Transparent background for JLabel

How I can do for the JLabels of my frame can be transparent in other words that the JLabels can take the color or image background of the parent frame or parent container.

By default JLabels are transparent in Swing, which means that they automatically have the same background color as its parent container. The setOpaque(...) method is used by Swing components to control transparency.
If you want to an image to the parent container then your need to do a little more work. Check out this thread:

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    Try with the Elliptical marquee tool:
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    henk wrote:According to this topic it is something that can be
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    Check your /home/<your username>/.themes/<theme>/gtk-*/gtkrc
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    OS10.4.9 / Dual 2ghz G5, 4.5g SDRAM / 1.5ghz G4, 2g SDRAM / SE30, 256k RAM Mac OS X (10.4.9)

    Fortunately. when I write a fairly lengthy response, I try to save it for inspiration in case the need should come up again. Here is mine for this transparency issue in AppleWorks. Note, though, that I've had some problems getting this to consistently work lately & I don't know why. For the last couple of years I've been doing most of my work that requires this kind of stuff in Pages.
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    The only video format that supports transparency in a web browser is a flash player. That really doesn't fully support transparency either. The QuickTime player or any other video player will never ever support transparency in a web browser. Your project design is flawed from the outset. Another words you cannot do what you are trying to do using QuickTime. You will have to redesign for flash. If you redesign with flash, then you will not have a mobile compatible application.
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    You need to use a mask on the banner. This will make the rest
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    Well now that you have told me to save with some sort of an alpha channel, it works perfectly.
    In CS5:
    Select layer,"Composition,Make movie". Then navigate to "Output module" and choose an option that has "alpha channel" in the title.Choose a name for your project "Output to". I now use "lossless alpha".I don't know if that is the best one, but it seems to be working fine.
    There is no "Quicktime" option in CS5 as in older versions of AE.
    I was trying to save as a video in general or for photoshop and that just wasn't working out well.
    I don't know what the "Frames to Layers import assistant" is that you mentioned though. I still tend to drag and drop, rather then import.
    Thanks for your help.

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    CGContextRef context = QLThumbnailRequestCreateContext(
    CGSizeMake(512, 512), /* (For example) */
    false, /* Changing to 'true' for vector context makes no difference */
    QLThumbnailRequestFlushContext(thumbnail, context);
    return noErr;
    Various combinations of CGContextClearRect with and without wrapping the call in CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer and CGContextEndTransparencyLayer, or trying to use CGContextFillRect having set a colour which is fully transparent, have all failed. The solid white background just shines through.
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    This isn't nearly as intuitive as I think this should be.
    You're right, video is really hard.
    Looking back over your thread, it's entirely possible the movies have transparency, you're just not looking at it properly, which is, granted, confusing. But alpha channels are not fundamental to video editing, they're special types of clips and you need to learn how to create and use them.
    Motion is set by default to render to the Animation codec but may not be set to millions of colors +, the + sign is the alpha.
    And, no, sorry, it can't be explained in a simple step-by-step post. There are fifty or a hundred pages on alphas in the Motion documentation. Start with the explanation of the Animation codec.

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    I'd like to make the background of my labels (display items) transparent. i.e. it should be the same colour as the canvas (eg teal) instead of the ugly white default background.
    Can anyone help?
    Edited by: Abigail Parmar on Mar 11, 2009 9:47 AM

    Wait a minute! Abigail is not really asking for "transparent" background. All you need is for the background to have the SAME background color as the canvas.
    All of our forms have that feature. Display-only fields have same background color as the canvas, update items have a white background, and the item where the cursor is located gets set yellow.
    We do it with property classes and visual attributes. The canvas is assigned a Visual Attribute = "WINDOWBACKGROUND", and display-only fields are assigned a Visual Attribute of "DISPLAYITEM". Both visual attributes are assigned the same background color, with the foreground (text) color black and navy respectively.
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  • Transparent background for ViewNavigator?

    Does anyone know how you can make a sub-ViewNavigator has a transparent background?
    To clearify:
    I have a main ViewNavigator which holds the whole application and has a background graphic and the main navigation, and a sub-ViewNavigator which contains the sections of the app, such as entering data, displaying the results, etc.
    Can this sub-ViewNavigator have no background so that the background of the master ViewNavigator, I have tried using the same background on the sub-ViewNavigator but when the view changes, it scrolls the background too which looks weird, and they don't match up.
    Many Thanks in advance

    Looks likeI've solved it.
    Make two skins, the first with the bitmap on in the usual way, the second with a filled background with transparency set to 0.
    Like this:
    <s:Rect top="0" left="0" bottom="0" right="0">
              <s:SolidColor color="#000000" alpha="0"/>

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