Unable to download Migration Plugins from OTN

All the links to download plugins seems to be "dead".
If anybody have the plugin for MS SQL 2000, could they please email it to me : [email protected]
Or if somebody from Oracle could fix the links, I will get it from OTN Download myself.
thanks in advance

Hi Jimmy,
I reproduced your problem when using Firefox
I got the following page just when I accepted the Oracle Policy.
Server Error
The following error occurred:
[code=SERVER_RESPONSE_CLOSE] The server closed the connection while reading the response. Contact your system administrator.
Please contact the administrator.
Although it worked fine with Internet Explorer.
It may be a browser or privacy(cookie) thing.
I hope this helps

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    "...The question then came up whether repeated removal/insertion of the card (in the computer and camera) might eventually wear out the contacts on the card, or worse the camera..."
    Yes, there will be wear and tear over time. It also is possible to force a card into the slot crooked and damage the socket.
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    In order to uninstall a possibly unwanted extension, please do the following:
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    #Once the Add-on Manager has opened in a new tab, click the ''Extensions'' button on the left side of the window.
    #You should now see a list of your installed extensions on the right side together with buttons on the right side of each extension.
    #To remove an extension from Firefox, simply click the ''Remove'' button on PDF Viewer (what is this?). You should see a message that informs you about the successful removal of the add-on.
    #Note that some add-ons require a Firefox restart to be removed completely. To perform a Firefox restart after the add-on removal, click the ''Restart now'' link in the message.
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    [[Disable or remove Add-ons]]
    [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]

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