Unable to create records in database using PHP Data Service

Hello, I've been stuck on this for a few days and search up and down for this on the net, no response I've found has worked, so I come to you...
Here are the steps I've taken, I think it's pretty standard
1. I have a macbook pro running osx 10.7.3
2. I installed MAMP all default (I've acually reinstalled this because someone suggested this might fix it)
3. Thru phpMyAdmin I created a database called my_test
4. In that database I created a table, this is the export of that table: (I've also tried this with InnoDB which is the default)
CREATE TABLE `customer` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
5. I created a new Flx Project (Running Flash Builder 4.5.1 Premium)
     Project Name: PHPTest
     Application Type: Desktop (Although I've done the same thing with Web and got the same results)
     >> Next
     Application Server Type: PHP
     Web Root: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
     URL Root: http://localhost:8888/
     Clicked 'Validate Configuration' and that worked
     Output Folder: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/PHPService (default by Flash Builder)
     >> Finished
6. On the Data/Services tab on the bottom I click 'Connect to Data/Service...'
     Select 'PHP'
     >> Next
     Select 'Click here to generate a sample'
     Select 'Generate from database' radio button
     Username: root
     Password: root (default for MAMP)
     Host name: localhost
     Server port: 8889 (default for MAMP MySQL port, the HTTP port default is 8888 which in both cases seem to work but every video I've seen that uses MAMP on youtube uses 8889)
     Database: my_test
     Click 'Test Connection' (works)
     Table: customer
     Primary Key: id (this field is greyed out and Flash Builder selects 'id' which it figures out from the SQL table)
     >> Click OK
7. Then if I don't have the Zend Framework folder in my /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ folder it tells me its going to create that and I say alright. Then Flash Builder says stuff about how this is really only for testing and not production server ready and I say alright.
8. Then it takes me back to the Form from Step 6 when I get the chance to select 'Click here to generate a sample'
     These fields are now filled with this data automaticly:
     PHP Class: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/PHPTest/services/CustomerService.php
     Service name: CustomerService
     Service package: services.customerservice
     Data type package: valueObjects
     >> Click Next (shows all the functions that will be now availible)
     >> Click Finished (End of the forms and it opens Dreamweaver to the php file it created CustomerService.php which I have no need to edit so I close that down)
9. Back in Flash Builder I switch to design view and drag a datagrid onto the big white area in the middle, whatever that is called.
10. Then below in Data/Services tab on the bottom I click drag the function 'GetAllCustomer' on top of the datagrid.
     I say yes to rebound and click ok and the view of the datagrid is updated with the colums from the 'customer' table in mySQL.
(Now let me say that when I hit save and compile this, if I actually had records in this table that I insert thru phpMyAdmin, this does show in the datagrid. So for the whole CRUD thing I am able to get the R which is Read)
11. Now going back to the design view in Flash Builder I will create a form to create records in the table... (I guess this isn't really a step)
12. In the Data/Service tab on the bottom I select 'createCustomer' function and then there is an icon called 'Generate Form' that looks like a white piece of paper with a gear on the bottom of it.
13. This opens up a new form and since I don't have a crazy bunch of fields in my table I just click Finished (If you click next you can specify which fields you want to exclude from the form but this time I don't need to)
14. This actually creates 2 forms if you look at the code, the second just shows the return type from when you click 'CreateCustomer' button on the first form. Because they overlap in design view I drag the form out of the way so you can see the input form, the return form, and the datagrid
15. Then I save and compile...
(Also if your actually reading this I didn't remove the id form field, I get the same result either way, but if you do remove the form field in the code/design you also have to update the button function to not deal with the id before it gets sent off to the php page since in this case the MySQL table is set to auto_increment the id, sorry this doesn't make much sence but this little area doesn't matter much either way)
16. Now fill in whatever data you want for name and email, try differnt numbers in the id field like 0, nothing, 1, 1000 and click 'CreateCustomer'
(For me nothing happens, no return is put in the return field, no error pops up and the datagrid is not updated with the new record, also going over to phpMyAdmin and checking out the table browse doesn't show any changes either, I know the button is calling the function because if I add a state change in that function it changes, it would seem that the line:
createCustomerResult.token = customerService.createCustomer(customer2); doesn't do anything)
So any idea what is wrong here, I'm convenced it's something stupid easy simple I just can't see it.

In case you need more info, here is a code dump on a mxml project that has this problem:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            import mx.controls.Alert;
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;
            protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                getAllCustomerResult.token = customerService.getAllCustomer();
            protected function button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                var customer2:Customer = new Customer();
                customer2.id = parseInt(idTextInput.text);
                customer2.name = nameTextInput.text;
                customer2.email = emailTextInput.text;
                currentState = "Test";
                createCustomerResult.token = customerService.createCustomer(customer2);
        <s:State name="State1"/>
        <s:State name="Test"/>
        <s:CallResponder id="getAllCustomerResult"/>
        <customerservice:CustomerService id="customerService"
                                         fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)"
        <valueObjects:Customer id="customer"/>
        <s:CallResponder id="createCustomerResult"/>
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:DataGrid id="dataGrid" includeIn="State1" x="330" y="10" width="392"
                creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" requestedRowCount="4">
                <s:GridColumn dataField="id" headerText="id"></s:GridColumn>
                <s:GridColumn dataField="name" headerText="name"></s:GridColumn>
                <s:GridColumn dataField="email" headerText="email"></s:GridColumn>
            <fx:Object id="id1" email="email1" name="name1"></fx:Object>
        <s:AsyncListView list="{getAllCustomerResult.lastResult}"/>
    <s:Form includeIn="State1" defaultButton="{button}">
        <s:FormItem label="Id">
            <s:TextInput id="idTextInput" text="{customer.id}"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Name">
            <s:TextInput id="nameTextInput" text="{customer.name}"/>
        <s:FormItem label="Email">
            <s:TextInput id="emailTextInput" text="{customer.email}"/>
        <s:Button id="button" label="CreateCustomer" click="button_clickHandler(event)"/>
    <s:Form includeIn="State1" x="0" y="204">
        <s:FormItem label="CreateCustomer">
            <s:TextInput id="createCustomerTextInput" text="{createCustomerResult.lastResult as int}"/>

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                        var skipTr:String=mp3Array.lastResult.filename[sndIndex].data;
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    Hello Joel;
    In retrieving your data - what is your php returning to FB, an object, object array, an array?  Either way, I have a brief example below that an object(s) is being returned.  Pull the data from the lastResult in a ResultEvent.  The object instantiated in the resultEvent will contain your data and you can do what you want from there. 
    Also, I always use Network Monitor to see what data (if any) is being returned from the server, you can also see how it is being sent back.
    private function init():void
         mp3Array.token = mp3service.getData();
         mp3Array.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler);
         mp3Array.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, mp3Array_resultHandler);
    protected function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
         Alert.show("There was a fault error!" + event.message, "Fault Error", Alert.OK);
    protected function mp3Array_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
         // Not sure if your service is sending back an object or an array or ?
        var info:Object = mp3Array.lastResult;
    protected function doSomeFunction(data:Object):void

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    If you are a right-brained creative, and have no previous experience or propensity to be able to understand coding and database "stuff", and/or if your time can be better spent on other skills, I recommend you save your sanity and hire a developer... or at least the first time around. I have been attempting to grasp this for years... and have a library of marked up books to prove my efforts, all while trying to keep up with an ongoing client base that is always cramped. It's a wonder I still have my sanity... then again, I might not be the best person to determine that. Others might question it.
    That said, I still plan to master php... one of these days.

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    HTML form that passed data into a PDF
    http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.20/20.11/FillOnlinePDFFormsUsingHTML/index.htm l
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    Standby database version: -
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    Standby OS Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 8)2.6.9
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            TNS for Linux: Version - Production
            TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for Linux: Version - Production
      Time: 17-AUG-2010 02:40:07
      Tracing not turned on.
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        ns main err code: 12533
        TNS-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
        ns secondary err code: 0
        nt main err code: 0
        nt secondary err code: 0As we can see, address_list is empty.
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    Dear user13295317,
    Here is the error explanation;
    Oracle Error :: TNS-12533
    TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
    An illegal set of protocol adapter parameters was specified.
    In some cases, this error is returned when a connection cannot be made to the protocol transport.
    Verify that the destination can be reached using the specified protocol.
    Check the parameters within the ADDRESS section of TNSNAMES.ORA.
    Legal ADDRESS parameter formats may be found in the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform.
    Protocols that resolve names at the transport layer (such as DECnet object names) are vulnerable to this error if not properly configured or names are misspelled.Hope That Helps.

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    An MDF file isn’t a backup file isn’t the main data file (or master data file depending on who you ask) hence the file extension MDF. You can attach the MDF to the database by right clicking on the databases folder in Enterprise Manager (SQL 2000) or Management
    Studio (SQL 2005) then selecting all tasks and then Attach Database. When you do this you will get an error about the log file missing. This shouldn’t matter as SQL Server will simply create a new log file for you. This will only work if the SQL Server was
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    Download help tool for sql database - SQL Server Restore Toolbox.
    You can read up more on SQL Server here.
    http://www.filerepairforum.com/forum/microsoft/microsoft-aa/sql-server/498-creating-a-new-database-using-an- mdf-file?_=1416149856104

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    I have created a OData Service in SAP ECC system in format
    I am trying to create a record from front end using JQuery.   I am able to retrieve all the records, but creation of records using Method "POST" fails.
    For creating records, using the method "GET", i fetch the token "X-CSRF-Token" and then pass the token to the "POST" method.
    I am getting an Exception "No Handler for Data" error is coming.   I am accessing the OData Service using the datajs framework.
    Please help me in resolving this issue.

    Thanks for the reply Jamie.
                    method : "GET",
                    user: Customer_Username, 
                    password: Customer_Password,
                    headers :
                           "X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest",
                            "Content-Type" : "application/XML",
                           "DataServiceVersion" : "2.0",
                           "X-CSRF-Token" : "Fetch"
              function(data, response)
                            var header_xcsrf_token = response.headers['x-csrf-token'];
                                    requestUri :    "http://host:portno/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_PORDER_SRV/PurchaseOrderHeaderCollection",                     
                                    method : "POST",                 
                                    user: Customer_Username, 
                                    password: Customer_Password, 
                                    headers :
                                           "X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest",
                                          "Content-Type" : "application/XML",
                                          "DataServiceVersion" : "2.0",                      
                                          "X-CSRF-Token" : header_xcsrf_token
                                     CreatedBy: "", 
                                      POItem: "00010",
                                      MaterialNumber: "000000000000000011",
                                      Plant: "PL01",
                                      MaterialGroup: "01",
                                      TargetQuantity: "0.000",
                                      Quantity: "5.000",
                                      Unit: "ST",
                                      NetPrice: "10.0000",
                           alert('Success. Created New Record');
                          alert('Error in Create Record...'+err1.message);
    I get an error message "Error in Create Record. "No Handler for Data".
    I tried entering the header  details alone and also by entering the line items. Still the same error is thrown.
    Please Help.

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    Is the cloud service allows this ?

    Hi Maurice -
    No SQL*Net connections are allowed for the Database Cloud Service.  This will be possible with the upcoming Database as a Service offering.
    Hope this helps.
    - Rick Greenwald

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    YEAR 2
    YEAR 3
    YEAR 1
    YEAR 2
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    Hi there,
    We are using CF with Flex but are not using the Flex Data
    Service. I'm very much a newb and I'm having trouble finding any
    information on how to populate controles from a database without
    using Flex Data Service. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    First I have a page... JobSearch.mxml that contains a combo
    box that I want to populate with the job_id and job_title from a
    MSSQL database.
    In Flex in the RDS DataView I used the "Create CFC" Wizard
    which generated "job.cfc" and "jobGateway.cfc". It also generated
    The CF Function that selects the data appears to be defaulted
    and called "load" and the .as function is called simply "job".
    So, that all looks great. But I can't find any information on
    what I need to have on my JobSearch.mxml to actually get this data
    into the comboBox.
    I did:
    public var jobData:job = null;
    And then:
    But I'm being told "Type was not found or was not a
    complie-time constant: job"
    I guess I'm missing something, or doing something way
    wrong... I just don't know enough of Flex at this point to know
    what it is.

    Using php or asp is not an option, as we are a Cold Fusion
    I was looking at an article on Ben Forta's blog (
    and following his example I did this... only it doesn't work:
    I'm very very new to Flash and we are using ColdFusion but
    are not using Flex Data Services. I've been trying to figure out
    how to populate a combobox from a database and I'm just not having
    any luck.
    My project is called "PreTraffic". I have my main file as
    "JobSearch.mxml" and a folder under the root named "cfc" with a
    file called "job.cfc".
    job.cfc contains the following code:
    <!--- Get jobs --->
    <cffunction name="GetJob" access="remote"
    returntype="query" output="false">
    <cfset var job="">
    <cfset var results="">
    <cfquery datasource="discsdev" name="job">
    SELECT job_id, job_title
    FROM job
    WHERE status = 'O'
    ORDER BY job_title
    <cfquery dbtype="query" name="results">
    SELECT job_title AS label, job_id AS data
    FROM job
    ORDER BY label
    <cfreturn results>
    And JobSearch.mxml has the following code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    backgroundGradientColors="[#ffffff, #d0d0d0]"
    <mx:Style source="style.css" />
    public function InitApp():void {
    <!-- ColdFusion CFC (via AMF) -->
    <mx:RemoteObject id="jobSvc" destination="PreTraffic"
    showBusyCursor="true" />
    <mx:VBox label="Job History" width="100%" height="100%"
    x="10" y="92">
    <mx:Label text="Search jobs by"/>
    <mx:Form label="Task" width="100%">
    <mx:FormItem label="Job Name:">
    <mx:ComboBox id="jobNameCB"
    <mx:Button label="Search"/>
    <mx:Button label="Clear"/>
    My Compiler thingy points to:
    "/Volumes/flexwwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/job-services-config.xml" -locale
    and job-services-config.xml contains the following code:
    <destination id="PreTraffic">
    <channel ref="my-cfamf"/>
    Well, when I run the app... the combobox is not populated...
    Can anyone help with what I've done wrong?

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    "" Unable to connect to the database to product shared services ""
    I created a database that is working properly when accessed by a client.
    I typed everything in config utility, Does we need to take care of any other servies?
    I appreciate if any one help with this.
    Abel Junior
    Version: Hyperion System 9 and Oracle 9i

    John is of course correct that XP is not a supported environment for Essbase 9.3.x.
    Having said that, I have successfully installed Shared Services, Essbase, and EAS on multiple XP laptops. I have done so with 9.2 (painful) and 9.3.1 (just about painless) although always against SQL Server. This is strictly for development/kick the tires work, never as a production environment.
    Planning has quite an issue with XP (and Vista) although I have heard that there is a Windows Registry fix for this.
    Of course Oracle support is going to gong you if you call up with questions about your laptop -- it isn't supported.
    One last thing -- Shared Services and laptop suspends =! stability. For my development purposes, I have backed off Shared Serivces and just go with Essbase as a service with native security and EAS.
    Cameron Lackpour
    P.S. VMs are probably the way to go if your desktop/laptop has the horsepower to drive a proper OS with the VM overhead. On a 4 gigabyte laptop with a Duo Core (no, not a Mac, I just can't remember what Intel calls it -- the power of marketing) VMServer running Windows Server 2003 and the full stack is pretty slow, but it works.

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    There was an error while invoking the operation. Check  your operation inputs or server code and try invoking the operation again. 
    Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL  server on 'localhost' (10061) in  C:\Users\davidk\workspace\php-global-includes\mysqlAccess.inc.php on line  11
        /0/onStatusÿÿÿÿ �SIflex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage extendedData faultCode faultDetail faultString rootCause correlationId clientId destination messageId timestamp timeToLive headers  body  „m …a#0  C:\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework\library\Zend\Amf\Server.php(550):  Zend_Amf_Server->_dispatch('getProductVersi...', Array, 'GetPlayData')#1  C:\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework\library\Zend\Amf\Server.php(626):  Zend_Amf_Server->_handle(Object(Zend_Amf_Request_Http))#2  C:\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\play-debug\gateway.php(69):  Zend_Amf_Server->handle()#3 {main} ‚UError instantiating class GetPlayData to  invoke method getProductVersions: Error connecting to database server as user  via password configured in  config_cdna_testdb.php  IE83D9958-920E-E203-54BC-E5365BD85289 I5496259E-8C36-AC89-E234-00000D37FD49  I7E8A1BD7-9D60-9329-DBFB-00001B5BE8C7  126823334100     
    Note that I've tested the GetPlayData class and the getProductVersions() method with some simple "unit testing" code and it works fine when I execute it directly. It just won't run when called from this dialog.
    I tried to debug the gateway.php process that is used to do this connecting without much success so far.
    Is Windows 7 supported for PHP data service development in this beta release? I'm using Version 4.0 build 253292

    One more clue: the message from the exception shows that the global variables I'm using to configure the MySQL connection parameters are not set somehow. Maybe I need to upgrade my Zend Framework?
    Nope. I upgraded to the latest Zend Framework and it still did not work. The global variables are not working. When I hard coded the connection parameters into the constructor of the GetPlayData class, then it worked fine. I just switched to using define() to create constants instead of using the globals and that worked, too.
    It is as if globals set in one include file are not available in another include file. I agree that using them might be a bad programming practice of sorts, but it seems wrong to disallow / not support something that is part of the core language!
    So, I don't know if this is a Windows 7 thing or just a general behavior. Globals within the same file seem to work fine still, but not from another include file.
    So the answer for me is to not use these cross-include file globals in code that is going to be used from Flash Builder.

  • Flash Builder 4.5 Auto-Gen Code For PHP Data Service Produces Errors

    I'm currently running a fresh install of MAMP on my Mac and when I start a new flex project, add a php data service that pulls from a mysql database I have. Everything works fine until I try to compile. The error I'm getting is 'uid' being the primary key which is a bigint(20). The file _Super_Users.as (auto-gen based on the user table below) reports 2 errors: [Managed] requires uid to be of type 'String'. (same error on 2 lines of code) Now the MySQL table wants it to be a int, the auto gen code seems to want it to be an int as well but for some reason its putting in these requires for String on the getter and setters for 'uid'. The is before I even add any of my own code, just auto-gen then compile.
         * data/source property getters
        public function get uid() : int /*error line*/
            return _internal_uid;
         * data/source property setters
        public function set uid(value:int) : void /*error line*/
            var oldValue:int = _internal_uid;
            if (oldValue !== value)
                _internal_uid = value;
    This is what my database looks when I export it:
    CREATE TABLE `users` (
      `uid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
      `first_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      `middle_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      `last_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      `gender` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
      `locale` varchar(5) NOT NULL,
      `link` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `picture` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      `friends` text NOT NULL,
      `created` datetime NOT NULL,
      `updated` datetime NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`uid`)
    It's empty right now...
    Apache 2.0.64
    MySQL 5.5.9
    PHP 5.2.17 & 5.3.5
    APC 3.1.7
    XCache 1.2.2 & 1.3.1
    Zend Optimizer 3.3.9
    SQLiteManager 1.2.4
    Freetype 2.4.4
    t1lib 5.1.2
    curl 7.21.3
    jpeg 8c
    gd 2.0.34
    libxml 2.7.6
    libxslt 1.1.26
    libidn 1.17
    iconv 1.13
    mcrypt 2.5.8
    YAZ 4.0.1 & PHP/YAZ 1.0.14
    I tried to give as much info as possible, if you need more let me know...

    I discovered my problem was uid seems to be a built in global or something and was filling in that data field with a bunch of letters and number, like the device id. Because of the letters flex was throwing a fit. So if you're using Facebook API in flex be sure to not go with uid for the user id, which is was facebook api calls it.

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