TS1702 How do I disable an app from being installed. I have Newstand app that is hanging up my app downloads.

I just purchased a new iPad which replaces my old one. During the initialization phase it try's to install all the apps fi have previously purchased from the apps store. It seems to be hanging up installing the News stand app which prevents it from installing all of the other apps from the store. Question, how do I delete the News stand app an therefore prevent it from hanging  up the installation. I don' T recall ever purchasing it and it doesn't appear in my purchased list, plus it doesn't present the 'X' at the top corner of the icon so it won't let me delete it there. Please tell me  how to kill this app.

To delete an app, open iTunes and go to Applications. Right click in the app that you want to delete and click Delete. Then, connect your iPad to your computer and the app will disappear

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    } catch (Exception ex) {
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    } catch (Exception ex) {
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    Hello Chainring
    hold down on the app, it should start to shake, when it does you should see an (X) just tap the (X) and it should stop...
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    Then you should read these.
    This was strange but has to do with how startup disk and nvram interact
    I think your problems were solvable and not that the Sonnet card and 5,1 is not bootable, in fact the 5,1 is easier, there are more supported cards.
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    Use a mozilla.cfg file in the Firefox program folder to lock prefs or specify default values.
    Place a file local-settings.js in the defaults\pref folder where you also find the file channel-prefs.js to specify using mozilla.cfg.
    pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg");
    pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); // use this to disable the byte-shift
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Locking_preferences
    You can use these functions in mozilla.cfg:
    defaultPref(); // set new default value
    pref(); // set pref, but allow changes in current session
    lockPref(); // lock pref, disallow changes
    lockPref("xpinstall.enabled", false);

  • Re: How do I keep an application from being started morethan once?

    Here are some quick ideas. None of them should be too hard to implement,
    although each has some drawbacks.
    1. Have a login server track who is logged on, and if there is already a
    logon for a given user or a given machine, then deny the application
    startup. The nice thing about this is that a user will not be able to have
    multiple logins even by going to another machine. Then again, this may not
    be so nice, and you also get a possible single point of failure on the
    login server for which you will have to prepare.
    2. Drop to the operating system, and get a list of processes for the client
    machine. If the name of one of them matches the name of application that
    is being run, then deny startup. This avoids a network hit, but requires
    some OS specific code. Also, a clever user could change the name of an
    executable to get around this. Note that a user could have another login
    on another machine.
    3. Write to a file on the local machine. You can hide the file in some
    suitable place, and can also scramble some information so that a user
    cannot get around having this file present by reading from the file at
    startup and then writing to it. Based on the state of your application,
    the file will have some scrambled information indicating if an instance of
    an application can be started. If you retain the write lock (i.e. do not
    close) the file for the duration of the application, you increase your
    security at the risk of a confused user if the application gets terminated
    without releasing the lock. Depending on the OS where the client will run,
    this could be an issue. If you like this option, perform some experiments
    first on all configurations of an example client machine to determine the
    behavior. Again, this only works to prevent an extra login on a single
    machine, not system wide.
    If you are not concerned about your users hacking around too much and don't
    care about a login on another machine, I would opt for some version of
    number 3. Otherwise, I would venture number 1.
    At 07:47 AM 2/18/98 -0500, Martin G Nystrom wrote:
    A user can launch an application, then launch it again. How do we make it so
    that the user can only run one instance of the application?
    Martin Nystrom
    Eli Lilly and Company
    ([email protected])
    Curtis Bragdon, Senior Consultant, Forte Software
    [email protected]
    Voice Mail: (510) 986-3807
    Paging: (888) 687-6723
    "I've seen dozens of triggering towns." - Richard Hugo

    Yet another quick and dirty solution is to use local ExternalConnections.
    This is a single instance per machine solution.
    Example is attached.
    (See attached file: TestOne.pex)
    [email protected] on 02/18/98 10:01:07 PM
    Please respond to [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: How do I keep an application from being started more than
    there are two ways to read your question
    (a) no more than one instance of an application per machine
    (b) no more than one instance of an application per "user"
    now if a user has only one machine, and your system has "userids" and you
    only want
    one active "session" per "user" then the distinction is irrelevant.
    However, many systems
    let people share logins, so a token based thing enforcing one login will be
    The downside of #1 approach suggested by Curtis happens when a machine gets
    hosed without "logging" the user off the security system, then they can't
    get in until their ticket expires or a sysadmin gets involved. Should be
    manageable, however. But this enforces one application
    instance per user, unless you check both for the presence of an active
    token for that user as well as the presence of a token tied to that
    particular node name. Otherwise there is nothing to prevent the same user
    from launching the app again and logging in as a different user. This is
    definitely the best approach of the bunch, and can be adapted for either
    (a) or (b).
    Suggestion # 2 won't work unless the application is built as a compiled
    since the process name will be 'ftexec' and not the "name" of the
    application. And it doesn't
    prevent a user from launching the app from a different machine (or people
    sharing logins). So again it depends on what you are trying to achieve.
    #3 also only prevents multiple instances per machine, not necessarily by
    user. Of course
    most people don't have multiple machines. The point is that you may be
    trying to
    prevent your users from sharing logins. In which case the file thing won't
    do it.
    Some other ideas:
    1. You could, however, enforce one application per machine using the
    installed partition agent's ExecutingPartition instrument name. As long as
    the user doesn't run the app in a different environment, you can have the
    app check at startup time if there is another
    ActivePartition running under the same InstalledPartition name.
    (ActivePartitions are child agents
    of InstalledPartitions).
    2. use the ObjectLocationManager and bind a simple object into the naming
    system using a naming scheme such as
    /MyApplication/MyNode or
    the presence of either one would indicate that another instance of that
    application is running on either that machine or that user. Of course
    these have to be cleaned out, and subject to similar downside as
    alternative #1. So you'd essentially be using the forte naming system as a
    distributed lock manager (ouch).
    3. Have the application remove the shortcut to launch it upon startup, and
    recreate it when it is finished, or move it to a hidden place. There it
    is - the worst idea I've ever come up with. Don't
    do this!
    From: Curtis Bragdon <[email protected]>
    Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 16:36:58 -0500
    Subject: Re: How do I keep an application from being started more than
    Here are some quick ideas. None of them should be too hard to implement,
    although each has some drawbacks.
    1. Have a login server track who is logged on, and if there is already a
    logon for a given user or a given machine, then deny the application
    startup. The nice thing about this is that a user will not be able to have
    multiple logins even by going to another machine. Then again, this may not
    be so nice, and you also get a possible single point of failure on the
    login server for which you will have to prepare.
    2. Drop to the operating system, and get a list of processes for the client
    machine. If the name of one of them matches the name of application that
    is being run, then deny startup. This avoids a network hit, but requires
    some OS specific code. Also, a clever user could change the name of an
    executable to get around this. Note that a user could have another login
    on another machine.
    3. Write to a file on the local machine. You can hide the file in some
    suitable place, and can also scramble some information so that a user
    cannot get around having this file present by reading from the file at
    startup and then writing to it. Based on the state of your application,
    the file will have some scrambled information indicating if an instance of
    an application can be started. If you retain the write lock (i.e. do not
    close) the file for the duration of the application, you increase your
    security at the risk of a confused user if the application gets terminated
    without releasing the lock. Depending on the OS where the client will run,
    this could be an issue. If you like this option, perform some experiments
    first on all configurations of an example client machine to determine the
    behavior. Again, this only works to prevent an extra login on a single
    machine, not system wide.
    If you are not concerned about your users hacking around too much and don't
    care about a login on another machine, I would opt for some version of
    number 3. Otherwise, I would venture number 1.
    At 07:47 AM 2/18/98 -0500, Martin G Nystrom wrote:
    A user can launch an application, then launch it again. How do we make itso
    that the user can only run one instance of the application?
    Martin Nystrom
    Eli Lilly and Company
    ([email protected])
    Curtis Bragdon, Senior Consultant, Forte Software
    [email protected]
    Voice Mail: (510) 986-3807
    Paging: (888) 687-6723
    "I've seen dozens of triggering towns." - Richard Hugo
    John Jamison
    Vice President of Technology
    Sage IT Partners, Inc.
    415 392 7243 x 306
    [email protected]

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