Tomcat finalizer memory leak ???

I have was profiling my application using yourkit profiler. The statisxtics are stange and I need help to understand them.
Here is the scenario:
1) started Tomcat @ 1:00 profiling using yourkit profiler - only 1 context, our application. I set the profiler to take a heap snapshot on 90% of heap usage. I set the heap to 64Megs because I knew there would be only 2 users on it, and I wanted to get to a point of OOME faster
2) took a snapshot before anyone logged in, and after Tomcat booted up
3) took a few other snapshots in the first hour of usage while 2 people using system
4) everyone left ~ 5:00pm and logged out of our system. The only thing running was Tomcat
5) @ ~ 2:00am the next morning, a snapshot was taken because 90% of the heap was in use (???)
6) the next morning, all the heap was used and Tomcat would only respond with OOME - java.lang.heap out of memory error
I compared the last heap snapshot I took during step 3 above and the low memory snapshot and found that 73% of memory was being held by
java.lang.ref.Finalizer. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? I have looked all over the web and have found no information on what it is or what it does?
The closest I have come to any information is articles about java finalizers vs. destructors, and what java.lang.Object.Finalize method. I also saw a reference to the java.lang.ref.Finalizer api, but there are no javadocs describing its functinoliaty. My questions are:
1) How are Finalizer and java.lang.Object.Finalize related - or are they? what is java.lang.ref.Finalizer and what do they do?
2) WHY would I have over 200000 Finalizer objects occupying 73% of the heap at step 5 (see above), when in my final snapshot of step 3 I had 0???
3) we are also using org.apache.commons.dbcp and the sql server JTDS driver for our db connection pool in the following manner. Does anyone know if there is a problem with this?
DriverAdapterCPDS cpds = new DriverAdapterCPDS();
cpds.setUrl( databaseURL );
cpds.setUser( user );
cpds.setPassword( password );
cpds.setDriver( databaseDriver );
SharedPoolDataSource tds = new SharedPoolDataSource();
tds.setConnectionPoolDataSource( cpds );
tds.setMaxActive( iMaxActive ); // Connection pool Size
tds.setMaxWait( iMaxWait ); // Max connection wait time (in miliseconds)
ds = tds;
catch( Exception e )
I will be repeating this test today, but will take heap snapshots on an hourly interval - HOPEFULLY, I can find what is going on
Is there any one out there who can help us find this memory leak? Fee for Service could be acceptable?
John McClain
Senior Software Engineer
TCS Healthcare
[email protected]
"Skepticism is the first step toward truth"

I did find some information on sourceforge about jTDS having memory issues with PreparedStatements (v1.2) or queries using scrollable cursors (v1.1). The scrollable cursor issue seems to be the closes match to your problem so if you are using version 1.1 you may want to move up to version 1.2. Also check your SQL statements to see if you are using scrollable cursors and if they can be changed to read only.

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  • Finalizer memory leak addemndum

    In my last post, I forgot to mention that the Finalizer referent for all 200000 objects was*

    I did find some information on sourceforge about jTDS having memory issues with PreparedStatements (v1.2) or queries using scrollable cursors (v1.1). The scrollable cursor issue seems to be the closes match to your problem so if you are using version 1.1 you may want to move up to version 1.2. Also check your SQL statements to see if you are using scrollable cursors and if they can be changed to read only.

  • Memory leak in Tomcat 5.5

    Hi all, i am experiencing memory leaks while using tomcat 5.5 and mysql connector 3.1.7.. While running the attached code tomcat swallows up to 20 mb and doesnt return it. I close down everything but the app still leaks mem. For now it's not an issue (Tomcat stays below 60mb mem of 1gb), however running this app on serveral clients will dramatically increase the memory allocation.
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder;
    public class Thumbs extends HttpServlet {
      private String dbDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
      private String dbURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/webapp?";
      private String userID = "javauser";
      private String passwd = "javadude";
      private Connection dbConnection;
      //Initialize global variables
      public void init() throws ServletException {
      //Process the HTTP Get request
      public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
           String maxDim = "";
           String siteString = request.getParameterValues("s")[0];
           if (request.getParameterValues("d") != null){
               maxDim = request.getParameterValues("d")[0];
           if (maxDim == ""){
               OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
               if (siteString != null) {
                   int maxDimension = Integer.parseInt(maxDim);
                   OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
                   writeThumbnailPicture(out, siteString, maxDimension);
        } catch (Exception ex){
      public void writePicture(OutputStream out, String siteID){
              dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, userID, passwd);
              PreparedStatement stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement("select * from webcatalog where ID = ?");
              ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
              if ( {
                  byte[] data = rs.getBytes("Picture");
                  if (data != null) {
                      Image inImage = new ImageIcon(data).getImage();
                      BufferedImage outImage = new BufferedImage(inImage.getWidth(null),
                      // Paint image.
                      Graphics2D g2d = outImage.createGraphics();
                      // JPEG-encode the image
                      JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
          }catch(Exception ex){
      public void writeThumbnailPicture(OutputStream out,String siteID,int maxDimension){
          dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, userID, passwd);
          PreparedStatement stmt = dbConnection.prepareStatement("select * from webcatalog where ID = ?");
          ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
          if ( {
            byte[] data = rs.getBytes("Picture");
            if (data != null) {
              Image inImage = new ImageIcon(data).getImage();
              // Determine the scale.
               double scale = (double)maxDimension / (double)inImage.getHeight(null);
               if (inImage.getWidth(null) > inImage.getHeight(null)) {
                   scale = (double)maxDimension /(double)inImage.getWidth(null);
               // Determine size of new image.
               // One of them should equal maxDim.
               int scaledW = (int)(scale*inImage.getWidth(null));
               int scaledH = (int)(scale*inImage.getHeight(null));
               // Create an image buffer in
               //which to paint on.
               BufferedImage outImage = new BufferedImage(scaledW, scaledH,
               // Set the scale.
               AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();
               // If the image is smaller than
               // the desired image size,
               // don't bother scaling.
               if (scale < 1.0d) {
                   tx.scale(scale, scale);
               // Paint image.
               Graphics2D g2d = outImage.createGraphics();
               g2d.drawImage(inImage, tx, null);
               // JPEG-encode the image
               JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
        catch(Exception ex){
      //Clean up resources
      public void destroy() {
      private void jbInit() throws Exception {

    you can try this:
    open your connection outside the function, and then pass it like as a parameter...
    writePicture(OutputStream out, String siteID, Connection conn)
    this can solve the problem because opening the connection inside the function spends a lot of memory...
    Hope this can help you

  • Memory Leak with Tomcat version update 3.2 to 6.0

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    Tomcat 6.0, sun JDK 1.6.0_01, mssql 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.2, xalan 2.7.0, log4j 1.0.4 (should be only out of date component)
    It is a fairly large application that uses xslt with xalan and java servlets to display web pages. There was no issue with memory leaks before the update from tomcat 3.2, sun jdk 1.4.2 and old xalan and jdbc (for mssql 2000) components.
    My question for the community is, where should I be looking for my memory leak. Are there known issues with my setup?
    thanks for your help,

    Just in case someone goes down the same road as me, my problem was actually the one listed on the page below. My threads are not being released after a StandardContext reload. Which I'm not sure if this leak applies to tomcat version <4 or not.

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    Anyone had similar experience?
    Any ideas? Any bugs reported/fixed?

    If you're doing XA, we absolutely do not support
    driver-level load-balancing OR failover. Use neither.
    For non-XA, you can use driver-level failover. For
    non-XA, you could set load-balancing, but it won't
    help because we get connections from the driver,
    and keep them indefinitely, so the driver never gets
    the chance to affect which connections the pool
    uses after that.

  • Memory leak within FOProcessor class

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to use the XML Publisher API (5.6.2 and 5.6.3) to generate PDF documents from XSL templates and XML data in a J2EE environment (Jboss 4.0.5) with Struts but a memory leak occurs.
    It seems not to be a multithreading issue because the leak is there even if the PDF documents are generated one by one.
    I made many tests to isolate the leak and I have simplified my code as much as possible: it seems to happen within the FOProcessor class.
    One of the tests generates 4,500 PDF documents (one at a time) from an XML file (3 KB) and an XSL file (74 KB with blanks). Nothing else is done with the Jboss server during this test. The XSL file was created before the test from a RTF file with XML Publisher. The memory leak is around 70 KB for each PDF document (around 300 MB for the whole test).
    As you can see below from the heap histogram (taken at end of test after a full garbage collection) it seems that the XSL and XML elements/attributes are not released (and thus never garbage collected).
    Did I miss something or is there an actual problem with the XML/XSL parsing within the XML Publisher API?
    Thanks for your help.

    Object Histogram:
    Size    Count     Class description
    131376968 2353450 java.lang.Object[]
    60389464 937300  char[]
    48260304 335141  oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLResultElement
    35690000 2230625 oracle.xml.util.FastVector
    24127104 1005296 java.lang.String
    16539120 413478  oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLNode$AttrValueTmpl
    14757064 128058  int[]
    13348768 417149  java.lang.ref.Finalizer
    12701776 102220  * ConstMethodKlass
    12544808 23433   byte[]
    12204080 108965  oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLText
    8344600 86584   java.util.Hashtable$Entry[]
    7363768 102220  * MethodKlass
    5592784 138700  * SymbolKlass
    5362256 335141  oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLAttributeSet[]
    5267336 8135    * ConstantPoolKlass
    5234016 163563  java.util.TreeMap$Entry
    5121744 213406  java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    4900480 61256   oracle.xml.parser.v2.XPathStep
    4087120 51089   java.lang.reflect.Method
    3823216 40276   java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
    3524696 8135    * InstanceKlassKlass
    3378000 84450   java.util.Hashtable
    3064872 127703  java.util.HashMap$Entry
    2971904 6880    * ConstantPoolCacheKlass
    2968560 26505   oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLValueOf
    2770656 24738   oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLVariable
    2167520 27094   oracle.xml.parser.v2.XPathFunctionCall
    1880088 33573   oracle.xml.parser.v2.PathExpr
    1726360 61482   java.lang.String[]
    1573720 39343   java.util.HashMap
    1476576 30762   oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLExprValue
    1460840 36521   java.util.TreeMap
    1319360 23560   oracle.xml.parser.v2.XPathConstantExpr
    1054976 16484
    1001264 3546    * MethodDataKlass
    887424  11049   short[]
    835680  8705    java.lang.Class
    830208  25944   oracle.xml.util.NSNameImpl
    705816  29409   java.util.ArrayList
    684152  4501    org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.session.SessionBasedClusteredSession
    670288  14071   java.lang.Object[]
    640832  10013   oracle.xml.parser.v2.XPathVarReference
    561056  35066
    556272  23178   EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap$Entry
    552984  30451   java.lang.Class[]
    494760  2945    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLTemplate
    480792  20033   antlr.ANTLRHashString
    442576  27661   java.lang.Integer
    432096  4501    org.jboss.web.tomcat.statistics.ReplicationStatistics$TimeStatistic
    429040  10726   org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.Node
    369880  9247
    312384  19524   java.util.TreeMap$3
    305368  5453
    287392  8981
    259264  338     EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap$Entry[]
    252280  4505    org.jboss.cache.lock.ReadWriteLockWithUpgrade
    238600  5965
    238600  5965
    236616  9859$OperationKey
    219776  3434    java.lang.reflect.Constructor
    206880  6465
    193168  2259    java.lang.reflect.Method[]
    173184  5412    java.lang.ref.SoftReference
    164920  589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLStylesheet
    164464  541     * ObjArrayKlassKlass
    152832  6368    org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute
    149472  2076    java.lang.reflect.Field
    144160  4505    org.jboss.cache.Node
    143160  5965
    140600  3515    org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredTextImpl
    140224  2740[]
    139056  7658    boolean[]
    134664  3359    java.lang.String[][]
    131936  1178    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLCondition
    131936  1178    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLForEach
    129072  2668[]
    128952  5373    EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Entry
    124776  1733    org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.IdentNode
    115200  1800
    113088  2356    oracle.xml.parser.v2.AdditiveExpr
    109416  4559    java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
    108960  1135
    108120  4505    org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock
    105864  345     long[]
    98752   3086$WeakClassKey
    97968   4082    java.util.Vector
    96672   2014    java.util.Properties
    94240   589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLOutput
    90072   3753$Property
    87432   3643
    82368   858     org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode
    81248   5078    java.lang.Long
    78656   1229    org.hibernate.mapping.Column
    77664   4854    java.util.Collections$SynchronizedSet
    77448   3227    java.util.LinkedList$Entry
    73824   769
    73536   4596    java.util.Hashtable$KeySet
    72144   4509    EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet
    72144   4509    EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
    72144   4509    org.jboss.cache.Fqn
    72080   4505    org.jboss.cache.lock.ReadWriteLockWithUpgrade$WriterLock
    72080   4505    org.jboss.cache.lock.LockStrategyRepeatableRead
    72080   4505    org.jboss.cache.lock.ReadWriteLockWithUpgrade$ReaderLock
    72080   4505    org.jboss.cache.lock.LockMap
    72016   4501    org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSessionFacade
    71776   4486
    70680   589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLCallTemplate
    70680   589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLApplyTemplates
    70224   154     org.hibernate.persister.entity.SingleTableEntityPersister
    68296   2774$Property[]
    68160   1065    org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredElementNSImpl
    67760   770     org.hibernate.loader.entity.EntityLoader
    66992   19      EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Entry[]
    65968   1178    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XPathFilterExpr
    65968   589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLUTF8Reader
    64432   4027    java.util.HashSet
    63648   1326    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode[]
    63440   1586    org.hibernate.loader.DefaultEntityAliases
    61256   589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLNode
    61256   589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader
    60816   2534    org.apache.xerces.xni.QName
    57360   478     org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.FromElement
    56976   1187    org.hibernate.mapping.Property
    56544   1178    oracle.xml.parser.v2.XSLNodeSetExpr
    56544   1178    oracle.xml.parser.v2.MultiplicativeExpr
    56544   1178    oracle.xml.parser.v2.EqualExpr
    54384   618     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError
    49392   2783[]
    47648   1489    java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry
    47120   589     oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLByteReader[]

  • Memory leak in jvm? totalMemory differs real memory usage

    I working on a server application under linux with java 1.4.1_02.
    The problem is that the OS reports after approx. 2 days a memory usage of about 200 MB while the JVM's totalMemory method says, that only about 20 MB are allocated and more than 10 MB of these 20 MB are free. Calling System.gc() doesn't help.
    Is there a memory leak in the JVM itself ?
    Is there a bugfix or workaround for preventing out of memory ?

    hi, here is some of the messages from our tomcat log. Please let us know if you see something here.
    14:04 Started Tomcat0.000: [GC 23352K->3056K(259264K), 0.0425550 secs]
    6.396: [GC 26416K->3837K(259264K), 0.0428260 secs]
    67.830: [GC 27197K->7675K(259264K), 0.0526750 secs]
    14:11 Started OpenSTA load test (Tomcat 103M/103M SIZE/RSIZE)417.805: [Full GC 23900K->10468K(259264K), 0.1470690 secs]
    464.368: [Full GC 29592K->12380K(259264K), 0.1984410 secs]
    474.295: [GC 35740K->16076K(259264K), 0.0362230 secs]
    482.470: [Full GC 32672K->16120K(259264K), 0.1574280 secs]
    497.299: [Full GC 32266K->15347K(259264K), 0.1993480 secs]
    513.132: [GC 38707K->15644K(259264K), 0.0067610 secs]
    513.552: [Full GC 21105K->15833K(259264K), 0.1484350 secs]
    524.393: [Full GC 31980K->15975K(259264K), 0.1507760 secs]
    535.314: [Full GC 36832K->16164K(259264K), 0.1561530 secs]
    544.704: [GC 39524K->16360K(259264K), 0.0035200 secs]
    544.724: [Full GC 17439K->15435K(259264K), 0.1654420 secs]
    550.837: [GC 38790K->15669K(259264K), 0.0031210 secs]
    550.961: [Full GC 20198K->15612K(259264K), 0.1458520 secs]
    561.816: [Full GC 36712K->15768K(259264K), 0.1535080 secs]
    567.997: [Full GC 38928K->15944K(259264K), 0.1586890 secs]
    572.313: [Full GC 29129K->15618K(259264K), 0.1764170 secs]
    581.769: [Full GC 36749K->15768K(259264K), 0.1538980 secs]
    588.514: [GC 39123K->16114K(259264K), 0.0042700 secs]
    588.573: [Full GC 20576K->15878K(259264K), 0.1476950 secs]
    592.833: [Full GC 34359K->16027K(259264K), 0.1563230 secs]
    594.394: [GC 39387K->16189K(259264K), 0.0030660 secs]
    596.453: [Full GC 30677K->15678K(259264K), 0.1698180 secs]
    603.878: [GC 39038K->15839K(259264K), 0.0043830 secs]
    610.088: [Full GC 32709K->15843K(259264K), 0.1554470 secs]
    613.281: [Full GC 25096K->15932K(259264K), 0.1500100 secs]
    618.982: [Full GC 35727K->16060K(259264K), 0.1558180 secs]
    625.228: [Full GC 39090K->15677K(259264K), 0.1778470 secs]
    638.611: [GC 39037K->15885K(259264K), 0.0034330 secs]
    639.430: [Full GC 22116K->15866K(259264K), 0.1508080 secs]
    646.904: [Full GC 26171K->16062K(259264K), 0.1532020 secs]
    652.457: [Full GC 25748K->16156K(259264K), 0.1512670 secs]
    658.609: [GC 39516K->16367K(259264K), 0.0032440 secs]
    660.209: [Full GC 21359K->15677K(259264K), 0.1657590 secs]
    664.911: [Full GC 34660K->15809K(259264K), 0.1562110 secs]
    670.953: [Full GC 33108K->15937K(259264K), 0.1571950 secs]
    673.849: [Full GC 29438K->16016K(259264K), 0.1531250 secs]
    680.074: [GC 39376K->16523K(259264K), 0.0060770 secs]
    680.279: [Full GC 26022K->15968K(259264K), 0.1805950 secs]
    686.274: [Full GC 39141K->16092K(259264K), 0.1616190 secs]
    688.844: [Full GC 36586K->16180K(259264K), 0.1567480 secs]
    693.700: [Full GC 35574K->16344K(259264K), 0.1574960 secs]
    700.598: [GC 39704K->16637K(259264K), 0.0035300 secs]
    700.624: [Full GC 18174K->15872K(259264K), 0.1651170 secs]
    703.509: [Full GC 34099K->16082K(259264K), 0.1573090 secs]
    707.642: [GC 39442K->16171K(259264K), 0.0025780 secs]
    709.815: [Full GC 28634K->16206K(259264K), 0.1534170 secs]
    716.272: [Full GC 36047K->16381K(259264K), 0.1587900 secs]
    723.495: [Full GC 39059K->16219K(259264K), 0.1683900 secs]
    728.392: [GC 39577K->16618K(259264K), 0.0040680 secs]
    728.415: [Full GC 18013K->16400K(259264K), 0.1536650 secs]
    731.039: [Full GC 34082K->16531K(259264K), 0.1571980 secs]
    737.472: [Full GC 32417K->16713K(259264K), 0.1577520 secs]
    742.717: [Full GC 37469K->16111K(259264K), 0.1606780 secs]
    744.274: [GC 39471K->16290K(259264K), 0.0033230 secs]
    744.613: [Full GC 21102K->16265K(259264K), 0.1536350 secs]
    748.395: [GC 39621K->16436K(259264K), 0.0031140 secs]
    748.677: [Full GC 25242K->16359K(259264K), 0.1576130 secs]
    750.854: [Full GC 31336K->16451K(259264K), 0.1585730 secs]
    756.051: [Full GC 36466K->16119K(259264K), 0.1612460 secs]
    759.115: [GC 39479K->16346K(259264K), 0.0028810 secs]
    760.093: [Full GC 21902K->16228K(259264K), 0.1520320 secs]
    763.760: [GC 39582K->16700K(259264K), 0.0059930 secs]
    764.034: [Full GC 22526K->16387K(259264K), 0.1544760 secs]
    768.679: [Full GC 32133K->16544K(259264K), 0.1591930 secs]
    771.644: [Full GC 31230K->16325K(259264K), 0.1612140 secs]
    776.770: [Full GC 38785K->16445K(259264K), 0.1620900 secs]
    780.396: [Full GC 37938K->16896K(259264K), 0.1673300 secs]
    782.776: [Full GC 30184K->17037K(259264K), 0.1590650 secs]
    786.573: [GC 40397K->17228K(259264K), 0.0034880 secs]
    786.731: [Full GC 19211K->16266K(259264K), 0.1549430 secs]
    789.000: [GC 39619K->16361K(259264K), 0.0026020 secs]
    789.269: [Full GC 19125K->16399K(259264K), 0.1513090 secs]
    792.386: [Full GC 36010K->16508K(259264K), 0.1637400 secs]
    795.102: [GC 39868K->16833K(259264K), 0.0040440 secs]
    795.207: [Full GC 21389K->16739K(259264K), 0.1533440 secs]
    799.324: [Full GC 23240K->16280K(259264K), 0.1577710 secs]
    802.196: [GC 39639K->16518K(259264K), 0.0033770 secs]
    802.399: [Full GC 22872K->16698K(259264K), 0.1572730 secs]
    807.161: [GC 40058K->16776K(259264K), 0.0027580 secs]
    809.900: [Full GC 36185K->16876K(259264K), 0.1607120 secs]
    811.791: [Full GC 30282K->16978K(259264K), 0.1593370 secs]
    813.563: [GC 40337K->17376K(259264K), 0.0064020 secs]
    813.804: [Full GC 29057K->16982K(259264K), 0.1816130 secs]
    815.297: [GC 40336K->17338K(259264K), 0.0039630 secs]
    815.310: [Full GC 17806K->17082K(259264K), 0.1522910 secs]
    819.516: [GC 40438K->17223K(259264K), 0.0028420 secs]
    821.285: [Full GC 26923K->17272K(259264K), 0.1588350 secs]
    823.559: [GC 40632K->17448K(259264K), 0.0031100 secs]
    824.265: [Full GC 21492K->17462K(259264K), 0.1550870 secs]
    825.397: [GC 40822K->17655K(259264K), 0.0031120 secs]
    825.486: [Full GC 18871K->16337K(259264K), 0.1562730 secs]
    829.469: [Full GC 38369K->16447K(259264K), 0.1650720 secs]
    831.816: [GC 39807K->16601K(259264K), 0.0026710 secs]
    831.827: [Full GC 17119K->16512K(259264K), 0.1522890 secs]
    835.329: [GC 39872K->17080K(259264K), 0.0053700 secs]
    835.465: [Full GC 23458K->16733K(259264K), 0.1581070 secs]
    837.668: [GC 40093K->16935K(259264K), 0.0031290 secs]
    838.251: [Full GC 20039K->16495K(259264K), 0.1564500 secs]
    841.767: [Full GC 25895K->16613K(259264K), 0.1577470 secs]
    844.476: [Full GC 35311K->16695K(259264K), 0.1628390 secs]
    848.103: [GC 40044K->17069K(259264K), 0.0032710 secs]
    848.628: [Full GC 22870K->16916K(259264K), 0.1580780 secs]
    854.887: [Full GC 31905K->16323K(259264K), 0.1653390 secs]
    857.228: [Full GC 36492K->16530K(259264K), 0.1634600 secs]
    858.956: [GC 39890K->16815K(259264K), 0.0036330 secs]
    862.023: [Full GC 21092K->16631K(259264K), 0.1564650 secs]
    863.249: [Full GC 26164K->16781K(259264K), 0.1562600 secs]
    865.711: [GC 40141K->17043K(259264K), 0.0031530 secs]
    865.729: [Full GC 18180K->16457K(259264K), 0.1577410 secs]
    869.627: [GC 39817K->16729K(259264K), 0.0033990 secs]
    870.098: [Full GC 24966K->16659K(259264K), 0.1562460 secs]
    872.350: [Full GC 31145K->16718K(259264K), 0.1604970 secs]
    876.105: [Full GC 39279K->16941K(259264K), 0.1668260 secs]
    880.207: [GC 40299K->17205K(259264K), 0.0034920 secs]
    880.251: [Full GC 20652K->16517K(259264K), 0.1571090 secs]
    883.114: [Full GC 37902K->16737K(259264K), 0.1646110 secs]
    884.628: [Full GC 24661K->16849K(259264K), 0.1560830 secs]
    888.022: [GC 40203K->17459K(259264K), 0.0051950 secs]
    889.142: [Full GC 22380K->17051K(259264K), 0.1583020 secs]
    891.554: [GC 40411K->17208K(259264K), 0.0027960 secs]
    891.582: [Full GC 18063K->16781K(259264K), 0.1585470 secs]
    892.405: [Full GC 29120K->17053K(259264K), 0.1622140 secs]
    894.017: [GC 40406K->17464K(259264K), 0.0045690 secs]
    895.447: [Full GC 31179K->17223K(259264K), 0.1628010 secs]
    897.067: [Full GC 38729K->17329K(259264K), 0.1647360 secs]
    900.396: [GC 40689K->17720K(259264K), 0.0044380 secs]
    900.441: [Full GC 20648K->16903K(259264K), 0.1598090 secs]
    902.678: [Full GC 35946K->17128K(259264K), 0.1663350 secs]
    905.853: [GC 40488K->17532K(259264K), 0.0064380 secs]
    905.891: [Full GC 19672K->17499K(259264K), 0.1621960 secs]
    907.750: [GC 40847K->17670K(259264K), 0.0030520 secs]
    908.460: [Full GC 20024K->17620K(259264K), 0.1565920 secs]
    910.624: [GC 40980K->17765K(259264K), 0.0030090 secs]
    910.671: [Full GC 18684K->16921K(259264K), 0.1605090 secs]
    912.509: [Full GC 29066K->17017K(259264K), 0.1614450 secs]
    913.757: [GC 40377K->17483K(259264K), 0.0047620 secs]
    914.763: [Full GC 25902K->17141K(259264K), 0.1608170 secs]
    917.689: [GC 40501K->17647K(259264K), 0.0049530 secs]
    918.806: [Full GC 28871K->17294K(259264K), 0.1601960 secs]
    921.558: [GC 40654K->17457K(259264K), 0.0029970 secs]
    922.333: [Full GC 30464K->16925K(259264K), 0.1662820 secs]
    923.373: [GC 40285K->17159K(259264K), 0.0042550 secs]
    923.555: [Full GC 24496K->17082K(259264K), 0.1599500 secs]
    927.044: [Full GC 37046K->17226K(259264K), 0.1683760 secs]
    929.061: [GC 40586K->17346K(259264K), 0.0026490 secs]
    929.162: [Full GC 21815K->17310K(259264K), 0.1590250 secs]
    931.978: [GC 40670K->17413K(259264K), 0.0024780 secs]
    932.513: [Full GC 23342K->16981K(259264K), 0.1626270 secs]
    935.043: [GC 40341K->17151K(259264K), 0.0028210 secs]
    935.520: [Full GC 29674K->17213K(259264K), 0.1660230 secs]
    937.492: [GC 40573K->17558K(259264K), 0.0039620 secs]
    937.670: [Full GC 23593K->17320K(259264K), 0.1597560 secs]
    938.607: [GC 40680K->17648K(259264K), 0.0045610 secs]
    939.678: [Full GC 33877K->17515K(259264K), 0.1648540 secs]
    942.806: [GC 40869K->18021K(259264K), 0.0051340 secs]
    944.254: [Full GC 35743K->17147K(259264K), 0.1719980 secs]
    945.155: [Full GC 36250K->17530K(259264K), 0.1705550 secs]
    946.222: [Full GC 34120K->17623K(259264K), 0.1649620 secs]
    949.645: [Full GC 30572K->17807K(259264K), 0.1649170 secs]
    952.442: [GC 41163K->17964K(259264K), 0.0030280 secs]
    952.566: [Full GC 20289K->16895K(259264K), 0.1610340 secs]
    954.853: [Full GC 28279K->17090K(259264K), 0.1638610 secs]
    957.884: [GC 40445K->17584K(259264K), 0.0047550 secs]
    958.667: [Full GC 32363K->17427K(259264K), 0.1661990 secs]
    959.881: [Full GC 33152K->17499K(259264K), 0.1664660 secs]
    964.265: [Full GC 37131K->17078K(259264K), 0.1695560 secs]
    967.544: [Full GC 39971K->17286K(259264K), 0.1698470 secs]
    972.467: [GC 40645K->17716K(259264K), 0.0058330 secs]
    972.573: [Full GC 19899K->17688K(259264K), 0.1596110 secs]
    973.323: [GC 41048K->18078K(259264K), 0.0039180 secs]
    973.767: [Full GC 30629K->18056K(259264K), 0.1642740 secs]
    975.978: [Full GC 32502K->16772K(259264K), 0.1692030 secs]
    977.636: [GC 40132K->17237K(259264K), 0.0055500 secs]
    978.935: [Full GC 25669K->16985K(259264K), 0.1628640 secs]
    980.311: [Full GC 36664K->17060K(259264K), 0.1661300 secs]
    984.254: [GC 40420K->17283K(259264K), 0.0035880 secs]
    984.947: [Full GC 28397K->17339K(259264K), 0.1645970 secs]
    988.111: [Full GC 30208K->16821K(259264K), 0.1669820 secs]
    991.456: [Full GC 24124K->16941K(259264K), 0.1607770 secs]
    994.575: [GC 40301K->17145K(259264K), 0.0035460 secs]
    995.050: [Full GC 26065K->17242K(259264K), 0.1658660 secs]
    996.625: [Full GC 37922K->17434K(259264K), 0.1697800 secs]
    999.246: [Full GC 31259K->17049K(259264K), 0.1676220 secs]
    1001.492: [GC 40408K->17779K(259264K), 0.0078300 secs]
    1001.859: [Full GC 34893K->17307K(259264K), 0.1669200 secs]
    1004.393: [GC 40666K->17525K(259264K), 0.0030640 secs]
    1004.425: [Full GC 20060K->17436K(259264K), 0.1593370 secs]
    1007.645: [GC 40794K->17669K(259264K), 0.0030540 secs]
    1008.124: [Full GC 30847K->17795K(259264K), 0.1688060 secs]
    1009.680: [Full GC 27073K->17588K(259264K), 0.1798900 secs]
    1011.538: [Full GC 30414K->17677K(259264K), 0.1661910 secs]
    1016.696: [GC 41037K->17878K(259264K), 0.0043140 secs]
    1017.675: [GC 41238K->18305K(259264K), 0.0076230 secs]
    1017.697: [Full GC 18965K->17980K(259264K), 0.1633270 secs]
    1018.701: [Full GC 40089K->18034K(259264K), 0.1699260 secs]
    1022.387: [Full GC 40085K->17215K(259264K), 0.1718460 secs]
    1024.329: [GC 40575K->17390K(259264K), 0.0033200 secs]
    1025.327: [Full GC 32127K->17405K(259264K), 0.1646980 secs]
    1027.948: [GC 40765K->18028K(259264K), 0.0072570 secs]
    1028.257: [Full GC 33726K->17576K(259264K), 0.1646440 secs]
    1029.759: [Full GC 35673K->17688K(259264K), 0.1722710 secs]
    1032.229: [Full GC 29552K->17224K(259264K), 0.1670930 secs]
    1036.764: [GC 40584K->17488K(259264K), 0.0044870 secs]
    1037.789: [Full GC 23532K->17375K(259264K), 0.1604060 secs]
    1040.193: [Full GC 40682K->17543K(259264K), 0.1722250 secs]
    1041.362: [GC 40902K->17948K(259264K), 0.0044240 secs]
    1042.386: [Full GC 29926K->17651K(259264K), 0.1651240 secs]
    1046.173: [GC 41011K->17786K(259264K), 0.0030940 secs]
    1046.186: [Full GC 18169K->17442K(259264K), 0.1657440 secs]
    1048.882: [GC 40802K->17670K(259264K), 0.0032420 secs]
    1049.728: [Full GC 26921K->17623K(259264K), 0.1666840 secs]
    1050.667: [Full GC 27281K->17714K(259264K), 0.1655080 secs]
    1053.205: [Full GC 39795K->17784K(259264K), 0.1699730 secs]
    1055.242: [Full GC 37892K->17524K(259264K), 0.1736060 secs]
    1058.278: [GC 40877K->17783K(259264K), 0.0032240 secs]
    1058.934: [Full GC 24636K->17670K(259264K), 0.1629560 secs]
    1061.572: [Full GC 32462K->17738K(259264K), 0.1658050 secs]
    1064.860: [GC 41090K->18049K(259264K), 0.0031520 secs]
    1064.873: [Full GC 18402K->17913K(259264K), 0.1598100 secs]
    1068.969: [GC 41272K->18129K(259264K), 0.0030650 secs]
    1069.415: [Full GC 25714K->17421K(259264K), 0.1689390 secs]
    1070.981: [Full GC 40072K->17529K(259264K), 0.1719780 secs]
    1072.694: [Full GC 40298K->17684K(259264K), 0.1755570 secs]
    1074.349: [Full GC 29692K->17760K(259264K), 0.1646700 secs]
    1079.137: [GC 41120K->18001K(259264K), 0.0032570 secs]
    1079.901: [Full GC 29267K->17912K(259264K), 0.1952200 secs]
    1081.705: [GC 41272K->18459K(259264K), 0.0059700 secs]
    1082.812: [Full GC 28652K->18115K(259264K), 0.1686030 secs]
    1084.535: [GC 41475K->18286K(259264K), 0.0029690 secs]
    1085.759: [Full GC 22825K->18304K(259264K), 0.1620300 secs]
    1088.874: [GC 41664K->18557K(259264K), 0.0032180 secs]
    1090.304: [Full GC 23507K->18428K(259264K), 0.1613190 secs]
    1092.560: [GC 41787K->18731K(259264K), 0.0037290 secs]
    1092.568: [Full GC 18918K->17280K(259264K), 0.1863890 secs]
    1094.698: [Full GC 40048K->17487K(259264K), 0.1717440 secs]
    1097.608: [GC 40847K->17639K(259264K), 0.0029460 secs]
    1097.770: [Full GC 21453K->17546K(259264K), 0.1593820 secs]
    1101.222: [Full GC 34584K->17699K(259264K), 0.1714350 secs]
    1103.842: [Full GC 29518K->17398K(259264K), 0.1673060 secs]
    1105.429: [Full GC 36543K->17480K(259264K), 0.1687430 secs]
    1107.633: [GC 40839K->17863K(259264K), 0.0037960 secs]
    1109.418: [Full GC 38489K->17844K(259264K), 0.1714760 secs]
    1110.644: [GC 41201K->18176K(259264K), 0.0037780 secs]
    1110.708: [Full GC 22032K->18031K(259264K), 0.1629450 secs]
    1112.769: [Full GC 33242K->17641K(259264K), 0.1746310 secs]
    1115.871: [GC 41001K->17913K(259264K), 0.0042400 secs]
    1115.936: [Full GC 18849K->17868K(259264K), 0.1649840 secs]
    1116.903: [GC 41228K->18158K(259264K), 0.0038590 secs]
    1117.142: [Full GC 23635K->18147K(259264K), 0.1661090 secs]
    1119.657: [Full GC 33873K->18237K(259264K), 0.1687550 secs]
    1122.138: [GC 41597K->18843K(259264K), 0.0057360 secs]
    1122.460: [Full GC 30191K->17352K(259264K), 0.1718040 secs]
    1124.176: [GC 40711K->17534K(259264K), 0.0032200 secs]
    1124.188: [Full GC 18088K->17408K(259264K), 0.1585710 secs]
    1126.471: [GC 40768K->17610K(259264K), 0.0030090 secs]
    1126.621: [Full GC 23207K->17585K(259264K), 0.1639700 secs]
    1130.601: [GC 40945K->18032K(259264K), 0.0057690 secs]
    1130.987: [Full GC 33251K->17715K(259264K), 0.1698070 secs]
    1132.400: [GC 41075K->18200K(259264K), 0.0048990 secs]
    1133.852: [Full GC 22412K->17396K(259264K), 0.1678410 secs]
    1134.988: [GC 40756K->17811K(259264K), 0.0047240 secs]
    1135.108: [Full GC 22610K->17538K(259264K), 0.1632820 secs]
    1138.140: [Full GC 35484K->17677K(259264K), 0.1697280 secs]
    1140.949: [GC 41037K->18028K(259264K), 0.0039610 secs]
    1142.579: [Full GC 26182K->17886K(259264K), 0.1663820 secs]
    1145.332: [Full GC 38186K->17413K(259264K), 0.1775910 secs]
    1147.998: [Full GC 31086K->17542K(259264K), 0.1694310 secs]
    1150.183: [GC 40902K->17680K(259264K), 0.0028430 secs]
    1151.988: [Full GC 23320K->17714K(259264K), 0.1662670 secs]
    1153.556: [GC 41074K->18019K(259264K), 0.0033240 secs]
    1153.694: [Full GC 22297K->17819K(259264K), 0.1636210 secs]
    1156.910: [Full GC 32491K->17555K(259264K), 0.1708090 secs]
    1159.295: [GC 40915K->17925K(259264K), 0.0041940 secs]
    1159.584: [Full GC 27356K->17749K(259264K), 0.1684860 secs]
    1162.179: [Full GC 40840K->17842K(259264K), 0.1709320 secs]
    1165.462: [Full GC 40836K->17998K(259264K), 0.1745900 secs]
    1169.213: [Full GC 38228K->17387K(259264K), 0.1773150 secs]
    1173.839: [Full GC 38730K->17553K(259264K), 0.1721990 secs]
    1176.118: [Full GC 28517K->17724K(259264K), 0.1694920 secs]
    1178.427: [GC 41084K->18236K(259264K), 0.0056840 secs]
    1178.476: [Full GC 21916K->17907K(259264K), 0.1636330 secs]
    1180.035: [Full GC 28804K->17629K(259264K), 0.1706580 secs]
    1183.111: [GC 40989K->17821K(259264K), 0.0039230 secs]
    1183.470: [Full GC 27647K->17770K(259264K), 0.1642930 secs]
    1186.098: [Full GC 34782K->18020K(259264K), 0.1711540 secs]
    1189.374: [GC 41380K->18148K(259264K), 0.0030680 secs]
    1189.773: [Full GC 19108K->18108K(259264K), 0.1620400 secs]
    1193.545: [GC 41468K->18264K(259264K), 0.0030810 secs]
    1195.049: [Full GC 33109K->17520K(259264K), 0.1722670 secs]
    1197.419: [Full GC 34615K->17775K(259264K), 0.1743520 secs]
    1198.468: [Full GC 27126K->17819K(259264K), 0.1658660 secs]
    1201.775: [GC 41179K->18064K(259264K), 0.0032670 secs]
    1202.434: [Full GC 34303K->18285K(259264K), 0.1741190 secs]
    1204.504: [GC 41645K->18591K(259264K), 0.0040820 secs]
    1205.473: [Full GC 28617K->17816K(259264K), 0.1725460 secs]
    1206.615: [Full GC 23644K->17914K(259264K), 0.1654130 secs]
    1208.603: [GC 41274K->18294K(259264K), 0.0047020 secs]
    1208.659: [Full GC 21617K->18046K(259264K), 0.1671710 secs]
    1210.184: [Full GC 38308K->18107K(259264K), 0.1723240 secs]
    1212.135: [Full GC 26647K->17955K(259264K), 0.1731150 secs]
    1216.077: [GC 41314K->18170K(259264K), 0.0041080 secs]
    1216.475: [Full GC 28069K->18058K(259264K), 0.1722190 secs]
    1218.160: [GC 41418K->18256K(259264K), 0.0029660 secs]
    1218.196: [Full GC 19422K->18244K(259264K), 0.1601460 secs]
    1220.002: [Full GC 26298K->18354K(259264K), 0.1672780 secs]
    1222.871: [Full GC 41007K->17486K(259264K), 0.1767970 secs]
    1224.257: [Full GC 38459K->17581K(259264K), 0.1708260 secs]
    1228.508: [Full GC 31027K->17678K(259264K), 0.1934270 secs]
    1230.842: [GC 41038K->17846K(259264K), 0.0027980 secs]
    1231.091: [Full GC 23773K->17876K(259264K), 0.1648090 secs]
    1233.377: [GC 41235K->18030K(259264K), 0.0043450 secs]
    1234.627: [Full GC 27018K->17623K(259264K), 0.1681140 secs]
    1238.083: [GC 40983K->18145K(259264K), 0.0053580 secs]
    1238.236: [Full GC 26915K->17828K(259264K), 0.1658790 secs]
    1240.558: [Full GC 32151K->17956K(259264K), 0.1687010 secs]
    1243.685: [GC 41310K->18474K(259264K), 0.0058920 secs]
    1246.029: [Full GC 41795K->18533K(259264K), 0.1784250 secs]
    1249.400: [GC 41893K->18739K(259264K), 0.0035550 secs]
    1249.741: [Full GC 22503K->17989K(259264K), 0.1702740 secs]
    1252.402: [GC 41347K->18176K(259264K), 0.0039630 secs]
    1252.516: [Full GC 20445K->18258K(259264K), 0.1678890 secs]
    1254.473: [Full GC 37435K->18439K(259264K), 0.1891770 secs]
    1257.912: [GC 41797K->18658K(259264K), 0.0034350 secs]
    1258.627: [Full GC 28099K->18792K(259264K), 0.1701140 secs]
    1259.558: [GC 42151K->19185K(259264K), 0.0040460 secs]
    1259.685: [Full GC 24326K->17830K(259264K), 0.1797960 secs]
    1261.675: [Full GC 35858K->17895K(259264K), 0.1747070 secs]
    1265.409: [GC 41253K->18235K(259264K), 0.0045390 secs]
    1265.480: [Full GC 21386K->18167K(259264K), 0.1647190 secs]
    1266.987: [GC 41527K->18518K(259264K), 0.0042120 secs]
    1267.097: [Full GC 23121K->18225K(259264K), 0.1638840 secs]
    1269.256: [GC 41579K->18556K(259264K), 0.0034600 secs]
    1269.907: [Full GC 25021K->17589K(259264K), 0.1682260 secs]
    1272.214: [Full GC 29448K->17641K(259264K), 0.1673120 secs]
    1274.376: [Full GC 32613K->17885K(259264K), 0.1710000 secs]
    1278.034: [GC 41245K->18309K(259264K), 0.0044890 secs]
    1278.139: [Full GC 20559K->18359K(259264K), 0.1699630 secs]
    1281.824: [GC 41719K->18836K(259264K), 0.0042590 secs]
    1281.869: [Full GC 22173K->17938K(259264K), 0.1710780 secs]
    1282.883: [Full GC 38905K->18085K(259264K), 0.1729570 secs]
    1285.470: [Full GC 29364K->18221K(259264K), 0.1712110 secs]
    1287.186: [GC 41579K->18392K(259264K), 0.0037710 secs]
    1287.648: [Full GC 34833K->18379K(259264K), 0.1722590 secs]
    1293.044: [Full GC 36896K->17895K(259264K), 0.1790080 secs]
    1295.344: [Full GC 39122K->17997K(259264K), 0.1739800 secs]
    1298.695: [GC 41356K->18180K(259264K), 0.0035400 secs]
    1299.139: [Full GC 27101K->18151K(259264K), 0.1662500 secs]
    1301.236: [Full GC 29897K->18243K(259264K), 0.1670530 secs]
    1304.222: [GC 41599K->18690K(259264K), 0.0051650 secs]
    1304.631: [Full GC 26785K->17570K(259264K), 0.1685990 secs]
    1307.040: [Full GC 35984K->17736K(259264K), 0.1714940 secs]
    1308.610: [Full GC 33194K->17867K(259264K), 0.1732130 secs]
    1310.245: [GC 41227K->18348K(259264K), 0.0046460 secs]
    1310.270: [Full GC 20079K->17997K(259264K), 0.1622390 secs]
    1316.119: [Full GC 31797K->17701K(259264K), 0.1767490 secs]
    1317.765: [GC 41061K->17911K(259264K), 0.0034320 secs]
    1318.459: [Full GC 36597K->18147K(259264K), 0.1772120 secs]
    1319.623: [Full GC 32165K->18210K(259264K), 0.1702940 secs]
    1323.339: [GC 41570K->18394K(259264K), 0.0035930 secs]
    1323.362: [Full GC 20003K->18302K(259264K), 0.1621850 secs]
    1328.455: [GC 41662K->18528K(259264K), 0.0031090 secs]
    1329.080: [Full GC 26141K->17601K(259264K), 0.1714570 secs]
    1330.502: [GC 40960K->18190K(259264K), 0.0055370 secs]
    1331.248: [Full GC 33207K->17743K(259264K), 0.1716600 secs]
    1332.504: [Full GC 33325K->17919K(259264K), 0.1707440 secs]
    1334.322: [Full GC 25962K->17964K(259264K), 0.1647600 secs]
    1339.043: [GC 41324K->18445K(259264K), 0.0053560 secs]
    1339.431: [Full GC 30802K->18036K(259264K), 0.1760700 secs]
    1340.706: [GC 41396K->18435K(259264K), 0.0049790 secs]
    1340.788: [Full GC 19653K->18362K(259264K), 0.1679480 secs]
    1341.402: [Full GC 37930K->18541K(259264K), 0.1789520 secs]
    1343.397: [Full GC 38599K->18598K(259264K), 0.1745700 secs]
    1345.654: [Full GC 38131K->17863K(259264K), 0.1768640 secs]
    1349.079: [Full GC 40810K->18034K(259264K), 0.1751080 secs]
    1351.329: [GC 41394K->18181K(259264K), 0.0031310 secs]
    1351.630: [Full GC 22737K->18131K(259264K), 0.1667750 secs]
    1353.752: [GC 41491K->18415K(259264K), 0.0039180 secs]
    1353.771: [Full GC 19663K->18329K(259264K), 0.1658580 secs]
    1356.021: [Full GC 33020K->17962K(259264K), 0.1772410 secs]
    1362.446: [GC 41322K->18319K(259264K), 0.0041650 secs]
    1362.707: [Full GC 28140K->18280K(259264K), 0.1717800 secs]
    1364.104: [GC 41640K->18440K(259264K), 0.0035700 secs]
    1364.219: [Full GC 19931K->18444K(259264K), 0.1673940 secs]
    1367.044: [Full GC 41175K->18638K(259264K), 0.1774620 secs]
    1369.008: [GC 41998K->18904K(259264K), 0.0033770 secs]
    1370.808: [Full GC 39500K->17736K(259264K), 0.1779480 secs]
    1372.395: [Full GC 38579K->17798K(259264K), 0.1732010 secs]
    1374.965: [GC 41158K->17977K(259264K), 0.0032530 secs]
    1375.530: [Full GC 32640K->18465K(259264K), 0.1768610 secs]
    1376.498: [Full GC 37663K->18530K(259264K), 0.1755930 secs]
    1379.187: [Full GC 34360K->17772K(259264K), 0.1767890 secs]
    1381.635: [GC 41132K->17916K(259264K), 0.0030470 secs]
    1382.740: [Full GC 33087K->17979K(259264K), 0.1725710 secs]
    1384.342: [Full GC 40704K->18127K(259264K), 0.1782130 secs]
    1386.079: [Full GC 37351K->18238K(259264K), 0.1749410 secs]
    1388.360: [Full GC 37386K->17696K(259264K), 0.1768570 secs]
    1390.025: [Full GC 29469K->17756K(259264K), 0.1694570 secs]
    1393.734: [GC 41112K->18057K(259264K), 0.0038490 secs]
    1394.247: [Full GC 26711K->17971K(259264K), 0.1697510 secs]
    1395.559: [GC 41331K->18421K(259264K), 0.0046160 secs]
    1395.724: [Full GC 22935K->18369K(259264K), 0.1683440 secs]
    1399.015: [GC 41729K->18557K(259264K), 0.0031830 secs]
    1400.459: [Full GC 24074K->17934K(259264K), 0.1763530 secs]
    1403.708: [GC 41285K->18399K(259264K), 0.0047150 secs]
    1403.906: [Full GC 26160K->18149K(259264K), 0.1707510 secs]
    1406.124: [GC 41509K->18387K(259264K), 0.0035380 secs]
    1406.848: [Full GC 29898K->18662K(259264K), 0.1756120 secs]
    1407.882: [Full GC 36353K->18762K(259264K), 0.1732850 secs]
    1409.476: [Full GC 31392K->18111K(259264K), 0.1766410 secs]
    1413.341: [GC 41471K->18259K(259264K), 0.0029240 secs]
    1414.016: [Full GC 23700K->18347K(259264K), 0.1689310 secs]
    1416.973: [GC 41707K->18621K(259264K), 0.0032220 secs]
    1417.033: [Full GC 21370K->18493K(259264K), 0.1729750 secs]
    1418.844: [Full GC 41535K->18652K(259264K), 0.1788500 secs]
    1421.566: [Full GC 37085K->17599K(259264K), 0.1771590 secs]
    1426.447: [Full GC 39674K->17772K(259264K), 0.1779320 secs]
    1427.655: [Full GC 34052K->17910K(259264K), 0.1752830 secs]
    1428.736: [Full GC 31329K->18038K(259264K), 0.1709880 secs]
    1431.035: [GC 41398K->18234K(259264K), 0.0033650 secs]
    1431.545: [Full GC 32607K->17774K(259264K), 0.1744760 secs]
    1435.344: [Full GC 35392K->17901K(259264K), 0.1731200 secs]
    1440.290: [Full GC 39635K->18103K(259264K), 0.1759120 secs]
    1443.216: [GC 41463K->18459K(259264K), 0.0039860 secs]
    1443.627: [Full GC 28455K->18606K(259264K), 0.1717400 secs]
    1446.677: [Full GC 31845K->17807K(259264K), 0.1757170 secs]
    1448.217: [Full GC 36029K->17929K(259264K), 0.1723040 secs]
    1451.897: [Full GC 40425K->18068K(259264K), 0.1773810 secs]
    1453.303: [GC 41428K->18399K(259264K), 0.0043310 secs]
    1454.383: [GC 41747K->18891K(259264K), 0.0066130 secs]
    1454.603: [Full GC 26649K->18470K(259264K), 0.1726960 secs]
    1455.862: [GC 41830K->19071K(259264K), 0.0057860 secs]
    1455.919: [Full GC 23860K->18080K(259264K), 0.1716680 secs]
    1459.396: [GC 41440K->18551K(259264K), 0.0048670 secs]
    1459.560: [Full GC 21678K->18433K(259264K), 0.1685140 secs]
    1460.305: [Full GC 28004K->18540K(259264K), 0.1708560 secs]
    1463.360: [GC 41898K->19157K(259264K), 0.0053660 secs]
    1463.385: [Full GC 19875K->18963K(259264K), 0.1695990 secs]
    1465.299: [GC 42322K->19230K(259264K), 0.0037680 secs]
    1466.243: [Full GC 30800K->18146K(259264K), 0.2014600 secs]
    1468.739: [GC 41506K->18435K(259264K), 0.0042590 secs]
    1469.240: [Full GC 23481K->18360K(259264K), 0.1682010 secs]
    1470.849: [Full GC 37140K->18509K(259264K), 0.1753980 secs]
    1473.283: [Full GC 28643K->18566K(259264K), 0.1716950 secs]
    1475.513: [GC 41926K->18655K(259264K), 0.0024490 secs]
    1476.303: [Full GC 28013K->17893K(259264K), 0.1730760 secs]
    1479.100: [GC 41253K->18106K(259264K), 0.0032820 secs]
    1479.114: [Full GC 19042K->18011K(259264K), 0.1668360 secs]
    1480.705: [GC 41371K->18216K(259264K), 0.0033410 secs]
    1480.820: [Full GC 21912K->18126K(259264K), 0.1680140 secs]
    1483.212: [GC 41483K->18657K(259264K), 0.0068210 secs]
    1483.612: [Full GC 32191K->18531K(259264K), 0.1748200 secs]
    1484.237: [Full GC 27101K->17945K(259264K), 0.1720220 secs]
    1487.355: [GC 41304K->18052K(259264K), 0.0028180 secs]
    1487.453: [Full GC 18350K->18034K(259264K), 0.1671100 secs]
    1491.399: [Full GC 30457K->18216K(259264K), 0.1750190 secs]
    1493.152: [GC 41576K->18373K(259264K), 0.0030600 secs]
    1495.040: [Full GC 35834K->18553K(259264K), 0.1844910 secs]
    1496.486: [Full GC 40056K->18404K(259264K), 0.1839830 secs]
    1497.604: [Full GC 40636K->18576K(259264K), 0.1802690 secs]
    1499.708: [Full GC 32806K->18699K(259264K), 0.1755440 secs]
    1502.358: [GC 42056K->19017K(259264K), 0.0035950 secs]
    1503.448: [Full GC 39416K->19186K(259264K), 0.1810510 secs]
    1504.321: [GC 42546K->19502K(259264K), 0.0041760 secs]
    1504.523: [Full GC 26135K->18075K(259264K), 0.1737100 secs]
    1506.421: [Full GC 34630K->18190K(259264K), 0.1749040 secs]
    1509.521: [Full GC 34218K->18280K(259264K), 0.1738500 secs]
    1512.404: [Full GC 40123K->18419K(259264K), 0.1785160 secs]
    1514.910: [GC 41779K->18978K(259264K), 0.0046400 secs]
    1515.057: [Full GC 21217K->18346K(259264K), 0.1729520 secs]
    1516.312: [Full GC 32009K->18445K(259264K), 0.1742600 secs]
    1519.535: [GC 41800K->18681K(259264K), 0.0033170 secs]
    1521.938: [Full GC 39950K->18817K(259264K), 0.1806540 secs]
    1522.918: [Full GC 39996K->18896K(259264K), 0.1770260 secs]
    1525.240: [Full GC 27208K->18087K(259264K), 0.1766390 secs]
    1527.746: [GC 41446K->18283K(259264K), 0.0030650 secs]
    1529.193: [Full GC 31590K->18230K(259264K), 0.1739110 secs]
    1531.467: [GC 41590K->18408K(259264K), 0.0031390 secs]
    1531.621: [Full GC 20536K->18343K(259264K), 0.1684640 secs]
    1534.052: [Full GC 39614K->18673K(259264K), 0.1790600 secs]
    1536.308: [Full GC 41947K->18277K(259264K), 0.1831870 secs]
    1540.110: [GC 41634K->18676K(259264K), 0.0037740 secs]
    1540.655: [Full GC 22982K->18554K(259264K), 0.1718110 secs]
    1543.403: [Full GC 40455K->18762K(259264K), 0.1808010 secs]
    1544.456: [GC 42122K->19049K(259264K), 0.0056720 secs]
    1544.623: [Full GC 24100K->19040K(259264K), 0.1734450 secs]
    1547.598: [GC 42399K->19313K(259264K), 0.0031750 secs]
    1547.782: [Full GC 21803K->17896K(259264K), 0.1733430 secs]
    1550.856: [Full GC 38776K->18049K(259264K), 0.1790000 secs]
    1554.027: [Full GC 39925K->18209K(259264K), 0.1794380 secs]
    1554.868: [Full GC 36385K->18297K(259264K), 0.1765220 secs]
    1557.076: [GC 41657K->18481K(259264K), 0.0033910 secs]
    1557.170: [Full GC 23085K->17844K(259264K), 0.1733090 secs]
    1558.265: [Full GC 21638K->17878K(259264K), 0.1694620 secs]
    1563.060: [GC 41237K->18097K(259264K), 0.0033500 secs]
    1564.856: [Full GC 32663K->18154K(259264K), 0.1754150 secs]
    1566.025: [GC 41510K->18340K(259264K), 0.0031060 secs]
    1566.042: [Full GC 19331K->18242K(259264K), 0.1685920 secs]
    1568.406: [GC 41602K->18499K(259264K), 0.0034100 secs]
    1568.794: [Full GC 29429K->18048K(259264K), 0.1775530 secs]
    1571.351: [Full GC 41276K->18129K(259264K), 0.1805000 secs]
    1573.344: [Full GC 38881K->18195K(259264K), 0.1760390 secs]
    1575.800: [Full GC 26060K->18243K(259264K), 0.1733030 secs]
    1577.789: [Full GC 30691K->18180K(259264K), 0.1765060 secs]
    1580.336: [GC 41540K->18408K(259264K), 0.0033330 secs]
    1582.005: [Full GC 32348K->18433K(259264K), 0.1778330 secs]
    1583.438: [GC 41793K->18751K(259264K), 0.0039520 secs]
    1583.913: [Full GC 25360K->18656K(259264K), 0.1724900 secs]
    1587.323: [Full GC 35278K->18824K(259264K), 0.1789120 secs]
    1590.612: [GC 42183K->19194K(259264K), 0.0040080 secs]
    1591.305: [Full GC 32714K->18075K(259264K), 0.1783630 secs]
    1591.920: [Full GC 32296K->18141K(259264K), 0.1737070 secs]
    1593.748: [                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

  • Memory leak in a client using EJBs deployed in a Bea Weblogic 10.0.0 cluste

    Hi all,
    We are having a memory leak in a client using stateless EJBs deployed in cluster. The client is a Tomcat 6.0.18 with java 6 but it is reproduced using Tomcat 5 with java 5. The client is calling a Weblogic Server 10.0 making
    calls to an EJB deployed in cluster that has two instances installed in two different machines.
    The client works fine if we shutdown one of the server instances and so when the client is using only one instance.
    Resuming the environment:
    Client Side:
    1 HP-Itanium machine with HP-UX.
    1 Tomcat 6 with java 6 (reproduced with java 5)
    Bea Weblogic client (wlclient.jar) for Weblogic 10.0.0
    Server Side:
    2 HP-Itanium machines with HP-UX
    Bea Weblogic Server 10.0.0 installed in both machines
    An unique domain
    Two Bea instances (one per machines) associated to a Bea Cluster
    EJBs deployed in both instances
    We have monitored the memory consumed in Tomcat and we have noticed that the VM memory PS OLD GEN grows up permanently when we make tests having the two server side Bea Instances up. We have extended
    the memory VM parameters in Tomcat client till 1G and it's only a way to delay the end: the free memory is empty, the GC is not able to free no more byte and the CPU is 100% consumed by the GC work. At the end Tomcat Client
    doesn't accept more http petitions and must be restarted.
    Besides, we have studied the VM memory in Tomcat using jmap and importing it using Eclipse Memory Analyzer. We have seen some strange memory blocks of several Mbytes that are always growing up and that are stored
    under data structures in the package com.sun.corba: (4.5Mb)
    -> java.util.Hashtable
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    Has anybody any idea about this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi all,
    We are having a memory leak in a client using stateless EJBs deployed in cluster. The client is a Tomcat 6.0.18 with java 6 but it is reproduced using Tomcat 5 with java 5. The client is calling a Weblogic Server 10.0 making
    calls to an EJB deployed in cluster that has two instances installed in two different machines.
    The client works fine if we shutdown one of the server instances and so when the client is using only one instance.
    Resuming the environment:
    Client Side:
    1 HP-Itanium machine with HP-UX.
    1 Tomcat 6 with java 6 (reproduced with java 5)
    Bea Weblogic client (wlclient.jar) for Weblogic 10.0.0
    Server Side:
    2 HP-Itanium machines with HP-UX
    Bea Weblogic Server 10.0.0 installed in both machines
    An unique domain
    Two Bea instances (one per machines) associated to a Bea Cluster
    EJBs deployed in both instances
    We have monitored the memory consumed in Tomcat and we have noticed that the VM memory PS OLD GEN grows up permanently when we make tests having the two server side Bea Instances up. We have extended
    the memory VM parameters in Tomcat client till 1G and it's only a way to delay the end: the free memory is empty, the GC is not able to free no more byte and the CPU is 100% consumed by the GC work. At the end Tomcat Client
    doesn't accept more http petitions and must be restarted.
    Besides, we have studied the VM memory in Tomcat using jmap and importing it using Eclipse Memory Analyzer. We have seen some strange memory blocks of several Mbytes that are always growing up and that are stored
    under data structures in the package com.sun.corba: (4.5Mb)
    -> java.util.Hashtable
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    -> java.util.Hashtable$Entry
    Has anybody any idea about this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Memory leak and char[] ?

    Hello all,
    I'm not sure whether this post should be here or in WebLogic section, so correct me if I'm wrong.
    I'm working on JDeveloper while deployments are made on standalone WebLogic 10.3.3. This thing occurred in previous versions also.
    With every deployment WebLogic increases it's used memory until the famous PermGen space error, which is after about 5-6 deployments.
    I'm doing my best to understand how to use memleak detection tools. I've switched JDev and WL from Sun jdk which was used before to JRockit, same thing happens. Both JDev's memory profiler and JRockit mission control show something that I really do not understand. char[] uses around 30% of heap space and keeps growing with deployments, next is String with 8%. I never use char in app.
    Am I looking at the wrong thing? Is it normal for char[] to increase on WebLogic on deployments? Does anyone know how to check other things and what to check? Someone on other forums mentioned it would be useful to check if ApplicationContext keeps initializing over again on deployments. Does anyone know how to check this?
    One more thing, I have successfully deployed app on Tomcat, and Tomcat said there is a memory leak in app, but could not tell anything specific.
    I'm kinda lost in this :(

    It is normal for the PermGen space of the Sun's JVM to get filled after several re-deployments. PermGen stands for "permanent generational". This space is used by classes that is unlikely to need to be garbage-collected, so they are placed in this memory space that is never garbage-collected (for example, the Class instances). When you redeploy an application, a new class loader instance is used and it instantiates new Class instances that fill up the PermGen space. But why this happens on JRockit either, I could not explain.
    We have experienced memory leaks related to classes and components that use native memory. For example, we have had significant memory leak when using Oracle's JDBC OCI driver. We were not able to solve this problem, so we switched to JDBC Thin driver (which is very performant and stable today comparing to some years ago). If you are using Oracle JRockit, you can monitor the overall memory usage by the following JRockit command executed at OS command line:
    jrcmd <jrockit_pid> print_memusage>where <jrockit_pid> should be replaced by the JVM process ID.
    If you suspect existence of native memory leaks, then have a look at the article Thanks for the memory for explanations about how Java uses native memory.

  • Memory leak in the JVM leading to system oom

    We are running application server using java 1.5, tomcat 5.5 ...
    The problem is that the JVM is allocating memory continuously.
    If we look at the JVM memory from JConsole everything is OK the amount of memory allocated in the heap does not grow significantly.
    If we look at the JVM memory consumption from the system perspective, the memory usage is growing until the system runs out of memory and kill the JVM. The JVM memory usage goes beyong 1.5 Go of memory whatever options you use when launching the JVM.
    The memory allocation is so intense that it can lead to a crash in few hours with very few users connected to the application.
    We have tried JDK 1.5.05 and 1.5.06 still the same.
    We are running on a Linux Debian system wth a 2.6.8 kernel.
    Any idea of where all this memory goes ?
    Any idea on how to track and solve this memory leak ?

    Hi Martinux,
    Tiger and Mustang come with a number of diagnosing tools that could help
    you spot memory problems. In particular there's something called 'jmap' which can
    take a snapshot of the JVM memory.
    Danny Coward has recently written a nice blog to emphasize the existence
    of this new tools - see
    "Crash Course: Java SE Monitoring, Management and Troubleshooting"
    Of course if the problem isn't in the JVM...
    BTW: you did also look at the non-heap memory, right? and also at the total
    number of loaded classes?
    hope this helps,
    -- daniel
    JMX, SNMP, Java, etc...

  • Possible memory leak in JSF � help needed

    We are developing a JSF application using the following:
    SUN JSF 1.1_02-b08
    Tomahawk 1.1.3
    Tomcat 5.5
    Our application includes pages with lists; these lists are held and extracted from backing beans.
    We are using these beans in request scope with <t:saveState> tag (to avoid holding the lists in the session all the time).
    We tested the application using JProbe and found out that each bean that was used in the saveState was added to the view (to the session) , each time we entered the page , and the bean was not released until the end of the session (instead of only one instance of the backing bean).
    After I found this problem, I added the following context params to the web.xml:
    com.sun.faces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION = 1 (instead of the default 15)
    com.sun.faces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_LOGICAL_VIEW_IN_SESSION = 1 (instead of the default 15)
    We tested the application again, and now no unnecessary instances of the beans were held in the session (in the view).
    BUT , now when we use the browser �Back� button, and returning to a page with a list, when selecting an item from the list, no action is performed (the list in the server side does not exist).
    My questions are:
    1)What is the meaning (difference) of each of the context param : NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION , NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_LOGICAL_VIEW_IN_SESSION
    2)What are the recommended values for these parameters, to minimize session memory, and to enable the usage of the browser �Back� button.
    Thank you all,

    Me too.
    Please somebody knows how can we avoid memory leak problems in JSF 1.1 ?
    Thansk in advanced

  • JDBCODBC memory leake

    Ok, I've been pulling my hair out with this one all morning. The following code is causing a memory leak which eventually crashes tomcat. I'm hoping another set of eyes can find where the problem is. Right now I'm thinking it's inside the sun.jdbc.odbc package. Footprint increases by a few hundred bytes on every call and unfortunately it is called very often.
    private static final String baseURL = "jdbc:odbc:name:uid=test;pwd=test";
    Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver") ;
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(baseURL, prop);
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select col from testdb where uid="+uid);
    if( {
    col = rs.getInt(1));
    } catch(Exception e) {
    }finally {
    try {
    if(stmt != null) {
    try {
    }catch(Exception weird) {
    if(conn != null) {
    try {
    try {
    } catch(Exception e) {
    }catch(Exception weird) {
    }catch(Exception e) {
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Your code snippet:
    try {
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(baseURL, prop);
      stmt = conn.createStatement();
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select col from testdb where uid="+uid);
      if( {
        col = rs.getInt(1));
    catch(Exception e) {
    finally {
      try {
        if(stmt != null) {
          try {
          catch(Exception weird) {
        if(conn != null) {
          try {
            try {
            catch(Exception e) {
          catch(Exception weird) {
      catch(Exception e) {
    }Why not:
    try {
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(baseURL, prop);
      stmt = conn.createStatement();
      ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select col from testdb where uid="+uid);
      if( {
        col = rs.getInt(1));
    catch(Exception e1) {
      System.out.println("1) "+e1);
    finally {
      try {
      catch(Exception e2 {
        System.out.println("2) "+e2);
      if(stmt != null) {
        try {
        catch(Exception e3) {
          System.out.println("3) "+e3);
      if(conn != null) {
        try {
        catch(Exception e4) {
          System.out.println("4) "+e4);
    }Might help a bit. At any rate you do not need 'try {' around 'if' stmnts.

  • Memory leak resolved - JDK 1.4.2_06 vs. 1.5.0_11

    Hello - (I am not a Java expert)
    Can someone tell me how JDK 1.5 (now known as 5.0) fixed my memory leak issue? I just upgraded from JDK 1.4.2_06 to 1.5.0_1. I had issue of memory leaks on an application running on my web server utilizing Tomcat 5.0.28. After the upgrade, the memory leaks disappeared and my heap size remain the same. Seems that GC is working now. What does 1.5 have that 1.4 didn't have? Just curious.
    Thank you
    Application Support

    It had some bugfixes. Check the release notes of the intervening versions to determine exactly which memory related issues got fixed.
    Without seeing your code it's impossible to determine which particular issue you were suffering from.

  • Memory Leak with 4.5.1/Java/Solaris

    We are currently running a Java Application using RMI/Weblogic 4.5.1/Solaris 5.7/Java 1.22.
    Behavior that has been observered during the day is that memory usage reaches a stage in which it begins increasing and GC doesn't recover any memory, until the heap reaches an extremly large size, then recovers a significant amount of memory.
    We have even seen the java process grab more memory than specified in the -Xmx parameter and experience a java.lang.OutOfMemory error.
    I have seen postings that describe similar issues in this newsgroup, but none that define a solution.
    This problem is intermittent, and our application can run an entire day without experiencing this memory leak. On the other hand there are days when the memory leak occurrs even when the system is idle overnight.
    Please let me know any information you have gathered on this subject.
    Mark Evans

    try increasing your virtual memory on your NT system...
    "Parasher K. Joshi" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I observed the same confusing stuff in my tests. But I run weblogic 4.5.1 on Windows NT with JDK 1.2.2-w
    Usually, I would get a "Low virtual memory" message from windows
    and if I click ok & shuffle thourgh my windows I would be ok.
    But since last 2 days, I would keep the server running overnight.
    When I return in morning,
    I would find a "Low virtual memory" message and
    on clicking OK. I would find another message tell me that java.exe (which was running weblogic) crashed!!
    Now today I tried to watch the memory usage in Task Manager. And I found the most wierd thing.
    I saw that even when the system was doing virtually nothing,
    except print a string at intervals, the memory usage would go
    up steadyly.
    Even doing a forced finalization and gc did not seem to stop it.
    This seems to support the fact that during my test, I would
    get the "low virtual memory" message and if OKed it and shuffled
    though application windows (maybe minimise, maximise the weblogic
    console output window in process), I would be able to complete
    my application. But when the message appears during night runs,
    nothing is done and by morning, when I reach to work,
    I would see that weblogic had crashed!!
    You may try that and see if it helps you.
    Mark Evans <[email protected]> wrote:
    We are currently running a Java Application using RMI/Weblogic 4.5.1/Solaris 5.7/Java 1.22.
    Behavior that has been observered during the day is that memory usage reaches a stage in which it begins increasing and GC doesn't recover any memory, until the heap reaches an extremly large size, then recovers a significant amount of memory.
    We have even seen the java process grab more memory than specified in the -Xmx parameter and experience a java.lang.OutOfMemory error.
    I have seen postings that describe similar issues in this newsgroup, but none that define a solution.
    This problem is intermittent, and our application can run an entire day without experiencing this memory leak. On the other hand there are days when the memory leak occurrs even when the system is idle overnight.
    Please let me know any information you have gathered on this subject.
    Mark Evans

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