Tracking email communication happening over email clients through BPEL

I have got a customer query on BPEL. Appreciate your help on this. Is Oracle BPEL is the right place to handle back-and-forth email communication as part of a process to get clarifications?
Here is our scenario: While auditing a travel expense claim, if the auditor(BPE agent) needs any clarifications from the employee(traveler), he will email a discrepancy note via email to the employee. The employee will respond within 7 days. It the response is satisfactory, the claim is passed. Otherwise the email communication will happen back and forth between the auditor and employee till resolution.
It is not enough to just send an email notification asking the traveler to login to a portal to provide the necessary clarifications. Customer is constrained with email being the ONLY communication channel between the BPO agent and the traveler.
Customer finding it difficult to model this using BPEL. Basically, they need to keep the email interactions as part of the process so they there is an audit trail, they have metrics about number of emails required for resolution, time spent on email activities etc. But from a user interface perspective, the ideal interface should be that of an email client, where rich text mails can be created, attachments added and sent out. Likewise reviewing responses are also best done using an email interface.
Your thoughts on this will be appreciated.

Maybe you can use the option of actionable emails for this.
In this case just dont use the worklist and do the only communication by using this option in the emails.

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    Hi Guest 47,
    Have you found any solution to your problem ? If yes, please let me know. I would be really thankful.
    Thanks & Regards
    Ankit Chauhan

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    I dont think u have any out of the box feature for this....try configuring the watch logs at the server level, Have a luk at the below link:

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
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    That is a bug on Mac.
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    ''(please do not comment in bug reports to avoid bug spam for the devs)''

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    If the email client does not leave email messages on the server, the Blackberry Internet Service may not be able to deliver them to my Blackberry device.
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    Best to contact your service provider.
    1. Firefox isn't available for BlackBerry or any RIM devices. <br />
    2. Firefox doesn't do email.

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    It do happened sometime, don't know the reason. When I upgrade or change my phone to a new one, I always do one way synch(not both ways, & outlook dominant) , from outlook to phone & it never fails. Since it's a new phone not much data inside, just reset your phone to factory default try this method.
    Good luck!
    Message Edited by android on 13-Sep-2009 03:35 PM
    Knowledge not shared is knowledge wasted!
    If you find it helpfull, it's not hard to click the STAR..

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    IE doesn't come with a mail client, technically. However, most Windows installations come with Outlook Express. Netscape has a built-in client, but you might not have to install it.
    If you are providing a feedback form for something, it is considered customary to allow the user to use it. Otherwise what's it for? E-mail requests unless tightly controlled have an easier chance of getting lost. At least with forms, you have more control of where the submissions go.
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    Understand the functionality you are wanting, basically one can use Outlook / Exchange mail server as an example. It just happens.
    As I understand in the background the DNS _SRV records point to a machine which serves up an XML file and that is the information which tells the client how to configure itself.
    I did some research before posting my first reply and found that, in the Apple client situation, even when someone setup the the SRV records + the XML it didn't work seamlessly.
    Here's some other links that give some more background.!msg/macenterprise/qIKUMxMae8o/iLnIkMgeOX0J
    If you were going to persue it you will need to find out the format for the autodiscovery XML file. Also the XML file will have to be hosted on your server, you couldn't likely put it on the public DNS server.

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  • Share: where Mail is not default email client

    Hi All
    Moutain Lion is a great and some challenging update
    I have serious problems with Apples Mail App and it drafts keep popping up. See this link.
    So I use a different email client. Sparrow Mail App or Postbox.
    Now, when I want to Share my work through Pages, Numbers or Keynote and my default mail client isn't Mail App I just get a fail sound and nothing happens.
    If Mail App is selected as default mail client share works.
    This issue has risen since Mountain Lion update has been installed.
    Does anyone know how to get around this issue? How one can make iWork apps accept other mail clients to send of work.
    Right now is old style save on Desktop and drag into mail client for me. - It's not death, just very annoying.
    If anyone has some supreme solution, please let me know.

    Hi Peggy. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
    I might repeat my self: The problem is not selecting the default email client. You can do that in Mail, Sparrow, Postbox and Outlook too.
    Setting anything else than Mail as default mail client is not the issue. Done! Easy!
    What's the issue is to get iWork applications to accept it! After ML update my iWork apps only want to Share if Mail is standard mail client. Not if any other mail client is selected as standard.
    Hope it clarifies
    And once again, thanks for helping out.

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    Hi everyone,
    We're trying to get a pulse from the community on what email clients and platforms you guys are using, especially in the case where the threading of email subscriptions isn't working. I have heard that threads can be grouped in Entourage on a Mac.
    Can anyone Mac/Entourange users confirm this?
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    Here's the first entry: I use Microsoft Outlook on Windows XP and my email notifications don't thread.

    I think there is some confusion here on what is to be considered
    threading and what isn't. Since I may have been causing some of that
    confusion by not being as exact as I could have been in my many rants
    about the subject, allow me to attempt to clarify a bit.
    First, lets start with a sequence of messages to define a topic (I am
    trying to avoid the word thread here). Somebody starts a topic with
    message A. The first reply to message A is message B. The second reply
    to message A is message see. In flat view the topic will look like this:
    In threaded view it will look like this:
    -- B
    -- C
    Now somebody is going to reply to message B in the topic. In flat view
    this will look like:
    In threaded view this will look like:
    -- B
    ---- D
    -- C
    Strictly speaking only such a tree-like view is considered threading.
    For instance what Gmail does is not strictly threading (more about that
    later). Threading works because every email message has a Message-ID
    that is a unique identifier of that message. When an email client
    replies to a message it will create a new unique Message-ID for that
    message, but it will take the Message-ID from the original and put it in
    the References header so email replies have a pointer back to the
    original message. If a threading email client receives a message with a
    References header and it also has the email message to which that
    References header points, the email client will show that message as a
    child of the original. (This is still somewhat of a simplification and
    skips over multiple IDs and the In-Reply-To header, for the exact
    working see RFC 2822 section 3.6.4.)
    This is what the whole Mozilla family of email clients does and most of
    the old school Unix email clients as well.
    What Gmail does (and what you can configure many email clients to do) is
    to group messages by subject. Such a group of messages is in Gmail terms
    a conversation. Then within that conversation messages are sorted by
    date. This is different then threading. If a Gmail user had read
    messages A, B and C of our example above and then navigated away, upon
    returning to the conversation he will not find message D on the third
    position in the conversation, but on the fourth. I think we should (and
    I will try to remember to) refer to this behaviour as grouped display,
    and not as threaded display.
    Now, how can we use this to fix these forums?
    The first part is simple: just add a References header to all outgoing
    email. Only email clients that are configured to thread will do
    something with that, so it will fix threading for those who want to use
    threading without breaking anything for the email clients that don't
    want to thread.
    The impact of this on the Jive advancedemail plugin should be minimal.
    Every outgoing email should just set its MessageID to the ID property of
    the outgoing ForumMessage then test for the value of the parentMessgeID
    property and if it is present set the References header. Append to all IDs and you are done.
    This will not fix the issue for the email clients that use grouping. To
    (mostly) fix it for them, the simple solution is to just move the unique
    code in the subject line forward until it appears before the "Re: " in
    the subject. Email clients that use grouping are aware there might be an
    code in the subject to indicate a message is a response (in English
    usually "Re: ", other languages use something like "antwoord: " or
    "resp: " etc.). They will group based on what is in the subject after
    the "Re: " so that will put all the replies together.
    It may not entirely fix it though, since the first message in a topic
    doesn't have "Re :" it might be you end up with 2 groups, one with just
    the first message and one with all the answers.
    I already tested this and the Jive email import functionality does
    support the code being in a different position, so it is just the
    sending part that would need to be modified.
    This does have a huge downside for the email clients that use neither
    threading nor grouping (such as webmail clients like Squirrelmail and
    IMP). If you use such a client and do a simple sort on the subject now
    it will sort more or less correctly. If the code moves forward the
    sorting there will disappear.
    The last and final step / option is to change the Jive email import
    functionality not to depend on that code but instead to depend on the
    References header that an email client will put in the reply. That is a
    significant change on the Jive side (and if Jive is going to do that I
    have more suggestions to improve their core email system). Then
    everybody can thread, group and sort however he likes, but Jive would
    need to define a backup strategy for messages where an email client
    fails to include a References header.
    Jochem van Dieten

  • URLRequest and navigateToURL to open email client but HTML email, not plain text???

    I want users to click a button that uses URLRequest and navigateToURL to open the user's default email client with email body pre-populated with HTML email.
    Even though I have tried to set the contentType property to one of the following, the HTML tags always display:
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto: ?subject=Test Email&body=<h1>Test Body</h1>");request.contentType = "multipart/form-data";
    navigateToURL(request, "_self");
    BTW, the above code is simplified, so I am using escape() on the subject and body text, etc.
    So, is there any way to use mailto in this way to open the default email client and pre-populate with HTML email but not see the tags (BUT NOT REVERT TO PLAINTEXT)?

    FTQuest wrote:
    >The problem there however is that very few people actually set this up... (default mail client)
    Jason, can I ask you: is it your assumption, or there is/was reliable polling showing that majority of users prefer manually go the mail server instead of using the mail client application of their choice - Outlook, FireBird, Mail, etc?
    Igor Borodin
    There are numerous reasons behind avoiding mailto links in relation to design. And it's been debated back and forth for years. Form vs Mailto link both have their pros and cons and intended usages.
    After panelling groups of individuals for three seperate projects regarding various design perspectives in the RIAs we developed, it became quickly apparent that on numerous occasions users clicking a mailto link were unaware of what the resulting screen was actually for. Several had never set up the default mail client on their pc. Many thought that "Yahoo" was the only email service in the world... Now, with that said, the target demographic for those applcations may or may not be what his, yours, or anyone's project may be. The key there is going to be identifying your dedmographic and determining the tech prowness. Also, what exactly is the email's intended result? Refer a friend style? Might be better handled through a web form due to the possiblity of being able to properly track how many referrals were actually made. How many resulted in a visitor. Simply notifying admin that there is a problem on the site? Might be better to fire off a mailto.
    Reliably sending a preformatted HTML email can only be guaranteed on the server side. Otherwise, you run into problems just like he is having here. Now, if the email is plain text, different story.
    Again, it all comes down to identifying your usage and properly utilizng the available tools.

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