Totally new and lost!

I'm completely new to this building a PC business but thought it would be fun. I got the MS(6712) mobo and the MS(8870) vga card. What drivers do i need to install so that everytrhing works? A 4in1, AMD drivers, nVidia detonators?
Thanks in advance, needy
and vga drivers frim

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    1) After world wide bla bla announcements it was released with major delay.
    2) Cisco went (back) to Broadcom chipsets again.
    3) Six new firmware releases in 3 months time after the initial release, probably after the many very bad test reports.
    4) Very obscure and lacking firmware release notes (in other words, they are worthless).
    5) Do I need to suggest professional Company Cisco to thoroughly test products, under all possible conditions before to release it?? Poor non-wizkids who bought this "super" router.
    Release Date:            Nov. 10, 2012 (?)
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    wouterv wrote:
    1) After world wide bla bla announcements it was released with major delay.
    2) Cisco went (back) to Broadcom chipsets again.
    3) Six new firmware releases in 3 months time after the initial release, probably after the many very bad test reports.
    4) Very obscure and lacking firmware release notes (in other words, they are worthless).
    5) Do I need to suggest professional Company Cisco to thoroughly test products, under all possible conditions before to release it?? Poor non-wizkids who bought this "super" router.
    Release Date:            Nov. 10, 2012 (?)
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    *undocumented untill now*
    Release Date:            Nov. 5, 2012
    Firmware version:        1.1.27 (Build 144545)
    - Applies the fixes from the previous two releases (1.1.27 build 144156 and build 144027) without requiring a factory reset.
    Release Date:            Oct. 30, 2012
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    Release Date:            Oct. 27, 2012
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    Release Date:           August 3, 2012
    Firmware version:       1.1.26 (Build 140196)
    - Initial release
    The "undocumented until now" version of the firmware, does your router have that firmware version already? I am positive that Cisco will be able to provide "fix" for the current issues that users bumped into using this AC router. I am not sure if it has something to do with the device being a draft n still but anyway, who knows a better firmware is on the way.

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    You need to have the original serial number from the first time.  If you purchased it thru a school program/discount then you should check with the school to see if they still have some way of assisting you.

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    As a general rule, Macs are easier to use, however, since we live in a world that is populated with Windows-centric media producers we sometimes have to jump through a few hoops that Windows users might not have to. What you need to do is get WindowsMediaPlayer for Mac OS X installed on your computer. Use StuffitExpander to expand the Windows MEdia Player installer by first installing Stuffit Wxpander. Double-click it and follow the directions, then unstuff the WiMP installer and do the same. Then follow the other instructions above to listen to the program. (This would have been so much easier if they would have just made this a podcast....)

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    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer for just such an occasion.  Use your backup copy to put everything back.
    You can transfer itunes purchases fom an iphone:  Without syncing : File Transfer Purchases
    or you can redownload them.  Open itunes store, click Purchased, under Quick Links.

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    The OS you listed I'm guessing isn't Win ME but Win XP Media Center Edition correct? There is a OS thats called Win Me and its not supported by itunes/ipod. Also when you say "had to make my computer like new", you meant to say is I formatted my pc and didn't make a backup.
    The pod was designed to be a one way device. Meaning that itunes to ipod is the only direction. You can do a couple things, one get software that will exact the songs for you. Or if you are tech savvy enough to make the hidden folders appear you can copy the tracks yourself.
    If you want to use the software to extract then use the search for "ipod to pc" and you'll find threads with hyperlinks.

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    You should be syncing your contacts with an app on your computer or cloud service (iCloud, Gmail, Yahoo, etc), and not relying on a backup.  If you haven't been doing this, start now and then restore your old backup.  You will then be able to sync the new contacts back into the phone.  However, you will lose all messages, etc newer thant the backup.

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    Was the music purchased from iTunes?
    Can you sync other music to the iPod?
    What happens when you try to sync?
    When you switch syncing computers you have to restore the iPod on the new computer. Did you do that?
    You can only sync with one computer/iTunes library but you can manage music and videos among different computers. See:
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers

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    Your post is abit confusing, especially on getting those weird messages and emails,( assumed in your Windows machine.)
    Most likely you have Restored the iPod using the new Macbook pro, using the same name as that in your Windows machine, hence the duplicate name warning, as it is trying to sync Automatically.
    If you are syncing your iPod to both the Mac and Windows, you must set it to Manually Manage Music, in the first machine that you setup iTunes with the iPod. Read thsi Apple Support Article
    In iTunes, Preference, tick on Prevent devices syncing automatically
    Hopefully your music are still in both your iTunes library,
    Connect the iPod to the Mac
    Restore it (just to fix any filesystem corruption by the Windows end)
    Set it to Manually Manage Music
    Sync your selected songs in your library.
    Whern sync complete, Eject it
    Connect it to your Windows PC.
    Select the song in the library
    Sync it.
    It should work if your ipod Hardisk is not giving any problem.
    Good luck!

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    If you had previously configured to sync Contacts with outlook, google or yahoo contacts, you can do the same to recover your contacts.
    Otherwise two options:
    Restore from backup. Right click your iPhone under 'Devices' on iTunes left Pane and select 'Restore from Backup'. Pick the old backup date and restore.  But then this will bring back your old issue you had on your iPhone.
    The other option is to use a third party software to extract info from your backup folder. 
    iPhone Backup Extractor, you can download a free version with limited capability of a paid Registered version:
    Here are locations of your backup folder.
    Win7 - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Mobile Sync\Backup
    Vista - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Mobile Sync\Backup
    Winxp- C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Apple Computer\Mobile Sync\Backup

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    ipod mini 4GB   Windows XP  

    If you syncronised your iPod with a new and different library it will have erased your original songs. You could have a look at this post for possible solutions but there's no real guarantee you'll get anything back: Buegie - Recovering Songs

  • HT4527 I got a new pc, transferred files, and lost about 2/3 of my library. Also all of my playlists. Have a lot on my iPod, but not all of it. Where did it go?

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    iDevices are not and have never been backup devices.
    Authorizing a computer does not cause media to magically appear.
    Media is only where the user puts it.
    Copy the ENTIRE iTunes folder from the old computer to the new computer.

  • Had to buy a new PC as the hard disk of the old one broke and lost all purchases, but still have them on the iPhone. How can I sync them back to the new PC in iTunes?

    Had to buy a new PC as the hard disk of the old one broke and lost all purchases, but still have them on the iPhone. How can I sync them back to the new PC in iTunes without losing them?

    You should be able to:
    Backup the device to the new installation
    Transfer your purchases into a newly authorized library
    Recover any other media using third party tools as suggested in this post from forum regular Zevoneer
    Restore the device from the backup
    This process should switch the association of the device to the new library, preserving the data and settings in your apps.
    May also be prudent to attempt a backup to iCloud directly from the device before you start... Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > iCloud Backup > On. It won't save any media but it would preserve the general account settings and documents in case anything goes wrong while you are trying to extract your other data.
    When you get it all fixed, make a backup!

  • HT1692 i am setting up a new computer.\(windows 8)  Contacts were only on icloud list... i moved them to my outlook calendar and lost the info on my iphone and ipad.  Computer won't let me move them back to icloud...suggestions?

    I am setting up a new computer (windows 8)  My contacts were in iCloud only...moved them into my outlook contacts and lost them on my iphone and ipad.  won't let me move them back.

    You can run the 10.8.5 combo and 10.8.5 supplemental installers, instead of going through the frequently wonky App Store:
    OS X Mountain Lion Update v10.8.5 (Combo)
    OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 Supplemental Update
    Apple - Support - Downloads

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