Trouble using read() to append html text to JEditoPane()

Trouble using read() to append html text to JEditoPane()
I`ve created the method bellow in my GEditorPane class, wich extends JEditorPane. The problem is that, after each appended text, an undesired line break is added. I checked the getText() of the pane, and there was no <br> (but a \n) where the line breaks are localized, what is strange, since html doesn`t break lines with \n.
Someone can help me ? Thankyou. SrLontra
public void append(String str) {
try {
Document doc = getDocument();
if (str == null || str.equals("")) {
Reader r = new StringReader(str);
HTMLEditorKit kit = (HTMLEditorKit) getEditorKit();, doc, doc.getLength());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("IOException :: appendHTML() :: GEditorPane");
} catch (BadLocationException ble) {
System.out.println(     "BadLocationException :: appendHTML () :: GEditorPane");

Hello lukik,
This is not exactly my problem, in my case, the break is not desired. For some reason, just before the appended text, a line break (\n) is inserted in the Document. And I don`t want this to happen. Added to this, why the HTML text breaks with the \n?
Anyway, the threads were very instructive ^^.
Thankyou. SrLontra.

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    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
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         Style style = g.doc.addStyle("StyleName", null);
         StyleConstants.setItalic(style, true);
         StyleConstants.setFontSize(style, 30);
         StyleConstants.setForeground(style, Color.white);
         // Append to document
         g.kit.insertHTML(g.doc, g.doc.getLength(), "tekxt", 1, 1, HTML.Tag.B);
         //g.doc.insertString(g.doc.getLength(), "<b>Some Text</b>", style);
         } catch (Exception e) {
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    Please help.

    I did something like this:
    class GUI
    extends JFrame {
    //previous code - no changes
         public static void main (String [] args) {
              GUI g = new GUI();
              StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
              try {
         // First append to document
    //Second append
         } catch (Exception e) {
    I know that this method is not smart and doesn't look good, but it works.
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    Hi, John, welcome to Apple's user-to-user discussion forums.
    Does anyone here know of a way to open new windows without using command click in a tab?
    If you want links on a web page to open in a new tab, you need to command-click on them. This will work both for links set up to open in the same window and those set up to open in a new window. There is no setting in Preferences to make links on a web page automatically open in a new tab.
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    public class MyFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
               new MyFrame().setVisible(true);
        public MyFrame() {
             setTitle("Use LEFT & RIGHT buttons to test");
            javax.swing.JTable table = new javax.swing.JTable();
            table.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel(
                new Object [][] { {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""} },
                new String []   { "Title 1", "Title 2", "Title 3" }
                public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
                    return String.class;
            table.setValueAt("This text MOVES up-down as you move across THIS ROW!!!",0,0);
            table.setValueAt("This text MOVES up-down as you move across THIS ROW!!!",0,1);
            table.setValueAt("This text DOES NOT MOVE as you move across THIS ROW!!!",0,2);
            table.setDefaultRenderer(String.class,new StringRenderer());
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            public java.awt.Component getTableCellRendererComponent(javax.swing.JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
                   label.setText("<html><p align=center>"+String.valueOf(value)+"</p></html>");
                setColors(new java.awt.Color(255,255,255),isSelected?new java.awt.Color(255,100,100):new java.awt.Color(255,200,200));
                label.setBorder(hasFocus?new javax.swing.border.LineBorder(java.awt.Color.yellow,1):null);
                return this;
        class GradientPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel {
            private java.awt.Color c1,c2;
            protected javax.swing.JLabel label;
            public GradientPanel() {
                label = new javax.swing.JLabel();
                setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout());
                java.awt.GridBagConstraints gbc = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
                gbc.fill = java.awt.GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
                gbc.weightx = 1.0;
                gbc.weighty = 1.0;
                gbc.insets = new java.awt.Insets(5,5,5,5);
                add(label, gbc);
            public void setColors(java.awt.Color c1, java.awt.Color c2) {
                this.c1 = c1;
                this.c2 = c2;
            public void paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g) {
                if ( c1 != null && c2 != null ) {
                    java.awt.Graphics2D g2d = (java.awt.Graphics2D)g;
                    g2d.setPaint(new java.awt.GradientPaint(0,0,c2,0,this.getHeight(),c1,false));

    If someone can explain this behavior, please help!Can't explaing the behavour, but it seems to work fine when you use a JeditorPane or JTextPane which are specifically designed to display HTML.

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    - create the same report/form again, this time making the field read-only.
    Quite a difference...
    Has anybody a quick answer?
    Thank you,

    yeah, that would be ok. I tried it already, but if I use something like "&P8_HTML.", the HTML text is displayed and not rendered.
    But I followed this up again after reading your advice, and I found that if I enter true HTML code as the region source, it's rendered as expected. The rest was simple:
    - create a separate region for the HTML display (as you proposed).
    - make the region type "PL/SQL (anonymous block)".
    - use "BEGIN \n htp.print(:P8_HTML); \nEND;" as region source.
    Thank you all very much for this instantaneous help!

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    $s = new-object -comObject SAPI.SPVoice
    $s.speak("Scan in progress")
    write-host "Scanning for files"
    $Extension = @("*.zip","*.rar","*.ppt","*.pdf")
    $Path = "$env:userprofile\Desktop"
    $disks = "c$","D$"
    foreach ($disks in $disks)
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    $x = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp")
    Remove-Item c:\cr -recurse -EA SilentlyContinue

    Then there is "$x = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp")" , What are you trying to do?
    It looks like that is a pause after the code has completed to give the user time to read the message prior to exiting.
    @V Sharma - As gaff-jakobs has mentioned, there are some parts of your code that need looked at. Please take a look at what he has advised and make the necessary changes. If you want to append data (doing a > does not append), I would look at using Out-File
    -Append -FilePath <filename> to accomplish this. 
    Usually, outputting to a text file limits what you can do with the output once it goes to a text file. I would look at using something such as Export-Csv -Append -Path instead (assuming you are running PowerShell V3). But if saving to a text file is part
    of your requirement, then just be sure to use the first method I mentioned.
    Boe Prox
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    Hi all,
    I am using the following struts code in my jsp.
    Each time when I click the checkbox corresponding to each record, I want the screencode to be displayed using the javascript alert.
    But always I am getting the same screencode (only the first screencode).
    What I should do to get the screencode for the corresponding selection of the checkbox
    <logic:iterate id="slist" name="scrlist" scope="session" >
    <html:text property="screencode" name="slist" styleId="sc" indexed="true"/>
    <bean:write name="slist" property="screen"/>
    <html:checkbox property="readchk" alt="Select to enable read right" onclick="javascript:alert(document.getElementById('sc').value)"/>
    Could anybody help me to fix this problem as soon as possible

    The tricky thing about Ajax is that it's asynchronous. That's the point...
    What you need to do is return a success or fail status from your servlet (or whatever ServiceAuth is...), let's say a 1 or 0. (0 bad, 1 good). You could even get real fancy and return 0 for username doesn't exist, 1 for password doesn't match user name or 2 for success.
    Then have your javascript update the page based on the response received. On a fail response call some javascript method that displays your related Uh-oh message, and on a successresponse call some method that updates the document.location of the page.

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    I'm attempting to dynamically change font color of various words inside a dynamic text field.
    I have tried both these lines of code below. have you dont this can you correct my code please?
    I'm using flash cc and html5 project type. This was possible in previous versions of flash.
    this.Logger.Log_File.htmlText = "<font color='#000000' size='-1'>"+MyGreatNumber+" "+"</font><BR>"+this.Logger.Log_File.htmlText;
    this.Logger.Log_File.htmlText = "<p style="color:#ff0000">"+MyGreatNumber+"</p><br>"+this.Logger.Log_File.htmlText;

    from the easeljs docs: Please note that Text does not support HTML text, and can only display one font style at a time. To use multiple font styles, you will need to create multiple text instances, and position them manually.
    to resolve, edit text in the js file where it's relatively easy to even use rtl text.

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    In this case, i need to compare the first text area value and updated text area value. How can i do that in Java Script.

    I suggest you look for a Javascript forum to ask questions about Javascript. This is a Java forum.

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