'm using Oracle 10.2, thus jvm 1.4.2.

    As soon as I posted this question, I saw the RAW to byte[] mapping listed in the documentation. How did I overlook it? Anyway, that what I needed.

  • How to send byte array and String values to servlet from Swing application

    Hi all,
    I am new to swing, servlet, and socket connection.
    I have swing application to draw images and some input data. I dont know to send to server.
    byte[] buf = baos.toByteArray();
    URL servletURL = new URL("
    URLConnection conn = servletURL.openConnection();
    BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( conn.getOutputStream() ) );
    can I do like this. Strings are received in server side perfect. but i cant get byte array data. Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    <img src="myservlet">
    In your myservlet:
    then write your image date via ImageIO that uses response output stream.

  • Error when creating BufferedImage with IndexColorModel from a byte array.

    Hi, I have a 1-dimentional byte array and an IndexColorTable, and I can't figure out how to combine the 2 into an BufferedImage without unnecessary copying/reallocating of the image buffer.
    The color model I have is:
    int [] cmap = new int [numColors];
    cmap[i++] = 0xffa0f000;  /etc.
    new IndexColorModel(8, 22, cmap, 0, true,  transparentIndex,  DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE );Thanks for your help
    I've was looking at some example code (http://javaalmanac.com/egs/java.awt.image/Mandelbrot2.html?l=rel), and can't figure out how to go from the color model they're using to the one I have (the 8 bit one specified above). When I replace the 4bit colormodel in the code below with the 8bit color model specified above, I get the following error:
    [java] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Raster ByteInterleavedRaster: width = 5120 height = 3520 #numDataElements 1 dataOff[0] = 0 is incompatible with ColorModel IndexColorModel: #pixelBits = 8 numComponents = 4 color space = java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace@c51355 transparency = 2 transIndex = 22 has alpha = true isAlphaPre = false
    [java] at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.<init>(BufferedImage.java:613)
    byte[] pixelArray = (byte[]) getData_CHAR();                
    int width = 5120;
    int height = 3520;
    int numbytes = width*height;
    //create DataBuffer using byte buffer of pixel data.
    DataBuffer dataBuffer = new DataBufferByte(pixelArray, numbytes, 0);
    //prepare a sample model that specifies a storage 8-bits of pixel data in an 8-bit data element
    int bitMasks[] = new int[]{0xf};
    SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sampleModel = new SinglePixelPackedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, width, height, bitMasks);
    //create a raster using the sample model and data buffer
    WritableRaster writableRaster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, dataBuffer, new Point(0,0));
    //generate 16-color model
    byte[] r = new byte[16];
    byte[] g = new byte[16];
    byte[] b = new byte[16];
    r[0] = 0; g[0] = 0; b[0] = 0;
    r[1] = 0; g[1] = 0; b[1] = (byte)192;
    r[2] = 0; g[2] = 0; b[2] = (byte)255;
    r[3] = 0; g[3] = (byte)192; b[3] = 0;
    r[4] = 0; g[4] = (byte)255; b[4] = 0;
    r[5] = 0; g[5] = (byte)192; b[5] = (byte)192;
    r[6] = 0; g[6] = (byte)255; b[6] = (byte)255;
    r[7] = (byte)192; g[7] = 0; b[7] = 0;
    r[8] = (byte)255; g[8] = 0; b[8] = 0;
    r[9] = (byte)192; g[9] = 0; b[9] = (byte)192;
    r[10] = (byte)255; g[10] = 0; b[10] = (byte)255;
    r[11] = (byte)192; g[11] = (byte)192; b[11] = 0;
    r[12] = (byte)255; g[12] = (byte)255; b[12] = 0;
    r[13] = (byte)80; g[13] = (byte)80; b[13] = (byte)80;
    r[14] = (byte)192; g[14] = (byte)192; b[14] = (byte)192;
    r[15] = (byte)255; g[15] = (byte)255; b[15] = (byte)255;
    //create buffered image    
    ColorModel colorModel = new IndexColorModel(4, 16, r, g, b);
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(colorModel, writableRaster, false, null);Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    I had the same problem too.
    anyone found the solution for this problem?
    Bruno Rabino
    When I try to make a MD-form, where the base-table for the detail contains a column with a BLOB-datatype. I get following error when I finish creation of the form.
    Error: Exception from wwv_generate_component.build_procedure (WWV-01821)
    Error creating module: ORA-01403: no data found (WWV-16042)
    When I use the table with the BLOB as master or in a form, it works fine.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem? Or knows a way to fix or work around it. Thanks in advance.
    Portal version:

  • Sending publickey through the network as a byte array.

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    Thank you

    If your public key is from an X509 certificate, you can use the X509EncodedKeySpec class.

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    This tutorial should do the trick:

  • Trying to send multiple types in a byte array -- questions?

    I have a question which I would really appreciate any help on.
    I am trying to send a byte array, that contains multiple types using a UDP app. and then receive it on the other end.
    So far I have been able to do this using the following code. Please note that I create a new String, Float or Double object to be able to correctly send and receive. Here is the code:
    //this is on the client side...
    String mymessage ="Here is your stuff from your client" ;
    int nbr = 22; Double nbr2 = new Double(1232.11223);
    Float nbr3 = new Float(8098098.809808);
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
    byte[] buffer = baos.toByteArray();
    //this is on the server side...
    byte [] buffer = new byte [5000];
    String mymessage = null; int nbr = 0; Double nbr2 = null;
    Float nbr3 = null;
    mymessage = (String)ois.readObject();
    nbr = ois.readInt();
    nbr2 = (Double) ois.readObject();
    nbr3 = (Float) ois.readObject();
    My main question here is that I have to create a new Float and Double object to be able to send and receive this byte array correctly. However, I would like to be able to have to only create 1object, stuff it with the String, int, Float and Double, send it and then correctly receive it on the other end.
    So I tried creating another class, and then creating an obj of this class and stuffing it with the 4 types:
    public class O_struct{
    //the indiv. objects to be sent...
    public String mymessage; public int nbr; public Double nbr2;
    public Float nbr3;
    public O_struct(String mymessage_c, int nbr_c, double nbr2_c, float nbr3_c){
    my_message = my_message_c;
    nbr = nbr_c;
    nbr2 = new Double(nbr2_c);
    nbr3 = new Float(nbr3_c);
    Then in main, using this new class:
    in main():
    O_struct some_obj_client = new O_struct("Here is your stuff from your client", 22, 1232.1234, 890980980.798);
    send code....according to UDP
    However on the receiving side, I am not sure how to be able to correctly retrieve the 4 types. Before I was explicitely creating those objects for sending, then I was casting them again on the receiving side to retrieve then and it does work.
    But if I create a O_struct object and cast it as I did before with the indiv objects on the receiving end, I can't get the correct retrievals.
    My code, on the server side:
    O_struct some_obj_server = new O_struct(null, null, null. null);
    some_obj_server = (O_struct)ois.readObject();
    My main goal is to be able to send 4 types in a byte array, but the way I have written this code, I have to create a Float and Double obj to be able to send and receive correctly. I would rather not have to directly create these objects, but instead be able to stuff all 4 types into a byte array and then send it and correctly be able to retrieve all the info on the receiver's side.
    I might be making this more complicated than needed, but this was the only way I could figure out how to do this and any help will be greatly appreciated.
    If there an easier way to do I certainly will appreciate that advise as well.

    public class O_struct implements Serializable {
    // writing
    ObjectOutputStream oos = ...;
    O_struct struct = ...;
    // reading
    ObjectInputStream ois = ...;
    O_struct struct = (O_struct)ois.readObject();
    I will be sending 1000s of these byte arrays, and I'm sure having to create a new Double or Float on both ends will hinder this.
    I am worried that having to create new objs every time it is sending a byte array will affect my application.
    That's the wrong way to approach this. You're talking about adding complexity to your code and fuglifying it because you think it might improve performance. But you don't know if it will, or by how much, or even if it needs to be improved.
    Personally, I'd guess that the I/O will have a much bigger affect on performance than object creation (which, contrary to popular belief, is generally quite fast now: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp01274.html)
    If you think object creation is going to be a problem, then before you go and cock up your real code to work around it, create some tests that measure how fast it is one way vs. the other. Then only use the cock-up if the normal, easier to write and maintain way is too slow AND the cock-up is significantly faster.

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