Unable to trash rejected clips

I like to "trash" the portion of a clip marked red, but the item "Move Rejected Clip to Trash" is greyed out. So I can not do it. Please help. Thanks. Tom

Also, you must select the "View" to "show rejected clips only" from the menu box on the bottom. This gives you one more chance to review them before deleting. There should be a button on this view to send the rejected clips to trash.

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  • Unable to delete rejected clips

    When I click on "Move Rejected to Trash" it says "Unable to delete rejected clips." The clips are not from any event, as they are clips from iPhoto Videos. I've searched around the Discussions but couldn't find an answer. Anyone have any insight?

    iMovie will only delete clips that it "owns". To delete iPhoto clips, you must delete them in iPhoto. I don't know any way to delete partial clips in iPhoto.
    You could export the clips from iPhoto and convert them to an iMovie compatible format using a tool like MPEG Streamclip. Then import into iMovie. Then you can reject clips and delete them.

  • How to move to the trash rejected clip from iMovie

    I have tried countless time to move rejected clips to the trash in iMovie 08.  I know I am taking the correct steps, it is pretty simple and staright forward but iMovie doesn't move the rejected clip to the trash any longer, it has done it in the past though.  Any one has a suggestion?
    Tahnk you,

    Is this what you have been doing?
    right click on the iMovie event, go to the bottom (or where it says "move rejected clips to trash") and click it.

  • Having difficulties deleting rejected clips.

    If I press 'Move Rejected to Trash', half the time nothing will happen at all.
    If I'm lucky (whatever type of luck you'd consider this), it will go through what looks like the process in which the clips get moved to the Trash bin (you know, it says they upload into the Trash bin, when they don't).
    How can I fix this?
    Also, is there a way to move individual clips into the Trash bin?

    I just posted pretty much the same thing elsewhere on the Apple Boards and got no replies. Rather than start a new thread, I decided to just tack on and paste what I posted on the other forum. This appears to be a fairly common problem. Yet, no one seems to have an answer, and Apple either isn't aware of it or just hasn't fixed it (I can't believe it's the latter).
    Anyway, here's what I posted:
    To be brief -- I am unable to move rejected clips to the trash with iMovie 08. I am 99% sure I'm doing everything correctly. The option to do so is dimmed, and clicking on the Move Rejected To Trash button does nothing.
    I saw several posts about this problem from a couple of years ago, but no one offered a solution. I haven't seen this issue discussed since 2008, which I don't understand. The problem was never solved in any of the threads I read. It appears to be a bug in the software. Does anyone know if there's a work-around for this? Has this problem been fixed with iMovie 09?
    I just find it hard to believe that a bug of this magnitude would go uncorrected by Apple. I could save a lot of disk space if this would work as it's supposed to.
    Thanks in advance for all help and suggestions.

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    If you click the Adjust button and then choose the Cropping tool you can adjust the framing to create a pillar box. That way rather than having your shot blown up to fit the 16:9 frame is will be shown at it's actual size with black bars on the left and right.

  • 16:9 Aspect Ratio reverts to 4:3 when rejected clips are moved to trash.

    Mini DV Tape imported to an event with Aspect Ratio Preference set to 16:9.  Parts of some clips marked as rejected.  When rejected clips are moved to trash the aspect ratio of both the Event and the Project revert to 4:3.

    This has always worked for me:
    FCP: File Export QTMovie... current settings.
    COMPRESSOR: 16:9 High Quality 90 minute (choose ac3 for your audio in here)
    Then, in DVDSP make sure the setting is correct in the above window.
    Also - check your preview (forgot what it's called)you can change it to widescreen also. Dbl check there that indeed all is good.
    Then, as said above also - run it on DVDPlayer in your applications folder. Don't watch it FULL screen, watch it as a window in your finder. There you'll get a read on EXACTLY what the dvd is sending... if you see a 4:3 window with letterboxing something is wrong. You should (SHOULD) see a 16:9 window with no distortion or letterboxing.
    Once you determine that, the issue will be your setup of DVD player and TV.

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    How can I permanently delete these unwanted video clips from my Events library (to free up disk space).

    Also, you must select the "View" to "show rejected clips only" from the menu box on the bottom. This gives you one more chance to review them before deleting. There should be a button on this view to send the rejected clips to trash.

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    Try emptying your trash. Also couldn't hurt to shut down you Mac. Then turn it on and try again.

  • Move rejected clips to trash?

    I have really large clip sizes, from 1-10 minutes long, that are taking up massive amounts of space on my hd, but I only need 10-20 seconds of each clip. The vast majority of my material ends up getting Rejected.
    I have read that there is an option to Move Rejected Files to Trash, which will delete the unwanted material but preserve the other stuff. I cannot seem to find this option: it does not appear in the Browser when viewing rejected files. I read that I can go to File>Move Rejected Clips to Trash, however this option does not appear in my File menu.
    What am I doing wrong? Is this ability no longer enabled? I am on a MacBook Pro using the 2013 iMovie that shipped with my laptop. Thanks for any help.

    Hey crazyshannon,
    Thanks for the question. After reviewing your post, it sounds like youwant to delete rejected clips. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you resolve or isolate the issue.
    iMovie '11: Delete unwanted video clips from an Event
    To delete video clips permanently from your Event Library:
    In the Event Library, click to select the Event you want to delete video from.
    In the Event browser, select the frames or clips you want to remove from the Event, and then press Delete or click the Reject button (shown below) in the iMovie toolbar.
    (The Reject button also has a small “x” if you have Advanced Tools turned on.)
    If you’ve chosen All Clips from the Show pop-up menu (shown below), which appears below the Event browser, a red line appears across the top of the rejected frames.
    If you’ve chosen Favorites Only or “Favorites and Unmarked,” the rejected clips disappear from view.
    Choose File > “Move Rejected Clips to Trash.”
    All the clips that are currently marked as “rejected” in any Event or project are queued to move to the Trash. This includes clips you may have marked previously, not only those you just rejected.
    In the dialog that appears, do one of the following:
    If you’re confident you know which clips you’ve previously rejected and you want to delete all of them, click “Move to Trash.”
    The video is removed from your Events, but it still occupies space in the Trash.
    If you want to review the clips that you’ve marked for deletion, click View Rejected Clips.
    The Event browser shows just the rejected clips in the selected Event. Select any clips that you don’t want to delete, and then click the Unmark button.
    To delete the rejected clips, click the “Move Rejected to Trash” button (A, below) in the upper-right corner of the Rejected Clips window.
    Click the “Move to Trash” button in the dialog that appears; the video is removed from your Events, but it still occupies space in the Trash.
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

  • Can't delete events, or rejected clips, and now hangs on startup

    I am using, as far as I know, the latest version 7.1.1. I first started having problems when I couldn't delete a couple of events. I them selected some clips to be rejected, and it marked them appropriately with the red bar. However, it will not allow me to delete these rejected clips. Now the problems are getting worse and I cannot even get '08 to start with hanging up and then I must force it to quit.
    I should mention that I between having all these issues I have installed iMovie HD and been using that but for ENTIRELY different clips etc. I have not been sharing things back and forth. HD seems to be working as it should.
    I am new to Mac', about 3 months now, and have been using iMovie'08 for a few weeks and found it to be very good. I started to have some problems and found the whole debate about iMovie '08 compared to iMovie HD. All that aside, although I can see how HD has better features than '08, can someone point me in the right direction to get things up and running again.
    Thanks very much.

    Sorry, I should have added this error message that I get when trying to move the rejected clips to the trash:
    The operation could not be completed. * -[NSPlaceholderMutableDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:]: number of objects (0) not equal to number of keys (4)
    Perhaps this will help someone with nailing down what the issue is.
    Thanks again.

  • Hallo!!  how can i delete a rejected clip in iMovie 10.0.7?? Or is it not possible??

    Hallo!!  how can i delete a rejected clip in iMovie 10.0.7?? Or is it not possible??

    You can delete a complete clip which is not in use in any project by right-clicking it and choosing "move to trash".  It won't actually appear in the trash can but will be permanently deleted when you quit iMovie.

  • Error message when trying to delete rejected clips

    When I try to delete the rejected clips in some projects (from the event panel) I get the following error message:
    "The operation could not be completed. Error writing file: /Users/lee/Movies/iMovie Events.localized/imovie-001/04dx 01-1.mov"
    This only occurs with certain imported movie clips. Other imported clips work as expected when I move the rejected portions to the trash.
    Can anyone help? Thanks.

    Just a suggestion but I have found on WIn 7 that showing a pdf in the
    Preview view can make win think the file is open and locked for editing. The
    little icon on the taskbar makes it easier to turn the preview on and off. I
    always check my open explorer windows now when I get messages like that and
    it usually clears it up. Hope it works foryou.
    Jean Notte
    [email protected]

  • Trouble deleting only rejected clips after imovie update

    When i send rejected clips to the trash, it pulls more of the original video with it.  How can i keep this from happening? Only started with the new Mavericks update.

    I've seen one suggestion relating to Revealing the Clip in the Finder. Try this:
    Go to the Reject Clips by clicking on the pulldown menu at the bottom where it says Show: (choose Rejected Clips Only). Then <CTRL> click on on of the red striped thumbnails choose Reveal in Finder. When the Finder window launches, your clip will be highlighted. Select it and drag it to the trash.
    Quit iMovie, then relaunch it and go back to the Show: (Rejected Clips Only) see if that clip is now missing from the list of Rejected Clips. If this works and your Project file still plays back successfully I would say it's safe to continue deleting as needed. But if you have some problems and the Project has been affected there might be another reason you cannot delete the clips.
    iPhoto Videos are not deletable in the traditional iMovie Rejected Clips kind of way. They are under full control and jurisdiciton of iPhoto. And as a result, iMovie is not allowed to do anything other than 'copy' or re-use them in a Project. Deletion of iPhoto Videos in iMovie will not work. So your only real option is to try deleting them from iPhoto instead. So just be aware of where your video clips are located in the iMovie Event Library and everything should be OK.

  • "Unabe to delete rejected clips"?

    ...tried "moving rejected clips to trash...
    ...got Error message...
    "Unabe to delete rejected clips:
    The operation could not be completed.Error writing file: /Users/donrex/Movies/iMovie Events.localized/Family 56/iMovie Thumbnails/clip-135-02-05 05;27;15-1"
    I now have 2 Event Libraries with problems.
    On one, the Project Library shows a triangle symbol with a exclamation sign, and, won't show clips in the Preview screen. On another, much of the Event now has grayed clips.
    I also experienced the unplanned deletion of some clips, and, some clips being combined with another clip.
    Any help?

    iMovie will only delete clips that it "owns". To delete iPhoto clips, you must delete them in iPhoto. I don't know any way to delete partial clips in iPhoto.
    You could export the clips from iPhoto and convert them to an iMovie compatible format using a tool like MPEG Streamclip. Then import into iMovie. Then you can reject clips and delete them.

  • Rejected clips

    I know you can select clips and press delete, and the clip has a red line over it then you press "move rejected clips to trash". But, is there another button/option you could press that says something like "every clip you press delete for automatically deletes". thanks . I have imovie 09

    hmmm...scratch that..it's not even moving full clips that have been rejected to trash...why not????

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