Unable to see the uploaded file using gos object

Hi Experts,
I uploaded the file to server by using the below code. But I am unable to see the uploaded file. Please help me out hot to view the uploaded files (list the file name and view the content) (i want to upload the file by getting the url as input and by clicking the button)
Code to upload the file.
DATA: wa_zqtc_gos_request TYPE zqtc_gos_request.
  DATA: l_attachment        TYPE swo_typeid.
  DATA: lo_gos_service      TYPE REF TO cl_gos_document_service.
  obj-objkey  = req_num.
  obj-objtype = objtype.
  CREATE OBJECT lo_gos_service.
  CALL METHOD lo_gos_service->create_attachment
      is_object     = obj
      ep_attachment = l_attachment.
I tyied with this to view the files but the attachement link is disabled. (i want to view the files by clicking the icon-GOS icon in tool bar)
  DATA: wa_zqtc_gos_request TYPE zqtc_gos_request.
  DATA: l_attachment        TYPE swo_typeid.
  DATA: lo_gos_service      TYPE REF TO cl_gos_document_service.
  obj-objtype = objtype.
  obj-objkey = req_num.
      is_object = obj
      OTHERS    = 1.
Please help me out how to view the file and list.
thanks & regards
Edited by: T.Tamodarane on Oct 23, 2009 9:55 AM
Edited by: T.Tamodarane on Oct 23, 2009 9:56 AM

Please post ur thred below:
Meher Irk

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    ACR 6.7 can only be used with PS CS5. You will have to use one of the following options.
    1. Use the latest Adobe DNG converter 6.7 to convert your .NEF files to dng (retain a copy of the .NEF's) then you can import into LR 3.6.
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  • Unable to retrive the uploaded file in Struts

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    <form-bean name="GreivanceForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm" >
                   <form-property name="compcode" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="complaintName" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="category" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="subcategory" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="priority" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="occdate" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="occtime" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="desc" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="comments" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="onbehalf" type="java.lang.String"/>
                   <form-property name="employeeId" type="java.lang.String"/>
                   <form-property name="hidSelectedNames" type="java.lang.String"/>
                   <form-property name="individual" type="java.lang.String"/>
                   <form-property name="compOption" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="selectedrequestor" type="java.lang.String" />
                   <form-property name="file" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <action path="/helpdesk/GrievanceComplaint"
                   scope="request" name="GreivanceForm"
                   parameter="compOption" >
                   <forward name="success" path="/helpdesk/GrievanceRedressalMechanism/ComplaintDetails.jsp"/>
                   <forward name="showmeetingform" path="/helpdesk/complaint/MeetingDetailsForm.jsp"/>
                   <forward name="transconfirm" path="/helpdesk/GrievanceRedressalMechanism/TransConfirm.jsp"/>
                   <forward name="ViewCompForm" path="/helpdesk/GrievanceRedressalMechanism/ViewCompForm.jsp"/>
    * Created on Nov 5, 2004
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    package com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.grievancemechanism;
    import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
    import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.net.MalformedURLException;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
    import org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction;
    import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
    import org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm;
    import org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm;
    import com.srit.hrnet.components.SequenceCodeGenerator;
    import com.srit.hrnet.emp.EmployeeGenTO;
    import com.srit.hrnet.emp.courier.CourierMailDAO;
    import com.srit.hrnet.emp.courier.CourierMailTO;
    import com.srit.hrnet.emp.parameter.ParamMasterTO;
    import com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.SessionValidate;
    import com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.category.CategoryDAO;
    import com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.category.CategoryTO;
    import com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.mails.HDMail;
    import com.srit.hrnet.utilities.DateUtilities;
    import com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.complaint.TaskDAO;
    import com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.SessionValidate;
    import com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.grievancemechanism.GrievanceComplaintForm;
    public class GrievanceComplaintAction extends DispatchAction{
         public ActionForward submitForm(ActionMapping mapping,
                   ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
                   HttpServletResponse response)throws ServletException,IOException {  
                   String msg=null;
                   DynaValidatorActionForm objDyna = (DynaValidatorActionForm)form;
                   GrievanceComplaintDAO gcDao= new GrievanceComplaintDAO();
              ActionForward forward = new ActionForward();
    //          GrievanceComplaintForm gcForm=(GrievanceComplaintForm)form;
                        String CompId = null;
                             SequenceCodeGenerator seq=new SequenceCodeGenerator("GrievanceMechanism");
                   GrievanceComplaintTO gcTO=new GrievanceComplaintTO();
                   System.out.println("Inside GrievanceComplaintAction ......");
                   String CompName=request.getParameter("complaintName");
                   String Category=request.getParameter("category");
                   String prority=request.getParameter("priority");
                   String dateofocc=request.getParameter("occdate");
                   String timeofocc=request.getParameter("occtime");
                   String desc=request.getParameter("desc");
                   String comments=request.getParameter("comments");
    //          String file=request.getParameter("file");
    //          String complaintcode = .generateCode();
                   System.out.println("Inside insert()::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::");
                   System.out.println("Name Of the Complaint name>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+CompName);
                   System.out.println("Name Of the Categoryt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+Category);
                   System.out.println("Name Of the prority>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+prority);
                   System.out.println("Name Of the dateofocc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+dateofocc);
                   System.out.println("Name Of the timeofocc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+timeofocc);
                   System.out.println("Name Of the desc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+desc);
                   System.out.println("Name Of the comments>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+comments);
    //          System.out.println("Name Of the file>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+file);
                   GregorianCalendar occdate=DateUtilities.getGCDateForString(objDyna.getString("occdate"),((com.srit.hrnet.emp.EmployeeGenTO)request.getSession().getAttribute("LoginUser")).getDateFormat(),'/');
                   System.out.println("After Setting date in GTO is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"+gcTO.getOccdate());
                        HDMail mailComp = new HDMail();
                   String errorFlag = null;
                   String filePath = ""+objDyna.get("file");// Attachment path
                   StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(filePath,".");
                   String extension=null;
    //               String filename=null;
                   String attachmentPath = null;
    //          while(st1.hasMoreTokens()){
    //               filename=st1.nextToken();
                   System.out.println("Attachment path : "+attachmentPath);
              System.out.println("Extension is.........."+extension);
    //          System.out.println("Name of the file is.............."+filename);
              if(filePath != null && filePath.indexOf(".") != -1 && filePath.length()>=5 ){// If attachment exists
    //               attachmentPath = filePath.substring(filePath.indexOf(".")+1,filePath.length());// file extension
    ////               System.out.println("Attachment path : "+attachmentPath);
                   if(!extension.equalsIgnoreCase("txt") && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase("htm")
                             &&!extension.equalsIgnoreCase("doc") &&!extension.equalsIgnoreCase("rtf")
                                       &&!extension.equalsIgnoreCase("msg") &&!extension.equalsIgnoreCase("oft")
                                       && !extension.equalsIgnoreCase("xls")){
                        errorFlag = "1"; // if the file is not a valid type (not in the above mentioned extensions)
    //          String attachmentName = null;
    ////          String attachmentPath = request.getParameter("agendaAttachment");
    //          DynaValidatorForm dyna=(DynaValidatorForm)form;
    //                         FormFile file= (FormFile)objDyna.get("file");
    //                         //dyna.get("file");      
    //          System.out.println("Name of the file after casting....."+file.getFileName());
    //                         if(file!=null && file.getFileName()!=null && !file.getFileName().trim().equals("")){
    //                              String fileName = null;                         
    //                              fileName = file.getFileName();
    //                              attachmentName = fileName;
    //                              if(validFile(fileName))
    //                              writeFile(file,request,fileName);
    //                              else
    //                                   ActionMessages errors=new ActionMessages();
    //                                   errors.add("Err:MsgDesc",new ActionMessage("com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.complaint.form.fileupload"));                              
    //                                   saveErrors(request,errors);                         
    ////                                   ActionForward map1 = submitSubCategory(mapping,form,request,response);                              
    //                                   resetToken(request);     
    //                                   saveToken(request);
    //                                   return mapping.findForward("ViewCompForm");                              
    //                    int recordexists = gcDao.getComplaint(CompId);
    //                    if(recordexists == 1){
    //                         System.out.println("Calling the update method");
    //                         gcDao.updateComplaintDetails(gcTO);     
    //                    }else{
                        boolean retVal=gcDao.insert(gcTO);
              if (retVal){
                   System.out.println("Record Inserted inside Action.");
                   msg = "<font color='blue'>Record Inserted Successfully .</font>";
                             request.setAttribute("status", msg);
                   System.out.println("Unable to insert Record inside Action.");
                   msg = "<font color='red'>Unable to insert Record .</font>";
                             request.setAttribute("status", msg);
                   System.out.println("Upload a file of extension(.jpg,.gif,.doc,.htm,.xls,.rtf,oft,msg) inside Action.");
                   msg = "<font color='red'>Upload a file of extension(.jpg,.gif,.doc,.htm,.xls,.rtf,.oft,.msg) </font>";
                             request.setAttribute("status", msg);
              catch (Exception e) {
                   // TODO: handle exception
                   System.out.println("Exception Occurred inside insert action....."+e.getMessage());
    //          else
    //               String insStatus="10";
    //               System.out.println("Accept:Redirecting due to resubmission");
    //               request.setAttribute("transStatus",insStatus);
    //               forward =mapping.findForward("transconfirm");
                   return mapping.findForward("success");
         public boolean validFile(String fileName){
                        int filelength=fileName.length();
                        int sublength= fileName.indexOf('.');
                        String extension = fileName.substring(sublength+1,filelength);
                        if(extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("msg") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("txt") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("xls") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("ppt") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("jpg") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("gif")|| extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("doc" )|| extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("pdf") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("wmv") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("zip") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("jpeg") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("xml") || extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("html") ||extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("bmp") ||extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("htm") ||extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("ppt")||extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("oft")||extension.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("csv")){
                        return true;
                        return false;
                   return true;
         public int writeFile(FormFile file,HttpServletRequest request,String fileName){
                   int retValue = 0;
                   String size = (file.getFileSize() + " bytes");
                        //System.out.println("The size of the file is :" + file.getFileSize() + " bytes");
                        String data = null;
                        try {
                             //retrieve the file data
                             String fileTodelete = request.getRealPath("/helpdesk/meetingsagenda/"+fileName);
                             boolean success = (new File(fileTodelete)).delete();
                             ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                             InputStream stream = file.getInputStream();
                             //write the file to the file specified
                             System.out.println("sfsdfkjdsfds "+request.getRealPath("/helpdesk/meetingsagenda/"+fileName));
                             OutputStream bos = new FileOutputStream(request.getRealPath("/helpdesk/meetingsagenda/"+fileName));
                             int bytesRead = 0;
                             byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                                  while ((bytesRead = stream.read(buffer, 0, 8192)) != -1) {
                                       bos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                             data =      "The file has been written to \""+ "/helpdesk/meetingsagenda/"+ "\"";
                                  //close the stream
                        }catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                                  System.out.println("com.srit.hrnet.homepage.fromceo.FromCEOAction.writeFile.Exception :"+ fnfe.toString());
                                  //retValue = FORMFILE_FILE_NA;
                        }catch(IOException ioe) {
                                  System.out.println("com.srit.hrnet.homepage.fromceo.FromCEOAction.writeFile.Exception :"+ ioe.toString());
                                  //retValue = FORMFILE_ERR_UPD;
                   }//end of try catch:~
                        //The file was a not available
                        //retValue = FORMFILE_SIZE_ZERO;
                   }//end of if else:~
              //     System.out.println("retValue........."+retValue);
                   return retValue;                         
    }//end of ComplaintAction
    and GrievanceFormTO:(Dummy form bean)
    * Created on Nov 4, 2004
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    package com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.grievancemechanism;
    import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
    import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
    public class GrievanceComplaintTO implements java.io.Serializable {
    private String complaintCode;
    private String compcode; //complaind Id
    private String complaintName;
    private String category;
    private String priority;
    //private GregorianCalendar date;
    private FormFile theFile;
    private String compOption;
    private String desc;
    private String comments;
    private String status;
    private String serviceperson;     //employee who is going to serve the complaint.Applicatble only in case of manual flow.
    private String loggedEmpId; //the employee who has logged the complaint
    private String applyEmpId; //employee to whom the cmplaint belongs to or owner of the complaint
    private String associateComm;
    private String associateRating;
    private GregorianCalendar occdate;
    private String occtime;
    private String attachmentName;
         public String getApplyEmpId() {
              return applyEmpId;
         public void setApplyEmpId(String applyEmpId) {
              this.applyEmpId = applyEmpId;
         public String getAssociateComm() {
              return associateComm;
         public void setAssociateComm(String associateComm) {
              this.associateComm = associateComm;
         public String getAssociateRating() {
              return associateRating;
         public void setAssociateRating(String associateRating) {
              this.associateRating = associateRating;
         public String getCategory() {
              return category;
         public void setCategory(String category) {
              this.category = category;
         public String getComments() {
              return comments;
         public void setComments(String comments) {
              this.comments = comments;
         public String getCompcode() {
              return compcode;
         public void setCompcode(String compcode) {
              this.compcode = compcode;
         public String getComplaintName() {
              return complaintName;
         public void setComplaintName(String complaintName) {
              this.complaintName = complaintName;
         public String getCompOption() {
              return compOption;
         public void setCompOption(String compOption) {
              this.compOption = compOption;
         public String getDesc() {
              return desc;
         public void setDesc(String desc) {
              this.desc = desc;
         public String getLoggedEmpId() {
              return loggedEmpId;
         public void setLoggedEmpId(String loggedEmpId) {
              this.loggedEmpId = loggedEmpId;
         public String getOcctime() {
              return occtime;
         public void setOcctime(String occtime) {
              this.occtime = occtime;
         public String getPriority() {
              return priority;
         public void setPriority(String priority) {
              this.priority = priority;
         public String getServiceperson() {
              return serviceperson;
         public void setServiceperson(String serviceperson) {
              this.serviceperson = serviceperson;
         public String getStatus() {
              return status;
         public void setStatus(String status) {
              this.status = status;
         public String getComplaintCode() {
              return complaintCode;
         public void setComplaintCode(String complaintCode) {
              this.complaintCode = complaintCode;
         public void setOccdate(GregorianCalendar occdate) {
              this.occdate = occdate;
         public GregorianCalendar getOccdate() {
              return occdate;
         public String getAttachmentName() {
              return attachmentName;
         public void setAttachmentName(String attachmentName) {
              this.attachmentName = attachmentName;
         public FormFile getTheFile() {
              return theFile;
         public void setTheFile(FormFile theFile) {
              this.theFile = theFile;
    but i am getting error
    javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate
    root cause
    org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException: Cannot assign value of type 'org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler$CommonsFormFile' to property 'file' of type 'java.lang.String'
    and my jsp is:
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="struts-bean" prefix="bean" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="struts-html" prefix="html" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="struts-logic" prefix="logic" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="TabGenerator" prefix="GenerateTab" %>
    <%@ page import="com.srit.hrnet.utilities.DateUtilities"%>
    <%@ page import="com.srit.hrnet.components.BasicDAOConstants" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="AccessLogin" prefix="GeneralAccess" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="iterateTag" prefix="iterateTag" %>
    <%@ page import="com.srit.hrnet.components.BasicDAOConstants,com.srit.hrnet.emp.EmployeeGenTO,com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.grievancemechanism.*"%>
    <%@ page import="com.srit.hrnet.tags.*"%>
    <html:html locale="true">
                   <bean:message key="com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.complaint.form.title"/>
         <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
         <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="">
         <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
         <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%= (session.getAttribute("LoginUser") != null ?
                             ((com.srit.hrnet.emp.EmployeeGenTO)session.getAttribute("LoginUser")).getEmpPageStyleSheet() :
    <script language="javaScript" src="<%= request.getContextPath()%>/jscript/GlobalValidationScript.js" purpose="include"></script>
    int dateFormat = (session.getAttribute("LoginUser") != null ? ((com.srit.hrnet.emp.EmployeeGenTO)session.getAttribute("LoginUser")).getDateFormat() : 2);
         System.out.println("/reports/training/TRngBaseReport dateFormat = "+dateFormat);
         /* *** get the current date *** */
         java.util.GregorianCalendar gc1 = new java.util.GregorianCalendar();
         int yy = gc1.get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR);
         int mm = gc1.get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH);
         int dd = gc1.get(java.util.Calendar.DATE);     
         mm = mm + 1;
         String mon;
         String day;
         if(dd <= 9)
              day = "0" + java.lang.String.valueOf(dd);
              day = java.lang.String.valueOf(dd);
         if(mm <= 9)
              mon = "0" + java.lang.String.valueOf(mm);
              mon = java.lang.String.valueOf(mm);
         java.lang.String currentDate = "";
         if(dateFormat == 3){
              currentDate = java.lang.String.valueOf(yy+"/"+mon+"/"+day);/* (yyy-mm-dd format) */
         }else if(dateFormat == 1){
              currentDate = java.lang.String.valueOf(mon+"/"+day+"/"+yy);/* (mm-dd-yyy format) */
         }else if(dateFormat == 2){
              currentDate = java.lang.String.valueOf(day+"/"+mon+"/"+yy);/* (dd-mm-yyy format) */
         System.out.println("/reports/training/TRngBaseReport currentDate = "+currentDate);
    <script language="javaScript" src="<%= (session.getAttribute("LoginUser")!=null ? ((com.srit.hrnet.emp.EmployeeGenTO)session.getAttribute("LoginUser")).getScriptFile() : "")%>" purpose="include"></script>
    <script language="javaScript" src="jscript/CommonDialog.js" purpose="include"></script>
    <script language="javaScript" src="jscript/GlobalValidationScript.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript">
         var gNow = new Date("<%=currentDate%>");
         function val_complaint()
         alert("Enter Complaint Name");
         return false;
    if(document.GreivanceForm.category.value =='NA')
         alert("select category");
         return false;
    if(document.GreivanceForm.priority.value == 'NA')
         alert("select priority");
         return false;
         if(document.GreivanceForm.occdate.value == "")
              alert("Enter Date (dd/mm/yy)");
              return false;
                   alert("select Previous or Current date");
                   return false;
         if(document.GreivanceForm.occtime.value == "")
         alert("Select Time of Occurence.");
         return false;
    if(!IsValidTime(document.GreivanceForm.occtime.value) )
    alert("Enter Valid Time (HH:MM)");
              return false;
         if(document.GreivanceForm.desc.value == "")
         alert("Enter Description");
         return false;
              return false;
         function IsValidTime(givenTime)
              var hour = 0;
              var minute = 0;
              var timePat = /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})?$/;
              var matchArray = givenTime.match(timePat);
              if (matchArray == null)
                   alert("Enter Valid Time.");
                   return false;
              hour = matchArray[1];
              minute = matchArray[2];
              if(hour==0 && minute==0)
              alert("The Time You Entered is 0:0");
              return false;
              if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
              alert("Hour must be between 0 and 23");
              return false;
              if (minute<0 || minute > 59)
              alert ("Minute must be between 0 and 59.");
              return false;
              return true;
    unction help(url)
         var attributes = 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,width=625,height=375,resizable=yes';
         var name = 'Help';
    //return false;
    <script language = "javaScript" src = "<%=request.getContextPath()%>/jscript/CommonDialog.js" purpose = "include"></script>
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="setFocus()">
    <GenerateTab:displaytabs tabId="<%=com.srit.hrnet.masters.gui.GUIConstants.HD_GRIEVANCE_REDRESSAL_FORM%>" activeSubTab="0" >
    <table align="right">
                        <img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/images/help.gif" border="0" alt="Help">
         <html:form action="/helpdesk/GrievanceComplaint" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" onsubmit="javascript:return val_complaint()">
         <html:hidden property="compOption" value="submitForm" />
         <html:hidden property="onbehalf"/>
         <html:hidden property="employeeId"/>
         <html:hidden property="hidSelectedNames"/>
         <html:hidden property="selectedrequestor"/>
         <html:hidden property="individual"/>
         <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" align="center" >
              <th align="center" class="tablehead" colspan="2">
              <b> Complaint Form </b>
                   <td colspan="1" class='tablesubhead'>
                   <b><bean:message key="com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.redressal.form.complaintname"/></b><font class="star"> *</font>
                   <td class='subhead'>
                   <html:text property="complaintName" maxlength="99"/>
                   <td class='tablesubhead' colspan="1"><b><bean:message key="com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.redressal.form.category"/></b>
                   <font class="star">*</font></td>
                        <td class="tableright" property="category" >
                        <iterateTag:iterate propertyName='<%=IterateInterface.ITERATE_HELPDESK_GRIEVANCE_CATEGORY%>' defaultSelected='<%=request.getAttribute("category")==null?null:""+request.getAttribute("category")%>' selectSize='<%=100%>' tabInd='<%="3"%>'>
                   <td class='tablesubhead' colspan="1"><b><bean:message key="com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.redressal.form.priority"/></b>
                   <font class="star">*</font></td>
                   <td class="subhead">
                        <iterateTag:iterate propertyName='<%=IterateInterface.ITERATE_HELPDESK_GRIEVANCE_PRIORITY%>' defaultSelected='<%=request.getAttribute("priority")==null?null:""+request.getAttribute("priority")%>' selectSize='<%=100%>' tabInd='<%="3"%>'>
                             <td class='tablesubhead' colspan=1><b>Date of Occurence</b>
                             <font class="star">*</font> </td>
                             <td class="subhead">     
                             <html:text name="GreivanceForm" property="occdate" maxlength="10"/>
                             <input type="hidden" name="currDate" />
                             <img src="<%= request.getContextPath()%>/images/calendar.jpg" border="0" alt="Calendar" >
                                       <td class='tablesubhead' colspan=1><b>Time of Occurence</b>
                                       <font class="star">*</font></td>
                                       <td class="subhead">     
                                       <html:text name="GreivanceForm" property="occtime" maxlength="10"/> (24 Hrs format)</td>
                        <td class="tablesubhead" colspan=1>
                             <font class="star">*</font></td>
                                       <td class="subhead">
                                       <html:textarea property="desc" styleClass="formObject" cols="40" rows="4"></html:textarea>
              <td class="tablesubhead" colspan=1>
                             <td class="subhead">
                             <html:textarea property="comments" styleClass="formObject" value="" cols="40" rows="4"></html:textarea>
                   <td class="tableleft">
              <b><bean:message key="com.srit.hrnet.helpdesk.redressal.form.attachment"/> </b>
                             <td class="tableright">
                                  <html:file property="file" size="18" />
                   <td colspan="2" align="center" class="tablesubhead">
                   <input type="submit" class="submit" value="Submit" >
                    <html:reset property="reset" styleClass="submit" />
         <input type="hidden" name="currentDate" value="<%=currentDate%>">
    <html:javascript formName="/SubmitComplaint"/>
    please help me..

    VAS_MS wrote:
    please help me..First help yourself by posting a clear question
    You have far to much code posted and without the use of the correct code tags its almost unreadable.
    You have a question about uplaoding files with Struts then get rid of all the junk in your code thats not related to uploading files.
    If you have an error then post the relevant information on the error
    Cannot assign value of type 'org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler$CommonsFormFile' to property 'file' of type 'java.lang.String'
    org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm.set(DynaActionForm.java:424)If you had posted only that you would have given enough information, that error says it all you are trying to put your file into a String and its not working.
    reread the tutorial/documentation provided and try again
    Edited by: pgeuens on 21-mrt-2008 8:04

  • Unable to see the imported files in ODI after executing my java program

    I am using the following java code to import the physical topology into ODI11G.
    ImportServiceImpl importService =
    new ImportServiceImpl(pOdiInstance);
    importService.importTopologyFromFolder(importService.IMPORT_MODE_SYNONYM_INSERT_UPDATE,FolderPath, true);
    The above code went through fine while executing my program.But, i can't able to see the imported topology in ODI.
    Can you suggest me how to import the topologies as well as work repository into ODI through Java programming.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ganesh Kesavarapu

    I would do that as a last resort, as it happens to be a client server, I don't think they'd appreciate me needing to reboot a Unix server during the day. Would anyone have any other suggestions?
    I just removed the JSPs from the live server, and refreshed the page and Tomcat could not find the JSPs, so I'm sure I have the correct directory. I then made sure the .java and .class files were deleted from the work directory, uploaded my new files (again) and hit refresh... and yet again I was served the same code as always, when I view source it still shows me the old source code even though the JSP file and compiled java files and class show that the new file should be shown, not the old one.

  • Unable to see the downloaded files in the downloaded folder even though the files are present.

    I am able to download the files and the downloaded files are shown in the downloads section too. However, when I go to the "open containing folder" it is not present there:( I cant seem to find the files at all.

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.
    If "Open" and "Open Containing Folder" in the right-click context menu in the Download Manager window are grayed then that means that the file is no longer in the original download location and they may have been removed by Anti-virus or cleanup software.

  • Unable to see the defined idoc in imported object list in IR?

    I am trying to import idocs in IR .
    In the list that comes in IR i am not able to see the idocs which
    I want to import.
    Other z idocs are present.
    regards ,

    Please verify that you are connecting to the correct system? Also if you trying to import the zidoc then first you should save and activate the zidoc in R3. Then only you will see. So please check that also? Other than these you should not have any problems in importing idoc into xi.

  • How to display the uploaded file

    Hi All ,
    I have the below requirement .
    1. Upload the file  (any file type)  -- no problem done with FileUpload UI element.
    2. Display the uploaded file as icon or link .
    3. User should be able to delete the uploaded file using  icon or link (depends upon step2 ).
    I am struggling with step2 and 3 .
    Please guide me

    You can use the file download UI element for your requirment. You will have the Resource type context that is used to bind the File upload UI element. bind the same context to the file download UI element. And hence without any extra coding your requirment is achieved.
    For deleting the Uploaded file delete the context element of type reource.
    For your reference refer to the following link
    Raju Bonagiri

  • Unable to install the Novell File Upload extension to upload directories

    Using Firefox 9.0.1 on Windows 7 I'm unable to install the Novell File
    Upload extension to upload directories.
    As per the pop-up help page, I've added
    extensions.install.requireBuiltInCerts in about:config and set it to
    false but that has made no difference, even after restarting the browser.
    I've also tried this with Firefox 9.0.1 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
    (10.6.8) - unsupported I know - with the same result.
    Do I really have to use Internet Explorer? Urgh!
    Novell/SUSE/NetIQ Knowledge Partner
    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partner (TTP) program. See novell.com/ttp for more details.

    On 19/01/2012 18:11, craig wilson wrote:
    > You should trust the ZCM CA and the error will go away.
    > It's not expected to get that error.
    > Managed Devices especially will have loads of issues if the ZCM CA is
    > not trusted.
    So, with Firefox, first hitting http://<server>/zenworks/ after install
    This Connection is Untrusted
    You have asked Firefox to connect securely to <server>, but we can't
    confirm that your connection is secure.
    Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted
    identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However,
    this site's identity can't be verified.
    What Should I Do?
    If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could
    mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't
    [Get me out of here!]
    > Technical Details
    > I Understand the Risks
    so I click "I Understand the Risks", [Add Exception...] then [Confirm
    Security Exception] at which point http://<server>/zenworks/ correctly
    displays and I can log in. Checking Tools | Options | [View
    Certificates] shows an (Unknown) server certificate for <server> with a
    Permanent lifetime.
    Is that what you mean by trusting the ZCM CA?
    Perhaps this is why Firefox 9.x is not a supported browser though I
    thought that was more to do with Mozilla treating major version numbers
    as minor ones? Gee if only Firefox hadn't automatically upgraded itself
    from 8.x to 9.x!
    Novell/SUSE/NetIQ Knowledge Partner
    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partner (TTP) program. See novell.com/ttp for more details.

  • HT201317 When I view photos on my devices some are not oriented correctly. I used Picassa to turn all photos upright and then copied those photos into the upload file but they are still not corrected when viewed on my devices (ipads)

    When I view photos on my devices some are not oriented correctly. I used Picassa to turn all photos upright and then copied those photos into the upload file but they are still not corrected when viewed on my devices (ipads)

    Generally I would not use Facebook for sharing any photos, it compresses the photos substantially, and when you have shadows and dark colours you get visible "bands" where there should be subtle gradients, ie at sunsets and sunrises.
    It sounds like you are using two methods to upload to Facebook:
    1. Sharing from within Aperture, which basically syncs Facebook with your Aperture album, so any changes made at either end gets synced, hence the deletions from Albums, although the original file should still be in your library, just removed rom the album. It is like a playlist in iTunes.
    2. Exporting pics and uploading to Facebook from the browser.
    I am not sure how method 1 gets compressed, but I know that uploading hi-res jpegs to Facebook using method 2 results in poor quality images.
    I wouldn't even bother comparing option 1 or 2, and they will both be poor images once you view them on Facebook, as opposed to viewing uploaded images on proper image sharing / hosting sites.
    Your problem is not with Aperture, it is using Facebook for showing your work.
    If you export pics form Aperture at high res jpegs or TIFFs your images will be fine.
    If you insist to use Facebook as your way to share your work, then your workflow should be this:
    1. Right click images you want to share.
    2. Select Export version.
    3. Export as 100% size and ensure the export settings are set at 100% quality.
    4. Upload this pic into Facebook.
    This will get you the best image size and resolution on Facebook.
    See how you go.

  • When I open a pdf file, after a few seconds, it hides the toolbar and I don't know how to get it back.  I use multiple monitors and, without being able to grab the toolbar, I am unable to move the pdf file to a different monitor.  How do I stop this?

    When I open a pdf file, after a few seconds, it hides the toolbar and I don't know how to get it back.  I use multiple monitors and, without being able to grab the toolbar, I am unable to move the pdf file to a different monitor.  How do I stop this?

    Does Firefox switch to full screen if you press F11 ?
    You can also try the F10 key to see if that brings up the menu bar.
    * If the above steps didn't help then see http://kb.mozillazine.org/Corrupt_localstore.rdf
    Note: Do not delete localstore.rdf in the program folder (Windows: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\profile\") (Mac: "/Applications/Firefox.app/defaults/profile/")

  • When I try to use 'Stacked Column Bar'. with data assigned in the graphs, and want to see it in the 'Preview' mode in Xeclsius, I unable to see the graphs apart from the Axes ans Series Value, the graphs becomes totaly invisible why So ?

    When I try to use 'Stacked Column Bar'. with data assigned in the graphs, and want to see it in the 'Preview' mode in Xeclsius, I unable to see the graphs apart from the Axes ans Series Value, the graphs becomes totally invisible why So ?

    Hi Ranendra,
    For basic understanding of Dashboards and Models you can use standard Templates or samples which ll come along with dashboard designer(Formly Xcelsius) installation.
    For path   File-->Templates(or Samples).
    Under Templates you ll have different categories and for each you ll find the dashboard Templates.
    Venkat P

  • How can i stop an error message that comes up when i am using word? the error message is "word is unable to save the Autorecover file in the location specified. Make sure that you have specified a valid location for Autoreover files in Preferences,-

    how can i stop an error message that comes up when i am using word? the error message is "word is unable to save the Autorecover file in the location specified. Make sure that you have specified a valid location for Autoreover files in Preferences,…"

    It sounds like if you open Preferences in Word there will be a place where you can specify where to store autorecover files. Right now it sounds like it's pointing to somewhere that doesn't exist.

  • How do I find music that has been uploaded to iTunes from a purchased CD and iTunes is "unable to find the original file?" I no longer have the CD. I have tried all the usual methods of looking in my iTunes library and through Find. No Luck.

    How do I find music that has been uploaded to iTunes from a purchased CD and iTunes is “unable to find the original file?” I no longer have the CD. I have tried all the usual methods of looking in my iTunes library and through Find. No Luck.

    Backup drive?
    Subscribe to iTunes Match?
    If neither of the above and you don't have the CD and can't find your tracks on the computer then they you're stuck.  A file recovery utility will cost $100, plus another $100 for an external drive to which to resue the files, and may not even work.  You can buy a lot of CDs for $200.

  • After burning a successful DVD in iDVD out of FCPX, how can I see the settings it used?   So I finally burned a DVD out of a Apple Pro Res file into iDVD in PAL format. My question now is how can I find out what the exact burn properties were so that I ca

    After burning a successful DVD in iDVD out of FCPX, how can I see the settings it used?
    So I finally burned a DVD out of a Apple Pro Res file into iDVD in PAL format. My question now is how can I find out what the exact burn properties were so that I can apply the same burn properties to a project in Compressor 4?
    Is it possible to see what iDVD did?

    I don't know any way you can interrogate iDVD to reveal settings to the extent that you can in a Compressor project. What you could do is open up the show's VOB in MPEG STreamclip, go to File and Reveal Stream Information; that will at least give you some rudimentary info like average bit rate. Perhaps someone, with more iDVD experience, can chime in here.
    The broader question is why use Compressor at all if your current workflow is doing the job to your satisfaction?
    The value of Compressor is that it gives you control over the many parameters that affect size quality.  and playability. The Compressor presets can give you a starting point for DVD delivery, Web, etc. From those presets, people typically experiment by adjusting the parameters until they get the desired results for their specific show. It's a little bit science and a little bit art. After experimenting, you may be able to get slightly better quality for the project you've successfully burned in iDVD by using Compressor and something likeToast…or maybe not.
    Good luck.

  • I am unable to see the airplay icon on my macbook air, iphone or iPad which would enable me to use my Bose speaker through airplay. I set this up in the UK but have taken my macbook and bose speaker travelling with through Thailand. Ive wifi in my room an

    I am unable to see the airplay icon on my macbook air, iphone or iPad which would enable me to use my Bose speaker through airplay. I set this up in the UK but have taken my macbook and bose speaker travelling with through Thailand. Ive wifi in my room and am able to access the internet on my laptop, Ive also been able to through the Bose Soundlink air wifi set application connect the bose speaker to the Wifi too.
    I am only able to play my itunes through my macbook speakers and cannot find the airplay button which should be next to the volume slide once turned down to less than 1/3 of the volume..

    Thanks for your help.  Since I'm uninterested in loading all my photos (the only option) into photostream, I won't be able to use the settings in ATV.  I guess I'm just stuck with using iPhoto on my MB Air.  Thanks again.

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