To Get Last Updated Value.

Hi All
I want to fetch data from nearly 15 tables.
All the tables contains a Modified_date and Insert_date columns
If any of the table contains a modifed_date or insert_date with in last 2 Days, Then i have to pick that rows.
Please suggest me how to fetch these values in an optimistic way,Since all the tables contains millions of data.
Im using oracle 11g

Johney  wrote:
Hi All
I want to fetch data from nearly 15 tables.
All the tables contains a Modified_date and Insert_date columns
If any of the table contains a modifed_date or insert_date with in last 2 Days, Then i have to pick that rows.
Please suggest me how to fetch these values in an optimistic waywhat is difference between optimistic fetch & pessimistic fetch?
Im using oracle 11g
Jowe can't write SQL when we don't know table names or column names.
How do I ask a question on the forums?

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    zamnt type F,
    zmonth type c length 6.
    zmonth = sy-datum+0(6).
    select sum( /BIC/ZAMNT ) into i_amnt
    from /BIC/AZDSP00700
    where CALMONTH = zmonth -1.
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    Hi Odd Hilt,
    Please confirm CALMONTH format is yyyymm or something different.
    If CALMONTH format is yyyymm.
    try following code
    zmonth = sy-datum+0(6).
    ZMONTH1 = ZMONTH - 1.
    select sum( /BIC/ZAMNT ) into i_amnt
    from /BIC/AZDSP00700
    where CALMONTH = zmonth1.
    RESULT = zamnt.

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    You'll need to add a working day flag to your data, either in a date table related to [UPDATE] or in the fact table itself. Then modify the last bit of the formula (before all the closing parentheses) to this:
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    100   --       ---
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    Unfortunately, do not this this would be possible. Check this thread:
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    TYPE NameList IS TABLE OF employees.last_name%TYPE;
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    add two out parameters from proc1 so that you can pass them into proc2 (obv. you'd need to add two in parameters to proc2 if they aren't there already)

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    08.04.2009  1007     130              80
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    Assume that your values are in internal table ITAB.  Then,
    Sort ITAB by date DESCENDING.
    Doing so, your records gets sorted in Descending Order with respect to Date. And the Last updated record comes in the first position.
    And now,
    Read table ITAB index 1.
    The above code, fetches the last record into the Work-Area.
    That's it.
    Ramani N

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    Does anyone know how to retrieve a BEx workbook's "Last Refreshed" value using VBA?
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    I've been looking extensively in this forum for an answer, but haven't found any. It seems like there are a lot of SAP BEx experts here, and if anyone can help me out here, I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thank you.

    Well, it was a little circuitous, but I figured out the solution to my own question.
    I recalled I had read about the sapbexDebugPrint macro in sapbex.xla in one of Peter Knoer's posts in this forum. So I thought, maybe I can use that to get the before and after refresh values of "Last Refreshed" in the workbook. Well, I was half-right: I could only use sapbexDebugPrint to get the workbook's after-refresh values of "Last Refreshed".
    But it didn't matter!
    As long as the after-refresh value of the workbook's "Last Refreshed" value was later than the after-refresh value of the previous workbook in the processing queue, I knew the refresh was successful and the user didn't cancel. There were some other logic permutations I had to factor in, but basically that was the answer.
    Here are snippets of my code from the main procedure, for anyone's who interested:
                '   **** Refresh query ************************************
                ' Get the previous "Last Refreshed" value
                ' We're going to need to compare this to the "Last Refreshed" value
                ' after running SAPBEXrefresh function to trap the possibility of
                ' the user canceling via the SAPBEx status dialog box
                PrevLastRefr = GetLastRefreshed()
                ' Reactivate the source workbook, just in case
                 RefreshRetVal% = Application.Run("SAPBEX.XLA!SAPBEXrefresh", True, , False)
                If RefreshRetVal% <> 0 Then
                    blnProcessingErr = True
                End If
                ' Get the current "Last Refreshed" value and compare it to the previous value
                CurrLastRefr = GetLastRefreshed()
                If CurrLastRefr = "NOT FOUND" Then
                    ' Refresh canceled
                    blnProcessingCanceled = True
                Else    ' We found a valid current "Last Refreshed" value
                    If PrevLastRefr = "NOT FOUND" Then
                        ' Refresh okay
                        blnProcessingCanceled = False
                        If CDate(CurrLastRefr) > CDate(PrevLastRefr) Then
                            ' Current "Last Refreshed" value is later than previous value,
                            ' so refresh okay
                            blnProcessingCanceled = False
                            ' Refresh canceled
                            blnProcessingCanceled = True
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                ' Reactivate the source workbook, just in case
    And here's my function which retrieves the "Last Refreshed" value by calling sapbexDebugPrint macro in sapbex.xla:
    Function GetLastRefreshed() As Variant
    ' Get the SAP BEx "Last Refreshed" value by calling
    ' SAPBEx.xla's sapbexDebugPrint procedure and creating
    ' the special diagnostic workbook.
    On Error GoTo GetLastRefreshed_Error
        Dim TextCell As Range
        Dim TextCellAddr$
        Dim TextCellRow%, TextCellCol%
        Dim LastRefreshedVal As Variant
        Dim NumWorkbooks%
        ' Initialize
        GetLastRefreshed = "NOT FOUND"
        LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
        ' Turn off screen updating until the end
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        ' Get the number of currently open workbooks
        NumWorkbooks% = Workbooks.Count
        ' Call the SAPBEx.xla's sapbexDebugPrint procedure
        ' This'll create a diagnostic workbook with all the information
        ' about the BEx query that was previously refreshed
        Application.Run "SAPBEX.XLA!sapbexDebugPrint"
        ' Let's double-check that the diagnostic workbook actually
        ' got created
        ' If there's any error at this point or if the number of workbooks
        ' isn't more than it was a moment ago, raise custom error
        If (Err.Number <> 0) Or (Not (Workbooks.Count > NumWorkbooks%)) Then
            Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, , "sapbexDebugPrint failed to create the diagnostic workbook"
        End If
        ' We'll need to look at a worksheet named "E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS"
        ' in the diagnostic workbook
        ' If this worksheet doesn't exist, then we know that there
        ' was no previously refreshed query during this session
        ' (We could loop through the collection of worksheets in the workbook
        ' to see if that worksheet actually exists, but we'll use
        ' error handling to deal with this instead)
        ' Find the first cell in the "E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS" worksheet
        ' with the text "Last Refreshed"
        ' (If the worksheet doesn't exist, an error will be thrown...)
        Set TextCell = Sheets("E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS").Cells.Find(What:="Last Refreshed", _
        If TextCell Is Nothing Then
            ' Can't find the cell, so we know the user had canceled during previous refresh
            LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
            ' Found the cell, now we're in business
            TextCellAddr$ = TextCell.Address ' $F$11
            TextCellRow% = CInt(Mid(TextCellAddr$, InStr(2, TextCellAddr$, "$") + 1))
            TextCellCol% = ColRef2ColNo(Mid(TextCellAddr$, 2, InStr(2, TextCellAddr$, "$") - 2))
            ' The cell with the "Last Refreshed" value is going to be 2 columns to the right
            LastRefreshedVal = Sheets("E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS").Cells(TextCellRow%, TextCellCol%).Offset(0, 2).Value
            ' Ensure the "Last Refreshed" value is a valid date/time
            If Not IsDate(LastRefreshedVal) Then LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
        End If
        ' Err.Number -2147220991 is my custom raised error:
        ' "sapbexDebugPrint failed to create the diagnostic workbook"
        If Err.Number <> -2147220991 Then
            ' Close the diagnostic workbook and return Last Refreshed value
            Workbooks(ActiveWorkbook.Name).Close SaveChanges:=False
            GetLastRefreshed = LastRefreshedVal
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True   ' Turn on screen updating
        Exit Function
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case 9  ' Subscript out of range (which means "E_T_TXT_SYMBOLS" worksheet doesn't exist)
                LastRefreshedVal = "NOT FOUND"
            Case Else
                MsgBox "Error encountered during getting Last Refreshed value." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
               "Error: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, gstrErrBoxTitle
        End Select
        Resume GetLastRefreshed_Exit
    End Function
    Like I said, the solution was a little circuitous, but it works!

  • How to refresh VO to get the changed value in other AM or backend database

    one VO is refrenced by two AMs, when i insert or update data by VO in one AM, how to get the changed data in another AM ?
    another case is i have updated some attributes of the record in database by SQL statement ,but the client can not get the updated value at once .
    i have tried to use executeQuery() ,but it does not work. now i always do a rollback method ,a bad idea.:)
    pls help me ! thanks
    Message was edited by:
    Guo Qinghua

    Mind that ADF BC (probably like any other persistence framework) caches data. So when you update something in the database other than via ADF BC, you then have in the ADF BC cache what is called 'stale data'. When you try to commit that nevertheless, the database will tell ADF BC that the record in the database has been updated by another user, and a rollback will be done. That is all to be expected.
    You can find some more info on how this works here:
    It also explains how to clear the cache and enforce that data will be read from the database.
    Jan Kettenis

  • Last year value

    I am having a table inv_sales_trgt_val and columns
    branch_cd number(3),
    vndr# number(3),
    yymm number(6) ,
    vgroup# number(3),
    sales_trgt_amt number(11,2),
    sales_actl_amt number(11,2),
    cuml_trgt_amt number(11,2),
    cuml_actl_amt number(11,2),
    last_yr_yymm_amt number(11,2)
    In report i need to get sum(sales_actl_amt) which is present year and sum(last_yr_yymm_amt) which is last year ,i am getting sum(sales_actl_amt) correct value but sum(last_yr_yymm_amt) getting different value .so from sales_actl_amt can i get last year value in report.
    please help me
    thank you.

    Hi Joss,
    In SQL Server Analysis Services, we can can compare revenue with the hierarchy periods (year, month, day) by using the PARALLELPERIOD function, and now you want to compare with custom periods. (NOTE: We cannot compare it with the PARALLELPERIOD function
    PARALLELPERIOD function returns a member from a prior period in the same relative position as a specified member. So if the first time span not equal to the second one (such as the first period is 3 days, and the second period is 2 month)).  Here
    is a sample query about PARALLELPERIOD function for your reference.
    set Hotels as
    [Hotels].[Hotel ID].&[1015],
    [Hotels].[Hotel ID].&[5640],
    [Hotels].[Hotel ID].&[8800]
    set Period as [Arrival Date].[Date].[Month].&[2012]&[1]:[Arrival Date].[Date].[Month].&[2012]&[12]
    member [Arrival Date].[Date].[0] as sum({ Period })
    member [Total Amount N-1] as (PARALLELPERIOD([Arrival Date].[Date].[Year], 1, [Arrival Date].[Date].[Year].&[2012]), [Measures].[Total Amount])
    [Measures].[Total Amount],
    [Measures].[Total Amount N-1]
    } on 0,
    *{[Arrival Date].[Date].[0]}
    } on 1
    from [Booking_Cube]
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How get pervious row value in grid

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    Row3               row2+2000
    Total          row3-row2
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    Please give me idea

    Other solution is to use a collection in a package unit.
    Type TYP_COLL is table of Number INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    my_coll TYP_COLL ;
    Then in the Post-Trigger :
    my_coll( :system.current_record ) := value ;so you can navigate easily within the collection in both directions Next/Previous.
    Easy to get the previous value:
    value := my_coll( :system.current_record - 1 ) ;Francois

  • BAPI doesnt show updated values

    Hi Experts,
    I have this problem with a bapi "BAPI_BUS20350_GET_DETAIL", it is used to get the details (descriptions , partners) etc of an Audit.
    The problem is when i make some changes to an audit(say description) in a report and run this bapi it still gives me the old values , it is only when i run the report again that it shows me the new values .
    I would like to get the updated values in the same running session , there is no refresh bapi in the function group.
    Please throw some lite on how to solve this problem.
    Appreciate Ur Replies,

    Hi Chaitanya,
    Please try to call the BAPI, " BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT" which will commit the current work process which in turn help you to solve your current problem, or else you can use ABAP statements like COMMIT, or WAIT UP TO sec SECONDS etc.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Antony Thomas

  • How can I get the last updated email address of the customer ??

    Dear All,
    Please let me know, How can I get the last updated email address of the customer ??
    Also, I am trying to read CDHDR table where OBJECTCLAS is ADRESSE, however what value should be passed into OBJECTID field, looks like it is ADRNR with a Suffix BP.
    Please confirm me what value should be passed into OBJECTID field.
    Thank you.

    Hi Anitha,
      Check if this is something that helps you:
    Change documents in BAS
    address type 1
    objectclass = ADRESSE             
    objectid = addrgroup + addrnumber     (ADRC-ADDR_GROUP + ADDRNNUMBER) !!
                     'BP  000xxxxxx'
    private address (address type 2)
    objectclass = ADRESSE2
    objectid =  'BP  000xxxxxx000yyyyyyy'   
                            persnumber+adrnr private
    address type 3
    objectclass = ADRESSE3
    objectid =  'BP  000xxxxxx000zzzzzzz'
                              persnumber +comp.address
    The above details is from the link:
    Swarna Munukoti

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