Unable to set PIN - Error: "PIN must not be the same as the user's phone number"

We are in an ongoing Lync Server 2013 deployment and have elected to set default conference PIN numbers for anyone that doesn't have them currently set.  We decided to make the default PIN the same as the person's telephone extension.  I realize
this is not a secure PIN setting, but please bear with me.
When I use PowerShell to loop through the people that do not have a PIN set and attempt to set the PIN to their five-digit extension, PowerShell returns the following exception:
Set-CsClientPin : PIN must not be the same as the user's phone number (Error "18005").
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-CsClientPin -Identity GenericUser -Pin '13579'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (13579:String) [Set-CsClientPin], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UserPin::SetPin::PinDoesNotMeetConstraints,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.UserPinService.SetOc
I know what you are thinking:  by default, Lync has the AllowCommonPatterns setting set to $false on the Global (default) PIN policy.  But I have created another PIN policy called "Low-restriction PIN Policy" that has this setting set
to $true and assigned this new policy to the users I am trying to set the PIN on.
According to
Microsoft's documentation on the Set-CsClientPin cmdlet, the description for AllowCommonPatterns is as follows:
"Indicates whether or not "common patterns" are allowed in PINs.
Common patterns include repeating digits (225577); 4 or more consecutive digits (991234); and
PINs that match a user's phone number or extension number.
If set to True common patterns (such as the PIN 123456, which includes consecutive digits)
are allowed; if set to False common patterns are not allowed. The default value is False."
Given this information, I do not understand why Lync Server 2013 is preventing me from setting a default PIN that matches their extension number when AllowCommonPatterns is set to $true on the PIN policy assigned to the user.
Any ideas on what might be wrong?
PS C:\Users\user> Get-CsUser GenericUser | Select-Object PinPolicy
Low-Restriction PIN Policy
PS C:\Users\user> Get-CsPinPolicy -Identity 'Low-Restriction PIN Policy'
Identity : Tag:Low-Restriction PIN Policy
Description : [20150224 SWS] Standard PIN policy.
MinPasswordLength : 5
PINHistoryCount : 0
AllowCommonPatterns : True
PINLifetime : 0
MaximumLogonAttempts :
PS C:\Users\user> Set-CsClientPin -Identity GenericUser -Pin '13579'
Set-CsClientPin : PIN must not be the same as the user's phone number (Error "18005").
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-CsClientPin -Identity GenericUser -Pin '13579'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (13579:String) [Set-CsClientPin], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UserPin::SetPin::PinDoesNotMeetConstraints,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.UserPinService.SetOc

I just checked the management store replication status and it replicated.  I tried to set the PIN again and got the same error.  Here are my results:
C:\Users\user> Get-CsUser GenericUser | Select-Object PinPolicy
Low-Restriction PIN Policy
C:\Users\user> Get-CsPinPolicy -Identity 'Low-Restriction PIN Policy' | Select-O
bject AllowCommonPatterns
C:\Users\user> Set-CsClientPin -Identity GenericUser -Pin 13579
Set-CsClientPin : PIN must not be the same as the user's phone number (Error
At line:1 char:1
+ Set-CsClientPin -Identity GenericUser -Pin 13579
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (13579:String) [Set-CsClientPin
], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UserPin::SetPin::PinDoesNotMeetConstraints,Micro
C:\Users\user> Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus
UpToDate : True
ReplicaFqdn : edge.domain.com
LastStatusReport : 3/3/2015 9:20:21 PM
LastUpdateCreation : 3/3/2015 9:20:18 PM
ProductVersion : 5.0.8308.556
UpToDate : True
ReplicaFqdn : frontend.domain.com
LastStatusReport : 3/3/2015 9:20:21 PM
LastUpdateCreation : 3/3/2015 9:20:18 PM
ProductVersion : 5.0.8308.556

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    Error Summary
    HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found
    The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map.
    Detailed Error Information
    Module StaticFileModule
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    Handler StaticFile
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    The feature you are trying to use may not be installed.
    The appropriate MIME map is not enabled for the Web site or application. (Warning: Do not create a MIME map for content that users should not download, such as .ASPX pages or .config files.)
    If ASP.NET is not installed.
    Things you can try:
    In system.webServer/handlers:
    Ensure that the expected handler for the current page is mapped.
    Pay extra attention to preconditions (for example, runtimeVersion, pipelineMode, bitness) and compare them to the settings for your application pool.
    Pay extra attention to typographical errors in the expected handler line.
    Please verify that the feature you are trying to use is installed.
    Verify that the MIME map is enabled or add the MIME map for the Web site using the command-line tool appcmd.exe.
    To set a MIME type, use the following syntax: %SystemRoot%\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='string',mimeType='string']
    The variable fileExtension string is the file name extension and the variable mimeType string is the file type description.
    For example, to add a MIME map for a file which has the extension ".xyz": appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension='.xyz',mimeType='text/plain']
    Warning: Ensure that this MIME mapping is needed for your Web server before adding it to the list. Configuration files such as .CONFIG or dynamic scripting pages such as .ASP or .ASPX, should not be downloaded directly and should always be processed through a handler. Other files such as database files or those used to store configuration, like .XML or .MDF, are sometimes used to store configuration information. Determine if clients can download these file types before enabling them.
    Install ASP.NET.
    Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
    Links and More Information This error occurs when the file extension of the requested URL is for a MIME type that is not configured on the server. You can add a MIME type for the file extension for files that are not dynamic scripting pages, database, or configuration files. Process those file types using a handler. You should not allows direct downloads of dynamic scripting pages, database or configuration files.
    View more information »

    That file might have moved to a different location on the server. I think you'll need to check with RefWorks support or your local IT department on why the install page links do not work.

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    <package id="angularjs" version="1.2.23" targetFramework="net451" />
    <package id="Angular.UI.Bootstrap" version="0.12.0" targetFramework="net451" />
    <package id="angularjs" version="1.3.8" targetFramework="net451" />
    After I noticed the build error I scheduled another build with Diagnostic level logging turned on, here is the excerpt from the build highlighting the errors
    Task "Copy" (TaskId:395)
    16:42:43.027 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-animate.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.031 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-animate.min.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    Creating directory "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts". (TaskId:395)
    Copying file from "Scripts\angular-aria.js" to "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts\angular-aria.js". (TaskId:395)
    Copying file from "Scripts\angular-aria.min.js" to "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts\angular-aria.min.js". (TaskId:395)
    16:42:43.033 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-cookies.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.033 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-cookies.min.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.034 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-csp.css" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.034 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-loader.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.034 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-loader.min.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    Copying file from "Scripts\angular-messages.js" to "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts\angular-messages.js". (TaskId:395)
    Copying file from "Scripts\angular-messages.min.js" to "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts\angular-messages.min.js". (TaskId:395)
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    16:42:43.036 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-route.min.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.036 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-sanitize.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.036 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-sanitize.min.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.036 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-scenario.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.036 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-touch.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.037 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular-touch.min.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.037 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    16:42:43.037 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets(182,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "Scripts\angular.min.js" because it was not found. [C:\a\src\Sparco.Cms.Web\Sparco.Cms.Web.csproj]
    Copying file from "Scripts\bootstrap-select.js" to "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts\bootstrap-select.js". (TaskId:395)
    Copying file from "Scripts\bootstrap-select.min.js" to "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts\bootstrap-select.min.js". (TaskId:395)
    Copying file from "Scripts\bootstrap-select.js.map" to "C:\a\bin\_PublishedWebsites\Sparco.Cms.Web\Scripts\bootstrap-select.js.map". (TaskId:395)
    I looked at the change log of my check-in and noticed that the errors occur for Angular script references that were updated. New angular references (adds in the TFS changeset) are being copied without errors. Example: angular-animate.js was edited
    in the Angular update in TFS but angular-aria.js is a new file in the package so new file in TFS. 
    Using Source Control Explorer I verified the location of the files, the new and the existing files from the Angular nuget package can all be found in the Scripts folder of the MVC project. I can also view the content of each file file without issue.
    The references in the project file (csproj) are all consistent too, I can't see any differences between the files that cause failure and those that do not. The following block is a direct copy/paste from the csproj file
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-animate.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-animate.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-aria.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-aria.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-cookies.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-cookies.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-csp.css" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-loader.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-loader.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-messages.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-messages.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-mocks.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-resource.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-resource.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-route.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-route.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-sanitize.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-sanitize.min.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-scenario.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-touch.js" />
    <Content Include="Scripts\angular-touch.min.js" />
    Is there anything I forgot to mention that would help me figure out what is going on?
    What else can I try with the exception of rolling back the changeset and re-adding the nuget package?
    Thank you very much in advance!

    Hi Igor,
    For your situation, make sure you checked in your source files after updating Angular. You can also check the whether the foders for the Angular reference are under source control in source settings tab of your build definition.
    You can also build locally using MSBuild to see if the building works fine. We have to make sure local build succeed before VSO build since TFS build use MSBuild as its default compiler. Check the links below to see if they are helpful:
    Best regards, 
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Must not modify the datatype of a mapped attribute

    I have an inputfield in my WD with extended value help (countryKey and CountryName, coming from R/3). The selected country should be passed to a bapi import parameter mapped in a model, but the problem is that an exception occurs stating that I cannot change the data type of the context attribute because it is mapped to a model.
    How is this usually done?
    ContextException: AttributeInfo(SearchView.Iv_Land1): must not modify the datatype of a mapped attribute

    1. Create sub-node under your model node with cardinality 1..1 (non-singleton used in sample below)
    2. In this sub-node create calculated attribute with the same primitive type as desired attribute has (say, string).
    3. In setter / getter write code that will modify original attribute:
    /* getter */
    return element.node().parentElement().getAttributeValue("OriginalModelAttr");
    /* setter */
    element.node().parentElement().setAttributeValue("OriginalModelAttr", value);
    4. Rebind your input field to newly created attribute, and apply any value set modifications to it.

  • Intermittent errors - Invoke() could not find the Service name

    Users are getting intermittent error : Invoke() could not find the Service name, when opening the Xcelsius dashboards in PRODUCTION. The dashboard has several QAAW queries .These errors are poping up intermittently.
    The dashboards are hosted utside the BO environment.
    Crystal Xcelsius 2008 Enterprise

    As I continue to look into it, the only thing that I see differently when I am prompted for login is that I can specify the system to log into. I am now wondering if somehow this information is being lost and that is what is causing these issues. Given that the specified name cannot be found and that it does in fact recognize the correct name, I'm not entirely sure what the problem is.
    Further information:
    If I disable the use of hard-coded logins and I am prompted, I can display results for the onLoad run. Yet the query is also set to refresh on 30 second intervals. On every subsequent interval I am getting this error.
    I think this has something to do with sessions. How do I check which sessions exist on my box? CmcApp somewhere?
    Edited by: Brian Comeau on Jun 4, 2009 12:24 AM
    Checking in CmcApp I found some sessions. Here is what happens:
    Login to CmcApp Sessions tab
    -Administrator: 1 session at 5:45pm
    Launch browser to Xcelsius .swf
    Prompted for login information: Administrator/password
    -Administrator: 2 sessions at 6:30pm
    I had previously set the timeout for sessions in QaaWS to 120 seconds
    After 2 minutes
    -Administrator: 1 session at 5:45pm
    Yet throughout this time, I am still given this "invoke() could not find the service name" error. The name provided "qaawsIncidents" is the same name that I can see if I launch QaaWS.
    Edited by: Brian Comeau on Jun 4, 2009 12:30 AM

  • Unable to resolve ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

    Hi Friends,
    I am unable to resolve ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified, error:
    C:\Windows\system32>sqlplus scott/tiger@ORADATA
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Feb 2 13:46:10 2014
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    SQL> select database_name from v$database;
    SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=himanshu-PC)(PORT=1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
    (SERVICE_NAME = oradata)
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = himanshu-PC)(PORT = 1521))
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = EXTPROC1521))
      (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (ORACLE_HOME = G:\app\himanshu\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)
          (SID_NAME = oradata)
    C:\Windows\system32>lsnrctl status
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 02-FEB-2014 13:53:37
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=himanshu-PC)(PORT=1521)))
    Alias                     LISTENER
    Version                   TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    Start Date                02-FEB-2014 13:29:35
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 24 min. 6 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File   G:\app\himanshu\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\listener.ora
    Listener Log File         g:\app\himanshu\diag\tnslsnr\himanshu-PC\listener\alert\log.xml
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "ORADATA" has 2 instance(s).
      Instance "ORADATA", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
      Instance "oradata", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "ORADATAXDB" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "oradata", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    Kindly guide whats wrong with my configuration.

        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=himanshu-PC)(PORT=1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
    (SERVICE_NAME = oradata)
    Try editing the tnsnames.ora file to check there is any junk characters around the tns entry(shown in RED) and then try pining the tns from CMD as
    tnsping ORADATA.

  • I cannot back up my i pad to my iTunes, but the error message is not always the same.

    I cannot back up my i pad to my iTunes, but the error message is not always the same. I get everything from could not back up "because the iPad disconnected" to could not back up "because the iPad was not set up."
    Here are things I tried that did not help:
    1) I turned my iPad off then turned it back on.
    2) I backed up my iPod touch to see what happened, and it went fine.
    3) I tried a different cord to connect the computer to the iPad.
    4) I updated my iPad
    5) I updated my iTunes
    Any other suggestions? Thanks!!

    There are multiple places where these photos could be stored:
    - a recent iCloud back up
    - on your PC/Mac if you imported them
    - Photostream if you used it
    Unfortunately if the photos are not stored in any of these locations then they have been lost for good.
    All the best

  • I am running firefox 23.0.1. I just upgraded to evernote 5.0+. When I try to add webclipper 5.7 to firefox I get the error Firefox can not modify the neede

    I am running firefox 23.0.1. I just upgraded to evernote 5.0+.
    When I try to add webclipper 5.7 to firefox I get the error
    Firefox can not modify the needed file
    I could not locate the files referenced in the answers presented.

    Firefox no longer unpacks an extension automatically, but renames the XPI file to the ID of the extension and copies that file to the extensions folder in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    If an extension needs to be unpacked then there should be an unpack directive (<nowiki><em:unpack>true</em:unpack></nowiki>) in the install.rdf file of that extension.
    * https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Updating_extensions_for_Firefox_4.0#XPI_unpacking
    You can try to set the extensions.alwaysUnpack pref to true on the about:config page.

  • MappedAttributeInfo(APPView.Node): must not modify the datatyp

    I used DropDownByKey element (DDLPROJE) and mapped it a contex element(PROJE).
    I tryed to fill PROJE with code below.No problem on compile, but when i run, it gets error below on line bold in code.
    How can i solve this problem?
    com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.ContextException: MappedAttributeInfo(FAALIYETappYeniView.PROJE): must not modify the datatype of a mapped attribute
              IWDAttributeInfo attInf =
              ISimpleTypeModifiable stm = attInf.getModifiableSimpleType();
              IModifiableSimpleValueSet svs = stm.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
              try {
                   InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
                   DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/SAPEPTDB");
                   Connection con = ds.getConnection();
                   Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
                   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select PROJE from ZHF_PROJE");
                   svs.put("", "");
                   while (rs.next()) {
                        svs.put(rs.getString("PROJE"), rs.getString("PROJE"));
              } catch (Exception e) {

    I guess you did as below.
    You have created the context attribute PROJE in View Context as well as in Controller Context.
    And then you have changed the type of PROJE attribute in View Context by binding it to some Simple type.
    After that you have mapped this attribute to the PROJE attribute in Controller context.
    That is why it is giving that error.
    If my guess is correct:
    Then delete the context mapping - by right click on the PROJE attribute in the View Controller.
    Now in Comp Controller change the type of PROJE attribtue by binding the simple type.
    And now do the mapping between the attribtues.

  • Job Cancelled with an error "Data does not match the job def: Job terminat"

    Dear Friends,
    The following job is with respect to an inbound interface that transfers data into SAP.
    The file mist.txt is picked from the /FI/in directory of the application server and is moved to the /FI/work directory of application server for processing. Once the program ends up without any error, the file is moved to /FI/archive directory.
    The below are the steps listed in job log, no spool is generated for this job and it ended up with an error "Data does not match the job definition; job terminated".Please see below for more info.
    1.Job   Started                                                                               
    2.Step 001 started (program Y_SAP_FI_POST, variant MIST, user ID K364646)                           
    3.File mist.txt copied from /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/in/ to /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/work/.
    4.File mist.txt deleted from /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/in/.                                   
    5.File mist.txt read from /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/work/.                                    
    6.PD-DKLY-Y_SAP_FI_POST: This job was started periodically or directly from SM36/SM37 (Message Class: BD, Message Number : 076)  
    7.Job PD-DKLY-Y_SAP_FI_POST: Data does not match the job definition; job terminated (Message Class : BD, Message No. 078)    
    8.Job cancelled after system exception
    Could you please analyse and come up about under what circumstance the above error is reported.
    As well I heard that because of the customization issues in T.Code BMV0, the above error has raised. 
    Also please note that we can define as well schedule jobs from the above transaction and the corresponding data is stored in the table TBICU
    My Trials
    1. Tested uplaoding an empty file
    2. Tested uploading with wrong data
    3. Tested uploading with improper data that has false file structue
    But failed to simulate the above scenario.
    Clarification Required
    Assume that I have defined a job using BMV0. Is that mandatory to use the same job in SM37/SM36 for scheduling?
    Is the above question valid?
    Edited by: dharmendra gali on Jan 28, 2008 6:06 AM

    Dear Friends,
    _Urgent : Please work on this ASAP _
    The following job is with respect to an inbound interface that transfers data into SAP.
    The file mist.txt is picked from the /FI/in directory of the application server and is moved to the /FI/work directory of application server for processing. Once the program ends up without any error, the file is moved to /FI/archive directory.
    The below are the steps listed in job log, no spool is generated for this job and it ended up with an error "Data does not match the job definition; job terminated".Please see below for more info.
    1.Job Started
    2.Step 001 started (program Y_SAP_FI_POST, variant MIST, user ID K364646)
    3.File mist.txt copied from /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/in/ to /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/work/.
    4.File mist.txt deleted from /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/in/.
    5.File mist.txt read from /data/sap/ARD/interface/FI/work/.
    6.PD-DKLY-Y_SAP_FI_POST: This job was started periodically or directly from SM36/SM37 (Message Class: BD, Message Number : 076)
    7.Job PD-DKLY-Y_SAP_FI_POST: Data does not match the job definition; job terminated (Message Class : BD, Message No. 078)
    8.Job cancelled after system exception
    Could you please analyse and come up about under what circumstance the above error is reported.
    As well I heard that because of the customization issues in T.Code BMV0, the above error has raised.
    Also please note that we can define as well schedule jobs from the above transaction and the corresponding data is stored in the table TBICU
    My Trials
    1. Tested uplaoding an empty file
    2. Tested uploading with wrong data
    3. Tested uploading with improper data that has false file structue
    But failed to simulate the above scenario.
    Clarification Required
    Assume that I have defined a job using BMV0. Is that mandatory to use the same job in SM37/SM36 for scheduling?
    Is the above question valid?

  • HT4972 After upgrading iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1.1 getting the error "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored" HELP!

    I attempted to upgrade my iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1.1. I selected 'back up' from the phone in the device menu and iTunes confirmed that the phone had been backed up. I then installed iOS 5.1.1 which wiped everything on the phone & now I am getting the error "iTunes could not restore the iPhone because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone that is being restored".
    I have tried restoring factory settings but iTunes simply will not restore from back up & I'm not sure what else to do!
    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    I have the same issue and I KNOW my backup IS good. What happen is when you try to restore your phone apple says something like can I check for new updates and if you choose no, it just takes you back to the restore screen and a loop from then on.  If you dont update from you phone then when you back up you will have the 5.0.1 back up and then when you update to 5.1.1 and then try to restore the backup from 5.0.1 it say it EITHER corrupt or incompatible.. It is incompatible and its hard as **** to restore back to 5.0.1. I followed the restore to a T and still getting errors. I lost all text history and have to reset up email. All just because I wanted a 1.2 Gigs of "other" space back.

  • Error message"Could not complete the Save command......

    Sometimes when I open Photoshop CS6 (cloud version) and I try to save my work I wil get an error message: "Could not complete the save command because the document is currently being saved in the background. Please try the operation again after the Save Command has finished" Well the background save never finishes and I end up having to restart Photoshop and lose all my work. Any ideas. I am running Windows 7, core i& quad procewssor and 12 gigs of ram.

    Hi Chris!
    Yes. I did that after the first time it happened and then it happened again.  Here is my system info:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
    Physical processor count: 4
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 3073 MHz
    Built-in memory: 12279 MB
    Free memory: 6264 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 10996 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
    Image tile size: 128K
    Image cache levels: 4
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    Video Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
    Video Card Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
    Display: 1

  • Firefox suddenly quit working and I get the following error message: Could not initialize the application's security component. The most

    Error message: Could not initialize the application's security component. The most likely cause is problems with files in your application's profile directory. Please check that this directory has no read/write
    restrictions and your hard disk is not full or close to full. It is recommended that you exit the application and fix the problem. If you continue to use this session, you might see incorrect application
    behaviour when accessing security features.


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