Undo date changes?

I had scanned a bunch of old photos and was changing the dates in order to get them properly organized. But I must have somehow hit 'select all' before I did batch change, because now every single one of the 7,500 photos in my library is dated 12/2/1984. Is there any way I can undo this? Even just going back to the original date stamp would fine. I want to cry.

As far as I can tell, changing the date actually changes the underlying EXIF data<<<</div>
No. If you do a "Get Info > Photo" you'll find that the original date is still present. I did some experimenting. One solution is to export the photos and import them back into iPhoto. That will put the original date back. With the volume that you have, it might make sense to export to specially-named folders and then delete from iPhoto before you import back in.

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    Botched Batch Date Change iPhoto08
    Short Story: Intending to change the date for one photo I managed to change the dates for all 8,525 images in my iPhoto08 library to the SAME DATE!! I found that the original creation dates were saved in the in the Modified field that appears in the Photo Info Window / File metadata subsection. I would like some help figuring out how to set the Date Created to this File Modified Date that appears in the Photo Info Window.
    I used iPhoto08/ Photos menu / BATCH CHANGE... /“Set DATE to 20100723 1:20:54 PM” with “Modify original files” checked. iPhoto changed all 8,525 images to the same date.
    I now realize I should have used Photos menu / Adjust Date and Time ... But the damage was already done. Unfortunately there was no Edit menu / Undo for this operation. ALL 8,525 images have the same date. I checked in the the iPhoto Information sidebar--same date all images.
    Next, as a test, I dragged an image to the desktop and opened it in Graphic Converter7.0.3. The same date “20100723 1:20:54 PM” appeared in the Image Browser List /”Date Created”, “Date Modified”, “Date Captured” metadata fields.
    The following appeared in the Graphic Converter
    Image Preview sidebar (subWindow) going left to right
    Image menu/button
    Date and Time: Friday, July 23, 2010 1:20:54 PM PT
    Exif menu/button
    File date and time: 2010:07:23 13:20:54
    Date and time of original data generation: 2010:07:23 13:20:54
    Unknown tag (36868): 2010:07:23 13:20:54 <- significant?
    ExifTool menu/button
    ExifTool Version Number:8.40
    Warning: [minor] Suspicious MakerNotes offset for tag 0x9001
    File Modification Date/Time: 2010:07:23 13:20:54-07:00
    Modify Date: 2010:07:23 13:20:54
    Date/Time Original: 2010:07:23 13:20:54
    Create Date: 2010:07:23 13:20:54
    <<<<<<OH MY GOD >>>>>> the BATCH CHANGE / SET DATE not only RESET the date for EVERY IMAGE in my library, it also changed the date metadata EVERYWHERE inside each individual image file.
    Actually it's my Mom and Dad's iPhoto library containing all the kids and grand kids pictures, family trips, important events, everything. There is no backup. I feel as if I have tipped over a file cabinet containing all our photos. Our “date and event” organized 8,525 image iPhoto library was now as useful as a giant shoebox. On second thought, a shoe box full of real photo prints would be more useful than my iPhoto library because the prints would have the print date stamped on them.
    At this point feeling desperate I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer to Saint Rita - Patron Saint of the Impossible.
    I returned to iPhoto .................and noticed the Show Photo Info MENU item in the Photo Menu.
    I selected it.
    And Low and behold,
    in the Photo Info WINDOW,
    under the Meta data File SUBSECTION, the correct photo creation date appeared -->" Modified: 20071002 05:46:07 PM" I checked different photos ... They all had different FILE MODIFIED dates. These dates were/are the old creation dates! My prayers were answered: THANK YOU SAINT RITA!
    But now I am really stumped! This File Modified Date seems to be some kind of external metadata that is indexed or keyed to each image. How is this metadata stored in the iPhoto library? How can I access this File Modified date? I now turn to you GREAT iPhoto WIZARDS. Pray tell, how can I set the “Creation Date to the file Modified Date” that appears in the Photo Info Window as a (scriptable?) batch process.
    I am on my knees for this one...please help. we have iphoto11 but afraid to upgrade to it. until i know more i don't want to loose this Modified Date metadata.

    thanks for the quick response...
    no simple solution because no backup to restore from
    iPhoto seems to be using file metadata as some sort of index key in the
    Photo Info Window. open up the iphoto library package and take a look at
    the .xml file -- ModDate is used everywhere. hoping to export this data and merge/join it to
    each image.
    still trying to figure it out.

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    Oracle 10g
    UNIX Solaris

    Hi sb92075,
    That's a good suggestion. FLASHBACK_ON is set to no on my database, but if I understand correctly, I can still do a FLASHBACK TABLE and the undo data would be used. Is that correct?
    My concerns w/ using Flashback are ..
    1) The client might decide to rollback the changes a week after they've been executed. The undo data might not be available and the flashback would fail.
    2) If any of the following processes are part of the release, the flashback wouldn't work:
    "The following DDL operations change the structure of a table, so that you cannot subsequently use the TO SCN or TO TIMESTAMP clause to flash the table back to a time preceding the operation: upgrading, moving, or truncating a table; adding a constraint to a table, adding a table to a cluster; modifying or dropping a column; adding, dropping, merging, splitting, coalescing, or truncating a partition or subpartition (with the exception of adding a range partition)."
    Can you address those two issues? Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! This forum has helped me immensely with my work.

  • Splitting events after batch date change causes event to disappear

    Hi all,
    The basic (repeatable) scenario is this:
    o I scan in a bunch of old pictures I want to keep in iPhoto (lets say 10)
    o I import them into iphoto (no problems with import) 1 event with 10 pictures is created.
    o I then take a specific set of 4 photos and split them out of the main event into a new event (everything still ok) - 2 events, 4 and 6 events respectively.
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    o I undo the data change and they show up again in events - 2 new events, 10 total pictures.
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    Has anyone had anything similar to this? I looked through the forums and couldn't see anything. If I have to rebuild this, I am done with iPhoto after having to rebuild due to faces too many times, and my question changes to what are folks recommendations for a more stable photo management software suite?

    If the problem doesn't repeat in another Library then obviously the issue is with that library.
    As you've tried the basic rebuild: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    The obvious solution is to restore a good version from your back up and, er, Walla! as you say yourself.
    Next least destructive option: Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

  • Can I delete Undo-Data?

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    Application Support/Logic/Undo/Undo Data
    What does Logic do with it? Can I erase the data?
    Hope someone can help me.....

    Sounds like you never set your preferences in Logic to Delete Undo History when quitting. So all the undo data from as long as you have been working in Logic 7 has accumulated.
    Chances are, that much, if not most of that, is undo data for songs you probably have long since finished.
    If you don't have any need or desire to revisit any of those songs, or more importantly, think that you would possibly need or want to undo any edits made way back when, then yes, go ahead and delete the contents of that folder.
    And when you get a chance, change that preference in Logic, so that when you quit the song for the day, your undo history is cleared. That will help keep this from happening again, over time.

  • Undo Customization Changes

    Dear Consultants,
    Some of the Factory Calendar data has been deleted by mistake. May I know how to undo the changes & restore the data.

    check the tcodes
    Scal and OY05
    and make the changes again as per ur requiremetn and dont forget to regenerte the DWSR in PT01

  • Can not see the option Execution with Data Change in the infoprovider?

    Hi team,
    i am using query designer 3.x, when i go into my bex brodcaster settings and schedule my report
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    Direct scheduling in background process
    create new scheduling
    is there any setting which i would be able to see the option "Execution with Data Change in the infoprovider"?
    kindly assist

    Hi Blusky ,
    check the below given link.
    Rohit Garg

  • Open Transactions in ECC for Master Data changes in MDM

    Hi All,
    I have a basic Design question on how to handle the impact of Data changes in MDM for any open transactions with that Master object. For eg if we have a Material set up in MDM and in ECC and there are open Purchase Orders for that Material, now if the Base Unit of Measure is changed in MDM and gets harmonized to ECC(After Workflow approval of the Change) how will it impact the PO attached to the material . Can we do any configuration in ECC that will restrict any Open PO s not to take the new changed value and any new POs taking up the new Base Unit of Measure , or can we set up an alert/notification that will trigger for a PO whenever any Master Data is changed and the PO takes the new changed value on the fly . What will be the best approach from a solution point of view .
    Thanks ,

    Hi Prabuddha,
    In ECC if a change happens to a master data not all the changes are reflected automatically in the open documents like open PO or open Sales order. Some fields values have to be redetermined for eg: "pricing procedure", some of them needs to be changed manually for eg: "Description". Moreover specific to your eg of Base unit of measure, this is a sensitive field and has lot of impact on the process so there for changing such fields it is necessary to close all the open documents against the Master data record in consideration. This fact is regardless whether the change happens through an IDoc or directly by MM02/XK02/XD02
    Prabudha, Please revert if you have further questions.
    Best Regards
    P T Manoj
    Edited by: PT MANOJ on Sep 2, 2011 10:25 PM

  • Address data changed after invoice is created

    I've a problem to solve and it's related with data changed after invoice is created.
    The scenario is the follow:
    1º - create a complete and standard sales process - order => delivery => invoice, with the standard partner scheme and without edit the address data, for any kind of partner
    2ª after the invoice is created, I change the address data on Client Master Data, for the same client that I've used on previous process
    3º I'll go to the VF03 transaction and take a look at the partner data on header level. Here I can see that the changes on the Client Master Data ar updated to the invoice document wich is already created and printed when I maked the changes
    I think that could be a program error because, once the documento is created, you only can change texts and accounts if this document is not yet created.
    And, I can't edit this kind of data on invoice creation because it must be done at order level.
    So I don't understand why it happen, but it happen on more than one client.
    I'll hope that anyone can help me to solve this issue.
    Kind regards,
    Nuno Rodrigues

    Hi Nuno,
    the adresses of all Clients are stored in table adrc. If there are no changes in the order, the system takes the standard adress of the client. That is made for not having an extra adress for each order.
    If you change the adress - the system will create a new adressnumber ( 999........ - see in VBPA ).
    If you have different adressnumbers in your orders, you are not able th collect several orders into one delivery note - for the adressnumber ist normally a split-criteria.
    Ich you will have an extra Adress for each Order, change the adress - for example by an user exit.
    But if you have different adressnumbers - the delivery and the invoice will split the different orders - if you dont do something against in an user-exit.

  • My iphone was stolen so I decided to delete my device in find my iphone,  but the it has not yet been deleted bec the device is not connected to the internet yet. Can I undo my changes before it will be deleted from icloud? Thank you

    Hi Suport,
    My iphone was stolen yesterday so I decided to delete my device in find my iphone,  but the it has not yet been deleted bec the device is not connected to the internet yet. Can I undo my changes before it will be deleted from icloud? I want to undo the changes because I may find my phone when it connects to the internet. Thank you
    See image below:
    email is [email protected] for questions thank you Apple. I hope you could help me.

    Sorry, you can't undo your action remotely.

  • No Data Change event generated for a XControl in a Type Def.

    Maybe I am missing something but the Data Change event of a XControl is not called when the XControl is used in a Type Def. or Strictly Type Def. (see the attached file).
    There may be some logics behind it but it eludes me. Any idea of why or any idea of a workaround still keeping the Type Def. ?
    Best Regards.
    Windows XP SP2 & Windows Vista 64 - LV 8.5 & LV 8.5.1
    XControl No Data Change event.zip ‏45 KB

    Hi TWGomez,
    Thank you for addressing this issue. It must be a XControl because it carries many implemented functions/methods (though there is none in the provided example).
    Also consider that the provided non-working example is in fact a reduction of my actual problem (in a 1000-VI large application) to the smallest relevant elements. In fact I use a  typedef of a mix of a lot of different XControls and normal controls, some of them being typedef, strictly typedef or normal controls and other XControls of XControls (of XControls...) in a object oriented like approach...
    Hi Prashant,
    I use a typedef to propagate its modifications automatically everywhere it is used in the application (a lot of places). As you imply a XControl would do the same, though one would like to construct a simple typedef when no additional functionality is wanted.
    The remark "XControl=typedef+block diagram" is actually very neat (never thought of it that way) because it provides a workaround by transforming every typedef into a XControl. Thanks very much, I will explore this solution.
    One issue remains: All normal controls update their displayed value when inserted into a typedef but not XControls. Data change event is not triggered. I known that XControls have some limitations (no array of XControls) but I would say, like TWGomez, that this is a “bug” considering the expected functionality.

  • How to schedule the webi report based on data changes in the report data

    I want  to schedule a webi report based on data change in a column in the report.
    The scenario is something like below:
    1. If a data of a particular column changes from 2 to 3 than I would like to schedule this report and sent it to users mail box.
    I know how to apply alerts or schedule a report or data tracking for capturing changes in the report but I dont know how to schedule the report only for data changes.
    Anybody done this before.

    May be these links can help you:
    SEM-BCS: Load from data stream schedule
    Attribute Change Run

  • Delivery date changed 4 times-called to ask what is going on and then best buy cancelled order

    I ordered a 55 inch aquos  with free ROKU stick for $599.00 on Sept. 22   (removed per forum guidlelines) and got a confirmed delivery of Sept. 26.  Unfortunately, I received a call in the morning of the Sept. 26 and was told that delivery was pushed to Tues, Sept. 30.
    On Monday, Sept. 29, I received an automated call informing me that the Tv will be delivered on Sept. 30 between 3:30 and 5:30. and I also received an email with the same information. Thirty minutes later I received another email stating that the delivery is again being pushed to Oct. 13. so I called customer service. I was told he can change the delivery date to Oct. 3 but call in the morning to confirm availability with warehouse.I called customer service on Sept. 30 to confirm availability and was assured that the Tv will be delivered on Oct. 3.
    On Thursday Oct. 2nd, I received another email stating the order will not be delivered until Oct. 16. I remained calm and called customer service and after a very long hold time I was able to speak with a representative and again after a long hold to check what is going on, she informed me that the order is now cancelled since the item is  discontinued. I told the representative that I already lost 3 days of work due to the delivery dates changing and since the TV has to be accepted by somebody 18 years or older I needed to be home. I asked if it is unreasonable to ask for the same exact TV but 1 size bigger since the 60 inch is available and in stock (but without the ROKU stick) but unfortunately I was told it is not possible. I asked to speak with a supervisor but they are all busy but she asked for my phone number so they can call me back in 20 min.. I waited but did not get a back from the supervisor the same day.
    I called again today,  Friday, Oct. 3 and I was assisted by a nice lady who after explaining my situation was sincere with her apology. She told me that she will call me back so she can speak with a supervisor about my situation. I asked her too if it is unreasonable to ask for the same exact TV but next size bigger since the one I was sold is no longer available and I lost 3 days of work due to the 3 changes in delivery dates. She affirmed that it is fair but have no authority to make decissions but will relay the history of the order to her superior so they can make a proper resolution. 
    After about 15 minutes I got a call  back and was told that since the bigger TV is priced at 799.00 they will give me a 50.00 dsicount for the trouble. I declined the offer since I feel that  $50.00 dollars for getting the run around and missing 3 days of work is not proper compensation and is an insult to any customer. I thanked her for trying and informed her that I am aware that it is not her fault and it is management who made this decission. 
    I sincerely feel  that I should have been given the next size TV for the same price of my original purchase and I should have been given a ROKU stick (which I did not ask for) for my unpleasant experience.
    We are  $150.00 apart from getting a resolution but management feels like it is the right thing to do for cases like these. Being a best buy customer for many years, spending many thousand of dollars,  I am  puzzled why best buy would treat any customer the way they treated me. Please explain the policy so I can have a better understanding. The $150.00 difference can easily be recopued from my next purchase. In my opinion, it is not a very smart business practice to lose a customer this way. Again, please explain the policy to me so I can understand better.

    Hello romcarlos1,
    While unforeseen complications can cause unexpected delays, it seems something went wrong at every turn. Misinformation and multiple missed appointments would frustrate me too, and I can only imagine this frustration turned into aggravation with the poor service you describe. After pulling up your account, I noticed that has been two weeks since your TV purchase, and I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. I appreciate you allowing me the opportunity to explain what should have happened.
    When your delivery day arrives, you should receive a call from us to narrow down the time frame to a 4-hour window.  This is done because our delivery agent’s schedule isn’t fully determined until the day of service as our customer’s needs may change prior to the delivery date. These routes are then best optimized to fit the appointments scheduled for the day. The particular television you wished to purchase is quite popular, however, and due to high demand, it’s currently on backorder in some areas of the country.  This may explain why your delivery date was continuously pushed back unexpectedly, and why we needed to reschedule multiple times.
    While in backordered status, however, an online order may be cancelled if you don’t wish to wait any longer and a different model may be purchase. Upon review of your order, I noticed that it was canceled upon your request. If you have since changed your mind and wish to wait for one to arrive, you may place a new order here. 
    It sounds like you wish to purchase a new TV entirely though, so I understand if you don’t wish to attempt a new order. While I cannot guarantee you a different outcome than the resolution already offered, I’d be glad to look into your case to see what other options may be available. Please know I have sent you a private message to collect further information from you. You may view this by logging into the forum and clicking on the envelope in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
    Alex|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message


    Has anybody ever been able to change the contract start date & end date date of a quotation using BAPI_CUSTOMERQUOTATION_CHANGE ?
    I understand I need to pass in the new dates in quotation_header_in with 'U' and 'X' indicators in quotation_header_inx. But I am receiving an error saying field is not editable!!
    Has anybody tried or faced this before. I can use SD_VEDA_UPDATE to get the date change, but I want my condition records and contract dates to change simultaneously using BAPI instead of doing them seprately .

    Hi Karin,
    One solution may be to enter the statistical date forcebily thru user exits or BADIS.

  • Is anyone else having problems with an iPhone 6 delivery date changing on them?

    I sat up until 12:01am to pre order (2) iPhone 6's and (2) iPhone 6 +'s and they had a delivery date of 9/19 for both of the phones at the time I logged on to Verizon's preorder site. The system would not allow me to log in as an existing customer but it would allow me to order as a new customer. I kept trying to order new phones as an existing customer on two different computers and three different browsers without any luck. I finally decided to order them as a new customer and the order went right through the Verizon system without any problem. Two minutes later I received an email from Verizon requesting that I call them as soon as possible to complete the order. I called in and spoke to a rep that explained that I already was an existing customer and that I would need to use the "Existing Customer" preorder link. I explained the issues I was having and she said that I would still need to use that system when it was available. So I tried the existing customer link and it now let me through but the date for the iPhone 6 plus had slipped to 10/7 (It is now 1:30 am). I completed the transaction and it stated 9/19 delivery for iPhone 6 and 10/7 for the iPhone Plus. However once I received the email confirmation it stated that the delivery date for the phones was 10/7. I called Verizon customer service and stated my concern about the later delivery date for the iPhone 6 and they told me that the iPhone 6's would arrive on the 19th and the pluses would arrive on 10/7 so I did not change my order. This morning 9/19 8:00am I called in to inquire about my shipping confirmation numbers for the (2) iPhone 6's and the customer service rep (Robanya) told me that he would call me back at 1:00pm PST and give me the shipping confirmation numbers. He asked specifically which phone number he should call me back on and I gave him my cell number. After not receiving a call back from Robanya, I called Verizon customer service at 5:30pm and spoke Ryan James and he confirmed that the orders were placed on the 12th of Sept and that one system showed all of them due to be delivered 10/7. After insisting that Robanya that I spoke with earlier in the day said they were shipping today, Ryan got off the phone for 5-10 mins and then got back on and said that the iPhone 6's shipped yesterday on the 18th but he did not have a confirmation number. After pressing him that someone should have this confirmation number in Verizon he stated that the delivery dates were subject to change and that all the phones would probably ship on 10/7 and left it at that.
    So after loosing sleep to pre order phones on Verizon, speaking with (3) different Verizon reps, I am rewarded by having my delivery date changed to 10/7 on my iPhone 6's which is the same delivery date they were quoting yesterday 9/18.
    Did any one else have the same disappointing experience that I had?

    Yes, pre-ordered iPhone 6 with a guaranteed delivery date of 19 September; took screen shots after the order just to have record of it.
    Called Verizon 18 Sept because I hadn't received a tracking number yet, and was informed my phone would now ship 7 October.  When I expressed that was different than what was promised and had proof, a manager came on the phone and confirmed that I should have a 19 Sept delivery date based on their records.  She told me however she could not confirm when my order would ship.
    19 Sept came and went with no phone delivery.  I have tried calling Verizon, posting here, and posting on their FB page for customer service.  Every rep I talked to (except for the first manager on 18 Sept) has been unable to admit that they mislabeled their product sales page, and mislead the customer.  One rep told me the guaranteed delivery date was an "estimate"; when I asked her to show me on the website where it uses the term "estimate", she admitted it didn't communicate that, but still was unable to utter the words "we made a mistake".
    VZW needs to take a 101 class in customer service and crises management; rule #1 is if you screw up, admit it!  I know I am not going to get my iPhone as promised, but pretending like there is nothing wrong with that customer service experience is just making things worse. Not a single employee I have communicated with to date has attempted to do anything proactive to correct or mitigate the customer failure.  I am truly amazed at how poorly VZW has been handling this to date; again (removed) happens with supply/demand, website errors, etc, but the failure to acknowledge how the screw up shafted a lot of (formally) loyal long time customers is criminal.
    >> Edited to comply with the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service <<
    Edited by:  Verizon Moderator

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