Traditional classful IP addressing?

In classful addressing, class A networks would allow up to 16,777,214 hosts be attached to the network. In reality, how was this managed? This many hosts were attached to a single LAN? Was the traffic so light that this many hosts could be attached? Were there no routers used to break up collision domains? As I understand, any bridging employed would only compartmentalize broadcasts.
Any insight which can be shared would be appreciated as this seems to be an unreal number of hosts to have on a single segment.

I think at that point of time since a lot of IP addresses were available, people were easily assigned class A IP addresss so for example a company is assigned IP address then till IP belongs to him. I am sure noone would have connected so many IP addresses in a single LAN. The inside LAN will be a big structured network with lot of broadcast domains by using routers and layer 3 devices. It is just that for the outside world (internet) the full range belongs to one compnay. Ofcourse inside that company the IP addresses were sumnetted.
(Good technical articles. Submit your articles and get featured on our website. Send email to [email protected] To know the benefits
I think at that point of time since a lot of IP addresses were available, people were easily assigned class A IP addresss so for example a company is assigned IP address then till IP belongs to him. I am sure noone would have connected so many IP addresses in a single LAN. The inside LAN will be a big structured network with lot of broadcast domains by using routers and layer 3 devices. It is just that for the outside world (internet) the full range belongs to one compnay. Ofcourse inside that company the IP addresses were sumnetted.
(Good technical articles. Submit your articles and get featured on our website. Send email to [email protected] To know the benefits

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    New Mozilla user, love it, but have the above problem - no browser line to allow typing websites.

    I am assuming you have an Orange box that says Firefox in it at the top left hand side of Browser window. Click this and go to Options, you will see another options and several toolbars you can open.
    If you click on these the bar your missing will appear. To go back just right click and turn off the bars you don't want.
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    php page
    $fname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield'];
    $lname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield2'];
    $phone = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield3'];
    $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield4'];
    $address = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield5'];
    $state = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield6'];
    $zip = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield7'];
    $find = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select'];
    $goals = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select2'];
    $practice = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select3'];
    $learn = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select4'];
    $handicap = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select5'];
    $timeplaying = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select6'];
    $lesson = $HTTP_POST_VARS['select7'];
    $additional = $HTTP_POST_VARS['textfield8'];
    mail('[email protected]','Owen Dawson PGA Contact Form Submission',"First Name: $fname\nLast Name: $lname\nPhone Number: $phone\nEmail: $email\nAddress: $address\nState: $state\nZip Code: $zip\nHow did you find me? $find\nWhat are your goals? $goals\nHow much can you practice? $practice\nWhat would you like to learn? $learn\nWhat is your handicap? $handicap\nHow long have you been playing golf? $timeplaying\nHave you ever taken a lesson? $lesson\nAdditional Information: $additional\n",'From: [email protected]');
        <title>Contact Us Submission Page</title>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload= function(){

    The only thing that really jumps out at me with your script is $HTTP_POST_VARS.  That is a deprecated function as of PHP 4. something I don't remember the exact number.  It is possible if your host upgraded the PHP installation that the function is now replaced by the simpler $_POST global variable ( ).
    Also the easiest way to test this type of thing is to print your email text to the screen and stop the PHP script there before the mail can execute.  Then you can check out what variables exist and what don't before finishing your script.  Also I hope you have left stuff out for security reasons, because right now you appear to have no way to validate that a form was submitted in the first place.

  • RV325/RV320 address pass-thru in gateway mode

    Our company owns a class-c address range.
    Our network provider, TimeWarner (now L3), has dropped a data line in with a /30 net addresses. They have also designated that our class-c addresses are to be sent to our router so that we can use them down-stream of our RV325.
    Everything seems to be working fine, except.....
    We have a couple of network devices that contact an external server. That server then uses the source ip address in the packet and opens a reverse connection back to our device on a special port. The problem is that all our packets have a source ip address that equates to the /30 address of the WAN interface on the RV325, not the true address (one of our class-c addresses).
    The WAN address is the /30 net address with the GW being on that /30 net. On the RV325, we have DHCP turned off. We have placed our class-c address range in the "Multiple Subnet Table". VLANs are turned off.
    What am I missing?
    Thanks, Tony

    If I ignore the LAN-LAN setup, all that it's telling me to do is change the IP address of the router... That was already unnecessary.
    If it's any help, this is the plash screen (it appears the warning reset for some reason):
    These are the instructions the ResNet site gives me for disabling DHCP:
    Access the router's setup page. Usually done by typing into your web browser followed by entering your username and password into the login window (defaults are: username "admin"; password "admin").
    Once logged in, the Setup > Basic Setup page should display by default.
    Scroll down to Network Setup and change the DHCP Server setting to "Disable".
    Click Save Settings.
    Once saved, restart your router (i.e. unplug its power cord and plug it back in).
    If I only follow those instructions, I still get the splash-screen.

  • CRM 7.0 implement method from MVC class

    Hello, folks.  I will prefix my question with the fact that I am a relative dinosaur in the development arena, still focused primarily procedural coding practices.  Although this still serves me well, it also means that I know little about OO development.  I have had some training and can make use of such common tools as OO ALV.  However, I know next to nothing about MVC (model view controller) programming, WEB Dynpro for ABAP, etc.  I am currently assigned to a CRM project (I am also new to CRM) and have a particular requirement that I cannot seem to address with any sort of procedural-based solution (i.e. function module).
    My requirement is to create a "URL Attachment" to a service request in CRM.  To elaborate, I have created an inbound point-to-point interface (i.e. not PI/XI) from an external system using Web Services.  The Web Service I have created ultimately invokes a call to function CRMXIF_ORDER_SAVE via a wrapper function I developed with the same interface.  This function, however, does not support the creation of "URL Attachments", only "Attachment Links".  So, my approach then is to implement additional functionality in my wrapper function to create this URL Attachment via some other means.  If you have any questions regarding URL Attachments vs. Attachment Links, please let me know.
    I have scoured the function modules to no avail.  What I have found is that via MVC, the functionality on the CRM Web UI is associated with the following class: CL_GS_CM_ADDURL_IMPL.  A search in SE24 reveals that there are actually several related? classes:
    My question is whether I can somehow implement one of these classes to address my requirement.  Looking at the logic within the IP_TO_ADDURL method, I cannot figure out whether I can somehow leverage this and, if so, exactly what coding would be required in my wrapper function.  I should also point that, at least from a Web UI point of view, this is a two step process whereby you must first create the attachment and the actually save it. 
    Any and all insights are much appreciated.

    Hi there,
    I am not familiar with the CRM classes you mention - but what you describe is pretty much standard functionality included in Generic Object Services. May that path will lead you home.
    Graham Robbo

  • How to import classes in a package?

    I am importing all the classes in a package like:
    import packagename.*;
    when i am trying to create an object of the class in that package it was showing error... cannot access address
    bad class file: .\
    file does not contain class address
    Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpa
    address add = new address();
    1 error
    Below is my code....
    import java.util.*;
    import org.demo.*;
    public class example
         public static void main(String[] args)
              address add = new address();
              System.out.println("Address object created...");

    class name address.class
    I am creating object as
    address add = new address()
    but it was showing the error

  • Coherence Extend Address-provider for dynamic load balancing

    I want to have load balancing across my proxies. so, trying to use <address-provider> feature.
    Here is my setup,
    I have two proxies and many clients.I am configuring both proxy and the client to use load sharing scheme.
    There are implemented classes for the interface AddressProvider. So, i am going to use that.
    Here is proxy server settings,
    I know there is some silly mistake with that,
    I am getting error message in the following log,
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.emc.srm.common.daemon.SrmDaemon.start(
    ... 5 more
    Caused by: (Wrapped: Missing or inaccessible constructor ""
    </address-provider>) java.lang.InstantiationException
    at com.tangosol.util.Base.ensureRuntimeException(
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.peer.acceptor.TcpAcceptor.configure(TcpAcceptor.CDB:78)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.ProxyService.configure(ProxyService.CDB:67)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.SafeService.startService(SafeService.CDB:6)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.SafeService.ensureRunningService(SafeService.CDB:27)
    at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.SafeService.start(SafeService.CDB:14)
    ... 10 more
    Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException
    at sun.reflect.InstantiationExceptionConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at com.tangosol.util.ClassHelper.newInstance(
    ... 23 more
    Cannot start daemon
    First question:
    1) without address provider section in the proxy server configuration xml, will it use any default address provider implementation?
    2) what's wrong with the proxy server settings xml which causes above error?

    Hi LuK,
    Sounds like there is no load balancing is happening in my environment.
    I didn't use address provider tag since it's mentioned in AddressProvider Interface API that by default it uses ConfigurableAddressProvider implementation.
    Here is a xml snippet in remote client cache configuration xml,
    what i mean by load balancing is,
    I will be having lot of web service queries which runs very fast. I would like to see both the proxies serves the web requests.
    I am observing, One connection has been made to one proxy when it's starts up and keep hold on to it (no matter whether other proxy is free or not).
    is it a bug? or am i doing some mistake?

  • DNS classless address delegation setup

    I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm trying to setup my Leopard server to handle DNS reverse IP lookups on our half class C address range. I think I have everything entered correctly. By default the Server Admin GUI wants to auto setup the full class C range .1 - .255. We only have .128 - .255. Our ISP has set us up as the SOA for both our zones AND the IP range 128/
    I've tried to create a zone file with this name (128/ which of course give me issues with the "/" so I've changed the zone file name to
    And everything looks correct and no other errors but this one comes up about ignoring out of zone data:
    21-Mar-2008 16:04:30.524 ignoring out-of-zone data (
    This is the only IP I care about reversing as it's our mail server.
    My setup is as follows and may not be the correct approach so please correct me:
    I've made an entry in (it says not to but I get errors about using views, if I make an entry directly in named.conf)
    zone "128/" {
    type master;
    file "";
    allow-transfer {any;};
    allow-update {none;};
    My Zone file looks like:
    $TTL 10800
    128/ IN SOA (
    2008032100 ;Serial
    86400 ;Refresh
    3600 ;Retry
    604800 ;Expire
    345600 ;Negative caching TTL
    128/ IN NS IN PTR
    My ISP has setup their system to pull zone data from my DNS server. This is working fine for my domain names (zones) but not for the reverse ip.
    Please help, and Thank you!

    You need to match the zone name your ISP has delegated to you.
    We have one customer with the same setup working (Tiger server) but we have to do it manually not through the GUI.
    The named.conf and zone file should probably look something like:
    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "";
    allow-transfer {any;};
    allow-update {none;};
    $TTL 10800 IN SOA (
    2008032100 ;Serial
    86400 ;Refresh
    3600 ;Retry
    604800 ;Expire
    345600 ;Negative caching TTL IN NS IN NS <ISP slave/secondary-dns name>.
    ??? IN PTR IN PTR
    I have used / reverse lookup to see the DNS traversal ("backtrace"), but they now restrict usage a bit or you can pay to use their services.
    Using that might reveal the correct name of the zone (if you don't get it working with the above name).

  • Ip addressing and subnets

    I was wondering if anyone knew if I could use a subnet mask of with a network number of I believe I cannot use this mask with a Class C address but since this is a class A address I though I might be able to. I want to have two subnets each with 126 addresses. These address will be split between two office each with a Cisco 3620 router.
    Scott Graham

    The topic of this forum is IP + Optical however there are a number of professionals online who may be able to assist you. We are always considering additional forums for such topics and I will make a note of your post.
    If you don't get a suitable response to your post, you may wish to review our resources at the online Technical Assistance Center or speak with a TAC engineer. You can open a TAC case online at
    If anyone else in the forum has some advice, please reply to this thread.
    Thank you for posting.

  • IP Address Calculator

    I need to write a program that parses an ip address and subnet mask and prints out the associated network id and host id.
    The program should accept the ip address and subnet mask as input parameters, e.g.,
    The output should display the class of the address, along with the network and host id, e.g.,
    Class C Address+
    Network ID:
    Host ID   :
    Can someone please help me solving this question.

    I can tell you, you don't need any of the networking APIs.
    You can just parse the command line arguments and calculate a results.
    We won't do your homework for you but if you show what you have tried, we can give you hints on how to fix a problem.

  • VM IP Address network size

    Hello all,
                      I have a quick question on setting up VM's on the cisco UCS or any other virtual server type system.
    Our server team claim that a dedicated class 'C' address range set up in DHCP is filling quickly and will soon be fully used up by an increasing number of virtual servers.
    So our network team has suggested that we could just set up another routed VLAN to accommodate any further growth.
    Our server team then claim that managing other VLANs is too hard and just want a huge supernet range instead.
    I'm pretty sure that a large supernet is not a best practice for many reasons but can anyone back up this theory and maybe point out a document that reports this formally.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes Reza, but they are saying that it is too hard to create multiple virtual switches to accommodate many subnets/VLANs as their server requirements grow. On the extreme side of the argument they are saying why not just give us 65,000 addresses and then we only need one virtual switch configured within their VM environment.
    I am saying that that is not best practice and the limit should be a /24 subnet, and if they need more subnets then create more virtual switches per VLAN and so be it.
    I'm not a VM guru so I'm just guessing that you must be able to manage multiple VLANs or subnets without having a single supernet which goes against IP addressing best practice ???

  • Implementing association classes in Java

    Hi. I'm having trouble in implementing an association class.
    I have two classes, Customer and Address.
    A customer might have different billing address and shipping address.
    I found from a book that In this kind of situations, Customer class and Address class should be linked with an association class "Type" that has the attribute "addresstype". My problem is that I dont know how to inplement this kind of association classes in Java. Could anyone please show me some example of implementing an association class.

    example of implementing an association class.It could look like this,
    public class AddressAssociation {
       public enum Type = {BILLING, SHIPPING};
       public void put(Type t, Address a);
       public Address get(Type t);
    }The idea is that the Customer class holds a reference to one AddressAssociation object. Basically the Customer class can be kept ignorant (but doesn't have to of course) of what types of addresses there are. In that case when a new type of address is added Customer wouldn't have to be modified, only AddressAssociation.
    Note that AddressAssociation probably should be an interface. In the implementation of AddressAssociation to avoid switches in put and get a Map (sometimes called an associate array) could be used.

  • How to code a method that returns string for class object

    I have a class named Address.
    public class Addresss{   
    private String street;   
    private String city;            // instance variables  
    private String zipcode;}I have been asked to write a method that returns a string for Address object. I dont understand how to create address object.Can anyone pls help me understand.
    do I have to write (for creating object)
    Address addressObject  = new Address(); ( coding method that returns a string for address object) ---> I really dont understand this part.

    looks almost right. The problem is that your method name AddressBookEntry does not match the name of your class AddressBook and therefore is not a constructor.
    Furthermore, you probably need to make a distinction between a single entry into the address book which consists of a single name and a single address, (which is just what you have done) and an address book itself which is probably a list of AddressBookEntries
    So for your code I would change the class that you called "AddressBook" to "AddressBookEntry" and have a third class that represents the collection of AddressBookEntries.
    Now to be honest, I don't know why you keep the name split apart from the street address portion of the address. I would be more inclined to keep the name as a field of the address itself, but it's your code, you carve it up the way you like.

  • I just typed out an email on my macbook, it stated cannot be sent due to invalid address, there were 33 of them, where exactly did my message go

    I just typed out an email to my daughters class (34 addresses) when I hit send it stated the message could not be sent due to a bad address .. but I cannot find my message anywhere in my mail account .. is it completely gone?  or sitting somewhere where I don't know to look?

    thank you for your help .. actually about 10 minutes after I sent it a folder popped up with a little up arrow on it .. I think maybe an unsent folder .. it was in there .. I am not overly computer savvy and apparently not very patient.

  • Class C subnet challenge

    Given a class C address of / 24, I need to design a network address scheme for 4 subnetworks where the zero subnet is used and the number of hosts on subnet A is 2, Subnet B is 5, Subnet C is between 20 and 30 and subnet D is between 75-100. I'm stumped because if I use a /26 mask then I won't have enough host for subnet D. If I use a /25 mask then I don't have enough subnets. Clearly I am missing something in this simple problem and help will be most appreciated. VLSM is not being used or allowed.

    Hi Walt,
    Diving subnet equally will not ensure all subnet to be served as per your requirement. I think below is the only one as per
    your requirement....or you can have one more supernet to cate this requirement
    Subnet A:
    Subnet B:
    Subnet C:
    Subnet D:

Maybe you are looking for

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