Unable to email InCopy packages from InDesign

This morning after creating a new InCopy Assignment, I did what I always do which is choose "Package for InCopy and Email" and it then sends the InCopy file off to be edited via the Mac Mail program. However, this time it did not shoot me over to Mail and prompt me to type in an email address and when I quit Mail it showed a draft with the words "your assignment is attached" but there was no attachement. Then back to InDesign, where it window pops up and says "error when trying to email assignment." (I'm assuming this is an InDesign problem, not a Mail problem, since I get the error message in InDesign.)
In the meantime, my work-around has been to simply choose "Package for InCopy" and then send it myself (as opposed to the automatically generate email).
Any ideas what to do? Reset preferences? Clue: In between the last successfully sent assignment and my failed attempt this morning, I did do a software update (and update to Safari [4.0] and  something called "MacBook Pro SMC Firmware Update" [1.3]).

Hi Robland,
Not sure if you are still having this problem, but just in case you are, or others like me are still looking for a solution, I thought I'd say my InDesign to InCopy system is working again. I upgraded to CS4 with no change in the package to email problem. But the other day, for a different reason, I finally installed Snow Leopard. I completed the additional system upgrade at the same time so I am now running 10.6.1. I tested it out the next time I was in InDesign and it worked. No problems!
I had long had the thought that it had fallen over after a previous system update. A few things stopped working properly, but then another system update came out and most of my problems disappeared, just not the package email problem.
So based on my experience I would say, update to Snow Leopard if you can and all your programs are compliant or have updates to get them up to speed. I haven't come across any clashes with any of my programs as yet in the past week. Now I just have to get my video card replaced and I will have my mac running at optimum speed once again.

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    Hello lohmann8,
    Thank you for providing so much detail about the issue you are experiencing with emailing photos from the Camera Roll.
    The first thing I recommend is quitting and relaunching the applications on your iPhone:
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    You can find the full article here:
    iOS: Force an app to close
    If you are still seeing the same issue after quitting and relaunching the Photos and Camera app, I recommend restarting your phone and then resetting if it's still not working:
    Restarting your device
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red "slide to power off" slider appears, and then slide the slider.
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Note: Reset your device only if you are unable to restart it.
    Resetting your device
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    You can find the full article here:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    If the issue persists, the last thing I recommend is backing up and restoring your iPhone:
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    For trying to answer for this thread ,
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    I found the the new attribute "AllowDeletion=true" in which package downloaded from the O365. 
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    includingHiddenLayers is argument for CS4,
    here is whole script.  it works on my OSX 10.6 + InDesign CS3.
    *  export pdf and package indd
    * Run for saved and validated document(s)
    * choose folder to save pdf and packaged items
    * pdf is contain package folder (named with document name)
    *  Created by mg on 2010-09-29.
    (function () {
         if(app.documents.length === 0){
         var docObj = app.documents;//has many
         //set folder distination, creat folder for each documents
         dirFolder = Folder.selectDialog ( "choose folder for saving package folder" );
         if(dirFolder === null){
              exit(); //cancel process
         else{ //dirFolder is choosen
              for (var i= docObj.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //loop
                   var pdfExPreset = undefined;//app.pdfExportPresets.item("MagazineAds_1v3(Ads)");
                   dir = new File( dirFolder + "/" + decodeURI(docObj[i].name) + "/" );
                   flg_dir = new Folder (dir).create();
                   if ( flg_dir === true){
                        exportPDF ( dir, docObj[i], pdfExPreset );
                        createPackage ( dir, docObj[i] );
                   //to close document without saving use below
              }//for doc
    * export pdf
    * @param {Object} dir Folder to Export
    * @param {Document} doc Document
    * @param {Object} pdfExPreset PDF Export Preset
    function exportPDF( dir, doc, pdfExPreset ){
         var pdfName = File ( dir + "/" + doc.name.replace(/(\.indd$|\$)/,".pdf") );
         var showingOptions = false;
         var pdfExportPreset = pdfExPreset;
         var withGrids = false
         var versionComments = "";
         var forceSave = false;
         doc.exportFile (
    * create package
    * @param {Object} dir Folder to Export
    * @param {Document} doc Document
    function createPackage( dir, doc ){
         var to = dir;
         var copyingFonts = true;
         var copyingLinkedGraphics = true;
         var copyingProfiles = true;
         var updatingGraphics = true;
         //var includingHiddenLayers = false;
         var ignorePreflightErrors = true;
         var creatingReport = true;
         var versionComments = "";
         var forceSave = false;
         app.activeDocument.packageForPrint (

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    Are you also saying that you are not save the filled in information prior emailing it to the recipients?

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    You could try renaming the new file with the old name but I don't think
    that's that's going to be a recipe for success.
    Other than that, you're using a very dangerous workflow. Everything here
    is designed to revolve around a single InDesign file with however many
    assignments or packages there are.

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    Hi Ravi,
    Thanks for your reply.
    But I am specifically looking at pros and cons for web services. So the thread which you passed to me won't help.

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    We found a manual fix for the widgets as seen on page 2 in this post.
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    Is there a way to do this out of the box? If not, what would be required in terms of plugin implementation or library deployment to enable it? Back in CS3 days we were able to use some unsupported libraries to get URL resolution working but it would be nice if it worked out of the box.

    As far as I know there is nothing new in CS5 (or CS4 for that matter) regarding which styles are retained when exporting frames to InCopy. If you're exporting an individual story (text frame) from ID to IC, the only styles in that ICML file will be the ones used by the text in the story. If there's no text in the story -- you're exporting an empty frame -- then the ICML file won't have any styles.
    It's been this way as long as I can remember.
    What you need to do in InDesign is keep some fake text in the text frame to which you've applied the styles you want the InCopy users to use. Export that, then in InCopy, open it up, delete the text, and the styles will remain. Now you can save it as an actual InCopy template file (ICTD? something like that) from the Save As menu, and when IC users open it, it'll create an untitled, empty copy of the starter InCopy document with all the styles.
    In a non-Woodwing workflow, InCopy users open the actual INDD file and so have access to all the styles, even if the story frame they want to work on in that layout is initially empty. Or, they can import (Load) all the styles from an InDesign doc into their standalone InCopy file from the InCopy Paragraph Style panel menu (Load All Styles).Not sure if you can do the latter w/Woodwing.
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    A few more details might help, if nobody else recognizes this.   
    What happens when you try to open the links?
    Can you post an example of a link that doesn't work?
    Is there any particular source for the mail with the (bad) links, or is mail from all sources failing?
    If you happen to know it, what's the format of the mail message?  (Maybe the message is an image?)
    Do the embedded links work as expected from an OS X system running Mail.app, or some system and some other other mail client?
    To view the link in iOS: if you press on and hold your finger on an embedded link in most contexts, iOS will show a pop-up with the link contents, and will offer to copy it.  You can use that to acquire and post the link.  If pressing and holding on the link doesn't offer the pop-up, the format of the link itself may not be valid, or it might not really be a link.

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    My sender mail adapter is picking up all emails from an email account and processing the file attachment - This is working fine.
    The problem is that it processes everything sent to this email account even junk mails - resulting in XI alerts.  How can I ignore the junk emails and only process emails sent from a certain source???
    I see that we have "use mail package" and when I check this I get two payloads when I look in the monitor:
    PAYLOAD 1: MailMessage:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Inbound Message
    - <xim:Mail xmlns:xim="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Mail/30" encoding="base64">
      <Subject>Test - use mail package</Subject>
      <From>"Wood, Lynn" email address removed</From>
      <To>"bcdinvoices, sapxd1" email address removed</To>
    PAYLOAD 2: MailAttachment-1 - which is my attachment with data which I process
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <ns:MT_BCD_INVOICES xmlns:ns="urn://federalmogul.com/BCDTRAVEL/FINGLOBCD001/00">
    Can I pick out   <From>"Wood, Lynn" email address removed</From>
    To check it is the correct FROM  - ie. only process emails from a certain sender????
    Is this possible???  And how do I do it???
    I already use payloadSwapBean and messageTransformBean to swap the attachment for payload and to format the file.
    Please do not send me endless links to anything email related !

    Yes this is pretty much what I thought to do - my problem is what do I check in the UDF.  I need to get the "From" field into the header.  I see that you can do it if you check "Use Adapter Specific Message Attributes" and "Variable Transport Binding" then you have available in the header SHeaderFROM which you can then get in the mapping.  But we are on SP19 and we do not have "Variable Transport Binding" on the Sender Mail adapter - nor an advanced tab page - only an advanced mode check box and additional parameters.
    So not sure how I can get the "From" field into mapping???  Any ideas anyone?

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    I  am unable to change my font from Helvetica mail.  I would like to compose an email in Calibri 12.  Is it

    Hey golfcourseroad,
    Thanks for the question. The following resource outlines how to configure your Mail preferences to set a default font:
    Mail (Mavericks): Fonts & Colors preferences
    Matt M.

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