Trouble with double

Hi all,
I tried to compile and run this code :
public class TestDouble {
     public static void main(String ar[]) {
          //The total balance
          double balance =19620.9d;
        balance -= 3542.9d;
        //Expecting the balance to be 16078
          System.out.println("Remaining balance : "+balance);
          balance -= 6144.0d;
          //Expecting the balance to be 9934
          System.out.println("Remaining balance : "+balance);
          balance -= 1200.0d;
          //Expecting the balance to be 8734
          System.out.println("Remaining balance : "+balance);
          balance -= 1200.0d;
          //Expecting the balance to be 7534
          System.out.println("Remaining balance : "+balance);
          balance -= 5134.0d;
          //Expecting the balance to be 2400
          System.out.println("Remaining balance : "+balance);
          balance -= 1200.0d;
          //Expecting the balance to be 1200
          System.out.println("Remaining balance : "+balance);
          balance -= 1200.0d;
          //Expecting the balance to be 0
          System.out.println("Remaining balance : "+balance);
          System.out.println("Remaining balance > 0 : "+(balance>0));
}I expect the final balance to be printed as zero.
However this is the out put that I am getting
G:\Ws\Test>javac -version
javac 1.6.0_14
G:\Ws\Test>javac G:\Ws\Test\
G:\Ws\Test>java -version
java version "1.6.0_15"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_15-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)
G:\Ws\Test>java TestDouble
Remaining balance : 16078.000000000002
Remaining balance : 9934.000000000002
Remaining balance : 8734.000000000002
Remaining balance : 7534.000000000002
Remaining balance : 2400.000000000002
Remaining balance : 1200.0000000000018
Remaining balance : 1.8189894035458565E-12
Remaining balance > 0 : trueCan someone help me in understanding what's wrong.

For accounting, the thought of using rounding is not acceptable. Accounting typical only requires add, substract and multiplied by a quantity. An alternative to BigDecimal is to use long values for the smallest unit. e.g. use cents instead of dollars. The risk of error is important and BigDecimal is likely to be the best choice for this reason.
However in finance or banking, rounding is better understood as it is used, often unavoidable. You will find double is typically used for simplicity (often speed is also given as justification) While double is dramatically faster than BigDecimal, this speed improvement is usually not required IMHO.
Only large amounts of money are likely to have a significant rounding error, however large amounts of money are typically estimates. The problem with double is its limited precision, however money is a limit resource and very rare do you need more than 12 digits of accuracy. (double has 15-16 digits of accuracy) Even the US national debt can be represented to the cent using double, yet this is just an estimate. If you attempted to add up all the amounts involved in the US national debt, it would change while you are doing it.
I worked at a bank where in one dept the unexplained PnL was measuring in "millions of pounds per month" (PnL being Profit and Loss) I can assure you if you has mentioned an error 1.8e-12 dollars it would be given a proportionate amount of consideration, if not amusement.
In summary: There is no realistic, hard amount of money that would get an error using double which could not be handled by appropriate rounding. Any estimate of money is not accurate enough to require more precision than double.
Edited by: Peter__Lawrey on 13-Dec-2009 14:38

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    Hello xxzz,
    Welcome to the HP Forums.
    I see that the flip on long edge option is greyed out for you when you try to print double sided. I will try to help you with this.
    Usually if an option is greyed out, it indicates that the software wasn't installed completely or correctly. That or the printer isn't capable of the task. Knowing that this printer is able to duplex, it could be a problem with the software/drivers.
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    The precision of calculations and how numerical
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    the limitations of it as well.Okay, I don't disagree with any of that. Still not sure about your overall point though.
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              new SwapTest();
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              d = swapBytes(d);
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              d = swapBytes(d);
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              long result;
              long l1 = (smallendian & 0x00000000000000FFL) << 56;
              long l2 = (smallendian & 0x000000000000FF00L) << 40;
              long l3 = (smallendian & 0x0000000000FF0000L) << 24;
              long l4 = (smallendian & 0x00000000FF000000L) << 8;
              long l5 = (smallendian & 0x000000FF00000000L) >>> 8;
              long l6 = (smallendian & 0x0000FF0000000000L) >>> 24;
              long l7 = (smallendian & 0x00FF000000000000L) >>> 40;
              long l8 = (smallendian & 0xFF00000000000000L) >>> 56;
              result = l1 | l2 | l3 | l4 | l5 | l6 | l7 | l8;
              return Double.longBitsToDouble(result);

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    To quit the game - Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close open apps by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
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    Thank you, SG, for clarifying which OS's this will work with.
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    I know this seems quite comprehensive, and may involve several issues, but I'm really unhappy about this and would love to think there is something more I can do, apart from returning to the Apple Store. Besides everything else, how can I khow that I won't find, again, that the MacBook will work fine there but goes back to its troubled state when I return?
    Clues, anyone?

    Hi, Mike,
    I have 211.59 left out of total HD space of 232.57.Space should not be a problem. I'll try using Activity  Monitor today. I have 2 GB of memory. But since this is the first time I[ve had this problem, I don't see how it could be a problem with memory, do you?
    I finished the project more than a week ago. After I shut down the computer, it temporarily returned to normal but subsewuently started acting odd again, although I've done nothing but email since I turned it on again.
    I am going to try getting rid of the Word Work files and see whether that helps. I am wondering whether the book I was working on had something wrong with it (it was written in NeoOffice but opened in Word), or my copy of Word has gotten corrupted. Although I haven't used Word since I finished with the book.
    Sorry this font is so tiny, but although I was able to choose my font in my original message, there doesnt' seem to be a place to do that here. At least, I don't see it.
    I'll get back to you on the Activity Monitor. Thanks.

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    public class Tools3
        protected long item_number;
        protected String product_name;
        protected long units_in_stock;
        protected double price_of_each_unit;
        protected static double total_price_of_inventory;
    public Tools3( long pitem_number, String pproduct_name, long punits_in_stock, double pprice_of_each_unit)
       item_number = pitem_number;
       product_name = pproduct_name;
       units_in_stock = punits_in_stock;
       price_of_each_unit = pprice_of_each_unit;
       total_price_of_inventory = punits_in_stock * pprice_of_each_unit;
    // Overloaded constructor for empty balance
    public Tools3()
       item_number = 0;
    public void set_item_number( long pitem_number )
       item_number = pitem_number;
    public void set_product_name( String pproduct_name )
       product_name = pproduct_name.toString();
    public void set_units_in_stock( long punits_in_stock )
       units_in_stock = punits_in_stock;
    public void set_price_of_each_unit( double pprice_of_each_unit )
       price_of_each_unit = pprice_of_each_unit;
    public long get_item_number()
       return item_number;
    public String get_product_name()
       return product_name;
    public long get_units_in_stock()
       return units_in_stock;
    public double get_price_of_each_unit()
       return price_of_each_unit;
    public double calculate_total_price()
       return units_in_stock * price_of_each_unit;
    public double calculate_total_price_of_inventory(Tools3[] mytools)
       double rettotal = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < mytools.length; i++)
        rettotal = rettotal + (mytools.get_units_in_stock() * mytools.get_price_of_each_unit());
       return rettotal;
      public void sort_by_names(Tools3[] mytools)
      int a,b;
      int sortTheStrings = mytools.length - 1;
      String tempproduct_name;
      long tempitem_number;
      long tempunits_in_stock;
      double tempprice_of_each_unit;
        //need to implement a bubble sort here
        for (a = 0; a < sortTheStrings; ++a)
      for (b = 0; b < sortTheStrings; ++b)
      if(mytools.product_name.compareTo(mytools[b + 1].product_name) >0)
        //move name
        tempproduct_name = mytools.product_name;
        mytools.product_name = mytools[b+1].product_name;
        mytools[b+1].product_name = tempproduct_name;
        //move item_number
        tempitem_number = mytools.item_number;
        mytools.item_number = mytools[b+1].item_number;
        mytools[b+1].item_number = tempitem_number;
        //move units_in_stock
        tempunits_in_stock = mytools.units_in_stock;
        mytools.units_in_stock = mytools[b+1].units_in_stock;
        mytools[b+1].units_in_stock = tempunits_in_stock;
        //move price_of_each_unit
        tempprice_of_each_unit = mytools.price_of_each_unit;
        mytools.price_of_each_unit = mytools[b+1].price_of_each_unit;
        mytools[b+1].price_of_each_unit = tempprice_of_each_unit;
    //end of class

    Results from javac
    C:\Java>javac cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method get_units_in_stock()
    location: class Tools3[]
        rettotal = rettotal + (mytools.get_units_in_stock() * mytools.get_price_of_e
                                      ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method get_price_of_each_unit()
    location: class Tools3[]
        rettotal = rettotal + (mytools.get_units_in_stock() * mytools.get_price_of_e
                                                                     ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable product_name
    location: class Tools3[]
      if(mytools.product_name.compareTo(mytools[b + 1].product_name) >0)
                ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable product_name
    location: class Tools3[]
        tempproduct_name = mytools.product_name;
                                  ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable product_name
    location: class Tools3[]
        mytools.product_name = mytools[b+1].product_name;
               ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable item_number
    location: class Tools3[]
        tempitem_number = mytools.item_number;
                                 ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable item_number
    location: class Tools3[]
        mytools.item_number = mytools[b+1].item_number;
               ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable units_in_stock
    location: class Tools3[]
        tempunits_in_stock = mytools.units_in_stock;
                                    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable units_in_stock
    location: class Tools3[]
        mytools.units_in_stock = mytools[b+1].units_in_stock;
               ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable price_of_each_unit
    location: class Tools3[]
        tempprice_of_each_unit = mytools.price_of_each_unit;
                                        ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable price_of_each_unit
    location: class Tools3[]
        mytools.price_of_each_unit = mytools[b+1].price_of_each_unit;
    11 errors

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    Double tap the screen with THREE fingers, that should get it back to normal again.
    Then go into Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom > OFF.
    Not too sure about the keyboard and random button presses though.  Back it up and restore from iTunes, see if that fixes it.

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    I'm using the latest PHP-OCI (2.0.8). v$version says "Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production".
    The database is fairly old and uses WE8MSWIN1252 as the character set and AL16UTF16 as the NCHAR character set. Hence I'm using NCLOB instead of CLOB. However, I connect to the database with AL32UTF8, since my app is running in UTF-8. I was under the impression that this would result in an automatic conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16 when inserting into NCLOB columns, but apperently this is not the case. It looks like there is some sort of double conversion, first UTF-8 to WE8MSWIN1252 and then to UTF-16, because some non-ASCII characters like ä (a umlaut) get correctly converted from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
    Any ideas? I'm at a loss here. Thanks in advance.

    PHP OCI8 doesn't support NCLOB or NVARCHAR2.
    See NCLOB support in OCI8

  • 8.1.7 jdbc driver: object types with double quotes

    Hi all,
    While switching from 8.1.6 to 8.1.7 I have trouble with the jdbc driver. It doesn't work
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    My questions are: Is this bug already filed?
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    Thanks in advance for any information
    import java.sql.*;
    * create type "test_t" as object (atrb number(10));
    * create table "test" of "test_t" (atrb not null) oidindex();
    class test
    public static void main (String args [])
    throws SQLException
    String s = "begin insert into \"test\" t values (1)" +
    " returning ref(t) into ?; end;";
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
    ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:1521:orcl","joerg", "password");
    CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall( s );
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.REF, "\"test_t\"");
    System.out.println("Statement returned:");
    System.out.println( cs.getObject(1) );
    catch(SQLException e){
    System.out.println("SQLException was thrown...");

    I believe that typenames are always treated as case sensitive (unless they are all uppercased).
    In your example you should write:
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.REF, "test_t");
    If you had declared the type test_t in a case insensitive way (without "..."), then you'd have to write:
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.REF, "TEST_T");
    If you have a schema-qualified name, use a ".":
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.REF, "SCOTT.test_t");
    However, this behavior implies that you cannot use "." inside of quoted identifier names.

  • Has anyone had trouble with the middle mouse (open in new tab) button lately?

    Hi gang. Since v29 came out, I have been having trouble with the middle mouse (open in new tab) button.
    Sometimes the button does not register with Firefox. And sometimes FF acts like I pressed it several times.
    Has anyone else had any problems? I use an add-on called
    '''''[ MClickFocusTab]'''''
    I disabled it but the problem was still there.

    ''''' "Sometimes the button does not register with Firefox. And sometimes FF acts like I pressed it several times." '''''
    Sounds like a mouse on its' way to mouse-heaven. Seriously, the exact symptoms I have seen with a dozen 3 button mouse's (?meese - ?mice) over the last 15 years. <br />
    Not registering a click is usually due to a dirty contact. And the "double-click" is when the flat spring looses tension and bounces.
    I have had similar happen with the left button, too. But when it happens to that button it is more noticeable much sooner.
    I bought a box of a dozen A4D house branded infrared wireless 3-button mouse's for like $24.00 back in 2000 that were on clearance because the driver disk didn't support W2K, only Win95, 98, and NT4. I got newer drivers from the A4D website and wore all 12 out over the 8 or 9 years. I even fixed a few that broke from the parts from other broken mouse's. I still have 6 or 7 of them laying in the "needs to be fixed" box under my workbench. I'll probably never fix them though, the nano receiver USB mouses I have been using for the 4 or 5 years have much better battery life and lately only need one AA battery.

  • I am having trouble with sound on my iPad

    I am having trouble with sound on my iPad

    Found the fix.
    If the reboot doesn't fix it.
    If the headphoens work find, but no external speakers.
    If the double-click and page right to the software mute, doesn't show the sound knob - just the brightness
    If your pop-up shows "Docking Station"
    Then, the problem is very likely a dirty connector.  The iPad/iPhone/iPod connector uses a resistor value to determine if the device is connected to an external 'speaker'.  There are a range of resistances, for a range of products.  This is known as the Connector Pin 21 issue.
    Take some windex on a que-tip, or perhaps a Windex paper scrub and rub it on the bottom connector port.  Somehow, "something" has gotten on those contacts, and it is pulling the voltage on pin #21 down - so that the iPad "thinks" it's connected to an external speaker - this will disable the internal speaker circuitry, as well as the internal speaker volume controls.
    Do not over-saturate and short out your iPad.  Do not throw it in the sink, do not use the kitchen faucet to flush it out.  A Que-tip with a few drops of Windex (or other gentle cleaner) should work just fine.  Takes all of 30 seconds - and magically, the volume knob appeared and everything worked just fine.

Maybe you are looking for

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    In previous versions of Photoshop, when the type tool hovered over text I could edit, it switched to just the up and down type cursor tool...and when it was over a region where I could click to create a new text layer, the cursor would show up with a

  • Cannot access some sites in either Firefox or Safari

    I'm not sure when this began, but last month I tried to go to Ebay in both Safari and and Firefox and neither would find the site. Here's what I'm using: MacPro Desktop 2 x 2.8GHz, Quad-core Intel Xeon 8GB memory Snow Leopard 10.6.8 My network is set

  • Help with iTunes/iOS Album Sort

    We all know the since iOS 7 (for most of us) as been a disaster. Due to the expanded view of the albums for artist, it's a PITA for people whom have artist with even 3 or 4 plus albums. For me, I love E-40 and have 16 of his albums. My conc

  • Email -Save as- New Folder- buggy -no copy/paste

    Email -Save as- New Folder- buggy. I can't paste text into a new folder field whether from a file/save as path or save attachments as- new folder.  That new folder dialog box does not allow copy or paste, only direct typing.   I've tried on three mac

  • Passing Call values to a linked Request created by IPK Workflow

    I know how to transfer a Call values to a linked Request when creating it manually from a Call screen. But (how) is it possible to specify Call fields which values should be submitted to a Request when it is created automatically by IPK Workflow Rule