Unable to convert string into binary

I have a web application that does the following:
1. Takes in user information via form. This includes images.
2. Displays all the user information in a portfolio. Looks like the portfolio on this page:
3. When clicking on each item you are brought to a page that displays the form information and the images.
So far it works fine but instead of sending the images as binary to SQL database I send them as strings and the problem is now when I update the code on my cloud host the images no longer display but all the text displays fine. I am thinking the problem
is that instead of sending my images as strings I need to store them as binary and retrieve them as well. The problem is I did some research and have been unsuccessful in the ways mentioned.
Here is my code for the form:
//gather all the information from the form
//I call a stored procedure to send my data to my sql database
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SaveImage", connection.con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@email", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = Email.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@project", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = Project.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@description", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = Description.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@img1", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value = img1;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@img2", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = img2;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@img3", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ppt;
//Here is the stored procedure
USE [TestDB]
ALTER proc [dbo].[SaveImage]
@username varchar(100),
@email varchar(50),
@project nvarchar(MAX),
@description nvarchar(MAX),
@img1 varbinary(MAX),
@img2 nvarchar(MAX),
@img3 nvarchar(MAX) as
INSERT INTO ProjectTbl(UserName, Email, ProjectName, ProjectDescription, Image1, Image2, Image3)
VALUES (@username, @email, @project, @description, @img1, @img2,@img3)
// Here is the code for the page that displays all the projects submitted in the form of a portfolio (just the backend not the front-end)
public static string CreateSessionViaJavascript(string strTest)
Page objp = new Page();
objp.Session["controlID"] = strTest;
return strTest;
public static string imgString;
//public string[] array;
public List<string> image1 = new List<string>();
public List<string> image2 = new List<string>();
public List<string> image3 = new List<string>();
public List<string> finalimages = new List<string>();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
private void LoadData()
var data = DataAccess.GetCurrentProject();
foreach (DataRow dr in data.Rows)
dr["hrefPath"] = "project.aspx?ID=" + dr["Id"];
DataListProjectImg.DataSource = data;
catch (Exception ex)
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
var imgButton = sender as ImageButton;
if (imgButton != null)
Response.Redirect("project.aspx?ID=" + imgButton.CommandArgument, false);
//And here is the code for the each individual item that is clicked on in the portfolio. The images are displayed in a carousel along with the user entered data:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//string code = "" + Session["Code"].ToString();
projectId = Request.QueryString["ID"];
if (!this.IsPostBack)
private void LoadData()
Connection connection = new Connection();
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("Select Image1,Image2,Image3,UserName,ProjectName,ProjectDescription,Email FROM ProjectTbl Where id='" + projectId + "'", connection.con);
SqlDataReader dataReader = com.ExecuteReader();
while (dataReader.Read())
image1.Src = dataReader["Image1"].ToString();
image2.Src = dataReader["Image2"].ToString();
image3.Src = (dataReader["Image3"] != null && (dataReader["Image3"].ToString().Contains(".ppt") || dataReader["Image3"].ToString().Contains(".pptx"))) ? "assets/img/PPTdefault2.png" : dataReader["Image3"].ToString();
hprPptLink.HRef = (dataReader["Image3"] != null && (dataReader["Image3"].ToString().Contains(".ppt") || dataReader["Image3"].ToString().Contains(".pptx"))) ? dataReader["Image3"].ToString() : "#";
Name.Text = dataReader["UserName"].ToString();
ProjectName.Text = dataReader["ProjectName"].ToString();
Description.Text = dataReader["ProjectDescription"].ToString();
Email.Text = dataReader["Email"].ToString();
catch (Exception)
private void FillDataForEditProjectModal(SqlDataReader dataReader)
UserName.Text = Convert.ToString(dataReader["UserName"]);
txtEmail.Text = Convert.ToString(dataReader["Email"]);
Project.Text = Convert.ToString(dataReader["ProjectName"]);
txtDescription.Text = Convert.ToString(dataReader["ProjectDescription"]);
protected void btnSaveProjDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SaveUploadedFiles()
//validation part
if (Images1.HasFile)
if (!CheckImageFileType(Images1))
GenerateImageUploadJavascriptError("Image 1 Upload");
if (Images2.HasFile)
if (!CheckImageFileType(Images2))
GenerateImageUploadJavascriptError("Image 2 Upload");
if (Images3.HasFile)
if (!Images3.PostedFile.FileName.ToLower().Contains("ppt") || !Images3.PostedFile.FileName.ToLower().Contains("pptx"))
string script = "alert('Please Select PPT/pptx type only')";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "pptUploadError", script, true);
//End validation part
//uploading part
string image1Path = string.Empty;
string image2Path = string.Empty;
string image3Path = string.Empty;
if (Images1.HasFile)
image1Path = Path.GetFileName(Images1.PostedFile.FileName);
if (Images2.HasFile)
image2Path = Path.GetFileName(Images2.PostedFile.FileName);
if (Images3.HasFile)
image3Path = Path.GetFileName(Images3.PostedFile.FileName);
DataAccess.UpdateProjectDetails(UserName.Text, txtEmail.Text, Project.Text, txtDescription.Text, image1Path, image2Path, image3Path, projectId);
//end of uplaoding part
catch (Exception ex)

Hi compuluv,
To store it in the Image object. This image object must be converted to a byte array.
Based upon your code as below, please try to change Varchar to byte[].
cmd.Parameters.Add("@img1", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value = img1;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@img2", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = img2;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@img3", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ppt;
For more detailed information, please check
C# Save and Load Image from Database
By the way, since your project is a web application, I also found a asp.net version as below.
You can get some hints.
Best regards,
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    THANKXX in advance

    Is this what you are looking for:
    java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMMM-YYYY");          
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    bitmapData     = new BitmapData(pic.width, pic.height);
                     bitmapData.draw(pic,new Matrix());
                    var jpg:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder();
                    imgByte = jpg.encode(bitmapData) ;
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    Didn't toString(2) work?

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    import sun.misc.*;
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    dcipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
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    dcipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
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    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
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         private names[] collection; // collection of names
         private int count;
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              collection = new names[1000];     
              count = 0;
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                        "New York", "Albany"};
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    turn the string into the index in the array
    boston => 0
    springfield => 1
    New Haven => 2
    New York => 3
    Albany => 4I should've mention this before but I need the names to go along with the numbers.
    This is the directions from my proffesser, I know it's not the easiest to understand
    but hopefully It will give you a better idea of what I'm talking about.
    A name manager. This object turns strings into numbers. Every time a name is added to the name manager, it is checked to see if it has already been seen. If so, return the number previously assigned to the name. If not, increment the "number of known names" and return this number as well as remember the string for future reference. You can assume that there will be no more than 1000 names in the manager. Each name is a string.
    A city. A city is a simple object: the city has a name and a number (at present).
    I got most of this part done it just strings integers part that's getting me.

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    Any idea?

    Yes, but you need to tell us in more details what you have and what you want.
    There is no "10bit string", they come in integer multiples of 8 bits. Some possible interpretations:
    Maybe you have a 2 character string (16bits). Do you want the 10 low order bits?
    Maybe you have a 10 character formatted string of zeroes and ones, one character for each bit.
    Do you have a long string and every 10 consecutive bits are one 10bit number that you want as integer?
    Please clarify!
    There is no "10bit array". Do you want:
    a boolean array with 10 elements, one element per bit?
    An integer array if ones and zeroes?
    An array of U16, each element corresponding to 10bits of the original string?
    something else?
    It might help if you could attach a small example containing typical data. (make current values default before saving and attaching here).
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class DateTest
    public static void main(String[] args)
    String strDate = "2002-07-16 14:45:01";
         System.out.println("strDate = "+strDate);
    Date aDate = null;
    if(strDate != null && !strDate.trim().equals(""))
         SimpleDateFormat aSDF = new SimpleDateFormat();
         aSDF.applyPattern("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
         java.util.Date utilDate = aSDF.parse(strDate);
    System.out.println("utildate = "+utilDate);
         aDate = new Date(utilDate.getTime());
         System.out.println("aDate = "+aDate);
    catch (ParseException e)
    System.out.println("Unable to parse the date - "+strDate);
    catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("Caught Exception :"+ex.getMessage());
    It gives the output as :
    strDate = 2002-07-16 14:45:01
    utildate = Tue Jul 16 14:45:01 IST 2002
    aDate = 2002-07-16
    If I put this value into the database table, I can see only the date. Time part is missing. Is this the problem with java.sql.Date or Oracle datatype Date? Please help me asap.
    Thanks in advance.

    If I put this value into the database table, I can
    see only the date. Time part is missing. Is this the
    problem with java.sql.Date or Oracle datatype Date?This is not a problem, this is the defined behaviour of the Date type. RTFAPI and have a look at Timestamp, while you're at it.

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    I need to get the value as 30.10 as double only.
    I tried but I am getting 30.1 only.
    Please suggest me.
    Thanks in advance..

    user13797408 wrote:
    I want to convert 30.10 String Value into double.
    I need to get the value as 30.10 as double only.
    I tried but I am getting 30.1 only.
    Please suggest me.
    Thanks in advance..Don't do it. A short read of the documentation will tell you why (and why several such methods in many similar Java classes have been deprecated).
    Simply said: 30.1 has no exact representation as a double; and it's quite possible that "30.10" will yield a different value from "30.1" (but hopefully not).
    As far as printing out is concerned, you should check out NumberFormat or String.format(...). You are trying to convert a number stored in binary, that you already converted from a decimal numer (30.1) back to decimal. Sound like overkill to you?
    PS: Have a look at BigDecimal. I think it may do what you want.

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    i've a date in string format like MM/dd/yyyy
    eg:String sDate = "01/30/2002";
    and i want to convert this string format into java date format
    same as 01/30/2002 only
    when i write like this
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("MM/dd/yyyy");
              String sDate = "1/11/2002";
              java.util.Date oDate = formatter.parse(sDate);
    i'm getting the output
    Fri Jan 11 00:00:00 GMT+05:30 2002
    i just want the out put like 01/30/2002
    plz,help me

    Just use back the SimpleDateFormat object you defined.
    String myDateInStr = formatter.format(oDate);
    this will format a java.util.Date object to a string representation according to the format you specified in the instantiation of SimpleDateFormat object.

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    to convert a String variable into a double value
    iam using CLDC1.1 and MIDP2.0
    please tell me how its done
    Thank in advance

    thanx alot it really worked now i want to convert the answer of the double variable back to string can you please tell me how to do it thanx alot

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    So my problem is that everything works just fine with input output streams like in this code, but i need to change this input stream into string messadge(Which would work!!)
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    so we connect to the server(passw,user,host) then excecute commands, this code works perfectle but the commented code// doesn't work :
    JSch jsch=new JSch();
    String host=null;
    String user="me1234";
    String passw="12345";
    Session session=jsch.getSession(user, host, 22);
    session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
    Channel channel=session.openChannel("shell"); //the power of shell, if i use exec doesn't excecute newgrp...
    //String command = "newgrp xxxx;"; //this doesn't work ...
    //InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(command.getBytes("UTF-8"));
    //then somehow printout the response from server...
    channel.setInputStream(System.in); // well instead of this I'd prefer channel.send(command);
    Edited by: 842778 on 14-Mar-2011 01:42

    You seem to be leaving out the newlines.

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    s = s.toUpperCase ();See http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/String.html.

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