Trying to understand the code???

I am trying to understand the following bit of code, currently the code puts each catalogue into a different row of the table but i want each catalogue to be put in the next column
(so the catalogues appear across the page on the actual web page). The following code is for the page in question but im not sure how much is relevant so i will paste it all and highlight the section i think is relevant:
<%@ page import="*,  se.ibs.ccf.*, se.ibs.bap.*, se.ibs.bap.util.*, se.ibs.bap.web.*,  java.util.*, se.ibs.ns.icat.*,*, java.lang.*" %>
<% ItemCatalogueBean bean = (ItemCatalogueBean)SessionHelper.getSessionObject("ItemCatalogueBean",session);
   String resourcePath = bean.getResourcePath(null);
   String title = "Product catalogue";
   String languageCode = bean.getLanguageCode();
<%@ include file="FuncHead.jsp" %>
<BODY class="IBSBody" onLoad="loaded = true;">
<form method="POST" action=<%= bean.getEncodedServlet("se.ibs.ns.icat.ItemCatalogueSearchServlet", response) %> name="basicForm">
<%@ include file="FuncSubmitScript.jsp" %>
<%@ include file="FuncPageBegin.jsp" %>
<div align="center">
  <table border="0" width="895">
      <td align="left" width="502">
<div align="left">
  <table border="0" width="500">
      <td class="IBSPageTitleText" align="left" valign="top" width="238">
          <%@ include file="FuncPageTitle.jsp" %>
          <%@ include file="FuncPageTitleImage.jsp" %>
       On this page you can see the product catalogues. Click on one of the
       links to go to the next level. Alternatively you can click the <b>Search
       catalogue</b> button to find the products of interest.</td>
           <td width="248" valign="bottom">
            <div align="left"><%@ include file="FuncShoppingCart.jsp" %></div>
<input type="submit" value="Search catalogue" name="ACTION_NONE" onClick="submitButtonOnce(this); return false">
<div align="left">
<table border="0" width="100%">
<% Vector catalogues = bean.getItemCatalogues();
        int cataloguesSize = catalogues.size();
           for (int i = 0; i < cataloguesSize; i++){
                  BAPItemCatalogue cat =  (BAPItemCatalogue) catalogues.elementAt(i); %>
          <%-- LINK AND MARK AS NEW --%>
                     <td width="23%"><a class="IBSMenuLink" href="link" onClick="javascript:invokeLink('<%= bean.getEncodedServlet("se.ibs.ns.icat.ItemCatalogueCategoryServlet", response) %>?CODE=<%= ToolBox.encodeURLParameter(cat.getCode())%>'); return false">
                          <%= cat.getDescription(languageCode) %></a>
                     <td width="40%" align="right">
                          <% if (cat.isNew()) {%>
                                 <img border=0 src="<%= resourcePath %>new.gif">
                          <% } %>
          <%--  CATALOGUES IMAGE AND INTERNET INFORMATION (text, multimedia objects,downloads, links...) --%>
                     <td width="23%" valign="top" align="left">
                          <% if (bean.isAdvanced(cat) && bean.hasMultimediaImage(cat)) { %>
                               <a href="link" onClick="javascript:invokeLink('<%= bean.getEncodedServlet("se.ibs.ns.icat.ItemCatalogueCategoryServlet", response) %>?CODE=<%= ToolBox.encodeURLParameter(cat.getCode())%>'); return false">
                               <img border="0" src="<%= bean.getMultimediaImage(cat) %>"></a>
                    <% } else {%>     
                               <img border="0" src="<%= resourcePath %>Catalog.gif">
                          <% } %>
                     <td class="IBSTextNormal" width="40%" valign="top">
                          <%= bean.getWebText(cat) %>
                     <td width="23%">
                     <td width="40%">
                     <% Vector mmLinks = bean.getMultimediaLinks(cat);
                  int mmLinksSize = mmLinks.size();     
                          for (int ml=0; ml<mmLinksSize; ml++){
                               BAPCodeAndDescription mmLink = (BAPCodeAndDescription)mmLinks.elementAt(ml); %>
                               <a class="IBSLink" href="<%= mmLink.getCode() %>" target="_blank"><%= mmLink.getDescription() %></a><br>
                     <% } %>
               <% Vector webLinks = bean.getWebLinks(cat);
                    int webLinksSize = webLinks.size();
                    for (int wl=0; wl<webLinksSize; wl++){
                               BAPCodeAndDescription webLink = (BAPCodeAndDescription)webLinks.elementAt(wl); %>
                               <a class="IBSLink" href="<%= webLink.getCode() %>" target="_blank"><%= webLink.getDescription() %></a><br>
                    <% } %>
<%@ include file="FuncPageLinks.jsp" %>
<%@ include file="FuncPageEnd.jsp" %>
</html>i hope someone could help me to understand this,
thank you for your help

You've probably already seen these, but here are a couple of links that may help. ccess
What's basically happening is that the "for" loop goes through each item in the array.  Don't be confused by the fact that two of the items in the array are Strings and one is an Integer - variable i being a String has nothing to do with the data type of the elements in the array.
The following code:
private function createLabels():void
     var myArray:Array = ['one', 'two', 3];
     for(var i:String in myArray)
          trace("i = " + i);
gives the following results:
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
From that we can see that the "for" loop is assigning the index number of each array element, not the actual array element ('one', 'two', or 3) to the variable i.  So calling myArray[i] is the same as calling myArray[0] the first time through the loop.  This type of "for" loop is just a shorter way of doing the following, which produces exactly the same results:
private function createLabels():void
     var myArray:Array = ['one', 'two', 3];
     for(var i:int = 0; n < myArray.length; i++)
          trace("i = " + i);
Hope that helps.

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  • Help needed in understanding the code.

    Hi All,
    I am just trying to understand the Java code in one Self Serice page. However, I am having tough in understanding the CO code. In the prosessRequest class, I have the below code.
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("AddAssignmentInsertRowFlag", "N");
    As soon as, oaapplicationmodule.getTransaction().commit();
    gets executed, its calling some other class. Not sure what is being called, but i can see the log messages that its executing some other class which actually does the calls to DB APIs and inserting data into main tables.
    Can you please explain me what is being called to make DB API calls. I would greatly appreciate your help.
    Thanks in Advance!
    - Rani
    ****************************Here is the full code of class for your reference****************************
    public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext oapagecontext, OAWebBean oawebbean)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "SelectedResourceLink has been pressed", 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_SELECTED_RESOURCES_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275", true, "RP");
    String s = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("AssignmentType");
    super.processFormRequest(oapagecontext, oawebbean);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "in processFormRequest()", 3);
    OAApplicationModule oaapplicationmodule = oapagecontext.getRootApplicationModule();
    String s1 = oapagecontext.getParameter("event");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** User Selected a value from LOV ***", 3);
    String s3 = oapagecontext.getParameter("source");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** lovInputSourceId = " + s3 + " ***", 3);
    if("ProjectNumber".equals(s3) && "Project".equals(s))
    Hashtable hashtable = oapagecontext.getLovResultsFromSession(s3);
    String s10 = (String)hashtable.get("ProjectId");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** ProjectId ***" + s10, 3);
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("paProjectId", s10);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Setting default value for Delivery assignment ***", 3);
    Hashtable hashtable1 = oapagecontext.getLovResultsFromSession(s3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** RoleName Hashtable Contents ***" + hashtable1.toString(), 3);
    String s11 = (String)hashtable1.get("RoleId");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** RoleId ***" + s11, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** AssignmentType = " + s + "***", 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Calling defaultJobAttrs for Open Assignment***", 3);
    Serializable aserializable[] = {
    oaapplicationmodule.invokeMethod("defaultJobAttrs", aserializable);
    if("Template".equals(s) || "Open".equals(s))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Defaulting Competencies ***" + s11, 3);
    OAViewObject oaviewobject = (OAViewObject)oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("RoleCompetenciesVO");
    oaviewobject.setWhereClauseParam(0, s11);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** End LOV event ***", 3);
    String s4 = "";
    String s8 = "";
    OASubTabLayoutBean oasubtablayoutbean1 = (OASubTabLayoutBean)oawebbean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AddAssignmentSubTabLayout");
    if("Project".equals(s) && !oasubtablayoutbean1.isSubTabClicked(oapagecontext))
    OAViewObject oaviewobject1 = (OAViewObject)oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO");
    s4 = (String)oaviewobject1.first().getAttribute("ProjectId");
    s8 = (String)oaviewobject1.first().getAttribute("ProjectNumber");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** lProjectId = " + s4, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** lProjectNumber = " + s8, 3);
    if("Project".equals(s) && !oasubtablayoutbean1.isSubTabClicked(oapagecontext) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(s8))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Delivery Assignment, Project Number is there but no Project Id", 3);
    if(s4 == null || s4.equals(""))
    ViewObject viewobject = oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("ObtainProjectId");
    if(viewobject == null)
    String s14 = "SELECT project_id FROM PA_PROJECTS_ALL WHERE segment1 =:1";
    viewobject = oaapplicationmodule.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt("ObtainProjectId", s14);
    viewobject.setWhereClauseParam(0, s8);
    int j = viewobject.getRowCount();
    if(j != 1)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Error : Project Number is Invalid or not unique", 3);
    OAException oaexception4 = null;
    oaexception4 = new OAException("PA", "PA_PROJECT_NUMBER_INVALID");
    throw oaexception4;
    oracle.jbo.Row row = viewobject.last();
    if(row != null)
    Object obj2 = row.getAttribute(0);
    if(obj2 != null)
    s4 = obj2.toString();
    if(s4 != null)
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("paProjectId", s4);
    if(oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentsVO") != null)
    oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO").first().setAttribute("ProjectId", s4);
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Error : No rows returned in Project Number query", 3);
    OAException oaexception5 = null;
    oaexception5 = new OAException("PA", "PA_PROJECT_NUMBER_INVALID");
    throw oaexception5;
    String s12 = "F";
    if(s4 != null && !s4.equals(""))
    String s13 = Security.checkUserPrivilege("PA_ASN_CR_AND_DL", "PA_PROJECTS", s4, oapagecontext, false);
    OAException oaexception3 = null;
    oaexception3 = new OAException("PA", "PA_ADD_DELIVERY_ASMT_SECURITY");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "ERROR:" + oaexception3.getMessage(), 3);
    throw oaexception3;
    OAViewObject oaviewobject2 = (OAViewObject)oapagecontext.getApplicationModule(oawebbean).findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO");
    Object obj = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("BillRateOverride");
    Object obj1 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("BillRateCurrOverride");
    Object obj3 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("MarkupPercentOverride");
    Object obj4 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("DiscountPercentOverride");
    Object obj5 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpRateOverride");
    Object obj6 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpCurrencyOverride");
    Object obj7 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpCalcBaseCodeOverride");
    Object obj8 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("TpPercentAppliedOverride");
    Object obj9 = null;
    Object obj10 = null;
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "in AddAssignmentsTopCO processFcstInfoRg(): getting the implementation options", 3);
    Object obj11 = oaviewobject2.first().getAttribute("BrRateDiscReasonCode");
    Object obj12 = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("rateDiscReasonFlag");
    Object obj13 = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("brOverrideFlag");
    Object obj14 = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("brDiscountOverrideFlag");
    String s22 = oapagecontext.getParameter("BillRateRadioGroup");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "BRCurrencyRadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj == null || obj1 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception6 = new OAException("PA", "PA_CURR_BILL_RATE_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception6;
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "BRMarkup%RadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj3 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception7 = new OAException("PA", "PA_MARKUP_PERCENT_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception7;
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "BRDiscount%RadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj4 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception8 = new OAException(oapagecontext.getMessage("PA", "PA_DISCOUNT_PERCENT_REQUIRED", null));
    throw oaexception8;
    if("Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) || "Admin".equals(s) || "Template".equals(s))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Need not have this check for team templates ", 3);
    } else
    if(obj13 != null && obj13.equals("Y") && obj12 != null && obj12.equals("Y") && "BRCurrencyRadioButton".equals(s22) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)obj11))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error 1", 3);
    OAException oaexception9 = new OAException("PA", "PA_RATE_DISC_REASON_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception9;
    if(obj14 != null && obj14.equals("Y") && obj12 != null && obj12.equals("Y") && "BRDiscountRadioButton".equals(s22) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)obj11))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error 2", 3);
    OAException oaexception10 = new OAException("PA", "PA_RATE_DISC_REASON_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception10;
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Selected transfer price radio shr = " + s22, 3);
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("BROGroupSelected", s22);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** 1 :Selected bill rate radio = " + s22, 3);
    if(s22 != null)
    oapagecontext.putSessionValue("BROGroupSelected", s22);
    s22 = oapagecontext.getParameter("TransferPriceRadioGroup");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Selected transfer price radio = " + s22, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "***TPCurrencyRadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj5 == null || obj6 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception11 = new OAException("PA", "PA_CURR_RATE_REQUIRED");
    throw oaexception11;
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "***TPBasisRadioButton chosen", 3);
    if(obj7 == null || obj8 == null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "error", 3);
    OAException oaexception12 = new OAException("PA", "PA_BASIS_APPLY_PERCENT_REQD");
    throw oaexception12;
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("TPORadioGroupSelected", s22);
    if(oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO").first().getAttribute("RoleId") != null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Role Id is + " + oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("AddNewAssignmentVO").first().getAttribute("RoleId"), 3);
    if(oapagecontext.getParameter("SearchCompetencies") != null)
    String s2 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_COMP_SEARCH_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paCallingPage=AddAssignment";
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s2, true, "RP");
    OASubTabLayoutBean oasubtablayoutbean = (OASubTabLayoutBean)oawebbean.findIndexedChildRecursive("AddAssignmentSubTabLayout");
    if(s.equals("Project") && oasubtablayoutbean.isSubTabClicked(oapagecontext) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId")))
    String s5 = "PA_ASN_FCST_INFO_ED";
    String s9 = "F";
    s9 = Security.checkUserPrivilege(s5, "PA_PROJECTS", (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId"), oapagecontext, false);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Error : PA_ASN_FCST_INFO_ED previelge not found", 3);
    OAException oaexception2 = null;
    oaexception2 = new OAException("PA", "PA_NO_SEC_FIN_INFO");
    throw oaexception2;
    if(oapagecontext.getParameter("GoBtn") != null)
    if("Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) && "0".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources")))
    OAException oaexception = new OAException("PA", "PA_NO_RESOURCE_SELECTED");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "ERROR:" + oaexception.getMessage(), 3);
    throw oaexception;
    String s6 = "T";
    if(s.equals("Admin") && "Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) && "1".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources")))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "resource id[19] is " + (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId"), 3);
    if(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("AdminSecurityChecked") == null)
    String s7 = Security.checkPrivilegeOnResource("-999", (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId"), SessionUtils.getResourceName((String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId"), oapagecontext), "PA_ADM_ASN_CR_AND_DL", null, oapagecontext, false);
    OAException oaexception1 = new OAException("PA", "PA_ADD_ADMIN_ASMT_SECURITY");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "ERROR:" + oaexception1.getMessage(), 3);
    throw oaexception1;
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("Save", "N");
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("Save", "Y");
    String as[] = oaapplicationmodule.getApplicationModuleNames();
    String as1[] = oaapplicationmodule.getViewObjectNames();
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "no of app module: " + as.length, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "no of view: " + as1.length, 3);
    for(int i = 0; i < as.length; i++)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "app module: " + as, 3);
    for(int k = 0; k < as1.length; k++)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "app module: " + as1[k], 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** assignmentType = " + s, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** projectId = " + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId"), 3);
    if("Project".equals(s) && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty((String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId")) && !"Y".equals(oapagecontext.getParameter("paMass")))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "*** Setting default staffing owner for add delivery assignment -- projectId = " + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId"), 3);
    OAViewObject oaviewobject3 = (OAViewObject)oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("RoleCompetenciesVO");
    oracle.jbo.Row arow[] = oaviewobject3.getAllRowsInRange();
    for(int l = 0; l < arow.length; l++)
    RoleCompetenciesVORowImpl rolecompetenciesvorowimpl = (RoleCompetenciesVORowImpl)oaviewobject3.getRowAtRangeIndex(l);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "roleCompetenciesVORowImpl" + rolecompetenciesvorowimpl, 3);
    oapagecontext.putTransactionValue("AddAssignmentInsertRowFlag", "N");
    if("Y".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paMass")) && !"1".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources")))
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Save, Mass, NumSelectedResources>1", 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "work flow has been launched", 3);
    OADialogPage oadialogpage = new OADialogPage((byte)3, new OAException("PA", "PA_MASS_ASSIGNMENT_CONFIRM"), null, "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_RESOURCE_LIST_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&addBreadCrumb=N", null);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "SaveAndSubmit, Mass, NumSelectedResources>1", 3);
    int i1 = 0;
    int j1 = 0;
    String s21 = "SelectedResourceId";
    int l1 = Integer.parseInt(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paNumSelectedResources").toString());
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "size of resourceArray = " + l1, 3);
    String as2[] = new String[l1];
    for(; !"END".equals(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1)))); i1++)
    if(oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1))) != null)
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "resource id = " + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1))).toString(), 3);
    as2[j1] = oapagecontext.getTransactionValue(s21.concat(Integer.toString(i1))).toString();
    SessionUtils.putMultipleParameters("paResourceId", as2, oapagecontext);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "redirect to Mass Submit for Approval page", 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_MASS_SUBMIT_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paCallingPage=MassAdd&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("p_project_id"), false, "RP");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Return to Option Selected ", 3);
    String s15 = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("PrevPageUrl");
    int k1 = s15.indexOf("OA.jsp?");
    s15 = s15.substring(k1);
    Debug.write(oapagecontext, this, "*** RETURN_TO URL: " + s15, 3);
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Add Another Option Selected", 3);
    if(oaapplicationmodule.findViewObject("RoleCompetenciesVO") != null)
    String s16;
    if(!s.equals("Project") && !s.equals("Admin"))
    s16 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ADD_ASSIGNMENTS_PAGE_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId") + "&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&OA_SubTabIdx=0";
    s16 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ADD_ASSIGNMENTS_PAGE_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paResourceId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paResourceId") + "&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&OA_SubTabIdx=0";
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "nextUrl " + s16, 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s16, true, "S");
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s16, false, "S");
    } else
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "Update Details Selected ", 3);
    String s17 = "";
    s17 = "ProjStaffedAsmt";
    s17 = "AdminAsmt";
    s17 = "PersonStaffedAsmt";
    s17 = "OpenAsmt";
    s17 = "TemplateAsmt";
    String s19 = "OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_ASMT_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId") + "&paAssignmentId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("wfOutAssignmentId") + "&paCalledPage=" + s17 + "&addBreadCrumb=RP";
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "UPDATE_DETAILS: URL: " + s19, 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately(s19, false, "RP");
    if(s.equals("Staffed") || s.equals("Admin") || s.equals("Project"))
    String s18 = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("wfOutResourceId");
    String s20 = (String)oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("wfOutAssignmentId");
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "outResourceId " + s18, 3);
    Debug.log(oapagecontext, this, "outAssignmentId " + s20, 3);
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_SUBMIT_ASMT_APR_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paAsgmtId=" + s20 + "&paResourceId=" + s18 + "&paProjectId=" + oapagecontext.getTransactionValue("paProjectId") + "&paAsgmtAprStatus=ASGMT_APPRVL_WORKING&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&paCallingPage=AddAssignment", false, "RP");
    oapagecontext.redirectImmediately("OA.jsp?akRegionCode=PA_SUBMIT_ASMT_APR_LAYOUT&akRegionApplicationId=275&paAsgmtId=" + s20 + "&paResourceId=" + s18 + "&paAsgmtAprStatus=ASGMT_APPRVL_WORKING&paAssignmentType=" + s + "&paCallingPage=AddAssignment", false, "RP");

    Hi Rani,
    As soon as the transaction is commited the methods in the VORowImpl Class are called.
    You can check in the VORowImpl class and search for the log messages.

  • Trying to Understand the PostSyncCleanup parameter

    I've got a problem with running my application on the Australian version of Windows. We have a "test" application built around SQL Server Compact Merge Replication Library (thanks ErikEJ) and that works but our application doesn't.
    One of the main differences with our application code is that we do not set the PostSyncCleanup value to anything and the library sets it to 2 per this link:
    http (put the :// back to get the link)
     I'm trying to understand the impact of making that our "production" configuration since we haven't been using it.  The description looks harmless enough but I don't really understand what statistics I'm turning off and what the impact
    would be and what even the default setting is.  Anything that could enlighten me would be appreciated along with a guess as to why that might be causing a problem on the Australian version of Windows would be appreciated.

    So we've been running with the default value (0) and have not really had any "problems".  I haven't done any testing but I'm ok with faster, like everyone would be, but am also a bit risk averse so want to know what exactly I'm turning off.
    I also saw this advice from Rob Tiffany:
    Use the appropriate x64, x86 or ARM version of SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 to take advantage of the
    PostSyncCleanup property of the SqlCeReplication object that can reduce the time it takes to perform an initial synchronization. Set the
    PostSyncCleanup property equal to 3 where neither
    UpdateStats nor CleanByRetention are performed.
    Here: http
    So, is the best advice to use that parameter and set the value to 3 or 2
    I don't really know what I'm losing to "not performing" UpdateStats or CleanByRetention and does making that change need I need to do something else on the server or client to "clear out" or "clean up" something that this is

  • Trying to understand the basic concept of object oriented programming.

    I am trying to understand the basic concept of object oriented programming.
    Object - a region of storage that define is defined by both state/behavior.
    ( An object is the actual thing that behavior affects.)
    State - Represented by a set of variables and the values they contain.
    (Is the location or movement or action that is the goal that the behavior is trying to accomplish.)
    Variables- (What does this mean?)
    Value - (What does this mean?)
    Behavior - Represented by a set of methods and the logic they implement.
    ( A set of methods that is built up to tell's the how object to change it's state. )
    Methods - A procedure that is executed when an object receives a message.
    ( A very basic comand.For example the method tells the object to move up, another method tells the method to go left. Thus making the object move up/left that combination is the behavior.)
    Class - A template from which the objects are created.
    ( I am very confused on what classes are.)
    - The definitions of the words I obtained from the "Osborne Teach Yourself Java". The () statements are how I interperate the Mechanisms (I do not know if Thats what you call them.) interact with each other. I understand my interpretation may be horribly wrong. I will incredibly appreciate all the support I may get from you.
    Thank you

    Object oriented programming is a replacement for the older idea of procedural programming (you can research procedural programming in google). As I understand it, in procedural programming, you have a step by step set of function calls to accomplish some task. Each function receives a data structure, manipulates it, and passes it to the next function. The problem with this is that each function preforms some action for the overall task and can't easily be reused by some other task. Its also harder to read the flow of what is happening with raw data structures flying all over the place.
    In object oriented programming, an object calls a function of another object and receives back, not a data structure, but another object. Objects contain a data structure that can only be accessed by its functions. An object is not so much a sub component of a bigger task, as it is a service that any other task can use for any purpose. Also, when you pass an object to the caller, the caller can ask questions about the data structure via its functions. The developer doesnt have to know what the previous function did to the data by reading up on any documentation, or having to reverse engineer the code.
    I suggest the best way of learning this is to code something like a library object.
    A library object contains a collection of book objects
    A book object contains a collection of chapter objects
    A chapter object contains a collection of paragraph objects
    A paragraph object contains a collection of sentence objects
    A sentence object contains a collection of word objects.
    Add functions to each object to provide a service
    Example: A library object should have a:
    public void addBook(Book book)
    public Book getBook(String title)
    public boolean isBookInLibrary(String title)
    The key is to add functions to provide a service to anyone who uses your object(s)
    For example, what functions (service) should a paragraph object provide?
    It shouldn't provide a function that tells how many words there are in a sentence. That function belongs to a sentence object.
    Lets say you want to add a new chapter to a book. The task is easy to read
    if you write your objects well:
    Sentence sentence1=new Sentence("It was a dark and stormy night");
    Sentence sentence2=new Sentence("Suddenly, a shot ran out");
    Paragraph paragraph=new Paragraph();
    Paragraphs paragraphs=new Paragraphs();
    Library library= new Library();
    library.getBook("My Novel").addChapter("Chapter 1",paragraphs).
    Now, lets say you want to have a word count for the entire book.
    The book should ask each chapter how many words it contains.
    Each chapter should ask its paragraphs, each paragraph should ask
    its sentences. The total of words should ripple up and be tallied at each
    stage until it reaches the book. The book can then report the total.
    Only the sentence object actually counts words. The other objects just tallies the counts.
    Now, where would you assign a librarian? What object(s) and functions would you provide?
    If written well, the project is easily extensible.

  • Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?

    I give up,i have been trying to activate a 3 month subscription for CS6 from Staples and every time i try the code it will not work.  I have used the chat live and spent about 3 hours already going nowhere.  I do not like talking on the phone to some help desk overseas and the only thing i think left to do is to return the junk.

    I tried all that and even took a picture of the numbers and blew them up so a blind person could read them and had 3 others read them off.  A simple way to fix the problem is get someone on Adobes staff to find a font that most people can read from whatever product the stick it to.
    John McDonough
    Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 18:33:58 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?
        Re: Am i the only one who when trying to enter the code for creative cloud activation ?
        created by David__B in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Hey John,
    Not sure if it helps or not, but I know sometimes with codes like that its really hard to tell certain characters apart, O - like in Oscar versus 0 - number and number 1 versus lowercase L like in Lima.
    Might test entering it both ways if you have any suspect characters?
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  • I am trying to understand the licensing procedures for using tabKiller for 3.5.7 firefox. Who should I contact for this? I do not see any customer service phone number for Firefox

    I am trying to understand the licensing procedures for using tabKiller for 3.5.7 firefox. Who should I contact for this? I do not have the customer service phone number for Firefox

    Tab Killer is not created by Mozilla, it is created by a private individual who has made it available at no cost for other people to use.

  • [SOLVED] Trying to understand the "size on disk" concept

    Hi all,
    I was trying to understand the difference between "size" and "size on disk".
    A google search gave plenty of results and I thought I got a clear idea about
    it.. All data is stored in small chunks of a fixed size depending on the
    filesystem and the last chunk is going to have some wasted space which
    will *have* to be allocated.. Thus the extra space on disk.
    However I'm still confused.. When I look at my home folder, the size on disk
    is more than 320 GB, where as my partition is actually less than 80 GB, so
    I guess I'm missing something.. Could somebody explain to me what does
    320 GB of 'size on disk' means?
    Thanks a lot in advance..
    Last edited by geo909 (2011-12-15 23:17:25)

    Hi all,
    Thank you for your replies.. My file manager is indeed pcman fm and
    indeed it seems to be an issue.. In b4data's link the last post reads:
    B-Con wrote:
    FWIW, I found the problem. (This bug is still persistent in v0.9.9.)
    My (new) PCManFM bug report is here: … tid=801864
    I submitted a potential patch here: … tid=801866
    Bottom line is that the file's block size and block count data from the file's inode wasn't being interpreted and used properly. The bug is in PCManFM, not any dependent libraries. Details are in the bug report.
    Since PCManFM is highly used by the Arch community, I figured I should post an update here so that there's some record of it in our community. Hopefully this gets addressed by the developer(s) relatively soon. :-)
    I guess that pretty much explains things.. And I think I did understand the 'size on disk' concept
    Thanks again!
    Last edited by geo909 (2011-12-15 23:17:10)

  • Trying to understand the sound system

    Here's my problem. My mic didn't work (neither the front mic nor the line-in in the rear), so after some research and trial and error I found that if I do
    modprobe soundcore
    my mic works on both the jacks
    But here's where my confusion lies. This is the output of lsmod |grep snd before probing explicitly for soundcore
    [inxs ~ ]$ lsmod |grep snd
    snd_hda_codec_analog 78696 1
    snd_hda_intel 22122 1
    snd_hda_codec 77927 2 snd_hda_codec_analog,snd_hda_intel
    snd_hwdep 6325 1 snd_hda_codec
    snd_pcm_oss 38818 0
    snd_pcm 73856 3 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss
    snd_timer 19416 1 snd_pcm
    snd_page_alloc 7121 2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
    snd_mixer_oss 15275 2 snd_pcm_oss
    snd 57786 8 snd_hda_codec_analog,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer,snd_mixer_oss
    soundcore 6146 2 snd
    [inxs ~ ]$
    So as you can see, soundcore's already loaded, so why do I have to explicitly load it again to get the mic to work?
    Once I add soundcore to my MODULES array and reboot, the lsmod output is also the same as above.
    So my question is -- what does the explicit loading of soundcore do, that is not done by auto-loading of that module?

    Oh... since your topic is Trying to understand the sound system, that puts you (and me) inside the whole world's population... chuckle. But I thought I'd pass along a document written by probably "The" main ALSA developer that I totally stumbled across just 3 days ago.
    Go here:
    and download the flavor of your choice of the "HD-Audio" document, or simply view it online. It documents the deepest dive into the current ALSA snd_hda_* layers and issues that I've found to date (but still leaves me wanting).
    Why that document isn't plastered across the interwebs is beyond me. I only get 11 hits when I search for it... such are the secrets of the ALSA world I guess.
    Last edited by pigiron (2011-08-26 18:26:48)

  • Trying to understand the Serialization interface

    Im trying to understand the Serialization of objects?
    As an example, I create a Library class that implements Serializable, that stores a collection of Book objects
    If I am only looking at saving a Library object to file, does the Book class require Serialization also or just the Library?
    I have read the API on serialization, no answer there, if it is it's not easy to understand or read into the API...

    There are some really important things to know about when doing serialization. For example one important thing to know about that not is mentioned here is that your serializable classes must define its own private static final long serialVersionUID because if you not do that will you not be able to deserialize (read in) the data you have saved later if you change anything in your serializable class. It is a bit tricky to manage files to which you have serialized different versions of your class, that is versions where you have added more serializable members to the class after you have serialized files. Well, it is not a problem if you don´t care if you have to type in all your saved data again every time you change anything instead of deserialize it (read it) from your file of course :)
    Situations like this may be handled if you define your own (private) writeObject(ObjectOutputStream) and your own readObject(ObjectInputStream) methods in your serializable class but there is a better a lot smarter way to handle this. Use of a serialization proxy! how to use that is described in the excellent book Effective Java 2nd ed. With a serialzation proxy for every serializable version of your class (where a version corresponds to a version of your class with differences in its number of serializable members) may your class deserialize data written from elder versions of your class also. Actually is it first since I read the last chapter of Effective Java that I think I have myself begin to understand serialization well enough and I recommend you to do the same to learn how to use serialization in practice.

  • HT201209 I just received a gift card from someone during these holidays, each time am trying ot redeem the code, I always found a message let me know that this card was not properly activated. How please you can help me about that ?

    I just received a gift card from someone during these holidays, each time am trying ot redeem the code, I always found a message let me know that this card was not properly activated. How please you can help me about that ?

    You don't go to the drop down "Actions" menu to reply to a post. You find the post to which you would like to reply and you hit the "Reply" button. You then type your message and then hit the "Add Reply" button to post your reply.

  • TS1292 How come it doesn't show the amount of money there is s gift card?  I tried putting in the code more than once, but all it says is that the card has already benn redeemed?

    How come it doesn't show how much money there is left in my iTunes gift card?  I have tried putting in the code more than once, but all my tablet says is that the card has already been redeemed.

    I haven't got access to the server right now (so I can't provide the complete details), but something like 6-700 GB (which is more than it shows in the client time machine windows, but less than what is true (which was around 1,5 TB))

  • Hello, World - trying to understand the steps

    Hello, Experts!
    I am pretty new to Flash Development, so I am trying to understand how to implement the following steps using Flash environment         
    Step 1: Create the top level object. Use a "Module" rather than an "Application" and implement the "acrobat.collection.INavigator" interface. The INavigator interface enables the initial hand shake with the Acrobat ActionScript API. Its only member is the set host function, which your application implements. During the initialize cycle, the Acrobat ActionScript API invokes your set host function. Your set host function then initializes itself, can add event listeners, and performs other setup tasks.Your code might look something like this.
    <mx:Module xmlns:mx="" implements="acrobat.collection.INavigator" height="100%" width="100%" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" >
    Step 2: Create your user interface elements. In this example, I'm using a "DataGrid" which is overkill for a simple list but I'm going to expand on this example in the future. Also notice that I'm using "fileName" in the dataField. The "fileName" is a property of an item in the PDF Portfolio "items" collection. Later when we set the dataProvider of the DataGrid, the grid will fill with the fileNames of the files in the Portfolio.
    <mx:DataGrid id="itemList" initialize="onInitialize()" width="350" rowCount="12"> <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="fileName" headerText="Name"/> </mx:columns> </mx:DataGrid>
    Step 3: Respond to the "initialize" event during the creation of your interface components. This is important because there is no coordination of the Flash Player's initialization of your UI components and the set host(), so these two important milestone events in your Navigator's startup phase could occur in either order. The gist of a good way to handler this race condition is to have both your INavigator.set host() implementation and your initialize() or creationComplete() handler both funnel into a common function that starts interacting with the collection only after you have a non-null host and an initialized UI. You'll see in the code samples below and in step 4, both events funnel into the "startEverything()" function. I'll duscuss that function in the 5th step.
                   private function onInitialize():void { _listInitialized = true; startEverything(); }

    Hello, Experts!
    I am pretty new to Flash Development, so I am trying to understand how to implement the following steps using Flash environment         
    Step 1: Create the top level object. Use a "Module" rather than an "Application" and implement the "acrobat.collection.INavigator" interface. The INavigator interface enables the initial hand shake with the Acrobat ActionScript API. Its only member is the set host function, which your application implements. During the initialize cycle, the Acrobat ActionScript API invokes your set host function. Your set host function then initializes itself, can add event listeners, and performs other setup tasks.Your code might look something like this.
    <mx:Module xmlns:mx="" implements="acrobat.collection.INavigator" height="100%" width="100%" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" >
    Step 2: Create your user interface elements. In this example, I'm using a "DataGrid" which is overkill for a simple list but I'm going to expand on this example in the future. Also notice that I'm using "fileName" in the dataField. The "fileName" is a property of an item in the PDF Portfolio "items" collection. Later when we set the dataProvider of the DataGrid, the grid will fill with the fileNames of the files in the Portfolio.
    <mx:DataGrid id="itemList" initialize="onInitialize()" width="350" rowCount="12"> <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="fileName" headerText="Name"/> </mx:columns> </mx:DataGrid>
    Step 3: Respond to the "initialize" event during the creation of your interface components. This is important because there is no coordination of the Flash Player's initialization of your UI components and the set host(), so these two important milestone events in your Navigator's startup phase could occur in either order. The gist of a good way to handler this race condition is to have both your INavigator.set host() implementation and your initialize() or creationComplete() handler both funnel into a common function that starts interacting with the collection only after you have a non-null host and an initialized UI. You'll see in the code samples below and in step 4, both events funnel into the "startEverything()" function. I'll duscuss that function in the 5th step.
                   private function onInitialize():void { _listInitialized = true; startEverything(); }

  • Trying to understand the getResource method

    I'm writing a simple game and I'm using a game framework for java. The framework uses the getResource("path") method on creating every texture. The constructor only accepts the relative path. My problem is I don't want image files to be placed in the build folder. I would like to create textures from an absolute path. I don't want to modify the framework code.
    In the Class Loader javadoc I've found that getResorce method executes the findResorce method if it fails on finding the resource. The findResource method should be overriden in a Class Loader implementation. How can I do it?

    morgalr wrote:
    tom_ex wrote:
    I'm writing a simple game and I'm using a game framework for java. The framework uses the getResource("path") method on creating every texture. The constructor only accepts the relative path. My problem is I don't want image files to be placed in the build folder. I would like to create textures from an absolute path. I don't want to modify the framework code.
    In the Class Loader javadoc I've found that getResorce method executes the findResorce method if it fails on finding the resource. The findResource method should be overriden in a Class Loader implementation. How can I do it?
    Thanks.It does this so you can JAR your application, which gives you the ability to distribute an executable with all of your resources included. So your buds will not have to worry about if they have the support files installed to run your application or not.I understand the intention, but it's rather an opposite of what I'm trying to do. In my idea the game on it's first running aks the user for a path. The path points a place where the sounds and images should by downloaded i.e. from an ftp server. On the later runnings the game already know where the images, etc have been downloaded and uses them.

  • UTL_HTTP.end_of_body Exception Error.  Trying to Understand the Reason Why?

    I have the following PLSQL Function that returns a End_of_body Error. This started when we migrated from 10g to 11g. It is simple enough to capture so the error does not stop the Function Flow, but the error causes the OCI driver in OBIEE to error, which prevents the use of OBIEE IBOT to execute. Trying to understand why this error is occurring..not sure if we have a permissions issue on the UTL_HTTP Package or what?
    Anyone seen this problem in 11g? Suggests on resolving would be great. Thanks.
    soap_request varchar2(30000);
    soap_respond varchar2(30000);
    http_req utl_http.req;
    http_resp utl_http.resp;
    launch_url varchar2(240) ;
    o_message varchar2(240) ;
    po_amount number := 2000 ;
    total_calls number := 0;
    cursor c_PO_exists is Cursor Logic..
    total_calls := 0;
    For po_wsdl in c_PO_exists
    total_calls := total_calls + 1;
    soap_request:='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <soap:Body xmlns:ns1="">
    <ns1:ProcessRequest><ns1:input>PO' || po_wsdl.order_no || '</ns1:input></ns1:ProcessRequest>
    http_req:= utl_http.begin_request('myURL/PurchaseOrder_Approval/1.0','POST','HTTP/1.1');
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml') ;
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Length', length(soap_request)) ;
    utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'SOAPAction', 'initiate');
    utl_http.write_text(http_req, soap_request) ;
    http_resp:= utl_http.get_response(http_req) ;
    utl_http.read_text(http_resp, soap_respond) ;
    utl_http.end_response(http_resp) ;
    WHEN UTL_HTTP.end_of_body THEN
    When utl_http.too_many_requests then
    o_message := 'End_Reponse' || ' from proc.';
    when OTHERS then
    o_message := SQLERRM || ' from proc.';
    return o_message;
    Return 'Workflow Initiated-' ||to_char(total_calls);
    end AA_DEMO_PO_WSDL;

    Hi, thanks,
    it is oracle10g,
    The Exception is : ORA-29266: end-of-body reached
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1349
    then the line in my function ,
    damorgan wrote:
    But I do note that when I do this I always do a get_header_count and get_header before get_read.what get_read , u mean?
    thanks for the link ,

  • Trying to understand the details of converting an int to a byte[] and back

    I found the following code to convert ints into bytes and wanted to understand it better:
    public static final byte[] intToByteArray(int value) {
    return new byte[]{
    (byte)(value >>> 24), (byte)(value >> 16 & 0xff), (byte)(value >> 8 & 0xff), (byte)(value & 0xff) };
    }I understand that an int requires 4 bytes and that each byte allows for a power of 8. But, sadly, I can't figure out how to directly translate the code above? Can someone recommend a site that explains the following:
    1. >>> and >>
    2. Oxff.
    3. Masks vs. casts.
    thanks so much.

    By the way, people often introduce this redundancy (as in your example above):
    (byte)(i >> 8 & 0xFF)When this suffices:
    (byte)(i >> 8)Since by [JLS 5.1.3|] :
    A narrowing conversion of a signed integer to an integral type T simply discards all but the n lowest order bits, where n is the number of bits used to represent type T.Casting to a byte is merely keeping only the lower order 8 bits, and (anything & 0xFF) is simply clearing all but the lower order 8 bits. So it's redundant. Or I could just show you the more simple proof: try absolutely every value of int as an input and see if they ever differ:
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          for ( int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE;; i++ ) {
             if ( i % 100000000 == 0 ) {
                //report progress
                System.out.println("i=" + i);
             if ( (byte)(i >> 8 & 0xff) != (byte)(i >> 8) ) {
                System.out.println("ANOMOLY: " + i);
             if ( i == Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
       }Needless to say, they don't ever differ. Where masking does matter is when you're widening (say from a byte to an int):
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          byte b = -1;
          int i = b;
          int j = b & 0xFF;
          System.out.println("i: " + i + " j: " + j);
       }That's because bytes are signed, and when you widen a signed negative integer to a wider integer, you get 1s in the higher bits, not 0s due to sign-extension. See []
    Edited by: endasil on 3-Dec-2009 4:53 PM

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