Trying to pass xml data to a web service

I'm working on an Apex application that is required to pass data to a web service for loading into another (non Oracle) system. The web service expects two stings as input, the first string is simply an ID, the second string is an xml document. I generate an xml 'string' using PL/SQL in an on-submit process prior to invoking the web service. If I pass regular text for the second parameter, the web service returns an error message which is stored in the response collection and displayed on the page as expected. When I pass the the xml data, I get a no data found error and the response collection is empty. I have tried this in our development environment on Apex 3.1.2 (database version 10.2). I also tried this on our Apex 4.0.2 sandbox (with the same Oracle 10.2 database). I have found that once I have nested xml, I get the no data found message, if I pass partial xml data, I get the error response from the web service. Perhaps I am not generating the xml correctly to pass to the web service (this only just occurred to me as I write this)? Or is there an issue passing xml data from Apex to the web service? Any help will be greatly appreciated! here is the code I use to generate the xml string:
  cursor build_data  is
    select u_catt_request_buid,u_catt_request_name,u_catt_cassette_buid,u_catt_cassette_name
      ,u_project_name,u_sub_project,replace(u_nominator,'ERROR ','') u_nominator
      ,replace(replace(u_going_to_vqc,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_going_to_vqc
      ,nvl(u_my_priority,'Medium') u_my_priority
      ,replace(replace(u_immediate_trafo,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_immediate_trafo
      ,replace(replace(u_new_bps_cmpnt,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_new_bps_cmpnt
      ,u_compnt_name,u_new_cmpt_desc,initcap(u_target_crop) u_target_crop,u_corn_line
      ,replace(replace(u_field,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_field
    from temp_constructs_lims
    order by constructid,description;
  v_xml_info         varchar2(350);
  v_xml_header       varchar2(1000);
  v_xml_data         clob;
  v_xml_footer       varchar2(50);
  v_create_date      varchar2(10);
  v_scientist_name   v_users.full_name%type;
  v_scientist_email  v_users.email_address%type;
  v_primas_code      construct.fkprimas%type;
  v_nominator_name   v_nominators.full_name%type;
  v_file_length      number;
  -- initialize variables
  v_create_date := to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD');
  v_xml_data := null;
  -- get name and email address
    select full_name,email_address
    into v_scientist_name,v_scientist_email
    from v_users
    where ldap_account = :F140_USER_ID; 
  exception when no_data_found then
    v_scientist_name := '';
    v_scientist_email := '';
    v_scientist_name := 'Test, Christine';
    v_scientist_email := '[email protected]';
  -- set up xml file 
  if :OWNER like '%DEV%' then
    v_xml_info := '
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
    v_xml_info := '
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
  end if;
  -- populate xml header records
  v_xml_header := '<header xmlns="">
  <entities xmlns="">
  for rec in build_data loop
      -- get primas code for current construct
      select fkprimas
      into v_primas_code
      from construct
      where constructid = rec.constructid;
    exception when no_data_found then
      v_primas_code := null;
      -- get nominator name for current construct
      select full_name
      into v_nominator_name
      from v_nominators
      where nominator_id = rec.u_nominator;
      when no_data_found then
        v_nominator_name := null;
      when invalid_number then
        v_nominator_name := catt_pkg.full_name_from_user_id(p_user_id => rec.u_nominator);
        v_nominator_name := 'Test, Christine';
    v_xml_data := v_xml_data||'
  end loop;
  -- complete xml data   
  v_xml_footer := '
  -- complete submission data
  :P36_XML_SUBMISSION := null;   
  :P36_XML_SUBMISSION := v_xml_info||v_xml_header||v_xml_data||v_xml_footer;
end;Here is an example of :P36_XML_SUBMISSION:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <exchange xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="deService" xsi:schemaLocation="deService"> <header xmlns=""> <stdXmlVer>2.0</stdXmlVer> <sendingUnit>10</sendingUnit> <sendingPerson>Test, Christine</sendingPerson> <notification>[email protected]</notification> <creationDate>2011-12-20</creationDate> </header> <entities xmlns=""> <Construct> <requestBUID>150000123</requestBUID> <requestName>AA0000123</requestName> <cassetteBUID>160000123</cassetteBUID> <cassetteName>AB000123</cassetteName> <scientist>Test, Christine</scientist> <projectNumber>T000123</projectNumber> <subProject>Discovery Plus</subProject> <comments>AA0000123 From CATT on 20-DEC-11 </comments> <nominator>Test, Christine</nominator> <goingToVqc>true</goingToVqc> <primaryTrait>promoter::intron::transit:gene::terminator</primaryTrait> <sourceMatPrvd>seed - stuff</sourceMatPrvd> <prokaryoticResistance></prokaryoticResistance> <vectorType>Plant Vector</vectorType> <priority>Medium</priority> <immediateTrafo>true</immediateTrafo> <newComponent></newComponent> <componentName>gene</componentName> <newComponentDescription>unknown function; sequence has some similarity to others</newComponentDescription> <targetCrop>Crop</targetCrop> <Line>Inbred</Line> <plantSelection>smidge ver2</plantSelection> <numOfIndEvents>6</numOfIndEvents> <numOfPlantsPerEvent>1</numOfPlantsPerEvent> <molecularQualityEvents>NA</molecularQualityEvents> <toField>true</toField> <potentialPhenotype></potentialPhenotype> </Construct> </entities> </exchange>My application page is accessed by an action from another page. The user reviews the data in a sql report region. When the use clicks on the Upload (SUBMIT) button, the xml string is generated first and then the web service is invoked. I have tried passing a simple string as the second parameter ("dummydata") and partial data in the xml string ("<sendingPerson>Test, Christine</sendingPerson>") the web service returns this error in both cases:
Error[Validate Data]: (XML) = Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.. Cannot validate the XML! Data Exchange not accepted!Once I pass the entire xml string above, I get an Oracle-01403: no data found error. I have opened the web service in IE and pasted my xml input string and received a valid, verified result, so I am sure that the generated xml is correct. I have spoken with the web service developer; there are no log entries created by the web service when I submit the full xml string, so I suspect the failure is in the Apex application.
I should add that once I have nested tags in the xml, I get the Oracle no data found error ("<header xmlns=""> <stdXmlVer>2.0</stdXmlVer> <sendingUnit>10</sendingUnit> </header>"). I f I do not have nested tags in the xml ("<notification>[email protected]</notification> <creationDate>2011-12-20</creationDate>"), I get the web service response (error).
Edited by: ChristineD on Dec 20, 2011 9:54 AM

Ok, I think I'm getting closer to thinking this all the way through. When I have used clobs in the past, I've always used the DBMS_CLOB package. I use this to create a temp clob and then make the above calls. I had to go find an example in my own code to remember all of this. So, here is another suggestion... feel free to disregard all the previous code snippets..
  cursor build_data  is
    select u_catt_request_buid,u_catt_request_name,u_catt_cassette_buid,u_catt_cassette_name
      ,u_project_name,u_sub_project,replace(u_nominator,'ERROR ','') u_nominator
      ,replace(replace(u_going_to_vqc,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_going_to_vqc
      ,nvl(u_my_priority,'Medium') u_my_priority
      ,replace(replace(u_immediate_trafo,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_immediate_trafo
      ,replace(replace(u_new_bps_cmpnt,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_new_bps_cmpnt
      ,u_compnt_name,u_new_cmpt_desc,initcap(u_target_crop) u_target_crop,u_corn_line
      ,replace(replace(u_field,'Yes','true'),'No','false') u_field
    from temp_constructs_lims
    order by constructid,description;
  v_xml_info         varchar2(350);
  v_xml_header       varchar2(1000);
  v_xml_data         clob;
  v_xml_footer       varchar2(50);
  v_create_date      varchar2(10);
  v_scientist_name   v_users.full_name%type;
  v_scientist_email  v_users.email_address%type;
  v_primas_code      construct.fkprimas%type;
  v_nominator_name   v_nominators.full_name%type;
  v_file_length      number;
  v_xml_body    varchar2(32767); --added by AustinJ
  v_page_item    varchar2(32767);  --added by AustinJ
  -- initialize variables
  v_create_date := to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD');
  --v_xml_data := null;   --commented out by AustinJ
  dbms_lob.createtemporary( v_xml_data, FALSE, dbms_lob.session );  --added by AustinJ v_xml_data, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite );  --added by AustinJ
  -- get name and email address
    select full_name,email_address
    into v_scientist_name,v_scientist_email
    from v_users
    where ldap_account = :F140_USER_ID; 
  exception when no_data_found then
    v_scientist_name := '';
    v_scientist_email := '';
    v_scientist_name := 'Test, Christine';
    v_scientist_email := '[email protected]';
  -- set up xml file 
  if :OWNER like '%DEV%' then
    v_xml_info := '
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
    v_xml_info := '
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <exchange xmlns:xsi=""
  end if;
  -- populate xml header records
  v_xml_header := '<header xmlns="">
  <entities xmlns="">
  for rec in build_data loop
      -- get primas code for current construct
      select fkprimas
      into v_primas_code
      from construct
      where constructid = rec.constructid;
    exception when no_data_found then
      v_primas_code := null;
      -- get nominator name for current construct
      select full_name
      into v_nominator_name
      from v_nominators
      where nominator_id = rec.u_nominator;
      when no_data_found then
        v_nominator_name := null;
      when invalid_number then
        v_nominator_name := catt_pkg.full_name_from_user_id(p_user_id => rec.u_nominator);
        v_nominator_name := 'Test, Christine';
    v_xml_body := '
    ';    --modified by AustinJ
    dbms_lob.writeappend( v_xml_data, length(v_xml_body), v_xml_body);   --added by AustinJ
  end loop;
  -- complete xml data   
  v_xml_footer := '
  -- complete submission data
  v_page_item := null;   
  v_page_item := v_xml_info||v_xml_header||wwv_flow.do_substitutions(wwv_flow_utilities.clob_to_varchar2(v_xml_data))||v_xml_footer;   --added by AustinJ
  :P36_XML_SUBMISSION := trim(v_page_item);   --added by AustinJ
    dbms_lob.close( v_xml_data);  --added by AustinJ
    if v_xml_data is not null then   
        dbms_lob.freetemporary(v_xml_data);   --added by AustinJ
    end if;  --added by AustinJ
end;This code will use the Database to construct your clob and then convert it back to a varchar2 for output to your webservice. This makes more sense to me now and hopefully you can follow what the process is doing.
You don't technically need the two varchar2(36767) variables. I used two for naming convention clarity sake. You could use just one multipurpose variable instead.
If you have any questions, just ask. I'll help if I can.
Edited by: AustinJ on Dec 20, 2011 12:17 PM
Fixed spelling mistakes.

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    just create a skeleton for the Web Service. In JDeveloper, create a new project and then use the "NEW" context menu option.
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    Edited by: 859272 on 17/05/2011 07:15 AM

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    Private Sub ActualizarOportunidad(ByVal fila As Data.DataRow, ByVal TipoPersona As String)
    Dim oLog As New Log()
    Dim IdLog As Integer
    Dim NumSerie As String = ""
    oLog.Insert_Log("Activación Garantía - Crear Oportunidad", oLog.GetLastIdProceso())
    IdLog = oLog.GetLastId()
    Dim sr_input As Opportunity.OpportunityUpdate_Input
    Dim sr_output As Opportunity.OpportunityUpdate_Output
    sr_input = New Opportunity.OpportunityUpdate_Input
    Dim sr(1) As Opportunity.OpportunityData
    sr(0) = New Opportunity.OpportunityData
    NumSerie = fila("NumeroSerie").ToString().Trim()
    sr(0).ExternalSystemId = NumSerie
    sr(0).OpportunityName = fila("NumeroSerie").ToString().Trim()
    sr(0).SalesStage = "Deseo" '"Cerrada/Ganada"
    sr(0).dFecha_de_entrega_al_cliente = fila("FechaEmision").ToString().Trim()
    sr(0).dFecha_de_facturacin_al_cliente = fila("FechaCompra").ToString().Trim()
    sr(0).stNro_Factura = fila("NumeroFactura").ToString().Trim()
    sr(0).plActividad_Economica = fila("IdActividad").ToString().Trim()
    sr(0).plTipo_de_Venta = fila("TipoCompra").ToString().Trim()
    sr(0).CustomObject8ExternalSystemId = fila("ApellidoVendedor").ToString.Trim()
    'sr(0).CustomObject8ExternalSystemId = IIf(TipoPersona = "J", fila("DocumentoE").ToString().Trim(), fila("Documento").ToString.Trim())
    'sr(0).CustomObject7ExternalSystemId = fila("")
    Dim lofsr As Opportunity.ListOfOpportunityData
    lofsr = New Opportunity.ListOfOpportunityData
    lofsr.Opportunity = sr
    sr_input.ListOfOpportunity = lofsr
    sr_output = oOpportunity.OpportunityUpdate(sr_input)
    oLog.Update_Log(IdLog, "Si", NumSerie, "")
    Catch ex As SoapException
    Me.txtError.Text = ex.Detail.InnerText.ToString()
    oLog.Update_Log(IdLog, "No", NumSerie, ex.Detail.InnerText.ToString())
    End Try
    End Sub

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    with Perl which is the language that will be used by the developer who first will
    test with the prototype.
    In posts to this newsgroup use of "language-specific, generic containers" has
    been discouraged and the "language-agnostic" SOAPArray recommended. I have searched
    this newgsroup and the Web for examples of how to use a SOAPArray in a Web service
    EJB to receive parameters and return results but found none.
    Will someone refer me to an example or give an overview of how a Java Web service
    EJB running in WebLogic 6.1 would use SOAPArray to get parameter values and return
    Also, I would like confirmation that it is best to use SOAPArray to exchange data
    with a Web service to achieve the goal of a service accessible by any language.
    Thank you.

    Replies in-line:
    How are the structures, e.g. gltrans-workType, defined in the Web service?The structure is made up of nested Java Beans, but this does not mean that the
    client for your web service has to be written in Java. The WSDL that I sent contains
    everything that a .NET-based (or Perl-based, or Python-based, or VB-based, or
    C++ based) Web Service Stack needs to correctly create all the data types in the
    web services' signature! That's the beauty of XML Schema! It's programming language
    independent :-)
    other words, what definition in Java resulted in the WSDL statements?The WSDL wasn't produced by WLS 6.1, but it (WLS 6.1) can consume it.
    What is the signature of method submitGLTransWorkAsJavaBean() in the
    Web service?public void submitGLTransWorkAsJavaBean(GlTransactionsCpyType glTransactionsCpyType)
    GlTransactionsCpyType is the outer-most Java Bean. WLS 6.1 does not generate
    Java Beans for you, but it will use ones that you defined. See the Java Bean tutorial
    on the Javasoft sitem for details on how to create a Java Bean.
    Was the WSDL generated using the WL tools for creating a Web service?No.
    You asked for someone to provide you with an example of how to use SOAP array
    in a WSDL, which is what the attached file contained :-) What you want to do now
    is find a tool that can generate Java Bean code from this WSDL (Apache Axis has
    a wsdl2java tool that should work), or create the Java Beans yourself. Afterwards,
    create a WLS 6.1 Web Service a expose it for a Perl or .NET client.
    Mike Wooten
    "Jeff Carey" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Please elaborate.
    How are the structures, e.g. gltrans-workType, defined in the Web service?
    other words, what definition in Java resulted in the WSDL statements?
    What is the signature of method submitGLTransWorkAsJavaBean() in the
    Web service?
    Was the WSDL generated using the WL tools for creating a Web service?
    Thank you.
    "Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Jeff,
    Sounds like a pretty cool prototype :-)
    I have attached a WSDL (at the bottom of this post) that contains a<schema>
    uses a SOAPArray to create an array of a <complexType>.
    Mike Wooten
    "Jeff Carey" <[email protected]> wrote:
    The method of a prototype Web service I created is defined to take
    and return an object of a user defined class. Furthermore, the user
    defined class
    includes data elements of another user defined class and the Java ArrayList
    This works with a Java client referencing the WebLogic created client.jar
    but I don't know how well it will work with a non-Java client. Inparticular,
    with Perl which is the language that will be used by the developerwho
    first will
    test with the prototype.
    In posts to this newsgroup use of "language-specific, generic containers"
    been discouraged and the "language-agnostic" SOAPArray recommended.
    I have searched
    this newgsroup and the Web for examples of how to use a SOAPArray in
    a Web service
    EJB to receive parameters and return results but found none.
    Will someone refer me to an example or give an overview of how a Java
    Web service
    EJB running in WebLogic 6.1 would use SOAPArray to get parameter values
    and return
    Also, I would like confirmation that it is best to use SOAPArray toexchange
    with a Web service to achieve the goal of a service accessible by any
    Thank you.

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