Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :503

Hi All,
I am working with Acme and GlobalChips assignment. I configured the two using the steps mentioned. I have a BPEL process that enqueues a message to the IP_OUT_QUEUE. When i go to oracle b2b reports i get the following error
I checked to see that the RMI ports are correct and that the b2b/transportServlet is up and running. I also verified that the hostnames of the two machines are correct. Even replaced them with ip addresses to remove anything to do with DNS. But i still get the same error. Please can someone help me resolve this issue?
Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :503
<html> <head>
<title>No Response from Application Web Server</title>
Both machines can ping each other. B2B Log file shows one more error
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (INFORMATION) Entering Use Case: queryBusinessMessage
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogDriver manager == oracle.tip.model.metadata.CatalogMetaManager@f1916f
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogMetaManager getDriverjava.lang.InheritableThreadLocal@1049d3 oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver@3b4b1e
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogDriver manager == oracle.tip.model.metadata.CatalogMetaManager@f1916f
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogMetaManager getDriverjava.lang.InheritableThreadLocal@1049d3 oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver@3b4b1e
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) MetaCLASS manager == oracle.tip.model.metadata.CatalogMetaManager@f1916f
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) THIS THIS == oracle.tip.model.metadata.CatalogMetaClass@5d855f
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogMetaManager getDriverjava.lang.InheritableThreadLocal@1049d3 oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver@3b4b1e
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (INFORMATION) CatalogDriver.runQuery() select ID , CLASSTYPE , NOTM , ISSEEDED , CFG , protocolmessageid , errorseverity , acknowledgemode , businessactionrevision , errorlevel , collaborationrevision , direction , sendtimestamp , groupcontrolnumber , collaborationname , correlationid , remainingretry , attachment , errortext , messagetype , replymode , errorcode , currentstate , acknowledgetype , b2bmessageid , receivetimestamp , messagedatetime , protocolworkarea , protocolworkarea_clob , state , timetoack , txnsetcontrolnumber , payload , payload_clob , interchangecontrolnumber , errordescription , errordescription_clob , businessactionname , protocolcollaborationid, collaborationinstance, wiremessage, receiveridentification, payloadstorage, refertobusinessmessage, exchangeprotocolrevision, sender, senderidentification, documentprotocolrevision, agreement, attachmentstorage, businessaction, businesstransactioninstance, recordinstance from TIP_BusinessMessage_ra t where ( b2bmessageid= ? )
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogDriver.setBindVariables():
2008.08.06 at 20:27:23:197: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) Bind Variable : index = 2 value = 0A0A0A0A11B994569BE0000020F46900
2008.08.06 at 20:27:24:055: Thread-10: Repository - (INFORMATION) Exiting Use Case: queryBusinessMessage
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.formExtB2bMsg(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.formExtB2BMsg(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.messageRetry(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.handleTimeoutEvent(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.formExtB2bMsg(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.formExtB2BMsg(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.messageRetry(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.handleTimeoutEvent(
     at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processEvents(
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:formExtB2BMsg Exit
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:messageRetry Can't find ExtB2BMessage
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogDriver manager == oracle.tip.model.metadata.CatalogMetaManager@f1916f
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogMetaManager getDriverjava.lang.InheritableThreadLocal@1049d3 oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver@3b4b1e
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogTransaction.commit():
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) commiting changes
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogTransaction.commit():
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) Dirty list = []
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogTransaction.callWriteObjects() :
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:004: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) Call write object List for objects = []
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:097: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) CatalogTransaction.commit():
2008.08.06 at 20:27:27:097: Thread-10: Repository - (DEBUG) Database COMMIT done

Re: Globalchips to Acme Communication Error

Similar Messages

  • Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415

    I am working on webservice invocation from B2B. I am able to invoke the webservice using SOAP request.
    I configured custom document over ebMS protocol and HTTP transport in B2B. When I invoke webservice from B2B i am getting the HTTPSendError.
    B2B log:
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:238: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking PackMessage
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:239: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:pack:Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:244: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:254: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:number of pc components: 1
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:255: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:381: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:382: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:382: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:413: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:413: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:667: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:668: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:668: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:674: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:getMimeContent:Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:674: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:getMimeContent:Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:675: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:pack:Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:680: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking Pre-Transmit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:681: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:681: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Log & Update Database Tables
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:681: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Update the Message Table Row with message state Wait for Incoming Acknowledgment
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:682: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create a Native Event Table row for outgoing Request Message
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:682: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:684: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow = 83667220
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:685: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:protocl id set A
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:685: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:
    ** DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow protocolCollabId = null
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:814: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:827: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create Event Table row for Message Retries
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:828: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit timeToAck = Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:828: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit business transaction info name null revision null
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:828: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:829: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:851: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:851: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:851: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Calling Send to transmit the message
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:852: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Protocol Name: HTTP
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:852: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Version Name: 1.0
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:853: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Endpoint: http://localhost:8003/RemoteTPPDI-TestWS-context-root/TestWSSoapHttpPort
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:855: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send URL: HTTP://localhost:8003/RemoteTPPDI-TESTWS-CONTEXT-ROOT/TESTWSSOAPHTTPPORT
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:855: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send TO Endpoint: 501 http://localhost:8003/RemoteTPPDI-TestWS-context-root/TestWSSoapHttpPort
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:45:856: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG)
    Protocol = HTTP
    Version = 1.0
    Transport Header
    DATE:Fri, 28 Aug 2009 07:32:44 GMT
    Content-Type:text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    -- listing properties --
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:101: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) scheme null userName null realm null
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:339: Thread-10: B2B - (WARNING)
    Message Transmission Transport Exception
    Transport Error Code is OTA-HTTP-SEND-415
    StackTrace oracle.tip.transport.TransportException: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415
    at oracle.tip.transport.TransportException.create(
    at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.createTransportResponse(
    at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.send(
    at oracle.tip.transport.b2b.B2BTransport.send(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface.send(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequestPostColab(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequest(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:339: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send Error in sending message
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:340: Thread-10: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Request Message Transmission failed
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:340: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:340: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Transaction.begin()
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:341: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:46:341: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:172: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:notifyApp retry value <= 0, so sending exception to IP_IN_QUEUE
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:203: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:212: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enqueue Engine AQJMSCorrelationID = 722FB0840F821DDDE04400144F96EEDE
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:212: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) notifyApp:notifyApp Enqueue the ip exception message:
    <Exception xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <errorText>Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415
    <![CDATA[Machine Info: (
    Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :415
    . ]]>
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:214: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) AQJMSCorrelationID = 722FB0840F821DDDE04400144F96EEDE
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:240: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:240: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:247: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:247: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:248: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequest Exit
    2009.08.28 at 07:32:47:303: Thread-10: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage:
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    Exchange Protocol: Generic Version 1.0
    Transport Protocol: HTTP
    Unique Message ID: 83667220
    Trading Partner: RemoteTP
    Message Signed: No
    Payload encrypted: No
    Information incomplete

    Hi Anuj,
    I changed to HTTP version 1.1 with SOAP version 1.1 and ebMS 2.0.
    B2B log:
    009.08.28 at 08:38:56:747: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) EBMSVersion: 2.0
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:747: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Trying to build soap message
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:752: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) soap message built
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:753: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) EBMSExchangePlugin:resetInputStream not resetting stream source
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:756: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) soap message - .1: <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:eb="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><env:Header><eb:MessageHeader env:mustUnderstand="1" eb:version="2.0"><eb:From><eb:PartyId/></eb:From></eb:MessageHeader></env:Header><env:Body/></env:Envelope>
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:757: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) work area not null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:757: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) property name = AQJMSCorrelationID
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:758: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) EBMSExchangePlugin:resetInputStream not resetting stream source
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:760: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) soap message - 1: <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:eb="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><env:Header><eb:MessageHeader env:mustUnderstand="1" eb:version="2.0"><eb:From><eb:PartyId eb:type="Generic Identifier">HostTP</eb:PartyId></eb:From></eb:MessageHeader></env:Header><env:Body/></env:Envelope>
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:761: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) pingmsg = false pongMsg = false isStatusRequestMsg false isStatusResponseMsg false
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:763: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) b2bMessageID is not null, using that 92775561
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:763: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) checking to see if msg id is in the correct format
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:763: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) msg id must have an '@' sign according to the ebms standard. Generating new id..
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:765: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:766: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) returning false
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:766: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) request doesnt need to be signed
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:766: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:767: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning service name:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:767: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:767: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning service name:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:767: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) setting service name = null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:768: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:768: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning service type:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:768: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:769: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning service type:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:769: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) setting service type = null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:769: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:770: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning from role:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:770: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:770: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning from role:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:771: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) setting from role = null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:771: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) setting from overRideHeader = null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:771: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:771: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning to role:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:772: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:772: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning to role:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:772: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) setting to role = null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:773: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:773: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Returning action name:null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:773: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) action name = RemoteTPTestBA
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:774: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) refToMsgId is null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:774: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) setting manifest for message
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:776: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) generated payloadId:cid:0A4DBD5D12360284C08000002F358500
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:778: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) This is stream source mode
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:779: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) xml payload <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <soap:Body xmlns:ns1="http://testws/types/">
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:785: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) EBMSExchangePlugin:resetInputStream resetting stream source
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:786: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) final soap message: ------=_Part_2_3316214.1251448736779
    Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:eb="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><env:Header><eb:MessageHeader env:mustUnderstand="1" eb:version="2.0"><eb:From><eb:PartyId eb:type="Generic Identifier">HostTP</eb:PartyId></eb:From><eb:To><eb:PartyId eb:type="Generic Identifier">RemoteTP</eb:PartyId></eb:To><eb:CPAId>RemoteTPTest</eb:CPAId><eb:ConversationId>HostTP@0A4DBD5D12360284BFC000002F358200</eb:ConversationId><eb:Service/><eb:Action>RemoteTPTestBA</eb:Action><eb:MessageData><eb:MessageId>HostTP@0A4DBD5D12360284BFC000002F358200</eb:MessageId><eb:Timestamp>2009-08-28T08:38:56.000Z</eb:Timestamp></eb:MessageData></eb:MessageHeader></env:Header><env:Body><eb:Manifest eb:id="oracle0A4DBD5D12360284C07000002F358300" eb:version="2.0"><eb:Reference eb:id="payloadref-0A4DBD5D12360284C07000002F358400" xlink:href="cid:0A4DBD5D12360284C08000002F358500" xlink:type="simple"/></eb:Manifest></env:Body></env:Envelope>
    Content-Type: text/xml
    Content-Id: <0A4DBD5D12360284C08000002F358500>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <soap:Body xmlns:ns1="http://testws/types/">
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:786: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) EBMSExchangePlugin:resetInputStream resetting stream source
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:791: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) adding headers
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:792: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) adding content type header
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:792: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) adding content type header value is multipart/related;type="text/xml";boundary="----=_Part_3_1702949.1251448736786";start="<ebxheader-0A4DBD5D12360284BEB000002F358100>"
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:792: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Exit
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:792: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking PackMessage
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:793: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking Pre-Transmit
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:793: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:794: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Log & Update Database Tables
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:795: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Update the Message Table Row with message state Wait for Incoming Acknowledgment
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:795: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create a Native Event Table row for outgoing Request Message
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:795: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:796: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow = HostTP@0A4DBD5D12360284BFC000002F358200
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:797: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:protocl id set A
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:797: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:
    ** DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow protocolCollabId = HostTP@0A4DBD5D12360284BFC000002F358200
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:820: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Exit
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:827: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create Event Table row for Message Retries
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:827: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit timeToAck = Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:828: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit business transaction info name null revision null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:828: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Exit
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:829: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:831: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:832: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:832: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Calling Send to transmit the message
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:832: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Protocol Name: HTTP
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:833: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Version Name: 1.1
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:833: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Endpoint:
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:834: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send URL: HTTP://
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:835: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send TO Endpoint: 501
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:838: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG)
    Protocol = HTTP
    Version = 1.1
    Transport Header
    -- listing properties --
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:840: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) scheme null userName null realm null
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:866: Thread-10: B2B - (WARNING)
    Message Transmission Transport Exception
    Transport Error Code is OTA-HTTP-SEND-500
    StackTrace oracle.tip.transport.TransportException: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="http://testws/types/"><env:Body><env:Fault><faultcode>env:MustUnderstand</faultcode><faultstring>SOAP must understand error: {}MessageHeader</faultstring></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>.
    at oracle.tip.transport.TransportException.create(
    at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.createTransportResponse(
    at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.send(
    at oracle.tip.transport.b2b.B2BTransport.send(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface.send(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequestPostColab(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequest(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:866: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send Error in sending message
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:867: Thread-10: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Request Message Transmission failed
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:867: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:867: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Transaction.begin()
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:868: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:868: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="http://testws/types/"><env:Body><env:Fault><faultcode>env:MustUnderstand</faultcode><faultstring>SOAP must understand error: {}MessageHeader</faultstring></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>.
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="http://testws/types/"><env:Body><env:Fault><faultcode>env:MustUnderstand</faultcode><faultstring>SOAP must understand error: {}MessageHeader</faultstring></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>.
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:885: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:notifyApp retry value <= 0, so sending exception to IP_IN_QUEUE
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:887: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:895: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Enqueue Engine AQJMSCorrelationID = 72309D4B835925B9E04400144F96EEDE
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:896: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) notifyApp:notifyApp Enqueue the ip exception message:
    <Exception xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <errorText>Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="http://testws/types/"><env:Body><env:Fault><faultcode>env:MustUnderstand</faultcode><faultstring>SOAP must understand error: {}MessageHeader</faultstring></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>.
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="http://testws/types/"><env:Body><env:Fault><faultcode>env:MustUnderstand</faultcode><faultstring>SOAP must understand error: {}MessageHeader</faultstring></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>.</errorText>
    <![CDATA[Machine Info: (
    Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="http://testws/types/"><env:Body><env:Fault><faultcode>env:MustUnderstand</faultcode><faultstring>SOAP must understand error: {}MessageHeader</faultstring></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>.
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns0="http://testws/types/"><env:Body><env:Fault><faultcode>env:MustUnderstand</faultcode><faultstring>SOAP must understand error: {}MessageHeader</faultstring></env:Fault></env:Body></env:Envelope>. ]]>
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:897: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) AQJMSCorrelationID = 72309D4B835925B9E04400144F96EEDE
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:929: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Exit
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:930: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:933: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:934: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:934: Thread-10: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequest Exit
    2009.08.28 at 08:38:56:936: Thread-10: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage:
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    Exchange Protocol: ebMS Version 2.0
    Transport Protocol: HTTP
    Unique Message ID: HostTP@0A4DBD5D12360284BFC000002F358200
    Trading Partner: RemoteTP
    Message Signed: No
    Payload encrypted: No
    Information incomplete

  • [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :.  Premature EOF encounter

    Although we haven't change the configuration we started experiencing following error:
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:364: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create Event Table row for Message Retries
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:364: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit timeToAck = Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 CET 1970
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:365: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Enter
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:365: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Event Type = 2
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:366: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow EventId = 12
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:366: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Id = 33156:5:0:137
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:369: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Exit
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:372: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Current TimeStamp isThu Jan 29 15:34:30 CET 2009
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:372: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Retry shall happen at Thu Jan 29 17:34:30 CET 2009
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:372: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit business transaction info name null revision null
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:372: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Exit
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:372: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:374: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:374: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:375: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Calling Send to transmit the message
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:375: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) Protocol Name: HTTPS
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:375: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) Version Name: 1.1
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:375: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) Endpoint:
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:375: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) using SSL
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:375: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send URL: HTTPS://EXAMPLE.TEST.COM:8443/IBIS/SERVLET/IBISHTTPUPLOADSERVLET/AS2_ME_IN
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:376: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send TO Endpoint: 502 https:/
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:376: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG)
    Protocol = HTTPS
    Version = 1.1
    Transport Header
    Disposition-Notification-To:[email protected]
    User-Agent:AS2 Server
    Date:Thu, 29 Jan 2009 14:34:30 GMT
    Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=7.2
    Content-Type:application/XML; name=7.2
    -- listing properties --
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:30:464: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) scheme null userName null realm null
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:45:178: B2BStarter thread: Deployment - (DEBUG) Query Configurations null Lifecycle status Active exclude design true
    2009.01.29 at 15:34:45:178: B2BStarter thread: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Authorization disabled. UserBootstrapped:false, useAuthorization:true,
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:021: Thread-40: B2B - (WARNING)
    Message Transmission Transport Exception
    Transport Error Code is OTA-HTTP-SEND-1000
    StackTrace oracle.tip.transport.TransportException: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :.
         at oracle.tip.transport.TransportException.create(
         at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.createTransportResponse(
         at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.send(
         at oracle.tip.transport.b2b.B2BTransport.send(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface.send(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequestPostColab(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequest(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.xmlgwIntg.XMLGWIntegration.raiseOutboundMessage(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.xmlgwIntg.Outbound.onMessage(
         at oracle.jms.AQjmsListenerWorker.dispatchOneMsg(
    Caused by: Premature EOF encountered
         at HTTPClient.Response.readResponseHeaders(
         at HTTPClient.Response.getHeaders(
         at HTTPClient.Response.getStatusCode(
         at HTTPClient.RetryModule.responsePhase1Handler(
         at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.handleResponse(
         at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.getStatusCode(
         at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.createTransportResponse(
         ... 11 more
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:022: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send Error in sending message
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:022: Thread-40: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Request Message Transmission failed
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:022: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:022: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Transaction.begin()
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:022: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:022: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :.
    Premature EOF encountered
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:023: Thread-40: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Authorization disabled. UserBootstrapped:false, useAuthorization:true, configType:null
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:023: Thread-40: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Push Stack: updateBusinessMessage
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:026: Thread-40: BusinessLogicLayer - (DEBUG) Pop Stack: updateBusinessMessage
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:026: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:027: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:027: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:028: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequest Exit
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:028: Thread-40: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage:
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    Exchange Protocol: AS2 Version 1.1
    Transport Protocol: HTTPS
    Unique Message ID: <33156:5:0:137@as2me>
    Trading Partner: TEST_AS2
    Message Signed: No
    Payload encrypted: No
    Attachment: None
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:028: Thread-40: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage Exit
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:028: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) : Thu Jan 29 15:37:20 CET 2009 Exit Outbound onMessage
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:030: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:030: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:031: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) : Thu Jan 29 15:37:20 CET 2009 Available memory Leave Outbound onMessage: 35505240
    2009.01.29 at 15:37:20:031: Thread-40: B2B - (DEBUG) : Thu Jan 29 15:37:20 CET 2009 Leave Outbound onMessage
    I assume that this might be caused by applying the latest MLR patch or due to some changes on the TP side.
    Please advise

    Hi Suhas,
    Yes, no matter the size of the XML file, it always sends it 6 times. Error occurs only at the end of the process, that is after 6th time the file has been sent. We tested it many times with new messages and each time the results are identical. There is no trace in b2b.log that the file is being sent again, transport log however shows 6 http send entries each time.
    Also, between the start of sending the message and the error occurring after 2-3 minutes (after 6th message is sent) the message is not removed from the ECX outbound queue (we are getting the XML from E-Bussines). It is removed after the error. It cannot manually dequeued during that time.
    Thank you

  • HTTP encounters send error: 500

    I have processed a test message to B2B(trading partner) and the below is the error message from logs.
    Machine Info:
    Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error: 500
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error: 500
    This error comes if there is a connectivity issue with the TP, but I have checked the connectivity by doing telnet to the IP address of the Benchmark and it seems fine.
    Please help me how tosolve this

    Hi Anuj,
    I checked all the configuration, everything is perfect...
    Please find the attached log:
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:108: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.document.custom.CustomDocumentPlugin:getIdentificationExpression Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:108: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.document.custom.CustomDocumentPlugin:getIdentificationExpression idexp = null
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:108: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.document.custom.CustomDocumentPlugin:getIdentificationExpression Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:109: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.document.custom.CustomDocumentPlugin:processOutgoingDocument Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:109: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking Protocol specific CreateMessage
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:109: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Payload Binding ID Info null
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:109: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:109: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) protocol msg id = <1600@EMRSNS>
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:110: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) compression
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:110: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) docInfo
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:121: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) contentDisp= attachment; filename=9_0
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:125: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Encryption
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:125: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:125: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking PackMessage
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:125: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:pack:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:125: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:126: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:number of pc components: 1
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:126: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:126: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:header name-value: Content-Type-application/XML; name=9_0
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:126: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:header name-value: Content-Disposition-attachment; filename=9_0
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:127: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:header name-value: Content-Transfer-Encoding-binary
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:127: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:127: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:127: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeBodyPart:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:128: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:129: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:130: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:130: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createSignedMimeBodyPart:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:131: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:132: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:132: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setSignatureAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:132: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setSignatureAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:132: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:132: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setDigestAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:133: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:133: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign Sign using the configured certificate
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:133: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign wrl: /apps/elshas4/aelshas4/elshas4_B2B/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.wlt/default
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:137: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Utility:getPrivateKey:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:209: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Utility:getPrivateKey:matching private key found
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:209: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Utility:getPrivateKey:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:329: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:329: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:329: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:329: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:329: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: encode Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:330: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: encode Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:330: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: sign Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:330: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: printErrorInfo Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:330: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: printErrorInfo Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:332: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createSignedMimeBodyPart:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:332: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createEncryptedMimeBodyPart:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:334: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:334: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setProtocolVersion Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:334: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionAlgorithm using algorithm name Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:334: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionAlgorithm using algorithm name Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:335: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionCertificate Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:335: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:335: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: setEncodingType Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:336: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:336: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: update Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:336: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: decode Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:336: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.Encoding:Encoding: decode Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:336: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: setEncryptionCertificate Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:337: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: encrypt Entering...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:350: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.packaging.SmimeSecureMessaging:SmimeSecureMessaging: encrypt Leaving...
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:350: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createEncryptedMimeBodyPart:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:351: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:applySecurity:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:351: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:createMimeMessage:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:351: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:getMimeContent:Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:352: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:getMimeContent:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:352: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) MimePackaging:pack:Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:353: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Invoking Pre-Transmit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:353: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:353: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Log & Update Database Tables
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:353: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Update the Message Table Row with message state Wait for Incoming Acknowledgment
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:353: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create a Native Event Table row for outgoing Request Message
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:354: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:354: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow = <1600@EMRSNS>
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:354: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:protocl id set A
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:354: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:
    ** DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow protocolCollabId = null
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:436: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertNativeEvtTblRow(3 params) Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:453: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Create Event Table row for Message Retries
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:453: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit timeToAck = Wed Dec 31 20:00:00 GMT-06:00 1969
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:455: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:456: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Event Type = 2
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:456: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow EventId = 12
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:456: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Id = 1600
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:464: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess:DbAccess:insertEvtTblRow Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:466: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Current TimeStamp isFri Jul 17 17:42:39 GMT-06:00 2009
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:466: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Retry shall happen at Fri Jul 17 19:42:39 GMT-06:00 2009
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:467: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit business transaction info name null revision null
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:467: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:preTransmit Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:467: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:484: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:484: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:484: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Calling Send to transmit the message
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:484: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Protocol Name: HTTP
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:484: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Version Name: 1.1
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:484: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Endpoint:
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:485: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send URL: HTTP://B2B-QA.BENCH.COM:80/BENCHMARKAS2RECEIVE_QA/BTSHTTPRECEIVE.DLL
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:485: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send TO Endpoint: 501
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:485: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG)
    Protocol = HTTP
    Version = 1.1
    Transport Header
    Disposition-Notification-To:[email protected]
    User-Agent:AS2 Server
    Date:Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:42:37 GMT
    Disposition-Notification-Options:signed-receipt-protocol=required, pkcs7-signature; signed-receipt-micalg=required, sha1
    Content-Type:application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type="enveloped-data"
    -- listing properties --
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:48:486: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) scheme null userName null realm null
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:321: Thread-29: B2B - (WARNING)
    Message Transmission Transport Exception
    Transport Error Code is OTA-HTTP-SEND-500
    StackTrace oracle.tip.transport.TransportException: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
         at oracle.tip.transport.TransportException.create(
         at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.createTransportResponse(
         at oracle.tip.transport.basic.HTTPSender.send(
         at oracle.tip.transport.b2b.B2BTransport.send(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface.send(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequestPostColab(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request.outgoingRequest(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine.processOutgoingMessage(
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:321: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.transport.TransportInterface:send Error in sending message
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:322: Thread-29: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab Request Message Transmission failed
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:322: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:322: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Transaction.begin()
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:322: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:322: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequestPostColab [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:329: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:notifyApp retry value <= 0, so sending exception to IP_IN_QUEUE
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:331: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:338: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Enqueue Engine AQJMSCorrelationID = 6EEB507134BE4AD7E04400144FAEE9D0
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:338: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) notifyApp:notifyApp Enqueue the ip exception message:
    <Exception xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <errorText>Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    <![CDATA[Machine Info: (
    Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500
    . ]]>
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:339: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) AQJMSCorrelationID = 6EEB507134BE4AD7E04400144FAEE9D0
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:356: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Engine:notifyApp Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:356: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:359: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Transaction.commit()
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:359: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:359: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.Request:outgoingRequest Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:359: Thread-29: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage:
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    Exchange Protocol: AS2 Version 1.1
    Transport Protocol: HTTP
    Unique Message ID: <1600@EMRSNS>
    Trading Partner: BENCHMARK
    Message Signed: RSA
    Payload encrypted: 3DES
    Attachment: None
    ***** REQUEST MESSAGE *****
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:360: Thread-29: B2B - (INFORMATION) oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.engine.Engine:processOutgoingMessage Exit
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:360: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:360: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Leave
    2009.07.17 at 11:41:52:360: Thread-29: B2B - (DEBUG) Exit

  • B2B-50079 :  HTTP encounters send error :500

    Can anyone tell me how to resold this error
    +Transport error: [IPT_HttpSendError] HTTP encounters send error :500 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body><soap:Fault><faultcode>soap:Client</faultcode><faultstring>Exception message: Party TOYOe_Dev is unknown Stacktrace: com.cyclonecommerce.collaboration.partyconfiguration.PartyManagerException: Party TOYOe_Dev is unknown at com.cyclonecommerce.webservices.protocols.ebxml.EbxmlProtocolReceiver.setSenderPartyId( at com.cyclonecommerce.webservices.protocols.AbstractWSProtocolReceiver.setParties( at com.cyclonecommerce.webservices.protocols.ebxml.EbxmlProtocolReceiver.receive( at com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.messaging.config.ProtocolReceiverProxy.receive( at com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.messaging.handler.ProtocolReceiverState.d( at com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.messaging.handler.ProtocolReceiverState.handleMessage( at at com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.cluster.failover.FailoverableJobTask.execute( at com.cyclonecommerce.util.task.TaskScheduler$a_.primRun(TaskScheduler$ at </faultstring></soap:Fault></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>+

    <faultstring>Exception message: Party TOYOe_Dev is unknownIt seems your partner (who is using Cyclone B2B), has not configured party TOYOe_Dev at their end. Ask them to configure it at their end.

  • HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: String index out of range: -7

    All -
    I'm new to consuming web services in JDeveloper. I'm using Oracle JDEV  I'm using this version since it is compatible with Oracle EBS 12.1.3.  My intent is to pull data from our third party recruitment app (Success Factors) and load that data into Oracle HRIS.  I'm already doing this through a .NET application.  I'm converting it to be a Java Concurrent Program in EBS.  The code listed below is a stub call to verify I'm on the right track. I created a JDeveloper Web Services proxy project.  I'm testing it locally on my windows desktop.  When I'm able to consume the service successfully, then I'll think about moving it to the EBS server.
    I'm getting the following error when I invoke the following service:
    HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: String index out of range: -7
    End point is:
    Any help/assistance would be much appreciated. 
    Below is my code and output of my test:
    import HTTPClient.HTTPConnection;
    import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceFactory;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Date;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class SFAPITest {
        // Declare members:      
        private String companyId;
        private String userName;
        private String password;
        private String developerKey;
        private Date   effDt;
        private String greaterThanEffDt;
        private String lessThanEffDt;
        // Declare constants:      
        final static private String breakLine = "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+";
        final static private String format    = "yyyy-mm-dd";      
        private enum ReqId {
            private int reqId; 
            private ReqId() {
            private ReqId(int value) {
                reqId = value;
            public int getReqId() {
                return reqId;
        // Getters and Setters:  
        protected String getCompanyId() {
           return this.companyId;
        protected void setCompanyId(String value) {
           this.companyId = value;                 
        protected String getUserName() {
           return this.userName;
        protected void setUserName(String value) {
           this.userName = value;                 
        protected String getPassword() {
           return this.password;
        protected void setPassword(String value) {
           this.password = value;                 
        protected String getDeveloperKey() {
           return this.developerKey;
        protected void setDeveloperKey(String value) {
           this.developerKey = value;                 
        protected Date getEffDt() {
            return this.effDt;
        protected void setEffDt(Date value) {
            this.effDt = value;                 
        protected String getGreaterThanEffDt() {
           return this.greaterThanEffDt;
        protected void setGreaterThanEffDt(String value) {
           this.greaterThanEffDt = value;                 
        protected String getLessThanEffDt() {
           return this.lessThanEffDt;
        protected void setLessThanEffDt(String value) {
           this.lessThanEffDt = value;                 
        public void runProgram()
            SFAPIService mySFAPIService;
            String CompletionText = "";
            String effDtStr2 = null;
        /* Code your program logic here.
        * Use getJDBCConnection method to get the connection object for any
        * JDBC operations.
        * Use CpContext provided commit,rollback methods to commit/rollback
        * data base transactions.
        * Don't forget to release the connection before returning from this
        * method.
        /* Call setCompletion method to set the request completion status and
        * completion text.
        * Status values are ReqCompletion.NORMAL,ReqCompletion.WARNING,
        * ReqCompletion.ERROR.
        * Use Completion text message of length 240 characters. If it is more
        * than 240 then full string will appear in log file and truncated 240
        * characters will be used as request completion text.
            ServiceFactory factory = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
            mySFAPIService = (;      
            SFAPI api = mySFAPIService.getSFAPI();
           /// SFAPI api = new SFAPI();
            //Map<String, Object> requestContext = ((BindingProvider) api).getRequestContext();
            //requestContext.put(BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, true);
            System.out.println("ServiceName => " + mySFAPIService.getServiceName().toString());
            System.out.println("End Point   => " + mySFAPIService.getServiceName().toString());
            // Authentication: Login to SFAPI:
            SFCredential credential = new SFCredential();
            // Fake credentials being passed in for this post:   
            HTTPConnection httpsConnection = null;       
            OracleSSLCredential _credential = new OracleSSLCredential();      
            _credential.setWallet("\\\\\\C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_33\\jre\\lib\\security", "ParkEstes3");
            // SFParameter: Define a generic SFParameter List.  This is a necessary parameter
            // to invoking calls in SFAPI:      
             System.setProperty("","welcome");         */
            /*  System.setProperty("",
                          "(SOURCE=(METHOD=file)(METHOD_DATA=(DIRECTORY=\\\C:\Users\dparrish\Oracle\WALLETS)))");  // (2)                     */
            File kstore = new File("C:\\OraHome_1\\jdev\\jdevbin\\jdk\\jre\\lib\\security\\jssecacerts");
            boolean exists = kstore.exists();
            if (!exists) {
                System.out.println("Keystore does not exist");
            else {
                System.out.println("Keystore does exist");
            System.setProperty("", kstore.getAbsolutePath());
            System.setProperty("", "changeit");
            //System.setProperty("proxySet", "false");
            //System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
            //System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "8080");
            List<SFParameter> lst = new ArrayList<SFParameter>();
            SFParameter param = new SFParameter();
            SFParameter[] sfParam = lst.toArray(new SFParameter[lst.size()]);
            Login login = new Login();
            try {
                LoginResponse loginResponse = new  LoginResponse();
                LoginResult loginResult = new LoginResult();
                try {
                     loginResponse = api.login(login);               
                catch (Exception e ) {
                try {               
                     loginResult = loginResponse.getResult();
                catch (Exception e ) {
                IsValidSession vs = new IsValidSession();                  
                IsValidSessionResponse isValidSessionResponse = api.isValidSession(vs);
                if (isValidSessionResponse.isResult()) {
                     System.out.println("Session is valid");
                     System.out.println("Result => " + loginResult.getSessionId());
                    Logout logout = new Logout();
                    LogoutResponse logoutResponse = api.logout(logout);
                    if (logoutResponse.isResult()) {
                         System.out.println("Logout of SFAPI Successful");
                    else {
                        System.out.println("Logout of SFAPI Unsuccessful");
                else {
                     System.out.println("Session is invalid");
                    List<Error> errors = new ArrayList<Error>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < loginResult.getError().length;  i++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++) {
                         System.out.println("Error Indice   => " + i);
                         System.out.println("Error Code:    => " + errors.get(i).getErrorCode());
                         System.out.println("Error Message: => " + errors.get(i).getErrorMessage());
                    } // end for loop of SFObject errors
                } // end InvalidSession
            catch (Exception e)
                 System.out.println("Session Credential Exception");
                 System.out.println("Exception => " + e.getMessage());
        catch (Exception e)
            System.out.println("Parameter List Exception");
            System.out.println("Exception => " + e.getMessage());
        }   // end runProgram
        // Constructor:
        public SFAPITest()  {
        } // end constructor
        public static void main (String args[]) {
                SFAPITest test = new SFAPITest();        
            catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("main exception => " + e.getMessage());
    } // SFAPITest
    Here is the output with trace:
    WARNING: Unable to connect to URL: due to javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: String index out of range: -7
    Session Credential Exception
    Exception => ; nested exception is:
        HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Message send failed: String index out of range: -7
    Process exited with exit code 0.

    The other end is throwing back a programming error.
    That might be because you are sending incorrect data and the other end fails to validate it.
    You might be able to guess based on your C# code.  But, since you are using soap one generic solution is available to you.
    - Get an http proxy interceptor like wireshark.
    - Run it while your C# app runs, collect the http requests from that.
    - Run it while running your java code, collect the http requests from that.
    Compare the two.

  • Http 503 transport Error

    We deploying SAP CRM Sales 2.0 , we have generated ESDMA Bundles and deployed in SUP 2.0 and checked for the testing, unfortunate we getting 503 Transport Error , Please suggests.

    Dear Aps,
    Please check the JSPM and Default trace log to find whether SAP CRM Sales 2.0 software components are deployed properly or not.
    Best Regards
    Arun Jaiswal

  • 401 Unauthorized:HTTP transport error while calling external WSDL from BPEL

    I have simple BPEL process whic calls siebel WSDL file through partner link.
    I have successfully compiled and deployed BPEL process, when i initiate the Process, instace got errored out at invoke activity.
    Error Goes like this
    "<remoteFault xmlns=""><part name="summary"><summary>
    exception on JaxRpc invoke: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 401 Unauthorized</summary>
    Can anybody help on this issue, Could you please give me possible solution.
    Thank youl.

    we have not provided any authentication credentials to XMLSpy, we have just uploaded siebel WSDL file then sent the SOAP request with some customer Id then we have received proper response with all desired customer data.
    In the same way we tried to call same siebel WSDL file from BPEL process throgh partner link. errored instance has created with 401 unauthorised HTTP transport error..
    Do you think is this probem at siebel application side?
    We have deployed our BPEL process to SOA server which is having HTTP port 7777.
    as per my investigation,i found that we have to open port from siebel side (which WSDL file we are calling) which matches with above HTTP port number.
    Do you have any idea on this above clue? Please let us know more details on this.

  • Exception on JaxRpc invoke: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPExcept

    Hi all,
    I am getting below error while invoking Siebel web service from BPEL service,
    -<remoteFault xmlns="">
    -<part name="summary">
    exception on JaxRpc invoke: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Not a valid SOAP Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Please help me to resolve this issue.
    Santosh M E

    Resolved, I was invoking an external Web service which is an Asynchronous 2 way.
    Didn't capture the reply back from the Async service.

  • HTTP Transport Error in Net BEans 6.5

    I am consuming a web service using JAX-RPC. I am trying to log onto a web interface through my program but I am getting the following error:
    Feb 6, 2009 1:10:54 PM ttsample.Engine Login
    SEVERE: null
    java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP transport error: http; nested exception is:
    Logged in...
    HTTP transport error: http
    at ttsample.TtsoapcgiPortType_Stub.databaseLogon(
    at ttsample.Engine.Login(
    at ttsample.Main.main(
    Caused by: HTTP transport error: http
    at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.http.HttpClientTransport.invoke(
    at com.sun.xml.rpc.client.StreamingSender._send(
    at ttsample.TtsoapcgiPortType_Stub.databaseLogon(
    ... 2 more
    I searched the web and found that this is a proxy setting proble.
    I configured apache earlier to use the local host that run the web client.
    When I change the http port host and port number and try to login into the web client its giving me page not found error.So I changed the proxy settings to default and then restarted the system and then tried to log into the web client and it worked.
    I dont know where i am going wrong.I want to consume the WSDL and log into the web client but i am gettingthe above error.
    Anyone's help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thank You,

    Where did you get the address: (shouldn't the 82 be 83 instead?)

  • Exception on JaxRpc invoke: HTTP transport error in BPEL process

    One C# web service is running on IIS. I am trying to invoke this web service from BPEL process on the same system in which IIS is running. I have created the partnerlink using generated the WSDL file from IIS. I have changed the '' to 'localhost' . I am able to compile and deploy the process but during execution it gives following error during invoke of web service
    <messages><input><Invoke_1_ProcessXMLDoc_InputVariable_1><part xmlns:xsi="" name="parameters"><ProcessXMLDoc xmlns=""/>
    </part></Invoke_1_ProcessXMLDoc_InputVariable_1></input><fault><remoteFault xmlns=""><part name="summary"><summary>exception on JaxRpc invoke: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 401 Access Denied</summary>
    Can anybody suggest to resolve this error?

    try removing your "localhost" from the windows hosts file and then do it all over again using your ip or hostname.

  • Server Error 503: SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: HTTP server is temporarily overlo

    The wrong is that :
    Server Error 503: SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: HTTP server is temporarily overloaded, and unable
    I'd like some information about it.
    In my application i don't have pool connection and it's in production right now, my boubt is: Can i have problem of slowness in some process?
    Because sometimes i have slowness in some process and sometimes i don't have.
    I belive that happen when my server is overloaded,
    when isn't overloaded the process run ok.
    If i implent the pool the connection at application Can solve the problem?
    Jose Vieira

    I think we'll need some more information.
    Let's start with your working environment (development mode + autodeployment). Now if you change to deploying it yourself does it still work? If not, please give me more details on exactly how you're deploying it.
    Also, can you show me the server log, especially any messages or errors around your application's deployment.
    -- Rob
    WLS Blog

  • TREX - Search Failure - HTTP Server error: 503 - Queue Server down

    I've got a problem with TREX, the following tasks results in erros:
    Default Search
    Search Failure
    Error during search occurred - com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException: HTTP server error: 503 (Errorcode 7266)
    An unexpected severe error occurred during the search call.  If the situation persists, inform your system administrator.
    Creating Index
    Error 503
    - On Index Administration: indexes status are green
    - On TREX Monitor: Takes long time to loa. HTTP Server and Name Server are green. There is no entry for Queue Server
    - On TREX Monitor > Display Queues: Takes a long time and then no queues are displayed
    - On Portal Monitor > Request Overview: Requests for TREX takes pretty long time
    Starting Time: 9:16:23 AM
    Starting Date: May 19, 2010
    Request Name: NW:J2E:SRV:HTTP
    User ID: <my user>
    Outbound Data: n/a
    Duration: 395671
    CPU Time: 5812
    Component Entries: 26
    Component with Largest Net Time: EP:KM:TREX:HTTP:<host>:30205
    Largest Net Time: 38867
    Component with Largest Net CPU Time: EP:PRT_render:.../
    Net CPU Time: 5674                    
    Could you help me with procedures or guides on how to solve the problem and start the queue server?
    kind regards,

    BASIS team reseted TREX and it's working again

  • Enterprsise search error  - HTTP server error: 503 (Errorcode 7266)

    i am geting following error when serching docs in portal using TREX..
    Search Failure
    Error during search occurred - com.sapportals.wcm.WcmException: HTTP server error: 503 (Errorcode 7266)
    An unexpected severe error occurred during the search call. If the situation persists, inform your system administrator.
    Indexing document failed. Communication error. HTTP server error: 503 (Errorcode 7266)

      Can you please check the information and links given in the below threads. These will give more information of checking the HTTP Server etc..

  • HTTP transport error:

    im getting the below error when im trying to deploy a web service in Jdeveloper using Weblogic 8.0.
    WARNING: Unable to connect to URL: http://localhost:7001/Test-Sample-context-root/MyWebService1SoapHttpPort due to javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to read response: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes
    java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is:
         HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to read response: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes
         at sample1.proxy.runtime.MyWebService1SoapHttp_Stub.add(
         at sample.MyWebService1SoapHttpPortClient.add(
         at sample.MyWebService1SoapHttpPortClient.main(
    Caused by: HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to read response: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes
         at sample1.proxy.runtime.MyWebService1SoapHttp_Stub.add(
         ... 2 more
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    Please let me know what will be the problem.

    I too face the same problem.
    The web service which i created do not need any authendication.
    Still im facing the same error. The exception caught is client transport exception.
    I too use weblogic 8.1 for testing.
    Thanks in advance
    Prakash Vijayan

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