Try catch exceptions

I got this:public void fileIO() {
        try {
            File file = new File("aNewFile.txt");
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
    }which tells me : exception is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement, if I change the catch to } catch (Exception ioe) {, the error goes away.
My question is why is it giving the error and why is it not giving the error after changing the catch line ?

Read the API!!!!!!!!!
new File(String) may through a NullPointerException
file.exists() may through a SecurityException
Neither of those are based on an IOException, hence the error message when you use IOException.
All exceptions are based (somewhere down the line) on Exception, hence no error when you use Exception.

Similar Messages

  • Try catch exception handling

    Hi there,
    Was wondering if you could assist in me getting my head around try catch exception handling? I have this code:
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "A subject consists of term names and definitions.\nYou should indicate the size and name of the subject");
             inputSubName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter the Subject Name:");
             inputSubSize = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter the Subject's Term Size:");
             try {
                  size = Integer.parseInt(inputSubSize);
                  catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "'" + inputSubSize + " is invalid " + " Please enter digits only");
                            inputSubSize = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter the Subject's Term Size:");
                            size = Integer.parseInt(inputSubSize);
             //create a new Subject object and pass in its name and size
             Subject sub = new Subject(inputSubName, size);
    ...My query is, if I catch an exception, how do I get the code to repeat the try again until the user inputs a correct data type? If the user above inputs something other than a number, it will catch it once and repeat the joptionpane inputbox, but if they do the same thing twice round - then the program bombs out. Is there a way i can get the code to retry the try until they input correctly?

    int size = 0;          
    while (true) {
         try {
              size = Integer.parseInt(inputSubSize);
         catch (NumberFormatException e) {
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "'" + inputSubSize
                        + " is invalid " + " Please enter digits only");
              inputSubSize = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
                        "Enter the Subject's Term Size:");

  • Doubt on try/catch exception object

    why it is not advisable to catch type exception in try catch block. Its confusing me. If i catch exception object then it will show whatever exception occured.
    btw, i was just go through duke stars how it works and saw this

    Because there are many different kinds of Exception. If you have some specific local strategy for dealing with a particular excepion then you should be using a specific catch block.
    If you don't then you should allow the expection to end the program, and ideally you should deal with all the expceptions in one top-level handler, so you should throw, rather than catch the exceptions in your methods. Often at the outer most level of the program or thread you will actually catch Throwable (not just Exception) to deal with any unanticipated problems in a general kind of way.
    Also, you should be keeping track of what exceptions might be thrown, so that rather than using Exception in a throws clause or catch block, you should use the particular exceptions. Exceptions, generally, indicate a recoverable error that you really ought to be recovering from rather than just printing a stacktrace.
    That's why exceptions are treated differently from runtime errors.

  • Does Labview have Try Catch exception handling?

    1) Does Labview have Try Catch functions, exception handling?
    2) Can Labview access a file or download a file using http or https?
    3) How can labview  read data from an ex ternal server http or https?
    This is in labview 2009 or 2011

    Hi E,
             1. you can chain together your VIs with the error wires, such that if an error occurs in one of them, none of the following VIs will execute.  That's  like throwing an exception - it interrupts the execution chain.  You then "catch" that exception by putting an error handler wherever necessary, but not necessarily in every single VI.Hope  You wouldn't put try..catch inside every single .NET function, instead you handle the exception at the level at which is most appropriate. Same thing can be done in LabVIEW.
    Also see this.
    2. The attached example downloads a picture with http "GET" command. 160 KB
    3.see this thread:
    Yes!!The same thing pointed out by nijims.
    Thanks as kudos only

  • Problem with a Try/catch exception

    Hello everyone here on the forums. I'm brand new to Java and have a bit of a problem with a try catch statement I'm making. In the following code if a user enters a non-integer number the program will display "Sorry, incompatible data." Problem is it gets caught in a loop and continues to display "Sorry, incompatible data." My aim with the try catch was if the user is not quite smart enough to understand quadratic programs don't use symbols and characters it would state it isn't correct and continue running the program.
    Heres my code thus far:
    package finishedquadraticprogram;
    import java.util.*;
    * @author Matt
    public class quad {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            boolean verification = true;
            double a, b, c, root1, root2, discriminant;
            Scanner keyInput = new Scanner(;
            while ( verification)
            System.out.println("a: ");
            a = keyInput.nextDouble();
            System.out.println("b: ");
            b = keyInput.nextDouble();
            System.out.println("c: ");
            c = keyInput.nextDouble();
            discriminant = Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c);
            root1 = (-b + discriminant) / 2 * a;
            root2 = (-b - discriminant) / 2 * a;
            verification = false;
            System.out.println("Root 1 = " +root1+ "\nRoot 2 = " +root2);
            } //try
            catch  (InputMismatchException iMe)
              System.out.println( "Sorry. incompatible data." );  
    }I'm pretty sure the problem is something to do with the keyboard buffer, but I'm not sure what I need to do to either reset it or clear it, whichever one works. (Oh, and how would I go about making the program use complex numbers? I realize Java can't use complex numbers and will just display NaN ... any ideas how to make this work?)
    Thanks a lot for all of your help guys, it's appreciated.

    this is better:
    package finishedquadraticprogram;
    import java.util.*;
    /** @author Matt */
    public class quad
       private static final double TOLERANCE = 1.0e-9;
       /** @param args the command line arguments */
       public static void main(String[] args)
          boolean verification = true;
          double a, b, c, root1, root2, discriminant;
          Scanner keyInput = new Scanner(;
          while (verification)
                System.out.println("a: ");
                a = keyInput.nextDouble();
                System.out.println("b: ");
                b = keyInput.nextDouble();
                System.out.println("c: ");
                c = keyInput.nextDouble();
                discriminant = Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c);
                if (Math.abs(a) < TOLERANCE)
                   root1 = 0.0;
                   root2 = -c/b;
                   root1 = (-b + discriminant) / (2 * a);
                   root2 = (-b - discriminant) / (2 * a);
                verification = false;
                System.out.println("Root 1 = " + root1 + "\nRoot 2 = " + root2);
             } //try
             catch (InputMismatchException iMe)
                System.out.println("Sorry. incompatible data.");

  • Catch exception, but continue try{ ?

    I have a http timeout error that is handled by a printing of the stack trace, but how do I continue it so the while loop still continues?
    try {
    while( {
        }//end while loop
         catch(Exception e)
         continue; // <--- Won't let me do this, since it is not in a loop
         }//end catch
        thanks in advance

            public static void main(String[] args) {
         try {
          Statement stmt;
          ResultSet rs;
          System.out.println("URL: " + url);
          System.out.println("Connection: " + con);
          stmt = con.createStatement();
          stmt = con.createStatement(
            int theInt= rs.getInt("id");
            String URLs = rs.getString("url");
            String urlString = URLs;
                  URL httpurl = new URL(urlString);
                URLConnection connection =
                if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
                    HttpURLConnection httpConnection =
                  } // End IF
                 // Continue
          // End If(connection instanceof)...
          } // End While
         } // End TRY
        catch(Exception e) { }
            }Thats how I have the exception now.. If i try anything else it says need catch or finally for try?

  • Performance impact on using too much try catch block

    I have several questions here:
    1. The system that I'm developing requires to be high performance, but I am not sure how will try catch block affect overall performance.
    2. I wanted to know which would be more efficient (result in faster processing)
    Have several generic try catch OR catch all exceptions individually?
    try {
    } catch (Exception e){
    } catch (MalformedUrlException me){
    } catch(SQLException){
    }3. Which one would be faster, one big try catch block or several small try catch blocks?
    //read from io file
    //query database
    //parse data
    //write to file
    //query database again
    } catch(Exception e){
    //log exception
    //read from io file
    } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){
    //log exception
    //query database
    }catch(SQLException se){
    //log exception
    //parse data
    }catch(SaxParserException saxe){
    //log exception
    //query database again
    }catch(SQLException se2){
    //log exception
    //write to file
    } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe){
    //log exception

    1. The system that I'm developing requires to be high performance, but I am not sure how will try catch block affect overall performance.Compared to what? You can't write an equivalent program that doesn't have a try-catch block, so the answer would have to be that it doesn't affect performance at all.
    2. I wanted to know which would be more efficient (result in faster processing)Have several generic try catch OR catch all exceptions individually?
    You still have it backwards. Do you need to do different things for different exceptions? If so, then that's what you have to do and there is no other code that might be "faster".
    Here's what you should do. Write the code that needs to be written. Don't leave out necessary stuff because of performance reasons. (If you left out all your code, the program would run much faster.) Then find out which parts of the program ACTUALLY take the most time and work on speeding them up.

  • Escaping Boolean & Try/Catch blocks

    Hi everyone-
    You all have been so great. I finally got my double/int and all working on my calculator. Now, I have one more question that I cannot figure out. My booleans to escape when form is not completed correctly are not working. That is, it will output error, but then still attempt the rest, giving printouts/general exception. I tried using another boolean, but not working. Here is the applet:
    and code:
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { //1
              //reset all fields to null so user can start over
              if(source == button1)
              if(source == button2)
                   //check that all fields have been completed
                   if(t1.length() == 0 || t2.length() == 0 || t3.length() == 0)
                            output.append("\nPlease complete the required fields and try again.");
                            verify = false;
                   //parse string into integer data and verify
                   if(size == 0 || numOfSquares == 0 || WOF == 0)
                        output.append("\nYou have entered a null value for Square Size, " +
                             "\nQuantity of HSTs, and/or Fabric Width. Please try again. ");
                        verify = false;
                        proceed = false;
                        all codes/printouts/methods
                   }     //end of if proceed
                   }     //end of verify
              }     //end of if
               }     //end of try
            catch (Exception e ) {
                    output.append("General Exception");
              finally {
       }     //end of action performed(i hope i quoted that right)
    Any ideas on how to resolve this? I know I could use a switch in a standard java, but not sure if that works with applet/try-catch.
    Thanks again,

    You need to use "else" clauses here.if(t1.length() == 0 || t2.length() == 0 || t3.length() == 0)
      output.append("\nPlease complete the required fields and try again.");
    } else {
      if(size == 0 || numOfSquares == 0 || WOF == 0)
        output.append("\nYou have entered a null value for Square Size, " +
        "\nQuantity of HSTs, and/or Fabric Width. Please try again. ");
      } else {
        // all codes/printouts/methods

  • TRY CATCH in SAP 4.6C

    Dear all,
    Can any body clear me what is code for try catch in SAP 4.6C? I tried the below code but the object type is doesn't exist.  ( cx_root or x_sy_native_sql_error)
    DATA: exc_ref TYPE REF TO cx_root, " cx_sy_native_sql_error,
          error_text TYPE string.
        LOOP AT it_sqlupdate.
          EXEC SQL.
                                                                                    insert into TBLSVBALSAP
            ( CoCode, SAPDocNo, PostDate, DocHdrTxt, GLAccount,
              Amount, Text, RevDoc, CreationDate, CreationTime ) values
    ( :it_sqlupdate-c_code, :it_sqlupdate-sap_docno, :it_sqlupdate-p_date,
      :it_sqlupdate-h_text, :it_sqlupdate-gl_acc,    :it_sqlupdate-amt,
      :it_sqlupdate-i_text, :it_sqlupdate-r_docno,   :it_sqlupdate-c_date,
      :it_sqlupdate-c_time )
                                                                                    catch cx_sy_native_sql_error into exc_ref.
            error_text = exc_ref->get_text( ).
            MESSAGE error_text type 'I'.

    I think, TRY CATCH Exception concept was not there in 4.6C, alternatively you can try with
    Check the link below

  • RAISERROR with Try/Catch does not exit after exception in catch block

    I am trying to propogate an error from within my proc out to the caller.
    In the attached example I have 2 sets of try catch blocks.
    I raiserror in the first
    catch the error and then raiserror again. (I expect to exit)
    I do not expect :
    to get to print 'post test'
    to get to second try block.
    but this does not exit, instead the code flows as per 2 runs.
    I do not understand the reason for the flows, as it seems counterintuitive to be raising an error but then still print following exceptions. I cannot seem to find any references that explains this behaviour.
     running tests together results
    print '-------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'test 15'
    exec test_raiseerror 15
    print '-------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'test 16'
    exec test_raiseerror 16
    print '-------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'test 17'
    exec test_raiseerror 17
    print '-------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'test 18'
    exec test_raiseerror 18
    print '-------------------------------------------------------'
    test 15
    error number provided: 15
    Msg 50000, Level 15, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 15
    post test
    Msg 50000, Level 15, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 15
    post test2
    test 16
    error number provided: 16
    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 16
    post test
    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 16
    post test2
    test 17
    error number provided: 17
    post test
    post test2
    test 18
    error number provided: 18
    post test
    post test2
    Msg 50000, Level 17, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 17
    Msg 50000, Level 17, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 17
    Msg 50000, Level 18, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 18
    Msg 50000, Level 18, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 18
    run tests seperately
    exec test_raiseerror 15
    error number provided: 15
    RESULTS 15
    Msg 50000, Level 15, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 15
    post test
    Msg 50000, Level 15, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 15
    post test2
    exec test_raiseerror 16
    RESULTS 16
    error number provided: 16
    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 16
    post test
    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 16
    post test2
    exec test_raiseerror 17
    RESULTS 17
    error number provided: 17
    post test
    post test2
    Msg 50000, Level 17, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 17
    Msg 50000, Level 17, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 17
    exec test_raiseerror 18
    RESULTS 18
    error number provided: 18
    post test
    post test2
    Msg 50000, Level 18, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 21
    name hello 18
    Msg 50000, Level 18, State 1, Procedure test_raiseerror, Line 37
    name hello 2 18
    if object_id('test_raiseerror','P') is not null
    drop proc test_raiseerror
    create proc test_raiseerror(@id as int) as
    begin try
    declare @name varchar(20)
    select @name = 'hello'
    raiserror('name %s %d',@id,1,@name,@id)
    print 'next'
    end try
    begin catch
    declare @errormessage nvarchar(4000)
    declare @errornum int
    select @errormessage = error_message()
    , @errornum = error_severity()
    print 'error number provided: ' + convert(varchar(2),@errornum)
    raiserror(@errormessage, @errornum,1)
    print 'post test'
    end catch
    begin try
    select @name = 'hello 2'
    raiserror('name %s %d', @id,1,@name, @id)
    end try
    begin catch
    select @errormessage = error_message()
    , @errornum = error_severity()
    print @errornum
    raiserror(@errormessage, @errornum,1)
    print 'post test2'
    end catch
    sqlserver 2008 & 2008 R2

    There is a Connect that describes a similiar complaint.  But basically a raiserror inside a catch block does not terminate the procedure, it will continue with any additional code in the CATCH and FINALLY unless it hits a return statement.

  • Exception handling with try/catch in acrobat

    I have a problem using a try/catch block in my acrobat document-script. Try to enter the following into the debugger-console:
    try{nonexistentFunction();}catch(e){console.println('\nacrobat can't catch')}
    and run it. The output will be:
    nonexistentFunction is not defined
    acrobat can't catch
    The whole point of a rty/catch block is for the application  NOT to throw an exception, but instead execute the catch-part of the  statement. However, acrobat does both: It throws an exception AND  executes the catch-block.
    Is there another way to suppress the exception, or to make the try/catch-block work as it's supposed to?

    > Also Adobe provides for free the JS or compiled file for Acrobat Reader to support the JS console.
    Where is that file located ? How to install it or where to place it ?
    What is the method referred by try67 on his site where he sells a product ?
    Is that the same as the compiled file you refer to ? or did he sell his solution to adobe ?
    It is helpful if people can get an idea of the nature of choices available and make informed decisions, than a cloak and dagger approach.
    For some jobs that we have, I have been very frustrated by a consultant who wont even give basic info for transparent billing despite all assurances for privacy, as a result we are forced to do the job ourselves.
    Dying Vet

  • Try/Catch Unknown Host Exception

    I need to validate for an error of Unknown Host Exception, in case someone tries connected to a server that doesn't exist, or types the wrong host name, so i can display a message. how do I do that, with a try catch block.
    I thought i would do:
          my code here such as...
          DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
          // send request
          InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]);
          DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, 4445);
        ...and so on, more code...
    } catch (IOException e) {
           System.out.println("Unknown host " + args[0]);

    thanks, i also had to take out the e.printStackTrace(); and replace that with
    my error message and System.exit(0); and I got what i needed!

  • OutOfMemory Exceptions on Servlets, Try-Catch unable to help

    Hi, I'm playing with Java servlets right now and I seem to be getting some OutOfMemory errors. The weird thing is that even though I had identify the souce of error and tried to enclose it with a try-catch, the exception still occurs. Why is that so?

    OutOfMemoryError is actually a java.lang.Error, not a RuntimeException. So if you use a try/catch like this
    try {
      // stuff
    } catch (Exception e) {..}Errors will fall through, since Error is not a subtype of Exception. (Check the API.)
    You can catch it by catching Error or Throwable, like this:
    try {
      // stuff
    } catch (Error e) { //  this is rarely a good idea
    }But you normally wouldn't want to do this. When there's no memory left, there's not a whole lot you can do about it, and most of the code you might want to put inside the catch block will merely throw another OutOfMemoryError.
    As voronetskyy said, you're either creating too many (or too large) objects (typically in an endless loop), or you have specified too little memory for your application.

  • How to catch exception thrown by ActionBinding "Commit"

    I need a programmatic branch after the following line if an exception is thrown:
    ((JUCtrlActionBinding) panelBinding.findCtrlBinding("Commit")).invoke();
    I am building an ADFSwing application using JDev 10.1.3.
    I have a ViewObject derived from an EntityObject that I am trying to use for an insert.
    I have placed the line above in a try block with a "catch (JboException je)" block which includes the code I need to execute upon exception. A default error dialog appears when an exception is thrown "(oracle.jbo.AttrValException) JBO-27014: ...", but the catch block I have created is not executed.
    The effect is that a commit is not fulfilled, the default error dialog appears, but the program continues undaunted.
    I have included "setBundledExceptionMode(false)" just before the try block, but that doesn't make any difference.
    The commit statement above, and the try/catch block I've described are in a JUPanel.
    Any help on how and where I can catch an exception from the action binding is really appreciated!!

    You can use code like this:
         JUCtrlActionBinding commit = (JUCtrlActionBinding)panelBinding.findCtrlBinding("Commit");
         if (!commit.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
           /* Error list not empty. Something went wrong. */

  • How to catch exception while validating the username and password in hbm

    I do want to set the username and password dynamically in hibernate.cfg.xml
    Here below is my configuration file.
           <property name="hibernate.bytecode.use_reflection_optimizer">false</property> 
           <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</property> 
           <property name="hibernate.connection.pool_size">10</property> 
           <property name="show_sql">true</property> 
           <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect</property> 
           <property name="">update</property> 
           <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property> 
           <property name="show_sql">true</property> 
    Also im getting that session factory object like the below code.
    public class Sessions {        private static SessionFactory sessionFactory;      private static Configuration configuration = new Configuration();        static {          try {              String userName = GuigenserviceImpl.userName;              String password = GuigenserviceImpl.password;              String hostName = GuigenserviceImpl.hostName;              String portNo = GuigenserviceImpl.portNo;              String sId = GuigenserviceImpl.sId;                  configuration                      .setProperty("hibernate.connection.username", userName);              configuration                      .setProperty("hibernate.connection.password", password);              configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.url",                      "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + hostName + ":" + portNo + ":" + sId);                try {              configuration.configure("/hibernate.cfg.xml");              sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory();              GuigenserviceImpl.strAccpted = "true";              }              catch (Exception e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                  GuigenserviceImpl.strAccpted = "false";              }            }          catch (HibernateException hibernateException) {              GuigenserviceImpl.strAccpted = "false";              hibernateException.printStackTrace();          }          catch (Throwable ex) {                GuigenserviceImpl.strAccpted = "false";              ex.printStackTrace();              throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);          }      }          public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {          return sessionFactory;      } 
    So, in this above scenario, suppose if im giving the wrong password means exception should be caught and the string variable "GuigenserviceImpl.strAccpted" should be assigned to false.
    But im getting the SQL Exception only in console like wrong username and password. And finally i couldn't able to catch the exception in Sessions class, static block.
    Anyone can help me in catching that SQL Exception in my Sessions class and i need to handle that SQL Exception in my class.
    Im getting this following exception message in my console.
      INFO: configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:00 PM org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration getConfigurationInputStream  INFO: Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:00 PM org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration doConfigure  INFO: Configured SessionFactory: null  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:00 PM org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider configure  INFO: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:00 PM org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider configure  INFO: Hibernate connection pool size: 10  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:00 PM org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider configure  INFO: autocommit mode: false  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:00 PM org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider configure  INFO: using driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:00 PM org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider configure  INFO: connection properties: {user=scott, password=****}  Apr 6, 2009 2:47:01 PM org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory buildSettings  WARNING: Could not obtain connection metadata  java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied        at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoauthenticate.receiveOauth(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(      at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(      at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(      at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(      at org.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider.getConnection(      at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.buildSettings(      at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings(      at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(      at com.beyon.ezygui.server.Sessions.<clinit>(      at com.beyon.ezygui.server.GuigenserviceImpl.testRPC(      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( 
    Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kothandaraman N.

    Myself hardcoded that username and password checking like the below code.
    String name = loginData.get("userName").toString();
              String pswd = loginData.get("pswd").toString();
              String hstName = loginData.get("hName").toString();
              String prtNo = loginData.get("portNo").toString();
              String sid = loginData.get("sId").toString();
              SessionFactory sessionFactory = null;
              try {
                   if (name.trim().equals(userName) && pswd.trim().equals(password)
                             && hstName.trim().equals(hostName)
                             && prtNo.trim().equals(portNo) && sid.trim().equals(sId)) {
                        sessionFactory = Sessions.getSessionFactory();
                        strAccpted = "true";
                   } else {
                        strAccpted = "false";
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   strAccpted = "false";
              }I have my own values in string objects, then comparing that values with the values from login form. If both values are matching, then i will do configurations in hibernate.
    ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle
         public static final String connection_url = resourceBundle
         public static final String userName = resourceBundle.getString("userName");
         public static final String password = resourceBundle.getString("password");
         public static final String hostName = resourceBundle.getString("hostName");
         public static final String portNo = resourceBundle.getString("portNo");
         public static final String sId = resourceBundle.getString("sId");The above are the String objects i'm checking for the match with values from login form.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kothandaraman N.

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