Tree measuring app

Good day I am a iphone customer and I am searching for an app for tally
ing tree measurments in board feet

have you considered just using a tape measure? 

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  • Automatic menu tree for app pages

    Is there a way to generate an automatic menu tree for all the pages in an application?
    The index Carl's app has at seems to be manually maintained. Add a page to the app, add it to that list.
    It would be really nice to have a way to have a TOC (Table of Contents) or Index page for an app that would automatically pick up any new/updated/deleted pages in an application and keep the menu tree current.
    I guess this goes back to the (already discussed) request to expose views into the Apex metadata tables that we could use to build pages like these. It could take the same approach as the handful of views that are already there (htmldb_collections, htmldb_application_files, etc) i.e. the view already puts in a predicate to restrict the data returned to the currently logged in workspace/sgid.

    "405764", yes, I agree that I need to tell Apex how the pages are related, that's kind of my point. There is no place the current version to indicate this to the App Builder (and neither are the relevant metadata tables/views exposed).
    I guess the best way (at this time) is to maintain the intra-page relationships in my own little metadata table and build a hierarchical menu tree/page off of it.
    But given how easy everything else is in Apex, this seems like a omission, that's all!
    Similar to how Version 2.2 added the Access Control feature where it maintains some security related data in a set of tables and uses that to build a dynamic security framework, it could maintain these intra-page relationships in a set of tables and give us a out-of-the-box hierarchical menu tree.

  • Syncing my apps before upgrade?

    New poster here!
    So I have a iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.1 and a home computer with Windows 7  and iTunes 11.
    So it's finally time to update to iOS6!   Iwant to make sure EVERYTHING is backup before I go anyforward. As a selmon iTunes user, it's been a while, but I opened up iTunes thinking this process would be as intiitivly designed as their hardware. Was I wrong. Can someone please help me figure out what I'm doing?
    I connected my phone and iTunes recognizes it. Great! Questions:
    I don't see any buttons or checkboxes for backing up SMS or phone settings?
    First I did "Back Up Now" that's done, but it didn't tell me what it backed up. What did it back up?
    Then, I did "Transfer purchases" that's done, but I'm not sure what it transfered? Free apps? I really didn't purchase them?
    Okay, so now I guess I want to synch!Options tab: I want to back up my mail settings, but I DON'T want any program on my computer to start using them, I just want to back the settings up. Was I covered in #2 or should I do this?
    The big one: APPS.
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    (I keep no music or movies, tv shows or photos  on my phone, so I skip those tabs.)
    Thank you!

    Okay, you really should read the User's Guide so that you have a better understanding of how the iPhone is designed to be used.
    Frankly, if you are still running iOS 4.1, why in the world are you upgrading now? 
    About iOS Backups
    How to Backup

  • In "storage", it says that apps take up 290 gB. What's going on?

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    I'd appreciate it if you can help!

    Backup your  computer.
       Re-index Macintosh HD.
       Spotlight reindexing will take a while to finish.
       System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy
       You will see a new category  “Other” in the Storage Display.
       About “Other”:
      If you don’t have Macintosh HD icon on the desktop,
      Finder > Preferences > General > Show these items on the desktop:
      Enable “Hard disks”.

  • Why does the App Store crash every time I search for something on my iPod?

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    I have the same bug cuz of the new App Store application ,,, almost the next update they ll fix it ,,
    But really it isn't a big problem ,,, after AppStore crash open it again ,,, & install what u want ,,,
    That's all

  • Acoustic measuring tool applications for apple devices?

    My name is Elliott Winterbottom and I am a student at the University of Derby. For my final year project i am using apple devices that are able to download and run applications form the App Store. I am then proposing to test the quality and usability of Sound Pressure Level meter (SPL) and other acoustic measuring apps against current industry tools. I want to see if in this day and age it is possible to use much cheaper and easily accessible tools such as Apple apps as professional tools.
    As of yet i haven't been able to find many acoustic measuring tools in the apps store and any information would be much appreciated.
    Elliott Winterbottom  

    Try this for starters:

  • Ejb3 app functions only when both .jsf and .jsp is present

    Hi All,
    I have the following problem: when I try to remove either of booking.jsp and booking.jsf (having same contents) from the directory tree of app.war (following), I get the message HTTP status 404 The requested resource (/s_ejb3_jb421_tobbfele/pages/booking.jsp) is not available.
    Thank you in advance: Balazs Bamer
    JBoss 4.2.1 output:
    16:23:21,101 INFO [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.PRETTY_HTML' found, using default value true
    16:23:21,101 INFO [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.ALLOW_JAVASCRIPT' found, using default value true
    16:23:21,101 INFO [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.DETECT_JAVASCRIPT' found, using default value false
    16:23:21,101 INFO [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.AUTO_SCROLL' found, using default value false
    16:23:21,101 INFO [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.ADD_RESOURCE_CLASS' found, using default value org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.DefaultAddResource
    16:23:21,101 INFO [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.ADD_RESOURCE_CLASS' found, using default value org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.DefaultAddResource
    16:23:21,121 INFO [MyfacesConfig] No context init parameter 'org.apache.myfaces.CHECK_EXTENSIONS_FILTER' found, using default value true
    app.war (inside s_ejb3_jb421_tobbfele.ear) contents, with only the booking.jsf:
      <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=pages/booking.jsf">
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
      "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN"
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <web-app   xmlns=""
        <description>debug web.xml</description>
                State saving method: "client" or "server" (= default)
                See JSF Specification 2.5.2
                This parameter tells MyFaces if javascript code should be allowed in the
                If true, rendered HTML code will be formatted, so that it is "human readable".
                i.e. additional line separators and whitespace will be written, that do not
                influence the HTML code.
                Default: "true"
                If true, a javascript function will be rendered that is able to restore the
                former vertical scroll on every request. Convenient feature if you have pages
                with long lists and you do not want the browser page to always jump to the top
                if you trigger a link or button action that stays on the same page.
                Default: "false"
                <description>Set the size limit for uploaded files.
                    Format: 10 - 10 bytes
                            10k - 10 KB
                            10m - 10 MB
                            1g - 1 GB
                <description>Set the threshold size - files
                        below this limit are stored in memory, files above
                        this limit are stored on disk.
                    Format: 10 - 10 bytes
                            10k - 10 KB
                            10m - 10 MB
                            1g - 1 GB
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="s" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="t"%>
      <title>Metro Systems </title>
      <link href="../theme/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <div id="container">
    <f:loadBundle basename="booking_messages" var="booking_messages"/>
          <h3> <h:outputText value="#{booking_messages['welcome']}"/>  </h3>
       <h:form onsubmit="return validateForm(this);">
         <table align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
             <td><h:inputText id="email" value="#{}">
                        <s:commonsValidator type="required"
                        <s:commonsValidator type="email"
             <td><h:outputText id="departure" value="#{booking_messages['date']}"/></td>
                <t:inputCalendar monthYearRowClass="yearMonthHeader" weekRowClass="weekHeader"
                    currentDayCellClass="currentDayCell" value="#{flightServlet.flight.departure}" renderAsPopup="true"
                    popupTodayString="#{booking_messages['popup_today_string']}" popupWeekString="#{booking_messages['popup_week_string']}">
                        <s:commonsValidator type="required"
                              arg="Departure date"
             <td><h:outputText value="#{booking_messages['city']}"/> </td>
             <td> <h:selectOneMenu value="#{}" required="true">
                                 <f:selectItem itemLabel="Los Angeles" itemValue="Los Angeles"/>
                                 <f:selectItem itemLabel="Madrid" itemValue="Madrid"/>
                                 <f:selectItem itemLabel="Mexico City" itemValue="Mexico City"/>
                                 <f:selectItem itemLabel="New York" itemValue="New York"/>
                                 <f:selectItem itemLabel="Paris" itemValue="Paris"/>
         <h:message for="email" styleClass="errors"/>
         <h:message for="departure" styleClass="errors"/>
         <s:validatorScript functionName="validateForm"/>
         <h:commandButton type="submit" value="#{booking_messages['reserve']}" action="#{flightServlet.reserve}"/>
    </html>ear application.xml:
      <display-name>JSF Shale EJB3 JBoss 4.2.1</display-name>
    </application>ear jboss-ap.xml:

            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    </servlet-mapping>tells JSF, that it will get accessed via urls which end in jsf. So it's just a logical name
    e.g. index.jsf
    </context-param>Tells JSF that the content filename will end in .jsp
    Default is jsp anyway, so this param is optional.
    Chapter "Creating the index.jsp File" might help you with the question about processing "jsp only" pages
    Edited by: dube on Oct 26, 2007 2:11 AM

  • Symlinks don't work for app bundles?

    Anyone seen the following?
    I'm pretty new to OS X programming. I'm using CMake to help me build cross-platform code on OS X 10.5 (in addition to Linux). I'm using CMake's "MACOSX_BUNDLE" option for the executables. My GUI is created with the FLTK library.
    When I build application "foo", I get the expected bundle file tree: "".
    If I directly run ...../MacOS/foo on the command-line, the program works just fine.
    However, if I create a symlink *pointing at* ...../MacOS/foo, and execute the symlink, the program doesn't work right. The window appears, but it's not made the front-most window on the desktop, and the menus don't respond. This reminds me of how programs acted before I found out I was supposed to build them as application bundles.
    Does anyone know why symlinks aren't working for me?

    conveycj wrote:
    we'd need a really good reason to write OS X-specific GUI or IPC code.
    Writing good software isn't reason enough?
    So, you may be right that I'm asking something of OS X that it wasn't really designed to do. But given my cross-platform and small-code needs, I'm not sure if there's really a better solution.
    OS X can do whatever you want. You are trying to build a Mac tools with CMake, which I'd never heard of until a couple of weeks ago and which apparently can't built a Mac application if it had to.
    You are free to use whatever you want to build your application, but I strongly encourage you to bit the bullet and just try it on a Mac once. See how Xcode does it. Then, if you want to build it with some wacky tool, go right ahead. But you need to have a working example first. Even if you don't want to build your entire app in Xcode, at least do a simple "Hello World" app that can run with our without the GUI. Then hack up your CMake to build your app like Xcode built the HelloWorld app.
    I have done what you are trying to do in Xcode. All you have to do is look for the "-psn" command-line argument that indicates you are running in the GUI. If you have "-psn", you are in the GUI and you don't get any other command-line arguments. If not, you were launched from the command line, so parse away.

  • Conversion tracking for newsstand app and single folio

    Hello Adobe,
    For my native ios and android apps i do use this web tool -
    Adding a small sdk inside my app helps me to track app installs per different channels.
    My both newsstand apps build with dps are paid, so there is a special need to track the conversion. For now the only thing i have - is omniture statistics upon this products. The question is - do the omniture support this kind of tracking, and if not, is it possible to insert an 3rd parties SDK into my newsstand? And if it is possible, what should be my next steps.
    Hearst Russia

    DPS does not support integration with 3rd party SDK's. If the solution has a JavaScript API, there maybe a way to implement this. Take a look at this Devnet article which may be helpful: by-campaign-id.html

  • How do I use the buffered counting mode at a fixed frequency?

       I'm using a PCI-6259 M-series board with the Nidaq MX
    drivers in Labview 7.  I am trying to use one counter to do
    buffered edge counting (eg. count how many pulses appear on one input
    in 400 successive time bins of 10 uS each following a digital start
    pulse).  That is, my inputs are:
         Start Pulse (from experiment)
         Count Pulse (from a photomultiplier tube in the experiment)
    And I want to know:
        # of pulses from 0 to 10 uS after the Start Pulse
        # of pulses from 11 to 20 uS after the Start
    Pulse  (or, equally good, # of pulses from 0 to 20 uS....I can
    subtract later)
        # of pulses from 3991 to 4000 uS after the Start Pulse (or, # of pulses from 0 to 4000 uS...same thing)
       The Count Digital Events-Buffered-Finite-Ext sample
    appears to do half of this.  I can set this up CTR0 with the Count
    pulse (and possibly add the start pulse as an Arm Start....I can't use
    a Start Trigger, right?).  However, I need to generate a Sample
    Clock Source at 100 kHz (to trigger the card to buffer the counter
    value and start counting in the next bin).  So, I tried to set up
    CTR1 along the lines of Gen Dig Pulse Train-Finite-Dig for
    generating a finite pulse train starting on a digital trigger, and
    connecting the output from CTR1 to the Sample Clock Source on
    CTR0.  However, I get an error -50103 saying the specified
    resource is reserved if I do both at the same time.  But, I can't
    see any resource conflicts...the pulse generation on CTR1 works fine
    alone, as well as the buffered counting on CTR0, and all the PFI pins
    are different.  Is there some reason I can't use both counters at
    the same time?
    I think I can use the FREQOUT pin on the card to generate a Sample
    Clock Source at 100 kHz, since I think this is independent of CTR0
    & CTR1.  However, I can't trigger the FREQOUT to always start
    when I get a Start Pulse (as I can if I trigger a Digital Pulse Train
    to start on a digital trigger...or can I?) my bins will move
    randomly by up to 10 uS.
       This is an unrelated topic, but is there a discussion of
    the relationship between the terminology in the manuals describing the
    cards (SOURCE, GATE, OUTPUT terminals) and the terminology in NidaqMX
    (Source Clock/SrcClk.Source, CI.CountEdges.Term, CO.Pulse.Term)? 
    Eg. is CTR0.GATE always the same thing as SrcClk.Source, or does it
    depend on the mode of operation?  If the M-series hardware manual
    says to connect something to the SOURCE input, how do I assign an
    alternate PFI pin to that SOURCE input in Labview?  Does it depend
    on the counter type, or is it always the same?

    Hi, you brought up several questions / issues -- let me see if I can help with some of them:
       I can set this up CTR0 with the Count pulse (and possibly add the start pulse as an Arm Start....I can't use a Start Trigger, right?).
    Yes, you could set up this way.  Also, as far as I know you're also correct that you need to configure for an "Arm Start" trigger using the DAQmx Trigger property node.  The "Arm Start" trigger is used for counter input (measurement) apps while the regular "Start Trigger" can be used for counter output (pulse generation) tasks.  I don't think I've experimented with recent versions of DAQmx though so it may have changed in 7.4 or 7.5
    ...I tried to set up CTR1 along the lines of Gen Dig Pulse Train-Finite-Dig for generating a finite pulse train starting on a digital trigger, and connecting the output from CTR1 to the Sample Clock Source on CTR0.  However, I get an error -50103 saying the specified resource is reserved if I do both at the same time
    I highlighted the problem -- the FINITE pulse train.  DAQmx uses CTR0 as a "helper" when you generate a finite pulse train on CTR1.  It would generate a single pulse whose width corresponds to the exact amount of time needed for CTR1 to generate its specified # of pulses.
    For your specific app, I think you could generate a triggered continuous pulse train with CTR1 -- this wouldn't need to use CTR0 as a helper.  The Start Pulse would arm CTR0 at the same instant that CTR1 is started.   If you set up CTR0 to acquire on the trailing edge of CTR1's pulses, then you'll get the time bins you want.
    A final slight mod would be to setup CTR0 for measuring buffered periods (set units == "Ticks") instead of counting edges.  In that mode, you wouldn't have to do the subtraction at the end.
       This is an unrelated topic, but is there a discussion of the relationship between the terminology in the manuals describing the cards (SOURCE, GATE, OUTPUT terminals) and the terminology in NidaqMX (Source Clock/SrcClk.Source, CI.CountEdges.Term, CO.Pulse.Term)?  Eg. is CTR0.GATE always the same thing as SrcClk.Source, or does it depend on the mode of operation? 
    There's an NI app note and some discussion forum hits if you search the site for "daqmx terminology."
    If the M-series hardware manual says to connect something to the SOURCE input, how do I assign an alternate PFI pin to that SOURCE input in Labview?  Does it depend on the counter type, or is it always the same?
    Usually, that choice would be available under the DAQmx Channel property node.   There'll be some place to define where the input signal is coming from, generally with "Term" or "Terminal" as part of its name.   Sorry I can't be more specific as I'm not at my LV computer now.
    Happy counting!
    -Kevin P.

  • DFSN-Server ID 516 Flooding Event Log

    Good Day,
     Since setting up a Server 2012 server as a DFS root the Administrative Events log is getting flooded with DFSN-Server ID 516 warning events. We have multiple name spaces and we get a message for each every 15 minutes, so for our 6 name spaces
    that is over 500 messages a day.
    DFSN service has started performing complete refresh of metadata for namespace <DFS-Root>. This task can take time if the namespace has large number of folders and may delay namespace administration operations.
    Although I found one solution on the Russian Technet forum DFSN-Server EventID 516 this disables the entire DFSN-Server
    Admin log, so if there are any problems with the refresh they will not appear.
    The main cause of the problem appears to be that the 516 Events have a Warning level 3 for something that should be Information level 4. There is no reason for a warning to be issued for what is a regular update process.

    What bothers me is that those events mention only "started a complete refresh", but they never mention so far completing one ... weird...
    Thank you Microsoft (sarcasm).
    If you look directly at the log, you'll see this message is quickly followed by ID 517 which states it has completed the refresh.  Event 517 is an informational event, so it won't display in the default "Administrative Events" filter.
    My suggestion to Microsoft:  Change the severity on ID 516 to Informational.  I don't believe
    anyone would consider this routine refresh a warning-level concern!!
    yes, you are right. sorry for super late reply, but I was swamped in company move and server upgrades, new installations, new IP phone system, new IP cams, site-to-site VPN, new faster firewall for new faster Internet link, NAT config changes ... man ...
    a bit too much for a single person to manage sometimes ...
    anyways, I didn't see the 517 events in "Custom Views - Administrative Events" that's why I was alerted with a flood of 516 (there is 1 every 12 minutes), can't understand why MS would drop one informational event (categorized wrongly as warning)
    and not add the other one stating it was completed right after (because it's still informational only) ... I finally found the following 517's when I went to the tree of Apps and Services Logs - MS - Win - DFSN-Server - Admin ... it's kinda buried down there
    very annoying it still is in end of October, especially then I am troubleshooting a non-replication conditions without any errors between two DFS servers (also DC roles installed) running 2012R2. Ended up removing DFS from secondary DC (VM actually) and
    building a new DFS dedicated VM with fixed sized disks on Hyper-V 2012 R2 server, hoping it resolves the issue when replication would just stop without error creating a huge file count (and content!) mismatch over time... a flood of meaningless events in administrative
    logs in not helping with troubleshooting ...

  • Duke$ - Multiple packages in one jar... again

    My jar contains 2 packages.
    One is my own, the other one is the JNIRegistry from Ice. (Excellent for Windows. Download it at: )
    My application starts from the jar file and works just fine, but as soon as one of my classes tries to import/load a class from the com-package, the NoClassDefFoundError exception is thrown.
    I created the jarfile in my app-folder by using:
    jar cfm myJarFile.jar myPackage com
    This is the folder tree:
    |--com (folder)
    |--myPackage (folder)
    I have checked the contents of the jarfile, nothing is missing.
    This is the manifest file:
    Main-Class: myPackage.App
    I am sure there must be a way around this... The closest solution I have found was at:
    It says specify each class you want to import from the other package, for example dont use
    So I did. Nothing changed, still the NoClassDefFoundError
    Any help?
    Thanks in advance

    Hey guys,
    This is how you do it. I have an example here for you to follow:
    package com.test;
    import*; // note * is ok to use!
    class Test
         public static void main(String[] args)
              System.out.println("Hello from Test!");
    public class Target
         public static void main(String[] args)
              System.out.println("Hello from Target!");
    }place files like so:
    compile classes, then create a manifest:
    Main-Class: com.test.Test
    {a blank line here}
    place at:
    now create jar;
    {path}> jar cmf manifest.txt myJar.jar com/ another/
    and enjoy ;-) java -jar myJar.jar

  • NALCACHE and Office Cache Dir GONE!

    When Office 2003 was deployed, force cache and run was turned on to
    distribute lights out and have Office installed on their machine Monday
    morning working. This has worked great for the last 6 months'.
    Recently we installed a new novell client, Netware 6.5, new Zenworks
    agent, and a domain policy change for cache creditials was
    turned on not to mention the million patches distributed to all
    workstations with WSUS. Our environment is Windows 2000 and Windows XP
    and we are seeing all kinds of problems now.
    One problem in particular is office has been deployed and working on
    our servers for quite some time with NO changes to these zenworks
    objects at all. Well the majority of workstations on one of the servers
    now has lost the following directory
    (c:\nalcache\TREE\office_2003.apps.....\install).. .so we can't repair
    office, remove office, nothing at this point. The only forseeable
    thing it to bump the version up on this server app and let it
    redistribute and cache again or create a custom maintenance wizard file
    and let it redistribute again. We are assuming everyone would then lose
    their settings again if we redistribute.
    We have investigated and we cannot find out what is making this stuff
    go away. No launcher config options have been changed, no changes to
    the Zen object were made, and all *.bin files are still located there.
    Anyone every had anything. This server is not part of our cluster as
    are several other servers. What would cause this to happen? Policy
    problems, etc?

    >We have investigated and we cannot find out what is making this stuff
    >go away. No launcher config options have been changed, no changes to
    >the Zen object were made, and all *.bin files are still located there.
    How about anti-virus software? or Malware. I have seen this cause many
    problems. I normally recommend that the nalcache directory be excluded
    from being scanned.
    Jared Jennings - Data Technique, Inc.
    Novell Support Forums Sysop
    My Blog and Wiki with Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials

  • 10.4.7  = CPU whine?!

    I just installed the brand new 10.4.7 update on my MacBook and now I have the famous processor whine until now (at least as fas as I know) only a problem on the MBP's. It has run hot (VERY hot) from day one (for some reason the fan never turns off, and yes, there is no plastic blocking the vent) but I didn't have any processor whine until I installed this update!
    Has anyone else experienced this? And can anyone tell me how I can go back to 10.4.6 until Apple hopefully fix this?

    So I'm definitely not the only one that has noticed this - good to know, let's hope it has also come to Apple's attention. Like other users I too have noticed a small drop in heat generation (although that is entirely a subjective observation, I don't have any temperature measuring app installed). I read somewhere that this is probably because the .7 update makes the CPU work more efficiently, but that this also causes the whine/hiss.
    It's like having to choose between two evils - whine or HotBook. Why, oh why can't I have a cool and quiet Macbook? And now with the beginning yellow stains....come on Apple, **** happens but this is ridicules!

  • Strange Error when trying to publish code from author instance to publish instance

    When I attempt to publish code I get error "Cowardly Refusing to tree-activate "/apps".   There are no addtional messages and when I try to package up the same objects and import them, I recieve an minimal message Error Uploading XXX.Zip.  
    Has anyone run into these messages before?

    The tree activation error is built in validation, it will not tree activate a top level directory. You will get the same message if you did /content for example. But if you do /apps/foo it will work.
    I don't about uploading error - have you looked at your server logs? It could be a permissions issue or a disk space issue - especially if you package is large.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Can any of u throw some light on the various movement types that are used in SD module.

  • Fiori LaunchPad : Images on Application tile

    Hello All, In Launchpad designer , We can add Icons for the application tile. Is it possible to add IMAGE rather than ICON here? does the new LaunchPad designer supports this feature ? Regards, Sheetal Tags edited by: Michael Appleby

  • Have option to turn off text message pop up window.

    I would like to see the IPhone enhanced to allow the option to turn the text message pop up window on or off. There are times when I don't want my text message to pop up for privacy reasons; such as if someone else is using my phone or I have my phon