Trouble executing data found on TABLE: exe_sel_dttime_xml (COLUMN: QUERY)

I want to execute using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE the data found on a table
The following code inside a PLSQL procedure constantly gives me coding problems(therefore not working as it should!!):
IN (SELECT QUERY INTO v_toexecute FROM exe_sel_dttime_xml)
Basically what this code is supposed to do is execute each of the data found inside the COLUMN: [QUERY] found on the TABLE: [exe_sel_dttime_xml]
SQL> r
1 select * from exe_sel_dttime_xml
FROM t_xml_01;
FROM t_xml_02;
FROM t_xml_03;
FROM t_xml_04;
FROM t_xml_05;
FROM t_xml_06;
I need this to work using the following:
+ Querying the data from table: exe_sel_dttime_xml
(ie, SELECT QUERY INTO v_toexecute FROM exe_sel_dttime_xml)
All (and any) help is appreciated

first thing, when writing cursor for loop, the select statement does not have to contain the INTO clause.
for rec in (select ename from scott.emp)
  dbms_output.put_line(rec.ename) ;
end loop ;Next, can you execute the select statements stored in the table exe_sel_dttime_xml at the SQL*Plus prompt?
if you cannot, you cannot do execute immediate on them.
if the table_dttime is a table in the database into which you are inserting the data selected from the table t_xml_01, then it should be coded as a
insert into ... select ...
explain in detail what you are trying to do and someone can help you.

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    Hi Daniel,
    You are not using Inflation funcitonality, are not you? Check that in IMG - Financial Accounting (New) - Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) - Inflation Accounting - Inflation Methods - Assign Inflation Methods to Company Codes your company code is not assigned to any inflation methods.

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    Orange  1
    Pear    1
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    SQL> create table fruits_one (name varchar2(100), quantity number);
    Table created.
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      2  select 'Apple'  name, 1 quantity from dual union all
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      2  l_search varchar2(10) := 'APPLE';
      3  l_cnt number := 0;
      4  begin
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      7  loop
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    12    dbms_output.put_line('table = "' || x.table_name ||'", column = "' || x.column_name ||'"');
    13    end if;
    15  end loop;
    17  end;
    18  /
    table = "FRUITS_ONE", column = "NAME"
    table = "FRUITS_TWO", column = "DES"
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    Attachments: ‏68 KB

    I looked at your code and I think you might be making things too complicated. I've included a very simple example that demonstrates how to write a 2D array of integers to a table. Hope you find this helpful. It is in LV 7.1.
    Chris C
    Chris Cilino
    National Instruments
    LabVIEW Product Marketing Manager
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    rows - ‏17 KB

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    Hello Charan,
    first check this Blog:;jsessionid=(J2EE3417800)ID0294722750DB10878770002327649734End?blog=/pub/wlg/3705
    It may helps already.
    Anouter methode is to report from PSA Tables. But here no How-to is available.

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    You key date 31.12.9999, is this the date you entered in a variable?  If so I presume you don't have data on your system for this time period.
    If you take the date filter out of the report do you see data?
    Also check if there are any conditions on the report that may be active.

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    Take the SQL that works outside of CR and then create a new report and add all data sources. Now use a Command Object and paste in your SQL. YOu may have to play with adding each data source in a different order. If that works great if not you'll have to figure out a way to get all the data into one source.
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    Thank you

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    You can use data templates.
    See this:

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    IF NOT p_sel_opt IS INITIAL.
        LOOP AT p_sel_opt INTO wa_sel_opt .
          ASSIGN wa_sel_opt-low TO <fval>.
          ASSIGN  p_fieldname TO <field>.
          IF <field> IS ASSIGNED AND <fval> IS ASSIGNED.
            SELECT COUNT(*)  FROM (p_tabname) WHERE <FIELD>  = <fval>  .
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              wa_fi_bukrs-table =  p_tabname.
              wa_fi_bukrs-count = sy-dbcnt.
              APPEND wa_fi_bukrs TO it_fi_bukrs.
              CLEAR wa_fi_bukrs.
    Reason it is giving is
    is not availble in the data base tables . what can I do to the above query for that to work.

    replace <field> with (<field>) ok?
    but, its better if you construct your where clause.. i dont know the above will work or not.
    concatenate <FIELD>  ' = ' <fval> into s1 separated by space.
    and pass where (s1).
    check the FM RFC_READ_TABLE. you will get a proper picture
    Edited by: Soumyaprakash Mishra on Dec 13, 2011 11:02 PM

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    create table x_test1(id number, property varchar2(1000));
    insert into x_test1 values (1,'abc');
    insert into x_test1 values (2,'ab');
    insert into x_test1 values (1,'abcd');
    insert into x_test1 values (3,'a');
    insert into x_test1 values (4,'b');
    insert into x_test1 values (5,'c');
    insert into x_test1 values (8,'d');
    insert into x_test1 values (10,'e');
    create table x_test2(id number, property varchar2(1000));
    insert into x_test2 values (1,'abc');
    insert into x_test2 values (5,'ab');
    insert into x_test2 values (2,'abcd');
    insert into x_test2 values (6,'a');
    insert into x_test2 values (11,'b');
    insert into x_test2 values (15,'c');
    insert into x_test2 values (18,'d');
    insert into x_test2 values (10,'e');
    Given an id I want to check whether its exists in any this tables. However,in acutal sceneraio x_test1, x_test2 contains millions of records so I want to write a SQL query in such way that if we check in x_test1 if it exists there I don;t check in x_test2.
    Can I able to write this in one SQL statement ?
    Example -
    Given id '1' I want to whether its exists in any these two tables
    Given id '7' I want to whether its exists in any these two tables

    I loved Michael's solution.
    But since he ahs already shown you that, here is another way of doing it.
    It may be more expensive since distinct is involved, however it si only to take care of multiple entries in the table.
    case when 1=(select distinct 1 from x_test1 where id=&x) then
    when 1=(select distinct 1 from x_test2 where id=&x) then
    end valu
    from dualRegards,

  • No Data Found Exception

    I'm getting No Data found exception while selecting a query.
    I'm trying to insert into a table by selecting records from a table.
    I'm doing this inside a loop. So I need to continue with insertion even though i get this error( NO DATA FOUND). How can this be done?
    Any help?
    FOR id IN (select Emp_ID from Table A)
    Select COL_B INTO Var_X from Table B where COL_C = id.EMPID;
    NO DATA FOUND ---- I need to go for insertion even though i get this error
    ---- Insertion Goes here to TABLE_C
    ----- Inserting VAR_X into the TABLE_C along with other Columns

    What you have should work. Are you saying thet the exception handler doesn't catch the exception? If that is the case then it must be another exception. You could change the exceptiuon handler to be a when others (which will catch everything) or you could just decalre a cursor which you open, fetch from, and then close. If no data is found you won't get an exception, but your variables won't be null unless you reset them every time you go round the loop.
    Obviously the no data found exception is actually no_data_found (i.e. with underscores) but your code wouldn't compile if you missed out the underscores so you must have that right.

  • No Data Found Error in wwv_flow_files

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    I have written a procedure to upload the .csv file data into one of my database Table. It was working fine some days back, but when I try to upload a .csv today, it gives me error "No Data Found".
    This is the Query I am using to fetch the data from wwv_flow_files table:
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files
    where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = UPPER(:APP_USER))
    and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = UPPER(:APP_USER));
    this is returning No data found error.
    Please suggest what is the problem.
    Apex vesion :
    DB: 11g

    Hi Trent,
    As I said, I am using this code from a long time ago, it was working fine before and I have uploaded many files using this code.
    But suddenly I don't know what happen it start giving this error.
    For making sure that this statement is the one which is giving "no data found" error I commented all the other select statements
    and I still got no data found. So it's confirmed.
    One more thing, I tried to run this code in SQL command by hard coding the :APP_USER value and this is what I got in the result:
    [unsupported data type]
    means this code is returning something but at run time it is giving no data found.
    Please suggest.

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    i want seperate table and column names
    i want separte . filed
    Please help me

    Kiran Bathula wrote:
    I am having one column data containing combining table and column names like
    i want seperate table and column names
    i want separte . filed
    Please help me
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as
      2  (select 'act_hand_table.work_order' col from dual)
      3* select substr(col,1,instr(col,'.',1)-1)tbl,substr(col,instr(col,'.',1)+1) from t
    SQL> /
    TBL            SUBSTR(COL
    act_hand_table work_orderHope this helps

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    Is it possible to assign a user defined data element other than basic data types in table control column.

    Hi Suresh,
    In Screen layout,In element list tab,i am not able to give the user-defined data types other than basic data types?please tell me how to give other data types

  • Row tables Or Column Tables Or both?

    I would like to know the basic approach in order to build a new model  in hana ( row tables or column tables or both) ?
    Suppose I've a source system for example excel or .csv..etc and different excels consists of different types of data that includes both dimensions and measures and each source file consists of around 500 fields. The source feed comes every day and I need to load each and every field in the database.
    Out of these 500 fields and assume 300 are dimensions and 200 are facts, and for reporting for purpose i just need 150 dimensions and 80 measures and some calculated measures. (Infuture, I may need to consider some more dimensions and facts) .
    Now my question is,
    As the source feed comes every day and I need to load all the fields,
    Do I need to create first row tables first as Row tables are preferred for insert operations or Can I go a head with column tables directly?
    I just want to know the guidelines to follow , where we need to load some thousand of fields and huge number of rows and at the same time my modeling should be good for reporting as well.
    What I am not able to catch is, SAP HANA recommends not to combine row tables and column table for operations otherwise first I load all the data into row tables and then create column tables specific to reporting purpose by using row tables' data? ( I can create some stored procs to load data from row tables to columns tables and run them after data load completes)
    Please let me know your inputs.

    Hello Shree,
    For the better performance it is always advisable to store table as a Column Store.
    This can be changed anytime to row store.
    HANA does have a row store and you can create row-oriented tables for some very specific scenarios:
    - Transient data like queues, where you insert and delete a lot and the data never persists
    - Configuration tables which are never joined, where you select individual entire rows
    - When you are advised to by a SAP support personnel
    Also if you are going to create views it only supports column based stored tables.
    Usually performance is better with the Column store.
    For more details you can refer:

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