Understanding hierarchies in BW 3.0b

Please help me with an example for loading cost center hierarchy and displaying it in a query. I am thinking of this sample scenario. will this work out ?? In my query output in BEx, I will show a list of company code and some other details. When I click on this company code, i want the cost center hierarchy to be displayed.  Can u please give me the exact steps from modelling ? Similarly I want to display the master data and text for a few other infoobjects.

Activate the 0COSTCENTER_HIER in RSA5 - R/3.
Replicate in BW.
Install hier TR for Costcenter - Create.
Create Infopackage - From OLTP - Select Hierarchy - Run it - Activate Master data.
In the query - > Click on Cost Center in Query - In Properties Window - Right Hand Side - Hierarchy Tab - Select the Hierarchy - Activate hierarchy display shud flag by itself.
Once hier is activated for Cost Center - u shud see a Christmas kind of tree on the triangle Cost Center
You just cannot get the hierarchy if you click on company code. You can activate the hierarchy from report using cost center properties.

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  • Hierarchy download and upload

    Hi experts,
    i want to download hierarchies from production bw to development bw. pls explain me the procedure how to do. as i understand hierarchies will be in the r/3 system. then how do i download them and upload them to the required box in bw. is there any function module for downloading and uploading hierarchies.
    Pls help.....

    To execute the program you have to run it in transaction se38.
    Check if you have it since it is Z you might not have it.
    If you don't find it create in se38 a new program with the following code:
    *& Report  Z_SAP_HIERARCHY_DOWNLOAD                                    *
    * SAP Consulting BW Tools:
    * Download hierarchy into a flat file. The file has the correct format
    * for uploading into BW via a hierarchy InfoSource (IDOC).
    * (c) SAP AG 2003-2004 MFB, SAP Labs LLC
    * created: 2003-07-23
    * last update: 2004-05-02
    * Text elements:
    * P_DATES Include from/to dates
    * P_DATETO Valid-to date
    * P_FNAME File name
    * P_HIENM Hierarchy name
    * P_INTER Include from/to leaves
    * P_IOBJNM InfoObject
    * P_LANGU Language
    * P_VERS Hierarchy version
    REPORT z_sap_hierarchy_download.
    TYPE-POOLS: rs, rsdm, rrh1.
    p_iobjnm TYPE rsdiobjnm MEMORY ID rsc.
    p_hienm TYPE rshiedir-hienm,
    p_vers TYPE rshiedir-version,
    p_dateto TYPE rshiedir-dateto,
    p_langu TYPE rshiedirt-langu.
    p_fname LIKE rlgrap-filename,
    p_dates AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X',
    p_inter AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X'.
    * File structure
    * No dates/intervals
    BEGIN OF y_s_hierfile_1,
    nodeid TYPE rshienodid,
    iobjnm TYPE rsiobjnm,
    nodename TYPE rsnodename,
    * tlevel TYPE rstlevel,
    link TYPE rslink,
    parentid TYPE rsparent,
    childid TYPE rschild,
    nextid TYPE rsnext,
    langu TYPE langu,
    txtsh TYPE rstxtsh,
    txtmd TYPE rstxtmd,
    txtlg TYPE rstxtlg,
    END OF y_s_hierfile_1,
    y_t_hierfile_1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF y_s_hierfile_1,
    * With dates
    BEGIN OF y_s_hierfile_2,
    nodeid TYPE rshienodid,
    iobjnm TYPE rsiobjnm,
    nodename TYPE rsnodename,
    * tlevel TYPE rstlevel,
    link TYPE rslink,
    parentid TYPE rsparent,
    childid TYPE rschild,
    nextid TYPE rsnext,
    dateto TYPE rsdateto,
    datefrom TYPE rsdatefrom,
    langu TYPE langu,
    txtsh TYPE rstxtsh,
    txtmd TYPE rstxtmd,
    txtlg TYPE rstxtlg,
    END OF y_s_hierfile_2,
    y_t_hierfile_2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF y_s_hierfile_2,
    * With intervals
    BEGIN OF y_s_hierfile_3,
    nodeid TYPE rshienodid,
    iobjnm TYPE rsiobjnm,
    nodename TYPE rsnodename,
    * tlevel TYPE rstlevel,
    link TYPE rslink,
    parentid TYPE rsparent,
    childid TYPE rschild,
    nextid TYPE rsnext,
    leafto TYPE rsleafto,
    leaffrom TYPE rsleaffrom,
    langu TYPE langu,
    txtsh TYPE rstxtsh,
    txtmd TYPE rstxtmd,
    txtlg TYPE rstxtlg,
    END OF y_s_hierfile_3,
    y_t_hierfile_3 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF y_s_hierfile_3,
    * With dates/intervals
    BEGIN OF y_s_hierfile_4,
    nodeid TYPE rshienodid,
    iobjnm TYPE rsiobjnm,
    nodename TYPE rsnodename,
    * tlevel TYPE rstlevel,
    link TYPE rslink,
    parentid TYPE rsparent,
    childid TYPE rschild,
    nextid TYPE rsnext,
    dateto TYPE rsdateto,
    datefrom TYPE rsdatefrom,
    leafto TYPE rsleafto,
    leaffrom TYPE rsleaffrom,
    langu TYPE langu,
    txtsh TYPE rstxtsh,
    txtmd TYPE rstxtmd,
    txtlg TYPE rstxtlg,
    END OF y_s_hierfile_4,
    y_t_hierfile_4 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF y_s_hierfile_4.
    * Hierarchy definition
    g_s_hiesel TYPE rsndi_s_hiesel,
    g_s_hiedir TYPE rsndi_s_hiedir,
    g_subrc TYPE sy-subrc,
    g_t_hiedirt TYPE TABLE OF rshiedirt,
    g_s_hierstruc TYPE rssh_s_htab,
    g_t_hierstruc TYPE TABLE OF rssh_s_htab,
    g_s_thiernode TYPE rsthiernode,
    g_t_thiernode TYPE TABLE OF rsthiernode WITH KEY langu hieid objvers
    g_s_hierintvl TYPE rssh_s_jtab,
    g_t_hierintvl TYPE TABLE OF rssh_s_jtab WITH KEY hieid objvers nodeid,
    g_s_message TYPE rsndi_s_message,
    g_t_message TYPE TABLE OF rsndi_s_message,
    g_s_chavlinfo TYPE rsdm_s_chavlinfo,
    g_t_chavlinfo TYPE rsdm_t_chavlinfo.
    * File
    g_fname TYPE string,
    g_struct_s TYPE string,
    g_struct_t TYPE string,
    gr_s_file TYPE REF TO data,
    gr_t_file TYPE REF TO data.
    <g_langu> TYPE ANY,
    <g_s_file> TYPE ANY,
    <g_t_file> TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
          i_show_cha    = rs_c_true
          i_objvers     = rs_c_objvers-active
          i_hietabfl    = rs_c_true
          c_iobjnm      = p_iobjnm
          illegal_input = 1.
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      l_s_hiertxt TYPE rrh1_s_hiertxt,
      l_t_hiertxt TYPE rrh1_t_hiertxt.
          i_iobjnm          = p_iobjnm
          i_dateto          = p_dateto
          i_hienm           = p_hienm
          i_version         = p_vers
          e_t_hiertxt       = l_t_hiertxt
          no_f4_available   = 1
          dialogue_canceled = 2
          OTHERS            = 3.
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      READ TABLE l_t_hiertxt INTO l_s_hiertxt INDEX 1.
      CHECK NOT l_s_hiertxt IS INITIAL.
      p_hienm = l_s_hiertxt-hienm.
      l_s_dynpfields TYPE dynpread,
      l_t_dynpfields TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dynpread.
      CLEAR: l_t_dynpfields, l_s_dynpfields.
      l_s_dynpfields-fieldname = 'P_VERS'.
      WRITE l_s_hiertxt-version TO l_s_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
      APPEND l_s_dynpfields TO l_t_dynpfields.
      l_s_dynpfields-fieldname = 'P_DATETO'.
      WRITE l_s_hiertxt-dateto TO l_s_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
      APPEND l_s_dynpfields TO l_t_dynpfields.
          dyname     = sy-repid
          dynumb     = sy-dynnr
          dynpfields = l_t_dynpfields.
      l_filename1 TYPE string,
      l_filename2 TYPE string,
      l_path TYPE string,
      l_fullpath TYPE string,
      l_action TYPE i.
      l_filename1 = p_fname.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog
      window_title = 'Select Download File'
      default_extension = 'txt'
      default_file_name = l_filename1
      file_filter = 'All Files (*.*)|*.*|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt'
      filename = l_filename2
      path = l_path
      fullpath = l_fullpath
      user_action = l_action
      cntl_error = 1
      OTHERS = 2.                                               "#EC NOTEXT
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
      IF l_action = 0.
        p_fname = l_fullpath.
      GET PARAMETER ID 'RSC' FIELD p_iobjnm.
    * Check input
      CHECK NOT p_fname IS INITIAL.
      IF p_langu IS INITIAL.
        p_langu = sy-langu.
      IF p_dateto IS INITIAL.
        p_dateto = '99991231'.
    * Read hierarchy
      CLEAR g_s_hiesel.
      g_s_hiesel-objvers = rs_c_objvers-active.
      g_s_hiesel-hienm = p_hienm.
      g_s_hiesel-version = p_vers.
      g_s_hiesel-iobjnm = p_iobjnm.
      g_s_hiesel-dateto = p_dateto.
          i_s_hiesel        = g_s_hiesel
          i_no_nodenm_table = rs_c_true
          e_s_hiedir        = g_s_hiedir
          e_subrc           = g_subrc
          e_t_hiedirt       = g_t_hiedirt
          e_t_hierstruc     = g_t_hierstruc
          e_t_thiernode     = g_t_thiernode
          e_t_hierintvl     = g_t_hierintvl
          e_t_message       = g_t_message.
      IF g_subrc <> 0.
        READ TABLE g_t_message INTO g_s_message INDEX 1.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          MESSAGE ID g_s_message-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER g_s_message-msgno
          WITH g_s_message-msgv1 g_s_message-msgv2
          g_s_message-msgv3 g_s_message-msgv4.
          WITH 'Hierarchy read error'.
    * Defined output structures
      IF p_dates IS INITIAL AND p_inter IS INITIAL.
        g_struct_s = 'Y_S_HIERFILE_1'.
        g_struct_t = 'Y_T_HIERFILE_1'.
      ELSEIF p_dates = 'X' AND p_inter IS INITIAL.
        g_struct_s = 'Y_S_HIERFILE_2'.
        g_struct_t = 'Y_T_HIERFILE_2'.
      ELSEIF p_dates IS INITIAL AND p_inter = 'X'.
        g_struct_s = 'Y_S_HIERFILE_3'.
        g_struct_t = 'Y_T_HIERFILE_3'.
        g_struct_s = 'Y_S_HIERFILE_4'.
        g_struct_t = 'Y_T_HIERFILE_4'.
      CREATE DATA gr_s_file TYPE (g_struct_s).
      ASSIGN gr_s_file->* TO <g_s_file>.
      CREATE DATA gr_t_file TYPE (g_struct_t).
      ASSIGN gr_t_file->* TO <g_t_file>.
    * Nodes
      REFRESH <g_t_file>.
      LOOP AT g_t_hierstruc INTO g_s_hierstruc.
        CLEAR <g_s_file>.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING g_s_hierstruc TO <g_s_file>.
    * Texts for nodes
        READ TABLE g_t_thiernode INTO g_s_thiernode WITH TABLE KEY
        langu = p_langu
        hieid = g_s_hierstruc-hieid
        objvers = rs_c_objvers-active
        nodename = g_s_hierstruc-nodename.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING g_s_thiernode TO <g_s_file>.
    * Texts for characteristic values
          REFRESH g_t_chavlinfo.
          CLEAR g_s_chavlinfo.
          g_s_chavlinfo-c_chavl = g_s_hierstruc-nodename.
          APPEND g_s_chavlinfo TO g_t_chavlinfo.
              i_iobjnm                  = g_s_hierstruc-iobjnm
              i_langu                   = p_langu
              i_dateto                  = p_dateto
              i_check_value             = space
              i_sid_in                  = space
              i_hieid                   = g_s_hiedir-hieid
              i_objvers                 = g_s_hiedir-objvers
              c_t_chavlinfo             = g_t_chavlinfo
              info_object_not_found     = 1
              routines_generation_error = 2
              check_table_not_existing  = 3
              text_table_not_existing   = 4
              OTHERS                    = 5.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            READ TABLE g_t_chavlinfo INTO g_s_chavlinfo INDEX 1.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING g_s_chavlinfo-e_chatexts TO <g_s_file>.
              ASSIGN COMPONENT 'LANGU' OF STRUCTURE <g_s_file> TO <g_langu>.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                <g_langu> = p_langu.
    * Intervals
        IF g_s_hierstruc-intervl = 'X' AND p_inter = 'X'.
          READ TABLE g_t_hierintvl INTO g_s_hierintvl WITH TABLE KEY
          hieid = g_s_hierstruc-hieid
          objvers = rs_c_objvers-active
          nodeid = g_s_hierstruc-nodeid.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING g_s_hierintvl TO <g_s_file>.
        APPEND <g_s_file> TO <g_t_file>.
    * Download output table
      g_fname = p_fname.
          filename                = g_fname
          write_field_separator   = space
          data_tab                = <g_t_file>
          file_write_error        = 1
          no_batch                = 2
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
          invalid_type            = 4
          no_authority            = 5
          unknown_error           = 6
          header_not_allowed      = 7
          separator_not_allowed   = 8
          filesize_not_allowed    = 9
          header_too_long         = 10
          dp_error_create         = 11
          dp_error_send           = 12
          dp_error_write          = 13
          unknown_dp_error        = 14
          access_denied           = 15
          dp_out_of_memory        = 16
          disk_full               = 17
          dp_timeout              = 18
          file_not_found          = 19
          dataprovider_exception  = 20
          control_flush_error     = 21
          OTHERS                  = 22.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        WITH 'Hierarchy download successful!'.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Why does it take so long to create an Acrobat fillable form

    When I try to create a fillable form using Acrobat X, it takes a very long time.  The progress bar moves extremely slowly.  If I hit cancel than the PDF form that I was trying to create will show up in the window.  Does anyone know what is going on?  It doesn't complete the process, instead it says "Fatal Error- Acrobat failed to send DDE Command"  Any thoughts?  Thanks

    It depends upon your work flow.
    If you use OpenOffice and create the form fields in OpenOffice, you can export the form to the PDF format and retain the combo and list boxes.
    If you add the form fields manually, it may work faster then the form Wizard. It also helps to understand how to create multiple fields, work with arrays and understand hierarchical fields and how to use them.

  • Help needed in understanding the concept of hierarchical queries

    I really need help in this matter. I have a flafile containing about 4000 rows. It is from my supplier, it's structure is as follows:
    create table Flatfile
    (Pgroup varchar2(30),
    Pclass varchar2(30),
    Manufacturer varchar2(30),
    Article varchar2(30),
    Price Number(6,2));
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Application Software','Database Software','Oracle','Oracle 10G',115);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Application Software','Database Software','Microsoft','MS SQL Server 2000',200);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Application Software','Spreadsheet Software','Microsoft','Excel',100);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','15"','Acer','Acer 15"" TFT superscreen',199);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','15"','Sony','Sony R1500 flat',225);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','17"','Philips','Philips Flatscreen',250);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Monitor','19"','Viewsonic','Viewsonic PLasma Monitor',275);
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    Insert into Flatfile Values
    ('Processor','Intel','Intel','P4 3 GHZ',399);
    My goal is to make a hierarchical query with the start with and connect by clauses. From what I have read is that I need to normalize the data of the flatfile.
    How do I achieve a table which I can query so that the query will represent the hierarchy that exists. Namely
    Application Software
    ++Database Software
    ++Spreadsheet Software
    So a 2-level hierarchy. I'd like to understand this simple concept first. I built on the knowledge that I gain. So the questions are:
    1.What do I need to do to make the table so that I can use a hierarchical query on it?
    2. How should the query syntax be?
    3. Is it also possible to get the data in the hierarchical query sorted asec?
    I would only like to use the simple structures of the start with and connect by clauses first. I've read there are some new additions to 10G. The problem with the examples used by the tutorials is that the tables are already made so that they are suitable for hierarchical queries. I hope to understand it by this example. And take it a step further.

    Primarily hierarchy query serves to process tree-like structures which RDBMS simulates using through parent-child relation, often in a single table (see famoust
    EMP table where employee can have the manager who is an employee at the same time).
    In your case it could look like:
    SQL> select pgroup, pclass from flatfile;
    PGROUP                         PCLASS
    Application Software           Database Software
    Application Software           Database Software
    Application Software           Spreadsheet Software
    Monitor                        15"
    Monitor                        15"
    Monitor                        17"
    Monitor                        19"
    Processor                      AMD
    Processor                      Intel
                                   Application Software
    12 rows selected.
    SQL> select decode(level,1,pclass,'  ' || pclass), Manufacturer from flatfile
      2  start with pgroup is null
      3  connect by prior pclass = pgroup
      4  /
    Application Software
      Database Software              Oracle
      Database Software              Microsoft
      Spreadsheet Software           Microsoft
      15"                            Acer
      15"                            Sony
      17"                            Philips
      19"                            Viewsonic
      AMD                            AMD
      Intel                          Intel
    12 rows selected.The hierarchy syntax is described completely in the documentation including
    LEVEL and PRIOR keywords.
    As for the ordering question you can use siblings ordering:
    SQL> select decode(level,1,pclass,'  ' || pclass), Manufacturer from flatfile
      2  start with pgroup is null
      3  connect by prior pclass = pgroup
      4  order siblings by 1 desc
      5  /
      Intel                          Intel
      AMD                            AMD
      19"                            Viewsonic
      17"                            Philips
      15"                            Acer
      15"                            Sony
    Application Software
      Spreadsheet Software           Microsoft
      Database Software              Oracle
      Database Software              Microsoft
    12 rows selected.Rgds.

  • Understanding Aggregation for Hierarchies

    I'm trying to understand aggregation in the context of a dimension's hierarchy. When I create a level-based hierarchy for a dimension there are two places to set the aggregation level. The first is on the source for the dimension table, the other is the source for the joined fact table. My question is, what is/are the purposes for these two options? When would I set one over the other? Currently, it seems to get the aggregation to work, I'm setting the level on the dimension table source and not the fact source. Is this the correct way?
    Any insights are greatly appreciated.

    The purpose of setting the aggregation levels on dim/fact is to let BI server know which LTS to pickup for the user's requested report criteria.
    If you have one aggregated table that has data at month level and another base table that has data at day level.
    In this case, you will set the content level for time hierarchy as month_ level (since that is the lowest level of granularity present in the table) for the aggregate table
    and then you will set the content level for time hierarchy as DAY_ level (since that is the lowest level of granularity present in the table) for the base table.
    If you run a report quarterly, BI server looks in both LTSes above and chooses the aggregated table which will give you better performance.
    Rajesh Gurram

  • Analysis Authorization based on Hier node with multiple display hierarchies

    Hi guys - I've got a problem where s.o. might have an idea of how to switch on the light at the end of the tunnel, I am currently standing in:
    Cost Center Authorization should be given through RSECADMIN, reporting should be possible for any hierarchy that exists for the authorization relevant info object.
    Preferred solution:
    The Cost Center Analysis Authorization should be given through RSECADMIN - Hierarchy node assignment.
    u2022     A dedicated Authorization Cost Center Hierarchy will be maintained in ECC6 as an alternative cost center hierarchy and extracted into BW.
    u2022     The RSECADMIN Hierarchy node assignment should be based on a particular node (Type 2).
    u2022     The display level will be specified as required (here: Level 7)
    u2022     The Authorization granted should be independent of hierarchy name and version (validity 3).
    Reporting Scenario and technical impact:
    As mentioned above, when designing and running a query the user should be able to freely select other (i.e. than the authorization) display hierarchies for the authorization relevant reporting object 'Cost Center' as well. The technical names of the semantically relevant hierarchy nodes could therefore vary. E.g. cost centers 1, 2 and 3, being assigned under hierarchy node u2018Au2019 of the RSECADMIN relevant authorization hierarchy, could be subsumed by hierarchy node u2018Bu2019 in another display hierarchy, which the user may want to display in accordance to his reporting needs. Ideally, the alternative display hierarchy should therefore display node u2018Bu2019.
    My findings so far (based on prototyping) turn out that this is not possible as long u2018Bu2019 (and its hierarchy) is not authorized in RSECADMIN. Can these findings be confirmed? And if not, would anyone have an idea of how to facilitate the reporting scenario?
    Would there be any other way to grant access, possibly based on RSECADMIN single values, and also enable the user to flexibly display hierarchies with only those hierarchy nodes whose single cost center values the user has been given access to?
    Thanks everyone for your input...
    Edited by: Claus64 on Jul 13, 2009 4:10 AM

    HI CLause,
    On Jul 14 2009, you wrote in SDN and said:
    FYI: Found a solution...
    The hierarchy analysis authorization will be based on a navigational attribute of cost center.
    With analysis authorizations it is possible to declare the Auth object (e.g. 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0) as authorization relevant and leave the superior object 0COSTCENTER auth irrelevant.
    The auth will be given for 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0. This object will be placed as a filter of the query, being restricted by an Authorization variable for hierarchy nodes.
    Due to the concept of Analysis Authorizations, this variable will automatically pick up the nodes granted as part of RSECADMIN Hierarchy based Authorization.
    As mentioned above, 0COSTCENTER as the regular reporting characteristic remains auth irrelevant and can therefore take any hierarchy thatu2019s available. Reporting on single values will be possible, too. Only those nodes show up that hold the authorized cost centers in accordance to the authorization.
    If the auth relevant 0COSTCENTER__RACCAUT0 is not used in the query definition by either not taking it in as a filter or skipping the Auth variable, the query will launch the message that the authorization is missing. No data show up at all.
    See this thread:
    Analysis Authorization based on Hier node with multiple display hierarchies
    I am also in the same situation as you and need to understadn your solution. I understand that you created a Nav Attr on 0COSTCENTER and made this auth relevant whilst ensuring that 0COSTCENTER is NOT auth relevant. This is all fine. The issue was you have multiple hierachies for 0COSTCENTER, how did the new Nav Attr help you solve your issue. When loading 0COSTCENTER what values did you load ino the new Nav Attribute and how did that link to the hierachies? Also, in RSECADMIN you created hiearchy nodes based on the Nav Attribute but I am confused as to what values you have in the Nav Attr.
    I appreciate if you can share your solution from the past in more details.
    many thanks

  • Hierarchies dependent on more than one table

    I am using OBIEE and my question relates to creation of hierarchies in the Business Model and Mapping layer.
    I have two tables Countries and Customer (which has a foreign key relationship with Countries). These tables are from the SH schema that comes with the Oracle 10g database.
    When I create a dimension on Customers, OBIEE automatically creates a level for Countries which is the parent of the Customer Detail level. However the Countries logical table has columns related to Region and Subregion and I would like those columns to be assigned to their own respective levels. So I create levels Region and Sub Region and assign the appropriate column to those levels.
    Howver when I run the consistency checker I get the following error -
    "[nQError: 15019] Table Countries is functionaly dependent upon level Countries, but a more detailed child level has association columns from the same table or a
    more detailed table"
    If I delete the region level and assign the region columns back to the countries level, the model becomes consistent.
    I am not sure I understand the exact meaning of this message and I would appreciate it if some one could guide me about it ?
    Thank you

    I don't think I understand .
    This is how my hierarchy looks like
    Total -> Countries (All columns from countries) -> Customers (All Columns form Customers)
    When it is structured as shown above, the repository is consistent.
    Now if I change the hierachy to this -
    Total -> Countries (All Columns from Countries) -> Region (All Columns from Countries) -> Customers (All columns from Customers)
    I get the error mentioned in my earlier post. Why does OBIEE not like this hierarchy ? It looks pretty OK to me ?
    I would appreciate if you elaborate a little

  • Error while loading hierarchies

    Dear all
    I am faicng the following errors while loading hierarchies from R/3
    1.Error"Error in the hierarchial structure"
    When i open the logs i can see the follwing analysis,but not able to understand
    The node with the technical name 0000104 appears more than once under the node with the ID 10400011. A node must be hung only once under its direct predecessor (parent). The nodes with the same technical name have the IDs 10400017 and 10400012.
    When one of the nodes is an interval, this means that the other node is contained in this interval. When both nodes are intervals, this means that both interlap.
    Possible solution
    Remove the Duplicate Nodes
    Can anyone explain this please
    2.Error: InfoObject ZH_LKSTOM is not available for Datasource ZH_LONKLA_HIER
    I am trying to load the hierarchy for the Info object ZH_LONKLA
    Can anyone kindly help me out in these

    1.Error"Error in the hierarchial structure"
    the hierarchy does have duplicate values. the possibility is that you are loading a set from R/3, where the system allows to have duplicate values in different nodes, but that doesnt hold true in the case of BI. so ask ur functional folks to nake the set unique and the load should go fine.
    .Error: InfoObject ZH_LKSTOM is not available for Datasource ZH_LONKLA_HIER
    I am trying to load the hierarchy for the Info object ZH_LONKLA
    Not sure whats the relation between ZH_LKSTOM and ZH_LONKLA

  • Ask the Expert: Hierarchical Network Design, Includes Core, Distribution, and Access

    Welcome to the Cisco® Support Community Ask the Expert conversation.  This is an opportunity to learn and ask questions about hierarchical network design. 
    Recommending a network topology is required for meeting a customer's corporate network design  needs in their business and technical goals and often consists of many interrelated components. The hierarchical design made this easier like "divide and conquer" the job and develop the design in layers.
    Network design experts have developed the hierarchical network design model to help to develop a topology in discrete layers. Each layer can be focused on specific functions, to select the right systems and features for the layer.
    A typical hierarchical topology is
    A core layer of high-end routers and switches that are optimized for availability and performance.
    A distribution layer of routers and switches that implement policies.
    An access layer that connects users via lower-end switches and wireless access points.
    Ahmad Manzoor is a Senior Pre-Sales Engineer at AGCN, Pakistan. He has more than 10 years of experience in first-rate management, commercial and technical skills in the field of data communication and services lifecycle—from solution design through sales pitch, designing RFPs, architecture, and solution—all with the goal toward winning projects (creating win/win situations) of obsolete solutions.  Ahmad also has vast experience in designing end-to-end data centers, from building infrastructure design to data communication and network Infrastructure design. He has worked for several large companies in Pakistan and United Arab Emirates markets; for example, National Engineer, WATEEN Telecom, Emircom, Infotech, Global Solutions, NETS International, Al-Aberah, and AGCN, also known as Getronics, Pakistan.
    Remember to use the rating system to let Ahmad know if he has given you an adequate response. 
    Because of the volume expected during this event, Ahmad might not be able to answer every question. Remember that you can continue the conversation in the  Solutions and Architectures under the sub-community Data Center & Virtualization, shortly after the event. This event lasts through August 15, 2014. Visit this forum often to view responses to your questions and the questions of other Cisco Support Community members.

    Dear Leo,
    We are discussing the following without any product line, discussing the concept of hierarchical design, which will help you to take decision which model is better for you Two Layer or Three Layer hierarchical model.  
    Two-Layer Hierarchy
    In many networks, you need only two layers to fulfill all of the layer functions—core and aggregation
    Only one zone exists within the core, and many zones are in the aggregation layer. Examine each of the layer functions to see where it occurs in a two-layer design:
    Traffic forwarding—Ideally, all interzone traffic forwarding occurs in the core. Traffic flows from each zone within the aggregation layer up the hierarchy into the network core and then back down the hierarchy into other aggregation zones.
    Aggregation—Aggregation occurs along the core/aggregation layer border, allowing only interzone traffic to pass between the aggregation and core layers. This also provides an edge for traffic engineering services to be deployed along.
    Routing policy—Routing policy is deployed along the edge of the core and the aggregation layers, generally as routes are advertised from the aggregation layer into the core.
    User attachment—User devices and servers are attached to zones within the aggregation layer. This separation of end devices into the aggregation permits the separation of traffic between traffic through a link and traffic to a link, or device. Typically, it is best not to mix transit and destination traffic in the same area of the network.
    Controlling traffic admittance—Traffic admittance control always occurs where user and server devices are attached to the network, which is in the aggregation layer. You can also place traffic admittance controls at the aggregation points exiting from the aggregation layer into the core of the network, but this is not common.
    You can see, then, how dividing the network into layers enables you to make each layer specialized and to hide information between the layers. For instance, the traffic admittance policy implemented along the edge of the aggregation layer is entirely hidden from the network core.
    You also use the core/aggregation layer edge to hide information about the topology of routing zones from each other, through summarization. Each zone within the aggregation layer should have minimal routing information, possibly just how to make it to the network core through a default route, and no information about the topology of the network core. At the same time, the zones within the aggregation layer should summarize their reachability information into as few routing advertisements as possible at their edge with the core and hide their topology information from the network core.
    Three-Layer Hierarchy
    A three-layer hierarchy divides these same responsibilities through zones in three vertical network layers,
    Traffic Forwarding—As with a two-layer hierarchy, all interzone traffic within a three- layer hierarchy should flow up the hierarchy, through the layers, and back down the hierarchy.
    Aggregation—A three-layer hierarchy has two aggregation points:
    At the edge of the access layer going into the distribution layer
    At the edge of the distribution layer going into the core
    At the edge of the access layer, you aggregate traffic in two places: within each access zone and flowing into the distribution layer. In the same way, you aggregate interzone traffic at the distribution layer and traffic leaving the distribution layer toward the network core. The distribution layer and core are ideal places to deploy traffic engineering within a network.
    Routing policy—The routing policy is deployed within the distribution layer in a three- layer design and along the distribution/core edge. You can also deploy routing policies along the access/distribution edge, particularly route and topology summarization, to hide information from other zones that are attached to the same distribution layer zone.
    User attachment—User devices and servers are attached to zones within the access layer. This separation of end devices into the access layer permits the separation of traffic between traffic through a link and traffic to a link, or device. Typically, you do not want to mix transit and destination traffic in the same area of the network.
    Controlling traffic admittance—Traffic admittance control always occurs where user and server devices are attached to the network, which is in the access layer. You can also place traffic admittance controls at the aggregation points along the aggregation/core edge.
    As you can see, the concepts that are applied to two- and three-layer designs are similar, but you have more application points in a three-layer design.
    Now the confusion takes place in our minds where do we use Two Layer and where the Three layer hierarchical model.
    Now we are discussing that How Many Layers to Use in Network Design?
    Which network design is better: two layers or three layers? As with almost all things in network design, it all depends. Examine some of the following factors involved in deciding whether to build a two- or three-layer network:
    Network geography—Networks that cover a smaller geographic space, such as a single campus or a small number of interconnected campuses, tend to work well as two-layer designs. Networks spanning large geographic areas, such as a country, continent, or even the entire globe, often work better as three layer designs.
    Network topology depth—Networks with a compressed, or flattened, topology tend to work better as two-layer hierarchies. For instance, service provider networks cover large geographic areas, but reducing number of hops through the network is critical in providing the services they sell; therefore, they are often built on a two-layer design. Networks with substantial depth in their topologies, however, tend to work better as three-layer designs.
    Network topology design—Highly meshed networks, with many requirements for interzone traffic flows, tend to work better as two-layer designs. Simplifying the hierarchy to two levels tends to focus the design elements into meshier zones. Networks that focus traffic flows on well-placed distributed resources, or centralized resources, such as a network with a large number of remote sites connecting to a number of centralized Data Centers, tend to work better as three-layer designs.
    Policy implementation—If policies of a network tend to focus on traffic engineering, two-layer designs tend to work better. Networks that attempt to limit access to resources attached to the network and other types of policies tend to work better as three-layer designs.
    Again, however, these are simple rules of thumb. No definitive way exists to decide whether a network should have two or three layers. Likewise, you cannot point to a single factor and say, “Because of this, the network we are working on should have three layers instead of two.”
    I hope that this helps you to understand the purposes of Two Layer & Three layer Hierarchical Model.
    Best regards,
    Ahmad Manzoor

  • Representating Hierarchical (Parent-Child) relation graphically using Swing

    I have to represent a hierarchical data which is having Parent-Child relation using Swing. I am not able to upload the image overhere, so I am represnting the data in such a way so that one can understand this problem. If anyone knows how to upload image on Sun forum, please let me know it will be great help for me.
    Parent Root - A
    Child of A - B, C, D
    Child of C - E, F, G
    Child of F - H
    Child of D - J, K
    The data needs to be represented in two formats-
    1. Tabular Format
    I am able to represent data in this format using combination of JTree and JTable. The data is getting represented in tabular format and I am able to expand and collapse the parent nodes to see the childs. The tabular data will look like below structure,
    I I_E
    I I
    I I_F
    | I |_H
    | I
    I I_G
    2. Graphical Format
    This is the other way in which I need to represent the data. The above shown tabular data needs to represented in graphical form. The end result should look like,
    I A I
    ___I___ __I__ __I__
    I  B  I I  C   I I  D   I
    ____________________I____________ ______I________
    ___I___ __I__ __I__ __I__ ___I__
    I  E  I I  F   I I  G   I I  J   I I   K    I
    I   H   I
    Each box representing alphabates will be a component (like JPanel) which will have details about the item to be displayed. The parent and child should be connected with each other using line. This representation should be created at runtime using the hierarchical data. Also the parent and child relations should be expandable/collapsible as they are in JTree.
    I am not able to find any component or any solution in Swing which can provide me this graphical representation. It will be great help if anyone can help me out in this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry for inconvinience for the data representaion in graphical form. I don't know how this get jumblled. Please try to figure out the tabular/graphical representation using pen and paper as forum is not providing any help to upload an image.
    Sorry again for inconvinience.
    Manoj Rai

  • Trying to understand the basics of architecture

    Hi there, that's my first post here.
    I began working with Oracle SGBD, started using Oracle 11g, then I have installed it on a computer and created sucessufully an user/database, the question is: I don't understand clearly
    yet the difference between tablesapce, schema, instance , database/user (is an user a database and vice-versa) and other question is about view, trigger, procedure and profile?
    Could you help me on understanding both questions?
    André AS.

    user13002323 wrote:
    hmm, very good, liked it... thanks for sharing the reference EdStevens.Good, but you haven't had time to do more than scan the TOC. Go back and start reading
    I have read some tips now that helped me out too, let me try saying the concepts I've got and being more specific on questioning:
    1 - When I created the user, it also meant I've created the database by creating the user, I wanted to say, on Oracle user and database are the same?
    Absolutely untrue. Sounds like you are trying to apply SQL Server concepts to Oracle. The very term 'database' means different concepts between the two products.
    In oracle, the 'database' is the all-encompassing structure. EVERYTHING else exists inside the database - including users. Go back and
    2 - The Oracle's instance is a scope where someone could find the schemas that hierarchically are the databases linked to a tablespace (directory to record data)?The instance is the memory space and processes that operate the database.
    3 - Every user/database I generate will use some profile? Every user you created will have a profile. Creating a user is NOT the same as creating a database.
    4 - What's the difference between procedure, trigger and view?
    What is the difference between a car, a truck, and a duck?
    A procedure is a named and stored set of sql and plsql statements, that can be executed on-demand by referencing the name of the procedure.
    A trigger is a special kind of procedure, that executes when a defined event occurs.
    A view is a pre-defined and name query that can be SELECTed as if it were a table.
    hope that's clearer.
    Please spend some time actually reading the Concepts Guide, and specifically looking for the answers to your questions. We don't mind answering questions -- that's why we're here -- but we expect you to do some reading and thinking on your own.
    Learning how to look things up in the documentation is time well spent investing in your career. To that end, you should drop everything else you are doing and do the following:
    Go to tahiti.oracle.com.
    Drill down to your product and version.
    <b><i><u>BOOKMARK THAT LOCATION</u></i></b>
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what is available here. Take special note of the "books" and "search" tabs. Under the "books" tab you will find the complete documentation library.
    Spend a few minutes just getting familiar with what <b><i><u>kind</u></i></b> of documentation is available there by simply browsing the titles under the "Books" tab.
    Open the Reference Manual and spend a few minutes looking through the table of contents to get familiar with what <b><i><u>kind</u></i></b> of information is available there.
    Do the same with the SQL Reference Manual.
    Do the same with the Utilities manual.
    You don't have to read the above in depth. They are <b><i><u>reference</b></i></u> manuals. Just get familiar with <b><i><u>what</b></i></u> is there to <b><i><u>be</b></i></u> referenced. Ninety percent of the questions asked on this forum can be answered in less than 5 minutes by simply searching one of the above manuals.
    Then set yourself a plan to dig deeper.
    - Read a chapter a day from the Concepts Manual.
    - Take a look in your alert log. One of the first things listed at startup is the initialization parms with non-default values. Read up on each one of them (listed in your alert log) in the Reference Manual.
    - Take a look at your listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora files. Go to the Network Administrators manual and read up on everything you see in those files.
    - When you have finished reading the Concepts Manual, do it again.
    Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
    Edited by: user13002323 on 10/01/2013 05:02

  • Best way to create hierarchies tables

    Good morning all,
    I wanted to discuss the best practices of creating hierarchies to be consumed by OBIEE. As far as I understand, OBIEE has been optimized to use flattened hierarchies, such as:
    Let's call it option 1. The only problem with this is that it has a potential to grow very wide. Also, There's a chance for confusion when there're duplicate entries, such as "New York" (city) and "New York State". Also, it's not always possible to define hierarchical relationships between data in a flat table - so-called ragged hierarchies. I found two major way of dealing with those (stack and flattening them out). Are there any other ways to deal with those? Specifically, I'm interested in dealing with hierarchies that involve complex positioning (a person might be a manager vertically, but managed horizontally - or - a person can have 2 managers - on different levels).
    Also, in the example above - can I create dimensional outriggers (assign surrogate keys instead of text values to the dim - such as having NEW YORK as 100, MOSCOW as 200)? Sort of snowflaking a dimension. I was asked to do a proof of concept for this - but haven't been successful so far. If yes, could you please provide a simple Dim Outrigger < Dim < Fact diagram.
    Thank you

    Thanks Peter - I've checked that document before (I believe it's based on Kurt Wolffe's document on Siebel Analytics which I checked as well).
    This option is fine if you're not going to do frequent changes - but in my case - it'll be a hell to maintain. We're sort of trying to prototype best solution - and it seems as flattening hierarchies is the best option, of course, given its limitations.
    Also, there's another option of taking a different path and splitting and then building separate hierarchies

  • Should I Avoid LR4 and Get LR3 Because of My Huge Hierarchical Keyword List?

    I abandoned LR2 several years ago because it crashed from my hierarchical list of 12,000 keywords. (Botanical and common names and other terms.) I have been using CS5/Camera Raw/Bridge to manage and edit my images. The hierarchical list is necessary for my stock photo business.
    I will soon be needing to compare and edit images for a book publication and gallery show and I am thinking I may need to return to LR so I can work more effciently.  I do not care about not exporting some keywords or synonyms etc.  I think (right now anyway) that it is fine that all keywords associated with the images get exported for my stock submissions. I  ususally check off only the sub-keywords or sub-sub-sub keywords.
    Here are my questions:
    1) Is LR 3 able to handle my huge list of hierarchical keywords which is now larger than 12,000 words?
    2) Should I upgrade to LR3 and not to LR4 to avoid the keyword mess I have been reading about but don't understand very well?
    3) Is it possible to even upgrade to LR3 now that LR4 is released?
    3)  Would LR4 handle my keywords better or worse than LR2?  Than LR3?
    4) Is there a work efficiency reason to upgrade to CS6 without using any version of LR and continue using Bridge and Camera Raw as I have been?
    5) Is there anything else I have not thought to ask? I am somewhat technically challenged and dread learning new software, having been burned in the past with ExpressionsMedia disaster and LR2 which crashed etc.
    Thanks for any and all input from the forum!

    I try to answer your questions. I also have a large list of hierarchical keywords (funny ... also botanical names) but not as much as you have.
    1) I think that Lr3 is able to handle your list of keywords. I have not heard from anybody that there is a limit to the number of keywords that Lr is able to handle.
    2) There seem to be some keyword issues in Lr4. My keywords were perfectly fine in Lr3 but after upgrading to Lr4 some of my keywords were not populated, meaning that the keywords themselves were listed in the keyword list but the image count showed 0. I still have my Lr3 catalog so was able to check (with Lr3) that, indeed, in Lr3 all the keywords in question were populated with the correct number of images. Fortunately there were not too many of these not-populated keywords, so I corrected the issue manually.
    Since correct keywords are mandatory for your stock business, you are right in hesitating to upgrade to Lr4. In my opinion, the improvements that Lr4 offers over Lr3 are mainly in areas that are - probably - not so important to a stock business: improvements in the Develop Module and new Process Version, the Book Module, the map Module. On the other hand I would think that image management is paramount for you and in this area Lr4 is not much different than Lr3.
    3) You will not be able to get an upgrade to Lr3 from Adobe now that Lr4 has been released. So you had to find a 3rd party vendor (B&H? Amazon?) who still sells Lr3.
    4) Apart from the issue described above, I don't see any difference in keyword handling between Lr3 and Lr4. Lr2 is too far back for me - I don't remember.
    5) My suggestion for you would be: You have to upgrade at some point. The longer you wait, the more difficult the transition will be because the differences of future versions to Lr2 will become greater. Since at the moment version 4.1 is in the works (there have been two RCs (Release candidates) of version 4.1 already), maybe it would be wise to wait until the final 4.1 version is out. maybe the keyword issues have been fixed.
    6) You can "upgrade" to Lr4 and still have Lr2 on your system. All the Lr versions are stand-alone versions, not "plug-ins" for the previous versions. So you can have two (or more) different Lr versions on your system. So I would suggest that you upgrade to Lr 4.1 (once this version is out) but leave Lr2 on your system. When you Lr4 you will be asked if you want to upgrade your Lr catalog to Lr4 and you have the option of saving the Lr4 catalog as a different file, so that your Lr2 catalog is still available for Lr2 (Lr2 will not be able to work with the Lr4 catalog!). That way, if anything is amiss in Lr4 you can go back to Lr2 and work from there.

  • How does one create hierarchical origanization in iPhoto

    OK, I'm stumped. I can create albums. That's about all.
    My photos are hierarchically organized on disc because they have to be in order to manage the volume. Yes, I can appreciate relational organization instead of hierarchical but in order to easily import the raw files first I need a place to put the photos and throwing them all in a single library makes it very hard to organize those photos afterwards. Relationships are created on the fly so I cannot predict what all possible relationships will be before I import the photos.
    Placing the photos initially in hierarchical order is at least space efficient because the flat album organization approach of iPhoto runs out of album listing space very fast and is totally unwieldy.
    It appears to me iPhoto goes directly from a flat file structure to a relational structure with nothing in between. Someone please tell me if there is some way for me to define hierarchical folders in iPhoto where I can dump my photos and then easily locate them later to define relational retrieval criteria (Events).

    Guys, I appreciate your comments.
    I got confused by the way iPhoto displays the small folder and album icons. They both looked the same to me. Well, the folders do behave like folders so I am OK now.
    Maybe Apple can use a different colour for albums and folders.
    I do understand relational databases and can see how Events behave similarly. Thanks very much - problem solved!

  • Question about keyword hierarchies

    Hi, I'm relatively new to Lightroom. I'm seeing an "interesting" behavior with respect to hierarchical keywords and I'd like to understand if it is correct.
    To start with, I've got an example keyword hierarchy for aircraft:
    So far so good. Now, I have brought some images into Lightroom that have all of those keywords (aircraft, boeing, b-17 flying fortress, texas raiders) in the image. These keywords were inserted by another application, prior to me switching to Lightroom and importing into Lightroom. After importing into Lightroom, I arranged these in a hierarchy. So, when I select one of those images, the keyword panel looks like this, indicating that all four of those keywords are explicitly assigned to the selected image:
    Now, I find that if I export a version of this image with "Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy", then the actual Keyword metadata field in the file contains this:
         air show, aircraft, airshow, b-17 flying fortress, boeing, monochrome, texas raiders, aircraft | boeing, aircraft | boeing | b-17 flying fortress, aircraft | boeing | b-17 flying fortress | texas raiders
    I understand that this is the actual keywords, followed by the hierarchical keyword paths. However, I notice that parts of the hierarchical path are repeated. In other words, the above includes all of the following:
         aircraft | boeing
         aircraft | boeing | b-17 flying fortress
         aircraft | boeing | b-17 flying fortress | texas raiders
    Is this because the "boeing" and "b-17 flying fortress" keywords have been explicitly assigned to the image, in addition to these keywords being inherited from the lower level keywords which are also explcitly assigned?
    What I would like to see in the exported file is the list of keywords plus just the one long hierarchical path from bottom-to-top, without the "pieces", like this:
         aircraft | boeing | b-17 flying fortress | texas raiders
    I notice I can get that if only if I unassign all keywords except for the lowest-level keyword, like this:
    Is this expected behavior? I assume that it is.
    The problem I am having is this. In my pre-Lightroom days, I had all these keywords assigned directly to the images without any hierarchy whatsoever. I imported them into Lightroom, and then arranged the keyword hierarchy inside Lightroom's Keyword List panel. Now, as a result of all keywords in the hierarchy being explicitly assigned, I'm seeing parts of the hierarchy repeated when I export (as shown above), and it is "messy".
    Is there any way to clean this up without it being a totally manual process?
    Does it harm anything to leave it as-is (i.e. with repeated parts of hierarchy)?
    Thank you

    Thank you John, KeywordConsolidator has a "Remove Parents" function which (if I understand the description correctly) will do what I'm looking for.

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