Trying to display a local HTML file

Hi all,
My program saves an HTML file to disc. If the user presses a button I want to display a new window that shows the HTML file. I know the file is good because I have viewed it in Internet Explorer. I have trawled the forums and got the following code. But i can't understand why its not working.
Any help would be much appreciated.
p.s. The HTML file was saved as a string so is all on one line. But IE doesn't seem to mind
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DisplayHTML extends JFrame implements ActionListener
     Color Background = new Color(100, 135, 220);
     Color Buttons     = new Color(140, 170, 230);
     Container content;
     public DisplayHTML()
          UIManager.put("", Buttons);     
          content = getContentPane();
          BorderLayout border = new BorderLayout();
          JPanel Button_Panel = new JPanel();
          BorderLayout buttons = new BorderLayout();
          JButton Save = new JButton("Save");
          Save.setToolTipText("Press here to save the results file in HTML format");
          Button_Panel.add(Save, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          JButton Quit = new JButton("Quit");
          Quit.setToolTipText("Press here to exit the screen and loose results");
          Button_Panel.add(Quit, BorderLayout.EAST);
          content.add(Button_Panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          String line = "hoof";
              BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("analysis.html"));
              while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
               System.out.println("Line is: " + line);
          catch (IOException e)
               //CLEAN THIS UP
          JTextPane HTML_Pane = new JTextPane();
          catch(IOException f)
          content.add(HTML_Pane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

<h1>oops</h1> forgot to tell you what the errors are:
a new window does pop up that is tiny.
When I drag it out the two buttons are there but the area below is just the blank textArea.
Not surprisingly this is caused because the IOException is called.
The command prompt screen shows "uff" so there is an error loading the file. Is there a way that I can just use the "line" variable?
Can't understand why its not loading because it loads fine for the buffered reader.

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    if you want to use a button to show the file in a new window - try this one
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    AppletContext ac=getAppletContext();
    try {
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    Here is a link that will help:
    "How To Read a File From Your Application Bundle" lication-bundle
    but basically you do this:
    // urlLocation is of type (NSURL *) and
    // webView is of type (UIWebview *)
    NSString *filePath = \[\[NSBundle mainBundle\] pathForResource:@"MyFileName" ofType:@"html"\];
    urlLocation = \[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath\];
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    Hope this helps!

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    <html lang="en">
        <title>IBM z196 zEnterprise 2817 Mainframe Reference - Technology News</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
        <meta name="robots" content="index,follow">
        <meta name="Author" content="Hesh Wiener">
        <meta name="Formatter" content="Heshomatic 6.2">
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      font-size: 9pt;
          IBM Mainframes:<br>
           IBM z196 zEnterprise 2817 Mainframe Reference
        <table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse;" summary="2094 series economic specs">
            <th rowspan="2">
                2817  <br>
            <th rowspan="2">
            <th rowspan="2">EST  INIT<br>
            US PRICE  </th>
          <th rowspan="2"> EST INIT <br>
          MIN US MAINT</th>
            <th rowspan="2">
              APPROX MIPS
            <th rowspan="2">
              SW PRICE<br>
              MI z/OS 1.11
        <td>3Q 10</td>
        <td>3Q 10</td>
        <td>3Q 10</td>
        <td>3Q 10</td>
        <td>3Q 10</td>
        <td>3Q 10</td>
        <td>3Q 10</td>
    Please help. thanks

    add colspan into td tag and try it got same problem, I just discovered the td data is numeric it can't display, change td data to alphanumeric it workable to normal display.
    below td tag data is unworkable:
    change to below is workable:

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    Hi Joe,
    can you show code snippet for the 1st solution? With loadString you can't load anything else into that page (i..e stylesheet)
    Edit: soon after I've posted this question I have found a solution:)
    var resultsPageUrl:String = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("output-html/result_html_pattern.html").nativePath;
    //and later
    Edit2: above was just enough to have it working in adl still no joy
    Here is an example of temporary file being loaded, this works,
    var source:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("output-html");//copy entire folder (with css)
    var destination:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
    source.copyTo(destination, true);//copy to the application storage
    //get path to the html page within copied folder
    var resultsPageUrl:String = "file://" + destination.resolvePath("result_html_pattern.html").nativePath;
    best regards

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    Thanks Bartek!
    I already looked at that code but didn't get it to work. Messed something up with headers and then jumped to the wrong conclusions...
    Now it works
    Thanks again!

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    It is possible to open local HTML files in Safari on iPad2. Easy!
    Open your Safari.
    Touch Bookmark icon for a little while.
    A dialogue box appears with "/var/Mobile" title.
    Go to "Applications" > your app (iFile, GoodReade or whatever yours) > Documents.
    And you are there. Open your HTML files.
    Now you can go anywhere to and fro without problem.
    It is FTP:///.
    If need later, Bookmark that.
    With Loving-Kindness!

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    $ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application";
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
    $ParsedHtml = $ie.Document
    foreach($child in $ParsedHtml.body.getElementsByTagName('table'))
    I still want to have the methods like 'getElementById()' or 'getElementByTagName()'.
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    The error was:
    Exception calling "Navigate" with "1" argument(s): "The remote procedure call f
    ailed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)"
    At D:\Scripts\Run.ps1:529 char:14
    + $ie.Navigate <<<< ($src)
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ComMethodTargetInvocation
    so I would prefere a method parsing HTML without IE.

    Hi John Mano,
    Please also try to Parse local HTML files with
    System.Xml.Linq, the script may be helpful for you:
    Using PowerShell to parse local HTML files  
    I hope this helps.                               
    I thought HTML is not compatible with xml. 
    And as I don't know LINQ good ... 
    Ok, I'll give it a try. later.
    I can't answer the question about other ways to parse HTML, but to close your IE session you should do the following:
    $ie.Quit() # this terminates the IE process
    $ie = $null # this frees the COM object memory
    Thanks for that.
    I now use that, but seems to be still some IEs open ...
    Maybe a path missing where i dont do it.
    But finally I still get this error. And it is blocking the whole script ...
    Exception calling "Navigate" with "1" argument(s): "The remote procedure call f
    ailed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)"
    At E:\DailyBuild\Scripts\PublishTestResults.ps1:533 char:15
    + $ie.Navigate <<<< ($srcFile)
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ComMethodTargetInvocation

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    Well, this is just an idea, but:
    You would probably have to create a new Servlet, that will identify the image type, set the correct content type (response.setContentType("image/gif") for example). It would have to get a binary InputStream to the image and copy the input to the output stream in the response(use the getOutputStream and not getWriter...)
    In your HTML writing servlet you would have to scan each line for an <img ... > tag parse out the source and replace it with the image servlet.
    Locating the image may be problematic if it is not given in absolute "file://" url. You may need to scan for a <base> tag in the HTML as well, or use the HTML page's directory for the path in which to find the image... but it could come in more complicated then that depending on how complicated the HTML was written (ie, for a server with multiple hosts, or with aliased paths...)
    Or, you might be able to write a filter that looks for images(*.gif *.jpg) and sends the request to your image servlet....

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    Please see [ this]. You can start Firefox in [ Safe Mode] to check if an add-on is causing the problem. You can also try to '''Open with''' by right-clicking on the HTML file and choose Firefox and enable '''Always use the selected program to open this kind of file'''.

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    Turn this option off:
    Colin R.

  • Opening up a local html file

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    It can't seem to find it even though I put the relevant files in the same folder currently C:\EP
    here's my code:
    JumpFileReturn("\\EP103\\pe16\\pt1\\page_01.htm", "", "")

    Try JumpOutReturn("",FileLocation^"myfile.htm")
    Or  JumpOutReturn("",FileLocation^"MySubFolder\\MySubSubFolder\\MyFile.htm") depending on the file hierarchy.
    This should work.
    +27 82 853 1010
    Skype:  johannfouche
    Telephone VOIP:  +27 127435670

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    Press the '''Alt''' or '''F10''' key to bring up the tool bar.
    Followed by; '''File > Open File.'''

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